#NoTrayIcon #Region ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI **** #AutoIt3Wrapper_Icon=Worm Head.ico #AutoIt3Wrapper_UseX64=n #EndRegion ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI **** #cs ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AutoIt Version: Author: Garth Bigelow Script Function: Reflex - an arcade style video game See Reflex.rtf for player instructions #ce ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; This was my first script written without help from the forums. Eternally grateful just the same. Const $ver = "1.05" DirCreate ( ".\Images" ) DirCreate ( ".\Sounds" ) FileInstall(".\Images\01 Worm Head.bmp", ".\Images\", 0) FileInstall(".\Images\02 Worm Body.bmp", ".\Images\", 0) FileInstall(".\Images\03 Decayed Worm Body.bmp", ".\Images\", 0) FileInstall(".\Images\04 Flowers.bmp", ".\Images\", 0) FileInstall(".\Images\05 pigman.bmp", ".\Images\", 0) FileInstall(".\Images\06 Elevator.bmp", ".\Images\", 0) FileInstall(".\Images\07 Gift.bmp", ".\Images\", 0) FileInstall(".\Images\08 PacMan.bmp", ".\Images\", 0) FileInstall(".\Images\09 Devolve.bmp", ".\Images\", 0) FileInstall(".\Images\10 Angel.bmp", ".\Images\", 0) FileInstall(".\Images\11 Devil.bmp", ".\Images\", 0) FileInstall(".\Images\12 Atom.bmp", ".\Images\", 0) FileInstall(".\Images\13 Cross.bmp", ".\Images\", 0) FileInstall(".\Images\14 BrickWall.bmp", ".\Images\", 0) FileInstall(".\Images\15 Void.bmp", ".\Images\", 0) FileInstall(".\Images\PacManModeHead.bmp", ".\Images\", 0) FileInstall(".\Images\Forcefield.bmp", ".\Images\", 0) FileInstall(".\Sounds\Brickwall.mp3", ".\Sounds\", 0) FileInstall(".\Sounds\Cross.mp3", ".\Sounds\", 0) FileInstall(".\Sounds\Death.mp3", ".\Sounds\", 0) FileInstall(".\Sounds\Devolve.mp3", ".\Sounds\", 0) FileInstall(".\Sounds\ExtraLife.wav", ".\Sounds\", 0) FileInstall(".\Sounds\Gift.mp3", ".\Sounds\", 0) FileInstall(".\Sounds\Pacman.wav", ".\Sounds\", 0) FileInstall(".\Sounds\PacManBegins.mp3", ".\Sounds\", 0) FileInstall(".\Sounds\Transporter.mp3", ".\Sounds\", 0) #include #include #Include #include #include #include If FileExists("Reflex.ini") = 0 Then IniWrite("Reflex.ini", "GUI", "Columns", 16) IniWrite("Reflex.ini", "GUI", "Rows", "Auto") IniWrite("Reflex.ini", "Input", "Device", "Mouse") IniWrite("Reflex.ini", "Config", "Speed", 1010) EndIf ; determine row and column width Global $WidthX = IniRead( "Reflex.ini", "GUI", "Columns", 16 ) Global $WidthY = IniRead( "Reflex.ini", "GUI", "Rows", "Auto" ) Global $Speed = IniRead( "Reflex.ini", "Config", "Speed", 1010) If StringUpper($WidthX) = "AUTO" Then $WidthX = Int(@DesktopWidth/64)-1 EndIf If StringUpper($WidthY) = "AUTO" Then $WidthY = Int(@DesktopHeight/64)-3 EndIf ; set input device type Const $Mouse = 1 Const $Joystick = 2 Const $Keyboard = 3 Switch StringUpper(IniRead( "Reflex.ini", "Input", "Device", "Mouse" )) Case "MOUSE" $InputDevice = $Mouse Case "JOYSTICK" $InputDevice = $Joystick Case "KEYBOARD" $InputDevice = $Keyboard Case Else ; default to Mouse $InputDevice = $Mouse EndSwitch ; ; values of the field items Dim $Field[$WidthX][$WidthY] ; handles to the picture squares Dim $FieldHandle[$WidthX][$WidthY] $WidthX -= 1 $WidthY -= 1 Global Const $PacManHead = 0 ; worm head in pac