#region ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI **** #AutoIt3Wrapper_UseUpx=n #AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_Tidy=y #endregion ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI **** ;~ "Sync" - An app designed to facilitate easy copying of large amounts of files from one location to another, quickly, skipping files that do not need to ;~ be copied, with lots of real-time status information, and with several verification methods. ;~ Coded by Ian Maxwell (llewxam @ www.autoitscript/forum) ;~ Autoit ;~ Command line usage: ;~ Sync (Source path) (Destination path) {OPTIONAL [/VerifyMethod] [/PreserveDates] [/DeleteAfterSync] [/Mirror] [/Shutdown]} ;~ Command line switches: ;~ The Source and Destination paths follow standard DOS syntax rules, so if your paths include a space make sure you either put the path in quotes or ;~ use the DOS/short-name path (i.e. c:\progra~1\ rather than C:\Program Files\). When using the command line switches, the Source and Destination ;~ paths are the only required arguments. ;~ /VerifyMethod: By default an IfExist is used. ;~ /VerifyBySize If the file sizes are different the Destination file is overwritten. ;~ /VerifyByDate If the Source file's Modified timestamp is newer the Destination file is overwritten. ;~ /VerifyByMD5 If the Source and Destination file's MD5 hashes are different the Destination file is overwritten. ;~ /PreserveDates: Off by default. If used, the Source file's Created, Accessed, and Modified timestamps are applied to the Destination file. ;~ Otherwise, the current day and time are used. ;~ /DeleteAfterSync: Off by default. If used, the Source file is deleted upon sync completion. ;~ If a file copy fails, the Source file will not be deleted. ;~ /Mirror: Off by default. If used, files in the Destination that do not exist in the Source are deleted. This can be fairly time-consuming. ;~ /Shutdown: Off by default. If used, the computer is shut down when the sync is completed. ;~ Thanks to: ;~ wraithdu for _LargeFileCopy http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/topic/116880-largefilecopy-udf ;~ BaKaMu and others for _FileListToArrayXT http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/topic/96952-improvement-of-included-filelisttoarray-function/page__view__findpost__p__825298 ;~ Prog@ndy for GDIpProgress http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/topic/74649-progressbar-with-gdiplus ;~ Ward for his machine code MD5 http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/topic/121985-autoit-machine-code-algorithm-collection ;~ Spiff59 for multiple suggestions and improvements to this script ;~ Melba23 for consistently good suggestions and advice!! #include ; aquire this at the link above to compile #include #include #include ; aquire this at the link above to compile #include #include ;~ configure all options necessary for start Local $MarqueeProgress, $FileCount, $TotalSize, $TotalTally, $FileCopiedSoFar, $OldSpeedCalcTally, $CopyDestination, $SyncedFiles, $SkippedFiles, $ScanningPath, $Green = 0x00ff11, $Blue = 0xb2ccff Local $Started = False, $MarqueeScroll = False, $Mirroring = False Local $Failed[1] = [0] Local $DeleteAfterSync = False, $Mirror = False, $PreserveDates = False, $ShutdownWhenFinished = False, $RunWithSwitches = False, $VerifyMethod = "Exist" ;~ options for _StringAddThousandsSep Local $rKey = "HKCU\Control Panel\International" Local $sThousands = ',', $sDecimal = '.' If $sDecimal = -1 Then $sDecimal = RegRead($rKey, "sDecimal") If $sThousands = -1 Then $sThousands = RegRead($rKey, "sThousand") ;~ buffer for _LargeFileCopy $iToRead = 1024 * 1024 * 8 ; 8 MB buffer, arbitrary ;~ check for command line switches If $CmdLine[0] Then If $CmdLine[0] < 2 Then MsgBox(16, "ERROR", "Invalid number of arguments - in order to use the command line switches, you MUST specify at least the source path and the destination path.") Exit EndIf $RunWithSwitches = True $Source = $CmdLine[1] $Target = $CmdLine[2] If $CmdLine[0] > 2 Then $VerifyModeSet = False For $c = 3 To $CmdLine[0] $ValidCmdLine = False Select Case StringLower($CmdLine[$c]) == "/verifybysize" If $VerifyModeSet == True Then MsgBox(16, "ERROR", "You must only set one VerifyBy type at a time. Check your syntax.") Exit Else $VerifyMethod = "Size" $VerifyModeSet = True $ValidCmdLine = True EndIf Case StringLower($CmdLine[$c]) == "/verifybydate" If $VerifyModeSet == True Then MsgBox(16, "ERROR", "You must only set one VerifyBy type at a time. Check your syntax.") Exit Else $VerifyMethod = "Date" $VerifyModeSet = True $ValidCmdLine = True EndIf Case StringLower($CmdLine[$c]) == "/verifybymd5" If $VerifyModeSet == True Then MsgBox(16, "ERROR", "You must only set one VerifyBy type at a time. Check your syntax.") Exit Else $VerifyMethod = "MD5" $VerifyModeSet = True $ValidCmdLine = True EndIf Case StringLower($CmdLine[$c]) == "/preservedates" $PreserveDates = True $ValidCmdLine = True Case StringLower($CmdLine[$c]) == "/deleteaftersync" $DeleteAfterSync = True $ValidCmdLine = True Case StringLower($CmdLine[$c]) == "/mirror" $Mirror = True $ValidCmdLine = True Case StringLower($CmdLine[$c]) == "/shutdown" $ShutdownWhenFinished = True $ValidCmdLine = True EndSelect If $ValidCmdLine == False Then MsgBox(16, "ERROR", "Improper syntax: " & $CmdLine[$c]) Exit EndIf Next EndIf EndIf ;~ set up GUI $TitleText = @ScriptName If StringInStr($TitleText, ".") Then $TitleText = StringTrimRight($TitleText, 4) $NewTitle = $TitleText $GUI = GUICreate($NewTitle, 400, 310, Default, Default, -1, $WS_EX_ACCEPTFILES) GUISetBkColor($Blue, $GUI) GUICtrlSetDefBkColor($Blue) GUISetFont(8.5) $SourceButton = GUICtrlCreateButton("Source", 5, 5, 50, 20) $ShowFileCount = GUICtrlCreateLabel("", 295, 15, 100, 15, $SS_RIGHT) $SourceInput = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 5, 30, 250, 20) $ScanPathShow = GUICtrlCreateLabel("", 5, 60, 250, 15, $DT_END_ELLIPSIS) $MarqueeBanner = GUICtrlCreateProgress(115, 5, 170, 20, BitOR($PBS_SMOOTH, $PBS_MARQUEE)) $ShowFileSize = GUICtrlCreateLabel("", 295, 30, 100, 15, $SS_RIGHT) $ShowSpeed = GUICtrlCreateLabel("", 295, 45, 100, 20, $SS_RIGHT) $DestinationInput = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 5, 60, 250, 20) $DestinationButton = GUICtrlCreateButton("Destination", 5, 85, 70, 20) $GoButton = GUICtrlCreateButton("GO", 185, 120, 30, 20) $FileName = GUICtrlCreateLabel("", 5, 150, 300, 15, $DT_END_ELLIPSIS) $FileSize = GUICtrlCreateLabel("", 320, 150, 75, 15, $SS_RIGHT) $ShowSynced = GUICtrlCreateLabel("", 295, 80, 100, 15, $SS_RIGHT) $ShowSkipped = GUICtrlCreateLabel("", 295, 95, 100, 15, $SS_RIGHT) $ShowFailed = GUICtrlCreateLabel("", 295, 110, 100, 15, $SS_RIGHT) GUICtrlCreateGroup("Sync/verify copy by: (fastest, slower, slowest)", 5, 210, 285, 45) $VerifyByExist = GUICtrlCreateRadio("If Exist", 15, 230, 50, 20) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, "If Destination does not exist, sync") $VerifyBySize = GUICtrlCreateRadio("File Size", 72, 230, 60, 20) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, "If Destination size is different, sync") $VerifyByDate = GUICtrlCreateRadio("Date", 135, 230, 40, 20) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, "If Destination is older, sync") $VerifyByMD5 = GUICtrlCreateRadio("MD5 Hash", 185, 230, 95, 20) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, "If Destination contents are different, sync") GUICtrlCreateGroup("", -99, -99, 1, 1) GUICtrlCreateGroup("Mirror", 300, 210, 95, 45) $NoMirror = GUICtrlCreateRadio("No", 310, 230, 30, 20) $YesMirror = GUICtrlCreateRadio("Yes", 350, 230, 35, 20) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, "Remove anything in the Destination that is not in the Source. WARNING: MAY BE SLOW!!!") GUICtrlCreateGroup("", -99, -99, 1, 1) GUICtrlCreateGroup("Delete after sync:", 5, 260, 105, 45) $NoDelete = GUICtrlCreateRadio("No", 15, 280, 40, 20) $YesDelete = GUICtrlCreateRadio("Yes", 65, 280, 40, 20) GUICtrlCreateGroup("", -99, -99, 1, 1) GUICtrlCreateGroup("Preserve File Dates:", 127, 260, 125, 45) $NoPreserveDates = GUICtrlCreateRadio("No", 137, 280, 40, 20) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, "Not preserving the file date is faster, but the Create, Access, and Modify dates are changed to today") $YesPreserveDates = GUICtrlCreateRadio("Yes", 187, 280, 40, 20) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, "Keeps the file Create, Access, and Modify dates in tact") GUICtrlCreateGroup("", -99, -99, 1, 1) GUICtrlCreateGroup("Shutdown when done:", 270, 260, 125, 45) $NoShutdownWhenDone = GUICtrlCreateRadio("No", 280, 280, 40, 20) $YesShutdownWhenDone = GUICtrlCreateRadio("Yes", 335, 280, 40, 20) GUICtrlCreateGroup("", -99, -99, 1, 1) $ShowElapsedTime = GUICtrlCreateLabel("", 142, 88, 120, 15) $Quit = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("QUIT", 195, 120, 80, 20) GUICtrlSetState($SourceInput, $GUI_DROPACCEPTED) GUICtrlSetState($MarqueeBanner, $GUI_HIDE) GUICtrlSetState($DestinationButton, $GUI_HIDE) GUICtrlSetState($DestinationInput, $GUI_DROPACCEPTED) GUICtrlSetState($DestinationInput, $GUI_HIDE) GUICtrlSetState($ScanPathShow, $GUI_HIDE) GUICtrlSetState($GoButton, $GUI_HIDE) GUICtrlSetState($VerifyByExist, $GUI_CHECKED) GUICtrlSetState($NoPreserveDates, $GUI_CHECKED) GUICtrlSetState($NoShutdownWhenDone, $GUI_CHECKED) GUICtrlSetState($NoDelete, $GUI_CHECKED) GUICtrlSetState($ShowElapsedTime, $GUI_HIDE) GUICtrlSetState($Quit, $GUI_HIDE) GUICtrlSetState($NoMirror, $GUI_CHECKED) GUICtrlSetFont($Quit, 