;-----------------------_POP3.AU3--------------------------- ;~ Basic functions for AU3 Scripts, based on the 1939 RFC. ;~ See http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1939.txt ;~ Include version : 0.99 (March 2006, 9th). ;~ Requires AU3 beta version or newer. ;~ Author : Luc HENNINOT ;----------------------------------------------------------- ;~ Int _pop3Connect (server, login, passwd [, port]) ; Conects to the according pop3 server. Returns 0 for OK, -1 if error and sets @error. Server can be an IP address, or a full text name. ;~ String _Pop3Dele(msg_number) ; Delete msg n° msg_number. Returns the server response or -1 if error, and sets @error. ;~ Array _Pop3List([msg_number]) ; Returns an array with the msg number and its size (octets), -1 if error ans sets @error. ;~ String _Pop3Noop() ; Actually, does nothing. The most interesting command from RFC 1939 ;) ;~ String _Pop3Quit() ; Validates your actions (dele for example) and stops the connection as it should. Returns the server response, or -1 and sets @error. ;~ String _Pop3Retr(msg_number) ; Downloads the according message, or returns -1 and sets @error. ;~ Int _Pop3Rset() ; Withdraw changes, such as dele orders. Returns 0 for success, -1 for error and sets @error. ;~ Array _Pop3Stat() ; Sends the number of messages in the pop3 account (array[1]) and the size(array[2]) in octets, or -1 ans sets @error. ;~ Sting _Pop3Top(msg_number, lines) ; Retreives the mail headers, and the X first lines of the message. Or returns -1 and sets @error. ;~ Array _Pop3Uidl([msg_number]) ; Same as _Pop3List(), but with UIDL identifiers instead of message size. ;~ Subfunctions, used by the above ones -------------------- ;~ Int _pop3Disconnect() ; Shuts down connection. Returns 0 for OK, -1 if error and sets @error. Use _Pop3Quit to exit !! ;~ Sting _Pop3WaitForOK() ; Returns the server response if it starts with "+OK", or -1 and sets @error. ;~ String _WaitTcpResponse() ; Returns the server response, or -1 and sets @error. #include-once #include ; -- _POP3 error codes, sent by SetError. Use @error to display it. -- Global Const $pop3_error_tcpconnect_failed = 1 Global Const $pop3_error_server_response_timeout = 2 Global Const $pop3_error_already_connected = 3 Global Const $pop3_error_not_connected = 4 Global Const $pop3_error_no_auth = 5 Global Const $pop3_error_tcprecv_timeout = 6 Global Const $pop3_error_user_refused = 7 Global Const $pop3_error_passwd_refused = 8 Global Const $pop3_error_no_OK_response = 9 Global Const $pop3_error_stat_badresponse = 10 Global Const $pop3_error_no_TCP_response = 11 Global Const $pop3_error_stat_refused = 12 Global Const $pop3_error_list_refused = 13 Global Const $pop3_error_rset_refused = 14 Global Const $pop3_error_retr_refused = 15 Global Const $pop3_error_quit_refused = 16 Global Const $pop3_error_dele_refused = 17 Global Const $pop3_error_top_refused = 18 Global Const $pop3_error_uidl_refused = 19 Global Const $pop3_error_noop_refused = 20; I love this one ;) ;-- _POP3 vars -- Global Const $POP3_OK = "^\+OK"; Regexp syntax Global Const $POP3_ERR = "^-ERR"; Unused yet, may help later. Global $pop3_IsConnected = 0 Global $pop3_IsAuth = 0 Global $pop3_socket Global $pop3_server_response_timeout = 60000 ; 1 mn, modify it if needed ;-- _POP3 Funcs -- Func _pop3Connect($server, $login, $passwd, $port = 110) Local $ret If $pop3_IsConnected = 0 Then Local $server2 TCPStartUp () ; Basic name to IP conversion If StringRegExp($server, "[a-zA-Z]") Then $server2 = TCPNameToIP ($server) Else $server2 = $server EndIf $pop3_socket = TCPConnect ($server2, $port) If @error Then SetError($pop3_error_tcpconnect_failed) Return -1 Else $pop3_IsConnected = 1 EndIf ; We need a first OK from pop3 server $ret = _Pop3WaitForOK() If @error Then SetError($pop3_error_no_OK_response) Return -1 EndIf ; Send user $ret = TCPSend ($pop3_socket, "USER " & $login & @CRLF) If @error Then SetError($pop3_error_user_refused) Return -1 EndIf $ret = _Pop3WaitForOK() If @error Then SetError($pop3_error_no_OK_response) Return -1 EndIf ; Send passwd $ret = TCPSend ($pop3_socket, "PASS " & $passwd & @CRLF) If @error Then SetError($pop3_error_passwd_refused) Return -1 EndIf $ret = _Pop3WaitForOK() If @error Then SetError($pop3_error_no_OK_response) Return -1 EndIf $pop3_IsAuth = 1 Return 0 Else SetError($pop3_error_already_connected) Return -1 EndIf EndFunc ;==>_pop3Connect Func _Pop3Stat() If $pop3_IsAuth = 1 Then Local $ret Local $a_ret ; Send STAT $ret = TCPSend ($pop3_socket, "STAT" & @CRLF) If @error Then SetError($pop3_error_stat_refused) Return -1 EndIf $ret = _Pop3WaitForOK() If @error Then SetError($pop3_error_no_OK_response) Return -1 EndIf $a_ret = StringSplit($ret, " ") If IsArray($a_ret) Then _ArrayDelete($a_ret, 1) $a_ret[0] = $a_ret[0] - 1 Return $a_ret Else SetError($pop3_error_stat_badresponse) Return -1 EndIf EndIf EndFunc ;==>_Pop3Stat Func _Pop3Noop() If $pop3_IsAuth = 1 Then Local $ret Local $a_ret ; Send NOOP $ret = TCPSend ($pop3_socket, "NOOP" & @CRLF) If @error Then SetError($pop3_error_noop_refused) Return -1 EndIf $ret = _Pop3WaitForOK() If @error Then SetError($pop3_error_no_OK_response) Return -1 EndIf Return $ret EndIf EndFunc ;==>_Pop3Noop Func _Pop3Rset() If $pop3_IsAuth = 1 Then Local $ret ; Send RSET $ret = TCPSend ($pop3_socket, "RSET" & @CRLF) If @error Then SetError($pop3_error_rset_refused) Return -1 EndIf $ret = _Pop3WaitForOK() If @error Then SetError($pop3_error_no_OK_response) Return -1 EndIf Return 0 EndIf EndFunc ;==>_Pop3Rset Func _Pop3List($msg = -1) If $pop3_IsAuth = 1 Then Local $ret Local $AddMsg = "" If $msg <> - 1 Then $AddMsg = " " & $msg EndIf ; Send List $ret = TCPSend ($pop3_socket, "LIST" & $AddMsg & @CRLF) If @error Then SetError($pop3_error_list_refused) Return -1 EndIf $ret = _WaitTcpResponse() If @error Then SetError($pop3_error_no_TCP_response) Return -1 EndIf While $msg = -1 And Not StringRegExp($ret, "\r\n\.\r\n") $ret = $ret & _WaitTcpResponse() If @error Then SetError($pop3_error_no_TCP_response) Return -1 EndIf WEnd ; Stripping useless infos for complete listing $ret = StringSplit(StringStripCR($ret), @LF) If $msg = -1 Then _ArrayDelete($ret, $ret[0]) _ArrayDelete($ret, $ret[0] - 1) _ArrayDelete($ret, 1) $ret[0] = $ret[0] - 3 Else _ArrayDelete($ret, $ret[0]) $ret[0] = $ret[0] - 1 $ret[1] = StringReplace($ret[1], "+OK ", "") EndIf Return $ret EndIf EndFunc ;==>_Pop3List Func _Pop3Uidl($msg = -1) If $pop3_IsAuth = 1 Then Local $ret Local $AddMsg = "" If $msg <> - 1 Then $AddMsg = " " & $msg EndIf ; Send List $ret = TCPSend ($pop3_socket, "UIDL" & $AddMsg & @CRLF) If @error Then SetError($pop3_error_uidl_refused) Return -1 EndIf $ret = _WaitTcpResponse() If @error Then SetError($pop3_error_no_TCP_response) Return -1 EndIf While $msg = -1 And Not StringRegExp($ret, "\r\n\.