$train = "56" If WinExists($train) Then Exit AutoItWinSetTitle($train) AutoItSetOption("PixelCoordMode", "1") HotKeySet("{Esc}", "escape") AutoItSetOption("SendKeyDelay", "12") HotKeySet("{END}", "Pause") $x = 0 $y = 0 $Clickselfloop = 0 $Clickselfloop2 = 0 $shakeloop = 0 $x = InputBox("Question", "set $X to...? (0 = 3 || 10 = 17 || 20 = 33 || 30 = 47 || 39 = 68", "0", "", -1, -1, 300, 250, 25) runworld() ;g0blin searchin'! Do WinMove("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", "0", "91", "800", "680") ;was 91 y ;WinMove("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", "0", "-5", "800", "766") ;was 91 y Sleep(48000) $begin000 = TimerStart () Do Sleep(1500) $frt1 = PixelGetColor(577, 430) $frt2 = PixelGetColor(219, 446) $frt3 = PixelGetColor(249, 475) Until $frt1 = 723723 And $frt2 = 723723 And $frt3 = 723723 Or TimerStop ($begin000) >= 1000 * 40 Sleep(100) chars() randomizesleep() Sleep(15000 + $sleeper) $startxclose = 476 $startyclose = 292 $xclose = Int(Random($startxclose - 8, $startxclose + 8)) $yclose = Int(Random($startyclose - 2, $startyclose + 2)) MouseClick("left", $xclose, $yclose, 1, 5);Closes Welcome Screen randomizesleep() Sleep(1000 + $sleeper) Strengthandmageset() Send("{Down down}") randomizesleep() Sleep(1500 + $sleeper) Send("{Down up}") Sleep(1000) Send("{Right down}") $looptimer1 = TimerStart () Do $comp1 = 0 $comp2 = 0 $comp3 = 0 $comp4 = 0 $comp5 = 0 $comp6 = 0 $comp7 = 0 $comp8 = 0 $comp9 = 0 $comp1 = PixelGetColor(591, 219) $comp2 = PixelGetColor(593, 219) $comp3 = PixelGetColor(595, 219) $comp4 = PixelGetColor(597, 219) $comp5 = PixelGetColor(593, 220) $comp6 = PixelGetColor(595, 223) $comp7 = PixelGetColor(594, 222) $comp8 = PixelGetColor(591, 222) $comp9 = PixelGetColor(589, 222) Until $comp1 = 4128768 And $comp2 = 4128768 And $comp3 = 4128768 And $comp4 = 4128768 And $comp5 = 4128768 And $comp6 = 4128768 And $comp7 = 4128768 And $comp8 = 4128768 And $comp9 = 4128768 Or TimerStop ($looptimer1) >= 1000 * 20 Send("{Right up}") $isalready = 0 $searchloop = 0 $autotrain1 = TimerStart () Sleep(3000) Do Do $foundagob = 0 randomizemore() MouseMove(108 + $clickmx, 595 + $clickmy, 0) If $searchloop = 0 Then $searchloop = 1 $cowbar = PixelSearch(80, 217, 142, 261, 7027972, 3, 1);(129, 217, 271, 349, 7027972, 3, 1);(139, 237, 271, 349, 7027972, 3, 1) If Not @error Then Randomizegoblin() $cowbarclickx = $cowbar[0] + $clickcx $cowbarclicky = $cowbar[1] + $clickcy MouseClick( "right", $cowbarclickx, $cowbarclicky, 1, 0) checkforgoblinname() ExitLoop EndIf EndIf If $searchloop = 1 Then $searchloop = 2 $cowbar = PixelSearch(390, 302, 460, 349, 7027972, 3, 1);(271, 217, 390, 349, 7027972, 3, 1) ;(271, 200, 390, 349, 7027972, 3, 1) If Not @error Then Randomizegoblin() $cowbarclickx = $cowbar[0] + $clickcx $cowbarclicky = $cowbar[1] + $clickcy MouseClick( "right", $cowbarclickx, $cowbarclicky, 1, 0) checkforgoblinname() ExitLoop EndIf EndIf If $searchloop = 2 Then $searchloop = 3 $cowbar = PixelSearch(204, 261, 266, 305, 7027972, 5, 1);(390, 208, 530, 349, 7027972, 5, 1) ;(390, 196, 500, 349, 7027972, 5, 1) If Not @error Then Randomizegoblin() $cowbarclickx = $cowbar[0] + $clickcx $cowbarclicky = $cowbar[1] + $clickcy MouseClick( "right", $cowbarclickx, $cowbarclicky, 1, 0) checkforgoblinname() ExitLoop EndIf EndIf If $searchloop = 3 Then $searchloop = 4 $cowbar = PixelSearch(460, 255, 530, 302, 7027972, 5, 1);(390, 208, 530, 349, 7027972, 5, 1) ;(390, 196, 500, 349, 7027972, 5, 1) If Not @error Then Randomizegoblin() $cowbarclickx = $cowbar[0] + $clickcx $cowbarclicky = $cowbar[1] + $clickcy MouseClick( "right", $cowbarclickx, $cowbarclicky, 1, 0) checkforgoblinname() ExitLoop EndIf EndIf If $searchloop = 4 Then $searchloop = 5 $cowbar = PixelSearch(328, 261, 390, 305, 7027972, 5, 1);(390, 208, 530, 349, 7027972, 5, 1) ;(390, 196, 500, 349, 7027972, 5, 1) If Not @error Then Randomizegoblin() $cowbarclickx = $cowbar[0] + $clickcx $cowbarclicky = $cowbar[1] + $clickcy MouseClick( "right", $cowbarclickx, $cowbarclicky, 1, 0) checkforgoblinname() ExitLoop EndIf EndIf If $searchloop = 5 Then $searchloop = 6 $cowbar = PixelSearch(80, 305, 142, 349, 7027972, 5, 1);(390, 208, 530, 349, 7027972, 5, 1) ;(390, 196, 500, 349, 7027972, 5, 1) If Not @error Then Randomizegoblin() $cowbarclickx = $cowbar[0] + $clickcx $cowbarclicky = $cowbar[1] + $clickcy MouseClick( "right", $cowbarclickx, $cowbarclicky, 1, 0) checkforgoblinname() ExitLoop EndIf EndIf If $searchloop = 6 Then $searchloop = 7 $cowbar = PixelSearch(390, 208, 460, 255, 7027972, 5, 1);(390, 208, 530, 349, 7027972, 5, 1) ;(390, 196, 500, 349, 7027972, 5, 1) If Not @error Then Randomizegoblin() $cowbarclickx = $cowbar[0] + $clickcx $cowbarclicky = $cowbar[1] + $clickcy MouseClick( "right", $cowbarclickx, $cowbarclicky, 1, 0) checkforgoblinname() ExitLoop EndIf EndIf If $searchloop = 7 Then $searchloop = 8 $cowbar = PixelSearch(204, 305, 266, 349, 7027972, 5, 1);(390, 208, 530, 349, 7027972, 5, 1) ;(390, 196, 500, 349, 7027972, 5, 1) If Not @error Then Randomizegoblin() $cowbarclickx = $cowbar[0] + $clickcx $cowbarclicky = $cowbar[1] + $clickcy MouseClick( "right", $cowbarclickx, $cowbarclicky, 1, 0) checkforgoblinname() ExitLoop EndIf EndIf If $searchloop = 8 Then $searchloop = 9 $cowbar = PixelSearch(460, 302, 530, 349, 7027972, 5, 1);(390, 208, 530, 349, 7027972, 5, 1) ;(390, 196, 500, 349, 7027972, 5, 1) If Not @error Then Randomizegoblin() $cowbarclickx = $cowbar[0] + $clickcx $cowbarclicky = $cowbar[1] + $clickcy MouseClick( "right", $cowbarclickx, $cowbarclicky, 1, 0) checkforgoblinname() ExitLoop EndIf EndIf If $searchloop = 9 Then $searchloop = 10 $cowbar = PixelSearch(80, 261, 142, 305, 7027972, 5, 1);(390, 208, 530, 349, 7027972, 5, 1) ;(390, 196, 500, 349, 7027972, 5, 1) If Not @error Then Randomizegoblin() $cowbarclickx = $cowbar[0] + $clickcx $cowbarclicky = $cowbar[1] + $clickcy MouseClick( "right", $cowbarclickx, $cowbarclicky, 1, 0) checkforgoblinname() ExitLoop EndIf EndIf If $searchloop = 10 Then $searchloop = 11 $cowbar = PixelSearch(266, 217, 328, 261, 7027972, 5, 1);(390, 208, 530, 349, 7027972, 5, 1) ;(390, 196, 500, 349, 7027972, 5, 1) If Not @error Then Randomizegoblin() $cowbarclickx = $cowbar[0] + $clickcx $cowbarclicky = $cowbar[1] + $clickcy MouseClick( "right", $cowbarclickx, $cowbarclicky, 1, 0) checkforgoblinname() ExitLoop EndIf EndIf If $searchloop = 11 Then $searchloop = 12 $cowbar = PixelSearch(266, 305, 328, 349, 7027972, 5, 1);(390, 208, 530, 349, 7027972, 5, 1) ;(390, 196, 500, 349, 7027972, 5, 1) If Not @error Then Randomizegoblin() $cowbarclickx = $cowbar[0] + $clickcx $cowbarclicky = $cowbar[1] + $clickcy MouseClick( "right", $cowbarclickx, $cowbarclicky, 1, 0) checkforgoblinname() ExitLoop EndIf EndIf If $searchloop = 12 Then $searchloop = 13 $cowbar = PixelSearch(142, 305, 204, 349, 7027972, 5, 1);(390, 208, 530, 349, 7027972, 5, 1) ;(390, 196, 500, 349, 7027972, 5, 1) If Not @error Then Randomizegoblin() $cowbarclickx = $cowbar[0] + $clickcx $cowbarclicky = $cowbar[1] + $clickcy MouseClick( "right", $cowbarclickx, $cowbarclicky, 1, 0) checkforgoblinname() ExitLoop EndIf EndIf If $searchloop = 13 Then $searchloop = 14 $cowbar = PixelSearch(328, 305, 390, 349, 7027972, 5, 1);(390, 208, 530, 349, 7027972, 5, 1) ;(390, 196, 500, 349, 7027972, 5, 1) If Not @error Then Randomizegoblin() $cowbarclickx = $cowbar[0] + $clickcx $cowbarclicky = $cowbar[1] + $clickcy MouseClick( "right", $cowbarclickx, $cowbarclicky, 1, 0) checkforgoblinname() ExitLoop EndIf EndIf If $searchloop = 14 Then $searchloop = 15 $cowbar = PixelSearch(142, 261, 204, 305, 7027972, 5, 1);(390, 208, 530, 349, 7027972, 5, 1) ;(390, 196, 500, 349, 7027972, 5, 1) If Not @error Then Randomizegoblin() $cowbarclickx = $cowbar[0] + $clickcx $cowbarclicky = $cowbar[1] + $clickcy MouseClick( "right", $cowbarclickx, $cowbarclicky, 1, 0) checkforgoblinname() ExitLoop EndIf EndIf If $searchloop = 15 Then $searchloop = 16 $cowbar = PixelSearch(390, 255, 460, 302, 7027972, 5, 1);(390, 208, 530, 349, 7027972, 5, 1) ;(390, 196, 500, 349, 7027972, 5, 1) If Not @error Then Randomizegoblin() $cowbarclickx = $cowbar[0] + $clickcx $cowbarclicky = $cowbar[1] + $clickcy MouseClick( "right", $cowbarclickx, $cowbarclicky, 1, 0) checkforgoblinname() ExitLoop EndIf EndIf If $searchloop = 16 Then $searchloop = 17 $cowbar = PixelSearch(266, 261, 328, 305, 7027972, 5, 1);(390, 208, 