man mode Global Const $WormHead = 1 ; current point Global Const $WormBody = 2 ; one life lost Global Const $DecayedWormBody = 3 ; no action Global Const $Flowers = 4 ; no action Global Const $Death = 5 ; one life lost Global Const $Elevator = 6 ; one level gained Global Const $Gift = 7 ; 100 points Global Const $Devolve = 8 ; all shapes (except voids, worm bodies and fields) go backwards one item value Global Const $PacMan = 9 ; pacman mode (gooble items for 10 points per item value for 4 to 9 rounds) death on void regardless Global Const $Angel = 10 ; one life gained Global Const $Devil = 11 ; 0 to 3 lives lost Global Const $ExpressElevator = 12 ; 4 levels gained Global Const $Cross = 13 ; all shapes cleared to field in column and row from position Global Const $BrickWall = 14 ; Global Const $Void = 15 ; death & never gets erased Global Const $ForceHead = 16 ; worm head when forcefield is on Global Const $SemiForceHead = 17 ; building to forcefield ; death leaves a void in its space ; SCORING: ; movement one point per level ; leveling up, locks in points into score ; Gift, Pacman bonuses ; Movements Global Const $mvDownLeft = 1 Global Const $mvLeft = 2 Global Const $mvUpLeft = 3 Global Const $mvUp = 4 Global Const $mvUpRight = 5 Global Const $mvRight = 6 Global Const $mvDownRight = 7 Global Const $mvDown = 8 Global Const $keyForceField = 9 Global Const $keyPause = 10 Global $PosX = Rand($WidthX) Global $PosY = Rand($WidthY) Global $DirectionX = 0, $DirectionY = 1 Global $Level = 0, $Score = 0, $LevelScore = 0, $ClearStrip Global $Lives = 3, $ForceField = -1 Global $ForceFieldMode = False, $spacetoggle = False ; numbers to an array of sound bites Global Const $sndCross = 0 Global Const $sndDeath = 1 Global Const $sndElevator = 2 Global Const $sndPacMan = 3 Global Const $sndExtraLife= 4 Global Const $sndGift = 5 Global Const $sndDevolve = 6 Global Const $sndScissors = 7 Global Const $sndThunk = 8 Dim $Sound[10] LoadSounds() ; the field and info displays $hGUI = GUICreate("Reflex - ver " & $ver, ($WidthX + 1) * 64, ($WidthY + 2) * 64) GUISetFont(22, 800, 0, "Courier New") $hDisplay = GUICtrlCreateLabel("" , 10, 3, 1000, 28) $hDisplay2 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("" , 10, 31, 500, 28) $testlabel = GUIctrlcreatelabel("", 510, 31, 1000, 28) $HighScore = IniRead("Reflex.ini","Score","Top", 0) GUISetState() ; define an array of picture controls and set each cell to a clear field InitializeField() ; ; begin level 1 UpLevel() Opt("GUIOnEventMode",1) $dll = DllOpen("user32.dll") GUISetOnEvent($GUI_EVENT_CLOSE, "OnExit") ; the main loop While True ; are we in regular or forcedfield play If $ForceFieldMode Then ForceFieldMove() Else StandardMove() EndIf WEnd ; ; ; Func OnExit() ; close the sound handles For $loop = 0 to 8 _SoundClose($Sound[$loop]) Next ; DllClose($dll) GUIDelete($hGUI) Exit EndFunc Func StandardMove() If $ForceFieldMode Then Return ; pause between moves ; but check for direction commands while doing dso $StartTime = _Timer_Init() While _Timer_Diff($StartTime) < ($Speed - ($Level * 20)) ReadyMovement() WEnd If $ForceFieldMode Then Return StopAllSounds() ; movement sound. ; used beep instead of soundplay to avoid cancelation problems Beep(500,63) ; check