12, 800) GUICtrlSetTip($SourceButton, "If the Source field is blank a " & Chr(34) & "Browse for Folder" & Chr(34) & " dialog is opened. You may type a path or use Drag and Drop instead, in which case the button will validate the path.", Default, 1, 1) GUICtrlSetTip($DestinationButton, "If the Destination field is blank a " & Chr(34) & "Browse for Folder" & Chr(34) & " dialog is opened. You may type a path or use Drag and Drop instead, in which case the button will validate the path.", Default, 1, 1) $LogoColor = 0xffffff GUICtrlCreateLabel("Ian Maxwell", 5, 110, 160, 15) GUICtrlSetColor(-1, $LogoColor) GUICtrlCreateLabel("MaxImuM AdVaNtAgE SofTWarE", 5, 130, 160, 15) GUICtrlSetColor(-1, $LogoColor) $Line = GUICtrlCreateGraphic(5, 125, 110, 2) GUICtrlSetGraphic($Line, $GUI_GR_COLOR, $LogoColor) GUICtrlSetGraphic($Line, $GUI_GR_MOVE, 0, 1) GUICtrlSetGraphic($Line, $GUI_GR_LINE, 110, 1) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $GUI) ;~ done with GUI Do $MSG = GUIGetMsg() If $MSG = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Then Exit If $RunWithSwitches == True Then Select Case $VerifyMethod = "Size" GUICtrlSetState($VerifyBySize, $GUI_CHECKED) Case $VerifyMethod = "Date" GUICtrlSetState($VerifyByDate, $GUI_CHECKED) Case $VerifyMethod = "MD5" GUICtrlSetState($VerifyByMD5, $GUI_CHECKED) EndSelect If $DeleteAfterSync = True Then GUICtrlSetState($YesDelete, $GUI_CHECKED) If $Mirror = True Then GUICtrlSetState($YesMirror, $GUI_CHECKED) If $PreserveDates = True Then GUICtrlSetState($YesPreserveDates, $GUI_CHECKED) If $ShutdownWhenFinished = True Then GUICtrlSetState($YesShutdownWhenDone, $GUI_CHECKED) If Not FileExists($Source) Then MsgBox(48, "ERROR", "There has been a problem with the source specified, please check the source location:" & @CRLF & @CRLF & $Source) Exit Else If StringLen($Source) > 3 Then $SourcePathLength = StringLen($Source) + 1 Else $SourcePathLength = 3 EndIf $attrib = FileGetAttrib($Source) If StringInStr($attrib, "D") Then $MarqueeScroll = True AdlibRegister("_MarqueeScroll", 50) AdlibRegister("_SpeedCalc") GUICtrlSetState($MarqueeBanner, $GUI_SHOW) GUICtrlSetState($ScanPathShow, $GUI_SHOW) $FileList = _FileListToArrayXT($Source, Default, 1, 2, True) $FinalSize = $TotalSize AdlibUnRegister("_MarqueeScroll") AdlibUnRegister("_SpeedCalc") $MarqueeScroll = False GUICtrlSetData($ShowFileCount, _StringAddThousandsSep($FileCount) & " Files") GUICtrlSetState($MarqueeBanner, $GUI_HIDE) Else $TotalSize = FileGetSize($Source) $FileCount = 1 $Source &= "|" & $TotalSize $FileList = StringSplit($Source, "|") GUICtrlSetData($ShowFileCount, "1 File") EndIf GUICtrlDelete($ScanPathShow) GUICtrlSetData($SourceInput, $Source) GUICtrlSetState($SourceInput, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetData($ShowFileSize, _ByteSuffix($TotalSize)) GUICtrlSetState($DestinationButton, $GUI_SHOW) GUICtrlSetState($DestinationInput, $GUI_SHOW) GUICtrlSetData($DestinationInput, $Target) GUICtrlSetState($DestinationInput, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetState($DestinationButton, $GUI_DISABLE) If Not FileExists($Target) Then $create = DirCreate($Target) If $create == 0 Then MsgBox(48, "ERROR", "There has been a problem with the source specified, please check the source location:" & @CRLF & @CRLF & $Target) Exit EndIf EndIf EndIf If StringRight($Target, 1) <> "\" Then $Target &= "\" $MSG = $GoButton EndIf If $MSG = $SourceButton Then $FoundLegitSource = False $Source = GUICtrlRead($SourceInput) If $Source <> "" Then If Not FileExists($Source) Then MsgBox(48, "ERROR", "There has been a problem with the source specified, please check the source location:" & @CRLF & @CRLF & $Source) GUICtrlSetData($SourceInput, "") Else $FoundLegitSource = True EndIf Else $Source = FileSelectFolder("Select the source folder to be synchronized", "") If Not FileExists($Source) Then MsgBox(48, "ERROR", "There has been a problem with the source specified, please check the source location:" & @CRLF & @CRLF & $Source) GUICtrlSetData($SourceInput, "") Else GUICtrlSetData($SourceInput, $Source) $FoundLegitSource = True EndIf EndIf If $FoundLegitSource = True Then If StringLen($Source) > 3 Then $SourcePathLength = StringLen($Source) + 1 Else $SourcePathLength = 3 EndIf $attrib = FileGetAttrib($Source) If StringInStr($attrib, "D") Then $MarqueeScroll = True AdlibRegister("_MarqueeScroll", 