530, 349, 7027972, 5, 1) ;(390, 196, 500, 349, 7027972, 5, 1) If Not @error Then Randomizegoblin() $cowbarclickx = $cowbar[0] + $clickcx $cowbarclicky = $cowbar[1] + $clickcy MouseClick( "right", $cowbarclickx, $cowbarclicky, 1, 0) checkforgoblinname() ExitLoop EndIf EndIf If $searchloop = 17 Then $searchloop = 18 $cowbar = PixelSearch(142, 217, 204, 261, 7027972, 5, 1);(390, 208, 530, 349, 7027972, 5, 1) ;(390, 196, 500, 349, 7027972, 5, 1) If Not @error Then Randomizegoblin() $cowbarclickx = $cowbar[0] + $clickcx $cowbarclicky = $cowbar[1] + $clickcy MouseClick( "right", $cowbarclickx, $cowbarclicky, 1, 0) checkforgoblinname() ExitLoop EndIf EndIf If $searchloop = 18 Then $searchloop = 19 $cowbar = PixelSearch(328, 217, 390, 261, 7027972, 5, 1);(390, 208, 530, 349, 7027972, 5, 1) ;(390, 196, 500, 349, 7027972, 5, 1) If Not @error Then Randomizegoblin() $cowbarclickx = $cowbar[0] + $clickcx $cowbarclicky = $cowbar[1] + $clickcy MouseClick( "right", $cowbarclickx, $cowbarclicky, 1, 0) checkforgoblinname() ExitLoop EndIf EndIf If $searchloop = 19 Then $searchloop = 0 $cowbar = PixelSearch(204, 217, 266, 261, 7027972, 5, 1);(390, 208, 530, 349, 7027972, 5, 1) ;(390, 196, 500, 349, 7027972, 5, 1) If Not @error Then Randomizegoblin() $cowbarclickx = $cowbar[0] + $clickcx $cowbarclicky = $cowbar[1] + $clickcy MouseClick( "right", $cowbarclickx, $cowbarclicky, 1, 0) checkforgoblinname() ExitLoop EndIf EndIf Until $foundagob = 1 Or TimerStop ($autotrain1) >= 1000 * 60 * 11 If $foundagob = 1 Then makesureimfighting() makesureididntmove() EndIf Until TimerStop ($autotrain1) >= 1000 * 60 * 11 logout() WinClose("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "") WinClose("Cannot find server - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "") Sleep(10) WinClose("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "") Sleep(100) runworld() Until $y = 99 Func makesureididntmove() $movetimer = TimerStart () Do Sleep(150) $water = PixelGetColor(663, 273);667, 276) $water1 = Round($water, -6) ;MsgBox(0, "Value of $uhoh1 is:", $uhoh1) If $water1 <> 5000000 Then ;5268621 $1clickx = Int(Random(0 - 1, 0 + 1)) $1clicky = Int(Random(0 - 1, 0 + 1)) $1clickx1 = 665 + $1clickx $1clicky1 = 276 + $1clicky ;was 278 ;Send("{LCTRL Down}") MouseClick( "left", $1clickx1, $1clicky1, 1, 0) ;Send("{LCTRL up}") randomizesleep() Sleep(4050 + $sleeper) EndIf $water2nd = PixelGetColor(663, 273) $1water2nd = Round($water2nd, -6) Until $1water2nd = 5000000 Or TimerStop ($movetimer) >= 1000 * 20 $water3rd = PixelGetColor(663, 273) $water3rd1 = Round($water3rd, -6) ;MsgBox(0, "Value of $uhoh1 is:", $uhoh1) If $water3rd1 <> 5000000 Then ;5268621 logout() SoundPlay("C:\Windows\media\Windows XP Battery Low.wav") Sleep(400) SoundPlay("C:\Windows\media\Windows XP Battery Low.wav") Sleep(400) SoundPlay("C:\Windows\media\Windows XP Battery Low.wav") Sleep(400) $soundplay = 0 Do SoundPlay("C:\Windows\media\chimes.wav") $soundplay = $soundplay + 1 Sleep(400) Until $soundplay = 25 EndIf Sleep(1000) $water3rd = PixelGetColor(663, 273) $water3rd1 = Round($water3rd, -6) ;MsgBox(0, "Value of $uhoh1 is:", $uhoh1) If $water3rd1 <> 5000000 Then ;5268621 logout() SoundPlay("C:\Windows\media\Windows XP Battery Low.wav") Sleep(400) SoundPlay("C:\Windows\media\Windows XP Battery Low.wav") Sleep(400) SoundPlay("C:\Windows\media\Windows XP Battery Low.wav") Sleep(400) $soundplay = 0 Do SoundPlay("C:\Windows\media\chimes.wav") $soundplay = $soundplay + 1 Sleep(400) Until $soundplay = 25 EndIf EndFunc ;==>makesureididntmove Func makesureimfighting() ;; -- ;; Sleep(2000) Do $01checkrunes01 = PixelGetColor(713, 449) ; 713 to 720 --- 449 to 456 $01checkrunes02 = PixelGetColor(713, 451) $01checkrunes03 = PixelGetColor(713, 452) $01checkrunes04 = PixelGetColor(713, 453) $01checkrunes05 = PixelGetColor(713, 454) $01checkrunes06 = PixelGetColor(713, 455) $01checkrunes07 = PixelGetColor(713, 456) $01checkrunes08 = PixelGetColor(714, 449) $01checkrunes09 = PixelGetColor(714, 451) $01checkrunes10 = PixelGetColor(714, 452) $01checkrunes11 = PixelGetColor(714, 453) $01checkrunes12 = PixelGetColor(714, 454) $01checkrunes13 = PixelGetColor(714, 455) $01checkrunes14 = PixelGetColor(714, 456) $01checkrunes15 = PixelGetColor(715, 449) $01checkrunes16 = PixelGetColor(715, 451) $01checkrunes17 = PixelGetColor(715, 452) $01checkrunes18 = PixelGetColor(715, 453) $01checkrunes19 = PixelGetColor(715, 454) $01checkrunes20 = PixelGetColor(715, 455) $01checkrunes21 = PixelGetColor(715, 456) $01checkrunes22 = PixelGetColor(716, 449) $01checkrunes23 = PixelGetColor(716, 451) $01checkrunes24 = PixelGetColor(716, 452) $01checkrunes25 = PixelGetColor(716, 453) $01checkrunes26 = PixelGetColor(716, 454) $01checkrunes27 = PixelGetColor(716, 455) $01checkrunes28 = PixelGetColor(716, 456) $01checkrunes29 = PixelGetColor(717, 449) $01checkrunes30 = PixelGetColor(717, 451) $01checkrunes31 = PixelGetColor(717, 452) $01checkrunes32 = PixelGetColor(717, 453) $01checkrunes33 = PixelGetColor(717, 454) $01checkrunes34 = PixelGetColor(717, 455) $01checkrunes35 = PixelGetColor(717, 456) $01checkrunes36 = PixelGetColor(718, 449) $01checkrunes37 = PixelGetColor(718, 451) $01checkrunes38 = PixelGetColor(718, 452) $01checkrunes39 = PixelGetColor(718, 453) $01checkrunes40 = PixelGetColor(718, 454) $01checkrunes41 = PixelGetColor(718, 455) $01checkrunes42 = PixelGetColor(718, 456) $01checkrunes43 = PixelGetColor(719, 449) $01checkrunes44 = PixelGetColor(719, 451) $01checkrunes45 = PixelGetColor(719, 452) $01checkrunes46 = PixelGetColor(719, 453) $01checkrunes47 = PixelGetColor(719, 454) $01checkrunes48 = PixelGetColor(719, 455) $01checkrunes49 = PixelGetColor(719, 456) $01checkrunes50 = PixelGetColor(720, 449) $01checkrunes51 = PixelGetColor(720, 451) $01checkrunes52 = PixelGetColor(720, 452) $01checkrunes53 = PixelGetColor(720, 453) $01checkrunes54 = PixelGetColor(720, 454) $01checkrunes55 = PixelGetColor(720, 455) $01checkrunes56 = PixelGetColor(720, 456) $01checkrunes57 = PixelGetColor(721, 449) $01checkrunes58 = PixelGetColor(721, 451) $01checkrunes59 = PixelGetColor(721, 452) $01checkrunes60 = PixelGetColor(721, 453) $01checkrunes61 = PixelGetColor(721, 454) $01checkrunes62 = PixelGetColor(721, 455) $01checkrunes63 = PixelGetColor(721, 456) $01checkrunes64 = PixelGetColor(707, 449); 707 - 712 x here $01checkrunes65 = PixelGetColor(707, 451) $01checkrunes66 = PixelGetColor(707, 452) $01checkrunes67 = PixelGetColor(707, 453) $01checkrunes68 = PixelGetColor(707, 454) $01checkrunes69 = PixelGetColor(707, 455) $01checkrunes70 = PixelGetColor(707, 456) $01checkrunes71 = PixelGetColor(708, 449) $01checkrunes72 = PixelGetColor(708, 451) $01checkrunes73 = PixelGetColor(708, 452) $01checkrunes74 = PixelGetColor(708, 453) $01checkrunes75 = PixelGetColor(708, 454) $01checkrunes76 = PixelGetColor(708, 455) $01checkrunes77 = PixelGetColor(708, 456) $01checkrunes78 = PixelGetColor(709, 449) $01checkrunes79 = PixelGetColor(709, 451) $01checkrunes80 = PixelGetColor(709, 452) $01checkrunes81 = PixelGetColor(709, 453) $01checkrunes82 = PixelGetColor(709, 454) $01checkrunes83 = PixelGetColor(709, 455) $01checkrunes84 = PixelGetColor(709, 456) $01checkrunes85 = PixelGetColor(710, 449) $01checkrunes86 = PixelGetColor(710, 451) $01checkrunes87 = PixelGetColor(710, 452) $01checkrunes88 = PixelGetColor(710, 453) $01checkrunes89 = PixelGetColor(710, 454) $01checkrunes90 = PixelGetColor(710, 455) $01checkrunes91 = PixelGetColor(710, 456) $01checkrunes92 = PixelGetColor(711, 449) $01checkrunes93 = PixelGetColor(711, 451) $01checkrunes94 = PixelGetColor(711, 452) $01checkrunes95 = PixelGetColor(711, 453) $01checkrunes96 = PixelGetColor(711, 454) $01checkrunes97 = PixelGetColor(711, 455) $01checkrunes98 = PixelGetColor(711, 456) $01checkrunes99 = PixelGetColor(712, 449) $01checkrunes100 = PixelGetColor(712, 451) $01checkrunes101 = PixelGetColor(712, 452) $01checkrunes102 = PixelGetColor(712, 453) $01checkrunes103 = PixelGetColor(712, 454) $01checkrunes104 = PixelGetColor(712, 455) $01checkrunes105 = PixelGetColor(712, 456) randomize() ;$1x1 = 253 + $clickx ;$1y1 = 645 + $clicky ;MouseClick( "left", $1x1, $1y1, 1, 0) Sleep(2500) $0checkrunes01 = PixelGetColor(713, 449) $0checkrunes02 = PixelGetColor(713, 451) $0checkrunes03 = PixelGetColor(713, 452) $0checkrunes04 = PixelGetColor(713, 453) $0checkrunes05 = PixelGetColor(713, 454) $0checkrunes06 = PixelGetColor(713, 