; :collapseFolds=0:maxLineLen=80:mode=autoitscript:tabSize=8:indentSize=8:folding=indent: ;=============================================================================== ; Original UDF: ; http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=22838 ;~ Basic functions for AU3 Scripts, based on the 1939 RFC. ;~ See http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1939.txt ;~ Include version : 0.99 (March 2006, 9th). ;~ Requires AU3 beta version or newer. ;~ Author : Luc HENNINOT ;=============================================================================== ; Name ..........: _POP3.au3 ; Author: .......: Thorsten Willert (thorsten [dot] willert [at] gmx [dot] de) ; Date ..........: Thu Feb 24 22:59:56 CET 2010 @778 /Internet Time/ ; Version .......: 1.03 ; AutoIt ........: v3.3.2.0 ;=============================================================================== #include-once #Region Global constants ; -- _POP3 error codes, sent by SetError. Use @error to display it. -- Global Enum $POP3_ERROR_OK = 0, _ $POP3_ERROR, _ $POP3_ERROR_TCPCONNECT_FAILED, _ $POP3_ERROR_SERVER_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT, _ $POP3_ERROR_ALREADY_CONNECTED, _ $POP3_ERROR_NOT_CONNECTED, _ $POP3_ERROR_NO_AUTH, _ $POP3_ERROR_TCPRECV_TIMEOUT, _ $POP3_ERROR_USER_REFUSED, _ $POP3_ERROR_PASSWD_REFUSED, _ $POP3_ERROR_ERR_RESPONSE, _ $POP3_ERROR_NO_OK_RESPONSE, _ $POP3_ERROR_STAT_BADRESPONSE, _ $POP3_ERROR_NO_TCP_RESPONSE, _ $POP3_ERROR_STAT_REFUSED, _ $POP3_ERROR_LIST_REFUSED, _ $POP3_ERROR_RSET_REFUSED, _ $POP3_ERROR_RETR_REFUSED, _ $POP3_ERROR_QUIT_REFUSED, _ $POP3_ERROR_DELE_REFUSED, _ $POP3_ERROR_TOP_REFUSED, _ $POP3_ERROR_UIDL_REFUSED, _ $POP3_ERROR_NOOP_REFUSED ; I love this one ;) ;-- _POP3 vars -- Global Const $POP3_OK = '^\+OK'; Regexp syntax #EndRegion Global constants #Region Global variables Global $POP3_TRACE = True Global $POP3_ISCONNECTED = 0 Global $POP3_ISAUTH = 0 Global $POP3_SOCKET Global $POP3_SERVER_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT = 60000 ; 1 mn, modify it if needed #EndRegion Global variables #Region Example #include If _POP3Connect("somenonsslemail@domain.com", "apassword") Then $a = _POP3Info() _ArrayDisplay($a) _POP3Quit() _POP3Disconnect() EndIf Exit #EndRegion Example ; #FUNCTION# =================================================================== ; Name ..........: _POP3Info ; Description ...: Returns an array with the specified informations about all mails ; AutoIt Version : V3.3.2.0 ; Syntax ........: _POP3Info([$vInfo = ""]) ; Parameter(s): .: $vInfo - Optional: (Default = "") : string or array ; Return Value ..: Success - array (Default: array[date,from,to,subject]) ; Failure - 0 ; @ERROR - ; Author(s) .....: Thorsten Willert ; Date ..........: Fri Jan 15 18:17:54 CET 2010 ; Link ..........: ; Related .......: ; Example .......: No ; ============================================================================== Func _POP3Info($vInfo = "") If $POP3_ISAUTH Then Local $vInf If $vInfo = "" Then Local $vInf[4] = ["Date", "From", "To", "Subject"] ElseIf IsArray($vInfo) Then $vInf = $vInfo Else Local $vInf[1] = [$vInfo] EndIf Local $iCnt = _POP3MsgCnt() If @error Then Return SetError(@error, 0, 0) Local $sTMP, $aTMP Local $iInf = UBound($vInf) If $iCnt > 0 Then Local $aRet[$iCnt + 1][$iInf] $aRet[0][0] = $iCnt For $i = 1 To $iCnt $sTMP = _POP3Top($i) If @error Then Return SetError(@error, 0, 0) For $j = 0 To $iInf - 1 $aTMP = StringRegExp($sTMP, '(?i)\n' & $vInf[$j] & ':\s*(.