#region ; Header #include-once ; #INDEX# ============================================================================================================ ; Title .........: Toast ; AutoIt Version : - uses AdlibRegister/Unregister ; Language ......: English ; Description ...: Show and hides slice messages from the systray in user defined colours and fonts ; Author(s) .....: Melba23 - using some code from guinness and MilesAhead in _Toast_Locate ; ==================================================================================================================== ;#AutoIt3Wrapper_au3check_parameters=-d -w 1 -w 2 -w 3 -w 4 -w 5 -w 6 ; #INCLUDES# ========================================================================================================= #include ; #GLOBAL VARIABLES# ================================================================================================= Global $iDef_Toast_Font_Size = _Toast_GetDefFont(0) Global $sDef_Toast_Font_Name = _Toast_GetDefFont(1) Global $hToast_Handle = 0 Global $hToast_Close_X = 9999 Global $iToast_Move = 0 Global $iToast_Style = 1 ; $SS_CENTER Global $aRet = DllCall("User32.dll", "int", "GetSysColor", "int", 8) ; $COLOR_WINDOWTEXT = 8 Global $iToast_Header_BkCol = $aRet[0] $aRet = DllCall("User32.dll", "int", "GetSysColor", "int", 5) ; $COLOR_WINDOW = 5 Global $iToast_Header_Col = $aRet[0] Global $iToast_Header_Bold = 0 Global $iToast_Message_BkCol = $iToast_Header_Col Global $iToast_Message_Col = $iToast_Header_BkCol Global $iToast_Font_Size = $iDef_Toast_Font_Size Global $sToast_Font_Name = $sDef_Toast_Font_Name Global $iToast_Timer = 0 Global $iToast_Start = 0 Global $fToast_Close = False ; #CURRENT# ========================================================================================================== ; _Toast_Set: Sets text justification and optionally colours and font, for _Toast_Show function calls ; _Toast_Show: Shows a slice message from the systray ; _Toast_Hide: Hides a slice message from the systray ; ==================================================================================================================== ; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY#================================================================================================= ; _Toast_Locate: Find Systray and determine Toast start position and movement direction ; _Toast_Timer_Check: Checks whether Toast has timed out or closure [X] clicked ; _Toast_WM_EVENTS: Message handler to check if closure [X] clicked ; _Toast_GetDefFont: Determine system default MsgBox font and size ; ==================================================================================================================== #endregion ; Header #region ; Functions ; #FUNCTION# ========================================================================================================= ; Name...........: _Toast_Set ; Description ...: Sets text justification and optionally colours and font, for _Toast_Show function calls ; Syntax.........: _Toast_Set($vJust, [$iHdr_BkCol, [$iHdr_Col, [$iMsg_BkCol, [$iMsg_Col, [$sFont_Size, [$iFont_Name]]]]]]) ; Parameters ....: $vJust - 0 = Left justified, 1 = Centred (Default), 2 = Right justified ; Can use $SS_LEFT, $SS_CENTER, $SS_RIGHT ; + 4 = Header text in bold ; >>>>> Setting this parameter to' Default' will reset ALL parameters to default values <<<<< ; >>>>> All