455) $0checkrunes07 = PixelGetColor(713, 456) $0checkrunes08 = PixelGetColor(714, 449) $0checkrunes09 = PixelGetColor(714, 451) $0checkrunes10 = PixelGetColor(714, 452) $0checkrunes11 = PixelGetColor(714, 453) $0checkrunes12 = PixelGetColor(714, 454) $0checkrunes13 = PixelGetColor(714, 455) $0checkrunes14 = PixelGetColor(714, 456) $0checkrunes15 = PixelGetColor(715, 449) $0checkrunes16 = PixelGetColor(715, 451) $0checkrunes17 = PixelGetColor(715, 452) $0checkrunes18 = PixelGetColor(715, 453) $0checkrunes19 = PixelGetColor(715, 454) $0checkrunes20 = PixelGetColor(715, 455) $0checkrunes21 = PixelGetColor(715, 456) $0checkrunes22 = PixelGetColor(716, 449) $0checkrunes23 = PixelGetColor(716, 451) $0checkrunes24 = PixelGetColor(716, 452) $0checkrunes25 = PixelGetColor(716, 453) $0checkrunes26 = PixelGetColor(716, 454) $0checkrunes27 = PixelGetColor(716, 455) $0checkrunes28 = PixelGetColor(716, 456) $0checkrunes29 = PixelGetColor(717, 449) $0checkrunes30 = PixelGetColor(717, 451) $0checkrunes31 = PixelGetColor(717, 452) $0checkrunes32 = PixelGetColor(717, 453) $0checkrunes33 = PixelGetColor(717, 454) $0checkrunes34 = PixelGetColor(717, 455) $0checkrunes35 = PixelGetColor(717, 456) $0checkrunes36 = PixelGetColor(718, 449) $0checkrunes37 = PixelGetColor(718, 451) $0checkrunes38 = PixelGetColor(718, 452) $0checkrunes39 = PixelGetColor(718, 453) $0checkrunes40 = PixelGetColor(718, 454) $0checkrunes41 = PixelGetColor(718, 455) $0checkrunes42 = PixelGetColor(718, 456) $0checkrunes43 = PixelGetColor(719, 449) $0checkrunes44 = PixelGetColor(719, 451) $0checkrunes45 = PixelGetColor(719, 452) $0checkrunes46 = PixelGetColor(719, 453) $0checkrunes47 = PixelGetColor(719, 454) $0checkrunes48 = PixelGetColor(719, 455) $0checkrunes49 = PixelGetColor(719, 456) $0checkrunes50 = PixelGetColor(720, 449) $0checkrunes51 = PixelGetColor(720, 451) $0checkrunes52 = PixelGetColor(720, 452) $0checkrunes53 = PixelGetColor(720, 453) $0checkrunes54 = PixelGetColor(720, 454) $0checkrunes55 = PixelGetColor(720, 455) $0checkrunes56 = PixelGetColor(720, 456) $0checkrunes57 = PixelGetColor(721, 449) $0checkrunes58 = PixelGetColor(721, 451) $0checkrunes59 = PixelGetColor(721, 452) $0checkrunes60 = PixelGetColor(721, 453) $0checkrunes61 = PixelGetColor(721, 454) $0checkrunes62 = PixelGetColor(721, 455) $0checkrunes63 = PixelGetColor(721, 456) $0checkrunes64 = PixelGetColor(707, 449); 707 - 712 x here $0checkrunes65 = PixelGetColor(707, 451) $0checkrunes66 = PixelGetColor(707, 452) $0checkrunes67 = PixelGetColor(707, 453) $0checkrunes68 = PixelGetColor(707, 454) $0checkrunes69 = PixelGetColor(707, 455) $0checkrunes70 = PixelGetColor(707, 456) $0checkrunes71 = PixelGetColor(708, 449) $0checkrunes72 = PixelGetColor(708, 451) $0checkrunes73 = PixelGetColor(708, 452) $0checkrunes74 = PixelGetColor(708, 453) $0checkrunes75 = PixelGetColor(708, 454) $0checkrunes76 = PixelGetColor(708, 455) $0checkrunes77 = PixelGetColor(708, 456) $0checkrunes78 = PixelGetColor(709, 449) $0checkrunes79 = PixelGetColor(709, 451) $0checkrunes80 = PixelGetColor(709, 452) $0checkrunes81 = PixelGetColor(709, 453) $0checkrunes82 = PixelGetColor(709, 454) $0checkrunes83 = PixelGetColor(709, 455) $0checkrunes84 = PixelGetColor(709, 456) $0checkrunes85 = PixelGetColor(710, 449) $0checkrunes86 = PixelGetColor(710, 451) $0checkrunes87 = PixelGetColor(710, 452) $0checkrunes88 = PixelGetColor(710, 453) $0checkrunes89 = PixelGetColor(710, 454) $0checkrunes90 = PixelGetColor(710, 455) $0checkrunes91 = PixelGetColor(710, 456) $0checkrunes92 = PixelGetColor(711, 449) $0checkrunes93 = PixelGetColor(711, 451) $0checkrunes94 = PixelGetColor(711, 452) $0checkrunes95 = PixelGetColor(711, 453) $0checkrunes96 = PixelGetColor(711, 454) $0checkrunes97 = PixelGetColor(711, 455) $0checkrunes98 = PixelGetColor(711, 456) $0checkrunes99 = PixelGetColor(712, 449) $0checkrunes100 = PixelGetColor(712, 451) $0checkrunes101 = PixelGetColor(712, 452) $0checkrunes102 = PixelGetColor(712, 453) $0checkrunes103 = PixelGetColor(712, 454) $0checkrunes104 = PixelGetColor(712, 455) $0checkrunes105 = PixelGetColor(712, 456) ;$1x1 = 253 + $clickx ;$1y1 = 645 + $clicky ;MouseClick( "left", $1x1, $1y1, 1, 0) Until $01checkrunes01 = $0checkrunes01 And $01checkrunes02 = $0checkrunes02 And $01checkrunes03 = $0checkrunes03 And $01checkrunes04 = $0checkrunes04 And $01checkrunes05 = $0checkrunes05 And $01checkrunes06 = $0checkrunes06 And $01checkrunes07 = $0checkrunes07 And $01checkrunes08 = $0checkrunes08 And $01checkrunes09 = $0checkrunes09 And $01checkrunes10 = $0checkrunes10 And $01checkrunes11 = $0checkrunes11 And $01checkrunes12 = $0checkrunes12 And $01checkrunes13 = $0checkrunes13 And $01checkrunes14 = $0checkrunes14 And $01checkrunes15 = $0checkrunes15 And $01checkrunes16 = $0checkrunes16 And $01checkrunes17 = $0checkrunes17 And $01checkrunes18 = $0checkrunes18 And $01checkrunes19 = $0checkrunes19 And $01checkrunes20 = $0checkrunes20 And $01checkrunes21 = $0checkrunes21 And $01checkrunes22 = $0checkrunes22 And $01checkrunes23 = $0checkrunes23 And $01checkrunes24 = $0checkrunes24 And $01checkrunes25 = $0checkrunes25 And $01checkrunes26 = $0checkrunes26 And $01checkrunes27 = $0checkrunes27 And $01checkrunes28 = $0checkrunes28 And $01checkrunes29 = $0checkrunes29 And $01checkrunes30 = $0checkrunes30 And $01checkrunes31 = $0checkrunes31 And $01checkrunes32 = $0checkrunes32 And $01checkrunes33 = $0checkrunes33 And $01checkrunes34 = $0checkrunes34 And $01checkrunes35 = $0checkrunes35 And $01checkrunes36 = $0checkrunes36 And $01checkrunes37 = $0checkrunes37 And $01checkrunes38 = $0checkrunes38 And $01checkrunes39 = $0checkrunes39 And $01checkrunes40 = $0checkrunes40 And $01checkrunes41 = $0checkrunes41 And $01checkrunes42 = $0checkrunes42 And $01checkrunes43 = $0checkrunes43 And $01checkrunes44 = $0checkrunes44 And $01checkrunes45 = $0checkrunes45 And $01checkrunes46 = $0checkrunes46 And $01checkrunes47 = $0checkrunes47 And $01checkrunes48 = $0checkrunes48 And $01checkrunes49 = $0checkrunes49 And $01checkrunes50 = $0checkrunes50 And $01checkrunes51 = $0checkrunes51 And $01checkrunes52 = $0checkrunes52 And $01checkrunes53 = $0checkrunes53 And $01checkrunes54 = $0checkrunes54 And $01checkrunes55 = $0checkrunes55 And $01checkrunes56 = $0checkrunes56 And $01checkrunes57 = $0checkrunes57 And $01checkrunes58 = $0checkrunes58 And $01checkrunes59 = $0checkrunes59 And $01checkrunes60 = $0checkrunes60 And $01checkrunes61 = $0checkrunes61 And $01checkrunes62 = $0checkrunes62 And $01checkrunes63 = $0checkrunes63 And $01checkrunes64 = $0checkrunes64 And $01checkrunes65 = $0checkrunes65 And $01checkrunes66 = $0checkrunes66 And $01checkrunes67 = $0checkrunes67 And $01checkrunes68 = $0checkrunes68 And $01checkrunes69 = $0checkrunes69 And $01checkrunes70 = $0checkrunes70 And $01checkrunes71 = $0checkrunes71 And $01checkrunes72 = $0checkrunes72 And $01checkrunes73 = $0checkrunes73 And $01checkrunes74 = $0checkrunes74 And $01checkrunes75 = $0checkrunes75 And $01checkrunes76 = $0checkrunes76 And $01checkrunes77 = $0checkrunes77 And $01checkrunes78 = $0checkrunes78 And $01checkrunes79 = $0checkrunes79 And $01checkrunes80 = $0checkrunes80 And $01checkrunes81 = $0checkrunes81 And $01checkrunes82 = $0checkrunes82 And $01checkrunes83 = $0checkrunes83 And $01checkrunes84 = $0checkrunes84 And $01checkrunes85 = $0checkrunes85 And $01checkrunes86 = $0checkrunes86 And $01checkrunes87 = $0checkrunes87 And $01checkrunes88 = $0checkrunes88 And $01checkrunes89 = $0checkrunes89 And $01checkrunes90 = $0checkrunes90 And $01checkrunes91 = $0checkrunes91 And $01checkrunes92 = $0checkrunes92 And $01checkrunes93 = $0checkrunes93 And $01checkrunes94 = $0checkrunes94 And $01checkrunes95 = $0checkrunes95 And $01checkrunes96 = $0checkrunes96 And $01checkrunes97 = $0checkrunes97 And $01checkrunes98 = $0checkrunes98 And $01checkrunes99 = $0checkrunes99 And $01checkrunes100 = $0checkrunes100 And $01checkrunes101 = $0checkrunes101 And $01checkrunes102 = $0checkrunes102 And $01checkrunes103 = $0checkrunes103 And $01checkrunes104 = $0checkrunes104 And $01checkrunes105 = $0checkrunes105 ;Sleep(1500) EndFunc ;==>makesureimfighting Func lookforalreadyunderattack() Sleep(1000) $isalready = 0 $checkalready1 = 0 $checkalready2 = 0 $checkalready3 = 0 $checkalready4 = 0 $checkalready5 = 0 $checkalready6 = 0 $checkalready7 = 0 $checkalready8 = 0 $checkalready9 = 0 $checkalready10 = 0 $checkalready11 = 0 $checkalready12 = 0 $checkalready13 = 0 $checkalready14 = 0 $checkalready15 = 0 $checkalready1 = PixelGetColor(41, 616) $checkalready2 = PixelGetColor(41, 616) $checkalready3 = PixelGetColor(40, 617) $checkalready4 = PixelGetColor(43, 617) $checkalready5 = PixelGetColor(39, 618) $checkalready6 = PixelGetColor(40, 619) $checkalready7 = PixelGetColor(41, 620) $checkalready8 = PixelGetColor(42, 621) $checkalready9 = PixelGetColor(43, 622) $checkalready10 = PixelGetColor(143, 629) $checkalready11 = PixelGetColor(144, 629) $checkalready12 = PixelGetColor(145, 629) $checkalready13 = PixelGetColor(172, 629) $checkalready14 = PixelGetColor(173, 629) $checkalready15 = PixelGetColor(174, 629) If $checkalready1 = 0 And $checkalready2 = 0 And $checkalready3 = 0 And $checkalready4 = 0 And $checkalready5 = 0 And $checkalready6 = 0 And $checkalready7 = 0 And $checkalready8 = 0 And $checkalready9 = 0 And $checkalready10 = 0 And $checkalready11 = 0 And $checkalready12 = 0 And $checkalready13 = 0 And $checkalready14 = 0 And $checkalready15 = 0 Then $isalready = 1 EndIf EndFunc ;==>lookforalreadyunderattack Func checkforgoblinname() $cowsnamesearch1x = $cowbarclickx - 150 $cowsnamesearch1y = $cowbarclicky $cowsnamesearch2x = $cowbarclickx + 250 $cowsnamesearch2y = $cowbarclicky + 250 $elow100f = 0 $elow101f = 0 $elow102f = 0 $elow103f = 0 $elow104f = 0 $elow105f = 0 $elow106f = 0 $elow107f = 0 $elow108f = 0 $elow109f = 0 $coord2 = PixelSearch($cowsnamesearch1x, $cowsnamesearch1y, $cowsnamesearch2x, $cowsnamesearch2y, 16776960, 0, 0) ;look for name of NPC If Not @error Then $elow100y = $coord2[1] + 2 $elow100y1 = $coord2[1] + 3 $elow100y2 = $coord2[1] + 4 $elow100y3 = $coord2[1] + 8 $elow100 = $coord2[0] + 1 $elow101 = $coord2[0] + 4 $elow102 = $coord2[0] + 5 $elow103 = $coord2[0] + 16 $elow104 = $coord2[0] + 17 $elow105 = $coord2[0] $elow106 = $coord2[0] $elow107 = $coord2[0] $elow108 = $coord2[0] $elow109 = $coord2[0] $elow100f = PixelGetColor($elow100, $elow100y) $elow101f = PixelGetColor($elow101, $elow100y1) $elow102f = PixelGetColor($elow102, $elow100y2) $elow103f = PixelGetColor($elow103, $elow100y3) $elow104f = PixelGetColor($elow104, $elow100y) $elow105f = PixelGetColor($elow105, $elow100y) $elow106f = PixelGetColor($elow106, $elow100y) $elow107f = PixelGetColor($elow107, $elow100y) $elow108f = PixelGetColor($elow108, $elow100y) $elow109f = PixelGetColor($elow109, $elow100y) EndIf If $elow100f = 16776960 And $elow101f = 16776960 And $elow102f = 16776960 And $elow103f = 16776960 And $elow104f = 16776960 And $elow105f = 16776960 And $elow106f = 16776960 And $elow107f = 16776960 And $elow108f = 16776960 And $elow109f = 16776960 Then randomizemore() $cownamex = $coord2[0] + $clickmx $cownamey = $coord2[1] + $clickmy ;Send("{LCTRL down}") MouseClick("left", $cownamex, $cownamey, 1, 0) ;Send("{LCTRL up}") Sleep(100) Global $foundagob = 1 EndIf EndFunc ;==>checkforgoblinname Func randomizesleep() Global $sleeper = Int(Random(0 - 97, 0 + 92)) EndFunc ;==>randomizesleep Func randomize() Global $clickx = Int(Random(0 - 4, 0 + 4)) Global $clicky = Int(Random(0 - 4, 0 + 4)) EndFunc ;==>randomize Func randomizemore() Global $clickmx = Int(Random(0 - 25, 0 + 25)) Global $clickmy = Int(Random(0 - 2, 0 + 2)) EndFunc ;==>randomizemore Func Randomizegoblin() Global $clickcx = Int(Random(0 - 6, 0 + 12)) Global $clickcy = Int(Random(0 - 2, 0 + 8)) EndFunc ;==>Randomizegoblin Func Strengthandmageset() $clickx = Int(Random(0 - 0, 0 + 15)) $clicky = Int(Random(0 - 0, 0 + 17)) $strbarx = 570 + $clickx $strbary = 378 + $clicky MouseClick("left", $strbarx, $strbary, 1, 6) Sleep(150) $clickx = Int(Random(0 - 0, 0 + 45)) $clicky = Int(Random(0 - 0, 0 + 17)) $strsetx = 584 + $clickx $strsety = 520 + $clicky MouseClick("left", $strsetx, $strsety, 1, 6) Sleep(550) $clickx = Int(Random(0 - 0, 0 + 19)) $clicky = Int(Random(0 - 0, 0 + 14)) $inbarx = 691 + $clickx $inbary = 371 + $clicky MouseClick("left", $inbarx, $inbary, 1, 6) EndFunc ;==>Strengthandmageset Func escape() Exit EndFunc ;==>escape Func logout() Do $clickx = Int(Random(0 - 0, 0 + 18)) $clicky = Int(Random(0 - 0, 0 + 22)) $logout1x = 651 + $clickx $logout1y = 672 + $clicky MouseClick("left", $logout1x, $logout1y, 1, 6) $clickx = Int(Random(0 - 0, 0 + 18)) $clicky = Int(Random(0 - 0, 0 + 22)) $logout1x = 651 + $clickx $logout1y = 672 + $clicky MouseClick("left", $logout1x, $logout1y, 1, 6) $clickx = Int(Random(0 - 0, 0 + 127)) $clicky = Int(Random(0 - 0, 0 + 21)) $logout2x = 600 + $clickx $logout2y = 562 + $clicky MouseClick("left", $logout2x, $logout2y, 1, 6) $clickx = Int(Random(0 - 0, 0 + 127)) $clicky = Int(Random(0 - 0, 0 + 21)) $logout2x = 600 + $clickx $logout2y = 562 + $clicky MouseClick("left", $logout2x, $logout2y, 1, 6) Sleep(3000) $frt11 = PixelGetColor(577, 430) $frt22 = PixelGetColor(219, 446) $frt33 = PixelGetColor(249, 475) Until $frt11 = 723723 And $frt22 = 723723 And $frt33 = 723723 Or TimerStop ($begin000) >= 1000 * 20 Sleep(1000) EndFunc ;==>logout Func chars() ;******************************************** randomize() $login1x = 470 + $clickx $login1y = 490 + $clicky MouseClick("left", $login1x, $login1y, 3, 4) randomize() $login2x = 381 + $clickx $login2y = 455 + $clicky MouseClick("left", $login2x, $login2y, 3, 4) Send("tyu890") Sleep(100) randomize() $login3x = 384 + $clickx $login3y = 472 + $clicky MouseClick("left", $login3x, $login3y, 2, 4) Send("q12we3") randomize() $login4x = 317 + $clickx $login4y = 519 + $clicky MouseClick("left", $login4x, $login4y, 2, 4) ;********************************************* EndFunc ;==>chars Func runworld() Do If $x = 0 Then Run('C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore http://po2.runescape.com/rs2.cgi?plugin=0&lowmem=1&affiliate=runescape ', "",) WinWait("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", 30) WinActivate("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "",) WinWaitActive("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", 30) WinMove("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", "0", "0", "800", "766") $x = $x + 1; equals 1 ExitLoop EndIf If $x = 1 Then Run('C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore http://uk4.runescape.com/rs2.cgi?plugin=0&lowmem=1&affiliate=runescape ', "",) WinWait("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", 30) WinActivate("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "",) WinWaitActive("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", 30) WinMove("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", "0", "0", "800", "766") $x = $x + 1; equals 2 ExitLoop EndIf If $x = 2 Then Run('C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore http://planet4.runescape.com/rs2.cgi?plugin=0&lowmem=1&affiliate=runescape ', "",) WinWait("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", 30) WinActivate("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "",) WinWaitActive("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", 30) WinMove("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", "0", "0", "800", "766") $x = $x + 1; equals 3 ExitLoop EndIf If $x = 3 Then Run('C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore http://uk7.runescape.com/rs2.cgi?plugin=0&lowmem=1&affiliate=runescape ', "",) WinWait("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", 30) WinActivate("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "",) WinWaitActive("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", 30) WinMove("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", "0", "0", "800", "766") $x = $x + 1; equals 4 ExitLoop EndIf If $x = 4 Then Run('C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore http://uk5.runescape.com/rs2.cgi?plugin=0&lowmem=1&affiliate=runescape ', "",) WinWait("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", 30) WinActivate("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "",) WinWaitActive("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", 30) WinMove("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", "0", "0", "800", "766") $x = $x + 1; equals 5 ExitLoop EndIf If $x = 5 Then Run('C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore http://ams6.runescape.com/rs2.cgi?plugin=0&lowmem=1&affiliate=runescape ', "",) WinWait("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", 30) WinActivate("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "",) WinWaitActive("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", 