#include-once ;===================================================================================================== #CS ; Example script Local $conn = StatsdOpen("", 8125) If @error Or (IsArray($conn) And $conn[0] = 0) Then ConsoleWrite("StatsdOpen - UDPOpen returned error: " & @error & @LF) Exit EndIf $result = StatsdGauge($conn, "autoit.gauge", 50) $result = StatsdCount($conn, "autoit.count", 10) $result = StatsdInc($conn, "autoit.count") $result = StatsdDec($conn, "autoit.count") $result = StatsdTiming($conn, "autoit.timing", 100) #CE ;===================================================================================================== ; It connects to a StatsD server, and returns the connection handle Func StatsdOpen($url, $port) UDPStartup() Local $conn = UDPOpen ( $url, $port ) return $conn EndFunc ;===================================================================================================== ; It closes the connection to the StatsD server Func StatsdClose($conn) If IsArray($conn) Then UDPCloseSocket ($conn) UDPShutdown() EndFunc ;===================================================================================================== ; It sends a message to a StatsD server ; $conn = handle obtained from StatsdOpen() ; $stat = name of the stat, including namespaces separated with dots (i.e. "namespace1.namespace2.stat_name") ; $value = a 32-bit integer value ; $type = the type of the stat: ; - "ms" for Timing stats, in milliseconds ; - "g" for Gauge stats (i.e. the % of a given CPU usage, which is unique in a given time) ; - "c" for Count stats (i.e. counting how many times a given event happened, value can be a positive or negative number, increasing or decreasing the count). ; $sample_rate = normally 1.0, but for very frequent events it might be desirable to send only a fraction to reduce bandwidth consumption, and let StatsD server interpolate unsent events. ; $addNewLine = whether a new line character should be added to the end of the message Func StatsdSend($conn, $stat, $value, $type, $sample_rate = 1.0, $addNewLine = 0) ; if sample_rate is less than 1.0, toss a dice and decide whether we need to send the stat If $sample_rate < 1.0 Then If $sample_rate < Random() Then return true EndIf EndIf ; normalize stat name $stat = StringReplace($stat, ":", "_") $stat = StringReplace($stat, "|", "_") $stat = StringReplace($stat, "@", "_") ; prepare the message Local $msg = $stat & ":" & $value & "|" & $type If $sample_rate < 1.0 Then $msg &= "|@" & StringFormat("%.2f", $sample_rate) If $addNewLine <> 0 Then $msg &= @CRLF ; send the message Local $sent = UDPSend ( $conn, $msg ) If @error Then ConsoleWrite("UDPSend error: " & @error & @LF) Return False EndIf If $sent = StringLen($msg) Then Return True Return False EndFunc ;================================================================================================ Func StatsdCount($conn, $stat, $value, $sample_rate = 1.0) return StatsdSend($conn, $stat, $value, "c", $sample_rate) EndFunc ;================================================================================================ Func StatsdDec($conn, $stat, $sample_rate = 1.0) return StatsdCount($conn, $stat, -1, $sample_rate) EndFunc ;================================================================================================ Func StatsdInc($conn, $stat, $sample_rate = 1.0) return StatsdCount($conn, $stat, 1, $sample_rate) EndFunc ;================================================================================================ Func StatsdGauge($conn, $stat, $value) return StatsdSend($conn, $stat, $value, "g", 1.0) EndFunc ;================================================================================================ Func StatsdTiming($conn, $stat, $value) return StatsdSend($conn, $stat, $value, "ms", 1.0) EndFunc