#include-once #include ; #INDEX# ======================================================================================================================= ; Title .........: WebcamDS ; AutoIt Version : from beta ; Language ......: English ; Description ...: handle webcams with Direct Show ; Author(s) .....: frank10 ; ; ------------------------ CREDITS: ------------------------- ; ; thanks to trancexx and ProgAndy for the beginning tasks with DirectShow objects ; =============================================================================================================================== ; #VARIABLES# =================================================================================================================== Global $aWebcamList[9] Global $aCompressorList[50] ;~ Global $aAuCompressorList[50] Global $aMicList[9] Global $iWebcam = 1, $iWebAudio = 0, $iWebRescale = 1, $iWebX, $iWebY, $iWebBpp, $aZoomPos[4] $aZoomPos[0] = 1 $aZoomPos[1] = 0 $aZoomPos[2] = 1 $aZoomPos[3] = 0 Global $oBasicAudio, $oBasicVideo, $oBuild, $oCapture[9], $oCaptureAudio, $oGraph, $oIBaseFilter, $oMediaControl, $oDevEnum, $oEnum, $oICreateDevEnum, $oIEnumMoniker Global $oVideoWindow, $oVmr9, $oCompressor, $oStreamConfig Global $Vmr9 = 1 ; =============================================================================================================================== ; #CONSTANTS# =================================================================================================================== #include "DirectShow_Interfaces.au3" ; =============================================================================================================================== ; #CURRENT# ===================================================================================================================== ;_WebcamDS_ReleaseObjects ;_WebcamDS_RenderWebcam ;_WebcamDS_SaveFile ;_WebcamDS_WebcamInit ; =============================================================================================================================== ; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY# =========================================================================================================== ;_WebcamDS_EnumerateDevices ;_WebcamDS_Reset ;_WebcamDS_SelectRect ; =============================================================================================================================== ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; ; Name...........: _WebcamDS_ReleaseObjects ; Description ...: release Objects created during script and at the end of it ; Syntax.........: _WebcamDS_ReleaseObjects($iArg = 0) ; Parameters ....: $iArg - use 0 if you want to delete only the current capture obj, otherwise (ie: at the end) put it to 1 ; Return values .: Success - it deletes the objects created ; Failure - Returns 0 and Sets @Error: ; |0 - No error. ; Author ........: Frank10 ; Modified.......