#Tidy_Parameters= /gd 1 /gds 1 /nsdp #AutoIt3Wrapper_Au3Check_Parameters= -d -w 1 -w 2 -w 3 -w 4 -w 5 -w 6 #AutoIt3Wrapper_Au3Check_Stop_OnWarning=Y #include-once #include #include #include #include ; #INDEX# ======================================================================================================================= ; Title .........: Microsoft Outlook Function Library (MS Outlook 2003 and later) ; AutoIt Version : (New COM error handler) ; UDF Version ...: 0.9.0 ; Language ......: English ; Description ...: A collection of functions for accessing and manipulating Microsoft Outlook ; Author(s) .....: wooltown, water ; Modified.......: 20121007 (YYYYMMDD) ; Contributors ..: progandy (CSV functions taken and modified from http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/topic/114406-csv-file-to-multidimensional-array) ; Ultima, PsaltyDS for the basis of the __OL_ArrayConcatenate function ; Resources .....: Outlook 2003 Visual Basic Reference: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa271384(v=office.11).aspx ; Outlook 2007 Developer Reference: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb177050(v=office.12).aspx ; Outlook 2010 Developer Reference: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff870432.aspx ; Outlook Examples: http://www.vboffice.net/sample.html?cmd=list&mnu=2 ; =============================================================================================================================== #region #VARIABLES# ; #VARIABLES# =================================================================================================================== Global $__iOL_Debug = 0 ; Debug level. 0 = no debug information, 1 = Debug info to console, 2 = Debug info to MsgBox, 3 = Debug Info to File Global $__sOL_DebugFile = @ScriptDir & "\Outlook_Debug.txt" ; Debug file if $__iOL_Debug is set to 3 Global $__oOL_Error ; COM Error handler Global $__bOL_AlreadyRunning = False ; Is Outlook already running? ; =============================================================================================================================== #endregion #VARIABLES# ; #CURRENT# ===================================================================================================================== ;_OL_Open ;_OL_Close ;_OL_ErrorNotify ;_OL_AccountGet ;_OL_AddressListGet ;_OL_AddressListMemberGet ;_OL_ApplicationGet ;_OL_AppointmentGet ;_OL_BarGroupAdd ;_OL_BarGroupDelete ;_OL_BarGroupGet ;_OL_BarShortcutAdd ;_OL_BarShortcutDelete ;_OL_BarShortcutGet ;_OL_CategoryAdd ;_OL_CategoryDelete ;_OL_CategoryGet ;_OL_DistListMemberAdd ;_OL_DistListMemberDelete ;_OL_DistListMemberGet ;_OL_DistListMemberOf ;_OL_FolderAccess ;_OL_FolderArchiveGet ;_OL_FolderArchiveSet ;_OL_FolderCopy ;_OL_FolderCreate ;_OL_FolderDelete ;_OL_FolderExists ;_OL_FolderFind ;_OL_FolderGet ;_OL_FolderModify ;_OL_FolderMove ;_OL_FolderRename ;_OL_FolderSelectionGet ;_OL_FolderSet ;_OL_FolderTree ;_OL_Item2Task ;_OL_ItemAttachmentAdd ;_OL_ItemAttachmentDelete ;_OL_ItemAttachmentGet ;_OL_ItemAttachmentSave ;_OL_ItemConflictGet ;_OL_ItemCopy ;_OL_ItemCreate ;_OL_ItemDelete ;_OL_ItemDisplay ;_OL_ItemExport ;_OL_ItemFind ;_OL_ItemForward ;_OL_ItemGet ;_OL_ItemImport ;_OL_ItemModify ;_OL_ItemMove ;_OL_ItemPrint ;_OL_ItemRecipientAdd ;_OL_ItemRecipientCheck ;_OL_ItemRecipientDelete ;_OL_ItemRecipientGet ;_OL_ItemRecipientSelect ;_OL_ItemRecurrenceDelete ;_OL_ItemRecurrenceExceptionGet ;_OL_ItemRecurrenceExceptionSet ;_OL_ItemRecurrenceGet ;_OL_ItemRecurrenceSet ;_OL_ItemReply ;_OL_ItemSave ;_OL_ItemSearch ;_OL_ItemSend ;_OL_ItemSendReceive ;_OL_ItemSync ;_OL_MailheaderGet ;_OL_MaiLSignatureCreate ;_OL_MaiLSignatureDelete ;_OL_MaiLSignatureGet ;_OL_MaiLSignatureSet ;_OL_OOFGet ;_OL_OOFSet ;_OL_PSTAccess ;_OL_PSTClose ;_OL_PSTCreate ;_OL_PSTGet ;_OL_RecipientFreeBusyGet ;_OL_ReminderDelay ;_OL_ReminderDismiss ;_OL_ReminderGet ;_OL_RuleActionGet ;_OL_RuleActionSet ;_OL_RuleAdd ;_OL_RuleConditionGet ;_OL_RuleConditionSet ;_OL_RuleDelete ;_OL_RuleExecute ;_OL_RuleGet ;_OL_StoreGet ;_OL_VersionInfo ;_OL_Wrapper_CreateAppointment ;_OL_Wrapper_SendMail ; =============================================================================================================================== ; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY#============================================================================================================ ;__OL_ArrayConcatenate ;__OL_CheckProperties ;__Outlook_ErrorHandler ;__WriteCSV ;__OL_Property2Hex ; =============================================================================================================================== ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _OL_Open ; Description ...: Opens a connection to Microsoft Outlook. ; Syntax.........: _OL_Open([$bWarningClick = False[, $sWarningProgram = ""[, $iWinCheckTime = 1000[, $iCtrlCheckTime = 1000[, $sProfileName = ""[, $sPassword = ""]]]]]) ; Parameters ....: $bWarningClick - Optional: If set to True a function will click away the Outlook security warning messages (default = False) ; $sWarningProgram - Optional: Complete path to the WarningProgram, e.g.: "C:\OLext\_OL_Warnings.exe" ; + (default = @ScriptDir & "\_OL_Warnings.exe" which is part of this UDF) ; $iWinCheckTime - Optional: Time in milliseconds to wait before a check for a warning window is performed (default = 1000 milliseconds = 1 second) ; $iCtrlCheckTime - Optional: How long, in milliseconds, we will wait before we check that the controls we click are enabled (default = 1000) ; $sProfileName - Optional: Name of the profile to be used for logon. The default profile will be used if none is specified (default = "") ; $sPassword - Optional: The password associated with the profile (default = "") ; Return values .: Success - New object identifier and sets @extended: ; |0 - Outlook was not running. When using _OL_Open you need not to set parameter $bForceClose to True to stop the Outlook process (optional) ; |1 - Outlook was already up and running. When using _OL_Open you have to set parameter $bForceClose to True to stop the Outlook process (optional) ; Failure - Returns 0 and sets @error: ; |1 - Unable to create Outlook Object. See @extended for details (@error returned by ObjCreate) ; |3 - $bWarningClick is invalid. Has to be True or False ; |4 - $iWinCheckTime is invalid. Has to be an integer ; |5 - File $sWarningProgram does not exist. Has to be an executable that can be startet using the run command ; |6 - Run error when running $sWarningProgram. Please check @extended for more information ; |7 - $iCtrlCheckTime is invalid. Has to be an integer ; |8 - Unable to logon to the default profile. See @extended for details (@error returned by Logon) ; |9 - No profile has been configured or there is no default profile for Outlook ; |10 - You specified a profile name to logon to but Outlook is already running ; Author ........: Wooltown ; Modified ......: water ; Remarks .......: Create your own $sWarningProgram Exe if the window title or messages have changed or are displayed in another language. ; If Outlook is already running a specified profile name is ignored because no logon is needed. ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _OL_Open($bWarningClick = False, $sWarningProgram = "", $iWinCheckTime = 1000, $iCtrlCheckTime = 1000, $sProfileName = "", $sPassword = "") Local $oOL = ObjGet("", "Outlook.Application") If $oOL <> 0 Then $__bOL_AlreadyRunning = True If Not IsBool($bWarningClick) Then Return SetError(3, 0, 0) If Not IsInt($iWinCheckTime) Then Return SetError(4, 0, 0) If Not IsInt($iCtrlCheckTime) Then Return SetError(7, 0, 0) If $__bOL_AlreadyRunning And $sProfileName <> "" Then Return SetError(10, 0, 0) ; Activate the COM error handler for older AutoIt versions If $__iOL_Debug = 0 And Number(StringReplace(@AutoItVersion, ".", "")) < 3392 Then _OL_ErrorNotify(1) If Not $__bOL_AlreadyRunning Then $oOL = ObjCreate("Outlook.Application") If @error Or Not IsObj($oOL) Then Return SetError(1, @error, 0) EndIf If $bWarningClick Then If StringStripWS($sWarningProgram, 3) = "" Then $sWarningProgram = @ScriptDir & "\_OL_Warnings.exe" If Not FileExists($sWarningProgram) Then Return SetError(5, 0, 0) Run($sWarningProgram & " " & @AutoItPID & " " & $iWinCheckTime & " " & $iCtrlCheckTime & " " & $oOL.Version & " " & $oOL.LanguageSettings.LanguageID($msoLanguageIDUI), "", @SW_HIDE) If @error Then Return SetError(6, @error, 0) EndIf Local $aVersion = StringSplit($oOL.Version, '.') ; Logon to the specified or the default profile if Outlook wasn't already running (for Outlook 2007 and later) If Not $__bOL_AlreadyRunning And Int($aVersion[1]) >= 12 Then If StringStripWS($sProfileName, 3) = "" Then $sProfileName = $oOL.DefaultProfileName If StringStripWS($sProfileName, 3) = "" Then Return SetError(9, 0, 0) Local $oNamespace = $oOL.GetNamespace("MAPI") $oNamespace.Logon($sProfileName, $sPassword, False, False) If @error Then Return SetError(8, @error, 0) EndIf If $__bOL_AlreadyRunning Then Return SetError(0, 1, $oOL) Return $oOL EndFunc ;==>_OL_Open ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _OL_Close ; Description ...: Closes the connection to Microsoft Outlook. ; Syntax.........: _OL_Close($oOL[, $bForceClose = False]) ; Parameters ....: $oOL - Outlook object returned by a preceding call to _OL_Open() ; $bForceClose - Optional: If True Outlook is closed even when it was running at _OL_Open time (default = False) ; Return values .: Success - Returns 1 and sets @extended to 1 if Outlook was already running ; Failure - Returns 0 and sets @error ; |1 - Error with Session.Logoff. Please check @extended for more information ; |2 - Error with Application.Quit. Please check @extended for more information ; |3 - Error with Quit. Please check @extended for more information ; Author ........: Wooltown ; Modified ......: water ; Remarks .......: If Outlook was already running when _OL_Open was called you have to use flag $bForceClose to close Outlook. ; If Outlook was already running when _OL_Open was called @extended is set to 1 to indicate this ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _OL_Close(ByRef $oOL, $bForceClose = False) If Not $__bOL_AlreadyRunning Or $bForceClose Then $oOL.Session.Logoff If @error Then Return SetError(1, @error, 0) $oOL.Application.Quit If @error Then Return SetError(2, @error, 0) ; The associated Outlook session is closed completely. ; The user is logged out of the messaging system and any changes to items not already saved are discarded $oOL.Quit If @error Then Return SetError(3, @error, 0) EndIf $oOL = 0 $__iOL_Debug = 0 $__sOL_DebugFile = @ScriptDir & "\Outlook_Debug.txt" $__oOL_Error = 0 If $__bOL_AlreadyRunning Then $__bOL_AlreadyRunning = False Return SetError(0, 1, 1) EndIf Return 1 EndFunc ;==>_OL_Close ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _OL_ErrorNotify ; Description ...: Sets or queries the debug level. ; Syntax.........: _OL_ErrorNotify($iDebug[, $sDebugFile = @ScriptDir & "\Outlook_Debug.txt"]) ; Parameters ....: $iDebug - Debug level. Allowed values are: ; |-1 - Return the current settings ; |0 - Disable debugging ; |1 - Enable debugging. Output the debug info to the console ; |2 - Enable Debugging. Output the debug info to a MsgBox ; |3 - Enable Debugging. Output the debug info to a file defined by $sDebugFile ; $sDebugFile - Optional: File to write the debugging info to if $iDebug = 3 (Default = @ScriptDir & "\Outlook_Debug.txt") ; Return values .: Success (for $iDebug => 0) - 1, sets @extended to: ; |0 - The COM error handler for this UDF was already active ; |1 - A COM error handler has been initialized for this UDF ; Success (for $iDebug = -1) - one based one-dimensional array with the following elements: ; |1 - Debug level. Value from 0 to 3. Check parameter $iDebug for details ; |2 - Debug file. File to write the debugging info to as defined by parameter $sDebugFile ; |3 - True if the COM error handler has been defined for this UDF. False if debugging is set off or a COM error handler was already defined ; Failure - 0, sets @error to: ; |1 - $iDebug is not an integer or < -1 or > 3 ; |2 - Installation of the custom error handler failed. @extended is set to the error code returned by ObjEvent ; |3 - COM error handler already set to another function ; Author ........: water ; Modified.......