optional parameters default to system MsgBox default values <<<<< ; $iHdr_BkCol - [Optional] The colour for the title bar background ; $iHdr_Col - [Optional] The colour for the title bar text ; $iMsg_BkCol - [Optional] The colour for the message background ; $iMsg_Col - [Optional] The colour for the message text ; Omitting a colour parameter or setting it to -1 leaves it unchanged ; Setting a colour parameter to Default resets the system colour ; $iFont_Size - [Optional] The font size in points to use for the Toast ; $sFont_Name - [Optional] The font to use for the Toast ; >>>>> Omitting a font parameter, setting size to -1 or name to "" leaves it unchanged <<<<< ; >>>>> Setting a font parameter to Default resets the system message box font or size <<<<< ; Requirement(s).: v3.3.2.0 or higher - AdlibRegister/Unregister used in _Toast_Show ; Return values .: Success - Returns 1 ; Failure - Returns 0 and sets @error to 1 with @extended set to parameter index number ; Author ........: Melba23 ; Example........; Yes ;===================================================================================================================== Func _Toast_Set($vJust, $iHdr_BkCol = -1, $iHdr_Col = -1, $iMsg_BkCol = -1, $iMsg_Col = -1, $iFont_Size = -1, $sFont_Name = "") ; Set parameters Switch $vJust Case Default $iToast_Style = 1; $SS_CENTER $aRet = DllCall("User32.dll", "int", "GetSysColor", "int", 8) ; $COLOR_WINDOWTEXT = 8 $iToast_Header_BkCol = $aRet[0] $aRet = DllCall("User32.dll", "int", "GetSysColor", "int", 5) ; $COLOR_WINDOW = 5 $iToast_Header_Col = $aRet[0] $iToast_Message_BkCol = $iToast_Header_Col $iToast_Message_Col = $iToast_Header_BkCol $sToast_Font_Name = $sDef_Toast_Font_Name $iToast_Font_Size = $iDef_Toast_Font_Size Return Case 0, 1, 2, 4, 5, 6 $iToast_Style = $vJust Case -1 ; Do nothing Case Else Return SetError(1, 1, 0) EndSwitch Switch $iHdr_BkCol Case Default $aRet = DllCall("User32.dll", "int", "GetSysColor", "int", 8) ; $COLOR_WINDOWTEXT = 8 $iToast_Header_BkCol = $aRet[0] Case 0 To 0xFFFFFF $iToast_Header_BkCol = Int($iHdr_BkCol) Case -1 ; Do nothing Case Else Return SetError(1, 2, 0) EndSwitch Switch $iHdr_Col Case Default $aRet = DllCall("User32.dll", "int", "GetSysColor", "int", 5) ; $COLOR_WINDOW = 5 $iToast_Header_Col = $aRet[0] Case 0 To 0xFFFFFF $iToast_Header_Col = Int($iHdr_Col) Case -1 ; Do nothing Case Else Return SetError(1, 3, 0) EndSwitch Switch $iMsg_BkCol Case Default $aRet = DllCall("User32.dll", "int", "GetSysColor", "int", 5) ; $COLOR_WINDOW = 5 $iToast_Message_BkCol = $aRet[0] Case 0 To 0xFFFFFF $iToast_Message_BkCol = Int($iMsg_BkCol) Case -1 ; Do nothing Case Else Return SetError(1, 4, 0) EndSwitch Switch $iMsg_Col Case Default $aRet = DllCall("User32.dll", "int", "GetSysColor", "int", 8) ; $COLOR_WINDOWTEXT = 8 $iToast_Message_Col = $aRet[0] Case 0 To 0xFFFFFF $iToast_Message_Col = Int($iMsg_Col) Case -1 ; Do nothing Case Else Return SetError(1, 5, 0) EndSwitch Switch $iFont_Size Case Default $iToast_Font_Size = $iDef_Toast_Font_Size Case 8 To 72 $iToast_Font_Size = Int($iFont_Size) Case -1 ; Do nothing Case Else Return SetError(1, 6, 0) EndSwitch Switch $sFont_Name Case Default $sToast_Font_Name = $sDef_Toast_Font_Name Case "" ; Do nothing Case Else If IsString($sFont_Name) Then $sToast_Font_Name = $sFont_Name Else Return SetError(1, 7, 0) EndIf EndSwitch Return 1 EndFunc ;==>_Toast_Set ; #FUNCTION# ========================================================================================================= ; Name...........: _Toast_Show ; Description ...: Shows a slice message from the systray ; Syntax.........: _Toast_Show($vIcon, $sTitle, $sMessage, [$iDelay [, $fWait [, $fRaw]]]) ; Parameters ....: $vIcon - 0 - No icon, 8 - UAC, 16 - Stop, 32 - Query, 48 - Exclamation, 64 - Information ; The $MB_ICON constant can also be used for the last 4 above ; If set to the name of an exe, the main icon of that exe will be displayed ; Any other value returns -1, error 1 ; $sTitle - Text to display on Title bar ; $sMessage - Text to display in Toast body ; $iDelay - The delay in seconds before the Toast retracts or script continues (Default = 0) ; If negative, an [X] is added to the title bar. Clicking [X] retracts/continues immediately ; $fWait - True - Script waits for delay time before continuing and Toast remains visible ; False - Script continues and Toast retracts automatically after delay time ; $fRaw - True - Message is not wrapped and Toast expands to show full width ; - False - Message is wrapped if over max preset Toast width ; Requirement(s).: v3.3.1.5 or higher - AdlibRegister/Unregister used in _Toast_Show ; Return values .: Success: Returns 2-element array: [Toast width, Toast height] ; Failure: Returns -1 and sets @error as follows: ; 1 = Toast GUI creation failed ; 2 = Taskbar not found ; 4 = When using Raw, the Toast is too wide for the display ; 3 = StringSize error ; Author ........: Melba23, based on some original code by GioVit for the Toast ; Notes .........; Any visible Toast is retracted by a subsequent _Toast_Hide or _Toast_Show, or clicking a visible [X] ; Example........; Yes ;===================================================================================================================== Func _Toast_Show($vIcon, $sTitle, $sMessage, $iDelay = 0, $fWait = True, $fRaw = False) ; Store current GUI mode and set Message mode Local $nOldOpt = Opt('GUIOnEventMode', 0) ; Retract any Toast already in place If $hToast_Handle <> 0 Then _Toast_Hide() ; Reset non-reacting Close [X] ControlID $hToast_Close_X = 9999 ; Set default auto-sizing Toast widths Local $iToast_Width_max = 500 Local $iToast_Width_min = 150 ; Check for icon Local $iIcon_Style = 0 Local $iIcon_Reduction = 50 Local $sDLL = "user32.dll" If StringIsDigit($vIcon) Then Switch $vIcon Case 0 $iIcon_Reduction = 0 Case 8 $sDLL = "imageres.dll" $iIcon_Style = 78 Case 16 ; Stop $iIcon_Style = -4 Case 32 ; Query $iIcon_Style = -3 Case 48 ; Exclam $iIcon_Style = -2 Case 64 ; Info $iIcon_Style = -5 Case Else $nOldOpt = Opt('GUIOnEventMode', $nOldOpt) Return SetError(1, 0, -1) EndSwitch Else $sDLL = $vIcon $iIcon_Style = 0 EndIf ; Determine max message width Local $iMax_Label_Width = $iToast_Width_max - 20 - $iIcon_Reduction If $fRaw = True Then $iMax_Label_Width = 0 ; Get message label size Local $aLabel_Pos = _StringSize($sMessage, $iToast_Font_Size, Default, Default, $sToast_Font_Name, $iMax_Label_Width) If @error Then $nOldOpt = Opt('GUIOnEventMode', $nOldOpt) Return SetError(3, 0, -1) EndIf ; Reset text to match rectangle $sMessage = $aLabel_Pos[0] ;Set line height for this font Local $iLine_Height = $aLabel_Pos[1] ; Set label size Local $iLabelwidth = $aLabel_Pos[2] Local $iLabelheight = $aLabel_Pos[3] ; Set Toast size