#cs -Program Comments- AutoIt Version: Author: Liapis Nikos Script Name: Arduino Programmer Script Description: A GUI interface for programming Arduino Date: 17-6-2012 Version: 0.30 Version changes: 0.21) - Bug fixed: Change the $project variable when open a saved project 0.22) - Bug fixed: Program crashed when a rule was modified (only occured at the second rule that was called for modify) 0.23) - Adds the ability to set a Counter to a fixed value so that the user can "reset" the value of a Counter 0.24) - Bug fixed: used to add a space infront of the Counters in inputs causing problems to simulator - Fixed the _check_syntax() function to accept 0 as value when output is a counter 0.25) - Prevent user entering a pin name containing the words "Virtual_Coil" or "Counter" because causes problems on the function _update_rule_combos_others() - Adds the autocomplete choise when apllying a new rule, which automatically creates another opposite rule For example: if a rule is * Pin_0 = HIGH ==> Pin_5 = HIGH * then the rule * Pin_0 = LOW ==> Pin_5 = LOW * will be automatically created 0.26) - Changed the generated code regarding Counters (each Counter will increase or dicrease only on input toggle) 0.27) - The title of the Main GUI shows the active project 0.28) - The settings combos are disabled only if they have been used inside a Rule 0.29) - Adds the abbility to use an Output as Input (Further testing required) 0.30) - Bug fixed: Pin_A5 was not updated to the rule combos - New feature that enables user to compare 2 analog pins - Improve the generated code conserning the expression feature. (Use of the constrain() Arduino command to limit the values and not if...then) - Improve the generated code conserning analog inputs. (Map the values of AI to a range of 0-255 when reading the pin and not when writing the corresponting output. By doing the mapping at the begining there is no need to remap when comparison of analog pins) - Change the header(top line) of the saved project (This is done so older versions of Arduino Simulator(V0.06 and below) wont open projects with the comparison feature, because they can't handle the rules.) - Bug fixed: Wrong project name when "save as" Corrections needed: 1) Correct the generated code regarding Timers 2) Do not disable the pin settings just change the apllied rules when a change in settings name is made, but disable the pin type 3) Make the window resisable #ce #include #include #Include #include ; include Global $project = "Untitled" ; Variable to hold the project name Global $version = "0.30" Global $release_date = "17-6-2012" Global $rule_count = 0 Global $list_items[1] Global $change = 0 ; 0 -> new menu 1 -> submit ; 0 -> open menu 1 -> clear settings ; 0 -> save menu 1 -> aplly ; 0 -> save as menu $main = GUICreate("Arduino Gui Programmer V" & $version & "-" & $project, 1159, 580, 50, 50);, $WS_SIZEBOX) #region Create Graphics ; Graphics to simulate Arduino GUICtrlCreateGraphic(888, 54, 89, 329) GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0x000000) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, 0x0000FF) GUICtrlCreateGraphic(896, 158, 25, 217) GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0xFFFFFF) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, 0x000000) GUICtrlCreateGraphic(896, 46, 17, 33) GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0xFFFFFF) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, 0x000000) GUICtrlCreateGraphic(936, 30, 33, 57) GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0xFFFFFF) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, 0x000000) GUICtrlCreateGraphic(714, 0, 1, 580) GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0x000000) GUICtrlCreateGraphic(714, 440, 445, 1) GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0x000000) GUICtrlCreateLabel("PIN SETTINGS", 920, 5, 79, 17) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Pin Names", 730, 225, 60, 17) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Pin Names", 1060, 40, 60, 17) #endregion #region Create Menu ; Create the menu objects $file_menu = GUICtrlCreateMenu ("File") $new_menu = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem ("New", $file_menu) $save_menu = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem ("Save", $file_menu) $save_as_menu = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem ("Save As...", $file_menu) $open_menu = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem ("Open...", $file_menu) $exit_menu = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem ("Exit", $file_menu) $help_menu = GUICtrlCreateMenu ("Help") $about_menu = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem ("About", $help_menu) $how_to_menu = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem ("How To...", $help_menu) #endregion #region Create Buttons $button_submit = GUICtrlCreateButton("Submit", 971, 400, 71, 25) $button_clear_set = GUICtrlCreateButton("Clear Settings", 850, 400, 91, 25) $button_apply_rule = GUICtrlCreateButton("Apply Rule", 830, 464, 70, 25) GUICtrlSetState (-1, $GUI_DISABLE) $button_clear_rule = GUICtrlCreateButton("Clear Rule", 830, 499, 70, 25) GUICtrlSetState (-1, $GUI_DISABLE) $button_load_rule = GUICtrlCreateButton("Load Rule", 912, 464, 70, 25) GUICtrlSetState (-1, $GUI_DISABLE) $button_delete_rule = GUICtrlCreateButton("Delete Rule", 912, 499, 70, 25) GUICtrlSetState (-1, $GUI_DISABLE) $button_generate = GUICtrlCreateButton("Generate Code", 1044, 499, 100, 25) GUICtrlSetState (-1, $GUI_DISABLE) $autocomplete = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("Opposite Rule", 730, 499, 85, 20, 0x0020) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Auto Create", 730, 485, 85, 15) ;$check_box = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("Check Syntax", 730, 464, 85, 25, 0x0020) ; ALSO CHANGE THE CODE IN THE APPLY BUTTON CASE ;GUICtrlSetState (-1, $GUI_CHECKED) #endregion #region Create List $List = GUICtrlCreateListView("Rule|Input A|Is|Value|AND/OR|Input B|Is|Value|Output|Is|Value|Delay|Comments", 10, 10, 700, 430,-1, 0x00000001) _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth($list, 0, 36) _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth($list, 1, 55) _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth($list, 2, 30) _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth($list, 3, 45) _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth($list, 4, 60) _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth($list, 5, 55) _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth($list, 6, 30) _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth($list, 7, 45) _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth($list, 8, 55) _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth($list, 9, 30) _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth($list, 10, 45) _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth($list, 11, 50) _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth($list, 12, 155) #endregion $settings_pin_combos = _create_settings_combos() $rule_combos = _create_rule_combos($rule_count) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) $a = MouseGetPos(0) ToolTip("Set Pin Settings" & @LF & "And Press Submit", 1090, 520, "", 0, 1) While 1 $b = MouseGetPos(0) If $a <> $b Then ToolTip("") ExitLoop EndIf WEnd While 1 ;ToolTip ($project) WinSetTitle("Arduino Gui Programmer", "", "Arduino Gui Programmer V" & $version & " - " & $project) $msg = GUIGetMsg() For $i=0 To 19 ; Enable the input boxes to hold the names of the setting pins If $msg = $settings_pin_combos[$i][0] Then GUICtrlSetState ($settings_pin_combos[$i][1], $GUI_ENABLE) EndIf Next Switch $msg Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE If $change = 1 Then $conf = MsgBox (35, "Save project", "Do you want to save project before Exiting ?") If $conf = 6 Then ; Yes If $project = "Untitled" Then $project = FileSaveDialog ("Save Project", @ScriptDir, "NAG Project (*.nag)", 2, $project) _write_project_to_file($settings_pin_combos, $list_items, $project, 1) Else _write_project_to_file($settings_pin_combos, $list_items, $project, 0) EndIf Exit ElseIf $conf = 7 Then ; No Exit EndIf Else Exit EndIf Case $about_menu $about_win = GUICreate("About", 400, 250, 298, 120) GUICtrlCreateLabel("--- ARDUINO GUI PROGRAMMER ----" & @LF & @LF & @LF & "Version : " & $version & @LF & @LF & "Date : " & $release_date & @LF _ & @LF & "Created By : Liapis Nikos" & @LF & @LF & "Special Thanks To : Martin, Melba23 and the Autoit community "& @LF & @LF & "Updates Available on :", 5, 5, 361, 160) $button_link_autoit = GUICtrlCreateButton("http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/topic/138727-arduino-gui-programmer/", 5, 165, 380, 25) GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0x0000FF) $button_link_codikia = GUICtrlCreateButton("http://codikia.blogspot.com/2012/03/simple-arduino-gui-programmer.html", 5, 205, 380, 25) GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0x0000FF) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) While 1 $nMsg = GUIGetMsg() Switch $nMsg Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE ExitLoop Case $button_link_autoit ShellExecute ("http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/topic/138727-arduino-gui-programmer/") Case $button_link_codikia ShellExecute ("http://codikia.blogspot.com/2012/03/simple-arduino-gui-programmer.html") EndSwitch WEnd GUIDelete ($about_win) Case $how_to_menu ShellExecute("http://codikia.blogspot.gr/2012/06/tutorial-for-arduino-gui-programmer.html") Case $button_generate _generate_code($list_items, $settings_pin_combos) Case $exit_menu If $change = 1 Then $conf = MsgBox (35, "Save project", "Do you want to save project before Exiting ?") If $conf = 6 Then ; Yes If $project = "Untitled" Then $project = FileSaveDialog ("Save Project", @ScriptDir, "NAG Project (*.nag)", 2, $project) _write_project_to_file($settings_pin_combos, $list_items, $project, 1) Else _write_project_to_file($settings_pin_combos, $list_items, $project, 0) EndIf Exit ElseIf $conf = 7 Then ; No Exit EndIf Else Exit EndIf Case $new_menu If $change = 1 Then $conf = MsgBox (35, "Save project", "Do you want to save project before opening a new one ?") If $conf = 6 Then ; Yes If $project = "Untitled" Then $project = FileSaveDialog ("Save Project", @ScriptDir, "NAG Project (*.nag)", 2, $project) _write_project_to_file($settings_pin_combos, $list_items, $project, 1) Else _write_project_to_file($settings_pin_combos, $list_items, $project, 0) EndIf ElseIf $conf <> 2 Then ; Cancel not selected _delete_settings_combos($settings_pin_combos) _delete_rule_combos($rule_combos) GUICtrlDelete($List) GUICtrlSetState ($button_apply_rule, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetState ($button_clear_rule, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetState($button_load_rule, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetState($button_delete_rule, $GUI_DISABLE) #region Create ListView $List = GUICtrlCreateListView("Rule|Input A|Is|Value|AND/OR|Input B|Is|Value|Output|Is|Value|Delay|Comments", 10, 10, 700, 430,-1, 0x00000001) _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth($list, 0, 36) _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth($list, 1, 55) _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth($list, 2, 30) _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth($list, 3, 45) _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth($list, 4, 60) _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth($list, 5, 55) _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth($list, 6, 30) _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth($list, 7, 45) _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth($list, 8, 55) _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth($list, 9, 30) _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth($list, 10, 45) _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth($list, 11, 50) _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth($list, 12, 155) #endregion ; region Create ListView $rule_count = 0 $settings_pin_combos = _create_settings_combos() $rule_combos = _create_rule_combos($rule_count) $project = "Untitled" $change = 0 EndIf Else _delete_settings_combos($settings_pin_combos) _delete_rule_combos($rule_combos) GUICtrlDelete($List) GUICtrlSetState ($button_apply_rule, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetState ($button_clear_rule, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetState($button_load_rule, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetState($button_delete_rule, $GUI_DISABLE) #region Create ListView $List = GUICtrlCreateListView("Rule|Input A|Is|Value|AND/OR|Input B|Is|Value|Output|Is|Value|Delay|Comments", 10, 10, 700, 430,-1, 0x00000001) _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth($list, 0, 36) _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth($list, 1, 55) _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth($list, 2, 30) _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth($list, 3, 45) _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth($list, 4, 60) _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth($list, 5, 55) _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth($list, 6, 30) _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth($list, 7, 45) _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth($list, 8, 55) _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth($list, 9, 30) _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth($list, 10, 45) _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth($list, 11, 50) _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth($list, 12, 155) #endregion ; region Create ListView $rule_count = 0 $settings_pin_combos = _create_settings_combos() $rule_combos = _create_rule_combos($rule_count) $project = "Untitled" EndIf Case $save_menu _write_project_to_file($settings_pin_combos, $list_items, $project, 0) $change = 0 Case $save_as_menu $project = FileSaveDialog ("Save Project", @ScriptDir, "NAG Project (*.nag)", 2, $project) $temp = StringSplit($project, "\") _write_project_to_file($settings_pin_combos, $list_items, $project, 1) $project = $temp[$temp[0]] $change = 0 Case $open_menu GUICtrlSetState ($button_generate, $GUI_ENABLE) If $change = 1 Then $conf = MsgBox (35, "Save project", "Do you want to save project before opening a new one ?") If $conf = 6 Then ; Yes If $project = "Untitled" Then $project = FileSaveDialog ("Save Project", @ScriptDir, "NAG Project (*.nag)", 2, $project) _write_project_to_file($settings_pin_combos, $list_items, $project, 1) Else _write_project_to_file($settings_pin_combos, $list_items, $project, 0) EndIf EndIf EndIf $change = 0 $proj = FileOpenDialog ("Open Project", @ScriptDir & "\", "NAG Projects (*.nag)", 3) $file=FileOpen($proj) $header = FileReadLine($file) If $header = "NAG FILE V.020" Or $header = "NAG FILE V.030" Then $a = _read_settings_from_file($proj) $b = _read_rules_from_file($proj) _delete_settings_combos($settings_pin_combos) $settings_pin_combos = _create_settings_combos($a[0][0], $a[1][0], $a[2][0], $a[3][0], $a[4][0], $a[5][0], $a[6][0], $a[7][0], $a[8][0], $a[9][0], $a[10][0], $a[11][0], $a[12][0], $a[13][0], $a[14][0], $a[15][0], $a[16][0], $a[17][0], $a[18][0], $a[19][0], _ $a[0][1], $a[1][1], $a[2][1], $a[3][1], $a[4][1], $a[5][1], $a[6][1], $a[7][1], $a[8][1], $a[9][1], $a[10][1], $a[11][1], $a[12][1], $a[13][1], $a[14][1], $a[15][1], $a[16][1], $a[17][1], $a[18][1], $a[19][1]) GUICtrlDelete($List) #region Create ListView $List = GUICtrlCreateListView("Rule|Input A|Is|Value|AND/OR|Input B|Is|Value|Output|Is|Value|Delay|Comments", 10, 10, 700, 430,-1, 0x00000001) _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth($list, 0, 36) _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth($list, 1, 55) _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth($list, 2, 30) _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth($list, 3, 45) _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth($list, 4, 60) _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth($list, 5, 55) _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth($list, 6, 30) _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth($list, 7, 45) _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth($list, 8, 55) _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth($list, 9, 30) _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth($list, 10, 45) _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth($list, 11, 50) _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth($list, 12, 155) #endregion ; region Create ListView For $i=0 To UBound($b)-2 $c=StringSplit($b[$i], "|", 2) $d = _write_rule_to_list ($c) ; Write rule to list $list_items[$i] = $d ; Store rule to $list_items ReDim $list_items[$i + 2] $rule_count = $i+1 Next #region Button Submit $change = 1 GUICtrlSetState ($button_apply_rule, $GUI_ENABLE) GUICtrlSetState ($button_clear_rule, $GUI_ENABLE) GUICtrlSetState ($button_generate, $GUI_ENABLE) $a = _read_rules_from_list($list_items) $check = _disable_declared_pins($settings_pin_combos, $a) ; Disable the selected pins and write names to the empty ones If $check = "OK" Then $pin_names = _read_settings_names($settings_pin_combos) ; Get the names of the declared pins _delete_rule_combos($rule_combos) $rule_combos = _create_rule_combos($rule_count) _update_rule_combos_inputs($pin_names, $rule_combos) ; Set the pin options in the input combos $a = _read_rules_from_list($list_items) _update_rule_combos_virtuals($a, $rule_combos) EndIf #endregion ; Rename the project $x = StringSplit($proj, "\") $project = StringTrimRight($x[$x[0]], 4) Else MsgBox (16, "ERROR", "File Not Compatible") EndIf Case $button_delete_rule GUICtrlSetState($button_delete_rule, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetState($button_load_rule, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetState($button_apply_rule, $GUI_ENABLE) GUICtrlSetState($button_clear_rule, $GUI_ENABLE) $c = _read_rules_from_list($list_items, GUICtrlRead($rule_combos[0])+1) For $i = GUICtrlRead($rule_combos[0]) To $rule_count GUICtrlDelete($list_items[$i]) $list_items[$i] = "" Next If StringInStr($c[0], "|") <> 0 Then ; Check if the rule for deleting is not the last rule in listview $e = 0 For $i = 0 To UBound($c) - 1 $d = StringSplit($c[$e], "|", 2) $d[0] = $d[0]-1 $b = _write_rule_to_list ($d) $list_items[$i] = $b $e += 1 Next EndIf $rule_count -= 1 _delete_rule_combos($rule_combos) ; Empty the rule combos $rule_combos = _create_rule_combos($rule_count) _update_rule_combos_inputs($pin_names, $rule_combos) $a = _read_rules_from_list($list_items) _update_rule_combos_virtuals($a, $rule_combos) Case $button_load_rule GUICtrlSetState($button_load_rule, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetState($button_delete_rule, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetState($button_apply_rule, $GUI_ENABLE) GUICtrlSetState($button_clear_rule, $GUI_ENABLE) $a = _read_rules_from_list($list_items, GUICtrlRead($rule_combos[0]), GUICtrlRead($rule_combos[0])) _delete_rule_combos($rule_combos) $b = StringSplit($a[0], "|", 2) $rule_combos = _create_rule_combos($b[0], $b[1], $b[2], $b[3], $b[4], $b[5], $b[6], $b[7], $b[8], $b[9], $b[10], $b[11], $b[12]) _update_rule_combos_inputs($pin_names, $rule_combos) ; Set the pin options in the input combos $a = _read_rules_from_list($list_items) $c = StringSplit($a[GUICtrlRead($rule_combos[0])], "|", 2) _update_rule_combos_virtuals($a, $rule_combos) _update_rule_combos_others($pin_names, $rule_combos, 1, $c[2], $c[3]) _update_rule_combos_others($pin_names, $rule_combos, 2, $c[6], $c[7]) _update_rule_combos_others($pin_names, $rule_combos, 3, $c[9], $c[10]) Case $button_clear_rule $r = GUICtrlRead($rule_combos[0]) _delete_rule_combos($rule_combos) $rule_combos = _create_rule_combos($r) _update_rule_combos_inputs($pin_names, $rule_combos) ; Set the pin options in the input combos $a = _read_rules_from_list($list_items) _update_rule_combos_virtuals($a, $rule_combos) Case $button_submit $change = 1 GUICtrlSetState ($button_apply_rule, $GUI_ENABLE) GUICtrlSetState ($button_clear_rule, $GUI_ENABLE) GUICtrlSetState ($button_generate, $GUI_ENABLE) $a = _read_rules_from_list($list_items) $check = _disable_declared_pins($settings_pin_combos, $a) ; Disable the selected pins and write names to the empty ones If $check = "OK" Then $pin_names = _read_settings_names($settings_pin_combos) ; Get the names of the declared pins _delete_rule_combos($rule_combos) $rule_combos = _create_rule_combos($rule_count) _update_rule_combos_inputs($pin_names, $rule_combos) ; Set the pin options in the input combos $a = _read_rules_from_list($list_items) _update_rule_combos_virtuals($a, $rule_combos) EndIf Case $button_apply_rule $change = 1 $ok = 1 ;If GUICtrlRead($check_box) = 1 Then If _check_syntax($rule_combos, $settings_pin_combos) <> "OK" Then $ok = 0 EndIf ;EndIf If $ok = 1 Then If GUICtrlRead($rule_combos[0]) = $rule_count Then ; Case a new rule is applied $a =_read_rule_combos($rule_combos) ; Read rule from combos $b = _write_rule_to_list ($a) ; Write rule to list $list_items[$rule_count] = $b ; Store rule to $list_items ReDim $list_items[$rule_count + 2] $rule_count += 1 #region Create opposite rule If GUICtrlRead($autocomplete) = 1 And StringInStr($a[8], "Counter") = 0 Then ; If output is a counter don't create opposite rule If $a[1] <> "" Or $a[5] <> "" Then ; If both inputs are empty don't create opposite rule If StringIsDigit($a[3]) <> 1 Or $a[2] <> "=" Then ; If input_1 is analog input and comparator is "= equal" don't create opposite rule If StringIsDigit($a[7]) <> 1 Or $a[6] <> "=" Then ; If input_2 is analog input and comparator is "= equal" don't create opposite rule $c = _create_opposite_rule($a) $b = _write_rule_to_list ($c) ; Write rule to list $list_items[$rule_count] = $b ; Store rule to $list_items ReDim $list_items[$rule_count + 2] $rule_count += 1 EndIf EndIf EndIf EndIf #endregion ElseIf GUICtrlRead($rule_combos[0]) < $rule_count-1 Then ; Case a rule is modified and is not the last one applied $c = _read_rules_from_list($list_items, GUICtrlRead($rule_combos[0])+1) $a =_read_rule_combos($rule_combos) For $i = GUICtrlRead($rule_combos[0]) To $rule_count GUICtrlDelete($list_items[$i]) $list_items[$i] = "" Next $b = _write_rule_to_list ($a) $list_items[GUICtrlRead($rule_combos[0])] = $b $e = 0 For $i = 0 To UBound($c) - 1 $d = StringSplit($c[$e], "|", 2) $b = _write_rule_to_list ($d) $list_items[GUICtrlRead($rule_combos[0])+1+$e] = $b $e += 1 Next ElseIf GUICtrlRead($rule_combos[0]) = $rule_count-1 Then ; Case a rule is modified and is the last one applied GUICtrlDelete($list_items[GUICtrlRead($rule_combos[0])]) $list_items[GUICtrlRead($rule_combos[0])] = "" $a =_read_rule_combos($rule_combos) $b = _write_rule_to_list ($a) $list_items[GUICtrlRead($rule_combos[0])] = $b EndIf _delete_rule_combos($rule_combos) ; Empty the rule combos $rule_combos = _create_rule_combos($rule_count) _update_rule_combos_inputs($pin_names, $rule_combos) $a = _read_rules_from_list($list_items) _update_rule_combos_virtuals($a, $rule_combos) _disable_declared_pins($settings_pin_combos, $a) EndIf Case $button_clear_set $change = 1 $clear_selec = GUICreate("Clear Settings", 580, 179, 333, 110) $all = GUICtrlCreateButton("Clear All", 16, 136, 75, 25) $unsubmited = GUICtrlCreateButton("Clear UnSubmited", 104, 136, 107, 25) $cancel = GUICtrlCreateButton("Cancel", 224, 136, 75, 25) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Clear All - Clears all the settings submited or not. Also clears all the applied rules", 12, 28, 500, 17) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 10, 400, 0, "MS Sans Serif") GUICtrlCreateLabel("Clear UnSubmited - Clears all the unsubmited settings, leaving the submited pins and rules", 12, 60, 550, 17) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 10, 400, 0, "MS Sans Serif") GUICtrlCreateLabel("Cancel - Do nothing", 12, 94, 136, 17) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 10, 400, 0, "MS Sans Serif") GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) While 1 $nMsg = GUIGetMsg() Switch $nMsg Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE ExitLoop Case $cancel ExitLoop Case $all GUISwitch($main) $check = MsgBox (36, "Confirm", "Are you sure you want to delete all settings combos and all rules") If $check = 6 Then ; Yes $change = 0 _delete_settings_combos($settings_pin_combos) _delete_rule_combos($rule_combos) GUICtrlDelete($List) GUICtrlSetState ($button_apply_rule, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetState ($button_clear_rule, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetState($button_load_rule, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetState($button_delete_rule, $GUI_DISABLE) #region Create ListView $List = GUICtrlCreateListView("Rule|Input A|Is|Value|AND/OR|Input B|Is|Value|Output|Is|Value|Delay|Comments", 10, 10, 700, 430,-1, 0x00000001) _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth($list, 0, 36) _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth($list, 1, 55) _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth($list, 2, 30) _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth($list, 3, 45) _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth($list, 4, 60) _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth($list, 5, 55) _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth($list, 6, 30) _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth($list, 7, 45) _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth($list, 8, 55) _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth($list, 9, 30) _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth($list, 10, 45) _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth($list, 11, 50) _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth($list, 12, 155) #endregion ; region Create ListView $rule_count = 0 $settings_pin_combos = _create_settings_combos() $rule_combos = _create_rule_combos($rule_count) GUISwitch($clear_selec) EndIf ExitLoop Case $unsubmited GUISwitch($main) Dim $p[20] Dim $n[20] For $i=0 To 19 $p[$i] = GUICtrlGetState($settings_pin_combos[$i][0]) If $p[$i] = 144 Then $p[$i] = GUICtrlRead($settings_pin_combos[$i][0]) $n[$i] = GUICtrlRead($settings_pin_combos[$i][1]) Else $p[$i] = "" $n[$i] = "" EndIf Next _delete_settings_combos($settings_pin_combos) $settings_pin_combos = _create_settings_combos($p[0], $p[1], $p[2], $p[3], $p[4], $p[5], $p[6], $p[7], $p[8], $p[9], $p[10], $p[11], $p[12], $p[13], $p[14], $p[15], $p[16], $p[17], $p[18], $p[19], _ $n[0], $n[1], $n[2], $n[3], $n[4], $n[5], $n[6], $n[7], $n[8], $n[9], $n[10], $n[11], $n[12], $n[13], $n[14], $n[15], $n[16], $n[17], $n[18], $n[19]) $a = _read_rules_from_list($list_items) _disable_declared_pins($settings_pin_combos, $a) GUISwitch($clear_selec) ExitLoop EndSwitch WEnd GUISwitch($main) GUIDelete($clear_selec) Case $rule_combos[1] _update_rule_combos_others($pin_names, $rule_combos, 1) Case $rule_combos[2] ; If Comparison is selected If StringInStr(GUICtrlRead($rule_combos[2]), "<<>>") <> 0 Then If $pin_names[0][2] <= 1 And $pin_names[0][3] = 0 Then MsgBox(16, "ERROR", "The Selected Input Is The " & @LF & "Only Analog Pin Declared. " & @LF & @LF & "Comparison Not Possible.") Else $comp_data = _comparison_select(GUICtrlRead($rule_combos[1]), $pin_names) If $comp_data <> "0" Then GUICtrlSetData($rule_combos[3], $comp_data) EndIf EndIf Case $rule_combos[5] _update_rule_combos_others($pin_names, $rule_combos, 2) Case $rule_combos[6] ; If Comparison is selected If StringInStr(GUICtrlRead($rule_combos[6]), "<<>>") <> 0 Then If $pin_names[0][2] <= 1 And $pin_names[0][3] = 0 Then MsgBox(16, "ERROR", "The Selected Input Is The " & @LF & "Only Analog Pin Declared. " & @LF & @LF & "Comparison Not Possible.") Else $comp_data = _comparison_select(GUICtrlRead($rule_combos[5]), $pin_names) If $comp_data <> "0" Then GUICtrlSetData($rule_combos[7], $comp_data) EndIf EndIf Case $rule_combos[8] _update_rule_combos_others($pin_names, $rule_combos, 3) Case $rule_combos[9] ; If Expression is selected If StringInStr(GUICtrlRead($rule_combos[9]), "f(x)") <> 0 Then If $pin_names[0][2] = 0 And $pin_names[0][3] <= 1 Then MsgBox(16, "ERROR", "The Selected Output Is The " & @LF & "Only Analog Pin Declared. " & @LF & @LF & "Expression Not Possible.") Else $expr_gui = GUICreate("Create Output Expression", 432, 154, 211, 189) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Set Output ", 24, 16, 58, 17) GUICtrlCreateInput(GUICtrlRead($rule_combos[8]), 92, 13, 110, 20, 0x0880) ; 0x0880=0x0080($ES_AUTOHSCROLL) + 0x0800($ES_READONLY) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Equal To :", 216, 16, 47, 17) $in_selec = GUICtrlCreateCombo("", 24,56,145,25, 0x0003) If $pin_names[0][2] > 0 Or $pin_names[0][3] > 0 Then ; Set the options in the input selection (only analog inputs and outputs can be selected) $a="" If $pin_names[0][2] > 0 Then For $i=1 To $pin_names[0][2] $a &= $pin_names[$i][2] & "|" Next EndIf If $pin_names[0][3] > 0 Then For $i=1 To $pin_names[0][3] If $pin_names[$i][3] <> GUICtrlRead($rule_combos[8]) Then ; Avoid declaring the output in function of it's self $a &= $pin_names[$i][3] & "|" EndIf Next EndIf GUICtrlSetData(-1, StringTrimRight($a, 1)) EndIf $praxi = GUICtrlCreateCombo(" * Multiple", 184, 56, 85, 25, 0x0003) GUICtrlSetData(-1, " / Divide| + Add| - Remove") $timi = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 284, 56, 121, 21, 0x2080) ; 0x2080=0x0080($ES_AUTOHSCROLL) + 0x2000($ES_NUMBER) $ok_b = GUICtrlCreateButton("OK", 122, 114, 75, 25) $canc_b = GUICtrlCreateButton("Cancel", 223, 114, 75, 25) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) While 1 $nMsg = GUIGetMsg() Switch $nMsg Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE ExitLoop Case $canc_b ExitLoop Case $ok_b If GUICtrlRead($in_selec) <> "" And GUICtrlRead($praxi) <> "" And GUICtrlRead($timi) <> 0 Then $expression = "f(x) = " & "\" & GUICtrlRead($in_selec) & "\" & StringTrimLeft(StringLeft(GUICtrlRead($praxi), 2), 1) & "\" & GUICtrlRead($timi) GUISwitch($main) GUICtrlDelete($rule_combos[10]) $rule_combos[10] = GUICtrlCreateInput($expression, 386, 509, 100, 25, 0x0880) ; 0x0880=0x0080($ES_AUTOHSCROLL) + 0x0800($ES_READONLY) ExitLoop Else MsgBox (16, "ERROR", "Missing Value In Expression") EndIf EndSwitch WEnd GUIDelete($expr_gui) EndIf EndIf Case $rule_combos[0] ; If a Rule is selected for loading If GUICtrlRead($rule_combos[0]) < $rule_count Then GUICtrlSetState($button_load_rule, $GUI_ENABLE) GUICtrlSetState($button_apply_rule, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetState($button_delete_rule, $GUI_ENABLE) GUICtrlSetState($button_clear_rule, $GUI_DISABLE) Else GUICtrlSetState($button_load_rule, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetState($button_apply_rule, $GUI_ENABLE) GUICtrlSetState($button_delete_rule, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetState($button_clear_rule, $GUI_ENABLE) EndIf EndSwitch WEnd ; #FUNCTION# ; Name...........: _comparison_select ; Description ...: Create a GUI window which allows the user to compare the selected analog input with another analog pin ; Parameters ....: $pin_to_compare: The Analog pin to compare ; $names_pins: Array holding the names of each declared pin ; Return values .: The "comparison Rule" ; ============================================================================================================================================ Func _comparison_select($pin_to_compare, $names_pins) $comp_check = 0 $comp_gui = GUICreate("Comparison Select", 674, 176, 192, 124) $comp_1 = GUICtrlCreateInput($pin_to_compare, 25, 48, 121, 21, 0x0880) ; 0x0880=0x0080($ES_AUTOHSCROLL) + 0x0800($ES_READONLY) $comp_praxi = GUICtrlCreateCombo(" - Remove", 161, 48, 85, 25, 0x0003) GUICtrlSetData(-1, " + Add| / Divide| * Multiple") $comp_2 = GUICtrlCreateCombo("", 257, 48, 145, 25, 0x0003) If $names_pins[0][2] > 0 Or $names_pins[0][3] > 0 Then ; Set the options in the input selection (only analog inputs and outputs can be selected) $a="" If $names_pins[0][2] > 0 Then For $i=1 To $names_pins[0][2] If $pin_to_compare <> $names_pins[$i][2] Then $a &= $names_pins[$i][2] & "|" Next EndIf If $names_pins[0][3] > 0 Then For $i=1 To $names_pins[0][3] $a &= $names_pins[$i][3] & "|" Next EndIf GUICtrlSetData(-1, StringTrimRight($a, 1)) EndIf $comparator = GUICtrlCreateCombo("= Equal To", 417, 48, 100, 25, 0x0003) GUICtrlSetData(-1, "> Greater Than|< Less Than|>= Greater / Equal|<= Less / Equal|<> Not Egual") $comp_result = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 531, 48, 121, 21, 0x2080) ; 0x0080($ES_AUTOHSCROLL) + 0x2000($ES_NUMBER) $button_comp_ok = GUICtrlCreateButton("OK", 243, 112, 75, 25) $button_comp_cancel = GUICtrlCreateButton("Cancel", 355, 112, 75, 25) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) While 1 $cMsg = GUIGetMsg() Switch $cMsg Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE ExitLoop Case $button_comp_cancel ExitLoop Case $button_comp_ok If GUICtrlRead($comp_2) <> "" And GUICtrlRead($comp_result) <> "" Then If GUICtrlRead($comparator) = "= Equal To" Then $cmp = "=" ElseIf GUICtrlRead($comparator) = "> Greater Than" Then $cmp = ">" ElseIf GUICtrlRead($comparator) = "< Less Than" Then $cmp = "<" ElseIf GUICtrlRead($comparator) = ">= Greater / Equal" Then $cmp = ">=" ElseIf GUICtrlRead($comparator) = "<= Less / Equal" Then $cmp = "<=" ElseIf GUICtrlRead($comparator) = "<> Not Egual" Then $cmp = "<>" EndIf $comparation = "<<>>: \" & GUICtrlRead($comp_1) & "\" & StringLeft(StringTrimLeft(GUICtrlRead($comp_praxi), 1), 1) & _ "\" & GUICtrlRead($comp_2) & "\" & $cmp & "\" & GUICtrlRead($comp_result) $comp_check = 1 ExitLoop Else MsgBox (16, "ERROR", "Missing Value In Expression") EndIf EndSwitch WEnd GUIDelete($comp_gui) If $comp_check = 1 Then Return $comparation Else Return "0" EndIf EndFunc ; #FUNCTION# ; Name...........: _create_opposite_rule ; Description ...: Automatically create the "opposite" rules of an aplied rule (e.g. Pin_0=High => Pin_1=High ==Auto=> Pin_1=Low => Pin_1=Low) ; Parameters ....: $array: Array containing the rule created by the user ; Return values .: Array containing the "opposite" rule ; Remarks .......: Function doesn't support the case where the output is a Counter ; and the case that in one of the inputs an analog input or counter is checked with the "= equal" comparator ; <<>> <<>>: \Pin_14\-\Pin_15\>=\23 ==> ; <<>> <<>>: \Pin_14\-\Pin_15\<\23 ; ============================================================================================================================================ Func _create_opposite_rule($array) Local $opposite[13] $opposite[0] = $array[0] + 1 ; increase the number of rule $opposite[12] = $array[12] ; create the same comment For $i = 1 To 10 $opposite[$i] = $array[$i] If $array[$i] = "High" Then $opposite[$i] = "Low" ElseIf $array[$i] = "Low" Then $opposite[$i] = "High" EndIf If $array[$i] = "AND" Then $opposite[$i] = "OR" ElseIf $array[$i] = "OR" Then $opposite[$i] = "AND" EndIf If StringIsDigit($array[$i]) = 1 Then If $i >= 8 And StringInStr($array[8], "Counter") = 0 Then $opposite[$i] = 0 EndIf EndIf If $array[$i] = "<" Then $opposite[$i] = ">=" ElseIf $array[$i] = ">" Then $opposite[$i] = "<=" ElseIf $array[$i] = ">=" Then $opposite[$i] = "<" ElseIf $array[$i] = "<" Then $opposite[$i] = ">=" EndIf Next If $array[9] = "f(x)" Then ; Manage Expression $opposite[9] = "=" $opposite[10] = 0 EndIf Local $temp[2] = [2, 6] For $i In $temp ; Manage Comparison Rules $a="" If StringInStr($array[$i], "<<>>") <> 0 Then $cmp=StringSplit($array[$i+1], "\") For $j=1 To $cmp[0] If $cmp[$j] = "=" Then $cmp[$j] = "<>" ElseIf $cmp[$j] = ">" Then $cmp[$j] = "<=" ElseIf $cmp[$j] = "<" Then $cmp[$j] = ">=" ElseIf $cmp[$j] = ">=" Then $cmp[$j] = "<" ElseIf $cmp[$j] = "<=" Then $cmp[$j] = ">" ElseIf $cmp[$j] = "<>" Then $cmp[$j] = "=" EndIf $a &= $cmp[$j] & "\" Next $opposite[$i+1] = StringTrimRight($a, 1) EndIf Next Return $opposite EndFunc ; #FUNCTION# ; Name...........: _generate_code ; Description ...: Creates the Arduino code ; Parameters ....: Array containing the controlID's of the listView items which contain the rules ; Array containing the controlID's of the Settings combos ; The file name of the generated file ; Return values .: No return just create the file with the arduino code ; ============================================================================================================================================ Func _generate_code($items, $settings, $file_name = $project) ; <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< $names = _read_settings_names($settings) $pins = _read_settings_combos($settings) If StringRight($file_name, 4) <> ".nag" Then ; Open the file $file = FileOpen (@ScriptDir & "/" & $file_name & ".txt", 2) Else $file = FileOpen (@ScriptDir & "/" & StringTrimRight($file_name, 4) & ".txt", 2) EndIf FileWriteLine ($file, "// Code created by **Arduino Programmer**, a Liapis Nikos Project") FileWriteLine ($file, "//===============================================================") FileWriteLine ($file, "") #region Declare Variables ; Declare digital inputs If $pins[0][0] > 0 Then $a="" $b="" For $i=1 To $pins[0][0] $a &= $pins[$i][0] $a &= "," $b &= "0," Next FileWriteLine ($file, "int dig_in[] = {" & StringTrimRight($a, 1) & "};") FileWriteLine ($file, "int dig_in_state[] = {" & StringTrimRight($b, 1) & "};") EndIf ; Declare digital outputs If $pins[0][1] > 0 Then $a="" $b="" For $i=1 To $pins[0][1] $a &= $pins[$i][1] $a &= "," $b &= "0," Next FileWriteLine ($file, "int dig_out[] = {" & StringTrimRight($a, 1) & "};") FileWriteLine ($file, "int dig_out_state[] = {" & StringTrimRight($b, 1) & "};") EndIf ; Declare analog inputs If $pins[0][2] > 0 Then $a="" $b="" For $i=1 To $pins[0][2] $a &= "A" $a &= $pins[$i][2]-14 $a &= "," $b &= "0," Next FileWriteLine ($file, "int an_in[] = {" & StringTrimRight($a, 1) & "};") FileWriteLine ($file, "int an_in_state[] = {" & StringTrimRight($b, 1) & "};") EndIf ; Declare analog outputs If $pins[0][3] > 0 Then $a="" $b="" For $i=1 To $pins[0][3] $a &= $pins[$i][3] $a &= "," $b &= "0," Next FileWriteLine ($file, "int an_out[] = {" & StringTrimRight($a, 1) & "};") FileWriteLine ($file, "int an_out_state[] = {" & StringTrimRight($b, 1) & "};") EndIf ; Declare Virtual Coil Variables $virt=0 For $i=0 To UBound($items)-1 If StringInStr(GUICtrlRead($items[$i]), "Virtual_Coil") <> 0 Then $virt=1 EndIf Next If $virt=1 Then ; Check if at least one virtual coil is applied Local $temp[UBound ($items)] For $i=0 To UBound($items)-2 ; Find the max virtual coil used $a=StringSplit(GUICtrlRead($items[$i]), "|", 2) If StringInStr($a[8], "Virtual_Coil") <> 0 Then $temp[$i] = StringMid($a[8], 14) EndIf Next $a="" For $i = 1 To _ArrayMax($temp, 1) $a &= "0," Next FileWriteLine($file, "int virtual_coil[] = {" & StringTrimRight($a, 1) & "};") EndIf ; Declare Counter Variables $count=0 For $i=0 To UBound($items)-1 If StringInStr(GUICtrlRead($items[$i]), "Counter") <> 0 Then $count=1 EndIf Next If $count=1 Then ; Check if at least one Counter is applied Local $coun[UBound ($items)] For $i=0 To UBound($items)-2 ; Find the max counter used $b=StringSplit(GUICtrlRead($items[$i]), "|", 2) If StringInStr($b[8], "Counter") <> 0 Then $coun[$i] = StringMid($b[8], 9) EndIf Next $a="" $ch="" For $i = 1 To _ArrayMax($coun, 1) $a &= "0," $ch &= Chr(34) & "un_ch" & Chr(34) & "," Next FileWriteLine($file, "int counter[] = {" & StringTrimRight($a, 1) & "};") FileWriteLine($file, "int counter_ch[] = {" & StringTrimRight($ch, 1) & "};") EndIf ; Declare Timers $tim="" For $i=0 To UBound($items)-2 $a=StringSplit(GUICtrlRead($items[$i]), "|", 2) If $a[11] > 0 Then $tim &= $a[11] $tim &= "," EndIf Next If $tim <> "" Then FileWriteLine($file, "int delay_val[] = {" & StringTrimRight($tim, 1) & "};") EndIf ; Declare the expression Variable $exp=0 For $i=0 To UBound($items)-1 If StringInStr(GUICtrlRead($items[$i]), "f(x)") <> 0 Then $exp=1 EndIf Next If $exp = 1 Then ; Check if at least one expression is applied FileWriteLine($file, "int exp_val = 0;") ;FileWriteLine($file, "int temp = 0;") EndIf ; Declare a variable monitoring the rule Number FileWriteLine ($file, "int rule = " & Chr(34) & "rl_num" & Chr(34) & ";") FileWriteLine($file, "") #endregion Declare Variables #region void setup() FileWriteLine($file, "void setup() {") ; Declare digital inputs If $pins[0][0] > 0 Then FileWriteLine ($file, " for (int i=0; i<" & $pins[0][0] & "; i++) {") FileWriteLine ($file, " pinMode(dig_in[i], INPUT);") FileWriteLine ($file, " }") EndIf ; Declare digital outputs If $pins[0][1] > 0 Then FileWriteLine ($file, " for (int i=0; i<" & $pins[0][1] & "; i++) {") FileWriteLine ($file, " pinMode(dig_out[i], OUTPUT);") FileWriteLine ($file, " digitalWrite(dig_out[i], LOW);") FileWriteLine ($file, " }") EndIf ; Declare analog outputs If $pins[0][3] > 0 Then FileWriteLine ($file, " for (int i=0; i<" & $pins[0][2] & "; i++) {") FileWriteLine ($file, " pinMode(an_out[i], OUTPUT);") FileWriteLine ($file, " analogWrite(an_out[i], 0);") FileWriteLine ($file, " }") EndIf ; Analog Inputs doesn't need to be declared FileWriteLine($file, "}") FileWriteLine($file, "") #endregion void setup() #region void loop() FileWriteLine($file, "void loop() {") ; Read inputs If $pins[0][0] > 0 Then FileWriteLine($file, " for (int i=0; i<" & $pins[0][0] & "; i++) {") FileWriteLine($file, " dig_in_state[i] = digitalRead(dig_in[i]);") FileWriteLine($file, " }") EndIf If $pins[0][2] > 0 Then FileWriteLine ($file, " for (int i=0; i<" & $pins[0][2] & "; i++) {") FileWriteLine ($file, " an_in_state[i] = analogRead(an_in[i]);") FileWriteLine ($file, " an_in_state[i] = map(an_in_state[i], 0, 1024, 0, 255);") FileWriteLine ($file, " }") EndIf ; THIS IS WERE THE MAGIC BEGINS For $i=0 To ($rule_count-1) $rul=StringSplit(GUICtrlRead($items[$i]), "|", 2) ;$delay_index = 0 $counter_changed_check = "" #region Create the output of the rule (e.g. " digitalWrite(dig_out[0], HIGH); " ) Local $output[4] = ["", "", "", ""] ; Create the value If $rul[10] = "High" Then $out_val_to_write = "HIGH" ElseIf $rul[10] = "Low" Then $out_val_to_write = "LOW" ElseIf StringIsDigit($rul[10]) = 1 Then $out_val_to_write = $rul[10] ElseIf StringInStr($rul[10], "f(x)") <> 0 Then $out_val_to_write = "exp_val" EndIf ; Create the pin If $names[0][1] > 0 Then ; DO For $j=1 To $names[0][1] If $rul[8] = $names[$j][1] Then $out_pin_to_write = "dig_out[" & $j-1 & "]" $out_pin_state_to_write = "dig_out_state[" & $j-1 & "]" ; <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< EndIf Next EndIf If $names[0][3] > 0 Then ; AO For $j=1 To $names[0][3] If $rul[8] = $names[$j][3] Then $out_pin_to_write = "an_out[" & $j-1 & "]" $out_pin_state_to_write = "an_out_state[" & $j-1 & "]" ; <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< EndIf Next EndIf If StringInStr($rul[8], "Virtual_Coil") <> 0 Then ; Virtual Coil $out_pin_to_write = "virtual_coil[" & StringMid($rul[8], 14)-1 & "]" EndIf If StringInStr($rul[8], "Counter") <> 0 Then ; Counter $out_pin_to_write = "counter[" & StringMid($rul[8], 9)-1 & "]" EndIf ; Combine the pin and the value. Also insert the delay value If $rul[11] > 0 Then $output[0] = "delay (" & $rul[11] & ");" ;$output[0] = "delay (delay_val[" & $delay_index & "]);" ;$delay_index += 1 EndIf If StringInStr($out_pin_to_write, "dig_out") <> 0 Then ; DO $output[3] = "digitalWrite(" & $out_pin_to_write & ", " & $out_val_to_write & ");" ElseIf StringInStr($out_pin_to_write, "an_out") <> 0 Then ; AO If StringInStr($rul[9], "f(x)") <> 0 Then ; Expression If $names[0][3] > 0 Then ; AO $a=StringSplit($rul[10], "\", 2) For $x=1 To $names[0][3] If $a[1] = $names[$x][3] Then $b = "an_out_state[" & $x-1 & "]" EndIf Next EndIf If $names[0][2] > 0 Then ; AI $a=StringSplit($rul[10], "\", 2) For $x=1 To $names[0][2] If $a[1] = $names[$x][2] Then $b = "an_in_state[" & $x-1 & "]" EndIf Next EndIf $output[1] = "exp_val = " & $b & $a[2] & $a[3] & ";" ;If StringInStr($b, "an_in") <> 0 Then ; $output[2] = "exp_val = map(temp, 0, 1024, 0, 255);" ;Else ; $output[2] = "exp_val = temp;" ;EndIf EndIf $output[3] = "analogWrite(" & $out_pin_to_write & ", " & $out_val_to_write & ");" ElseIf StringInStr($out_pin_to_write, "virtual_coil") <> 0 Then ; Virtual_Coil $output[3] = $out_pin_to_write & " = " & $out_val_to_write & ";" ElseIf StringInStr($out_pin_to_write, "counter") <> 0 Then ; Counter If $rul[9] = "=" Then $output[3] = $out_pin_to_write & " " & $rul[9] & " " & $out_val_to_write & ";" Else $output[3] = $out_pin_to_write & " " & $rul[9] & "= " & $out_val_to_write & ";" EndIf EndIf #endregion #region Create the first input of the rule (e.g. " if (dig_in_state[0] == HIGH) { ") ; Create the value $input_1 = "" If $rul[3] = "High" Then ; Digital $in_1_val_to_write = "HIGH" ElseIf $rul[3] = "Low" Then ; Digital $in_1_val_to_write = "LOW" ElseIf StringInStr($rul[3], "<<>>") <> 0 Then ; Comparison $comp_expr = StringSplit($rul[3], "\", 2) $in_1_val_to_write = $comp_expr[5] Else ; Analog value $in_1_val_to_write = $rul[3] EndIf ; Create the comparator If $rul[2] = "=" Then $in_1_comp_to_write = "==" ElseIf $rul[2] = "<<>>" Then If $comp_expr[4] = "=" Then $in_1_comp_to_write = "==" Else $in_1_comp_to_write = $comp_expr[4] EndIf Else $in_1_comp_to_write = $rul[2] EndIf ; Create the Pin If $names[0][0] > 0 Then ; DI For $j=1 To $names[0][0] If $rul[1] = $names[$j][0] Then $in_1_pin_to_write = "dig_in_state[" & $j-1 & "]" EndIf Next EndIf If $names[0][2] > 0 Then ; AI For $j=1 To $names[0][2] If $rul[1] = $names[$j][2] Then $in_1_pin_to_write = "an_in_state[" & $j-1 & "]" EndIf Next EndIf If $names[0][1] > 0 Then ; DO ; <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< For $j=1 To $names[0][1] ; <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< If $rul[1] = $names[$j][1] Then ; <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< $in_1_pin_to_write = "dig_out_state[" & $j-1 & "]" ; <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< EndIf ; <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Next ; <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< EndIf ; <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< If $names[0][3] > 0 Then ; AO ; <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< For $j=1 To $names[0][3] ; <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< If $rul[1] = $names[$j][3] Then ; <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< $in_1_pin_to_write = "an_out_state[" & $j-1 & "]" ; <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< EndIf ; <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Next ; <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< EndIf ; ; <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< If StringInStr($rul[3], "<<>>") <> 0 Then For $j=1 To $names[0][2] ; 1st AI If $comp_expr[1] = $names[$j][2] Then $in_1_pin_to_write = "(an_in_state[" & $j-1 & "]" EndIf Next For $j=1 To $names[0][3] ; 1st AO If $comp_expr[1] = $names[$j][3] Then $in_1_pin_to_write = "(an_out_state[" & $j-1 & "]" EndIf Next $in_1_pin_to_write &= " " & $comp_expr[2] & " " For $j=1 To $names[0][2] ; 2nd AI If $comp_expr[3] = $names[$j][2] Then $in_1_pin_to_write &= "an_in_state[" & $j-1 & "])" EndIf Next For $j=1 To $names[0][3] ; 2nd AO If $comp_expr[3] = $names[$j][3] Then $in_1_pin_to_write &= "an_out_state[" & $j-1 & "])" EndIf Next EndIf If StringInStr($rul[1], "Virtual_Coil") <> 0 Then ; Virtual Coil $in_1_pin_to_write = "virtual_coil[" & StringMid($rul[1], 14)-1 & "]" EndIf If StringInStr($rul[1], "Counter") <> 0 Then ; Counter $in_1_pin_to_write = "counter[" & StringMid($rul[1], 9)-1 & "]" EndIf If StringInStr($rul[8], "Counter") <> 0 Then ; If the output is a Counter then add another check $counter_changed_check = "&& counter_ch[" & StringMid($rul[8], 9)-1 & "] != rule" EndIf ; Combine the Pin, the comparator and the value If $rul[1] <> "" Then $input_1 = $in_1_pin_to_write & " " & $in_1_comp_to_write & " " & $in_1_val_to_write & " " & $counter_changed_check EndIf #endregion ; Create the logical If $rul[4] = "AND" Then $logical_to_write = "&&" ElseIf $rul[4] = "OR" Then $logical_to_write = "||" EndIf #region Create the second input of the rule (e.g. " && dig_in_state[1] == HIGH) { ") $input_2 = "" ; Create the value If $rul[7] = "High" Then $in_2_val_to_write = "HIGH" ElseIf $rul[7] = "Low" Then $in_2_val_to_write = "LOW" ElseIf StringInStr($rul[7], "<<>>") <> 0 Then ; Comparison $comp_expr = StringSplit($rul[7], "\", 2) $in_2_val_to_write = $comp_expr[5] Else ; Analog value $in_2_val_to_write = $rul[7] EndIf ; Create the comparator If $rul[6] = "=" Then $in_2_comp_to_write = "==" ElseIf $rul[6] = "<<>>" Then If $comp_expr[4] = "=" Then $in_2_comp_to_write = "==" Else $in_2_comp_to_write = $comp_expr[4] EndIf Else $in_2_comp_to_write = $rul[6] EndIf ; Create the Pin If $names[0][0] > 0 Then ; DI For $j=1 To $names[0][0] If $rul[5] = $names[$j][0] Then $in_2_pin_to_write = "dig_in_state[" & $j-1 & "]" EndIf Next EndIf If $names[0][2] > 0 Then ; AI For $j=1 To $names[0][2] If $rul[5] = $names[$j][2] Then $in_2_pin_to_write = "an_in_state[" & $j-1 & "]" EndIf Next EndIf If $names[0][1] > 0 Then ; DO ; <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< For $j=1 To $names[0][1] ; <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< If $rul[5] = $names[$j][1] Then ; <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< $in_2_pin_to_write = "dig_out_state[" & $j-1 & "]" ; <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< EndIf ; <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Next ; <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< EndIf ; <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< If $names[0][3] > 0 Then ; AO ; <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< For $j=1 To $names[0][3] ; <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< If $rul[5] = $names[$j][3] Then ; <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< $in_2_pin_to_write = "an_out_state[" & $j-1 & "]" ; <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< EndIf ; <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Next ; <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< EndIf ; <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< If StringInStr($rul[7], "<<>>") <> 0 Then For $j=1 To $names[0][2] ; 1st AI If $comp_expr[1] = $names[$j][2] Then $in_2_pin_to_write = "(an_in_state[" & $j-1 & "]" EndIf Next For $j=1 To $names[0][3] ; 1st AO If $comp_expr[1] = $names[$j][3] Then $in_2_pin_to_write = "(an_out_state[" & $j-1 & "]" EndIf Next $in_2_pin_to_write &= " " & $comp_expr[2] & " " For $j=1 To $names[0][2] ; 2nd AI If $comp_expr[3] = $names[$j][2] Then $in_2_pin_to_write &= "an_in_state[" & $j-1 & "])" EndIf Next For $j=1 To $names[0][3] ; 2nd AO If $comp_expr[3] = $names[$j][3] Then $in_2_pin_to_write &= "an_out_state[" & $j-1 & "])" EndIf Next EndIf If StringInStr($rul[5], "Virtual_Coil") <> 0 Then ; Virtual Coil $in_2_pin_to_write = "virtual_coil[" & StringMid($rul[5], 14)-1 & "]" EndIf If StringInStr($rul[5], "Counter") <> 0 Then ; Counter $in_2_pin_to_write = "counter[" & StringMid($rul[5], 9)-1 & "]" EndIf If StringInStr($rul[8], "Counter") <> 0 Then ; If the output is a Counter then add another check $counter_changed_check = "&& counter_ch[" & StringMid($rul[8], 9)-1 & "] != rule" EndIf ; Combine the Pin, the comparator and the value If $rul[5] <> "" Then $input_2 = $in_2_pin_to_write & " " & $in_2_comp_to_write & " " & $in_2_val_to_write & " " & $counter_changed_check EndIf #endregion #region Combine The Inputs And The Outputs To Create The Rule FileWriteLine($file, " rule = " & $i & ";" & " //*** Rule_" & $i & " ***") ; update the variable which monitors the rule number If $rul[1] = "" And $rul[5] = "" Then ; Case inputs are empty $out = "" If $output[0] <> "" Then ; Delay $out &= " " & $output[0] & " //*** Rule_" & $i & " ***" & @LF EndIf If $output[1] <> "" Then ; temp variable $out &= " " & $output[1] & " //*** Rule_" & $i & " ***" & @LF ;EndIf ;If $output[2] <> "" Then ; exp_val variable ;$out &= " " & $output[2] & " //*** Rule_" & $i & " ***" & @LF $out &= " exp_val = constrain(exp_val, 0, 255);" & " //*** Rule_" & $i & " ***" & @LF ;$out &= " " & "if (exp_val >= 255) {" & " //*** Rule_" & $i & " ***" & @LF ;$out &= " " & "exp_val = 255" & " //*** Rule_" & $i & " ***" & @LF ;$out &= " }" & " //*** Rule_" & $i & " ***" & @LF ;$out &= " " & "if (exp_val < 0) {" & " //*** Rule_" & $i & " ***" & @LF ;$out &= " " & "exp_val = 0" & " //*** Rule_" & $i & " ***" & @LF ;$out &= " }" & " //*** Rule_" & $i & " ***" & @LF EndIf If $output[3] <> "" Then ; pin $out &= " " & $output[3] & " //*** Rule_" & $i & " ***" & @LF If StringInStr($output[3], "Counter") = 0 And StringInStr($output[3], "Virtual_Coil") = 0 Then; <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< $out &= " " & $out_pin_state_to_write & " = " & $out_val_to_write & ";" & " //*** Rule_" & $i & " ***"; <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< EndIf; <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< EndIf FileWriteLine($file, $out) If StringInStr($output[3], "Counter") <> 0 Then FileWriteLine($file, " counter_ch[" & StringMid($rul[8], 9)-1 & "] = rule; //*** Rule " & $i & " ***" & @LF) EndIf ElseIf $rul[1] <> "" And $rul[5] = "" Then ; Case input 1 $out = "" If $output[0] <> "" Then $out &= " " & $output[0] & " //*** Rule_" & $i & " ***" & @LF EndIf If $output[1] <> "" Then $out &= " " & $output[1] & " //*** Rule_" & $i & " ***" & @LF ;EndIf ;If $output[2] <> "" Then ; $out &= " " & $output[2] & " //*** Rule_" & $i & " ***" & @LF $out &= " exp_val = constrain(exp_val, 0, 255);" & " //*** Rule_" & $i & " ***" & @LF ;$out &= " " & "if (exp_val >= 255) {" & " //*** Rule_" & $i & " ***" & @LF ;$out &= " " & "exp_val = 255" & " //*** Rule_" & $i & " ***" & @LF ;$out &= " }" & " //*** Rule_" & $i & " ***" & @LF ;$out &= " " & "if (exp_val < 0) {" & " //*** Rule_" & $i & " ***" & @LF ;$out &= " " & "exp_val = 0" & " //*** Rule_" & $i & " ***" & @LF ;$out &= " }" & " //*** Rule_" & $i & " ***" & @LF EndIf If $output[3] <> "" Then $out &= " " & $output[3] & " //*** Rule_" & $i & " ***" & @LF If StringInStr($output[3], "Counter") = 0 And StringInStr($output[3], "Virtual_Coil") = 0 Then; <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< $out &= " " & $out_pin_state_to_write & " = " & $out_val_to_write & ";" & " //*** Rule_" & $i & " ***"; <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< EndIf; <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< EndIf FileWriteLine($file, " if (" & $input_1 & ") {" & " //*** Rule_" & $i & " ***") FileWriteLine($file, $out) If StringInStr($output[3], "Counter") <> 0 Then FileWriteLine($file, " counter_ch[" & StringMid($rul[8], 9)-1 & "] = rule; //*** Rule " & $i & " ***" & @LF) #region Create an opposite input ; Create the value $input_1_opposite = "" If $rul[3] = "High" Then $in_1_val_to_write_opposite = "HIGH" ElseIf $rul[3] = "Low" Then $in_1_val_to_write_opposite = "LOW" Else $in_1_val_to_write_opposite = $rul[3] EndIf ; Create the comparator If $rul[2] = "=" Then $in_1_comp_to_write_opposite = "!=" ElseIf $rul[2] = ">" Then $in_1_comp_to_write_opposite = "<=" ElseIf $rul[2] = "<" Then $in_1_comp_to_write_opposite = ">=" ElseIf $rul[2] = ">=" Then $in_1_comp_to_write_opposite = "<" ElseIf $rul[2] = "<=" Then $in_1_comp_to_write_opposite = ">" EndIf ; Create the Pin If $names[0][0] > 0 Then ; DI For $j=1 To $names[0][0] If $rul[1] = $names[$j][0] Then $in_1_pin_to_write_opposite = "dig_in_state[" & $j-1 & "]" EndIf Next EndIf If $names[0][2] > 0 Then ; AI For $j=1 To $names[0][2] If $rul[1] = $names[$j][2] Then $in_1_pin_to_write_opposite = "an_in_state[" & $j-1 & "]" EndIf Next EndIf If StringInStr($rul[1], "Virtual_Coil") <> 0 Then ; Virtual Coil $in_1_pin_to_write_opposite = "virtual_coil[" & StringMid($rul[1], 14)-1 & "]" EndIf If StringInStr($rul[1], "Counter") <> 0 Then ; Counter $in_1_pin_to_write_opposite = "counter[" & StringMid($rul[1], 9)-1 & "]" EndIf ; Combine the Pin, the comparator and the value If $rul[1] <> "" Then $input_1_opposite = $in_1_pin_to_write_opposite & " " & $in_1_comp_to_write_opposite & " " & $in_1_val_to_write_opposite EndIf #endregion EndIf FileWriteLine($file, " } //*** Rule_" & $i & " ***") ; Write the opposite input If StringInStr($output[3], "Counter") <> 0 Then FileWriteLine($file, " if (" & $input_1_opposite & ") {" & " //*** Rule_" & $i & " ***") FileWriteLine($file, " counter_ch[" & StringMid($rul[8], 9)-1 & "] = " & Chr(34) & "un_ch" & Chr(34) & "; //*** Rule " & $i & " ***" & @LF) FileWriteLine($file, " } //*** Rule " & $i & " ***" & @LF) EndIf ElseIf $rul[1] = "" And $rul[5] <> "" Then ; Case input 2 $out = "" If $output[0] <> "" Then $out &= " " & $output[0] & " //*** Rule_" & $i & " ***" & @LF EndIf If $output[1] <> "" Then $out &= " " & $output[1] & " //*** Rule_" & $i & " ***" & @LF ;EndIf ;If $output[2] <> "" Then ; $out &= " " & $output[2] & " //*** Rule_" & $i & " ***" & @LF $out &= " exp_val = constrain(exp_val, 0, 255);" & " //*** Rule_" & $i & " ***" & @LF ;$out &= " " & "if (exp_val >= 255) {" & " //*** Rule_" & $i & " ***" & @LF ;$out &= " " & "exp_val = 255" & " //*** Rule_" & $i & " ***" & @LF ;$out &= " }" & " //*** Rule_" & $i & " ***" & @LF ;$out &= " " & "if (exp_val < 0) {" & " //*** Rule_" & $i & " ***" & @LF ;$out &= " " & "exp_val = 0" & " //*** Rule_" & $i & " ***" & @LF ;$out &= " }" & " //*** Rule_" & $i & " ***" & @LF EndIf If $output[3] <> "" Then $out &= " " & $output[3] & " //*** Rule_" & $i & " ***" & @LF If StringInStr($output[3], "Counter") = 0 And StringInStr($output[3], "Virtual_Coil") = 0 Then; <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< $out &= " " & $out_pin_state_to_write & " = " & $out_val_to_write & ";" & " //*** Rule_" & $i & " ***"; <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< EndIf; <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< EndIf FileWriteLine($file, " if (" & $input_2 & ") {" & " //*** Rule_" & $i & " ***") FileWriteLine($file, $out) If StringInStr($output[3], "Counter") <> 0 Then FileWriteLine($file, " counter_ch[" & StringMid($rul[8], 9)-1 & "] = rule; //*** Rule " & $i & " ***" & @LF) #region Create an opposite input ; Create the value $input_2_opposite = "" If $rul[7] = "High" Then $in_2_val_to_write_opposite = "HIGH" ElseIf $rul[7] = "Low" Then $in_2_val_to_write_opposite = "LOW" Else $in_2_val_to_write_opposite = $rul[3] EndIf ; Create the comparator If $rul[6] = "=" Then $in_2_comp_to_write_opposite = "!=" ElseIf $rul[6] = ">" Then $in_2_comp_to_write_opposite = "<=" ElseIf $rul[6] = "<" Then $in_2_comp_to_write_opposite = ">=" ElseIf $rul[6] = ">=" Then $in_2_comp_to_write_opposite = "<" ElseIf $rul[6] = "<=" Then $in_2_comp_to_write_opposite = ">" EndIf ; Create the Pin If $names[0][0] > 0 Then ; DI For $j=1 To $names[0][0] If $rul[5] = $names[$j][0] Then $in_2_pin_to_write_opposite = "dig_in_state[" & $j-1 & "]" EndIf Next EndIf If $names[0][2] > 0 Then ; AI For $j=1 To $names[0][2] If $rul[5] = $names[$j][2] Then $in_2_pin_to_write_opposite = "an_in_state[" & $j-1 & "]" EndIf Next EndIf If StringInStr($rul[5], "Virtual_Coil") <> 0 Then ; Virtual Coil $in_2_pin_to_write_opposite = "virtual_coil[" & StringMid($rul[1], 14)-1 & "]" EndIf If StringInStr($rul[5], "Counter") <> 0 Then ; Counter $in_2_pin_to_write_opposite = "counter[" & StringMid($rul[1], 9)-1 & "]" EndIf If $rul[5] <> "" Then $input_2_opposite = $in_2_pin_to_write_opposite & " " & $in_2_comp_to_write_opposite & " " & $in_2_val_to_write_opposite EndIf #endregion EndIf FileWriteLine($file, " } //*** Rule_" & $i & " ***") ; Write the opposite input If StringInStr($output[3], "Counter") <> 0 Then FileWriteLine($file, " if (" & $input_2_opposite & ") {" & " //*** Rule_" & $i & " ***") FileWriteLine($file, " counter_ch[" & StringMid($rul[8], 9)-1 & "] = " & Chr(34) & "un_ch" & Chr(34) & "; //*** Rule " & $i & " ***" & @LF) FileWriteLine($file, " } //*** Rule " & $i & " ***" & @LF) EndIf ElseIf $rul[1] <> "" And $rul[5] <> "" Then ; Case Both Inputs $out = "" If $output[0] <> "" Then $out &= " " & $output[0] & " //*** Rule_" & $i & " ***" & @LF EndIf If $output[1] <> "" Then $out &= " " & $output[1] & " //*** Rule_" & $i & " ***" & @LF ;EndIf ;If $output[2] <> "" Then ; $out &= " " & $output[2] & " //*** Rule_" & $i & " ***" & @LF $out &= " exp_val = constrain(exp_val, 0, 255);" & " //*** Rule_" & $i & " ***" & @LF ;$out &= " " & "if (exp_val >= 255) {" & " //*** Rule_" & $i & " ***" & @LF ;$out &= " " & "exp_val = 255" & " //*** Rule_" & $i & " ***" & @LF ;$out &= " }" & " //*** Rule_" & $i & " ***" & @LF ;$out &= " " & "if (exp_val < 0) {" & " //*** Rule_" & $i & " ***" & @LF ;$out &= " " & "exp_val = 0" & " //*** Rule_" & $i & " ***" & @LF ;$out &= " }" & " //*** Rule_" & $i & " ***" & @LF EndIf If $output[3] <> "" Then $out &= " " & $output[3] & " //*** Rule_" & $i & " ***" & @LF If StringInStr($output[3], "Counter") = 0 And StringInStr($output[3], "Virtual_Coil") = 0 Then; <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< $out &= " " & $out_pin_state_to_write & " = " & $out_val_to_write & ";" & " //*** Rule_" & $i & " ***"; <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< EndIf; <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< EndIf FileWriteLine($file, " if (" & $input_1 & " " & $logical_to_write & " " & $input_2 & ") {" & " //*** Rule_" & $i & " ***") FileWriteLine($file, $out) If StringInStr($output[3], "Counter") <> 0 Then FileWriteLine($file, " counter_ch[" & StringMid($rul[8], 9)-1 & "] = rule; //*** Rule " & $i & " ***" & @LF) #region Create an opposite input_1 ; Create the value $input_1_opposite = "" If $rul[3] = "High" Then $in_1_val_to_write_opposite = "HIGH" ElseIf $rul[3] = "Low" Then $in_1_val_to_write_opposite = "LOW" Else $in_1_val_to_write_opposite = $rul[3] EndIf ; Create the comparator If $rul[2] = "=" Then $in_1_comp_to_write_opposite = "!