*?)\r', 3) If Not @error Then $aRet[$i][$j] = $aTMP[0] Next Next Return $aRet EndIf Return SetError($POP3_ERROR, 0, 0) Else Return SetError($POP3_ERROR_NO_AUTH, 0, 0) EndIf EndFunc ;==>_POP3Info ; #FUNCTION# =================================================================== ; Name ..........: _POP3Connect ; Description ...: Conects to the according pop3 server. ; AutoIt Version : V3.3.2.0 ; Syntax ........: _POP3Connect($sLogin, $sPasswd[, $sServer = ""[, $iPort = 110]]) ; Parameter(s): .: $sLogin - ; $sPasswd - ; $sServer - Optional: (Default = "") : pop3 server ; $iPort - Optional: (Default = 110) : ; Return Value ..: Success - 1 ; Failure - 0 ; @ERROR - ; Author(s) .....: Luc HENNINOT, Thorsten Willert ; Date ..........: Fri Jan 15 18:37:29 CET 2010 ; Link ..........: ; Related .......: ; Example .......: No ; ============================================================================== Func _POP3Connect($sLogin, $sPasswd, $sServer = "", $iPort = 110) If $POP3_ISCONNECTED = 0 Then If $iPort = 995 Then ConsoleWriteError("_POP3Connect: Error: SSL not supported ..." & @CRLF) Return SetError(1, 0, 0) EndIf If Not StringInStr($sServer, ".") Then Local $aTMP = StringRegExp($sLogin, '.*?@(.*?)\.(.*)', 3) If UBound($aTMP) Then $sServer = $aTMP[0] Local $sD = "." & $aTMP[1] Else ConsoleWriteError("_POP3Connect: Error: Can't find domain in login-name." & @CRLF) Return SetError(1, 0, 0) EndIf Select Case Ping("pop3." & $sServer & $sD, 2000) $sServer = "pop3." & $sServer & $sD Case Ping("pop." & $sServer & $sD, 2000) $sServer = "pop." & $sServer & $sD Case Ping("pop3." & $sServer & ".com", 2000) $sServer = "pop3." & $sServer & ".com" Case Ping("pop." & $sServer & ".com", 2000) $sServer = "pop." & $sServer & ".com" Case Else ConsoleWriteError("_POP3Connect: Error: Can't find POP3-server." & @CRLF) Return SetError(1, 0, 0) EndSelect EndIf TCPStartup() ; Basic name to IP conversion ConsoleWrite("_POP3Connect: connecting to: (" & $sServer & ") ") If StringRegExp($sServer, "[a-zA-Z]") Then $sServer = TCPNameToIP($sServer) ConsoleWrite($sServer & ":" & $iPort & @CRLF) $POP3_SOCKET = TCPConnect($sServer, $iPort) If @error Then $POP3_ISCONNECTED = 0 ConsoleWriteError("_POP3Connect: Error: " & @error & @CRLF) Return SetError($POP3_ERROR_TCPCONNECT_FAILED, 0, 0) Else $POP3_ISCONNECTED = 1 EndIf ; We need a first OK from pop3 server __POP3WaitForOK() If @error Then Return SetError($POP3_ERROR_NO_OK_RESPONSE, 0, 0) ; Send user __POP3Cmd("USER " & $sLogin) If @error Then Return SetError(@error, 0, 0) ; Send passwd __POP3Cmd("PASS " & $sPasswd) If @error Then Return SetError(@error, 0, 0) $POP3_ISAUTH = 1 Return 1 Else Return SetError($POP3_ERROR_ALREADY_CONNECTED, 0, 0) EndIf EndFunc ;==>_POP3Connect ; #FUNCTION# =================================================================== ; Name ..........: _POP3Dele ; Description ...: Delete msg n-msg_number. ; AutoIt Version : V3.3.2.0 ; Syntax ........: _POP3Dele($iMsg) ; Parameter(s): .: $iMsg - msg-number ; Return Value ..: Success - server response ; Failure - 0 ; @ERROR - ; Author(s) .....: Luc HENNINOT, Thorsten Willert ; Date ..........: Thu Jan 14 15:24:41 CET 2010 ; Link ..........: ; Related .......: ; Example .......: No ; ============================================================================== Func _POP3Dele($iMsg) If $POP3_ISAUTH Then __POP3Cmd("DELE " & $iMsg) If @error Then Return SetError(@error, 0, 0) Local $sRet = __POP3WaitTcpResponse() If @error Then Return SetError($POP3_ERROR_NO_TCP_RESPONSE, 0, 0) Return $sRet Else Return SetError($POP3_ERROR_NO_AUTH, 0, 0) EndIf EndFunc ;==>_POP3Dele ; #FUNCTION# =================================================================== ; Name ..........: _POP3Disconnect ; Description ...: Shuts down connection. ; AutoIt Version : V3.3.2.0 ; Syntax ........: _POP3Disconnect() ; Parameter(s): .: - ; Return Value ..: Success - 1 ; Failure - 0 ; @ERROR - ; Author(s) .....: Luc HENNINOT, Thorsten Willert ; Date ..........: Thu Jan 14 11:15:16 CET 2010 ; Remark(s) .....: Use _POP3Quit to exit !! ; Link ..........: ; Related .......: ; Example .......: No ; ============================================================================== Func _POP3Disconnect() If $POP3_ISCONNECTED <> 0 Then TCPCloseSocket($POP3_SOCKET) TCPShutdown() $POP3_ISCONNECTED = 0 Return 1 Else Return SetError($POP3_ERROR_NOT_CONNECTED, 0, 0) EndIf EndFunc ;==>_POP3Disconnect ; #FUNCTION# =================================================================== ; Name ..........: _POP3List ; Description ...: Returns an array with the msg number and its size (octets) ; AutoIt Version : V3.3.2.0 ; Syntax ........: _POP3List([$iMsg = -1]) ; Parameter(s): .: $iMsg - Optional: (Default = -1) : ; | -1 = all ; Return Value ..: Success - array[n][2] ; Failure - 0 ; @ERROR - ; Author(s) .....: Luc HENNINOT, Thorsten Willert, Oscar ; Date ..........: Thu Feb 24 23:00:26 CET 2010 ; Link ..........: ; Related .......: _POP3Uidl ; Example .......: No ; ============================================================================== Func _POP3List($iMsg = -1) If $POP3_ISAUTH Then Local $aRet[1][2], $aTMP2 Local $sAddMsg = "" If $iMsg <> -1 Then $sAddMsg = " " & $iMsg EndIf ; Send List Local $sRet = __POP3Cmd("LIST" & $sAddMsg) If @error Then Return SetError(@error, 0, 0) While $iMsg = -1 And Not StringRegExp($sRet, "\r\n\.\r\n") $sRet = $sRet & __POP3WaitTcpResponse() If @error Then Return SetError($POP3_ERROR_NO_TCP_RESPONSE, 0, 0) WEnd $sRet = StringRegExpReplace($sRet, '.+?message.+\(.+\)\r\n', @LF) ; Yahoo-Support, by Oscar ; Stripping useless infos for complete listing If $iMsg = -1 Then $sRet = StringMid($sRet, 2, StringLen($sRet) - 6) Else $sRet = StringMid($sRet, 1, StringLen($sRet) - 2) EndIf Local $aTMP = StringSplit(StringStripCR($sRet), @LF) Local $iE = UBound($aTMP) ReDim $aRet[$iE][2] $aRet[0][0] = $iE - 1 For $i = 1 To $iE - 1 $aTMP2 = StringSplit($aTMP[$i], " ", 2) $aRet[$i][0] = $aTMP2[0] $aRet[$i][1] = $aTMP2[1] Next Return $aRet EndIf EndFunc ;==>_POP3List ; #FUNCTION# =================================================================== ; Name ..........: _POP3Noop ; Description ...: Actually, does nothing. ; AutoIt Version : V3.3.2.0 ; Syntax ........: _POP3Noop() ; Parameter(s): .: - ; Return Value ..: Success - 1 ; Failure - 0 ; @ERROR - ; Author(s) .....: Luc HENNINOT, Thorsten Willert ; Date ..........: Thu Jan 14 11:22:36 CET 2010 ; Remark(s) .....: The most interesting command from RFC 1939 ;) ; Link ..........: ; Related .......: ; Example .......: No ; ============================================================================== Func _POP3Noop() If $POP3_ISAUTH Then ; Send