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: Yes ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _OL_ErrorNotify($iDebug, $sDebugFile = "") If Not IsInt($iDebug) Or $iDebug < -1 Or $iDebug > 3 Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) If $sDebugFile = "" Then $sDebugFile = @ScriptDir & "\Outlook_Debug.txt" Switch $iDebug Case -1 Local $avDebug[4] = [3] $avDebug[1] = $__iOL_Debug $avDebug[2] = $__sOL_DebugFile $avDebug[3] = IsObj($__oOL_Error) Return $avDebug Case 0 $__iOL_Debug = 0 $__sOL_DebugFile = "" $__oOL_Error = 0 Case Else $__iOL_Debug = $iDebug $__sOL_DebugFile = $sDebugFile ; A COM error handler will be initialized only if one does not exist If ObjEvent("AutoIt.Error") = "" Then $__oOL_Error = ObjEvent("AutoIt.Error", "__Outlook_ErrorHandler") ; Creates a custom error handler If @error <> 0 Then Return SetError(2, @error, 0) Return SetError(0, 1, 1) ElseIf ObjEvent("AutoIt.Error") = "__Outlook_ErrorHandler" Then Return SetError(0, 0, 1) ; COM error handler already set by a call to this function Else Return SetError(3, 0, 0) ; COM error handler already set to another function EndIf EndSwitch Return 1 EndFunc ;==>_OL_ErrorNotify ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _OL_AccountGet ; Description ...: Returns information about the accounts available for the current profile. ; Syntax.........: _OL_AccountGet($oOL) ; Parameters ....: $oOL - Outlook object returned by a preceding call to _OL_Open() ; Return values .: Success - two-dimensional one based array with the following information: ; |0 - AccountType ; |1 - Displayname ; |2 - SMTPAddress ; |3 - Username ; +For Outlook 2010 and later the following information is returned in addition: ; |4 - OlAutoDiscoverConnectionMode constant that specifies the type of connection to use for the auto-discovery service of the Microsoft Exchange server ; |5 - OlExchangeConnectionMode constant that indicates the current connection mode for the Microsoft Exchange Server ; |6 - Name of the Microsoft Exchange Server that hosts the account mailbox ; |7 - Full version number of the Microsoft Exchange Server that hosts the account mailbox ... ; Failure - Returns "" and sets @error: ; |1 - Function is only supported for Outlook 2007 and later ; Author ........: water ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: This function only works for Outlook 2007 and later. ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: Yes ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _OL_AccountGet($oOL) Local $aVersion = StringSplit($oOL.Version, '.') If Int($aVersion[1]) < 12 Then Return SetError(1, 0, "") Local $iIndex = 0, $iColumns = 4 If Int($aVersion[1]) > 12 Then $iColumns = 8 Local $aAccount[$oOL.Session.Accounts.Count + 1][$iColumns] = [[$oOL.Session.Accounts.Count, $iColumns]] For $oAccount In $oOL.Session.Accounts $iIndex = $iIndex + 1 $aAccount[$iIndex][0] = $oAccount.AccountType $aAccount[$iIndex][1] = $oAccount.DisplayName $aAccount[$iIndex][2] = $oAccount.SMTPAddress $aAccount[$iIndex][3] = $oAccount.UserName If Int($aVersion[1]) > 12 Then $aAccount[$iIndex][4] = $oAccount.AutoDiscoverConnectionMode $aAccount[$iIndex][5] = $oAccount.ExchangeConnectionMode $aAccount[$iIndex][6] = $oAccount.ExchangeMailboxServerName $aAccount[$iIndex][7] = $oAccount.ExchangeMailboxServerVersion EndIf Next Return $aAccount EndFunc ;==>_OL_AccountGet ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _OL_AddressListGet ; Description ...: Returns information about all Addresslists. ; Syntax.........: _OL_AddressListGet($oOL[, $bResolve = True]) ; Parameters ....: $oOL - Outlook object returned by a preceding call to _OL_Open() ; $bResolve - Optional: If True only addresslists that are used when resolving recipient names are returned (default = True) ; Return values .: Success - two-dimensional one based array with the following information: ; |0 - Constant from the OlAddressListType enumeration representing the type of the Addresslist ; |1 - Display name for the object ; |2 - Index indicating the position of the AddressList within the collection ; |3 - Integer that represents the order of this Addresslist to be used when resolving recipient names ; + -1 means the Addresslist is not used to resolve addresses ; |4 - A string representing the unique identifier for the addresslist ; Author ........: water ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: Use the GetContactsFolder method to obtain a folder object that represents the contacts folder ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: Yes ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _OL_AddressListGet($oOL, $bResolve = True) Local $iIndex = 1, $iIndex1, $oAddressList Local $aAddressLists[$oOL.Session.AddressLists.Count + 1][5] For $iIndex1 = 1 To $oOL.Session.AddressLists.Count $oAddressList = $oOL.Session.AddressLists($iIndex1) If $bResolve = False Or $oAddressList.ResolutionOrder <> -1 Then $aAddressLists[$iIndex][0] = $oAddressList.AddressListType $aAddressLists[$iIndex][1] = $oAddressList.Name $aAddressLists[$iIndex][2] = $iIndex1 $aAddressLists[$iIndex][3] = $oAddressList.ResolutionOrder $aAddressLists[$iIndex][4] = $oAddressList.ID $iIndex += 1 EndIf Next ReDim $aAddressLists[$iIndex][UBound($aAddressLists, 2)] $aAddressLists[0][0] = $iIndex - 1 $aAddressLists[0][1] = UBound($aAddressLists, 2) Return $aAddressLists EndFunc ;==>_OL_AddressListGet ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _OL_AddressListMemberGet ; Description ...: Returns information about all members of an address list. ; Syntax.........: _OL_AddressListMemberGet($oOL, $vID) ; Parameters ....: $oOL - Outlook object returned by a preceding call to _OL_Open() ; $vID - Number or name of an address list in the address lists collection as returned by _OL_AddressListGet ; Return values .: Success - two-dimensional one based array with the following information: ; |0 - E-mail address of the AddressEntry ; |1 - Display name for the AddressEntry ; |2 - Constant from the OlAddressEntryUserType enumeration representing the user type of the AddressEntry ; |3 - Unique identifier for the object (string) ; |4 - Object of the AddressEntry ; Failure - Returns "" and sets @error: ; |1 - No address list index specified ; |2 - Address list specified by $vID could not be found ; Author ........: water ; Modified.......: ; Remarks .......: To access an AddressList by number please use the Index returned by _OL_AddressListGet in column 3 ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: Yes ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _OL_AddressListMemberGet($oOL, $vID) If StringStripWS($vID, 3) = "" Then Return SetError(1, 0, "") Local $oItems = $oOL.Session.AddressLists.Item($vID).AddressEntries If @error Then Return SetError(2, @error, 0) Local $aMembers[$oItems.Count + 1][5] = [[$oItems.Count, 5]], $iIndex = 1 For $oItem In $oItems $aMembers[$iIndex][0] = $oItem.Address ; <== ?? $aMembers[$iIndex][1] = $oItem.Name $aMembers[$iIndex][2] = $oItem.AddressEntryUserType $aMembers[$iIndex][3] = $oItem.ID ; Exchange user that belongs to the same or a different Exchange forest If $oItem.AddressEntryUserType = $olExchangeUserAddressEntry Or $oItem.AddressEntryUserType = $olExchangeRemoteUserAddressEntry Then $aMembers[$iIndex][4] = $oItem.GetExchangeUser $aMembers[$iIndex][0] = $aMembers[$iIndex][4] .PrimarySmtpAddress EndIf ; Address entry in an Outlook Contacts folder If $oItem.AddressEntryUserType = $olOutlookContactAddressEntry Then $aMembers[$iIndex][4] = $oItem.GetContact $aMembers[$iIndex][0] = $aMembers[$iIndex][4] .Email1Address EndIf $iIndex += 1 Next Return $aMembers EndFunc ;==>_OL_AddressListMemberGet ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _OL_ApplicationGet ; Description ...: Returns information about the Outlook application. ; Syntax.........: _OL_ApplicationGet($oOL) ; Parameters ....: $oOL - Outlook object returned by a preceding call to _OL_Open() ; Return values .: Success - one-dimensional one based array with the following information: ; |1 - Name of the default profile ; |2 - LanguageSettings: Execution mode language ; |3 - LanguageSettings: Help language ; |4 - LanguageSettings: Install language ; |5 - LanguageSettings: User interface language ; |6 - Name of the application ; |7 - Product code. String specifying the Microsoft Outlook globally unique identifier (GUID ; |8 - Product version (n.n.n.n) ; Author ........: water ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: Yes ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _OL_ApplicationGet($oOL) Local $aApplication[9] = [8] $aApplication[1] = $oOL.DefaultProfileName $aApplication[2] = $oOL.LanguageSettings.LanguageID($msoLanguageIDExeMode) $aApplication[3] = $oOL.LanguageSettings.LanguageID($msoLanguageIDHelp) $aApplication[4] = $oOL.LanguageSettings.LanguageID($msoLanguageIDInstall) $aApplication[5] = $oOL.LanguageSettings.LanguageID($msoLanguageIDUI) $aApplication[6] = $oOL.Name $aApplication[7] = $oOL.ProductCode $aApplication[8] = $oOL.Version Return $aApplication EndFunc ;==>_OL_ApplicationGet ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _OL_AppointmentGet ; Description ...: Returns appointments in a specified time frame plus (optional) recurrences. ; Syntax.........: _OL_AppointmentGet($oOL, $vFolder[, $sStart = Default[, $sEnd = Default[, $bInclRecurrences = True[, $bInclSpan = True]]]]) ; Parameters ....: $oOL - Outlook object returned by a preceding call to _OL_Open() ; $vFolder - Calendar folder object as returned by _OL_FolderAccess or full name of folder where the search will be started ; $sStart - Optional: Start date/time (default = Today 00:00) ; $sEnd - Optional: End date/time (default = Today+1 00:00) ; $bInclRecurrences - Optional: True includes recurring appointments (default = True) ; $bInclSpan - Optional: True includes appointments that span the time frame or that only end or only start in the time frame (default = True) ; Return values .: Success - One based two-dimensional array with the following properties: ; |0 - EntryId of the item ; |1 - Object of the item ; |2 - Start date and time ; |3 - End date and time ; |4 - Subject of the item ; |5 - True if the item is a recurring appointment ; Failure - Returns "" and sets @error: ; |1 - $oOL is not an object ; |2 - Error accessing the specified folder. See @extended for errorcode returned by _OL_FolderAccess ; |3 - The specified folder is not a calendar folder ; |4 - Error accessing the items of the specified folder. See @extended for errorcode returned when accessing the Items property ; |4 - Error executing the Restrict method to filter appointments. See @extended for errorcode returned by the Restrict method ; Author ........: water ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: To get all appointments of a whole day set $sStart to "date 00:00" and $sEnd to "date+1 00:00". ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: Yes ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _OL_AppointmentGet($oOL, $vFolder, $sStart = Default, $sEnd = Default, $bInclRecurrences= True, $bInclSpan = True) Local $aTemp, $iCounter = 0, $sFilter If Not IsObj($oOL) Then Return SetError(1, 0, "") If Not IsObj($vFolder) Then $aTemp = _OL_FolderAccess($oOL, $vFolder) If @error Then Return SetError(2, @error, "") $vFolder = $aTemp[1] EndIf If $vFolder.DefaultItemType <> $olAppointmentItem Then Return SetError(3, 0, "") If $sStart = Default Then $sStart = _NowDate() & " 00:00" If $sEnd = Default Then Local $tDate = _Date_Time_GetSystemTime() $sEnd = _DateTimeFormat(_DateAdd("D", 1, _Date_Time_SystemTimeToDateStr($tDate, 1)), 2) & " 00:00" EndIf Local $oItems = $vFolder.Items If @error Or Not IsObj($oItems) Then Return SetError(4, @error, "") $oItems.Sort("[Start]", False) $oItems.IncludeRecurrences = $bInclRecurrences If $bInclSpan Then $sFilter = "[Start]<='" & $sEnd & "' AND [End]>='" & $sStart & "'" Else $sFilter = "[Start]>='" & $sStart & "' AND [End]<='" & $sEnd & "'" EndIf If $bInclRecurrences = False Then $sFilter = $sFilter & " AND [IsRecurring]=False" $oItems = $oItems.Restrict($sFilter) If @error Or Not IsObj($oItems) Then Return SetError(5, @error, "") ; Counter property is not correctly set when IncludeRecurrences is used For $oItem In $oItems $iCounter += 1 Next Local $aItems[$iCounter + 1][6] = [[$iCounter, 6]] $iCounter = 0 ; Fill array with some properties - can't use ItemProperties as in _OL_ItemFind because the ItemProperties property is not ; set for a recurring appointments For $oItem In $oItems $iCounter += 1 $aItems[$iCounter][0] = $oItem.EntryId $aItems[$iCounter][1] = $oItem $aItems[$iCounter][2] = $oItem.Start $aItems[$iCounter][3] = $oItem.End $aItems[$iCounter][4] = $oItem.Subject $aItems[$iCounter][5] = $oItem.IsRecurring Next Return $aItems EndFunc ;==>_OL_AppointmentGet ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _OL_BarGroupAdd ; Description ...: Adds a group to the OutlookBar. ; Syntax.........: _OL_BarGroupAdd($oOL, $sGroupname[, $iPosition = 1]) ; Parameters ....: $oOL - Outlook object returned by a preceding call to _OL_Open() ; $oGroupname - Name of the group to be created ; $iPosition - Optional: Position at which the new group will be inserted in the Shortcuts pane (default = 1 = at the top of the bar) ; Return values .: Success - 1 ; Failure - Returns 0 and sets @error: ; |1 - Error accessing the Outlookbar pane. For details please see @extended ; |2 - Error creating the group. For details please see @extended ; Author ........: water ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: Yes ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _OL_BarGroupAdd($oOL, $sGroupname, $iPosition = 1) Local $oPane = $oOL.ActiveExplorer.Panes("OutlookBar") If @error Then Return SetError(1, @error, 0) $oPane.Contents.Groups.Add($sGroupname, $iPosition) If @error Then Return SetError(2, @error, 0) Return 1 EndFunc ;==>_OL_BarGroupAdd ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _OL_BarGroupDelete ; Description ...: Deletes a group from the OutlookBar. ; Syntax.........: _OL_BarGroupDelete($oOL, $vGroupname) ; Parameters ....: $oOL - Outlook object returned by a preceding call to _OL_Open() ; $vGroupname - Name or 1-based index value of the group to be deleted ; Return values .: Success - 1 ; Failure - Returns 0 and sets @error: ; |1 - $vGroupname is empty ; |2 - Error accessing the specified group. For details please see @extended ; |3 - Error removing the specified group. For details please see @extended ; Author ........: water ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: To delete a group by name isn't possible in Outlook 2002 ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: Yes ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _OL_BarGroupDelete($oOL, $vGroupname) If StringStripWS($vGroupname, 3) = "" Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) Local $oGroups = $oOL.ActiveExplorer.Panes.Item("OutlookBar").Contents.Groups If @error Then Return SetError(2, @error, 0) $oGroups.Remove($vGroupname) If @error Then Return SetError(3, @error, 0) Return 1 EndFunc ;==>_OL_BarGroupDelete ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _OL_BarGroupGet ; Description ...: Returns all groups in the OutlookBar. ; Syntax.........: _OL_BarGroupGet($oOL) ; Parameters ....: $oOL - Outlook object returned by a preceding call to _OL_Open() ; Return values .: Success - two-dimensional one based array with the following information: ; |0 - Display name of the group ; |1 - $OlOutlookBarViewType constant representing the view type of the group ; Failure - Returns "" and sets @error: ; |1 - Error accessing the Outlookbar pane. For details please see @extended ; Author ........: water ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: Yes ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _OL_BarGroupGet($oOL) Local $iIndex = 1 Local $oPane = $oOL.ActiveExplorer.Panes("OutlookBar") If @error Then Return SetError(1, @error, "") Local $aGroups[$oPane.Contents.Groups.Count + 1][2] For $oGroup In $oPane.Contents.Groups $aGroups[$iIndex][0] = $oGroup.Name $aGroups[$iIndex][1] = $oGroup.ViewType $iIndex += 1 Next $aGroups[0][0] = $iIndex - 1 $aGroups[0][1] = UBound($aGroups, 2) Return $aGroups EndFunc ;==>_OL_BarGroupGet ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _OL_BarShortcutAdd ; Description ...: Adds a shortcut to a group in the OutlookBar. ; Syntax.........: _OL_BarShortcutAdd($oOL, $vGroupname, $sShortcutname, $sTarget[, $iPosition = 1[, $sIcon = ""]]) ; Parameters ....: $oOL - Outlook object returned by a preceding call to _OL_Open() ; $vGroupname - Name or 1-based index value of the group where the shortcut will be created ; $oShortcutname - Name of the shortcut to be created ; $sTarget - Target of the shortcut being created. Can be an Outlook folder, filesystem folder, filesystem path or URL ; $iPosition - Optional: Position at which the new shortcut will be inserted in the group (default = 0 = first shortcut in an empty group) ; $sIcon - Optional: The path of the icon file e.g. C:\temp\sample.ico (default = no icon) ; Return values .: Success - 1 ; Failure - Returns 0 and sets @error: ; |1 - Error accessing the group specified by $vGroupname. For details please see @extended ; |2 - Error creating the shortcut. For details please see @extended ; |3 - Specified icon file could not be found ; |4 - Error setting the icon for the created shortcut. For details please see @extended ; Author ........: water ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: Specify $iPosition = 1 to position a shortcut at the top of a non empty group ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: Yes ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _OL_BarShortcutAdd($oOL, $vGroupname, $sShortcutname, $sTarget, $iPosition = 0, $sIcon = "") Local $oGroup = $oOL.ActiveExplorer.Panes.Item("OutlookBar").Contents.Groups.Item($vGroupname) If @error Or Not IsObj($oGroup) Then Return SetError(1, @error, 0) Local $oShortCut = $oGroup.Shortcuts.Add($sTarget, $sShortcutname, $iPosition) If @error Then Return SetError(2, @error, 0) If $sIcon <> "" Then If Not FileExists($sIcon) Then Return SetError(3, 0, 0) $oShortCut.SetIcon($sIcon) If @error Then Return SetError(4, @error, 0) EndIf Return 1 EndFunc ;==>_OL_BarShortcutAdd ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _OL_BarShortcutDelete ; Description ...: Deletes a Shortcut from the OutlookBar. ; Syntax.........: _OL_BarShortcutDelete($oOL, $vGroupname, $vShortcutname) ; Parameters ....: $oOL - Outlook object returned by a preceding call to _OL_Open() ; $vGroupname - Name or 1-based index value of the group from where the shortcut will be deleted ; $vShortcutname - Name or 1-based index value of the shortcut to be deleted ; Return values .: Success - 1 ; Failure - Returns 0 and sets @error: ; |1 - $vShortcutname is empty ; |2 - $vGroupname is empty ; |3 - Error accessing the specified group. For details please see @extended ; |4 - Error removing the specified Shortcut. For details please see @extended ; Author ........: water ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: To delete a shortcut by name isn't possible in Outlook 2002 ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: Yes ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _OL_BarShortcutDelete($oOL, $vGroupname, $vShortcutname) If StringStripWS($vShortcutname, 3) = "" Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) If StringStripWS($vGroupname, 3) = "" Then Return SetError(2, 0, 0) Local $oGroup = $oOL.ActiveExplorer.Panes.Item("OutlookBar").Contents.Groups.Item($vGroupname) If @error Then Return SetError(3, @error, 0) $oGroup.Shortcuts.Remove($vShortcutname) If @error Then Return SetError(4, @error, 0) Return 1 EndFunc ;==>_OL_BarShortcutDelete ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _OL_BarShortcutGet ; Description ...: Returns all shortcuts of a group in the OutlookBar. ; Syntax.........: _OL_BarShortcutGet($oOL, $vGroup) ; Parameters ....: $oOL - Outlook object returned by a preceding call to _OL_Open() ; $vGroup - Name or 1-based index value of the group ; Return values .: Success - two-dimensional one based array with the following information: ; |0 - Display name of the shortcut ; |1 - Variant indicating the target of the specified shortcut in a Shortcuts pane group ; Failure - Returns "" and sets @error: ; |1 - $vGroup is empty ; |2 - Error accessing the specified group. For details please see @extended ; Author ........: water ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb176723(v=office.12).aspx ; Example .......: Yes ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _OL_BarShortcutGet($oOL, $vGroup) Local $iIndex = 1 If StringStripWS($vGroup, 3) = "" Then Return SetError(1, 0, "") Local $oGroup = $oOL.ActiveExplorer.Panes.Item("OutlookBar").Contents.Groups.Item($vGroup) If @error Then Return SetError(2, @error, "") Local $aShortcuts[$oGroup.Shortcuts.Count + 1][2] For $oShortCut In $oGroup.Shortcuts $aShortcuts[$iIndex][0] = $oShortCut.Name $aShortcuts[$iIndex][1] = $oShortCut.Target $iIndex += 1 Next $aShortcuts[0][0] = $iIndex - 1 $aShortcuts[0][1] = UBound($aShortcuts, 2) Return $aShortcuts EndFunc ;==>_OL_BarShortcutGet ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _OL_CategoryAdd ; Description ...: Adds a category. ; Syntax.........: _OL_CategoryAdd($oOL, $sCategory[, $iColor = $olCategoryColorNone[, $sShortcut = $olCategoryShortcutKeyNone]]) ; Parameters ....: $oOL - Outlook object returned by a preceding call to _OL_Open() ; $sCategory - Name of the category to be created ; $iColor - Optional: Color for the new category (default = OlCategoryColorNone) ; $iShortcut - Optional: Shortcut key for the new category (default = OlCategoryShortcutKeyNone) ; Return values .: Success - 1 ; Failure - Returns 0 and sets @error: ; |1 - Error accessing the Session.Categories object. For details please see @extended ; |2 - Error creating the category. For details please see @extended ; |3 - Specified category already exists ; Author ........: water ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: Yes ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _OL_CategoryAdd($oOL, $sCategory, $iColor = $olCategoryColorNone, $iShortcut = $olCategoryShortcutKeyNone) Local $oCategories = $oOL.Session.Categories If @error Then Return SetError(1, @error, 0) ; Check if category already exists Local $aCategories = _OL_CategoryGet($oOL) If IsArray($aCategories) Then For $iIndex = 1 To $aCategories[0][0] If $aCategories[$iIndex][5] = $sCategory Then Return SetError(3, 0, 0) Next EndIf $oCategories.Add($sCategory, $iColor, $iShortcut) If @error Then Return SetError(2, @error, 0) Return 1 EndFunc ;==>_OL_CategoryAdd ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _OL_CategoryDelete ; Description ...: Deletes a category. ; Syntax.........: _OL_CategoryDelete($oOL, $sCategory) ; Parameters ....: $oOL - Outlook object returned by a preceding call to _OL_Open() ; $sCategory - Name, CategoryID or 1-based index value of the category to be deleted ; Return values .: Success - 1 ; Failure - Returns 0 and sets @error: ; |1 - $sCategory is empty ; |2 - Error accessing the categories. For details please see @extended ; |3 - Specified category does not exist ; |4 - Error removing the specified category. For details please see @extended ; Author ........: water ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: Yes ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _OL_CategoryDelete($oOL, $sCategory) If StringStripWS($sCategory, 3) = "" Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) Local $oCategories = $oOL.Session.Categories If @error Then Return SetError(2, @error, 0) ; Check if category exists Local $bFound = False Local $aCategories = _OL_CategoryGet($oOL) If IsArray($aCategories) Then For $iIndex = 1 To $aCategories[0][0] If $aCategories[$iIndex][5] = $sCategory Then $bFound = True ExitLoop EndIf Next EndIf If $bFound = False Then Return SetError(3, 0, 0) $oCategories.Remove($sCategory) If @error Then Return SetError(4, @error, 0) Return 1 EndFunc ;==>_OL_CategoryDelete ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _OL_CategoryGet ; Description ...: Returns all categories by which Outlook items can be grouped. ; Syntax.........: _OL_CategoryGet($oOL) ; Parameters ....: $oOL - Outlook object returned by a preceding call to _OL_Open() ; Return values .: Success - two-dimensional one based array with the following information: ; |0 - CategoryBorderColor: OLE_COLOR value that represents the border color of the color swatch for a category ; |1 - CategoryGradientBottomColor: OLE_COLOR value that represents the bottom gradient color of the color swatch for a category ; |2 - CategoryGradientTopColor: OLE_COLOR value that represents the top gradient color of the color swatch for a category ; |3 - CategoryID: String value that represents the unique identifier for the category ; |4 - Color: OlCategoryColor constant that indicates the color used by the category object ; |5 - Name: Display name for the category ; |6 - ShortcutKey: OlCategoryShortcutKey constant that specifies the shortcut key used by the category ; Failure - Returns "" and sets @error: ; |1 - Error accessing the Session.Categories object. For details please see @extended ; Author ........: water ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: Yes ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _OL_CategoryGet($oOL) Local $iIndex = 1 Local $oCategories = $oOL.Session.Categories If @error Then Return SetError(1, @error, "") Local $aCategories[$oCategories.Count + 1][7] For $oCategory In $oCategories $aCategories[$iIndex][0] = $oCategory.CategoryBorderColor $aCategories[$iIndex][1] = $oCategory.CategoryGradientBottomColor $aCategories[$iIndex][2] = $oCategory.CategoryGradientTopColor $aCategories[$iIndex][3] = $oCategory.CategoryID $aCategories[$iIndex][4] = $oCategory.Color $aCategories[$iIndex][5] = $oCategory.Name $aCategories[$iIndex][6] = $oCategory.ShortcutKey $iIndex += 1 Next $aCategories[0][0] = $iIndex - 1 $aCategories[0][1] = UBound($aCategories, 2) Return $aCategories EndFunc ;==>_OL_CategoryGet ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _OL_DistListMemberAdd ; Description ...: Adds one or multiple members to a distribution list. ; Syntax.........: _OL_DistListMemberAdd($oOL, $vItem, $sStoreID, $vP1 = ""[, $vP2 = ""[, $vP3 = ""[, $vP4 = ""[, $vP5 = ""[, $vP6 = ""[, $vP7 = ""[, $vP8 = ""[, $vP9 = ""[, $vP10 = ""]]]]]]]]]) ; Parameters ....: $oOL - Outlook object returned by a preceding call to _OL_Open() ; $vItem - EntryID or object of the distribution list item ; $sStoreID - StoreID where the EntryID is stored. Use the keyword "Default" to use the users mailbox ; $vP1 - Member to add to the distribution list. Either a recipient object or the recipients name to be resolved ; + or a zero based one-dimensional array with unlimited number of members ; $vP2 - Optional: member to add to the distribution list. Either a recipient object or the recipients name to be resolved ; $vP3 - Optional: Same as $vP2 ; $vP4 - Optional: Same as $vP2 ; $vP5 - Optional: Same as $vP2 ; $vP6 - Optional: Same as $vP2 ; $vP7 - Optional: Same as $vP2 ; $vP8 - Optional: Same as $vP2 ; $vP9 - Optional: Same as $vP2 ; $vP10 - Optional: Same as $vP2 ; Return