=" ElseIf $rul[2] = ">" Then $in_1_comp_to_write_opposite = "<=" ElseIf $rul[2] = "<" Then $in_1_comp_to_write_opposite = ">=" ElseIf $rul[2] = ">=" Then $in_1_comp_to_write_opposite = "<" ElseIf $rul[2] = "<=" Then $in_1_comp_to_write_opposite = ">" EndIf ; Create the Pin If $names[0][0] > 0 Then ; DI For $j=1 To $names[0][0] If $rul[1] = $names[$j][0] Then $in_1_pin_to_write_opposite = "dig_in_state[" & $j-1 & "]" EndIf Next EndIf If $names[0][2] > 0 Then ; AI For $j=1 To $names[0][2] If $rul[1] = $names[$j][2] Then $in_1_pin_to_write_opposite = "an_in_state[" & $j-1 & "]" EndIf Next EndIf If StringInStr($rul[1], "Virtual_Coil") <> 0 Then ; Virtual Coil $in_1_pin_to_write_opposite = "virtual_coil[" & StringMid($rul[1], 14)-1 & "]" EndIf If StringInStr($rul[1], "Counter") <> 0 Then ; Counter $in_1_pin_to_write_opposite = "counter[" & StringMid($rul[1], 9)-1 & "]" EndIf ; Combine the Pin, the comparator and the value If $rul[1] <> "" Then $input_1_opposite = $in_1_pin_to_write_opposite & " " & $in_1_comp_to_write_opposite & " " & $in_1_val_to_write_opposite EndIf #endregion #region Create an opposite input_2 ; Create the value $input_2_opposite = "" If $rul[7] = "High" Then $in_2_val_to_write_opposite = "HIGH" ElseIf $rul[7] = "Low" Then $in_2_val_to_write_opposite = "LOW" Else $in_2_val_to_write_opposite = $rul[3] EndIf ; Create the comparator If $rul[6] = "=" Then $in_2_comp_to_write_opposite = "!=" ElseIf $rul[6] = ">" Then $in_2_comp_to_write_opposite = "<=" ElseIf $rul[6] = "<" Then $in_2_comp_to_write_opposite = ">=" ElseIf $rul[6] = ">=" Then $in_2_comp_to_write_opposite = "<" ElseIf $rul[6] = "<=" Then $in_2_comp_to_write_opposite = ">" EndIf ; Create the Pin If $names[0][0] > 0 Then ; DI For $j=1 To $names[0][0] If $rul[5] = $names[$j][0] Then $in_2_pin_to_write_opposite = "dig_in_state[" & $j-1 & "]" EndIf Next EndIf If $names[0][2] > 0 Then ; AI For $j=1 To $names[0][2] If $rul[5] = $names[$j][2] Then $in_2_pin_to_write_opposite = "an_in_state[" & $j-1 & "]" EndIf Next EndIf If StringInStr($rul[5], "Virtual_Coil") <> 0 Then ; Virtual Coil $in_2_pin_to_write_opposite = "virtual_coil[" & StringMid($rul[1], 14)-1 & "]" EndIf If StringInStr($rul[5], "Counter") <> 0 Then ; Counter $in_2_pin_to_write_opposite = "counter[" & StringMid($rul[1], 9)-1 & "]" EndIf If $rul[5] <> "" Then $input_2_opposite = $in_2_pin_to_write_opposite & " " & $in_2_comp_to_write_opposite & " " & $in_2_val_to_write_opposite EndIf #endregion EndIf FileWriteLine($file, " } //*** Rule_" & $i & " ***") ; Write the opposite inputs If StringInStr($output[3], "Counter") <> 0 Then If $rul[4] = "AND" Then $opposite_comp = "||" ElseIf $rul[4] = "OR" Then $opposite_comp = "&&" EndIf FileWriteLine($file, " if (" & $input_1_opposite & " " & $opposite_comp & " " & $input_2_opposite & ") {" & " //*** Rule_" & $i & " ***") FileWriteLine($file, " counter_ch[" & StringMid($rul[8], 9)-1 & "] = " & Chr(34) & "un_ch" & Chr(34) & "; //*** Rule " & $i & " ***" & @LF) FileWriteLine($file, " } //*** Rule " & $i & " ***" & @LF) EndIf EndIf #endregion Next FileWriteLine($file, "}") #endregion void loop() FileClose ($file) ShellExecute (@ScriptDir & "/" & $file_name & ".txt") EndFunc ; #FUNCTION# ; Name...........: _check_syntax ; Description ...: Checks the syntax of the rule about to be applied ; Parameters ....: Array containing the controlID's of the Rule combos ; Array containing the controlID's of the Settings combos ; Return values .: Returns "OK" if syntax is correct ; Returns "ERROR" if syntax is false ; ============================================================================================================================================ Func _check_syntax($combos, $settings) $names = _read_settings_names($settings) $rule = _read_rule_combos($combos) $check_out = 1 $check_in_1 = 1 $check_in_2 = 1 #region Check Output If $rule[8] = "" Then MsgBox (16, "OUTPUT-ERROR", "Output Has Not Been Set. Fix and Continue") $check_out = 0 Else If _ArraySearch($names, $rule[8], 1, $names[0][1], 0, 0, 1, 1) <> -1 Then ; If output is a digital output If $rule[9] = "" Then MsgBox (16, "OUTPUT-ERROR", "Output Comparator Has Not Been Set. Fix and Continue") $check_out = 0 Else If $rule[10] = "" Then MsgBox (16, "OUTPUT-ERROR", "Output Value Has Not Been Set. Fix and Continue") $check_out = 0 EndIf EndIf EndIf If _ArraySearch($names, $rule[8], 1, $names[0][3], 0, 0, 1, 3) <> -1 Then ; If output is an analog output If $rule[9] = "" Then MsgBox (16, "OUTPUT-ERROR", "Output Comparator Has Not Been Set. Fix and Continue") $check_out = 0 Else If $rule[10] = "" Then MsgBox (16, "OUTPUT-ERROR", "Output Value Has Not Been Set. Fix and Continue") $check_out = 0 Else If $rule[10] < 0 Or $rule[10] > 254 Then MsgBox (16, "OUTPUT-ERROR", "Output Value Is Not Between 0 and 254. Fix and Continue") $check_out = 0 EndIf EndIf EndIf EndIf If StringInStr($rule[8], "Virtual_Coil") <> 0 Then ; If output is a Virtual Coil If $rule[9] = "" Then MsgBox (16, "OUTPUT-ERROR", "Output Comparator Has Not Been Set. Fix and Continue") $check_out = 0 Else If $rule[10] = "" Then MsgBox (16, "OUTPUT-ERROR", "Output Value Has Not Been Set. Fix and Continue") $check_out = 0 EndIf EndIf EndIf If StringInStr($rule[8], "Counter") <> 0 Then ; If output is a Counter If $rule[9] = "" Then MsgBox (16, "OUTPUT-ERROR", "Output Comparator Has Not Been Set. Fix and Continue") $check_out = 0 Else If $rule[10] = "" Then MsgBox (16, "OUTPUT-ERROR", "Output Value Has Not Been Set. Fix and Continue") $check_out = 0 Else If $rule[10] < 0 Then MsgBox (16, "OUTPUT-ERROR", "Output Value Must Be Greater Than 0. Fix and Continue") $check_out = 0 EndIf EndIf EndIf EndIf EndIf #endregion #region Check Input 1 If $rule[1] <> "" Then If _ArraySearch($names, $rule[1], 1, $names[0][0], 0, 0, 1, 0) <> -1 Then ; If input is a digital input If $rule[2] = "" Then MsgBox(16, "INPUT-ERROR", "Input_A Comparator Has Not Been Set. Fix and Continue") $check_in_1 = 0 Else If $rule[3] = "" Then MsgBox(16, "INPUT-ERROR", "Input_A Value Has Not Been Set. Fix and Continue") $check_in_1 = 0 EndIf EndIf EndIf If _ArraySearch($names, $rule[1], 1, $names[0][2], 0, 0, 1, 2) <> -1 Then ; If input is an analog input If $rule[2] = "" Then MsgBox(16, "INPUT-ERROR", "Input_A Comparator Has Not Been Set. Fix and Continue") $check_in_1 = 0 Else If $rule[3] = "" Then MsgBox(16, "INPUT-ERROR", "Input_A Value Has Not Been Set. Fix and Continue") $check_in_1 = 0 Else If $rule[3] < 0 Or $rule[3] > 1024 Then MsgBox(16, "INPUT-ERROR", "INPUT_A Value Is Not Between 0 and 1024. Fix and Continue") $check_in_1 = 0 EndIf EndIf EndIf EndIf If StringInStr($rule[1], "Virtual_Coil") <> 0 Then If $rule[2] = "" Then MsgBox(16, "INPUT-ERROR", "Input_A Comparator Has Not Been Set. Fix and Continue") $check_in_1 = 0 Else If $rule[3] = "" Then MsgBox(16, "INPUT-ERROR", "Input_A Value Has Not Been Set. Fix and Continue") $check_in_1 = 0 EndIf EndIf EndIf If StringInStr($rule[1], "Counter") <> 0 Then If $rule[2] = "" Then MsgBox(16, "INPUT-ERROR", "Input_A Comparator Has Not Been Set. Fix and Continue") $check_in_1 = 0 Else If $rule[3] = "" Then MsgBox(16, "INPUT-ERROR", "Input_A Value Has Not Been Set. Fix and Continue") $check_in_1 = 0 Else If $rule[3] <= 0 Then MsgBox(16, "INPUT-ERROR", "INPUT_A Value Must Be Greater Than 0. Fix and Continue") $check_in_1 = 0 EndIf EndIf EndIf EndIf EndIf #endregion Check Input 1 #region Check Input 2 If $rule[5] <> "" Then If _ArraySearch($names, $rule[5], 1, $names[0][0], 0, 0, 1, 0) <> -1 Then ; If input is a digital input If $rule[6] = "" Then MsgBox(16, "INPUT-ERROR", "Input_B Comparator Has Not Been Set. Fix and Continue") $check_in_2 = 0 Else If $rule[7] = "" Then MsgBox(16, "INPUT-ERROR", "Input_B Value Has Not Been Set. Fix and Continue") $check_in_2 = 0 EndIf EndIf EndIf If _ArraySearch($names, $rule[5], 1, $names[0][2], 0, 0, 1, 2) <> -1 Then ; If input is an analog input If $rule[6] = "" Then MsgBox(16, "INPUT-ERROR", "Input_B Comparator Has Not Been Set. Fix and Continue") $check_in_2 = 0 Else If $rule[7] = "" Then MsgBox(16, "INPUT-ERROR", "Input_B Value Has Not Been Set. Fix and Continue") $check_in_2 = 0 Else If $rule[7] < 0 Or $rule[7] > 1024 Then MsgBox(16, "INPUT-ERROR", "Input_B Value Is Not Between 0 and 1024. Fix and Continue") $check_in_2 = 0 EndIf EndIf EndIf EndIf If StringInStr($rule[5], "Virtual_Coil") <> 0 Then If $rule[6] = "" Then MsgBox(16, "INPUT-ERROR", "Input_B Comparator Has Not Been Set. Fix and Continue") $check_in_2 = 0 Else If $rule[7] = "" Then MsgBox(16, "INPUT-ERROR", "Input_B Value Has Not Been Set. Fix and Continue") $check_in_2 = 0 EndIf EndIf EndIf If StringInStr($rule[5], "Counter") <> 0 Then If $rule[6] = "" Then MsgBox(16, "INPUT-ERROR", "Input_B Comparator Has Not Been Set. Fix and Continue") $check_in_2 = 0 Else If $rule[7] = "" Then MsgBox(16, "INPUT-ERROR", "Input_B Value Has Not Been Set. Fix and Continue") $check_in_2 = 0 Else If $rule[7] <= 0 Then MsgBox(16, "INPUT-ERROR", "Input_B Value Must Be Greater Than 0. Fix and Continue") $check_in_2 = 0 EndIf EndIf EndIf EndIf If $rule[4] <> "AND" And $rule[4] <> "OR" And $rule[1] <> "" Then MsgBox(16, "INPUT-ERROR", "Logical Action Must Not Be Empty. Fix and Continue") $check_in_2 = 0 EndIf EndIf #endregion Check Input 2 If ($check_out + $check_in_1 + $check_in_2) = 3 Then Return "OK" Else Return "ERROR" EndIf EndFunc ; #FUNCTION# ; Name...........: _read_rules_from_file ; Description ...: Reads the rules from a file previously created from the _write_project_to_file() function ; Parameters ....: The full name of the file to read from ; Return values .: An array containing the read rules ; ============================================================================================================================================ Func _read_rules_from_file($file_name="") If $file_name="" Then $project_name = FileOpenDialog ("Open Project", @ScriptDir & "\", "NAG Projects (*.nag)", 3) Else $project_name = $file_name EndIf Local $rules[1] $file=FileOpen($project_name, 0) While 1 $line = FileReadLine($file) If StringInStr($line, "Rules_START") <> 0 Then $x=0 While StringInStr($line, "Rules_END") = 0 $line = FileReadLine($file) If StringInStr($line, "|") <> 0 Then $rules[$x] = $line ReDim $rules[$x+2] $x += 1 EndIf WEnd ExitLoop EndIf WEnd Return $rules EndFunc ; #FUNCTION# ; Name...........: _read_settings_from_file ; Description ...: Reads the pin settings from a file previously created from the _write_project_to_file() function ; Parameters ....: The full name of the file to read from ; Return values .: An array containing the pin settings and names ; ============================================================================================================================================ Func _read_settings_from_file($file_name="") If $file_name="" Then $project_name = FileOpenDialog ("Open Project", @ScriptDir & "\", "NAG Projects (*.nag)", 3) Else $project_name = $file_name EndIf Local $settings[20][2] $file=FileOpen($project_name, 0) While 1 $line = FileReadLine($file) If StringInStr($line, "Settings_START") <> 0 Then $x=0 While StringInStr($line, "Settings_END") = 0 $line = FileReadLine($file) If StringInStr($line, ":") <> 0 Then ; without this check script crash $a=StringSplit($line, ":", 2) $settings[$x][0] = $a[1] $settings[$x][1] = $a[2] $x += 1 EndIf WEnd ExitLoop EndIf WEnd Return $settings EndFunc ; #FUNCTION# ; Name...........: _write_project_to_file ; Description ...: Reads the Settings and Rules and writes them in a file ; Parameters ....: Array containing the controlID's of the settings combos ; Array containing the controlID's of the list items in the list view ; Default name for the file ; Variable to set if the function should check for file existance or not (0=don't check 1=check) ; Return values .: No value returned just creates the file ; ============================================================================================================================================ Func _write_project_to_file($combos, $list, $name="", $check=0) $project_name = $name $ok_to_write = 1 If $check = 1 Then While 1 If FileExists($project_name) = 1 Then ; If file exists ask for overwrite $conf=MsgBox (262435, "File Save Error", "The specified file allready exists, Overwrite?") If $conf=6 Then ; Yes $ok_to_write = 1 ExitLoop ElseIf $conf=7 Then ; No $project_name = FileSaveDialog ("Save Project", @ScriptDir, "NAG Project (*.nag)", 2, $name) $ok_to_write = 1 Else ; Cancel $ok_to_write = 0 ExitLoop EndIf Else ExitLoop EndIf WEnd EndIf If $ok_to_write = 1 Then If StringRight($project_name, 4) <> ".nag" Then ; If the specified name doesn't have the ".nag" extension $project_name = $project_name & ".nag" EndIf $project_file = FileOpen($project_name, 10) FileWriteLine ($project_file, "NAG FILE V.030") FileWriteLine($project_file, "Settings_START") For $i=0 To 19 FileWriteLine($project_file, $i & ":" & GUICtrlRead($combos[$i][0]) & ":" & GUICtrlRead($combos[$i][1])) Next FileWriteLine($project_file, "Settings_END") FileWriteLine($project_file, "Rules_START") $a = _read_rules_from_list($list) If StringInStr($a[0], "|") <> 0 Then ;Check if at least one rule has been created For $i=0 To UBound($a)-1 FileWriteLine($project_file, $a[$i]) Next EndIf FileWriteLine($project_file, "Rules_END") FileClose($project_file) EndIf EndFunc ; #FUNCTION# ; Name...........: _update_rule_combos_virtuals ; Description ...: Updates the options on the rule combos regarding the virtual coils and the counters ; Parameters ....: Array containing the data in the list view previously generated from the _read_rules_from_list() function ; Array containing the controlID's of the rule combos ; Return values .: No value returned just updates the options in the rule combos ; ============================================================================================================================================ Func _update_rule_combos_virtuals($rules, $combos) Local $temp[UBound($rules)] Local $temp_c[UBound($rules)] Local $a[13] = ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""] Local $a_c[13] = ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""] ; Update the Virtuals Coils For $i=0 To UBound($rules)-1 If StringInStr($rules[$i], "|") > 0 Then ; If the rule being processed is not empty $a=StringSplit($rules[$i], "|", 2) EndIf If StringInStr($a[8], "Virtual_Coil") > 0 Then $temp[$i] = StringMid ($a[8], 14) EndIf Next If _ArrayMax($temp, 1) >= 1 Then $b="" For $j=1 To _ArrayMax($temp, 1) $b=$b & "Virtual_Coil_" & $j & "|" Next ; Update the inputs $in_1_coil = $b $in_2_coil = $b ;Update the outputs $b=$b & "Virtual_Coil_" & (_ArrayMax($temp, 1) + 1) & "|" $out_coil = $b Else $in_1_coil = "" $in_2_coil = "" $out_coil = "Virtual_Coil_1|" EndIf ; Update the Counters For $i=0 To UBound($rules)-1 If StringInStr($rules[$i], "|") > 0 Then ; If the rule being processed is not empty $a_c=StringSplit($rules[$i], "|", 2) EndIf If StringInStr($a_c[8], "Counter") > 0 Then $temp_c[$i] = StringMid ($a_c[8], 9) EndIf Next If _ArrayMax($temp_c, 1) >= 1 Then $c="" For $j=1 To _ArrayMax($temp_c, 1) $c=$c & "Counter_" & $j & "|" Next ; Update the inputs $in_1_count = $c $in_2_count = $c ;Update the outputs $c=$c & "Counter_" & (_ArrayMax($temp_c, 1) + 1) & "|" $out_count = $c Else $in_1_count = " " $in_2_count = " " $out_count = "Counter_1" EndIf GUICtrlSetData($combos[1], $in_1_coil & $in_1_count) GUICtrlSetData($combos[5], $in_2_coil & $in_2_count) GUICtrlSetData($combos[8], $out_coil & $out_count) EndFunc ; #FUNCTION# ; Name...........: _read_rules_from_list ; Description ...: Reads the data from the list view and stores them in an array ; Parameters ....: Array containing the controlID's of the list view items to read, Begining of reading, End of reading ; Return values .: Array containing the data from list view ; ============================================================================================================================================ Func _read_rules_from_list($list, $start=0, $end=$rule_count) If $end > $start Then Local $rules[$end-$start] $a=0 For $i = $start To $end - 1 $rules[$a] = GUICtrlRead($list[$i]) $a += 1 Next Else Local $rules[1] $rules[0] = GUICtrlRead($list[$start]) EndIf Return $rules EndFunc ; #FUNCTION# ; Name...........: _write_rule_to_list ; Description ...: Writes data to the list view creating a list view item ; Parameters ....: The array containing the data to write in the list view previously generated from the _read_rule_combos() function ; Return values .: variable containing the controlID of the item writen in list view ; ============================================================================================================================================ Func _write_rule_to_list ($array) $rule_item = "" ;_ArrayDisplay($array) If $array[12] = "Comments" Then $array[12] = "" EndIf For $i=0 To 12 $rule_item = $rule_item & $array[$i] & "|" Next $rule_item = GUICtrlCreateListViewItem ($rule_item, $list) Return $rule_item EndFunc ; #FUNCTION# ; Name...........: _read_rule_combos ; Description ...: Reads the rule combos and stores the data in an array ; Parameters ....: The array containing the ControlID's of the rule combos ; Return values .: The array containing the data in the rule combos ; ============================================================================================================================================ Func _read_rule_combos($combos) Local $rule[13] For $i=0 To 12 $rule[$i] = GUICtrlRead ($combos[$i]) If $rule[$i] = "= Equal To" Then $rule[$i] = "=" ElseIf $rule[$i] = "> Greater Than" Then $rule[$i] = ">" ElseIf $rule[$i] = "< Less Than" Then $rule[$i] = "<" ElseIf $rule[$i] = ">= Greater / Equal" Then $rule[$i] = ">=" ElseIf $rule[$i] = "<= Less / Equal" Then $rule[$i] = "<=" ElseIf $rule[$i] = "f(x) Expression" Then $rule[$i] = "f(x)" ElseIf $rule[$i] = "+ Increase By" Then $rule[$i] = "+" ElseIf $rule[$i] = "- Decrease By" Then $rule[$i] = "-" ElseIf $rule[$i] = "= Set To" Then $rule[$i] = "=" ElseIf $rule[$i] = "<<>> Compare" Then $rule[$i] = "<<>>" EndIf Next Return $rule EndFunc ; #FUNCTION# ; Name...........: _update_rule_combos_others ; Description ...: Updates the options logic combos on the rule combos ; Parameters ....: The array containing the names of the Inputs and Outputs previously created by the _read_settings_names() function ; , the array containing the ControlID's of the rule combos and the input/output combo to update: 1 for Input A ; 2 for Input B ; 3 for Output ; Default value for the combarator combo and the default value for the value combo ; Return values .: No value returned just updates the data in the combos ; ============================================================================================================================================ Func _update_rule_combos_others($array_names, $combos, $x, $default_1="", $default_2="") ; <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< If $x = 3 Then $a=GUICtrlRead($combos[8]) ; Read the output If _ArraySearch($array_names, $a, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 3) > 0 Then ; If an Analog output pin is selected GUICtrlDelete($combos[9]) ; Delete the output comparator combo $combos[9] = GUICtrlCreateCombo($default_1, 386, 481, 100, 25, 0x0003) ; Create again the output combarator combo GUICtrlSetData(-1, "= Equal To|f(x) Expression") ; Set the appropriate options GUICtrlDelete ($combos[10]) ; Delete the output value combo $combos[10] = GUICtrlCreateInput($default_2, 386, 509, 100, 25, 0x2000) ; Create an input box replacing the combo ElseIf StringInStr($a, "Counter") > 0 Then ; If the output is a counter GUICtrlDelete($combos[9]) ; Delete the output comparator combo $combos[9] = GUICtrlCreateCombo($default_1, 386, 481, 100, 25, 0x0003) ; Create again the output combarator combo GUICtrlSetData(-1, "+ Increase By|- Decrease By|= Set To") ; Set the appropriate options GUICtrlDelete ($combos[10]) ; Delete the output value combo $combos[10] = GUICtrlCreateInput($default_2, 386, 509, 100, 25, 0x2000) ; Create an input box replacing the combo Else ; If a digital output pin or Virtual Coil is selected GUICtrlDelete($combos[9]) ; Delete the output comparator combo $combos[9] = GUICtrlCreateCombo($default_1, 386, 481, 100, 25, 0x0003) ; Create again the output combarator combo GUICtrlSetData(-1, "= Equal To") ; Set the appropriate options GUICtrlDelete ($combos[10]) ; Delete the output value combo $combos[10] = GUICtrlCreateCombo($default_2, 386, 509, 100, 25, 0x0003) ; Create again the value combo GUICtrlSetData (-1, "High|Low") ; Set the appropriate options EndIf Elseif $x = 1 Then $a=GUICtrlRead($combos[1]) ; Read the input A ;_ArrayDisplay($array_names) If _ArraySearch($array_names, $a, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 2) > 0 Or _ArraySearch($array_names, $a, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 3) > 0 Then ; If an Analog input pin or an analog output pin is selected GUICtrlDelete($combos[2]) $combos[2] = GUICtrlCreateCombo($default_1, 66, 481, 100, 25, 0x0003) GUICtrlSetData(-1, "= Equal To|> Greater Than|< Less Than|>= Greater / Equal|<= Less / Equal|<<>> Compare") GUICtrlDelete ($combos[3]) $combos[3] = GUICtrlCreateInput($default_2, 66, 509, 100, 25, 0x2000) ElseIf StringInStr($a, "Counter") > 0 Then ; If the input is a counter GUICtrlDelete($combos[2]) ; Delete the output comparator combo $combos[2] = GUICtrlCreateCombo($default_1, 66, 481, 100, 25, 0x0003) GUICtrlSetData(-1, "= Equal To|> Greater Than|< Less Than|>= Greater / Equal|<= Less / Equal") GUICtrlDelete ($combos[3]) ; Delete the output value combo $combos[3] = GUICtrlCreateInput($default_2, 66, 509, 100, 25, 0x2000) Else ; If a Digital input pin or Virtual Coil is selected GUICtrlDelete($combos[2]) $combos[2] = GUICtrlCreateCombo($default_1, 66, 481, 100, 25, 0x0003) GUICtrlSetData(-1, "= Equal To") GUICtrlDelete ($combos[3]) $combos[3] = GUICtrlCreateCombo($default_2, 66, 509, 100, 25, 0x0003) GUICtrlSetData (-1, "High|Low") EndIf ElseIf $x = 2 Then $a=GUICtrlRead($combos[5]) ; Read the input A If _ArraySearch($array_names, $a, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 2) > 0 Or _ArraySearch($array_names, $a, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 3) > 0 Then ; If an Analog input pin or an analog output pin is selected GUICtrlDelete($combos[6]) $combos[6] = GUICtrlCreateCombo($default_1, 240, 481, 100, 25, 0x0003) GUICtrlSetData(-1, "= Equal To|> Greater Than|< Less Than|>= Greater / Equal|<= Less / Equal|<<>> Compare") GUICtrlDelete ($combos[7]) $combos[7] = GUICtrlCreateInput($default_2, 240, 509, 100, 25, 0x2000) ElseIf StringInStr($a, "Counter") > 0 Then ; If the input is a counter GUICtrlDelete($combos[6]) ; Delete the output comparator combo $combos[6] = GUICtrlCreateCombo($default_1, 240, 481, 100, 25, 0x0003) GUICtrlSetData(-1, "= Equal To|> Greater Than|< Less Than|>= Greater / Equal|<= Less / Equal") GUICtrlDelete ($combos[7]) ; Delete the output value combo $combos[7] = GUICtrlCreateInput($default_2, 240, 509, 100, 25, 0x2000) Else ; If a Digital input pin or Virtual Coil is selected GUICtrlDelete($combos[6]) $combos[6] = GUICtrlCreateCombo($default_1, 240, 481, 100, 25, 0x0003) GUICtrlSetData(-1, "= Equal To") GUICtrlDelete ($combos[7]) $combos[7] = GUICtrlCreateCombo($default_2, 240, 509, 100, 25, 0x0003) GUICtrlSetData (-1, "High|Low") EndIf EndIf EndFunc ; #FUNCTION# ; Name...........: _update_rule_combos_inputs ; Description ...: Updates the options at the pin selection combos on the rule combos ; Parameters ....: The array containing the names of the Inputs and Outputs previously created by the _read_settings_names() function ; and the array containing the ControlID's of the rule combos ; Return values .: No value returned just updates the data in the combos ; ============================================================================================================================================ Func _update_rule_combos_inputs($array_names, $combos) ; <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ; Update the inputs $a="" For $i = 1 To $array_names[0][0] ; Loop over the DI pins $a = $a & $array_names[$i][0] & "|" Next For $i = 1 To $array_names[0][2] ; Loop