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........; ; Example .......; Yes ; ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _WebcamDS_ReleaseObjects($iArg = 0) $oMediaControl.Stop() $oMediaControl = 0 $oVmr9 = 0 $oCapture[$iWebcam] = 0 If $iArg Then $oCapture = 0 $oCaptureAudio = 0 $oBasicAudio = 0 $oBasicVideo = 0 $oVideoWindow = 0 $oGraph = 0 $oBuild = 0 $oCompressor = 0 EndFunc ;==>_ReleaseObjects ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; ; Name...........: _WebcamDS_RenderWebcam ; Description ...: call it to set which webcam to display, audio preview, resolution, scale to GUI, zoom ; Syntax.........: _WebcamDS_RenderWebcam($iNumberWebcam=1,$iAudioMic=0,$hGuiWin[,$iScale=1[,$xVideo=640[,$yVideo=480[,$ibpp=16[,$iZoomX=0[,$iZoomY=0[,$iZoomW=0[,$iZoomH=0]]]]]]]]) ; Parameters ....: $iNumberWebcam - The webcam to display (from 1) ; $iAudioMic - If you want to preview the audio from the mic of the webcam set it to the corresponding ; position of the mic ; - see the position in the Mic list in the array $aMicList filled by _WebcamInit (the position of ; the Mic isn't always equal to the webcam position!) ; - it's possible to view one webcam and listen to the mic of another one! ; - if you don't want audio preview, set it to 0 ; $hGuiWin - The GUI you create to display the webcam ; $iScale - if you want to scale the webcam resolution to the res of the GUI, set it to 1, otherwise to 0 ; $xVideo - The webcam Width ; $yVideo - The webcam Height ; $ibpp - bitplane (if you put strange values it doesn't seem to change it..) normal: 12-16-24 ; $iZoomX - rectangle Zoom offsetX (0 = noZoom) ; - if you use it manually, be careful to put values that are inside the original width-height of ; webcam otherwise it doesn't work ; - it's better to use the Setrect func drawing the rectangle with mouse directly on the GUI ; $iZoomY - rectangle Zoom offsetY (0 = noZoom) ; $iZoomW - rectangle Zoom Width (0 = noZoom) ; $iZoomH - rectangle Zoom Heigth (0 = noZoom) ; Return values .: Success - it displays the webcam selected ; Failure - Returns 0 and Sets @Error: ; |0 - No error. ; Author ........: Frank10 ; Modified.......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........; ; Example .......; Yes ; ; =============================================================================================================================== ;~ Func _RenderWebcam(ByRef $iWebcam,$hGuiWin=$hGUI,ByRef $iScale,$xVideo='640',$yVideo='480',$ibpp='16',$iZoomX=0,$iZoomY=0,$iZoomW=0,$iZoomH=0) ;~ Func _RenderWebcam($iWebcam,$hGuiWin=$hGUI,$iScale,$xVideo='640',$yVideo='480',$ibpp='16',$iZoomX=0,$iZoomY=0,$iZoomW=0,$iZoomH=0) Func _WebcamDS_RenderWebcam($iNumberWebcam, $iAudioMic, $hGuiWin , $iScale = 1, $xVideo = 640, $yVideo = 480, $ibpp = 16, $iZoomX = 0, $iZoomY = 0, $iZoomW = 0, $iZoomH = 0) local $hr $iWebcam = $iNumberWebcam $iWebAudio = $iAudioMic $iWebRescale = $iScale $iWebX = $xVideo $iWebY = $yVideo _WebcamDS_enumerateDevices($sCLSID_VideoInputDeviceCategory, $iNumberWebcam) ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;----------------------------------- change