#include #include <_pop3.au3> ConsoleWrite(@AutoItVersion & @CRLF) ;~ See _pop3.au3 for a complete description of the pop3 functions ;~ Requires AU3 beta version or newer. Global $MyPopServer = "server" Global $MyLogin = "username" Global $MyPasswd = "password" _pop3Connect($MyPopServer, $MyLogin, $MyPasswd) If @error Then MsgBox(0, "Error", "Unable to connect to " & $MyPopServer & @CR & @error) Exit Else ConsoleWrite("Connected to server pop3 " & $MyPopServer & @CR) EndIf Local $stat = _Pop3List();_Pop3Stat() If Not @error Then _ArrayDisplay($stat, "Result of STAT COMMAND") Else ConsoleWrite("Stat commande failed" & @CR) EndIf ;MsgBox(0,"Email",_Pop3Retr($stat[1])) ;~ Local $list = _Pop3List() ;~ If Not @error Then ;~ _ArrayDisplay($list, "") ;~ Else ;~ ConsoleWrite("List commande failed" & @CR) ;~ EndIf ;~ Local $noop = _Pop3Noop() ;~ If Not @error Then ;~ ConsoleWrite($noop & @CR) ;~ Else ;~ ConsoleWrite("List commande failed" & @CR) ;~ EndIf ;~ Local $uidl = _Pop3Uidl() ;~ If Not @error Then ;~ _ArrayDisplay($uidl, "") ;~ Else ;~ ConsoleWrite("Uidl commande failed" & @CR) ;~ EndIf ;~ Local $top = _Pop3Top(1, 0) ;~ If Not @error Then ;~ ConsoleWrite(StringStripCR($top) & @CR) ;~ Else ;~ ConsoleWrite("top commande failed" & @CR) ;~ EndIf Local $retr = _Pop3Retr(1) If Not @error Then ConsoleWrite(StringStripCR($retr) & @CR) Else ConsoleWrite("Retr commande failed" & @CR) EndIf ;~ Local $dele = _Pop3Dele(1) ;~ If Not @error Then ;~ ConsoleWrite($dele & @CR) ;~ Else ;~ ConsoleWrite("Dele commande failed" & @CR) ;~ EndIf ConsoleWrite(_Pop3Quit() & @CR) _pop3Disconnect()