for mouse movement selection GetMouse() ; advance a square Move() ; place worm head (visually) at current location SetOnField($PosX, $PosY, $WormHead) ; perform action depending on what object is encountered TriggerEvent($Field[$PosX][$PosY]) ; one object per level per move is selected ; objects are evolved. A random spot is selected. If that spot contains a field it becomes a danger. ; A Danger becomes a Gift, etc. Until Void is reached. Voids do not evolve. For $loop = 1 to $Level Evolve() Next EndFunc ; this is structurally much like StandardMove(). Only Tigger event is removed so there is no effect. ; do you know why it takes a round for the force field to charge? Neither do I. Func ForceFieldMove() If Not $ForceFieldMode Then Return $StartTime = _Timer_Init() While _Timer_Diff($StartTime) < ($Speed - ($Level * 20)) ReadyMovement() WEnd If Not $ForceFieldMode Then Return If $ForceField <= 0 Then $ForceFieldMode = False Return EndIf ; higher pitch beep signifies forcefield mode Beep(1500,75) ; check for mouse movement selection GetMouse() ; advance a square Move() ; if Void encountered, then death. If $Field[$PosX][$PosY] = $Void Then Flicker() Death() Return EndIf SetOnField($PosX, $PosY, $ForceHead) DisplayScore() $ForceField -= 1 ; No TriggerEvent($Field[$PosX][$PosY]) ; keep on Evoloving For $loop = 1 to $Level Evolve() Next EndFunc ; create the field picture handles ; and set all objects to empty field (fields were original flowers ) Func InitializeField() For $x = 0 To $WidthX For $y = 0 To $WidthY $Field[$x][$y] = $Flowers $FieldHandle[$x][$y] = GUICtrlCreatePic (PictureName($Flowers), $x * 64, ($y + 1) * 64, 64, 64) Next Next EndFunc ; clear the current field ; Also used by Devolve function to lower each object on the field by 1 Func DrawField($DevolveFlag) ; display that worm head (you) SetOnField($PosX, $PosY, $WormHead) For $x = 0 To $WidthX For $y = 0 To $WidthY ; voids are eternal If $Field[$x][$y] < $Void Then If $DevolveFlag Then ; knock objects down one step If $Field[$x][$y] > $Flowers Then $Field[$x][$y] -= 1 EndIf Else ; set field to flowers $Field[$x][$y] = $Flowers EndIf EndIf ; Don't draw is current space (to preserve worm head which is not a field object If $x <> $PosX Or $y <> $PosY Then GUICtrlSetImage ( $FieldHandle[$x][$y], PictureName($Field[$x][$y])) Next Next EndFunc ; draw and object at field coordinate $x, $y Func SetOnField($x, $y, $item) GUICtrlSetImage ( $FieldHandle[$x][$y], PictureName($item)) EndFunc ; move, you crazy worm Func Move() ; if not a void leave a worm body seqment behind If $Field[$PosX][$PosY] < $Void Then $Field[$PosX][$PosY] = $WormBody SetOnField($PosX, $PosY, $WormBody) EndIf ; move one square in the desired direction $PosX += $DirectionX $PosY += $DirectionY ; wrap if movement is off the screen If $PosX < 0 Then $PosX = $WidthX If $PosX > $WidthX Then $PosX = 0 If $PosY < 0 Then $PosY = $WidthY If $PosY > $WidthY Then $PosY = 0 ; display the proper worm head If $ForceFieldMode Then SetOnField($PosX, $PosY, $WormHead) Else SetOnField($PosX, $PosY, $ForceHead) EndIf ; score is one point per level per move $LevelScore += $Level DisplayScore() EndFunc ; add 1 to a random object on the field Func Evolve() ; pick a