NOOP __POP3Cmd("NOOP") If @error Then Return SetError($POP3_ERROR_USER_REFUSED, 0, 0) Return 1 EndIf EndFunc ;==>_POP3Noop ; #FUNCTION# =================================================================== ; Name ..........: _POP3Quit ; Description ...: Validates your actions (dele for example) and stops the connection as it should. ; AutoIt Version : V3.3.2.0 ; Syntax ........: _POP3Quit() ; Parameter(s): .: - ; Return Value ..: Success - 1 ; Failure - 0 ; @ERROR - ; Author(s) .....: Luc HENNINOT, Thorsten Willert ; Date ..........: Thu Jan 14 11:25:00 CET 2010 ; Link ..........: ; Related .......: ; Example .......: No ; ============================================================================== Func _POP3Quit() If $POP3_ISAUTH Then __POP3Cmd("QUIT") If @error Then Return SetError(@error, 0, 0) Return 1 Else Return SetError($POP3_ERROR_NO_AUTH, 0, 0) EndIf EndFunc ;==>_POP3Quit ; #FUNCTION# =================================================================== ; Name ..........: _POP3Retr ; Description ...: Downloads the according message ; AutoIt Version : V3.3.2.0 ; Syntax ........: _POP3Retr([$iMsg = -1]) ; Parameter(s): .: $iMsg - Optional: (Default = -1) : ; | -1 = newest ; Return Value ..: Success - string ; Failure - 0 ; @ERROR - ; Author(s) .....: Luc HENNINOT, Thorsten Willert ; Date ..........: Thu Jan 14 17:23:03 CET 2010 ; Link ..........: ; Related .......: ; Example .......: No ; ============================================================================== Func _POP3Retr($iMsg = -1) If $POP3_ISAUTH Then If $iMsg = -1 Then Local $aStat = _POP3Stat() If Not @error Then $iMsg = $aStat[0] EndIf ; Send Retr Local $sRet = __POP3Cmd("RETR " & $iMsg) If @error Then Return SetError(@error, 0, 0) ; Downloading until final dot and cariage return. While Not StringRegExp($sRet, "\r\n\.\r\n") $sRet = $sRet & __POP3WaitTcpResponse() If @error Then Return SetError($POP3_ERROR_NO_TCP_RESPONSE, 0, 0) WEnd Return $sRet Else Return SetError($POP3_ERROR_NO_AUTH, 0, 0) EndIf EndFunc ;==>_POP3Retr ; #FUNCTION# =================================================================== ; Name ..........: _POP3Rset ; Description ...: Withdraw changes, such as dele orders ; AutoIt Version : V3.3.2.0 ; Syntax ........: _POP3Rset() ; Parameter(s): .: - ; Return Value ..: Success - 1 ; Failure - 0 ; @ERROR - ; Author(s) .....: Luc HENNINOT, Thorsten Willert ; Date ..........: Thu Jan 14 11:34:52 CET 2010 ; Link ..........: ; Related .......: ; Example .......: No ; ============================================================================== Func _POP3Rset() If $POP3_ISAUTH Then ; Send RSET __POP3Cmd("RSET") If @error Then Return SetError(@error, 0, 0) Return 1 Else Return SetError($POP3_ERROR_NO_AUTH, 0, 0) EndIf EndFunc ;==>_POP3Rset ; #FUNCTION# =================================================================== ; Name ..........: _POP3Stat ; Description ...: Gets the number of messages in the pop3 account (array[1]) and the size(array[2]) in octets ; AutoIt Version : V3.3.2.0 ; Syntax ........: _POP3Stat() ; Parameter(s): .: - ; Return Value ..: Success - array ; Failure - array[-1,-1] ; @ERROR - ; Author(s) .....: Luc HENNINOT, Thorsten Willert ; Date ..........: Fri Jan 15 09:54:17 CET 2010 ; Link ..........: ; Related .......: _POP3MsgCnt ; Example .......: No ; ============================================================================== Func _POP3Stat() Local $aRet[2] = [-1, -1] If $POP3_ISAUTH Then ; Send STAT Local $sRet = __POP3Cmd("STAT") If @error Then Return SetError(@error, 0, 0) $sRet = StringStripWS($sRet, 3) $aRet = StringSplit($sRet, " ", 2) If IsArray($aRet) Then Return $aRet Else Return SetError($POP3_ERROR_STAT_BADRESPONSE, 0, $aRet) EndIf Else Return SetError($POP3_ERROR_NO_AUTH, 0, $aRet) EndIf EndFunc ;==>_POP3Stat ; #FUNCTION# =================================================================== ; Name ..........: _POP3MsgCnt ; Description ...: Returns the number of messages ; AutoIt Version : V3.3.2.0 ; Syntax ........: _POP3MsgCnt() ; Parameter(s): .: - ; Return Value ..: Success - number of messages ; Failure - -1 ; @ERROR - ; Author(s) .....: Thorsten Willert ; Date ..........: Fri Jan 15 09:56:20 CET 2010 ; Link ..........: ; Related .......: _POP3Stat ; Example .......: NO ; ============================================================================== Func _POP3MsgCnt() Local $a = _POP3Stat() Return SetError(@error, 0, $a[0]) EndFunc ;==>_POP3MsgCnt ; #FUNCTION# =================================================================== ; Name ..........: _POP3Top ; Description ...: Retreives the mail headers, and the X first lines of the message ; AutoIt Version : V3.3.2.0 ; Syntax ........: _POP3Top([$iMsg = -1[, $iLines = 0]]) ; Parameter(s): .: $iMsg - Optional: (Default = -1) : ; | -1 : newest ; $iLines - Optional: (Default = 0) : ; Return Value ..: Success - string ; Failure - 0 ; @ERROR - ; Author(s) .....: Luc HENNINOT, Thorsten Willert ; Date ..........: Thu Jan 14 17:26:42 CET 2010 ; Link ..........: ; Related .......: ; Example .......: No ; ============================================================================== Func _POP3Top($iMsg = -1, $iLines = 0) If $POP3_ISAUTH Then If $iMsg = -1 Then Local $aStat = _POP3Stat() If Not @error Then $iMsg = $aStat[0] EndIf ; Send Top Local $sRet = __POP3Cmd("TOP " & $iMsg & " " & $iLines) If @error Then Return SetError(@error, 0, 0) ; Downloading until final dot and cariage return. While Not StringRegExp($sRet, "\r\n\.\r\n") $sRet = $sRet & __POP3WaitTcpResponse() If @error Then Return SetError($POP3_ERROR_NO_TCP_RESPONSE, 0, 0) WEnd Return $sRet Else Return SetError($POP3_ERROR_NO_AUTH, 0, 0) EndIf EndFunc ;==>_POP3Top ; #FUNCTION# =================================================================== ; Name ..........: _POP3Uidl ; Description ...: Same as _POP3List(), but with UIDL identifiers instead of message size. ; AutoIt Version : V3.3.2.0 ; Syntax ........: _POP3Uidl([$iMsg = -1]) ; Parameter(s): .: $iMsg - Optional: (Default = -1) : ; Return Value ..: Success - array[n][2] ; Failure - 0 ; @ERROR - ; Author(s) .....: Luc HENNINOT, Thorsten Willert ; Date ..........: Thu Jan 14 16:51:30 CET 2010 ; Link ..........: ; Related .......: _POP3List ; Example .......: No ; ============================================================================== Func _POP3Uidl($iMsg = -1) If $POP3_ISAUTH Then Local $aRet[1][2], $aTMP2 Local $sAddMsg = "" If $iMsg <> -1 Then $sAddMsg = " " & $iMsg ; Send List Local $sRet = __POP3Cmd("UIDL " & $sAddMsg) If @error Then Return SetError(@error, 0, 0) While $iMsg = -1 And Not StringRegExp($sRet, "\r\n\.