#Region ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI **** #AutoIt3Wrapper_Outfile=Wlan Connection.exe #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Comment=WLAN Connection for Domain Users #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Description=WLAN Connection for Domain Users #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Fileversion= #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_LegalCopyright=Strikers #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Language=1031 #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_requestedExecutionLevel=asInvoker #EndRegion ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI **** ;############################################ au include's #include "NativeWifi.au3" ;~ #include "Wifi40.au3" #include #include #include #include #include ;############################################ Variablen deklarieren Local $wlan_name = "Testlan" Local $msKB ;############################################ Dateien einbinden FileInstall("certmgr.exe", @TempDir & "\certmgr.exe", 1) FileInstall("EMT-WLAN-CA.cer", @TempDir & "\EMT-WLAN-CA.cer", 1) FileInstall("WindowsXP-KB958071-x86-DEU.exe", @TempDir & "\WindowsXP-KB958071-x86-DEU.exe", 1) FileInstall("WindowsXP-KB958071-x86-ENU.exe", @TempDir & "\WindowsXP-KB958071-x86-ENU.exe", 1) ;############################################ Natve WiFi laden $fDebugWifi = True _Wlan_StartSession() _Wlan_StartNotificationModule() ;############################################ GUI erstellen GUICreate("WiFi Verbindung", 300, 200) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) GUISetBkColor(0xF0F0F0) GUISetFont(11) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Bitte WLAN Passwort eingeben:", 10, 10, 200, 17) $password = GUICtrlCreateInput("",10,40,200,20, $ES_PASSWORD) $connect = GUICtrlCreateButton("verbinden",10,70,100,20) $cert = GUICtrlCreateButton("Cert installieren",120,70,150,20) $del_prof = GUICtrlCreateButton("Profil löschen",10,100,100,20) $msKB = GUICtrlCreateButton("Hotfix Win XP",120,100,150,20) If @OSVersion <> "WIN_XP" Then GUICtrlSetState($msKB, $GUI_DISABLE) ;############################################ Programmablauf While 1 Switch GUIGetMsg() Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Exit Case $connect If GUICtrlRead($password) = "" Then MsgBox(0,"Hinweis","Kein Passwort eingetragen") Exit ElseIf @OSVersion = "WIN_7" or @OSVersion = "WIN_XP" Then _Wlan_Disconnect() ;disconnects the current WLAN connection ;~ MsgBox(0,"","disco") DeleteProfile() CreateProfile() ;~ MsgBox(0,"","create") SetCredentials(GUICtrlRead($password)) _Wlan_Connect($wlan_name) ;connects to the new WLAN Profile Else ;nothing EndIf Case $Cert Run(@TempDir & "\certmgr.exe -add " & @TempDir & "\EMT-WLAN-CA.cer -s -r currentUser Root", '', @SW_HIDE) Case $del_prof DeleteProfile() Case $msKB If @OSLang = "0407" Then Run(@TempDir & "\WindowsXP-KB958071-x86-DEU.exe") ElseIf @OSLang = "0409" Then Run(@TempDir & "\WindowsXP-KB958071-x86-ENU.exe") Else MsgBox(0,"","Keine passende Sprache für Hotfix") EndIf EndSwitch WEnd ;############################################ Funktionen Func DeleteProfile() ;check if Profile already exists, if so delete first If _Wlan_DeleteProfile($wlan_name) = True Then ;IF WLAN Profile Exists Then.... _Wlan_DeleteProfile($wlan_name) MsgBox(0,"",$wlan_name & " Profile deleted") Else MsgBox(0,"","No Profile deleted") EndIf EndFunc Func CreateProfile() ;create new WLAN Profile with Domain authentication Local $oProfile, $sReason $oProfile = _Wlan_CreateProfileObject() With $oProfile .Name = $wlan_name .SSID.Add($oProfile.Name) .Type = "Infrastructure" .Auth = "WPA2" .Encr = "AES" .Options.NonBroadcast = True .Options.ConnMode = "Automatic" .OneX.Enabled = True .OneX.AuthMode = "User" .PMK.PreAuthEnabled = True .PMK.CacheEnabled = True .EAP.BaseType = "PEAP" .EAP.Type = "PEAP-MSCHAP" .EAP.PEAP.MSCHAP.UseWinLogonCreds = False EndWith ;~ ConsoleWrite(_Wlan_ConvertProfile($oProfile) & @CRLF) If Not _Wlan_SetProfile($oProfile, $sReason) Then MsgBox(0, "Wifi", "Failed to create profile " & $oProfile.Name & ". @error=" & @error & @CRLF & "Because: " & $sReason) Exit EndIf EndFunc Func SetCredentials($pw) ;Set user credentials for WLAN Profile $oUserData = _Wlan_CreateUserDataObject() With $oUserData .BaseType = "PEAP" .Type = "PEAP-MSCHAP" .PEAP.MSCHAP.Username = "wlanuser" .PEAP.MSCHAP.Password = "" & $pw & "" .PEAP.MSCHAP.Domain = "lcldom" EndWith _Wlan_SetProfileUserData($wlan_name, $oUserData, 1) ConsoleWrite(_Wlan_ConvertUserData($oUserData) & @CRLF) EndFunc