50) AdlibRegister("_SpeedCalc") GUICtrlSetState($MarqueeBanner, $GUI_SHOW) GUICtrlSetState($ScanPathShow, $GUI_SHOW) $FileList = _FileListToArrayXT($Source, Default, 1, 2, True) GUICtrlDelete($ScanPathShow) $FinalSize = $TotalSize AdlibUnRegister("_MarqueeScroll") AdlibUnRegister("_SpeedCalc") $MarqueeScroll = False GUICtrlSetData($SourceInput, $Source) GUICtrlSetState($SourceInput, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetData($ShowFileCount, _StringAddThousandsSep($FileCount) & " Files") GUICtrlSetState($MarqueeBanner, $GUI_HIDE) GUICtrlSetData($ShowFileSize, _ByteSuffix($TotalSize)) GUICtrlSetState($DestinationButton, $GUI_SHOW) GUICtrlSetState($DestinationInput, $GUI_SHOW) GUICtrlSetState($SourceButton, $GUI_DISABLE) Else $TotalSize = FileGetSize($Source) $FileCount = 1 $Source &= "|" & $TotalSize $FileList = StringSplit($Source, "|") GUICtrlSetData($SourceInput, $Source) GUICtrlSetData($ShowFileCount, "1 File") GUICtrlSetData($ShowFileSize, _ByteSuffix($TotalSize)) GUICtrlSetState($DestinationButton, $GUI_SHOW) GUICtrlSetState($DestinationInput, $GUI_SHOW) GUICtrlSetState($SourceButton, $GUI_DISABLE) ControlFocus($TitleText, "", $DestinationButton) EndIf EndIf EndIf If $MSG = $DestinationButton Then $FoundLegitSource = False $Target = GUICtrlRead($DestinationInput) If $Target <> "" Then If Not FileExists($Target) Then $create = DirCreate($Target) If $create = 0 Then MsgBox(48, "ERROR", "There has been a problem with the source specified, please check the source location:" & @CRLF & @CRLF & $Target) GUICtrlSetData($DestinationInput, "") Else $FoundLegitSource = True EndIf Else $FoundLegitSource = True EndIf Else $Target = FileSelectFolder("Select the destination folder", @DesktopDir, 1) If Not FileExists($Target) Then MsgBox(48, "ERROR", "There has been a problem with the source specified, please check the source location:" & @CRLF & @CRLF & $Target) GUICtrlSetData($DestinationInput, "") Else GUICtrlSetData($DestinationInput, $Target) GUICtrlSetState($DestinationInput, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetState($DestinationButton, $GUI_DISABLE) $FoundLegitSource = True EndIf EndIf If StringRight($Target, 1) <> "\" Then $Target &= "\" If $FoundLegitSource = True Then GUICtrlSetState($GoButton, $GUI_SHOW) EndIf If $MSG = $GoButton Then If BitAND(GUICtrlRead($VerifyBySize), $GUI_CHECKED) Then $VerifyMethod = "Size" If BitAND(GUICtrlRead($VerifyByDate), $GUI_CHECKED) Then $VerifyMethod = "Date" If BitAND(GUICtrlRead($VerifyByMD5), $GUI_CHECKED) Then $VerifyMethod = "MD5" If BitAND(GUICtrlRead($YesDelete), $GUI_CHECKED) Then $DeleteAfterSync = True If BitAND(GUICtrlRead($YesPreserveDates), $GUI_CHECKED) Then $PreserveDates = True GUICtrlSetState($ShowElapsedTime, $GUI_SHOW) GUICtrlSetState($Quit, $GUI_SHOW) GUICtrlSetState($SourceButton, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetState($DestinationButton, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetState($SourceInput, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetState($DestinationInput, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetState($VerifyByExist, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetState($VerifyBySize, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetState($VerifyByDate, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetState($VerifyByMD5, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetState($NoDelete, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetState($YesDelete, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetState($NoPreserveDates, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetState($YesPreserveDates, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlDelete($GoButton) $FileProg = _ProgressCreate(5, 180, 390, 10, $Green, $Green, $Blue, $Blue) _ProgressSetText($FileProg, "") $TotalProg = _ProgressCreate(5, 190, 390, 10, $Green, $Green, $Blue, $Blue) _ProgressSetText($TotalProg, "") If StringLeft($Source, 2) == "\\" Then $SourceUNCPrefix = "\\?\UNC" _ArrayTrim($FileList, 1, 0, 1) $SourcePathLength -= 1 Else $SourceUNCPrefix = "\\?\" EndIf If StringLeft($Target, 2) == "\\" Then $TargetUNCPrefix = "\\?\UNC" Else $TargetUNCPrefix = "\\?