Local $iToast_Width = $iLabelwidth + 20 + $iIcon_Reduction ; Check if Toast will fit on screen If $iToast_Width > @DesktopWidth - 20 Then $nOldOpt = Opt('GUIOnEventMode', $nOldOpt) Return SetError(4, 0, -1) EndIf ; Increase if below min size If $iToast_Width < $iToast_Width_min + $iIcon_Reduction Then $iToast_Width = $iToast_Width_min + $iIcon_Reduction $iLabelwidth = $iToast_Width_min - 20 EndIf ; Set title bar height - with minimum for [X] Local $iTitle_Height = 0 If $sTitle = "" Then If $iDelay < 0 Then $iTitle_Height = 6 Else $iTitle_Height = $iLine_Height + 2 If $iDelay < 0 Then If $iTitle_Height < 17 Then $iTitle_Height = 17 EndIf EndIf ; Set Toast height as label height + title bar + bottom margin ;$PackagesRegKey = Regread("HKLM\Software\LSL", "PKGS") ;$ArrayOfPkgs = StringSplit($PackagesRegKey, @LF) ;$NumberOfPackages = Ubound($ArrayOfPkgs) -1 ;$HeightOfGui = $NumberOfPackages * 10 + 20 Local $iToast_Height = $iLabelheight + $iTitle_Height + $HeightOfGui ; Ensure enough room for icon if displayed If $iIcon_Reduction Then If $iToast_Height < $iTitle_Height + 42 Then $iToast_Height = $iTitle_Height + 47 EndIf ; Get Toast starting position and direction Local $aToast_Data = _Toast_Locate($iToast_Width, $iToast_Height) ; Create Toast slice with $WS_POPUPWINDOW, $WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW style and $WS_EX_TOPMOST extended style $hToast_Handle = GUICreate("", $iToast_Width, $iToast_Height, $aToast_Data[0], $aToast_Data[1], 0x80880000, BitOR(0x00000080, 0x00000008)) If @error Then $nOldOpt = Opt('GUIOnEventMode', $nOldOpt) Return SetError(1, 0, -1) EndIf GUISetFont($iToast_Font_Size, Default, Default, $sToast_Font_Name) GUISetBkColor($iToast_Message_BkCol) ; Set centring parameter Local $iLabel_Style = 0 ; $SS_LEFT If BitAND($iToast_Style, 1) = 1 Then $iLabel_Style = 1 ; $SS_CENTER ElseIf BitAND($iToast_Style, 2) = 2 Then $iLabel_Style = 2 ; $SS_RIGHT EndIf ; Check installed fonts Local $sX_Font = "WingDings" Local $sX_Char = "x" Local $i = 1 While 1 Local $sInstalled_Font = RegEnumVal("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Fonts", $i) If @error Then ExitLoop If StringInStr($sInstalled_Font, "WingDings 2") Then $sX_Font = "WingDings 2" $sX_Char = "T" EndIf $i += 1 WEnd ; Create title bar if required If $sTitle <> "" Then ; Create disabled background strip GUICtrlCreateLabel("", 0, 0, $iToast_Width, $iTitle_Height) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $iToast_Header_BkCol) GUICtrlSetState(-1, 128) ; $GUI_DISABLE ; Set title bar width to offset text Local $iTitle_Width = $iToast_Width - 10 ; Create closure [X] if needed If $iDelay < 0 Then ; Create [X] Local $iX_YCoord = Int(($iTitle_Height - 17) / 2) $hToast_Close_X = GUICtrlCreateLabel($sX_Char, $iToast_Width - 18, $iX_YCoord, 17, 17) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 14, Default, Default, $sX_Font) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, -2) ; $GUI_BKCOLOR_TRANSPARENT GUICtrlSetColor(-1, $iToast_Header_Col) ; Reduce title bar width to allow [X] to activate $iTitle_Width -= 18 EndIf ; Create Title label with bold text, centred vertically in case bar is higher than line GUICtrlCreateLabel($sTitle, 10, 0, $iTitle_Width, $iTitle_Height, 0x0200) ; $SS_CENTERIMAGE GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $iToast_Header_BkCol) GUICtrlSetColor(-1, $iToast_Header_Col) If