; ========================================================================== ; ; AutoIt3 Source File ; ; NAME: SnagTest.au3 ; ; AUTHOR: Cynthia Pepper ; DATE : 11/16/2011 ; ; COMMENT: Adapted from vbscript file SnagTest.vbs found on ; http://www.robvanderwoude.com/vbstech_automation_snagit.php ; The script captures the desktop using TechSmith Snagit's COM server, ; then saves the captured image to the C drive. ; Tested using autoit3 version and Snagit 10.0.1 ; ; ========================================================================== Opt("MustDeclareVars", 1) Global $objSnagit ; Capture input type Global Const $siiDesktop = 0 Global Const $siiWindow = 1 Global Const $siiRegion = 4 Global Const $siiGraphicFile = 6 Global Const $siiClipboard = 7 Global Const $siiDOSScreen = 8 Global Const $siiMenu = 9 Global Const $siiObject = 10 Global Const $siiProgramFile = 11 Global Const $siiFreehand = 12 Global Const $siiEllipse = 13 Global Const $siiRoundedRect = 14 Global Const $siiTriangle = 15 Global Const $siiPolygon = 16 Global Const $siiWallpaper = 17 Global Const $siiCustomScroll = 18 Global Const $siiTWAIN = 19 Global Const $siiDirectX = 20 Global Const $siiExtendedWindow = 23 ; Window selection method Global Const $swsmInteractive = 0 Global Const $swsmActive = 1 Global Const $swsmHandle = 2 Global Const $swsmPoint = 3 ; Capture output type Global Const $sioPrinter = 1 Global Const $sioFile = 2 Global Const $sioClipboard = 4 Global Const $sioMail = 8 Global Const $sioFTP = 32 ; Output image type Global Const $siftBMP = 0 Global Const $siftPCX = 1 Global Const $siftTIFF = 2 Global Const $siftJPEG = 3 Global Const $siftGIF = 4 Global Const $siftPNG = 5 Global Const $siftTGA = 6 ; Output color depth Global Const $sicdAuto = 0 Global Const $sicd1Bit = 1 Global Const $sicd2Bit = 2 Global Const $sicd3Bit = 3 Global Const $sicd4Bit = 4 Global Const $sicd5Bit = 5 Global Const $sicd6Bit = 6 Global Const $sicd7Bit = 7 Global Const $sicd8Bit = 8 Global Const $sicd16Bit = 16 Global Const $sicd24Bit = 24 Global Const $sicd32Bit = 32 ; Output file naming method Global Const $sofnmPrompt = 0 Global Const $sofnmFixed = 1 Global Const $sofnmAuto = 2 Main() Func Main() ; Create the Snagit object Dim $objSnagit = ObjCreate( "SNAGIT.ImageCapture.1" ) ; Set input options $objSnagit.Input = $siiDesktop $objSnagit.IncludeCursor = "True" ; Set output options $objSnagit.Output = $sioFile $objSnagit.OutputImageFile.FileType = $siftPNG $objSnagit.OutputImageFile.ColorDepth = $sicd32Bit $objSnagit.OutputImageFile.FileNamingMethod = $sofnmFixed $objSnagit.OutputImageFile.Filename = "snagtestau3" $objSnagit.OutputImageFile.Directory = "C:\" ; Capture $objSnagit.Capture Do Sleep(10) Until $objSnagit.IsCaptureDone EndFunc