\" EndIf ;~ get to work! $Started = True $Time = TimerInit() $TimeLastHere = TimerInit() AdlibRegister("_SpeedCalc") $SourceString = "" $DestinationString = "" For $a = 1 To $FileList[0] Step 2 $CopySource = $FileList[$a] $TrimPath = StringTrimLeft($CopySource, $SourcePathLength) $Destination = $Target & $TrimPath $NewDir = StringMid($Destination, 1, StringInStr($Destination, "\", 2, -1) - 1) If Not FileExists($NewDir) Then DirCreate($NewDir) $CopySize = $FileList[$a + 1] _Copy($SourceUNCPrefix & $CopySource, $TargetUNCPrefix & $Destination, $CopySize) Next ;~ done... ;~ mirror option check If BitAND(GUICtrlRead($YesMirror), $GUI_CHECKED) Then $Mirror = True If $Mirror == True Then $Mirroring = True GUICtrlSetState($YesMirror, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetState($NoMirror, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlDelete($FileSize) $CopySource = "Running Mirror now..." If StringRight($Source, 1) <> "\" Then $Source &= "\" $DestinationList = _FileListToArrayXT($Target, Default, 1, 2, True) $SaveCount = $DestinationList[0] Local $NewFileList[($FileList[0] / 2) + 1] $NewFileList[0] = ($FileList[0] / 2) For $a = 1 To $FileList[0] Step 2 $NewFileList[$a / 2 + 1] = StringUpper($FileList[$a]) Next _ArraySort($NewFileList) _ArrayDelete($NewFileList, 0) _ArrayTrim($DestinationList, StringLen($Target)) $DestinationList[0] = $SaveCount For $a = 1 To $DestinationList[0] $File = StringUpper($Source & $DestinationList[$a]) $Index = _ArrayBinarySearch($NewFileList, $File) If $Index == -1 Then FileDelete($Target & $DestinationList[$a]) EndIf $FileCount -= 1 Next AdlibUnRegister() GUICtrlSetData($ShowFileCount, "0") _EmptyDirKill($Target) EndIf ;~ closeing GUI updates and checks AdlibUnRegister() $Started = False GUICtrlSetData($ShowSynced, _StringAddThousandsSep($SyncedFiles) & " Synced") GUICtrlSetData($ShowSkipped, _StringAddThousandsSep($SkippedFiles) & " Skipped") GUICtrlSetData($ShowFailed, _StringAddThousandsSep(UBound($Failed) - 1) & " Failed") GUICtrlSetState($ShowFileCount, $GUI_HIDE) GUICtrlSetState($ShowFileSize, $GUI_HIDE) GUICtrlSetState($ShowSpeed, $GUI_HIDE) GUICtrlSetState($FileName, $GUI_HIDE) GUICtrlSetState($FileSize, $GUI_HIDE) WinSetTitle($NewTitle, "", "100% - " & $TitleText) If $DeleteAfterSync == True Then _EmptyDirKill($Source) EndIf If GUICtrlRead($YesMirror) == 1 Then $Mirror = True Else $Mirror = False EndIf If BitAND(GUICtrlRead($YesShutdownWhenDone), $GUI_CHECKED) Then $ShutdownWhenFinished = True Else $ShutdownWhenFinished = False EndIf If $ShutdownWhenFinished == True Then Shutdown(1 + 4 + 16) Else If $RunWithSwitches == False Then MsgBox(0, "Done", "The syncronization is now finished.") If UBound($Failed) > 1 Then _ArrayDelete($Failed, 0) _ArrayDisplay($Failed, "Failed Items") EndIf Else MsgBox(0, "Done", "The syncronization is now finished.", 3) Exit EndIf EndIf Exit EndIf Until 1 = 2 Func _FileListToArrayXT($sPath = @ScriptDir, $sFilter = "*", $iRetItemType = 0, $iRetPathType = 0, $bRecursive = False, $sExclude = "", $iRetFormat = 1) Local $hSearchFile, $sFile, $sFileList, $sWorkPath, $sRetPath, $iRootPathLen, $iPCount, $iFCount, $fDirFlag If $sPath = -1 Or $sPath = Default Then $sPath = @ScriptDir $sPath = StringRegExpReplace(StringRegExpReplace($sPath, "(\s*;\s*)+", ";"), "\A;|;\z", "") If $sPath = "" Then Return SetError(1, 1, "") If $sFilter = -1 Or $sFilter = Default Then $sFilter = "*" $sFilter = StringRegExpReplace(StringRegExpReplace($sFilter, "(\s*;\s*)+", ";"), "\A;|;\z", "") If StringRegExp($sFilter, "[\\/><:\|]|(?s)\A\s*\z") Then Return SetError(2, 2, "") If $bRecursive Then $sFilter = StringRegExpReplace($sFilter, '([\Q\.+[^]$(){}=!\E])', '\\$1') $sFilter = StringReplace($sFilter, "?", ".") $sFilter = StringReplace($sFilter, "*", ".*?") $sFilter = "(?i)\A(" & StringReplace($sFilter, ";", "$|") & "$)" ;case-insensitive, convert ';' to '|', match from first char, terminate strings EndIf If $iRetItemType <> "1" And $iRetItemType <> "2" Then $iRetItemType = "0" If $iRetPathType <> "1" And $iRetPathType <> "2" Then $iRetPathType = "0" $bRecursive = ($bRecursive = "1") If $sExclude = -1 Or $sExclude = Default Then $sExclude = "" If $sExclude Then $sExclude = StringRegExpReplace(StringRegExpReplace($sExclude, "(\s*;\s*)+", ";"), "\A;|;\z", "") $sExclude = StringRegExpReplace($sExclude, '([\Q\.+[^]$(){}=!\E])', '\\$1') $sExclude = StringReplace($sExclude, "?", ".") $sExclude = StringReplace($sExclude, "*", ".*?") $sExclude = "(?i)\A(" & StringReplace($sExclude, ";", "$|") & "$)" ;case-insensitive, convert ';' to '|', match from first char, terminate strings EndIf If Not ($iRetItemType = 0 Or $iRetItemType = 1 Or $iRetItemType = 2) Then Return SetError(3, 3, "") Local $aPath = StringSplit($sPath, ';', 1) ;paths array Local $aFilter = StringSplit($sFilter, ';', 1) ;filters array For $iPCount = 1 To $aPath[0] ;Path loop $sPath = StringRegExpReplace($aPath[$iPCount], "[\\/]+\z", "") & "\" ;ensure exact one trailing slash If Not FileExists($sPath) Then ContinueLoop $iRootPathLen = StringLen($sPath) - 1 Local $aPathStack[1024] = [1, $sPath] While $aPathStack[0] > 0 $sWorkPath = $aPathStack[$aPathStack[0]] $aPathStack[0] -= 1 $hSearchFile = FileFindFirstFile($sWorkPath & '*') If @error Then FileClose($hSearchFile) ContinueLoop EndIf $sRetPath = $sWorkPath While True ;Files only $sFile = FileFindNextFile($hSearchFile) If @error Then FileClose($hSearchFile) ExitLoop EndIf If @extended Then $aPathStack[0] += 1 If UBound($aPathStack) <= $aPathStack[0] Then ReDim $aPathStack[UBound($aPathStack) * 2] $aPathStack[$aPathStack[0]] = $sWorkPath & $sFile & "\" ContinueLoop EndIf If StringRegExp($sFile, $sFilter) Then $FileCount += 1 $sFileList &= $sRetPath & $sFile & "|" If $Mirroring == False Then $ScanningPath = $sRetPath $Size = FileGetSize($sRetPath & $sFile) $TotalSize += $Size $sFileList &= $Size & "|" EndIf EndIf WEnd WEnd FileClose($hSearchFile) Next ;$iPCount - next path If $sFileList Then Switch $iRetFormat Case 2 ;return a delimited string Return StringTrimRight($sFileList, 1) Case 0 ;return a 0-based array Return StringSplit(StringTrimRight($sFileList, 1), "|", 2) Case Else ;return a 1-based array Return StringSplit(StringTrimRight($sFileList, 1), "|", 1) EndSwitch Else Return SetError(4, 4, "") EndIf EndFunc ;==>_FileListToArrayXT Func _Copy($CopySource, $CopyDestination, $CopySize) $Sync = False $PassedVerify = False $SourceHash = "" If Not FileExists($CopyDestination) Then $Sync = True Else Select Case $VerifyMethod == "Size" If FileGetSize($CopyDestination) <> $CopySize Then $Sync = True Case $VerifyMethod == "Date" If _CompareFileTimeEx($CopySource, $CopyDestination, 0) == 1 Then $Sync = True Case $VerifyMethod == "MD5" $SourceHash = _MD5(FileRead($CopySource)) If _MD5(FileRead($CopyDestination)) <> $SourceHash Then $Sync = True EndSelect EndIf If $Sync == True Then; copy $CopyTheFile = _LargeFileCopy($CopySource, $Destination, $CopySize) If $CopyTheFile <> 1 Then FileSetAttrib($CopySource, "-AHRS") $CopyTheFile = _LargeFileCopy($CopySource, $Destination, $CopySize) $WhatError = @error EndIf If $CopyTheFile == 1 Then; verify If $PreserveDates == True Then _PreserveDate($CopySource, $CopyDestination) Select Case $VerifyMethod == "Exist" If FileExists($CopyDestination) Then $PassedVerify = True Case $VerifyMethod == "Size" If FileGetSize($CopyDestination) == $CopySize Then $PassedVerify = True Case $VerifyMethod == "Date" If _CompareFileTimeEx($CopySource, $CopyDestination, 0) <> 1 Then $PassedVerify = True Case $VerifyMethod == "MD5" If $SourceHash == "" Then $SourceHash = _MD5(FileRead($CopySource)) If _MD5(FileRead($CopyDestination)) == $SourceHash Then $PassedVerify = True EndSelect If $PassedVerify == True Then $SyncedFiles += 1 Else _Error($CopySource, $CopyDestination, 6) EndIf Else _Error($CopySource, $CopyDestination, $WhatError) EndIf Else $SkippedFiles += 1 $TotalSize -= $CopySize $TotalTally += $CopySize EndIf If $DeleteAfterSync == True Then If $PassedVerify == True Or $Sync == False Then FileDelete($CopySource) EndIf EndIf $FileCount -= 1 EndFunc ;==>_Copy Func _LargeFileCopy($sSrc, $sDest, $CopySize) FileDelete($sDest) ;just to make sure that there is a fresh start on a file found to need syncing $FileCopiedSoFar = 0 ; open file for reading, fail if it doesn't exist or directory Local $hSrc = _LFC_CreateFile($sSrc, $GENERIC_READ, $File_SHARE_READ, $OPEN_EXISTING, 0) If Not $hSrc Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) ; check destination _LFC_CheckDestination($sSrc, $sDest) If @error Then _WinAPI_CloseHandle($hSrc) $TotalSize -= $CopySize Return SetError(2, 0, 0) EndIf ; create new file for writing, overwrite Local $hDest = _LFC_CreateFile($sDest, $GENERIC_WRITE, 0, $CREATE_ALWAYS, 0) If Not $hDest Then _WinAPI_CloseHandle($hSrc) $TotalSize -= $CopySize Return SetError(3, 0, 0) EndIf ; check for 0 byte source file Local $iSize = _WinAPI_GetFileSizeEx($hSrc) If $iSize = 0 Then ; done, close handles and return success _WinAPI_CloseHandle($hDest) _WinAPI_CloseHandle($hSrc) Return SetError(0, 0, 1) EndIf ; perform copy Local $iRead, $iWritten, $iTotal = 0, $iReadError = 0, $iWriteError = 0 Local $hBuffer = DllStructCreate("byte[" & $iToRead & "]") Local $pBuffer = DllStructGetPtr($hBuffer) Local $mSrc = 0 Do If Not _WinAPI_ReadFile($hSrc, $pBuffer, $iToRead, $iRead) Then $iReadError = 1 ExitLoop EndIf If $iRead = 0 Then ExitLoop ; end of file, edge case if file is an exact multiple of the buffer size If Not _WinAPI_WriteFile($hDest, $pBuffer, $iRead, $iWritten) Or ($iRead <> $iWritten) Then $iWriteError = 1 ExitLoop EndIf $FileCopiedSoFar += $iRead $TotalTally += $iRead $TotalSize -= $iRead Until $iRead < $iToRead _WinAPI_CloseHandle($hDest) _WinAPI_CloseHandle($hSrc) If $iReadError Then Return SetError(4, 0, 0) ElseIf $iWriteError Then Return SetError(5, 0, 0) Else Return SetError(0, 0, 1) EndIf EndFunc ;==>_LargeFileCopy #region INTERNAL FUNCTIONS Func _LFC_CheckDestination($sSrc, ByRef $sDest) If (StringRight($sDest, 1) = "\") Or StringInStr(FileGetAttrib($sDest), "D") Then ; assume directory If $sSrc = "" Then ; raw copy, must provide a file name Return SetError(2) Else ; create it DirCreate($sDest) ; use source file name If StringRight($sDest, 1) <> "\" Then $sDest &= "\" ; add trailing \ $sDest &= StringRegExpReplace($sSrc, ".