#include #include #include Func ActivateEmailAddresses() If Not WinActive("Left window, email addresses", "") Then WinActivate ( "Left window, email addresses", "") EndIf EndFunc Func ActivateMail() If Not WinActive("Right Window, Mail", "") Then WinActivate ("Right Window, Mail", "") EndIf EndFunc Func SearchChkBx() $oIE = _IEAttach ("Left window, email addresses") ;attach the IExplore window to AutoIT $chkbx = _IEGetObjByName($oIE, "ids") ; get the checkbox $chkbxVal2 = $chkbx.value ; get the value of the checkbox, i will use this for the navigate link Global $values[1] ; array that holds the checkboxes values $values[0] = $chkbxVal2 ; assign first element $arr_count = UBound($values) - 2 ; used for loops _ArrayDisplay($values, "asta-i") ; test ;~ For $i = 0 to $arr_count Step 1 ;~ $arrval = $values[$i] ;~ If $chkbx.value = $arrval Then ;~ EndIf ;~ ;~ Next $i= 0 While $i <= $arr_count ; ====> What i try to do here, is to add all the verified and used values of the checkboxes, to an array, so i can use it to check the rest of them $arrval = $values[$i] If $chkbx.value <> $arrval Then $chkbxVal2 = $chkbx.value ;;===>> If the value of the checkbox is not in the array, add it, and navigate to the link _ArrayAdd($values, $chkbxVal2) $chkbx.checked = True _IENavigate($oIE, "javascript:showContact('" & $chkbxVal2 & "')") ; ==> Navigate MsgBox(0, '', $chkbxVal2) ; Test EndIf $i = $i+1 WEnd EndFunc ActivateEmailAddresses() SearchChkBx()