30) WinMove("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", "0", "0", "800", "766") $x = $x + 1; equals 6 ExitLoop EndIf If $x = 6 Then Run('C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore http://sl8.runescape.com/rs2.cgi?plugin=0&lowmem=1&affiliate=runescape ', "",) WinWait("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", 30) WinActivate("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "",) WinWaitActive("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", 30) WinMove("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", "0", "0", "800", "766") $x = $x + 1; equals 7 ExitLoop EndIf If $x = 7 Then Run('C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore http://nl1.runescape.com/rs2.cgi?plugin=0&lowmem=1&affiliate=runescape ', "",) WinWait("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", 30) WinActivate("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "",) WinWaitActive("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", 30) WinMove("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", "0", "0", "800", "766") $x = $x + 1; equals 8 ExitLoop EndIf If $x = 8 Then Run('C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore http://jolt5.runescape.com/rs2.cgi?plugin=0&lowmem=1&affiliate=runescape ', "",) WinWait("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", 30) WinActivate("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "",) WinWaitActive("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", 30) WinMove("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", "0", "0", "800", "766") $x = $x + 1; equals 9 ExitLoop EndIf If $x = 9 Then Run('C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore http://se6.runescape.com/rs2.cgi?plugin=0&lowmem=1&affiliate=runescape ', "",) WinWait("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", 30) WinActivate("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "",) WinWaitActive("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", 30) WinMove("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", "0", "0", "800", "766") $x = $x + 1; equals 10 ExitLoop EndIf If $x = 10 Then Run('C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore http://nl6.runescape.com/rs2.cgi?plugin=0&lowmem=1&affiliate=runescape ', "",) WinWait("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", 30) WinActivate("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "",) WinWaitActive("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", 30) WinMove("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", "0", "0", "800", "766") $x = $x + 1; equals 11 ExitLoop EndIf If $x = 11 Then Run('C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore http://above4.runescape.com/rs2.cgi?plugin=0&lowmem=1&affiliate=runescape ', "",) WinWait("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", 30) WinActivate("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "",) WinWaitActive("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", 30) WinMove("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", "0", "0", "800", "766") $x = $x + 1; equals 12 ExitLoop EndIf If $x = 12 Then Run('C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore http://sl6.runescape.com/rs2.cgi?plugin=0&lowmem=1&affiliate=runescape ', "",) WinWait("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", 30) WinActivate("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "",) WinWaitActive("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", 30) WinMove("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", "0", "0", "800", "766") $x = $x + 1; equals 13 ExitLoop EndIf If $x = 13 Then Run('C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore http://above6.runescape.com/rs2.cgi?plugin=0&lowmem=1&affiliate=runescape ', "",) ;offline; WinWait("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", 30) WinActivate("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "",) WinWaitActive("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", 30) WinMove("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", "0", "0", "800", "766") $x = $x + 1; equals 14 ExitLoop EndIf If $x = 14 Then Run('C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore http://jolt4.runescape.com/rs2.cgi?plugin=0&lowmem=1&affiliate=runescape ', "",) WinWait("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", 30) WinActivate("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "",) WinWaitActive("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", 30) WinMove("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", "0", "0", "800", "766") $x = $x + 1; equals 15 ExitLoop EndIf If $x = 15 Then Run('C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore http://nl5.runescape.com/rs2.cgi?plugin=0&lowmem=1&affiliate=runescape ', "",) WinWait("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", 30) WinActivate("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "",) WinWaitActive("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", 30) WinMove("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", "0", "0", "800", "766") $x = $x + 1; equals 16 ExitLoop EndIf If $x = 16 Then Run('C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore http://jolt12.runescape.com/rs2.cgi?plugin=0&lowmem=1&affiliate=runescape ', "",) WinWait("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", 30) WinActivate("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "",) WinWaitActive("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", 30) WinMove("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", "0", "0", "800", "766") $x = $x + 1; equals 17 ExitLoop EndIf If $x = 17 Then Run('C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore http://sl10.runescape.com/rs2.cgi?plugin=0&lowmem=1&affiliate=runescape ', "",) WinWait("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", 30) WinActivate("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "",) WinWaitActive("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", 30) WinMove("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", "0", "0", "800", "766") $x = $x + 1; equals 18 ExitLoop EndIf If $x = 18 Then Run('C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore http://ch5.runescape.com/rs2.cgi?plugin=0&lowmem=1&affiliate=runescape ', "",) WinWait("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", 30) WinActivate("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "",) WinWaitActive("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", 30) WinMove("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", "0", "0", "800", "766") $x = $x + 1; equals 19 ExitLoop EndIf If $x = 19 Then Run('C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore http://ch4.runescape.com/rs2.cgi?plugin=0&lowmem=1&affiliate=runescape ', "",) WinWait("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", 30) WinActivate("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "",) WinWaitActive("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", 30) WinMove("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", "0", "0", "800", "766") $x = $x + 1; equals 20 ExitLoop EndIf If $x = 20 Then Run('C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore http://planet6.runescape.com/rs2.cgi?plugin=0&lowmem=1&affiliate=runescape ', "",) WinWait("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", 30) WinActivate("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "",) WinWaitActive("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", 30) WinMove("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", "0", "0", "800", "766") $x = $x + 1; equals 21 ExitLoop EndIf If $x = 21 Then Run('C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore http://at6.runescape.com/rs2.cgi?plugin=0&lowmem=1&affiliate=runescape ', "",) WinWait("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", 30) WinActivate("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "",) WinWaitActive("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", 30) WinMove("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", "0", "0", "800", "766") $x = $x - 21; equals 0 again ExitLoop EndIf Until $x = 9000 ;$x = 1 or $x = 2 or $x = 3 EndFunc ;==>runworld Func runworld2() Do If $x = 0 Then Run('C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore http://ul6.runescape.com/rs2.cgi?plugin=0&lowmem=1&affiliate=runescape ', "",) WinWait("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", 30) WinActivate("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "",) WinWaitActive("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", 30) WinMove("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", "0", "0", "800", "766") $x = $x + 1; equals 1 ExitLoop EndIf If $x = 1 Then Run('C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore http://ul1.runescape.com/rs2.cgi?plugin=0&lowmem=1&affiliate=runescape ', "",) WinWait("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", 30) WinActivate("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "",) WinWaitActive("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", 30) WinMove("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", "0", "0", "800", "766") $x = $x + 1; equals 2 ExitLoop EndIf If $x = 2 Then Run('C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore http://po3.runescape.com/rs2.cgi?plugin=0&lowmem=1&affiliate=runescape ', "",) WinWait("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", 30) WinActivate("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "",) WinWaitActive("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", 30) WinMove("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", "0", "0", "800", "766") $x = $x + 1; equals 3 ExitLoop EndIf If $x = 3 Then Run('C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore http://po4.runescape.com/rs2.cgi?plugin=0&lowmem=1&affiliate=runescape ', "",) WinWait("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", 30) WinActivate("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "",) WinWaitActive("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", 30) WinMove("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", "0", "0", "800", "766") $x = $x + 1; equals 4 ExitLoop EndIf If $x = 4 Then Run('C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore http://po5.runescape.com/rs2.cgi?plugin=0&lowmem=1&affiliate=runescape ', "",) WinWait("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", 30) WinActivate("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "",) WinWaitActive("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", 30) WinMove("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", "0", "0", "800", "766") $x = $x + 1; equals 5 ExitLoop EndIf If $x = 5 Then Run('C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore http://po7.runescape.com/rs2.cgi?plugin=0&lowmem=1&affiliate=runescape ', "",) WinWait("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", 30) WinActivate("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "",) WinWaitActive("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", 30) WinMove("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", "0", "0", "800", "766") $x = $x + 1; equals 6 ExitLoop EndIf If $x = 6 Then Run('C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore http://po8.runescape.com/rs2.cgi?plugin=0&lowmem=1&affiliate=runescape ', "",) WinWait("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", 30) WinActivate("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "",) WinWaitActive("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", 30) WinMove("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", "0", "0", "800", "766") $x = $x + 1; equals 7 ExitLoop EndIf If $x = 7 Then Run('C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore http://ch1.runescape.com/rs2.cgi?plugin=0&lowmem=1&affiliate=runescape ', "",) WinWait("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", 30) WinActivate("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "",) WinWaitActive("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", 30) WinMove("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", "0", "0", "800", "766") $x = $x + 1; equals 8 ExitLoop EndIf If $x = 8 Then Run('C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore http://ch3.runescape.com/rs2.cgi?plugin=0&lowmem=1&affiliate=runescape ', "",) WinWait("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", 30) WinActivate("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "",) WinWaitActive("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", 30) WinMove("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", "0", "0", "800", "766") $x = $x + 1; equals 9 ExitLoop EndIf If $x = 9 Then Run('C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore http://above2.runescape.com/rs2.cgi?plugin=0&lowmem=1&affiliate=runescape ', "",) WinWait("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", 30) WinActivate("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "",) WinWaitActive("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", 30) WinMove("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", "0", "0", "800", "766") $x = $x + 1; equals 10 ExitLoop EndIf If $x = 10 Then Run('C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore http://above3.runescape.com/rs2.cgi?plugin=0&lowmem=1&affiliate=runescape ', "",) WinWait("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", 30) WinActivate("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "",) WinWaitActive("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", 30) WinMove("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", "0", "0", "800", "766") $x = $x + 1; equals 11 ExitLoop EndIf If $x = 11 Then Run('C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore http://above5.runescape.com/rs2.cgi?plugin=0&lowmem=1&affiliate=runescape ', "",) WinWait("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", 30) WinActivate("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "",) WinWaitActive("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", 30) WinMove("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", "0", "0", "800", "766") $x = $x + 1; equals 12 ExitLoop EndIf If $x = 12 Then Run('C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore http://se1.runescape.com/rs2.cgi?plugin=0&lowmem=1&affiliate=runescape ', "",) WinWait("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", 30) WinActivate("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "",) WinWaitActive("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", 30) WinMove("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", "0", "0", "800", "766") $x = $x + 1; equals 13 ExitLoop EndIf If $x = 13 Then Run('C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore http://se2.runescape.com/rs2.cgi?plugin=0&lowmem=1&affiliate=runescape ', "",) ;offline; WinWait("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", 30) WinActivate("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "",) WinWaitActive("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", 30) WinMove("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", "0", "0", "800", "766") $x = $x + 1; equals 14 ExitLoop EndIf If $x = 14 Then Run('C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore http://se3.runescape.com/rs2.cgi?plugin=0&lowmem=1&affiliate=runescape ', "",) WinWait("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", 30) WinActivate("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "",) WinWaitActive("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", 30) WinMove("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", "0", "0", "800", "766") $x = $x + 1; equals 15 ExitLoop EndIf If $x = 15 Then Run('C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore http://ams1.runescape.com/rs2.cgi?plugin=0&lowmem=1&affiliate=runescape ', "",) WinWait("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", 30) WinActivate("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "",) WinWaitActive("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", 30) WinMove("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", "0", "0", "800", "766") $x = $x + 1; equals 16 ExitLoop EndIf If $x = 16 Then Run('C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore http://ams2.runescape.com/rs2.cgi?plugin=0&lowmem=1&affiliate=runescape ', "",) WinWait("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", 30) WinActivate("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "",) WinWaitActive("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", 30) WinMove("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", "0", "0", "800", "766") $x = $x + 1; equals 