\r\n") $sRet = $sRet & __POP3WaitTcpResponse() If @error Then Return SetError($POP3_ERROR_NO_TCP_RESPONSE, 0, 0) WEnd ; Stripping useless infos for complete listing If $iMsg = -1 Then $sRet = StringMid($sRet, 2, StringLen($sRet) - 6) Else $sRet = StringMid($sRet, 1, StringLen($sRet) - 2) EndIf Local $aTMP = StringSplit(StringStripCR($sRet), @LF) Local $iE = UBound($aTMP) ReDim $aRet[$iE][2] $aRet[0][0] = $iE - 1 For $i = 1 To $iE - 1 $aTMP2 = StringSplit($aTMP[$i], " ", 2) $aRet[$i][0] = $aTMP2[0] $aRet[$i][1] = $aTMP2[1] Next Return $aRet Else Return SetError($POP3_ERROR_NO_AUTH, 0, 0) EndIf EndFunc ;==>_POP3Uidl ; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY# ========================================================== ; Name ..........: __POP3Cmd ; Description ...: ; AutoIt Version : V3.3.2.0 ; Syntax ........: __POP3Cmd($sMSg) ; Parameter(s): .: $sMSg - ; Return Value ..: Success - string ; Failure - 0 ; @ERROR - ; Author(s) .....: Thorsten Willert ; Date ..........: Thu Jan 14 17:07:08 CET 2010 ; ============================================================================== Func __POP3Cmd($sMSg) If $POP3_TRACE Then ConsoleWrite(">: " & $sMSg & @CRLF) TCPSend($POP3_SOCKET, $sMSg & @CRLF) If @error Then Return SetError($POP3_ERROR_USER_REFUSED, 0, 0) Local $sRet = __POP3WaitForOK() If @error Then Return SetError($POP3_ERROR_NO_OK_RESPONSE, 0, 0) Return $sRet EndFunc ;==>__POP3Cmd ; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY# ========================================================== ; Name ..........: __POP3WaitForOK ; Description ...: Returns the server response if it starts with "+OK" ; AutoIt Version : V3.3.2.0 ; Syntax ........: __POP3WaitForOK() ; Parameter(s): .: - ; Return Value ..: Success - string ; Failure - "" ; @ERROR - ; Author(s) .....: Luc HENNINOT, Thorsten Willert ; Date ..........: Thu Jan 14 11:50:34 CET 2010 ; ============================================================================== Func __POP3WaitForOK() ; Wait for server response. Local $sRet Local $T = TimerInit() While TimerDiff($T) < $POP3_SERVER_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT $sRet = __POP3WaitTcpResponse() If Not @error And StringRegExp($sRet, '\+OK') Then Return StringRegExpReplace($sRet, '\+OK\s?', "") If StringRegExp($sRet, '\-ERR\s?') Then Return SetError($POP3_ERROR_ERR_RESPONSE, 0, "") Sleep(100) WEnd Return SetError($POP3_ERROR_SERVER_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT, 0, "") EndFunc ;==>__POP3WaitForOK ; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY# ========================================================== ; Name ..........: __POP3WaitTcpResponse ; Description ...: Returns the server response ; AutoIt Version : V3.3.2.0 ; Syntax ........: __POP3WaitTcpResponse([$iTimeOut = 30000]) ; Parameter(s): .: $iTimeOut - Optional: (Default = 30000) : ; Return Value ..: Success - string ; Failure - 0 ; @ERROR - ; Author(s) .....: Luc HENNINOT, Thorsten Willert ; Date ..........: Thu Jan 14 11:51:07 CET 2010 ; ============================================================================== Func __POP3WaitTcpResponse($iTimeOut = 30000) ;Timeout to 30 s, should be enough in most cases. Overwright it if needed. Local $sRet = "" Local $T = TimerInit() While TimerDiff($T) < $iTimeOut $sRet = TCPRecv($POP3_SOCKET, 512) If $POP3_TRACE And $sRet Then ConsoleWrite("<: " & $sRet) If $sRet <> "" Then Return $sRet Sleep(100) WEnd Return SetError($POP3_ERROR_TCPRECV_TIMEOUT, 0, 0) EndFunc ;==>__POP3WaitTcpResponse