random spot ; but not on the barren area (your initial position vertically. ; this position is kept free of objects through level twenty Do $x = Rand($WidthX) Until $x <> $ClearStrip $y = Rand($WidthY) ; do not drop an object directly on the worm head If $x = $PosX And $y = $PosY Then Return ; evolve this spot (if not a Void) If $Field[$x][$y] < $Void Then $Field[$x][$y] += 1 ; display new shape SetOnField($x, $y, $Field[$x][$y]) EndFunc ; flash wormhead and field object ; gives player a chance to see what happened Func Flicker() For $loop = 1 to 60 SetOnField($PosX, $PosY, $WormHead) Sleep(5) SetOnField($PosX, $PosY, $Field[$PosX][$PosY]) Sleep(5) ; also check for directional keystroke ; intended direction can be changed up to the last second ReadyMovement() Next EndFunc Func GetMouse() If $InputDevice <> $Mouse Then Return $ForceFieldMode = _IsPressed("1", $dll) AutoItSetOption("MouseCoordMode", 2) $MouseX = MouseGetPos(0) $MouseY = MouseGetPos(1) $SquareX = Int($MouseX/64) $SquareY = Int($MouseY/64)-1 $DiffX = $SquareX - $PosX $DiffY = $SquareY - $PosY If Abs($DiffX) > 1 Then Return If Abs($DiffY) > 1 Then Return If $DiffX = 0 And $DiffY = 0 Then Return $DirectionX = $DiffX $DirectionY = $DiffY EndFunc ; prepare directional movement (forcefield selection too) Func ReadyMovement() Switch $InputDevice Case $Mouse If $ForceField > 0 And $ForceFieldMode Then SetOnField($PosX, $PosY, $SemiForceHead) EndIf Case $Joystick Case $Keyboard GetKeyboard() EndSwitch EndFunc ; up/down sideways are turned into their directional grid changes Func GetKeyboard() Switch GetKeys() Case $mvDownLeft $DirectionX = -1 $DirectionY = 1 Case $mvDown $DirectionX = 0 $DirectionY = 1 Case $mvDownRight $DirectionX = 1 $DirectionY = 1 Case $mvLeft $DirectionX = -1 $DirectionY = 0 Case $mvUpLeft $DirectionX = -1 $DirectionY = -1 Case $mvUp $DirectionX = 0 $DirectionY = -1 Case $mvUpRight $DirectionX = 1 $DirectionY = -1 Case $mvRight $DirectionX = 1 $DirectionY = 0 Case $keyForceField ; spacebar toggles forcefield mode ; but don't test again until spacebar has been released If Not $spacetoggle Then $ForceFieldMode = Not $ForceFieldMode $spacetoggle = True EndIf Case Else $spacetoggle = False EndSwitch EndFunc ;Return $Direction ; turn specific keys into directional constants Func GetKeys() If _IsPressed("61", $dll) Then Return $mvDownLeft If _IsPressed("62", $dll) Then Return $mvDown If _IsPressed("28", $dll) Then Return $mvDown If _IsPressed("63", $dll) Then Return $mvDownRight If _IsPressed("64", $dll) Then Return $mvLeft If _IsPressed("25", $dll) Then Return $mvLeft If _IsPressed("66", $dll) Then Return $mvRight If _IsPressed("27", $dll) Then Return $mvRight If _IsPressed("67", $dll) Then Return $mvUpLeft If _IsPressed("68", $dll) Then Return $mvUp If _IsPressed("26", $dll) Then Return $mvUp If _IsPressed("69", $dll) Then Return $mvUpRight If _IsPressed("20", $dll) Then Return $keyForceField ; never implemented pause function If _IsPressed("50", $dll) Then Return $keyPause If _IsPressed("13", $dll) Then Return $keyPause Return 0 EndFunc ; display score, current level, number of lives and forcefield charges on one line ; current points accrued on another Func DisplayScore() Local $temp = "Score: " & $Score & " Level: " & $Level & " Lives: " & $Lives & " Forcefeld: " & $ForceField GUICtrlSetData($hDisplay, $temp) $temp = "Points: " & $LevelScore GUICtrlSetData($hDisplay2, $temp) EndFunc Func StopAllSounds() For $loop = 0 to 8 _SoundStop($Sound[$loop]) Next EndFunc ; ; ; the object you collide with triggers certain responses Func TriggerEvent($item) Switch $item Case $WormBody Death() Case $Death Death() Case $Elevator _SoundPlay($Sound[$sndElevator]) Flicker() UpLevel() ; _SoundStop($Sound[$sndElevator]) Case $Gift ; multiple gifts sometimes would not sound so I used to SoundPlay and SoundStop to better define sound timing _SoundPlay($Sound[$sndGift]) Flicker() $LevelScore += 100 ; _SoundStop($Sound[$sndGift]) Case $PacMan PacManMode() Case $Devolve Devolve() Case $Angel _SoundPlay($Sound[$sndExtraLife]) Flicker() If $Lives < 9 Then $Lives += 1 Case $Devil ; 0 to 3 lives lost For $loop = 1 to Rand(3) Death() Next Case $ExpressElevator For $loop = 1 to 4 _SoundPlay($Sound[$sndElevator]) Flicker() UpLevel() ; _SoundStop($Sound[$sndElevator]) Next Case $Cross Cross() Case $BrickWall _SoundPlay($Sound[$sndThunk]) Flicker() ; increment the force field charge by two ; still topping out at 8 charges If $ForceField < 7 Then $ForceField += 1 If $ForceField < 8 Then $ForceField += 1 Case $Void Death() EndSwitch EndFunc ; Hitting a WormBody, Warning (PigMan) or Devil ; or hitting a void in any mode ; causes loss of one life ; and leaves a void Func Death() _SoundPlay($Sound[$sndDeath]) $LevelScore = 0 Flicker() $Lives -= 1 ; check for no lives left and display game over and highscore if there are. If $Lives < 1 Then ; SetOnField($PosX, $PosY, $WormHead) ; uncommenting line above shows where death occurred but not by what ; as is it shows what you hit but not where ; neither is an ideal solution HighScore() ; end the game OnExit() EndIf ; turn the death spot into a void. $Field[$PosX][$PosY] = $Void SetOnField($PosX, $PosY, $Field[$PosX][$PosY]) EndFunc ; Elevator Func UpLevel() ; lock points into score $Score += $LevelScore $LevelScore = 0 DisplayScore() ; raise to next level $Level += 1 ; increment the force field charge If $ForceField < 8 Then $ForceField += 1 ; determine the new clear strip (barren area) ; no objects fall on the clear strip ; before level 20 the clear strip is the column of the elevator ; level 20 and above the clear strip column is randomly determined If $Level < 20 Then $ClearStrip = $PosX Else $ClearStrip = Rand($WidthX) EndIf ; initialize the new level to be clear of all objects except voids DrawField(0) EndFunc ; Hitting a Devolver Func Devolve() ; 300 points for hitting the devolver $LevelScore += 300 DisplayScore() _SoundPlay($Sound[$sndDevolve]) Flicker() ; make every object on the field one degree lower ; PacMen become Devolvers, Elevators become Dangers, etc. DrawField(1) EndFunc ; Hitting a PacMan Func PacManMode() _SoundPlay($Sound[$sndScissors]) ; flicker with Pac Man Mode Head For $loop = 1 to 60 SetOnField($PosX, $PosY, $WormHead) Sleep(5) SetOnField($PosX, $PosY, $PacManHead) Sleep(5) ReadyMovement() Next ; gobble for 5 to 9 squares For $loop = 1 to 5 + Rand(4) _SoundPlay($Sound[$sndPacMan]) Local $StartTime = _Timer_Init() While _Timer_Diff($StartTime) < ($Speed - ($Level * 20)) ReadyMovement() WEnd ; high beep in Pac Man Mode Beep(1000, 75) GetMouse() Move() SetOnField($PosX, $PosY, $PacManHead) ; Voids still kill If $Field[$PosX][$PosY] = $Void Then Death() Return Endif ; earn points equal to object gobbled ; 10 for a Danger ; 20 for an Elevator ; 50 for a Pac Mac, etc. ; Move() still generates standard movement score as well Local $point = $Field[$PosX][$PosY] - $Flowers If $point < 0 then $point = 0 $LevelScore += ($point * 10) DisplayScore() _SoundStop($Sound[$sndPacMan]) Next ; Give a short pause and visual to signify that Pac Man Mode is over $Field[$PosX][$PosY] = $WormBody Flicker() EndFunc ; Hitting a Cross ; the only thing that can remove a void Func Cross() _SoundPlay($Sound[$sndCross]) Local $change, $distance = 0, $temp $Field[$PosX][$PosY] = $Flowers ; rows and column of the current position are cleared ; I like the visual effect, using worm bodies like bowling balls Do $change = False $distance += 1 $temp = $PosX - $distance If $temp >= 0 Then $Field[$temp][$PosY] = $Flowers SetOnField($temp, $PosY, $WormBody) $change = True Endif $temp = $PosY - $distance If $temp >= 0 Then $Field[$PosX][$temp] = $Flowers SetOnField($PosX, $temp, $WormBody) $change = True Endif $temp = $PosX + $distance If $temp <= $WidthX Then $Field[$temp][$PosY] = $Flowers SetOnField($temp, $PosY, $WormBody) $change = True Endif $temp = $PosY + $distance If $temp <= $WidthY Then $Field[$PosX][$temp] = $Flowers SetOnField($PosX, $temp, $WormBody) $change = True Endif Local $StartTime = _Timer_Init() While _Timer_Diff($StartTime) < 200 ReadyMovement() WEnd $temp = $PosX - $distance If $temp >= 0 Then SetOnField($temp, $PosY, $Flowers) Endif $temp = $PosY - $distance If $temp >= 0 Then SetOnField($PosX, $temp, $Flowers) Endif $temp = $PosX + $distance If $temp <= $WidthX Then SetOnField($temp, $PosY, $Flowers) Endif $temp = $PosY + $distance If $temp <= $WidthY Then SetOnField($PosX, $temp, $Flowers) Endif Until Not $change _SoundStop($Sound[$sndCross]) EndFunc ; ; building an array for pointers to the sound effects Func LoadSounds() SoundtoArray("Death.mp3", $sndDeath) SoundtoArray("Transporter.mp3", $sndElevator) SoundtoArray("Pacman.wav", $sndPacMan) SoundtoArray("ExtraLife.wav", $sndExtraLife) SoundtoArray("Gift.mp3", $sndGift) SoundtoArray("Devolve.mp3", $sndDevolve) SoundtoArray("PacManBegins.mp3", $sndScissors) SoundtoArray("Cross.mp3", $sndCross) SoundtoArray("Brickwall.mp3", $sndThunk) EndFunc ; create a handle to sound effect $file Func SoundtoArray($file, $SoundNumber) $Sound[$SoundNumber] = _SoundOpen(".\Sounds\" & $file) If @error = 2 Then MsgBox(0, "Initialization Error", $file & " not found.") Exit EndIf EndFunc ; return the file name for a given shape Func PictureName($item) Switch $item Case $PacManHead $FileName = ".\Images\PacManModeHead.bmp" Case $WormHead $FileName = ".\Images\01 Worm Head.bmp" Case $WormBody $FileName = ".\Images\02 Worm Body.bmp" Case $DecayedWormBody $FileName = ".\Images\03 Decayed Worm Body.bmp" Case $Flowers $FileName = ".\Images\04 Flowers.bmp" Case $Death $FileName = ".\Images\05 pigman.bmp" Case $Elevator $FileName = ".\Images\06 Elevator.bmp" Case $Gift $FileName = ".\Images\07 Gift.bmp" Case $PacMan $FileName = ".