17 ExitLoop EndIf If $x = 17 Then Run('C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore http://ams3.runescape.com/rs2.cgi?plugin=0&lowmem=1&affiliate=runescape ', "",) WinWait("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", 30) WinActivate("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "",) WinWaitActive("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", 30) WinMove("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", "0", "0", "800", "766") $x = $x + 1; equals 18 ExitLoop EndIf If $x = 18 Then Run('C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore http://ams4.runescape.com/rs2.cgi?plugin=0&lowmem=1&affiliate=runescape ', "",) WinWait("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", 30) WinActivate("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "",) WinWaitActive("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", 30) WinMove("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", "0", "0", "800", "766") $x = $x + 1; equals 19 ExitLoop EndIf If $x = 19 Then Run('C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore http://uk2.runescape.com/rs2.cgi?plugin=0&lowmem=1&affiliate=runescape ', "",) WinWait("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", 30) WinActivate("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "",) WinWaitActive("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", 30) WinMove("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", "0", "0", "800", "766") $x = $x + 1; equals 20 ExitLoop EndIf If $x = 20 Then Run('C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore http://uk3.runescape.com/rs2.cgi?plugin=0&lowmem=1&affiliate=runescape ', "",) WinWait("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", 30) WinActivate("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "",) WinWaitActive("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", 30) WinMove("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", "0", "0", "800", "766") $x = $x + 1; equals 21 ExitLoop EndIf If $x = 21 Then Run('C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore http://tor1.runescape.com/rs2.cgi?plugin=0&lowmem=1&affiliate=runescape ', "",) WinWait("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", 30) WinActivate("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "",) WinWaitActive("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", 30) WinMove("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", "0", "0", "800", "766") $x = $x + 1; equals 22 ExitLoop EndIf If $x = 22 Then Run('C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore http://tor3.runescape.com/rs2.cgi?plugin=0&lowmem=1&affiliate=runescape ', "",) WinWait("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", 30) WinActivate("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "",) WinWaitActive("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", 30) WinMove("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", "0", "0", "800", "766") $x = $x + 1; equals 23 ExitLoop EndIf If $x = 23 Then Run('C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore http://nl3.runescape.com/rs2.cgi?plugin=0&lowmem=1&affiliate=runescape ', "",) WinWait("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", 30) WinActivate("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "",) WinWaitActive("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", 30) WinMove("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", "0", "0", "800", "766") $x = $x + 1; equals 24 ExitLoop EndIf If $x = 24 Then Run('C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore http://nl4.runescape.com/rs2.cgi?plugin=0&lowmem=1&affiliate=runescape ', "",) WinWait("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", 30) WinActivate("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "",) WinWaitActive("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", 30) WinMove("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", "0", "0", "800", "766") $x = $x + 1; equals 25 ExitLoop EndIf If $x = 25 Then Run('C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore http://cet1.runescape.com/rs2.cgi?plugin=0&lowmem=1&affiliate=runescape ', "",) WinWait("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", 30) WinActivate("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "",) WinWaitActive("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", 30) WinMove("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", "0", "0", "800", "766") $x = $x + 1; equals 26 ExitLoop EndIf If $x = 26 Then Run('C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore http://cet2.runescape.com/rs2.cgi?plugin=0&lowmem=1&affiliate=runescape ', "",) WinWait("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", 30) WinActivate("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "",) WinWaitActive("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", 30) WinMove("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", "0", "0", "800", "766") $x = $x + 1; equals 27 ExitLoop EndIf If $x = 27 Then Run('C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore http://cet5.runescape.com/rs2.cgi?plugin=0&lowmem=1&affiliate=runescape ', "",) WinWait("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", 30) WinActivate("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "",) WinWaitActive("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", 30) WinMove("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", "0", "0", "800", "766") $x = $x + 1; equals 28 ExitLoop EndIf If $x = 28 Then Run('C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore http://cet6.runescape.com/rs2.cgi?plugin=0&lowmem=1&affiliate=runescape ', "",) WinWait("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", 30) WinActivate("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "",) WinWaitActive("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", 30) WinMove("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", "0", "0", "800", "766") $x = $x + 1; equals 29 ExitLoop EndIf If $x = 29 Then Run('C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore http://cet4.runescape.com/rs2.cgi?plugin=0&lowmem=1&affiliate=runescape ', "",) WinWait("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", 30) WinActivate("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "",) WinWaitActive("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", 30) WinMove("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", "0", "0", "800", "766") $x = $x + 1; equals 30 ExitLoop EndIf If $x = 30 Then Run('C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore http://at1.runescape.com/rs2.cgi?plugin=0&lowmem=1&affiliate=runescape ', "",) WinWait("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", 30) WinActivate("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "",) WinWaitActive("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", 30) WinMove("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", "0", "0", "800", "766") $x = $x + 1; equals 31 ExitLoop EndIf If $x = 31 Then Run('C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore http://at2.runescape.com/rs2.cgi?plugin=0&lowmem=1&affiliate=runescape ', "",) WinWait("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", 30) WinActivate("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "",) WinWaitActive("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", 30) WinMove("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", "0", "0", "800", "766") $x = $x + 1; equals 32 ExitLoop EndIf If $x = 32 Then Run('C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore http://at3.runescape.com/rs2.cgi?plugin=0&lowmem=1&affiliate=runescape ', "",) WinWait("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", 30) WinActivate("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "",) WinWaitActive("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", 30) WinMove("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", "0", "0", "800", "766") $x = $x + 1; equals 33 ExitLoop EndIf If $x = 33 Then Run('C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore http://planet1.runescape.com/rs2.cgi?plugin=0&lowmem=1&affiliate=runescape ', "",) WinWait("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", 30) WinActivate("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "",) WinWaitActive("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", 