resolution original video: -------------- Local $_GUID = "DWORD Data1;" & _ "WORD Data2;" & _ "WORD Data3;" & _ "BYTE Data4[8];" ;~ Local $tGuid = DllStructCreate($_GUID) Local $_SIZE = "LONG cx;" & _ "LONG cy;" ;~ Local $tSize = DllStructCreate($_SIZE) Local $_VIDEO_STREAM_CONFIG_CAPS = $_GUID & _ "ULONG VideoStandard;" & _ $_SIZE & _ $_SIZE & _ $_SIZE & _ "int CropGranularityX;" & _ "int CropGranularityY;" & _ "int CropAlignX;" & _ "int CropAlignY;" & _ $_SIZE & _ $_SIZE & _ "int OutputGranularityX;" & _ "int OutputGranularityY;" & _ "int StretchTapsX;" & _ "int StretchTapsY;" & _ "int ShrinkTapsX;" & _ "int ShrinkTapsY;" & _ "int64 MinFrameInterval;" & _ "int64 MaxFrameInterval;" & _ "LONG MinBitsPerSecond;" & _ "LONG MaxBitsPerSecond;" Local $tVideoStream = DllStructCreate($_VIDEO_STREAM_CONFIG_CAPS) Local $_AM_MEDIA = $_GUID & _ $_GUID & _ 'BOOL bFixedSizeSamples;' & _ 'BOOL bTemporalCompression;' & _ 'ULONG lSampleSize;' & _ $_GUID & _ 'ptr pUnk;' & _ 'ULONG cbFormat;' & _ 'ptr pbFormat;' Local $t_AM_MEDIA = DllStructCreate($_AM_MEDIA) Local $_RECT = 'LONG left;' & _ 'LONG top;' & _ 'LONG right;' & _ 'LONG bottom;' Local $_tagBITMAPINFOHEADER = 'DWORD biSize;' & _ 'LONG biWidth;' & _ 'LONG biHeight;' & _ 'WORD biPlanes;' & _ 'WORD biBitCount;' & _ 'DWORD biCompression;' & _ 'DWORD biSizeImage;' & _ 'LONG biXPelsPerMeter;' & _ 'LONG biYPelsPerMeter;' & _ 'DWORD biClrUsed;' & _ 'DWORD biClrImportant;' Local $_tagVIDEOINFOHEADER = $_RECT & _ $_RECT & _ 'DWORD dwBitRate;' & _ 'DWORD dwBitErrorRate;' & _ 'int64 AvgTimePerFrame;' & _ $_tagBITMAPINFOHEADER ;~ Local $MAX_PIN_NAME = 128 Local $_PinInfo = 'ptr pFilter;' & _ 'int64 dir;' & _ 'wchar achName[128];' ;~ 'wchar achName['&$MAX_PIN_NAME&'];' Local $pConfig $hr = $oBuild.FindInterface($PIN_CATEGORY_CAPTURE, $MEDIATYPE_Video, $oCapture[$iNumberWebcam], $sIID_IAMStreamConfig, $pConfig) $oStreamConfig = ObjCreateInterface($pConfig, $sIID_IAMStreamConfig, $tagIAMStreamConfig) Local $iCount = 0, $iSize = 0 $oStreamConfig.GetNumberOfCapabilities($iCount, $iSize) ; Check the size to make sure we pass in the correct structure. If DllStructGetSize($tVideoStream) == $iSize Then For $iFormat = 0 To $iCount - 1 Step 1 Local $scc = DllStructGetPtr($tVideoStream) Local $pmtConfig = DllStructGetPtr($t_AM_MEDIA) $hr = $oStreamConfig.GetStreamCaps($iFormat, $pmtConfig, $scc); Local $t_AM_MEDIA_TYPE = DllStructCreate($_AM_MEDIA, $pmtConfig) Local $pbFormat = DllStructGetData($t_AM_MEDIA_TYPE, "pbFormat") Local $t_VIDEOINFOHEADER = DllStructCreate($_tagVIDEOINFOHEADER, $pbFormat) Local $videoWidth = DllStructGetData($t_VIDEOINFOHEADER, 'biWidth') Local $videoHeight = DllStructGetData($t_VIDEOINFOHEADER, 'biHeight') Local $bitCount = DllStructGetData($t_VIDEOINFOHEADER, 'biBitCount') Local $dwBitRate = DllStructGetData($t_VIDEOINFOHEADER, 'dwBitRate') Local $biCompression = DllStructGetData($t_VIDEOINFOHEADER, 'biCompression') Local $biPlanes = DllStructGetData($t_VIDEOINFOHEADER, 'biPlanes') Local $biSize = DllStructGetData($t_VIDEOINFOHEADER, 'biSizeImage') Local $AvgframeRate = Round(10000000 / DllStructGetData($t_VIDEOINFOHEADER, 'AvgTimePerFrame')) ; identify FOURCC compression: Local $sText = '' For $i = 7 To 0 Step -2 If $biCompression <> 0 Then $sText = $sText & Chr(Dec(StringMid(Hex($biCompression, 8), $i, 2))) Next ;~ if $videoWidth <> 0 Then ConsoleWrite('----- iFormat:'&$iFormat& ' VIDEOINFOHEADER:'&$videoWidth&'x'&$videoHeight&','&$bitCount & ', FrameRate:' &$AvgframeRate&', bitRate(MBs):' & Round($dwBitRate/8/1024/1024,1) & ', Compression:' & Hex($biCompression,8)& '-' _ ;~ & $sText & ', biSize(bytes):' & $biSize & @CRLF) Local $FrameRate = GUICtrlRead($FrameInput) DllStructSetData($t_VIDEOINFOHEADER, 'AvgTimePerFrame', 10000000 / $FrameRate) If $videoWidth = $xVideo And $videoHeight = $yVideo And $bitCount = $ibpp Then $hr = $oStreamConfig.SetFormat(DllStructGetPtr($t_AM_MEDIA_TYPE)); ExitLoop EndIf ; if there is no match with the desired res, I create one personalized: If $iFormat = $iCount - 1 Then DllStructSetData($t_VIDEOINFOHEADER, 'biWidth', $xVideo) DllStructSetData($t_VIDEOINFOHEADER, 'biHeight', $yVideo) DllStructSetData($t_VIDEOINFOHEADER, 'biBitCount', $ibpp) $hr = $oStreamConfig.SetFormat(DllStructGetPtr($t_AM_MEDIA_TYPE)); EndIf Next WinSetTitle($hGuiWin, '', WinGetTitle($hGuiWin) & ' - ' & $xVideo & 'x' & $yVideo & 'x' & $ibpp) $oStreamConfig = 0 EndIf ; end change resolution ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;------------------------------------------------------AUDIO preview: ------------------------------- If $iAudioMic <> 0 Then _WebcamDS_enumerateDevices($sCLSID_AudioInputDeviceCategory, $iAudioMic) $pConfig = '' $hr = $oBuild.FindInterface($PIN_CATEGORY_CAPTURE, $MEDIATYPE_Audio, $oCaptureAudio, $sIID_IAMStreamConfig, $pConfig) Global $oAStreamConfig = ObjCreateInterface($pConfig, $sIID_IAMStreamConfig, $tagIAMStreamConfig) EndIf ;~ if IsObj($oCaptureAudio) Then ;~ local $pEnum ;~ $hr = $oCaptureAudio.EnumPins($pEnum) ;~ $oEnum =ObjCreateInterface($pEnum, $sIID_IEnumPins, $tagIEnumPins) ;~ Local $pPin,$pCompress,$pInfo,$oPin ;~ While $oEnum.Next(1, $pPin, 0) = $S_OK ;~ $oPin = ObjCreateInterface($pPin, $sIID_IPin, $tagIPin) ;~ local $pPinInfo ;~ $hr = $oPin.QueryPinInfo($pPinInfo) ;~ Local $t_PinInfo = DLLStructCreate($_PinInfo, $pPinInfo) ;~ ConsoleWrite('--PinName:--'& @error &' struct:'&DLLStructGetData($t_PinInfo, 3) &@CRLF) ;~ Local $pAudioMixer, $oAudioMixer ;~ $oPin = 0 ;~ $i +=1 ;~ ConsoleWrite('---i:'&$i&' hr:'&$hr&@CRLF) ;~ WEnd ;~ $oEnum = 0 ;~ $oPin = 0 ;~ EndIf ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;----------------------------------- VMR7 or VMR9 renderer -------------------------- If $Vmr9 = 0 Then ; Build the preview part of the graph. $hr = $oBuild.RenderStream($PIN_CATEGORY_PREVIEW, $MEDIATYPE_Video, $oCapture[$iNumberWebcam], 0, 0) If IsObj($oCaptureAudio) Then $hr = $oBuild.RenderStream($PIN_CATEGORY_PREVIEW, $MEDIATYPE_Audio, $oCaptureAudio, 0, 