over the AI pins $a = $a & $array_names[$i][2] & "|" Next For $i = 1 To $array_names[0][1] ; Loop over the DO pins ; <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< $a = $a & $array_names[$i][1] & "|" ; <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Next ; <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< For $i = 1 To $array_names[0][3] ; Loop over the AO pins ; <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< $a = $a & $array_names[$i][3] & "|" ; <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Next ; <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< If $a <> "" Then GUICtrlSetData($combos[1], $a) GUICtrlSetData($combos[5], $a) EndIf ; Update the outputs $a="" For $i = 1 To $array_names[0][1] ; Loop over the DO pins $a = $a & $array_names[$i][1] & "|" Next For $i = 1 To $array_names[0][3] ; Loop over the AO pins $a = $a & $array_names[$i][3] & "|" Next If $a <> "" Then GUICtrlSetData($combos[8], $a) EndIf EndFunc ; #FUNCTION# ; Name...........: _create_rule_combos ; Description ...: Create the combo boxes for the user to create the rule ; Parameters ....: Only optional parameters to display as default selections in the combos ; Return values .: An array containing the controlID's of the rule combos ; ============================================================================================================================================ Func _create_rule_combos($p_0=$rule_count, $p_1="", $p_2="", $p_3="", $p_4="", $p_5="", $p_6="", $p_7="", $p_8="", $p_9="", $p_10="", $p_11="", $p_12="Comments") Local $p[20] = [$p_0, $p_1, $p_2, $p_3, $p_4, $p_5, $p_6, $p_7, $p_8, $p_9, $p_10, $p_11, $p_12] Local $rule_combos[13] $a="" If $p[0] = 0 Then $a="0|" Else For $i=0 To $p[0] - 1 $a=$a & $i & "|" Next EndIf $rule_combos[0] = GUICtrlCreateCombo($p[0], 8, 481, 50, 25, 0x0003) ; Rule count GUICtrlSetData (-1, $a) $rule_combos[1] = GUICtrlCreateCombo($p[1], 66, 454, 100, 25, 0x0003) ; Input A $rule_combos[2] = GUICtrlCreateCombo($p[2], 66, 481, 100, 25, 0x0003) $rule_combos[3] = GUICtrlCreateCombo($p[3], 66, 509, 100, 25, 0x0003) $rule_combos[4] = GUICtrlCreateCombo($p[4], 178, 481, 50, 25, 0x0003) ; AND OR option If $p[4] = "AND" Then GUICtrlSetData(-1, "OR") ElseIf $p[4] = "OR" Then GUICtrlSetData(-1, "AND") Else GUICtrlSetData(-1, "AND|OR") EndIf $rule_combos[5] = GUICtrlCreateCombo($p[5], 240, 454, 100, 25, 0x0003) ; Input B $rule_combos[6] = GUICtrlCreateCombo($p[6], 240, 481, 100, 25, 0x0003) $rule_combos[7] = GUICtrlCreateCombo($p[7], 240, 509, 100, 25, 0x0003) GUICtrlCreateLabel("==>", 353, 483, 20, 25) $rule_combos[8] = GUICtrlCreateCombo($p[8], 386, 454, 100, 25, 0x0003) ; Output $rule_combos[9] = GUICtrlCreateCombo($p[9], 386, 481, 100, 25, 0x0003) $rule_combos[10] = GUICtrlCreateCombo($p[10], 386, 509, 100, 25, 0x0003) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Delay (ms)", 605, 478) $rule_combos[11] = GUICtrlCreateInput($p[11], 498, 475, 100, 25, 0x2000) ; Delay GUICtrlCreateUpdown(-1, BitOR(0x20, 0x80)) $rule_combos[12] = GUICtrlCreateInput($p[12], 498, 504, 115, 25) Return $rule_combos EndFunc ; #FUNCTION# ; Name...........: _disable_declared_pins ; Description ...: Disable (grey out) any setting combo and name input that has allready been declared and used for inside a Rule. ; In case of an empty name writes the pin number ; Parameters ....: $array: The array containing the controlID's of the settings combos ; $rules_array: Array containing the rules previously created from the _read_rules_from_list() function ; Return values .: "ERROR" if pin name contains the words "Counter" or "Virtual_Coil" ; "OK" if pin name is valid ; ============================================================================================================================================ Func _disable_declared_pins($array, $rules_array) For $i=0 To 19 If StringInStr(GUICtrlRead($array[$i][1]), "Virtual_Coil") <> 0 Or StringInStr(GUICtrlRead($array[$i][1]), "Counter") <> 0 Then MsgBox (16, "ERROR", "Pin name must not contain the words " & Chr(34) & "Counter" & Chr(34) & " and " & Chr(34) & "Virtual_Coil" & Chr(34) & " ." & @LF & "Fix and continue") $check = "ERROR" ExitLoop Else If GUICtrlRead($array[$i][0]) <> "" Then If GUICtrlRead($array[$i][1]) = "" Then GUICtrlSetData($array[$i][1], "Pin_" & $i) ; If the name input box is empty then write the pin number before disabling EndIf For $j=0 To UBound($rules_array)-1 If StringInStr($rules_array[$j], GUICtrlRead($array[$i][1])) <> 0 Then GUICtrlSetState($array[$i][1], $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetState ($array[$i][0], $GUI_DISABLE) EndIf Next EndIf $check = "OK" EndIf Next Return $check EndFunc ; #FUNCTION# ; Name...........: _read_settings_names | Row | Col_0 | Col_1 | Col_2 | Col_3 | ; Description ...: Read the settings name input boxes previously created by the |-------------|-----------------------| ; "_create_settings_combos()" function | [0] | | | | | ; and "separates" the pins by type | [1] | | | | | ; Parameters ....: The array containing the controlID's of the settings combos | [2] | | | | | ; Return values .: A 2D Array where in Col_0 is the names of the pins declared as DI | [3] | | | | | ; in Col_1 is the names of the pins declared as DO | [4] | | | | | ; in Col_2 is the names of the pins declared as AI | [5] | | | | | ; in Col_3 is the names of the pins declared as AO | [6] | | | | | ; |-------------------------------------| ; ============================================================================================================================================ Func _read_settings_names($array) Local $set_p[1][4] ; Read and store the Digital Inputs at the Col_0 of the $set_p array $count=0 For $i=0 To 19 If GUICtrlRead($array[$i][0]) = "DI" Then $count += 1 ReDim $set_p[$count+1][4] If GUICtrlRead($array[$i][1]) <> "" Then $set_p[$count][0]=GUICtrlRead($array[$i][1]) Else $set_p[$count][0]="Pin_" & $i EndIf EndIf $set_p[0][0]=$count Next ; Read and store the Digital Outputs at the Col_1 of the $set_p array $count=0 For $i=0 To 19 If GUICtrlRead($array[$i][0]) = "DO" Then $count += 1 If $count >= UBound ($set_p, 1) Then ; Check if the DO's are more of the DI's to increase the $set_p array ReDim $set_p[$count+1][4] EndIf If GUICtrlRead($array[$i][1]) <> "" Then $set_p[$count][1]=GUICtrlRead($array[$i][1]) Else $set_p[$count][1]="Pin_" & $i EndIf EndIf $set_p[0][1]=$count Next ; Read and store the Analog Inputs at the Col_2 of the $set_p array $count=0 For $i=0 To 19 If GUICtrlRead($array[$i][0]) = "AI" Then $count += 1 If $count >= UBound ($set_p, 1) Then ReDim $set_p[$count+1][4] EndIf If GUICtrlRead($array[$i][1]) <> "" Then $set_p[$count][2]=GUICtrlRead($array[$i][1]) Else $set_p[$count][2]="Pin_" & $i EndIf EndIf $set_p[0][2]=$count Next ; Read and store the Analog Outputs at the Col_3 of the $set_p array $count=0 For $i=0 To 19 If GUICtrlRead($array[$i][0]) = "AO" Then $count += 1 If $count >= UBound ($set_p, 1) Then ReDim $set_p[$count+1][4] EndIf If GUICtrlRead($array[$i][1]) <> "" Then $set_p[$count][3]=GUICtrlRead($array[$i][1]) Else $set_p[$count][3]="Pin_" & $i EndIf EndIf $set_p[0][3]=$count Next Return $set_p EndFunc ; #FUNCTION# ; Name...........: _read_settings_combos | Row | Col_0 | Col_1 | Col_2 | Col_3 | ; Description ...: Read the settings combo boxes previously created by the |-------------|-----------------------| ; "_create_settings_combos()" function | [0] | 6 | 2 | 1 | 3 | ; and "separates" the pins by type | [1] | 3 | 0 | 17 | 9 | ; Parameters ....: The array containing the controlID's of the settings combos | [2] | 11 | 6 | | 10 | ; Return values .: A 2D Array where in Col_0 is the pins declared as DI | [3] | 13 | | | 11 | ; in Col_1 is the pins declared as DO | [4] | 15 | | | | ; in Col_2 is the pins declared as AI | [5] | 18 | | | | ; in Col_3 is the pins declared as AO | [6] | 19 | | | | ; Also in Row_0 of each column is the amount of pins stored in this column |-------------------------------------| ; ============================================================================================================================================ Func _read_settings_combos($array) Local $set_p[1][4] ; Read and store the Digital Inputs at the Col_0 of the $set_p array $count=0 For $i=0 To 19 If GUICtrlRead($array[$i][0]) = "DI" Then $count += 1 ReDim $set_p[$count+1][4] $set_p[$count][0]=$i EndIf $set_p[0][0] = $count Next ; Read and store the Digital Outputs at the Col_1 of the $set_p array $count=0 For $i=0 To 19 If GUICtrlRead($array[$i][0]) = "DO" Then $count += 1 If $count >= UBound ($set_p, 1) Then ; Check if the DO's are more of the DI's to increase the $set_p array ReDim $set_p[$count+1][4] EndIf $set_p[$count][1]=$i EndIf $set_p[0][1] = $count Next ; Read and store the Analog Inputs at the Col_2 of the $set_p array $count=0 For $i=0 To 19 If GUICtrlRead($array[$i][0]) = "AI" Then $count += 1 If $count >= UBound ($set_p, 1) Then ReDim $set_p[$count+1][4] EndIf $set_p[$count][2]=$i EndIf $set_p[0][2] = $count Next ; Read and store the Analog Outputs at the Col_3 of the $set_p array $count=0 For $i=0 To 19 If GUICtrlRead($array[$i][0]) = "AO" Then $count += 1 If $count >= UBound ($set_p, 1) Then ReDim $set_p[$count+1][4] EndIf $set_p[$count][3]=$i EndIf $set_p[0][3] = $count Next Return $set_p EndFunc ; #FUNCTION# ; Name...........: _create_settings_combos ; Description ...: Create a combo box representing each Arduino Pin, for the user to declare it as input or output ; Also create an input box next to each combo for the user to name the pin ; Parameters ....: The default value of each pin: ; DI for digital Input ; DO for digital Output ; AI for analog Input ; AO for Analog Output ; Return values .: Array with the controlID's of the created combos in Col_0 and names of pins in Col_1 ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _create_settings_combos($p_0="", $p_1="", $p_2="", $p_3="", $p_4="", $p_5="", $p_6="", $p_7="", $p_8="", $p_9="", $p_10="", $p_11="", $p_12="", $p_13="", $p_14="", $p_15="", $p_16="", $p_17="", $p_18="", $p_19="", _ $n_0="", $n_1="", $n_2="", $n_3="", $n_4="", $n_5="", $n_6="", $n_7="", $n_8="", $n_9="", $n_10="", $n_11="", $n_12="", $n_13="", $n_14="", $n_15="", $n_16="", $n_17="", $n_18="", $n_19="") Local $p[20] = [$p_0, $p_1, $p_2, $p_3, $p_4, $p_5, $p_6, $p_7, $p_8, $p_9, $p_10, $p_11, $p_12, $p_13, $p_14, $p_15, $p_16, $p_17, $p_18, $p_19] Local $n[20] = [$n_0, $n_1, $n_2, $n_3, $n_4, $n_5, $n_6, $n_7, $n_8, $n_9, $n_10, $n_11, $n_12, $n_13, $n_14, $n_15, $n_16, $n_17, $n_18, $n_19] Local $set_com_p[20][2] ; Create the combos For $i=0 To 13 $set_com_p[$i][0] = GUICtrlCreateCombo($p[$i], 1011, 358-(23*$i), 41, 21, 0x0003) ; Only select from dropdown If $i=3 Or $i=5 Or $i=6 Or $i=9 Or $i=10 Or $i=11 Then ; PWM pins $a="~" GUICtrlSetData (-1, "DI|DO|AO||") ; Empty option added in order to clear an accidental selection Else $a="" GUICtrlSetData (-1, "DI|DO||") EndIf $set_com_p[$i][1] = GUICtrlCreateInput($n[$i], 1056, 358-(23*$i), 90, 21) GUICtrlSetState (-1, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlCreateLabel ($i & $a, 987, 360-(23*$i), 19, 17) Next For $i=14 To 19 $set_com_p[$i][0] = GUICtrlCreateCombo ($p[$i], 818, 243+(23*($i-14)), 41, 21, 0x0003) GUICtrlSetData (-1, "AI|DI|DO||") $set_com_p[$i][1] = GUICtrlCreateInput($n[$i], 720, 243+(23*($i-14)), 90, 21) GUICtrlSetState (-1, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlCreateLabel ("A" & ($i-14), 865, 245+(23*($i-14)), 17, 17) Next Return $set_com_p EndFunc ; #FUNCTION# ; Name...........: _delete_rule_combos ; Description ...: Delete the rule combos previously created from _create_rule_combos() function ; Parameters ....: An array containing the controlID's of the rule combos ; Return values .: ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _delete_rule_combos($array) For $i=0 To 12 GUICtrlDelete($array[$i]) Next EndFunc ; #FUNCTION# ; Name...........: _delete_settings_combos ; Description ...: Delete the settings combos previously created from _create_settings_combos() function ; Parameters ....: An array containing the controlID's of the settings combos ; Return values .: ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _delete_settings_combos($array) For $i=0 To 19 GUICtrlDelete($array[$i][0]) GUICtrlDelete($array[$i][1]) Next EndFunc