30) WinMove("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", "0", "0", "800", "766") $x = $x + 1; equals 34 ExitLoop EndIf If $x = 34 Then Run('C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore http://planet2.runescape.com/rs2.cgi?plugin=0&lowmem=1&affiliate=runescape ', "",) WinWait("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", 30) WinActivate("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "",) WinWaitActive("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", 30) WinMove("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", "0", "0", "800", "766") $x = $x + 1; equals 35 ExitLoop EndIf If $x = 35 Then Run('C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore http://planet3.runescape.com/rs2.cgi?plugin=0&lowmem=1&affiliate=runescape ', "",) WinWait("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", 30) WinActivate("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "",) WinWaitActive("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", 30) WinMove("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", "0", "0", "800", "766") $x = $x + 1; equals 36 ExitLoop EndIf If $x = 36 Then Run('C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore http://planet5.runescape.com/rs2.cgi?plugin=0&lowmem=1&affiliate=runescape ', "",);removed world 56 WinWait("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", 30) WinActivate("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "",) WinWaitActive("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", 30) WinMove("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", "0", "0", "800", "766") $x = $x + 1; equals 37 ExitLoop EndIf If $x = 37 Then Run('C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore http://sl11.runescape.com/rs2.cgi?plugin=0&lowmem=1&affiliate=runescape ', "",) WinWait("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", 30) WinActivate("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "",) WinWaitActive("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", 30) WinMove("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", "0", "0", "800", "766") $x = $x + 1; equals 38 ExitLoop EndIf If $x = 38 Then Run('C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore http://sl1.runescape.com/rs2.cgi?plugin=0&lowmem=1&affiliate=runescape ', "",) WinWait("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", 30) WinActivate("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "",) WinWaitActive("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", 30) WinMove("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", "0", "0", "800", "766") $x = $x + 1; equals 39 ExitLoop EndIf If $x = 39 Then Run('C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore http://sl2.runescape.com/rs2.cgi?plugin=0&lowmem=1&affiliate=runescape ', "",) WinWait("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", 30) WinActivate("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "",) WinWaitActive("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", 30) WinMove("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", "0", "0", "800", "766") $x = $x + 1; equals 40 ExitLoop EndIf If $x = 40 Then Run('C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore http://sl3.runescape.com/rs2.cgi?plugin=0&lowmem=1&affiliate=runescape ', "",) WinWait("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", 30) WinActivate("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "",) WinWaitActive("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", 30) WinMove("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", "0", "0", "800", "766") $x = $x + 1; equals 41 ExitLoop EndIf If $x = 41 Then Run('C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore http://sl4.runescape.com/rs2.cgi?plugin=0&lowmem=1&affiliate=runescape ', "",) WinWait("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", 30) WinActivate("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "",) WinWaitActive("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", 30) WinMove("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", "0", "0", "800", "766") $x = $x + 1; equals 42 ExitLoop EndIf If $x = 42 Then Run('C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore http://sl5.runescape.com/rs2.cgi?plugin=0&lowmem=1&affiliate=runescape ', "",) WinWait("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", 30) WinActivate("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "",) WinWaitActive("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", 30) WinMove("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", "0", "0", "800", "766") $x = $x + 1; equals 43 ExitLoop EndIf If $x = 43 Then Run('C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore http://jolt7.runescape.com/rs2.cgi?plugin=0&lowmem=1&affiliate=runescape ', "",) WinWait("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", 30) WinActivate("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "",) WinWaitActive("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", 30) WinMove("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", "0", "0", "800", "766") $x = $x + 1; equals 44 ExitLoop EndIf If $x = 44 Then Run('C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore http://jolt8.runescape.com/rs2.cgi?plugin=0&lowmem=1&affiliate=runescape ', "",) WinWait("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", 30) WinActivate("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "",) WinWaitActive("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", 30) WinMove("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", "0", "0", "800", "766") $x = $x + 1; equals 45 ExitLoop EndIf If $x = 45 Then Run('C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore http://jolt10.runescape.com/rs2.cgi?plugin=0&lowmem=1&affiliate=runescape ', "",) WinWait("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", 30) WinActivate("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "",) WinWaitActive("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", 30) WinMove("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", "0", "0", "800", "766") $x = $x + 1; equals 46 ExitLoop EndIf If $x = 46 Then Run('C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore http://jolt11.runescape.com/rs2.cgi?plugin=0&lowmem=1&affiliate=runescape ', "",) WinWait("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", 30) WinActivate("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "",) WinWaitActive("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", 30) WinMove("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", "0", "0", "800", "766") $x = $x + 1; equals 47 ExitLoop EndIf If $x = 47 Then Run('C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore http://jolt1.runescape.com/rs2.cgi?plugin=0&lowmem=1&affiliate=runescape ', "",) WinWait("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", 30) WinActivate("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "",) WinWaitActive("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", 30) WinMove("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", "0", "0", "800", "766") $x = $x + 1; equals 48 ExitLoop EndIf If $x = 48 Then Run('C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore http://jolt2.runescape.com/rs2.cgi?plugin=0&lowmem=1&affiliate=runescape ', "",) WinWait("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", 30) WinActivate("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "",) WinWaitActive("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", 30) WinMove("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", "0", "0", "800", "766") $x = $x + 1; equals 49 ExitLoop EndIf If $x = 49 Then Run('C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore http://jolt3.runescape.com/rs2.cgi?plugin=0&lowmem=1&affiliate=runescape ', "",) WinWait("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", 30) WinActivate("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "",) WinWaitActive("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", 30) WinMove("RuneScape Game - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "", "0", "0", "800", "766") $x = $x - 49; equals 0 again ExitLoop EndIf Until $x = 9000 ;$x = 1 or $x = 2 or $x = 3 EndFunc ;==>runworld2 Func Pause() MsgBox(0, "(good)Copy of tyu range(2).au3 is paused", "Click OK to Continue Automatic",) EndFunc ;==>Pause