BitAND($iToast_Style, 4) = 4 Then GUICtrlSetFont(-1, $iToast_Font_Size, 600) Else If $iDelay < 0 Then ; Only need [X] $hToast_Close_X = GUICtrlCreateLabel($sX_Char, $iToast_Width - 18, 0, 17, 17) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 14, Default, Default, $sX_Font) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, -2) ; $GUI_BKCOLOR_TRANSPARENT GUICtrlSetColor(-1, $iToast_Message_Col) EndIf EndIf ; Create icon If $iIcon_Reduction Then GUICtrlCreateIcon($sDLL, $iIcon_Style, 10, 10 + $iTitle_Height) ; Create Message label GUICtrlCreateLabel($sMessage, 10 + $iIcon_Reduction, 10 + $iTitle_Height, $iLabelwidth, $iLabelheight) GUICtrlSetStyle(-1, $iLabel_Style) If $iToast_Message_Col <> Default Then GUICtrlSetColor(-1, $iToast_Message_Col) ; Slide Toast Slice into view from behind systray and activate DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "AnimateWindow", "hwnd", $hToast_Handle, "int", 1000, "long", $aToast_Data[2]) ; Activate Toast without stealing focus GUISetState(@SW_SHOWNOACTIVATE, $hToast_Handle) ; If script is to pause If $fWait = True Then ; Clear message queue Do Until GUIGetMsg() = 0 ; Begin timeout counter Local $iTimeout_Begin = TimerInit() ; Wait for timeout or closure While 1 If GUIGetMsg() = $hToast_Close_X Or TimerDiff($iTimeout_Begin) / 1000 >= Abs($iDelay) Then ExitLoop WEnd ; If script is to continue and delay has been set ElseIf Abs($iDelay) > 0 Then ; Store timer info $iToast_Timer = Abs($iDelay * 1000) $iToast_Start = TimerInit() ; Register Adlib function to run timer AdlibRegister("_Toast_Timer_Check", 100) ; Register message handler to check for [X] click GUIRegisterMsg(0x0021, "_Toast_WM_EVENTS") ; $WM_MOUSEACTIVATE EndIf ; Reset original mode $nOldOpt = Opt('GUIOnEventMode', $nOldOpt) ; Create array to return Toast dimensions Local $aToast_Data[3] = [$iToast_Width, $iToast_Height, $iLine_Height] Return $aToast_Data EndFunc ;==>_Toast_Show ; #FUNCTION# ======================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _Toast_Hide ; Description ...: Hides a slice message from the systray ; Syntax.........: _Toast_Hide() ; Requirement(s).: v3.3.1.5 or higher - AdlibRegister used in _Toast_Show ; Return values .: Success: Returns 0 ; Failure: If Toast does not exist returns -1 and sets @error to 1 ; Author ........: Melba23 ; Example........; Yes ;===================================================================================================================== Func _Toast_Hide() ; If no Toast to hide, return If $hToast_Handle = 0 Then Return SetError(1, 0, -1) ; Slide Toast back behind systray DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "AnimateWindow", "hwnd", $hToast_Handle, "int", 500, "long", $iToast_Move) ; Delete Toast slice GUIDelete($hToast_Handle) ; Set flag for "no Toast" $hToast_Handle = 0 ; Unregister a possible message handler GUIRegisterMsg(0x0021, "") ; $WM_MOUSEACTIVATE ; Unregister a possible Adlib function AdlibUnRegister("_Toast_Timer_Check") ; Clear possible flag $fToast_Close = False EndFunc ;==>_Toast_Hide #endregion ; Functions #region ; Internal ; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY#============================================================================================================ ; Name...........: _Toast_Locate ; Description ...: Find Systray and determine Toast start position