\Images\08 PacMan.bmp" Case $Devolve $FileName = ".\Images\09 Devolve.bmp" Case $Angel $FileName = ".\Images\10 Angel.bmp" Case $Devil $FileName = ".\Images\11 Devil.bmp" Case $ExpressElevator $FileName = ".\Images\12 Atom.bmp" Case $Cross $FileName = ".\Images\13 Cross.bmp" Case $BrickWall $FileName = ".\Images\14 BrickWall.bmp" Case $Void $FileName = ".\Images\15 Void.bmp" Case $ForceHead $FileName = ".\Images\Forcefield.bmp" Case $SemiForceHead $FileName = ".\Images\Semi Forcefield.bmp" Case Else $FileName = False EndSwitch Return $FileName EndFunc ; ; bend random() function to my needs ; Func Rand($pMax) Return Random(0, $pMax, 1) EndFunc ; guess Func SwapVar(byref $a, byref $b) Local $temp $temp = $b $b = $a $a = $temp EndFunc ; ; Display Top Twenty High Scores ; Func HighScore() ; high score pane top most and moveable but nothing else - closes by game pane close $StatID = GUICreate("High Scores", 220, 495-30) GUISetFont(16, 800, -1, "Courier New") ; if no high score file, create it If Not FileExists("Reflex.dat") Then $file = FileOpen("Reflex.dat", 2) If $file = -1 Then MsgBox(0, "Fatal Error", "Can not create high score file") Exit EndIf $temp = StringFormat("%4s%6d", "GACB", 10) For $loop = 1 to 20 FileWriteLine($file, $temp) Next FileClose($file) EndIf ; Load Score Array from file $file = FileOpen("Reflex.dat", 0) ; read only Const $Names = 0 Const $Scores = 1 Dim $ArrayOfScores[2][21] For $loop = 1 to 20 $linescore = FileReadLine($file) $ArrayOfScores[$Names][$loop] = StringLeft($linescore & " ", 4) $ArrayOfScores[$Scores][$loop] = int(StringMid($linescore, 5, 6)) Next FileClose($file) ; Test if new score must be added to scoreboard If $Score > $ArrayOfScores[$Scores][20] Then $temp = InputBox("New Score for Scoreboard", "Enter Your Initials: ", "", "", -1, 120) $temp = StringLeft($temp & " ",4) $ArrayOfScores[$Names][0] = StringUpper($temp) Else $ArrayOfScores[$Names][0] = "" EndIf $ArrayOfScores[$Scores][0] = int($Score) Sort($ArrayOfScores) ; write high score file $file = FileOpen("Reflex.dat", 2) ; write fresh If $file = -1 Then MsgBox(0, "Fatal Error", "Can not update high score file") Exit EndIf For $loop = 0 to 19 $temp = StringLeft($ArrayOfScores[$Names][$loop],4) FileWriteLine($file, $temp & $ArrayOfScores[$Scores][$loop]) Next FileClose($file) ; Display Scores $temp = "" For $loop = 0 to 19 GUICtrlCreateLabel($loop+1 & ".", 10, $loop * 21 + 10) GUICtrlCreateLabel($ArrayOfScores[$Names][$loop], 60, $loop * 21 + 10) $temp = StringFormat("%6d", $ArrayOfScores[$Scores][$loop]) GUICtrlCreateLabel($temp, 130, $loop * 21 + 10) Next GUISetState() ; wait until window is closed $close = GUICtrlCreateButton("Close", 220-100, 431, 90, 30) Do $msg = GUIGetMsg() If $msg = $close Then ExitLoop Sleep(20) Until $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE GUIDelete($StatID) OnExit() EndFunc ;==>DisplayStatHistory Func Sort( byref $ArrayOfScores) Const $Names = 0 Const $Scores = 1 For $a = 0 to 19 for $b = $a + 1 to 1 step -1 if $ArrayOfScores[$Scores][$b] > $ArrayOfScores[$Scores][$b-1] Then SwapVar($ArrayOfScores[$Scores][$b-1], $ArrayOfScores[$Scores][$b]) SwapVar($ArrayOfScores[$Names][$b-1], $ArrayOfScores[$Names][$b]) EndIf Next Next EndFunc