#cs By GreenCan disabling Windows Explorer Details Pane The aim is to enhance the performance of directory discovery part of a network drive, in particular when browsing a directory over a WAN or Cloud I have noticed a significant (near to tenfold) performance profit by disabling Windows Explorer display pane ( Organize / layout / Details Pane ) Initially the key does not exist when the display pane is enabled (by default) In the example, I opted for deleting the key if $bDisableDetailsPane is set to true I have no clue what the other binary figures are meant for #ce Global $bDisableDetailsPane = False If $bDisableDetailsPane Then ; off = 0x3500000000000000000000002B020000 $result = RegWrite("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Modules\GlobalSettings\Sizer","PreviewPaneSizer","REG_BINARY",Binary('0x3500000000000000000000002B020000')) $result = RegRead ( "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Modules\GlobalSettings\Sizer", "PreviewPaneSizer") ConsoleWrite($result & @CR) If @error Then MsgBox(48,"Error","Windows Explorer settings change failed " & @CRLF & "Error " & @error) Else MsgBox(0,"","Windows Explorer settings applied") EndIf Else ; on = 0x3500000001000000000000002B020000 ; opting for deleting the key instead of replacing the bit ; because initialy the key does not exist ; I am not sure what the other bits are for at the moment $result = RegDelete("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Modules\GlobalSettings\Sizer", "PreviewPaneSizer") ConsoleWrite($result & @CR) If @error Then MsgBox(48,"Error","Windows Explorer settings change failed " & @CRLF & "Error " & @error) ElseIf $result = 0 Then MsgBox(0,"","Registry key does not exist") Else MsgBox(0,"","Windows Explorer settings applied") EndIf EndIf