and movement direction ; Syntax ........: _Toast_Locate($iToast_Width, $iToast_Height) ; Parameters ....: $iToast_Width - required width of slice ; $iToast_Height - required height of slice ; Author ........: Melba23 - using some code from guinness and MilesAhead ; Modified.......: ; Remarks .......: This function is used internally by _Toast_Show ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _Toast_Locate($iToast_Width, $iToast_Height) Local $tWorkArea ; Define return array Local $aToast_Data[3] ; Determine which struct syntax to use to use If @AutoItVersion < "" Then $tWorkArea = DllStructCreate("long Left;long Top;long Right;long Bottom") Else $tWorkArea = DllStructCreate("struct;long Left;long Top;long Right;long Bottom;endstruct") EndIf ; Check if Taskbar is hidden Local $aRet = DllCall("shell32.dll", "uint", "SHAppBarMessage", "dword", 0x00000004, "ptr*", 0) ; $ABM_GETSTATE If BitAND($aRet[0], 0x01) Then ; Find hidden taskbar Local $iPrevMode = Opt("WinTitleMatchMode", 4) Local $aTray_Pos = WinGetPos("[CLASS:Shell_TrayWnd]") Opt("WinTitleMatchMode", $iPrevMode) ; If error in finding systray If Not IsArray($aTray_Pos) Then Return SetError(2, 0, -1) ; Determine direction of Toast motion and starting position ;If $aTray_Pos[1] > 0 Then ; $iToast_Move = 0x00050004 ; $AW_SLIDE_OUT_BOTTOM ; $aToast_Data[0] = @DesktopWidth - $iToast_Width - 10 ; $aToast_Data[1] = $aTray_Pos[1] - $iToast_Height - 2 ; $aToast_Data[2] = 0x00040008 ; $AW_SLIDE_IN_BOTTOM ;Elseif $aTray_Pos[0] > 0 Then ; $iToast_Move = 0x00050001 ; $AW_SLIDE_OUT_RIGHT ; $aToast_Data[0] = $aTray_Pos[0] - $iToast_Width -2 ; $aToast_Data[1] = @DesktopHeight - $iToast_Height - 10 ; $aToast_Data[2] = 0x00040002 ; $AW_SLIDE_IN_RIGHT ;ElseIf $aTray_Pos[2] > @DesktopWidth - 70 Then $iToast_Move = 0x00050008 ; $AW_SLIDE_OUT_TOP $aToast_Data[0] = @DesktopWidth - $iToast_Width - 10 $aToast_Data[1] = $aTray_Pos[1] + $aTray_Pos[3] $aToast_Data[2] = 0x00040004 ; $AW_SLIDE_IN_TOP ;ElseIf $aTray_Pos[3] >= @DesktopHeight Then ; $iToast_Move = 0x00050002 ; $AW_SLIDE_OUT_LEFT ; $aToast_Data[0] = $aTray_Pos[0] + $aTray_Pos[2] ; $aToast_Data[1] = @DesktopHeight - $iToast_Height - 10 ; $aToast_Data[2] = 0x00040001 ; $AW_SLIDE_IN_LEFT ;EndIf Else ; Determine available work area ; $SPI_GETWORKAREA = 48 DllCall("user32.dll", "bool", "SystemParametersInfoW", "uint", 48, "uint", 0, "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($tWorkArea), "uint", 0) If @error Then Return SetError(2, 0, -1) Local $aWorkArea[4] = [DllStructGetData($tWorkArea, "Left"), DllStructGetData($tWorkArea, "Top"), _ DllStructGetData($tWorkArea, "Right"), DllStructGetData($tWorkArea, "Bottom")] ; Determine direction of Toast motion and starting position ;If $aWorkArea[3] <> @DesktopHeight Then ; $iToast_Move = 0x00050004 ; $AW_SLIDE_OUT_BOTTOM ; $aToast_Data[0] = @DesktopWidth - $iToast_Width - 10 ; $aToast_Data[1] = $aWorkArea[3] - $iToast_Height - 2 ; $aToast_Data[2] = 0x00040008 ; $AW_SLIDE_IN_BOTTOM ;ElseIf $aWorkArea[2] <> @DesktopWidth Then ; $iToast_Move = 0x00050001 ; $AW_SLIDE_OUT_RIGHT ; $aToast_Data[0] = $aWorkArea[2] - $iToast_Width - 2 ; $aToast_Data[1] = @DesktopHeight - $iToast_Height - 10 ; $aToast_Data[2] = 0x00040002 ; $AW_SLIDE_IN_RIGHT ;ElseIf $aWorkArea[1] <> 0 Then $iToast_Move = 0x00050008 ; $AW_SLIDE_OUT_TOP $aToast_Data[0] = @DesktopWidth / 2 - $iToast_Width /2 $aToast_Data[1] = $aWorkArea[1] $aToast_Data[2] = 0x00040004 ; $AW_SLIDE_IN_TOP ;ElseIf $aWorkArea[0] <> 0 Then ; $iToast_Move = 0x00050002 ; $AW_SLIDE_OUT_LEFT ; $aToast_Data[0] = $aWorkArea[0] ; $aToast_Data[1] = @DesktopHeight - $iToast_Height - 10 ; $aToast_Data[2] = 0x00040001 ; $AW_SLIDE_IN_LEFT ;EndIf EndIf Return $aToast_Data EndFunc ;==>_Toast_Locate ; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY#============================================================================================================ ; Name...........: _Toast_Timer_Check ; Description ...: Checks whether Toast has timed out or closure [X] clicked ; Syntax ........: _Toast_Locate($iToast_Width, $iToast_Height) ; Author ........: Melba23 ; Modified.......: ; Remarks .......: This function is used internally by _Toast_Show if the Wait parameter is set to False ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _Toast_Timer_Check() ; Return if timeout not elapsed and [X] not clicked If TimerDiff($iToast_Start) < $iToast_Timer And $fToast_Close = False Then Return ; Retract slice _Toast_Hide() EndFunc ;==>_Toast_Timer_Check ; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY#============================================================================================================ ; Name...........: _Toast_WM_EVENTS ; Description ...: Message handler to check if closure [X] clicked ; Author ........: Melba23 ; Modified.......: ; Remarks .......: This function is used internally by _Toast_Show if the Wait parameter is set to False ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _Toast_WM_EVENTS($hWnd, $Msg, $wParam, $lParam) #forceref $wParam, $lParam If $hWnd = $hToast_Handle Then If $Msg = 0x0021 Then ; $WM_MOUSEACTIVATE ; Check mouse position Local $aPos = GUIGetCursorInfo($hToast_Handle) If $aPos[4] = $hToast_Close_X Then $fToast_Close = True EndIf EndIf Return 'GUI_RUNDEFMSG' EndFunc ;==>_Toast_WM_EVENTS ; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY#============================================================================================================ ; Name...........: _Toast_GetDefFont ; Description ...: Determine system default MsgBox font and size ; Syntax ........: _Toast_GetDefFont($iData) ; Parameters ....: $iData - 0 = Font point size, 1 = Font name ; Author ........: Melba23 ; Modified.......: ; Remarks .......: This function is used internally by _Toast functions ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _Toast_GetDefFont($iData) ; Get default system font data Local $tNONCLIENTMETRICS = DllStructCreate("uint;int;int;int;int;int;byte[60];int;int;byte[60];int;int;byte[60];byte[60];byte[60]") DllStructSetData($tNONCLIENTMETRICS, 1, DllStructGetSize($tNONCLIENTMETRICS)) DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "SystemParametersInfo", "int", 41, "int", DllStructGetSize($tNONCLIENTMETRICS), "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($tNONCLIENTMETRICS), "int", 0) ; Read font data for MsgBox font Local $tLOGFONT = DllStructCreate("long;long;long;long;long;byte;byte;byte;byte;byte;byte;byte;byte;char[32]", DllStructGetPtr($tNONCLIENTMETRICS, 15)) Switch $iData Case 0 ; Font size as integer Return Int((Abs(DllStructGetData($tLOGFONT, 1)) + 1) * .75) Case 1 ; Font name Return DllStructGetData($tLOGFONT, 14) EndSwitch EndFunc ;==>_Toast_GetDefFont #endregion ; Internal