\r\n") $ret = $ret & _WaitTcpResponse() If @error Then SetError($pop3_error_no_TCP_response) Return -1 EndIf WEnd ; Stripping useless infos for complete listing $ret = StringSplit(StringStripCR($ret), @LF) If $msg = -1 Then _ArrayDelete($ret, $ret[0]) _ArrayDelete($ret, $ret[0] - 1) _ArrayDelete($ret, 1) $ret[0] = $ret[0] - 3 Else _ArrayDelete($ret, $ret[0]) $ret[0] = $ret[0] - 1 $ret[1] = StringReplace($ret[1], "+OK ", "") EndIf Return $ret EndIf EndFunc ;==>_Pop3Uidl Func _Pop3Retr($msg) If $pop3_IsAuth = 1 Then Local $ret ; Send Retr $ret = TCPSend ($pop3_socket, "RETR " & $msg & @CRLF) If @error Then SetError($pop3_error_retr_refused) Return -1 EndIf $ret = _Pop3WaitForOK() If @error Then SetError($pop3_error_no_OK_response) Return -1 EndIf $ret = _WaitTcpResponse() If @error Then SetError($pop3_error_no_TCP_response) Return -1 EndIf ; Downloading until final dot and cariage return. While Not StringRegExp($ret, "\r\n\.\r\n") $ret = $ret & _WaitTcpResponse() If @error Then SetError($pop3_error_no_TCP_response) Return -1 EndIf WEnd Return $ret Else SetError($pop3_error_no_auth) Return -1 EndIf EndFunc ;==>_Pop3Retr Func _Pop3Top($msg, $nb) If $pop3_IsAuth = 1 Then Local $ret ; Send Top $ret = TCPSend ($pop3_socket, "TOP " & $msg & " " & $nb & @CRLF) If @error Then SetError($pop3_error_top_refused) Return -1 EndIf $ret = _Pop3WaitForOK() If @error Then SetError($pop3_error_no_OK_response) Return -1 EndIf $ret = _WaitTcpResponse() If @error Then SetError($pop3_error_no_TCP_response) Return -1 EndIf ; Downloading until final dot and cariage return. While Not StringRegExp($ret, "\r\n\.\r\n") $ret = $ret & _WaitTcpResponse() If @error Then SetError($pop3_error_no_TCP_response) Return -1 EndIf WEnd Return $ret Else SetError($pop3_error_no_auth) Return -1 EndIf EndFunc ;==>_Pop3Top Func _Pop3Quit() If $pop3_IsAuth = 1 Then $ret = TCPSend ($pop3_socket, "QUIT" & @CRLF) If @error Then SetError($pop3_error_quit_refused) Return -1 EndIf $ret = _WaitTcpResponse() If @error Then SetError($pop3_error_no_TCP_response) Return -1 EndIf Return $ret Else SetError($pop3_error_no_auth) Return -1 EndIf EndFunc ;==>_Pop3Quit Func _Pop3Dele($msg) If $pop3_IsAuth = 1 Then $ret = TCPSend ($pop3_socket, "DELE " & $msg & @CRLF) If @error Then SetError($pop3_error_dele_refused) Return -1 EndIf $ret = _WaitTcpResponse() If @error Then SetError($pop3_error_no_TCP_response) Return -1 EndIf Return $ret Else SetError($pop3_error_no_auth) Return -1 EndIf EndFunc ;==>_Pop3Dele Func _pop3Disconnect() If $pop3_IsConnected <> 0 Then TCPCloseSocket ($pop3_socket) TCPShutDown () $pop3_IsConnected = 0 Return 0 Else SetError($pop3_error_not_connected) Return -1 EndIf EndFunc ;==>_pop3Disconnect Func _Pop3WaitForOK() ; Wait for server response. Local $ret Local $T = TimerInit() While 1 If TimerDiff($T) > $pop3_server_response_timeout Then SetError($pop3_error_server_response_timeout) Return -1 EndIf $ret = _WaitTcpResponse() If Not @error And StringRegExp($ret, $POP3_OK) Then Return $ret EndIf Sleep(10) WEnd SetError($pop3_error_no_OK_response) Return -1 EndFunc ;==>_Pop3WaitForOK Func _WaitTcpResponse($timeout = 30000) ;Timeout to 30 s, should be enough in most cases. Overwright it if needed. Local $ret Local $T = TimerInit() While 1 If TimerDiff($T) > $timeout Then SetError($pop3_error_tcprecv_timeout) Return -1 EndIf $ret = TCPRecv ($pop3_socket, 512) If $ret <> "" Then Return $ret EndIf Sleep(10) WEnd EndFunc ;==>_WaitTcpResponse