0) Else $oVmr9 = ObjCreateInterface($sCLSID_VideoMixingRenderer9, $sIID_IBaseFilter, $tagIBaseFilter) ; Call IFilterGraph::AddFilter on the Filter Graph Manager to add the VMR-9 to the filter graph: $hr = $oGraph.AddFilter($oVmr9, "VMR9") ; Call the ICaptureGraphBuilder2::RenderStream method to render the video stream to the VMR and eventually the audio: $hr = $oBuild.RenderStream($PIN_CATEGORY_PREVIEW, $MEDIATYPE_Video, $oCapture[$iNumberWebcam], 0, $oVmr9) If IsObj($oCaptureAudio) Then $hr = $oBuild.RenderStream($PIN_CATEGORY_PREVIEW, $MEDIATYPE_Audio, $oCaptureAudio, 0, 0) ; ConsoleWrite(">>RenderstreamPrev VMR9 hr = " & Hex($hr) & @CRLF) ;>>RenderstreamPrev VMR9 hr = 0004027E OK: Preview was rendered throught the Smart Tee filter, $oVmr9 = 0 EndIf ; set position e dimensions of webcam inside GUI, eventually rescale it Local $iX = 0, $iY = 26 ; line of buttons above Local $aClientSize = WinGetClientSize($hGuiWin) If $iScale = 1 Then $xVideo = $aClientSize[0] $yVideo = $aClientSize[1] EndIf If $iZoomW <> 0 Then $hr = $oBasicVideo.SetSourcePosition($iZoomX, $iZoomY, $iZoomW, $iZoomH) EndIf $hr = $oVideoWindow.SetWindowPosition($iX, $iY, $xVideo, $yVideo) ; connect video to GUI $hr = $oVideoWindow.put_Owner($hGuiWin) ; borderless $oVideoWindow.put_WindowStyle(BitOR($WS_CHILD, $WS_CLIPCHILDREN)) ; start graph $oMediaControl.Run() EndFunc ;==>_RenderWebcam ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; ; Name...........: _WebcamDS_SaveFile ; Description ...: save an avi with the wecam selected with or without audio ; Syntax.........: _WebcamDS_SaveFile($sFileName[,$sCompress[,$iAudioMic=0]]) ; Parameters ....: $sFileName - The filename to save with ; $sCompress - the name of the compressor to use as you can find in the $aCompressorList, use 'Uncompressed' ; if you don't want to compress ; - generally to change the parameters of compressor use the dialog box of the specific compressor ; prior to call this func ; $iAudioMic - If you want to save the audio too, set it to the mic number you want, otherwise to 0 ; - (you can save the video from one webcam and the audio from another one, but the audio is the ; same of the preview) ; Return values .: Success - it saves an avi ; Failure - Returns 0 and Sets @Error: ; |0 - No error. ; Author ........: Frank10 ; Modified.......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........; ; Example .......; Yes ; ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _WebcamDS_SaveFile($sFileName, $sCompress='Uncompressed', $iAudioMic = 0) $oMediaControl.Stop() Local $hr _WebcamDS_enumerateDevices($sCLSID_VideoCompressorCategory, $sCompress) If $sCompress <> 'Uncompressed' Then Local $i = 0, $pEnum, $oCompress, $oPin $hr = $oCompressor.EnumPins($pEnum) $oEnum = ObjCreateInterface($pEnum, $sIID_IEnumPins, $tagIEnumPins) Local $pPin, $pCompress While $oEnum.Next(1, $pPin, 0) = $S_OK $oPin = ObjCreateInterface($pPin, $sIID_IPin, $tagIPin) $hr = $oPin.QueryInterface($sIID_IAMVideoCompression, $pCompress) $oCompress = ObjCreateInterface($pCompress, $sIID_IAMVideoCompression, $tagIAMVideoCompression) $oPin = 0 $i += 1 If $hr >= 0 Then ExitLoop EndIf $oCompress = 0 WEnd $oEnum = 0 $oPin = 0 If $hr >= 0 Then Local $Cap, $KeyFrameDef, $PFrameDef, $QualityDef, $KeyFrame, $PFrame, $m_Quality $hr = $oCompress.GetInfo(0, 0, 0, 0, $KeyFrameDef, $PFrameDef, $QualityDef, $Cap) ;~ ConsoleWrite($hr & ' --- KeyDef= ' & $KeyFrameDef & ' PFrame:' &$PFrameDef & ' QualDef:'&$QualityDef&' cap:'&$Cap&@CRLF) ; it's possible to change quality (MJPEG): ;~ $hr = $oCompress.put_Quality(1.0) If $hr >= 0 Then If BitAND($Cap, $CompressionCaps_CanKeyframe) Then $hr = $oCompress.get_KeyFrameRate($KeyFrame) If $hr < 0 Or $KeyFrame < 0 Then $KeyFrame = $KeyFrameDef EndIf EndIf EndIf Else $oCompressor = 0 EndIf ; save to disk Local $pMux, $oMux $hr = $oBuild.SetOutputFileName($MEDIASUBTYPE_Avi, $sFileName, $pMux, 0) $oMux = ObjCreateInterface($pMux, $sIID_IBaseFilter, $tagIBaseFilter) $hr = $oBuild.RenderStream($PIN_CATEGORY_CAPTURE, $MEDIATYPE_Video, $oCapture[$iWebcam], $oCompressor, $oMux) If $iAudioMic <> 0 Then _WebcamDS_EnumerateDevices($sCLSID_AudioInputDeviceCategory, $iAudioMic) $hr = $oBuild.RenderStream($PIN_CATEGORY_CAPTURE, $MEDIATYPE_Audio, $oCaptureAudio, 0, $oMux) EndIf $oMux = 0 $oMediaControl.Run() EndFunc ;==>_WebcamDS_saveFile ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; ; Name...........: _WebcamDS_Init ; Description ...: Create Direct Show objects and enumerate webcams, compressors, micAudio ; Syntax.........: _WebcamDS_Init() ; Parameters ....: none ; Return values .: Success - it fills 3 array $aWebcamList, $aCompressorList, $aMicList ; Failure - Returns 0 and Sets @Error: ; |0 - No error. ; Author ........: Frank10 ; Modified.......: ; Remarks .......: call it at the beginning of the script ; Related .......: ; Link ..........; ; Example .......; Yes ; ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _WebcamDS_Init() Local $hr, $aCall ;~ / / Create the FGM. $oGraph = ObjCreateInterface($sCLSID_FilterGraph, $sIID_IGraphBuilder, $tagIGraphBuilder) ;~ / / Create the capture graph builder helper object $oBuild = ObjCreateInterface($sCLSID_CaptureGraphBuilder2, $sIID_ICaptureGraphBuilder2, $tagICaptureGraphBuilder2) ;~ / / Tell the capture graph builder about the FGM. $oBuild.SetFiltergraph($oGraph) Local $pMediaControl $oGraph.QueryInterface($sIID_IMediaControl, $pMediaControl) $oMediaControl = ObjCreateInterface($pMediaControl, $sIID_IMediaControl) Local $pVideoWindow $oGraph.QueryInterface($sIID_IVideoWindow, $pVideoWindow) $oVideoWindow = ObjCreateInterface($pVideoWindow, $sIID_IVideoWindow, $tagIVideoWindow) Local $pBasicVideo $oGraph.QueryInterface($sIID_IBasicVideo, $pBasicVideo) $oBasicVideo = ObjCreateInterface($pBasicVideo, $sIID_IBasicVideo, $tagIBasicVideo) If $aWebcamList[1] = '' Then _WebcamDS_EnumerateDevices($sCLSID_VideoInputDeviceCategory) _WebcamDS_EnumerateDevices($sCLSID_VideoCompressorCategory) _WebcamDS_EnumerateDevices($sCLSID_AudioInputDeviceCategory) EndIf