*\\", "") EndIf Else ; assume file ; if destination file exists, check overwrite flag If FileExists($sDest) Then Return SetError(1) ; create destination parent directory DirCreate(StringRegExpReplace($sDest, "^(.*)\\.*?$", "${1}")) EndIf EndFunc ;==>_LFC_CheckDestination Func _LFC_CreateFile($sPath, $iAccess, $iShareMode, $iCreation, $iFlags) ; open the file with existing HIDDEN or SYSTEM attributes to avoid failure when using CREATE_ALWAYS If $iCreation = $CREATE_ALWAYS Then Local $sAttrib = FileGetAttrib($sPath) If StringInStr($sAttrib, "H") Then $iFlags = BitOR($iFlags, $File_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN) If StringInStr($sAttrib, "S") Then $iFlags = BitOR($iFlags, $File_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM) EndIf Local $hFile = DllCall("kernel32.dll", "handle", "CreateFileW", "wstr", $sPath, "dword", $iAccess, "dword", $iShareMode, "ptr", 0, _ "dword", $iCreation, "dword", $iFlags, "ptr", 0) If @error Or ($hFile[0] = Ptr(-1)) Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) Return $hFile[0] EndFunc ;==>_LFC_CreateFile #endregion INTERNAL FUNCTIONS Func _Error($CopySource, $CopyDestination, $WhatError) If $WhatError == 1 Then $ErrorMessage = "**FAIL** " & Chr(34) & "Failed to open source file, or source was a directory: " & Chr(34) & $CopySource & Chr(34) & " -> " & Chr(34) & $CopyDestination & Chr(34) If $WhatError == 2 Then $ErrorMessage = "**FAIL** " & Chr(34) & "Destination file exists and overwrite flag not set: " & Chr(34) & $CopySource & Chr(34) & " -> " & Chr(34) & $CopyDestination & Chr(34) If $WhatError == 3 Then $ErrorMessage = "**FAIL** " & Chr(34) & "Failed to create destination file: " & Chr(34) & $CopySource & Chr(34) & " -> " & Chr(34) & $CopyDestination & Chr(34) If $WhatError == 4 Then $ErrorMessage = "**FAIL** " & Chr(34) & "Read error during copy: " & Chr(34) & $CopySource & Chr(34) & " -> " & Chr(34) & $CopyDestination & Chr(34) If $WhatError == 5 Then $ErrorMessage = "**FAIL** " & Chr(34) & "Write error during copy: " & Chr(34) & $CopySource & Chr(34) & " -> " & Chr(34) & $CopyDestination & Chr(34) If $WhatError == 6 Then $ErrorMessage = "**FAIL** " & Chr(34) & "Verify failed: " & Chr(34) & $CopySource & Chr(34) & " -> " & Chr(34) & $CopyDestination & Chr(34) If StringLen($CopySource) > 255 Then $ErrorMessage = "**FAIL** " & Chr(34) & "Source file name exceeded 255 characters: " & Chr(34) & $CopySource & Chr(34) & " -> " & Chr(34) & $CopyDestination & Chr(34) If StringLen($CopyDestination) > 255 Then $ErrorMessage = "**FAIL** " & Chr(34) & "Source file name exceeded 255 characters: " & Chr(34) & $CopySource & Chr(34) & " -> " & Chr(34) & $CopyDestination & Chr(34) _ArrayAdd($Failed, $ErrorMessage) EndFunc ;==>_Error Func _EmptyDirKill($Target) If StringRight($Target, 1) == "\" Then $Target = StringTrimRight($Target, 1) $BaseSearch = FileFindFirstFile($Target & "\*.*") While @error <> 1 $BaseFile = FileFindNextFile($BaseSearch) ; skip these If $BaseFile == "." Or $BaseFile == ".." Or $BaseFile == "" Then ContinueLoop EndIf ; if it's a non-empty dir then call this function again $Dir = $Target & "\" & $BaseFile If StringInStr(FileGetAttrib($Dir), "D") > 0 Then $Count = DirGetSize($Dir, 1) If $Count[1] == 0 Then DirRemove($Dir, 1) Else _EmptyDirKill($Dir) EndIf EndIf WEnd FileClose($BaseSearch) EndFunc ;==>_EmptyDirKill Func _CompareFileTimeEx($hSource, $hDestination, $iMethod) ;Parameters ....: $hSource - Full path to the first file ; $hDestination - Full path to the second file ; $iMethod - 0 The date and time the file was modified ; 1 The date and time the file was created ; 2 The date and time the file was accessed ;Return values .: -1 The Source file time is earlier than the Destination file time ; 0 The Source file time is equal to the Destination file time ; 1 The Source file time is later than the Destination file time ;Author ........: Ian Maxwell (llewxam @ AutoIt forum) $aSource = FileGetTime($hSource, $iMethod, 0) $aDestination = FileGetTime($hDestination, $iMethod, 0) For $a = 0 To 5 If $aSource[$a] <> $aDestination[$a] Then If $aSource[$a] < $aDestination[$a] Then Return -1 Else Return 1 EndIf EndIf Next Return 0 EndFunc ;==>_CompareFileTimeEx Func _PreserveDate($hSource, $hDestination) ;Author ........: Ian Maxwell (llewxam @ AutoIt forum) $hAttrib = FileGetAttrib($hSource) $hModifyTime = FileGetTime($hSource, 0, 1) $hCreateTime = FileGetTime($hSource, 1, 1) $hAccessTime = FileGetTime($hSource, 2, 1) FileSetTime($hDestination, $hModifyTime, 0) FileSetTime($hDestination, $hCreateTime, 1) FileSetTime($hDestination, $hAccessTime, 2) EndFunc ;==>_PreserveDate Func _SpeedCalc() If $MarqueeScroll == True Then GUICtrlSetData($ShowFileSize, _ByteSuffix($TotalSize)) If $FileCount > 1 Then GUICtrlSetData($ShowFileCount, _StringAddThousandsSep($FileCount) & " Files") Else GUICtrlSetData($ShowFileCount, _StringAddThousandsSep($FileCount) & " File") EndIf GUICtrlSetData($SourceInput, "Enumerating files, please wait") GUICtrlSetData($ScanPathShow, StringTrimRight($ScanningPath, 1)) EndIf If $Started == True Then ;~ check for quit If BitAND(GUICtrlRead($Quit), $GUI_CHECKED) Then AdlibUnRegister("_SpeedCalc") $YesOrNo = MsgBox(4, "Quit?", "Quit?") If $YesOrNo = 6 Then FileDelete($CopyDestination) Exit Else AdlibRegister("_SpeedCalc") GUICtrlSetState($Quit, $GUI_UNCHECKED) EndIf EndIf $TimeLastHereDiff = TimerDiff($TimeLastHere) $Speed = ($TotalTally - $OldSpeedCalcTally) * $TimeLastHereDiff / 1000 * 4 $OldSpeedCalcTally = $TotalTally If GUICtrlRead($FileName) <> $CopySource Then GUICtrlSetData($FileName, $CopySource) $ShowCopySize = "(" & _ByteSuffix($CopySize - ($FileCopiedSoFar)) & ")" If GUICtrlRead($FileSize) <> $ShowCopySize And $CopySize - $FileCopiedSoFar > 0 Then GUICtrlSetData($FileSize, $ShowCopySize) _ProgressSet($FileProg, ($FileCopiedSoFar / $CopySize) * 100) If $FileCount > 1 Then $NewFileCountMessage = _StringAddThousandsSep($FileCount) & " Files" If GUICtrlRead($ShowFileCount) <> $NewFileCountMessage Then GUICtrlSetData($ShowFileCount, $NewFileCountMessage) Else GUICtrlSetData($ShowFileCount, "1 File") EndIf $TotalSizeMessage = _ByteSuffix($TotalSize) If GUICtrlRead($ShowFileSize) <> $TotalSizeMessage Then GUICtrlSetData($ShowFileSize, $TotalSizeMessage) $SyncedFilesMessage = _StringAddThousandsSep($SyncedFiles) & " Synced" If GUICtrlRead($ShowSynced) <> $SyncedFilesMessage Then GUICtrlSetData($ShowSynced, $SyncedFilesMessage) $SkippedFilesMessage = _StringAddThousandsSep($SkippedFiles) & " Skipped" If GUICtrlRead($ShowSkipped) <> $SkippedFilesMessage Then GUICtrlSetData($ShowSkipped, $SkippedFilesMessage) $FailedFilesMessage = _StringAddThousandsSep(UBound($Failed) - 1) & " Failed" If GUICtrlRead($ShowFailed) <> $FailedFilesMessage Then GUICtrlSetData($ShowFailed, $FailedFilesMessage) $SpeedMessage = _ByteSuffix($Speed) & "/s" If GUICtrlRead($ShowSpeed) <> $SpeedMessage Then GUICtrlSetData($ShowSpeed, $SpeedMessage) $ElapsedSeconds = Int(TimerDiff($Time) / 1000) $ElapsedMinutes = 0 $ElapsedHours = 0 Do If $ElapsedSeconds >= 60 Then $ElapsedSeconds -= 60 $ElapsedMinutes += 1 EndIf Until $ElapsedSeconds < 60 Do If $ElapsedMinutes >= 60 Then $ElapsedMinutes -= 60 $ElapsedHours += 1 EndIf Until $ElapsedMinutes < 60 $NewTime = "Elapsed Time: " & StringFormat('%.2i', $ElapsedHours) & ":" & StringFormat('%.2i', $ElapsedMinutes) & ":" & StringFormat('%.2i', $ElapsedSeconds) If GUICtrlRead($ShowElapsedTime) <> $NewTime Then GUICtrlSetData($ShowElapsedTime, $NewTime) $TimeLastHere = TimerInit() _Title() EndIf EndFunc ;==>_SpeedCalc Func _ByteSuffix($Bytes) Local $x, $BytesSuffix[6] = [" B", " KB", " MB", " GB", " TB", " PB"] While $Bytes > 1023 $x += 1 $Bytes /= 1024 WEnd Return StringFormat('%.2f', $Bytes) & $BytesSuffix[$x] EndFunc ;==>_ByteSuffix Func _Title() $Percent = ($FinalSize - ($FinalSize - $TotalTally)) / $FinalSize * 100 _ProgressSet($TotalProg, $Percent) $OldTitle = $NewTitle $NewTitle = StringFormat('%.4f', $Percent) & "%" & " - " & $TitleText If $OldTitle <> $NewTitle Then WinSetTitle($OldTitle, "", $NewTitle) EndFunc ;==>_Title Func _MarqueeScroll() $MarqueeProgress += 5 If $MarqueeProgress > 100 Then $MarqueeProgress = 0 GUICtrlSetData($MarqueeBanner, $MarqueeProgress) EndFunc ;==>_MarqueeScroll Func _StringAddThousandsSep($sText) If Not StringIsInt($sText) And Not StringIsFloat($sText) Then Return 0 Local $aSplit = StringSplit($sText, "-" & $sDecimal) Local $iInt = 1, $iMod If Not $aSplit[1] Then $aSplit[1] = "-" $iInt = 2 EndIf If $aSplit[0] > $iInt Then $aSplit[$aSplit[0]] = "." & $aSplit[$aSplit[0]] EndIf $iMod = Mod(StringLen($aSplit[$iInt]), 3) If Not $iMod Then $iMod = 3 $aSplit[$iInt] = StringRegExpReplace($aSplit[$iInt], '(?<=\d{' & $iMod & '})(\d{3})', $sThousands & '\1') For $i = 2 To $aSplit[0] $aSplit[1] &= $aSplit[$i] Next Return $aSplit[1] EndFunc ;==>_StringAddThousandsSep