EndFunc ;==>_WebcamInit ; ===================================================================================================================== ; ; #INTERNAL_NO_DOC# =================================================================================================== ; ; ===================================================================================================================== Func _WebcamDS_EnumerateDevices($CLSID_category, $argument = 99) ; Create a helper object To find the capture device. $oDevEnum = ObjCreateInterface($sCLSID_SystemDeviceEnum, $sIID_ICreateDevEnum, $tagICreateDevEnum) Local $pEnum = 0 $oDevEnum.CreateClassEnumerator($CLSID_category, $pEnum, 0) $oEnum = ObjCreateInterface($pEnum, $sIID_IEnumMoniker, $tagIEnumMoniker) Local $iPosition = '', $arg = '' If StringInStr($CLSID_category, "860bb310") Or StringInStr($CLSID_category, "33d9a762") Then ; VideoInputDevice or Audio $iPosition = $argument $arg = '' Else ; data for compressor $iPosition = '' $arg = $argument EndIf Local $pMoniker, $oMoniker, $hr Local $i = 1, $pBindObj[99] While $oEnum.Next(1, $pMoniker, 0) = $S_OK Local $pPropBag, $oPropBag $oMoniker = ObjCreateInterface($pMoniker, $sIID_IMoniker, $tagIMoniker) $oMoniker.BindToObject(0, 0, $sIID_IBaseFilter, $pBindObj[$i]) $hr = $oMoniker.BindToStorage(0, 0, $sIID_IPropertyBag, $pPropBag) $oPropBag = ObjCreateInterface($pPropBag, $sIID_IPropertyBag, $tagIPropertyBag) Local $var = '' $oPropBag.Read("FriendlyName", $var, 0) ; ConsoleWrite('>> FriendlyMoniker' & $i & ': ' &$var& @CRLF) If $iPosition = 99 Then If StringInStr($CLSID_category, "33d9a762") Then; list mics If $var <> '' Then $aMicList[$i] = $var EndIf Else ; list webcams If $var <> '' Then $aWebcamList[$i] = $var EndIf EndIf Local $oCaptureTemp = ObjCreateInterface($pBindObj[$i], $sIID_IBaseFilter, $tagIBaseFilter) $oCaptureTemp = 0 ; create oCaptureTemp otherwise with some webcams (Philips) gives error at the end of script ???? ; --------------------------- ; ASSERT Failed ; --------------------------- ; Executable: autoit3.exe Pid 17dc Tid 768. Module CamExt40V32.ax, 2 objects left active! ; At line 320 of f:\dev64\dsdll\dllentry.cpp ; Continue? (Cancel to debug) ; --------------------------- EndIf If $iPosition = '' And $arg = 99 Then ; list of compressor If $var <> '' Then $aCompressorList[$i] = $var EndIf EndIf If ($iPosition <> '' And $iPosition = $i) Or ($arg <> '' And $var = $arg) Then ; ConsoleWrite('------found'&@CRLF) If ($iPosition = '' And $arg = $var) Then ; If Not IsObj($oCompressor) Then $oCompressor = ObjCreateInterface($pBindObj[$i], $sIID_IBaseFilter, $tagIBaseFilter) EndIf ; Add the compressor filter To the filter graph $hr = $oGraph.AddFilter($oCompressor, "Compressor" & $iWebcam) ExitLoop EndIf If ($iPosition <> '' And $iPosition = $i) Then If StringInStr($CLSID_category, "33d9a762") Then ; è l'audio If Not IsObj($oCaptureAudio) Then $oCaptureAudio = ObjCreateInterface($pBindObj[$i], $sIID_IBaseFilter, $tagIBaseFilter) ConsoleWrite($iWebAudio & 'capAu:' & $i & @CRLF) EndIf ; Add the captureAudio filter To the filter graph $hr = $oGraph.AddFilter($oCaptureAudio, $var) Else If Not IsObj($oCapture[$iPosition]) Then $oCapture[$iPosition] = ObjCreateInterface($pBindObj[$i], $sIID_IBaseFilter, $tagIBaseFilter) EndIf ; Add the captureVideo filter To the filter graph $hr = $oGraph.AddFilter($oCapture[$iPosition], "CaptureFilter" & $iWebcam) WinSetTitle($hGUI, '', $var) EndIf ExitLoop EndIf EndIf $oPropBag = 0 $i += 1 WEnd ; _ArrayDisplay($aCompressorList) If $iPosition = 99 And StringInStr($CLSID_category, "33d9a762") Then $aMicList[0] = $i - 1 If $iPosition = 99 And StringInStr($CLSID_category, "860bb310") Then $aWebcamList[0] = $i - 1 If $iPosition = '' And $arg = 99 Then $aCompressorList[$i] = 'Uncompressed' $aCompressorList[0] = $i - 1 EndIf $oMoniker = 0 $oEnum = 0 $oDevEnum = 0 EndFunc ;==>_WebcamDS_enumerateDevices Func _WebcamDS_Reset() _WebcamDS_ReleaseObjects() _WebcamDS_Init() EndFunc ;==>_WebcamDS_Reset Func _WebcamDS_SelectRect($hGuiWin) Local $aMouse_Pos, $hMask, $hMaster_Mask, $iTemp ; Get first mouse position $aMouse_Pos = MouseGetPos() Local $iX1 = $aMouse_Pos[0] Local $iY1 = $aMouse_Pos[1] ; get final pos rectangle while mouse button pressed While _IsPressed("01", $UserDLL) $aMouse_Pos = MouseGetPos() Sleep(10) WEnd ; Get final mouse position Local $iX2 = $aMouse_Pos[0] Local $iY2 = $aMouse_Pos[1] ; Set in correct order if required If $iX2 < $iX1 Then $iTemp = $iX1 $iX1 = $iX2 $iX2 = $iTemp EndIf If $iY2 < $iY1 Then $iTemp = $iY1 $iY1 = $iY2 $iY2 = $iTemp EndIf Local $aGUIPos = WinGetPos($hGuiWin) Local $aGUISize = WinGetClientSize($hGuiWin) ;do the math for correct offsetX-Y, width & height , also with consecutive zoom selections !! (take care of titlebar and line of buttons, too...) Local $sZoom If $iX1 <> $iX2 Then If $iWebRescale = 1 And $aZoomPos[0] = 1 Then $aZoomPos[0] = $aGUISize[0] / $iWebX $aZoomPos[2] = $aGUISize[1] / $iWebY EndIf $sZoom = ($iX1 - $aGUIPos[0]) / $aZoomPos[0] + $aZoomPos[1] & "," & ($iY1 - ($aGUIPos[1] + 50)) / $aZoomPos[2] + $aZoomPos[3] & "," & _ ($iX2 - $iX1) / $aZoomPos[0] & "," & ($iY2 - $iY1) / $aZoomPos[2] Local $aZoomPosTemp[4], $iSizeX, $iSizeY If $iWebRescale = 1 Then $iSizeX = $aGUISize[0] $iSizeY = $aGUISize[1] Else $iSizeX = $iWebX $iSizeY = $iWebY EndIf $aZoomPosTemp[0] = $iSizeX / (($iX2 - $iX1) / $aZoomPos[0]) ; new factor moltiplicativo X (ris.Webcam / (widthRect/precedenteFattoremoltipl)) $aZoomPosTemp[2] = $iSizeY / (($iY2 - $iY1) / $aZoomPos[2]) ; new factor moltiplicativo Y $aZoomPosTemp[1] = ($iX1 - $aGUIPos[0]) / $aZoomPos[0] + $aZoomPos[1] ; old X: offsetX (posXRect-posXGUI)/fattMoltipl + preced.offsetX) $aZoomPosTemp[3] = ($iY1 - ($aGUIPos[1] + 50)) / $aZoomPos[2] + $aZoomPos[3] ; old Y: offsetY $aZoomPos[0] = $aZoomPosTemp[0] $aZoomPos[1] = $aZoomPosTemp[1] $aZoomPos[2] = $aZoomPosTemp[2] $aZoomPos[3] = $aZoomPosTemp[3] Return $sZoom EndIf EndFunc ;==>_WebcamDS_SelectRect