values .: Success - Distribution list object ; Failure - Returns 0 and sets @error: ; |1 - No distribution list item specified ; |2 - Item could not be found. EntryID might be wrong ; |3 - Error adding member to the distribution list. @extended = number of the invalid member (zero based) ; |4 - Member name could not be resolved. @extended = number of the invalid member (zero based) ; Author ........: water ; Modified.......: ; Remarks .......: $vP2 to $vP10 will be ignored if $vP1 is an array of members ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: Yes ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _OL_DistListMemberAdd($oOL, $vItem, $sStoreID, $vP1, $vP2 = "", $vP3 = "", $vP4 = "", $vP5 = "", $vP6 = "", $vP7 = "", $vP8 = "", $vP9 = "", $vP10 = "") Local $oRecipient, $aRecipients[10] If Not IsObj($vItem) Then If StringStripWS($vItem, 3) = "" Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) $vItem = $oOL.Session.GetItemFromID($vItem, $sStoreID) If @error Then Return SetError(2, @error, 0) EndIf ; Move members into an array If Not IsArray($vP1) Then $aRecipients[0] = $vP1 $aRecipients[1] = $vP2 $aRecipients[2] = $vP3 $aRecipients[3] = $vP4 $aRecipients[4] = $vP5 $aRecipients[5] = $vP6 $aRecipients[6] = $vP7 $aRecipients[7] = $vP8 $aRecipients[8] = $vP9 $aRecipients[9] = $vP10 Else $aRecipients = $vP1 EndIf ; add members to the distribution list For $iIndex = 0 To UBound($aRecipients) - 1 ; member is an object = recipient name already resolved If IsObj($aRecipients[$iIndex]) Then $vItem.AddMember($aRecipients[$iIndex]) If @error Then Return SetError(3, $iIndex, 0) Else If StringStripWS($aRecipients[$iIndex], 3) = "" Then ContinueLoop $oRecipient = $oOL.Session.CreateRecipient($aRecipients[$iIndex]) If @error Or Not IsObj($oRecipient) Then Return SetError(4, $iIndex, 0) $oRecipient.Resolve If @error Or Not $oRecipient.Resolved Then Return SetError(4, $iIndex, 0) $vItem.AddMember($oRecipient) If @error Then Return SetError(3, $iIndex, 0) EndIf Next $vItem.Close(0) Return $vItem EndFunc ;==>_OL_DistListMemberAdd ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _OL_DistListMemberDelete ; Description ...: Deletes one or multiple members from a distribution list. ; Syntax.........: _OL_DistListMemberDelete($oOL, $vItem, $sStoreID, $vP1 = ""[, $vP2 = ""[, $vP3 = ""[, $vP4 = ""[, $vP5 = ""[, $vP6 = ""[, $vP7 = ""[, $vP8 = ""[, $vP9 = ""[, $vP10 = ""]]]]]]]]]) ; Parameters ....: $oOL - Outlook object returned by a preceding call to _OL_Open() ; $vItem - EntryID or object of the distribution list item. Use the keyword "Default" to use the users mailbox ; $sStoreID - StoreID where the EntryID is stored. Use the keyword "Default" to use the users mailbox ; $vP1 - Member to delete from the distribution list. Either a recipient object or the recipients name to be deleted ; + or a zero based one-dimensional array with unlimited number of members ; $vP2 - Optional: member to delete from the distribution list. Either a recipient object or the recipients name ; $vP3 - Optional: Same as $vP2 ; $vP4 - Optional: Same as $vP2 ; $vP5 - Optional: Same as $vP2 ; $vP6 - Optional: Same as $vP2 ; $vP7 - Optional: Same as $vP2 ; $vP8 - Optional: Same as $vP2 ; $vP9 - Optional: Same as $vP2 ; $vP10 - Optional: Same as $vP2 ; Return values .: Success - Distribution list object ; Failure - Returns 0 and sets @error: ; |1 - No distribution list item specified ; |2 - Distribution list item could not be found. EntryID might be wrong ; |3 - Error removing member from the distribution list. @extended = number of the invalid member (zero based) ; |4 - Member name could not be resolved. @extended = number of the invalid member (zero based) ; Author ........: water ; Modified.......: ; Remarks .......: $vP2 to $vP10 will be ignored if $vP1 is an array of members ;+ ; No error is returned if a specified member is not a member of this distribution list ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: Yes ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _OL_DistListMemberDelete($oOL, $vItem, $sStoreID, $vP1 = "", $vP2 = "", $vP3 = "", $vP4 = "", $vP5 = "", $vP6 = "", $vP7 = "", $vP8 = "", $vP9 = "", $vP10 = "") Local $oRecipient, $aRecipients[10] If Not IsObj($vItem) Then If StringStripWS($vItem, 3) = "" Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) $vItem = $oOL.Session.GetItemFromID($vItem, $sStoreID) If @error Then Return SetError(2, @error, 0) EndIf ; Move members into an array If Not IsArray($vP1) Then $aRecipients[0] = $vP1 $aRecipients[1] = $vP2 $aRecipients[2] = $vP3 $aRecipients[3] = $vP4 $aRecipients[4] = $vP5 $aRecipients[5] = $vP6 $aRecipients[6] = $vP7 $aRecipients[7] = $vP8 $aRecipients[8] = $vP9 $aRecipients[9] = $vP10 Else $aRecipients = $vP1 EndIf ; Delete members from the distribution list For $iIndex = 0 To UBound($aRecipients) - 1 ; member is an object = recipient name already resolved If IsObj($aRecipients[$iIndex]) Then $vItem.RemoveMember($aRecipients[$iIndex]) If @error Then Return SetError(3, $iIndex, 0) Else If StringStripWS($aRecipients[$iIndex], 3) = "" Then ContinueLoop $oRecipient = $oOL.Session.CreateRecipient($aRecipients[$iIndex]) If @error Or Not IsObj($oRecipient) Then Return SetError(4, $iIndex, 0) $oRecipient.Resolve If @error Or Not $oRecipient.Resolved Then Return SetError(4, $iIndex, 0) $vItem.RemoveMember($oRecipient) If @error Then Return SetError(3, $iIndex, 0) EndIf Next $vItem.Close(0) Return $vItem EndFunc ;==>_OL_DistListMemberDelete ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _OL_DistListMemberGet ; Description ...: Gets all members of a distribution list. ; Syntax.........: _OL_DistListMemberGet($oOL, $vItem[, $sStoreID = Default]) ; Parameters ....: $oOL - Outlook object returned by a preceding call to _OL_Open() ; $vItem - EntryID or object of the distribution list item ; $sStoreID - Optional: StoreID where the EntryID is stored. Use the keyword "Default" to use the users mailbox ; Return values .: Success - two-dimensional one based array with the following information: ; |0 - Recipient object of the member ; |1 - Name of the member ; |2 - EntryID of the member ; Failure - Returns "" and sets @error: ; |1 - No distribution list item specified ; |2 - Item could not be found. EntryID might be wrong ; Author ........: water ; Modified.......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: Yes ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _OL_DistListMemberGet($oOL, $vItem, $sStoreID = Default) If Not IsObj($vItem) Then If StringStripWS($vItem, 3) = "" Then Return SetError(1, 0, "") $vItem = $oOL.Session.GetItemFromID($vItem, $sStoreID) If @error Then Return SetError(2, @error, 0) EndIf Local $aMembers[$vItem.MemberCount + 1][3] = [[$vItem.MemberCount, 3]] For $iIndex = 1 To $vItem.MemberCount $aMembers[$iIndex][0] = $vItem.GetMember($iIndex) $aMembers[$iIndex][1] = $vItem.GetMember($iIndex).Name $aMembers[$iIndex][2] = $vItem.GetMember($iIndex).EntryID Next Return $aMembers EndFunc ;==>_OL_DistListMemberGet ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _OL_DistListMemberOf ; Description ...: Returns information about all distribution lists the Exchange user is a member of. ; Syntax.........: _OL_DistListMemberOf($oExchangeUser) ; Parameters ....: $oExchangeUser - Resolved object of an Exchange user as returned by _OL_ItemRecipientCheck ; Return values .: Success - two-dimensional one based array with the following information: ; |0 - Exchange Distribution list object ; |1 - Name of the Exchange Distribution list the user is a member of ; |2 - ID of the Exchange Distribution list ; Failure - Returns "" and sets @error: ; |1 - $oExchangeUser is not an object ; |2 - $oExchangeUser is not resolved ; |3 - $oExchangeUser is not an Exchange user ; Author ........: water ; Modified.......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: Yes ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _OL_DistListMemberOf($oExchangeUser) If Not IsObj($oExchangeUser) Then SetError(1, 0, "") If Not $oExchangeUser.Resolved Then SetError(2, 0, "") Local $oAddressEntry = $oExchangeUser.AddressEntry If $oAddressEntry.Type <> "EX" Then Return SetError(3, 0, "") Local $oExUser = $oAddressEntry.GetExchangeUser() Local $oListEntries = $oExUser.GetMemberOfList() Local $aAddressLists[$oListEntries.Count + 1][3] = [[$oListEntries.Count, 3]], $iIndex = 1 For $oEntry In $oListEntries $aAddressLists[$iIndex][0] = $oEntry $aAddressLists[$iIndex][1] = $oEntry.Name $aAddressLists[$iIndex][2] = $oEntry.ID $iIndex += 1 Next Return $aAddressLists EndFunc ;==>_OL_DistListMemberOf ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _OL_FolderAccess ; Description ...: Accesses a folder. ; Syntax.........: _OL_FolderAccess($oOL[, $sFolder = "" [, $iFolderType = Default[, $iItemType = Default]]]) ; Parameters ....: $oOL - Outlook object returned by a preceding call to _OL_Open() ; $sFolder - Optional: Name of folder to access (default = default folder of current user (class specified by $iFolderType)) ; | "rootfolder\subfolder\...\subfolder" to access any public folder or any folder of the current user ; + "rootfolder" for the current user can be replaced by "*" ; | "\\firstname name" to access the default folder of another user (class specified by $iFolderType) ; | "\\firstname name\\subfolder\...\subfolder" to access a subfolder of the default folder of another user (class specified by $iFolderType) ; | "\\firstname name\subfolder\..\subfolder" to access any subfolder of another user ; + "firstname name" for the current user can be replaced by "*" ; | "" to access the default folder of the current user (class specified by $iFolderType) ; | "\subfolder" to access a subfolder of the default folder of the current user (class specified by $iFolderType) ; $iFolderType - Optional: Type of folder if you want to access a default folder. Is defined by the Outlook OlDefaultFolders enumeration (default = Default) ; $iItemType - Optional: Type of item which is used to select the default folder. Is defined by the Outlook OlItemType enumeration (default = Default) ; Return values .: Success - one-dimensional one based array with the following information: ; |1 - Object to the folder ; |2 - Default item type (integer) for the specified folder. Defined by the Outlook OlItemType enumeration ; |3 - StoreID (string) of the store to access the folder by ID ; |4 - EntryID (string) of the folder to access the folder by ID ; |5 - Folderpath (string) ; Failure - Returns "" and sets @error: ; |1 - $iFolderType is missing or not a number ; |2 - Could not resolve specified User in $sFolder ; |3 - Error accessing specified folder ; |4 - Specified folder could not be found. @extended is set to the index of the subfolder in error (1 = root folder) ; |5 - Neither $sFolder, $iFolderType nor $iItemType was specified ; |6 - No valid $iItemType was found to set the default folder $iFolderType accordingly ; Author ........: water ; Modified.......: ; Remarks .......: If you only specify $iItemType then $iFolderType is set to the default folder for this item type. ; Supported item types are: $olAppointmentItem, $olContactItem, $olDistributionListItem, $olJournalItem, $olMailItem, $olNoteItem and $olTaskItem ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: Yes ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _OL_FolderAccess($oOL, $sFolder = "", $iFolderType = Default, $iItemType = Default) Local $oFolder, $aFolders, $aResult[6] = [5] ; Set $iFolderType based on $iItemType If $sFolder = "" And $iFolderType = Default Then If $iItemType = Default Then Return SetError(5, 0, "") Local $aFolders[8][2] = [[7, 2],[$olAppointmentItem, $olFolderCalendar],[$olContactItem, $olFolderContacts],[$olDistributionListItem, $olFolderContacts], _ [$olJournalItem, $olFolderJournal],[$olMailItem, $olFolderDrafts],[$olNoteItem, $olFolderNotes],[$olTaskItem, $olFolderTasks]] Local $bFound = False For $iIndex = 1 To $aFolders[0][0] If $iItemType = $aFolders[$iIndex][0] Then $iFolderType = $aFolders[$iIndex][1] $bFound = True ExitLoop EndIf Next If $bFound = False Then SetError(6, 0, "") EndIf Local $oNamespace = $oOL.GetNamespace("MAPI") If $sFolder = "" Or (StringLeft($sFolder, 1) = "\" And _ ; No folder specified. Use default folder depending on $iFolderType StringMid($sFolder, 2, 1) <> "\") Then ; Folder starts with "\" = subfolder in default folder depending on $iFolderType If $iFolderType = Default Or Not IsNumber($iFolderType) Then Return SetError(1, 0, "") ; Required $iFolderType is missing $oFolder = $oNamespace.GetDefaultFolder($iFolderType) If @error Or Not IsObj($oFolder) Then Return SetError(3, @error, "") If $sFolder <> "" Then $aFolders = StringSplit(StringMid($sFolder, 2), "\") SetError(0) ; Reset @error possibly set by StringSplit For $iIndex = 1 To $aFolders[0] $oFolder = $oFolder.Folders($aFolders[$iIndex]) If @error Or Not IsObj($oFolder) Then Return SetError(4, $iIndex, "") Next EndIf Else If StringLeft($sFolder, 2) = "\\" Then ; Access a folder of another user If $iFolderType = Default Or Not IsNumber($iFolderType) Then Return SetError(1, 0, "") ; Required $iFolderType is missing $aFolders = StringSplit(StringMid($sFolder, 3), "\") ; Split off Recipient SetError(0) ; Reset @error possibly set by StringSplit If $aFolders[1] = "*" Then $aFolders[1] = $oOL.GetNameSpace("MAPI").CurrentUser.Name Local $oDummy = $oNamespace.CreateRecipient("=" & $aFolders[1]) ; Create Recipient. "=" sets resolve to strict $oDummy.Resolve ; Resolve If Not $oDummy.Resolved Then Return SetError(2, 0, "") If $aFolders[0] > 1 And StringStripWS($aFolders[2], 3) = "" Then ; Access a subfolder of the specified default folder of another user $oFolder = $oNamespace.GetSharedDefaultFolder($oDummy, $iFolderType) If @error Or Not IsObj($oFolder) Then Return SetError(3, @error, "") Else ; Access any folder of another user $oFolder = $oNamespace.GetSharedDefaultFolder($oDummy, $iFolderType).Parent If @error Or Not IsObj($oFolder) Then Return SetError(3, @error, "") EndIf Else $aFolders = StringSplit($sFolder, "\") ; Folder specified. Split and get the object SetError(0) ; Reset @error possibly set by StringSplit If $aFolders[1] = "*" Then $aFolders[1] = $oNamespace.GetDefaultFolder($olFolderInbox).Parent.Name $oFolder = $oNamespace.Folders($aFolders[1]) If @error Or Not IsObj($oFolder) Then Return SetError(4, 1, "") EndIf If $aFolders[0] > 1 Then ; Access subfolders For $iIndex = 2 To $aFolders[0] If $aFolders[$iIndex] <> "" Then $oFolder = $oFolder.Folders($aFolders[$iIndex]) If @error Or Not IsObj($oFolder) Then Return SetError(4, $iIndex, "") EndIf Next EndIf EndIf $aResult[1] = $oFolder $aResult[2] = $oFolder.DefaultItemType $aResult[3] = $oFolder.StoreID $aResult[4] = $oFolder.EntryID $aResult[5] = $oFolder.FolderPath Return $aResult EndFunc ;==>_OL_FolderAccess ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _OL_FolderArchiveGet ; Description ...: Returns the auto-archive properties of a folder. ; Syntax.........: _OL_FolderArchiveGet($oFolder) ; Parameters ....: $oFolder - Folder object of the folder to be changed as returned by _OL_FolderAccess ; Return values .: Success - one-dimensional one based array with the following information: ; |1 - AgeFolder: TRUE: Archive or delete items in the folder as specified ; |2 - DeleteItems: TRUE: Delete, instead of archive, items that are older than the aging period ; |3 - FileName: File for archiving aged items ; |4 - Granularity: Unit of time for aging, whether archiving is to be calculated in units of months, weeks, or days. ; +Valid granularity: 0=Months, 1=Weeks, 2=Days ; |5 - Period : Amount of time in the given granularity. Value between 1 and 999 ; |6 - Default: Indicates which settings should be set to the default. ; |0: Nothing assumes a default value ; |1: Only the file location assumes a default value. ; +This is the same as checking Archive this folder using these settings and Move old items to default archive folder in the AutoArchive ; +tab of the Properties dialog box for the folder ; |3: All settings assume a default value. This is the same as checking Archive items in this folder using default settings in the AutoArchive ; +tab of the Properties dialog box for the folder ; Failure - Returns 0 and sets @error: ; |1 - Error creating $oStorage. Please check @extended for details ; |2 - Error creating $oPA. Please check @extended for details ; Author ........: water ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: Yes ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _OL_FolderArchiveGet($oFolder) Local Const $sProptagURL = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/mapi/proptag/" Local Const $sPR_AGING_AGE_FOLDER = $sProptagURL & "0x6857000B" Local Const $sPR_AGING_PERIOD = $sProptagURL & "0x36EC0003" Local Const $sPR_AGING_GRANULARITY = $sProptagURL & "0x36EE0003" Local Const $sPR_AGING_DELETE_ITEMS = $sProptagURL & "0x6855000B" Local Const $sPR_AGING_FILE_NAME_AFTER9 = $sProptagURL & "0x6859001E" Local Const $sPR_AGING_DEFAULT = $sProptagURL & "0x685E0003" Local $aAutoArchive[7] = [6] ; Create or get solution storage in given folder by message class Local $oStorage = $oFolder.GetStorage("IPC.MS.Outlook.AgingProperties", $olIdentifyByMessageClass) If @error Or Not IsObj($oStorage) Then Return SetError(1, @error, 0) Local $oPA = $oStorage.PropertyAccessor If @error Or Not IsObj($oPA) Then Return SetError(2, @error, 0) $aAutoArchive[1] = $oPA.GetProperty($sPR_AGING_AGE_FOLDER) $aAutoArchive[2] = $oPA.GetProperty($sPR_AGING_GRANULARITY) $aAutoArchive[3] = $oPA.GetProperty($sPR_AGING_DELETE_ITEMS) $aAutoArchive[4] = $oPA.GetProperty($sPR_AGING_PERIOD) $aAutoArchive[5] = $oPA.GetProperty($sPR_AGING_FILE_NAME_AFTER9) $aAutoArchive[6] = $oPA.GetProperty($sPR_AGING_DEFAULT) Return $aAutoArchive EndFunc ;==>_OL_FolderArchiveGet ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _OL_FolderArchiveSet ; Description ...: Sets the auto-archive properties of a folder and (optional) all subfolders. ; Syntax.........: _OL_FolderArchiveSet($oFolder, $bRecursive, $bAgeFolder[, $bDeleteItems = Default[, $sFileName = Default[, $iGranularity = Default[, $iPeriod = Default[, $iDefault = Default]]]]]) ; Parameters ....: $oFolder - Folder object of the folder to be changed as returned by _OL_FolderAccess ; $bRecursive - TRUE: Set properties for the specified folder and all subfolders ; $bAgeFolder - TRUE: Archive or delete items in the folder as specified ; $bDeleteItems - Optional: TRUE: Delete, instead of archive, items that are older than the aging period (default = Default) ; $sFileName - Optional: File for archiving aged items. If this is an empty string, the default archive file, archive.pst, will be used (default = Default) ; $iGranularity - Optional: Unit of time for aging, whether archiving is to be calculated in units of months, weeks, or days (default = Default). ; +Valid granularity: 0=Months, 1=Weeks, 2=Days ; $iPeriod - Optional: Amount of time in the given granularity. Valid period: 1-999 (default = Default) ; $iDefault - Optional: Indicates which settings should be set to the default (default = Default): ; |0: Nothing assumes a default value ; |1: Only the file location assumes a default value. ; +This is the same as checking Archive this folder using these settings and Move old items to default archive folder in the AutoArchive ; +tab of the Properties dialog box for the folder ; |3: All settings assume a default value. This is the same as checking Archive items in this folder using default settings in the AutoArchive ; +tab of the Properties dialog box for the folder ; Return values .: Success - 1 ; Failure - Returns 0 and sets @error: ; |1 - $oFolder is not an object ; |2 - $bRecursive is not boolean ; |3 - $bAgeFolder is not boolean ; |4 - $bDeleteItems is not boolean ; |5 - $iGranularity is not an integer or <0 or > 2 ; |6 - $iPeriod is not an integer or < 1 or > 999 ; |7 - $iDefault is not an integer or an invalid number (must be 0, 1 or 3) ; |8 - Error creating $oStorage. Please check @extended for details ; |9 - Error creating $oPA. Please check @extended for details ; |10 - Error saving changed properties. Please check @extended for details ; Author ........: water ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: More links: ; http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff870123.aspx (Outlook 2010) ; https://blogs.msdn.com/b/jmazner/archive/2006/10/30/setting-autoarchive-properties-on-a-folder-hierarchy-in-outlook-2007.aspx?Redirected=true ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb176434(v=office.12).aspx (Outlook 2007) ; Example .......: Yes ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _OL_FolderArchiveSet($oFolder, $bRecursive, $bAgeFolder, $bDeleteItems = Default, $sFileName = Default, $iGranularity = Default, $iPeriod = Default, $iDefault = Default) Local Const $sProptagURL = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/mapi/proptag/" Local Const $sPR_AGING_AGE_FOLDER = $sProptagURL & "0x6857000B" Local Const $sPR_AGING_PERIOD = $sProptagURL & "0x36EC0003" Local Const $sPR_AGING_GRANULARITY = $sProptagURL & "0x36EE0003" Local Const $sPR_AGING_DELETE_ITEMS = $sProptagURL & "0x6855000B" Local Const $sPR_AGING_FILE_NAME_AFTER9 = $sProptagURL & "0x6859001E" Local Const $sPR_AGING_DEFAULT = $sProptagURL & "0x685E0003" If Not IsObj($oFolder) Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) If Not IsBool($bRecursive) Then Return SetError(2, 0, 0) If Not IsBool($bAgeFolder) Then Return SetError(3, 0, 0) If $bDeleteItems <> Default And Not IsBool($bDeleteItems) Then Return SetError(4, 0, 0) If $iGranularity <> Default And Not IsInt($iGranularity) Or $iGranularity < 0 Or $iGranularity > 2 Then Return SetError(5, 0, 0) If $iPeriod <> Default And (Not IsInt($iPeriod) Or $iPeriod < 1 Or $iPeriod > 999) Then Return SetError(6, 0, 0) If $iDefault <> Default And (Not IsInt($iDefault) Or ($iDefault <> 0 And $iDefault <> 1 And $iDefault <> 3)) Then Return SetError(7, 0, 0) ; Create or get solution storage in given folder by message class Local $oStorage = $oFolder.GetStorage("IPC.MS.Outlook.AgingProperties", $olIdentifyByMessageClass) If @error Or Not IsObj($oStorage) Then Return SetError(8, @error, 0) Local $oPA = $oStorage.PropertyAccessor If @error Or Not IsObj($oPA) Then Return SetError(9, @error, 0) ; Set the 6 aging properties in the solution storage $oPA.SetProperty($sPR_AGING_AGE_FOLDER, $bAgeFolder) If $iGranularity <> Default Then $oPA.SetProperty($sPR_AGING_GRANULARITY, $iGranularity) If $bDeleteItems <> Default Then $oPA.SetProperty($sPR_AGING_DELETE_ITEMS, $bDeleteItems) If $iPeriod <> Default Then $oPA.SetProperty($sPR_AGING_PERIOD, $iPeriod) If $sFileName <> Default Then $oPA.SetProperty($sPR_AGING_FILE_NAME_AFTER9, $sFileName) If $iDefault <> Default Then $oPA.SetProperty($sPR_AGING_DEFAULT, $iDefault) ; Save changes as hidden messages to the associated portion of the folder $oStorage.Save If @error Then Return SetError(10, @error, 0) ; Process subfolders If $bRecursive Then For $oSubFolder In $oFolder.Folders _OL_FolderArchiveSet($oSubFolder, $bRecursive, $bAgeFolder, $bDeleteItems, $sFileName, $iGranularity, $iPeriod, $iDefault) If @error Then Return SetError(@error, @extended, 0) Next EndIf Return 1 EndFunc ;==>_OL_FolderArchiveSet ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _OL_FolderCopy ; Description ...: Copies a folder, all subfolders and all contained items. ; Syntax.........: _OL_FolderCopy($oOL, $vSourceFolder, $vTargetFolder) ; Parameters ....: $oOL - Outlook object returned by a preceding call to _OL_Open() ; $vSourceFolder - Source folder name or object of the folder to be copied ; $vTargetFolder - Target folder name or object of the folder to be copied to ; Return values .: Success - Folder object of the copied folder ; Failure - Returns 0 and sets @error: ; |1 - Error accessing the specified source folder. See @extended for errorcode returned by _OL_FolderAccess ; |2 - Error accessing the specified target folder. See @extended for errorcode returned by _OL_FolderAccess ; |3 - Source folder has not been specified or is empty ; |4 - Target folder has not been specified or is empty ; |5 - Source and target folder are the same ; |6 - Error copying the folder to the target folder. For details check @extended ; Author ........: water ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: Yes ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _OL_FolderCopy($oOL, $vSourceFolder, $vTargetFolder) Local $aTemp If Not IsObj($vSourceFolder) Then If StringStripWS($vSourceFolder, 3) = "" Then Return SetError(3, 0, 0) $aTemp = _OL_FolderAccess($oOL, $vSourceFolder) If @error Then Return SetError(1, @error, 0) $vSourceFolder = $aTemp[1] EndIf If Not IsObj($vTargetFolder) Then If StringStripWS($vTargetFolder, 3) = "" Then Return SetError(4, 0, 0) $aTemp = _OL_FolderAccess($oOL, $vTargetFolder) If @error Then Return SetError(2, @error, 0) $vTargetFolder = $aTemp[1] EndIf If $vSourceFolder = $vTargetFolder Then Return SetError(5, 0, 0) Local $vFolder = $vSourceFolder.CopyTo($vTargetFolder) If @error Then Return SetError(6, @error, 0) Return $vFolder EndFunc ;==>_OL_FolderCopy ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _OL_FolderCreate ; Description ...: Creates a folder and subfolders. ; Syntax.........: _OL_FolderCreate($oOL, $sFolder, $iFolderType[, $vStartFolder = ""]) ; Parameters ....: $oOL - Outlook object returned by a preceding call to _OL_Open() ; $sFolder - Folder(s) to be created ; $iFolderType - Type of folder(s) to be created. Is defined by the Outlook OlDefaultFolders enumeration ; $vStartFolder - Optional: Folder object as returned by _OL_FolderAccess or full name of folder to create the new ; +folder in (default is root folder) ; Return values .: Success - Folder object of the created folder ; Failure - Returns 0 and sets @error: ; |1 - $iFolderType is missing or not a number ; |2 - Folder could not be created. See @extended for COM error code ; |3 - Error accessing specified folder. See @extended for the error code of _OL_AccessFolder ; |4 - Folder already exists ; |5 - Error adding folder. See @extended for the error code of the Add method ; Author ........: water ; Modified.......: ; Remarks .......: The folder and subfolders all have the same type specified by $iFolderType. ; To set properties of a folder please use _OL_FolderModfiy ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: Yes ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _OL_FolderCreate($oOL, $sFolder, $iFolderType, $vStartFolder = "") If Not IsNumber($iFolderType) Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) ; Required $iFolderType is missing Local $oNamespace = $oOL.GetNamespace("MAPI") If Not IsObj($vStartFolder) Then If StringStripWS($vStartFolder, 3) = "" Then ; Startfolder is not specified - use root folder Local $oInbox = $oNamespace.GetDefaultFolder($olFolderInbox) $vStartFolder = $oInbox.Parent Else Local $aTemp = _OL_FolderAccess($oOL, $vStartFolder) If @error Then Return SetError(3, @error, 0) $vStartFolder = $aTemp[1] EndIf EndIf Local $aSubFolders = StringSplit($sFolder, "\") SetError(0) For $iIndex = 1 To $aSubFolders[0] ; Check if folder already exists For $oFolder In $vStartFolder.Folders If $oFolder.Name = $aSubFolders[$iIndex] Then Return SetError(4, 0, 0) Next $vStartFolder = $vStartFolder.Folders.Add($aSubFolders[$iIndex], $iFolderType) If @error Or Not IsObj($vStartFolder) Then Return SetError(5, @error, 0) Next Return $vStartFolder EndFunc ;==>_OL_FolderCreate ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _OL_FolderDelete ; Description ...: Deletes a folder, all subfolders and all contained items. ; Syntax.........: _OL_FolderDelete($oOL, $sFolder[, $iFlags = 0]) ; Parameters ....: $oOL - Outlook object returned by a preceding call to _OL_Open() ; $vFolder - Folder object as returned by _OL_FolderAccess or full name of folder to be deleted ; $iFlags - Optional: Specifies what should be deleted. Can be a combination of the following: ; |0: Deletes the folder, all subfolders and all contained items (default) ; |1: Deletes all items (but no folders) in the specified folder ; |2: Recursively deletes all items (but no folders) in the specified folder and all subfolders ; |4: Deletes all subfolders and their items in the specified folder (but not the items in the specified folder) ; Return values .: Success - 1 ; Failure - Returns 0 and sets @error: ; |1 - Error accessing specified folder. See @extended for the error code of _OL_AccessFolder ; |2 - Folder could not be deleted. See @extended for COM error code ; |3 - Folder has not been specified or is empty ; |4 - Subfolder could not be deleted. See @extended for COM error code ; |5 - Item could not be deleted. See @extended for COM error code ; Author ........: water ; Modified.......: ; Remarks .......: Flag usage: ; To empty the trash folder (or any Outlook system folder) and delete all items plus all subfolders use $iFlags = 5 ; To delete all items in all folders and subfolders but retain the folder structure use $iFlags = 3 ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: Yes ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _OL_FolderDelete($oOL, $vFolder, $iFlags = 0) If Not IsObj($vFolder) Then If StringStripWS($vFolder, 3) = "" Then Return SetError(3, 0, 0) Local $aTemp = _OL_FolderAccess($oOL, $vFolder) If @error Then Return SetError(1, @error, 0) $vFolder = $aTemp[1] EndIf ; Delete the folder, all subfolders and all contained items If $iFlags = 0 Then $vFolder.Delete If @error Then Return SetError(2, @error, 0) Return 1 EndIf ; Delete items recursively If BitAND($iFlags, 2) = 2 Then For $oSubFolder In $vFolder.Folders $aTemp = _OL_FolderDelete($oOL, $oSubFolder, $iFlags) If @error Then Return SetError(2, @error, "") Next EndIf ; Just delete all items in the specified folder If BitAND($iFlags, 1) = 1 Or BitAND($iFlags, 2) = 2 Then For $iIndex = $vFolder.Items.Count To 1 Step -1 $vFolder.Items($iIndex).Delete If @error Then Return SetError(5, @error, 0) Next EndIf ; Delete all subfolders and all contained items If BitAND($iFlags, 4) = 4 Then For $iIndex = $vFolder.Folders.Count To 1 Step -1 $vFolder.Folders($iIndex).Delete If @error Then Return SetError(4, @error, 0) Next EndIf Return 1 EndFunc ;==>_OL_FolderDelete ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _OL_FolderExists ; Description ...: Checks if the specified folder exists. ; Syntax.........: _OL_FolderExists($oOL, $sFolder) ; Parameters ....: $oOL - Outlook object returned by a preceding call to _OL_Open() ; $sFolder - Full name of folder to be checked ; Return values .: Success - 1 ; Failure - Returns 0 and sets @error: ; |1 - Error accessing specified folder. See @extended for the error code of _OL_AccessFolder ; Author ........: water ; Modified.......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: Yes ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _OL_FolderExists($oOL, $sFolder) _OL_FolderAccess($oOL, $sFolder) If @error Then Return SetError(1, @error, 0) Return 1 EndFunc ;==>_OL_FolderExists ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _OL_FolderFind ; Description ...: Finds folders filtered by name and/or default item type. ; Syntax.........: _OL_FolderFind($oOL, $vFolder[, $iRecursionlevel = 0[, $sFolderName = ""[, $iStringMatch = 1[, $iDefaultItemType = Default]]]]) ; Parameters ....: $oOL - Outlook object returned by a preceding call to _OL_Open() ; $vFolder - Folder object as returned by _OL_FolderAccess or full name of folder where the search will be started. ; +If you want to search a default folder you have to specify the folder object. ; $iRecursionlevel - Optional: Number of subfolders to search. 0 means only the specified folder is searched (default = 0) ; $sFolderName - Optional: String to search for in the folder name. The matching mode (exact or substring) is specified by the next parameter (default = "") ; +Can be combined with $iDefaultItemType ; $iStringMatch - Optional: Matching mode (default = 1). Can be one of the following: ; | 1: Exact match ; | 2: Substring ; $iDefaultItemType - Optional: Only return folders which can hold items of the following item type. Is defined by the Outlook OlItemType enumeration. ; +Can be combined with $sFolderName (default = Default) ; Return values .: Success - two-dimensional one based array with the following information: ; |0 - Object of the folder ; |1 - FolderPath ; |2 - Name ; Failure - Returns "" and sets @error: ; |1 - $sFolderName and $iDefaultItemType have not been set ; |2 - Error accessing the specified folder. See @extended for errorcode returned by _OL_FolderAccess ; Author ........: water ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: You have to specify at least $sFolderName or $iDefaultItemType ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: Yes ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _OL_FolderFind($oOL, $vFolder, $iRecursionlevel = 0, $sFolderName = "", $iStringMatch = 1, $iDefaultItemType = Default) Local $iIndex1 = 1, $aTemp, $bFound If $vFolder = "" And $iDefaultItemType = Default Then Return SetError(1, 0, "") If Not IsObj($vFolder) Then $aTemp = _OL_FolderAccess($oOL, $vFolder) If @error Then Return SetError(2, @error, "") $vFolder = $aTemp[1] EndIf Local $aFolders[$vFolder.Folders.Count + 1][3] For $vFolder In $vFolder.Folders $bFound = False If $sFolderName <> "" Then If $iStringMatch = 1 And $vFolder.Name == $sFolderName Then $bFound = True If $iStringMatch = 2 And StringInStr($vFolder.Name, $sFolderName) > 0 Then $bFound = True EndIf If $iDefaultItemType <> Default And $vFolder.DefaultItemType = $iDefaultItemType Then $bFound = True If $bFound Then $aFolders[$iIndex1][0] = $vFolder $aFolders[$iIndex1][1] = $vFolder.FolderPath $aFolders[$iIndex1][2] = $vFolder.Name $iIndex1 += 1 EndIf If $iRecursionlevel > 0 Then $aTemp = _OL_FolderFind($oOL, $vFolder, $iRecursionlevel - 1, $sFolderName, $iStringMatch, $iDefaultItemType) __OL_ArrayConcatenate($aFolders, $aTemp, 0) EndIf Next If UBound($aFolders, 1) > 1 Then _ArraySort($aFolders, 1, 1, 0, 1) For $iIndex1 = 1 To UBound($aFolders, 1) - 1 If $aFolders[$iIndex1][0] = "" Then ReDim $aFolders[$iIndex1][UBound($aFolders, 2)] ExitLoop EndIf Next _ArraySort($aFolders, 0, 1, 0, 1) EndIf $aFolders[0][0] = UBound($aFolders, 1) - 1 $aFolders[0][1] = UBound($aFolders, 2) Return $aFolders EndFunc ;==>_OL_FolderFind ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _OL_FolderGet ; Description ...: Returns information about the current or any other folder. ; Syntax.........: _OL_FolderGet($oOL[, $vFolder = ""]) ; Parameters ....: $oOL - Outlook object returned by a preceding call to _OL_Open() ; $vFolder - Optional: Folder object as returned by _OL_FolderAccess or full name of folder (default = "" = current folder) ; Return values .: Success - one-dimensional one based array with the following information: ; |1 - Object to the folder ; |2 - Default item type (integer) for the specified folder. Defined by the Outlook OlItemType enumeration ; |3 - StoreID (string) of the store to access the folder by ID ; |4 - EntryID (string) of the folder to access the folder by ID ; |5 - Display name of the folder ; |6 - The path of the selected folder ; |7 - Number of unread items in the folder ; |8 - Total number of items in the folder ; |9 - Address Book Name for a contacts folder ; |10 - Determines which views are displayed on the View menu ; |11 - Default message class for items in the folder ; |12 - Description of the folder ; |13 - Determines if the folder will be synchronized with the e-mail server ; |14 - Determines if the folder is a Microsoft SharePoint Server folder ; |15 - Specifies if the contact items folder will be displayed as an address list in the Outlook Address Book ; |16 - Indicates if to display the number of unread messages in the folder or the total number of items in the folder in the Navigation Pane ; |17 - Indicates the Web view state for the folder ; |18 - URL of the Web page that is assigned with the folder ; Failure - Returns "" and sets @error: ; |1 - Error accessing specified folder. See @extended for the error code of _OL_AccessFolder ; Author ........: water ; Modified.......: ; Remarks .......: The current folder is the one displayed in the active explorer ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: Yes ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _OL_FolderGet($oOL, $vFolder = "") If Not IsObj($vFolder) Then If StringStripWS($vFolder, 3) = "" Then $vFolder = $oOL.ActiveExplorer.CurrentFolder Else Local $aTemp = _OL_FolderAccess($oOL, $vFolder) If @error Then Return SetError(1, @error, 0) $vFolder = $aTemp[1] EndIf EndIf Local $aFolder[19] = [18] $aFolder[1] = $vFolder $aFolder[2] = $vFolder.DefaultItemType $aFolder[3] = $vFolder.StoreID $aFolder[4] = $vFolder.EntryID $aFolder[5] = $vFolder.Name $aFolder[6] = $vFolder.FolderPath $aFolder[7] = $vFolder.UnReadItemCount $aFolder[8] = $vFolder.Items.Count $aFolder[9] = $vFolder.AddressBookName $aFolder[10] = $vFolder.CustomViewsOnly $aFolder[11] = $vFolder.DefaultMessageClass $aFolder[12] = $vFolder.Description $aFolder[13] = $vFolder.InAppFolderSyncObject $aFolder[14] = $vFolder.IsSharePointFolder $aFolder[15] = $vFolder.ShowAsOutlookAB $aFolder[16] = $vFolder.ShowItemCount $aFolder[17] = $vFolder.WebViewOn $aFolder[18] = $vFolder.WebViewURL Return $aFolder EndFunc ;==>_OL_FolderGet ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _OL_FolderModify ; Description ...: Modifies the properties of a folder. ; Syntax.........: _OL_FolderModify($oOL, $vFolder[, $sAddressBookName = ""[, $bCustomViewsOnly = Default[, $sDescription = ""[, $bInAppFolderSyncObject = Default[, $sName = ""[, $bShowAsOutlookAB = Default[, $iShowItemCount = Default[, $bWebViewOn = Default[, $sWebViewURL = ""]]]]]]]]]) ; Parameters ....: $oOL - Outlook object returned by a preceding call to _OL_Open() ; $vFolder - Folder object as returned by _OL_FolderAccess or full name of folder to modify ; $sAddressBookName - Address Book name if the folder represents a contacts folder (default = "" = do not change property) ; $bCustomViewsOnly - True/False. Determines which views are displayed on the view menu (default = keyword "Default" = do not change property) ; $sDescription - Description of the folder (default = "" = do not change property) ; $bInAppFolderSyncObject - True/False. Determines if the folder will be synchronized with the e-mail server. (default = keyword "Default" = do not change property) ; $sName - Display name for the folder (default = "" = do not change property) ; $bShowAsOutlookAB - True/False. Specifies whether the folder will be displayed as an address list in the Outlook Address Book (folder thas to be a contacts folder) (default = keyword "Default" = do not change property) ; $iShowItemCount - OlShowItemCount enumeration. Indicates the itemcount to display - if any (default = keyword "Default" = do not change property) ; $bWebViewOn - True/False. Indicates the web view state (default = keyword "Default" = do not change property) ; $sWebViewURL - URL of the Web page for this folder (default = "" = do not change property) ; Return values .: Success - Folder object of the created folder ; Failure - Returns 0 and sets @error: ; |1 - $vFolder has not been specified ; |2 - Error accessing the specified folder. See @extended for errorcode returned by GetFolderFromID ; |3 - Error setting propery $sAddressBookName. See @extended for more details ; |4 - Error setting propery $bCustomViewsOnly. See @extended for more details ; |5 - Error setting propery $sDescription. See @extended for more details ; |6 - Error setting propery $bInAppFolderSyncObject. See @extended for more details ; |7 - Error setting propery $sName. See @extended for more details ; |8 - Error setting propery $bShowAsOutlookAB. See @extended for more details ; |9 - Error setting propery $iShowItemCount. See @extended for more details ; |10 - Error setting propery $bWebViewOn. See @extended for more details ; |11 - Error setting propery $sWebViewURL. See @extended for more details ; Author ........: water ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: To reset a string property set the corresponding value to " ". ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: Yes ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _OL_FolderModify($oOL, $vFolder, $sAddressBookName = "", $bCustomViewsOnly = Default, $sDescription = "", $bInAppFolderSyncObject = Default, $sName = "", $bShowAsOutlookAB = Default, $iShowItemCount = Default, $bWebViewOn = Default, $sWebViewURL = "") If Not IsObj($vFolder) Then If StringStripWS($vFolder, 3) = "" Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) Local $aFolder = _OL_FolderAccess($oOL, $vFolder) If @error Then Return SetError(2, @error, 0) $vFolder = $aFolder[1] EndIf If $sAddressBookName <> "" Then $vFolder.AddressBookName = $sAddressBookName If @error Then Return SetError(3, @error, 0) EndIf If $bCustomViewsOnly <> Default Then $vFolder.CustomViewsOnly = $bCustomViewsOnly If @error Then Return SetError(4, @error, 0) EndIf If $sDescription <> "" Then $vFolder.Description = $sDescription If @error Then Return SetError(5, @error, 0) EndIf If $bInAppFolderSyncObject <> Default Then $vFolder.InAppFolderSyncObject = $bInAppFolderSyncObject If @error Then Return SetError(6, @error, 0) EndIf If $sName <> "" Then $vFolder.Name = $sName If @error Then Return SetError(7, @error, 0) EndIf If $bShowAsOutlookAB <> Default Then $vFolder.ShowAsOutlookAB = $bShowAsOutlookAB If @error Then Return SetError(8, @error, 0) EndIf If $iShowItemCount <> Default Then $vFolder.ShowItemCount = $iShowItemCount If @error Then Return SetError(9, @error, 0) EndIf If $bWebViewOn <> Default Then $vFolder.WebViewOn = $bWebViewOn If @error Then Return SetError(10, @error, 0) EndIf If $sWebViewURL <> "" Then $vFolder.WebViewURL = $sWebViewURL If @error Then Return SetError(11, @error, 0) EndIf Return $vFolder EndFunc ;==>_OL_FolderModify ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _OL_FolderMove ; Description ...: Moves a folder plus subfolders to a new target folder. ; Syntax.........: _OL_FolderMove($oOL, $vSourceFolder, $vTargetFolder) ; Parameters ....: $oOL - Outlook object returned by a preceding call to _OL_Open() ; $vSourceFolder - Folder object as returned by _OL_FolderAccess or full name of folder to move ; $vTargetFolder - Folder object as returned by _OL_FolderAccess or full name of folder to move to ; Return values .: Success - 1 ; Failure - Returns 0 and sets @error: ; |1 - Error accessing the specified source folder. See @extended for errorcode returned by _OL_FolderAccess ; |2 - Error accessing the specified target folder. See @extended for errorcode returned by _OL_FolderAccess ; |3 - Source folder has not been specified or is empty ; |4 - Target folder has not been specified or is empty ; |5 - Source and target folder are the same ; |6 - Error moving the folder to the target folder. For details check @extended ; Author ........: water ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: Yes ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _OL_FolderMove($oOL, $vSourceFolder, $vTargetFolder) Local $aTemp If Not IsObj($vSourceFolder) Then If StringStripWS($vSourceFolder, 3) = "" Then Return SetError(3, 0, 0) $aTemp = _OL_FolderAccess($oOL, $vSourceFolder) If @error Then Return SetError(1, @error, 0) $vSourceFolder = $aTemp[1] EndIf If Not IsObj($vTargetFolder) Then If StringStripWS($vTargetFolder, 3) = "" Then Return SetError(4, 0, 0) $aTemp = _OL_FolderAccess($oOL, $vTargetFolder) If @error Then Return SetError(2, @error, 0) $vTargetFolder = $aTemp[1] EndIf If $vSourceFolder = $vTargetFolder Then Return SetError(5, 0, 0) $vSourceFolder.MoveTo($vTargetFolder) If @error Then Return SetError(6, @error, 0) Return 1 EndFunc ;==>_OL_FolderMove ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _OL_FolderRename ; Description ...: Renames a folder. ; Syntax.........: _OL_FolderRename($oOL, $sFolder, $sName) ; Parameters ....: $oOL - Outlook object returned by a preceding call to _OL_Open() ; $vFolder - Folder object as returned by _OL_FolderAccess or full name of folder to be renamed ; $sName - New display name of the folder ; Return values .: Success - 1 ; Failure - Returns 0 and sets @error: ; |1 - Error accessing specified folder. See @extended for the error code of _OL_AccessFolder ; |2 - Folder could not be renamed. See @extended for COM error code ; Author ........: water ; Modified.......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: Yes ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _OL_FolderRename($oOL, $vFolder, $sName) If Not IsObj($vFolder) Then Local $aTemp = _OL_FolderAccess($oOL, $vFolder) If @error Then Return SetError(1, @error, 0) $vFolder = $aTemp[1] EndIf $vFolder.Name = $sName If @error Then Return SetError(2, @error, 0) Return 1 EndFunc ;==>_OL_FolderRename ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _OL_FolderSelectionGet ; Description ...: Returns all items selected in the active explorer (folder). ; Syntax.........: _OL_FolderSelectionGet($oOL) ; Parameters ....: $oOL - Outlook object returned by a preceding call to _OL_Open() ; Return values .: Success - two-dimensional one based array with the following information: ; |0 - Object of the selected item ; |1 - EntryID of the selected item ; |2 - OlObjectClass constant indicating the object's class ; Failure - Returns "" and sets @error: ; |1 - $oOL is not an object ; |2 - Error accessing the selected folder or no folder was selected. See @extended for the error code of method ActiveExplorer.Selection ; Author ........: water ; Modified.......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: Yes ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _OL_FolderSelectionGet($oOL) If Not IsObj($oOL) Then Return SetError(1, 0, "") Local $oSelection = $oOL.ActiveExplorer.Selection If @error Or Not IsObj($oSelection) Then Return SetError(2, @error, 0) Local $aSelection[$oSelection.Count + 1][3] = [[$oSelection.Count, 2]] For $iIndex = 1 To $oSelection.Count $aSelection[$iIndex][0] = $oSelection.Item($iIndex) $aSelection[$iIndex][1] = $oSelection.Item($iIndex).EntryId $aSelection[$iIndex][2] = $oSelection.Item($iIndex).Class Next Return $aSelection EndFunc ;==>_OL_FolderSelectionGet ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _OL_FolderSet ; Description ...: Sets a new folder as the current folder. ; Syntax.........: _OL_FolderSet($oOL, $vFolder) ; Parameters ....: $oOL - Outlook object returned by a preceding call to _OL_Open() ; $vFolder - Folder object as returned by _OL_FolderAccess or full name of folder that will become the new current folder ; Return values .: Success - Object of the folder ; Failure - Returns 0 and sets @error: ; |1 - Folder has not been specified or is empty ; |2 - Error accessing specified folder. See @extended for the error code of _OL_AccessFolder ; |3 - Error setting the current folder. See @extended for more error information ; Author ........: water ; Modified.......: ; Remarks .......: The current folder is the one displayed in the active explorer ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: Yes ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _OL_FolderSet($oOL, $vFolder) If Not IsObj($vFolder) Then If StringStripWS($vFolder, 3) = "" Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) Local $aTemp = _OL_FolderAccess($oOL, $vFolder) If @error Then Return SetError(2, @error, 0) $vFolder = $aTemp[1] EndIf $oOL.ActiveExplorer.CurrentFolder = $vFolder If @error Then Return SetError(3, @error, 0) Return $vFolder EndFunc ;==>_OL_FolderSet ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _OL_FolderTree ; Description ...: Returns all folders and subfolders starting with a specified folder. ; Syntax.........: _OL_FolderTree($oOL, $vFolder[, $iLevel = 9999]) ; Parameters ....: $oOL - Outlook object returned by a preceding call to _OL_Open() ; $vFolder - Folder object as returned by _OL_FolderAccess or full name of folder to start ; $iLevel - Optional: Number of levels to list (default = 9999). ; |1 = just the level specified in $vFolder ; |2 = The level specified in $vFolder plus the next level ; Return values .: Success - one-dimensional zero based array with the folderpath of each folder ; Failure - Returns "" and sets @error: ; |1 - Source folder has not been specified or is empty ; |2 - Error accessing a folder. See @extended for errorcode returned by _OL_FolderAccess ; Author ........: water ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: Yes ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _OL_FolderTree($oOL, $vFolder, $iLevel = 9999) Local $aTemp, $aFolderTree[1] If Not IsObj($vFolder) Then If StringStripWS($vFolder, 3) = "" Then Return SetError(1, 0, "") $aTemp = _OL_FolderAccess($oOL, $vFolder) If @error Then Return SetError(2, @error, "") $vFolder = $aTemp[1] EndIf $aFolderTree[0] = $vFolder.FolderPath $iLevel = $iLevel - 1 If $iLevel > 0 Then For $oFolder In $vFolder.Folders $aTemp = _OL_FolderTree($oOL, $oFolder, $iLevel) If @error Then Return SetError(2, @error, "") _ArrayConcatenate($aFolderTree, $aTemp) Next EndIf Return $aFolderTree EndFunc ;==>_OL_FolderTree ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _OL_Item2Task ; Description ...: Marks an item as a task and assigns a task interval for the item. ; Syntax.........: _OL_Item2Task($oOL, $vItem, $sStoreID, $iInterval) ; Parameters ....: $oOL - Outlook object returned by a preceding call to _OL_Open() ; $vItem - EntryID or object of the item ; $sStoreID - StoreID where the EntryID is stored. Use the keyword "Default" to use the users mailbox ; $iInterval - Time period for which the item is marked as a task. Defined by the $OlMarkInterval Enumeration ; Return values .: Success - Item object ; Failure - Returns 0 and sets @error: ; |1 - No Outlook item specified ; |2 - Item could not be found. EntryID might be wrong. Check @extended for more information ; |3 - $iInterval is not a number ; |4 - Method MarkAsTask returned an error. Check @extended for more information ; Author ........: water ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: This function sets the value of several other properties, depending on the value provided in $iInterval. ; For more information about the properties set see the link below (OlMarkInterval Enumeration) ; + ; To change this or set further properties please call _OL_ItemModify ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb208108(v=office.12).aspx ; Example .......: Yes ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _OL_Item2Task($oOL, $vItem, $sStoreID, $iInterval) If Not IsObj($vItem) Then If StringStripWS($vItem, 3) = "" Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) $vItem = $oOL.Session.GetItemFromID($vItem, $sStoreID) If @error Then Return SetError(2, @error, 0) EndIf If Not IsInt($iInterval) Then SetError(3, 0, 0) $vItem.MarkAsTask($iInterval) If @error Then Return SetError(4, @error, 0) Return $vItem EndFunc ;==>_OL_Item2Task ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _OL_ItemAttachmentAdd ; Description ...: Adds one or more attachments to an item. ; Syntax.........: _OL_ItemAttachmentAdd($oOL, $vItem, $sStoreID, $vP1 = ""[, $vP2 = ""[, $vP3 = ""[, $vP4 = ""[, $vP5 = ""[, $vP6 = ""[, $vP7 = ""[, $vP8 = ""[, $vP9 = ""[, $vP10 = ""[, $sDelimiter = ","]]]]]]]]]]) ; Parameters ....: $oOL - Outlook object returned by a preceding call to _OL_Open() ; $vItem - EntryID or object of the item ; $sStoreID - StoreID where the EntryID is stored. Use the keyword "Default" to use the users mailbox ; $vP1 - The source of the attachment. This can be a file (represented by the full file system path (drive letter or UNC path) with a file name) or an ; +Outlook item (EntryId or object) that constitutes the attachment ; +or a zero based one-dimensional array with unlimited number of attachments. ; |Every attachment parameter can consist of up to 4 sub-parameters separated by commas or parameter $sDelimiter: ; | 1 - Source: The source of the attachment as described above ; | 2 - (Optional) Type: The type of the attachment. Can be one of the OlAttachmentType constants (default = $olByValue) ; | 3 - (Optional) Position: For RTF format. Position where the attachment should be placed within the body text (default = Beginning of the item) ; | 4 - (Optional) DisplayName: For RTF format and Type = $olByValue. Name is displayed in an Inspector object or when viewing the properties of the attachment ; $vP2 - Optional: Same as $vP1 but no array is allowed ; $vP3 - Optional: Same as $vP2 ; $vP4 - Optional: Same as $vP2 ; $vP5 - Optional: Same as $vP2 ; $vP6 - Optional: Same as $vP2 ; $vP7 - Optional: Same as $vP2 ; $vP8 - Optional: Same as $vP2 ; $vP9 - Optional: Same as $vP2 ; $vP10 - Optional: Same as $vP2 ; $sDelimiter - Optional: Delimiter to separate the sub-parameters of the attachment parameters $vP1 - $vP10 (default = ",") ; Return values .: Success - Item object ; Failure - Returns 0 and sets @error: ; |1 - No Outlook item specified ; |2 - Item could not be found. EntryID might be wrong ; |3 - Error adding attachment to the item list. @extended = number of the invalid attachment (zero based) ; |4 - Attachment could not be found. @extended = number of the invalid attachment (zero based) ; Author ........: water ; Modified.......: ; Remarks .......: $vP2 to $vP10 will be ignored if $vP1 is an array of attachments. ; For more details about sub-parameters 2-4 please check MSDN for the Attachments.Add method ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: Yes ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _OL_ItemAttachmentAdd($oOL, $vItem, $sStoreID, $vP1, $vP2 = "", $vP3 = "", $vP4 = "", $vP5 = "", $vP6 = "", $vP7 = "", $vP8 = "", $vP9 = "", $vP10 = "", $sDelimiter = ",") Local $aAttachments[10] If Not IsObj($vItem) Then If StringStripWS($vItem, 3) = "" Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) $vItem = $oOL.Session.GetItemFromID($vItem, $sStoreID) If @error Then Return SetError(2, @error, 0) EndIf ; Move attachments into an array If Not IsArray($vP1) Then $aAttachments[0] = $vP1 $aAttachments[1] = $vP2 $aAttachments[2] = $vP3 $aAttachments[3] = $vP4 $aAttachments[4] = $vP5 $aAttachments[5] = $vP6 $aAttachments[6] = $vP7 $aAttachments[7] = $vP8 $aAttachments[8] = $vP9 $aAttachments[9] = $vP10 Else $aAttachments = $vP1 EndIf ; add attachments to the item For $iIndex = 0 To UBound($aAttachments) - 1 Local $aTemp = StringSplit($aAttachments[$iIndex], $sDelimiter) ReDim $aTemp[5] ; Make sure the array has 4 elements (element 2-4 might be empty) If StringMid($aTemp[1], 2, 1) = ":" Or StringLeft($aTemp[1], 2) = "\\" Then ; Attachment specified as file (drive letter or UNC path) If Not FileExists($aTemp[1]) Then Return SetError(4, $iIndex, 0) ElseIf Not IsObj($aTemp[1]) Then ; Attachment specified as EntryID If StringStripWS($aAttachments[$iIndex], 3) = "" Then ContinueLoop $aTemp[1] = $oOL.Session.GetItemFromID($aTemp[1], $sStoreID) If @error Then Return SetError(4, $iIndex, 0) EndIf If $aTemp[2] = "" Then $aTemp[2] = $olByValue ; The attachment is a copy of the original file If $aTemp[3] = "" Then $aTemp[3] = 1 ; The attachment should be placed at the beginning of the message body $vItem.Attachments.Add($aTemp[1], $aTemp[2], $aTemp[3], $aTemp[4]) If @error Then Return SetError(3, $iIndex, 0) Next $vItem.Close(0) Return $vItem EndFunc ;==>_OL_ItemAttachmentAdd ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _OL_ItemAttachmentDelete ; Description ...: Deletes one or multiple attachments from an item. ; Syntax.........: _OL_ItemAttachmentDelete($oOL, $vItem, $sStoreID, $vP1 = ""[, $vP2 = ""[, $vP3 = ""[, $vP4 = ""[, $vP5 = ""[, $vP6 = ""[, $vP7 = ""[, $vP8 = ""[, $vP9 = ""[, $vP10 = ""]]]]]]]]]) ; Parameters ....: $oOL - Outlook object returned by a preceding call to _OL_Open() ; $vItem - EntryID or object of the item ; $sStoreID - StoreID where the EntryID is stored. Use the keyword "Default" to use the users mailbox ; $vP1 - Number of the attachment to delete from the attachments collection ; +or a zero based one-dimensional array with unlimited number of attachments ; $vP2 - Optional: Number of the attachment to delete from the attachments collection ; $vP3 - Optional: Same as $vP2 ; $vP4 - Optional: Same as $vP2 ; $vP5 - Optional: Same as $vP2 ; $vP6 - Optional: Same as $vP2 ; $vP7 - Optional: Same as $vP2 ; $vP8 - Optional: Same as $vP2 ; $vP9 - Optional: Same as $vP2 ; $vP10 - Optional: Same as $vP2 ; Return values .: Success - Item object ; Failure - Returns 0 and sets @error: ; |1 - No item specified ; |2 - Item could not be found. EntryID might be wrong ; |3 - Error removing attachment from the item. @extended = number of the invalid attachment parameter (zero based) ; Author ........: water ; Modified.......: ; Remarks .......: $vP2 to $vP10 will be ignored if $vP1 is an array of numbers ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: Yes ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _OL_ItemAttachmentDelete($oOL, $vItem, $sStoreID, $vP1 = "", $vP2 = "", $vP3 = "", $vP4 = "", $vP5 = "", $vP6 = "", $vP7 = "", $vP8 = "", $vP9 = "", $vP10 = "") Local $aAttachments[10] If Not IsObj($vItem) Then If StringStripWS($vItem, 3) = "" Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) $vItem = $oOL.Session.GetItemFromID($vItem, $sStoreID) If @error Then Return SetError(2, @error, 0) EndIf ; Move numbers into an array If Not IsArray($vP1) Then $aAttachments[0] = $vP1 $aAttachments[1] = $vP2 $aAttachments[2] = $vP3 $aAttachments[3] = $vP4 $aAttachments[4] = $vP5 $aAttachments[5] = $vP6 $aAttachments[6] = $vP7 $aAttachments[7] = $vP8 $aAttachments[8] = $vP9 $aAttachments[9] = $vP10 Else $aAttachments = $vP1 EndIf ; Delete attachments from the item For $iIndex = 0 To UBound($aAttachments) - 1 If StringStripWS($aAttachments[$iIndex], 3) = "" Then ContinueLoop $vItem.Attachments.Remove($aAttachments[$iIndex]) If @error Then Return SetError(3, $iIndex, 0) Next $vItem.Close(0) Return $vItem EndFunc ;==>_OL_ItemAttachmentDelete ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _OL_ItemAttachmentGet ; Description ...: Returns a list of attachments of an item. ; Syntax.........: _OL_ItemAttachmentGet($oOL, $vItem[, $sStoreID = Default]) ; Parameters ....: $oOL - Outlook object returned by a preceding call to _OL_Open() ; $vItem - EntryID or object of the item ; $sStoreID - Optional: StoreID where the EntryID is stored (default = users mailbox) ; Return values .: Success - two-dimensional one based array with the following information: ; |0 - Object to the attachment ; |1 - DisplayName: String representing the name, which does not need to be the actual file name, displayed below the icon representing the embedded attachment ; |2 - FileName: String representing the file name of the attachment ; |3 - PathName: String representing the full path to the linked attached file ; |4 - Position: Integer indicating the position of the attachment within the body of the item ; |5 - Size: Integer indicating the size (in bytes) of the attachment ; |6 - Type: OlAttachmentType constant indicating the type of the specified object ; Failure - Returns 0 and sets @error: ; |1 - No Outlook item specified ; |2 - Item could not be found. EntryID might be wrong ; |3 - Item has no attachments ; Author ........: water ; Modified.......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: Yes ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _OL_ItemAttachmentGet($oOL, $vItem, $sStoreID = Default) If Not IsObj($vItem) Then If StringStripWS($vItem, 3) = "" Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) $vItem = $oOL.Session.GetItemFromID($vItem, $sStoreID) If @error Then Return SetError(2, @error, 0) EndIf If $vItem.Attachments.Count = 0 Then Return SetError(3, 0, 0) Local $aAttachments[$vItem.Attachments.Count + 1][7] = [[$vItem.Attachments.Count, 7]] Local $iIndex = 1 For $oAttachment In $vItem.Attachments $aAttachments[$iIndex][0] = $oAttachment $aAttachments[$iIndex][1] = $oAttachment.DisplayName $aAttachments[$iIndex][2] = $oAttachment.FileName $aAttachments[$iIndex][3] = $oAttachment.PathName $aAttachments[$iIndex][4] = $oAttachment.Position $aAttachments[$iIndex][5] = $oAttachment.Size $aAttachments[$iIndex][6] = $oAttachment.Type $iIndex += 1 Next Return $aAttachments EndFunc ;==>_OL_ItemAttachmentGet ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _OL_ItemAttachmentSave ; Description ...: Saves a single attachment of an item in the specified path. ; Syntax.........: _OL_ItemAttachmentSave($oOL, $vItem, $sStoreID, $iAttachment, $sPath) ; Parameters ....: $oOL - Outlook object returned by a preceding call to _OL_Open() ; $vItem - EntryID or object of the item of which to save the attachment ; $sStoreID - StoreID of the source store as returned by _OL_FolderAccess. Use the keyword "Default" to use the users mailbox ; $iAttachment - Number of the attachment to save as returned by _OL_ItemAttachmentGet (one based) ; $sPath - Path (drive, directory[, filename]) where to save the item. ; If filename or extension is missing it is set to the filename/extension of the attachment. ; In this case the directory needs a trailing backslash. ; If the directory does not exist it is created ; Return values .: Success - 1 ; Failure - Returns 0 and sets @error: ; |1 - $sPath is missing ; |2 - Specified directory does not exist. It could not be created ; |3 - Specified item could not be found ; |4 - Output file already exists ; |5 - Error saving an attachment. For details check @extended ; |6 - No item has been specified ; |7 - $sPath not specified completely. Drive, dir, name or extension is missing ; |8 - $iAttachment is either not numeric or < 1 or > # of attachments as returned by _OL_ItemAttachmentGet. @extended is the number of attachments ; Author ........: water ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: If the file you want the attachment to be saved already exists an error is returned. ; _OL_ItemSave saves all attachments but can create distinct filenames by adding a number between 00 and 99 at the end ; Related .......: _OL_ItemSave ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: Yes ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _OL_ItemAttachmentSave($oOL, $vItem, $sStoreID, $iAttachment, $sPath) Local $sDrive, $sDir, $sFName, $sExt If StringStripWS($sPath, 3) = "" Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) _PathSplit($sPath, $sDrive, $sDir, $sFName, $sExt) If Not IsObj($vItem) Then If StringStripWS($vItem, 3) = "" Then Return SetError(6, 0, 0) $vItem = $oOL.Session.GetItemFromID($vItem, $sStoreID) If Not IsObj($vItem) Then Return SetError(3, 0, 0) EndIf Local $aAttachments = _OL_ItemAttachmentGet($oOL, $vItem, $sStoreID) If Not (IsNumber($iAttachment)) Or $iAttachment < 1 Or $iAttachment > $aAttachments[0][0] Then Return SetError(8, $aAttachments[0][0], 0) ; Set filename/extension to name/extension of the attachment Local $iPos = StringInStr($aAttachments[$iAttachment][2], ".") If $sFName = "" Then $sFName = StringLeft($aAttachments[$iAttachment][2], $iPos - 1) If $sExt = "" Then $sExt = StringMid($aAttachments[$iAttachment][2], $iPos) ; Replace invalid characters from filename with underscore $sFName = StringRegExpReplace($sFName, '[ \/:*?"<>|]', '_') If $sDrive = "" Or $sDir = "" Or $sFName = "" Or $sExt = "" Then Return SetError(7, 0, 0) If Not FileExists($sDrive & $sDir) Then If DirCreate($sDrive & $sDir) = 0 Then Return SetError(2, 0, 0) EndIf $sPath = $sDrive & $sDir & $sFName & $sExt If FileExists($sPath) = 1 Then Return SetError(4, 0, 0) ; Save attachment $aAttachments[$iAttachment][0] .SaveAsFile($sPath) If @error Then Return SetError(5, @error, 0) Return 1 EndFunc ;==>_OL_ItemAttachmentSave ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _OL_ItemConflictGet ; Description ...: Returns a list of items that are in conflict with the selected item. ; Syntax.........: _OL_ItemConflictGet($oOL, $vItem[, $sStoreID = Default]) ; Parameters ....: $oOL - Outlook object returned by a preceding call to _OL_Open() ; $vItem - EntryID or object of the item ; $sStoreID - Optional: StoreID where the EntryID is stored (default = users mailbox) ; Return values .: Success - two-dimensional one based array with the following information: ; |0 - Object of the item in conflict ; |1 - Class of the object in conflict. Defined by the OlObjectClass enumeration ; |2 - Name of the object in conflict ; Failure - Returns 0 and sets @error: ; |1 - No Outlook item specified ; |2 - Item could not be found. EntryID might be wrong ; |3 - Item has no conflicts ; Author ........: water ; Modified.......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: Yes ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _OL_ItemConflictGet($oOL, $vItem, $sStoreID = Default) If Not IsObj($vItem) Then If StringStripWS($vItem, 3) = "" Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) $vItem = $oOL.Session.GetItemFromID($vItem, $sStoreID) If @error Then Return SetError(2, @error, 0) EndIf If $vItem.Conflicts.Count = 0 Then Return SetError(3, 0, 0) Local $aConflicts[$vItem.Conflicts.Count + 1][3] = [[$vItem.Conflicts.Count, 3]] Local $iIndex = 1 For $oConflict In $vItem.Conflicts $aConflicts[$iIndex][0] = $oConflict $aConflicts[$iIndex][1] = $oConflict.Type $aConflicts[$iIndex][2] = $oConflict.Name $iIndex += 1 Next Return $aConflicts EndFunc ;==>_OL_ItemConflictGet ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _OL_ItemCopy ; Description ...: Copies an item (contact, appointment ...) using the specified EntryID and StoreID. ; Syntax.........: _OL_ItemCopy($oOL, $vItem[, $sStoreID = Default[, $vTargetFolder = ""]]) ; Parameters ....: $oOL - Outlook object returned by a preceding call to _OL_Open() ; $vItem - EntryID or object of the item to copy ; $sStoreID - Optional: StoreID of the source store as returned by _OL_FolderAccess (default = users mailbox) ; $vTargetFolder - Optional: Target folder (object) as returned by _OL_FolderAccess or full name of folder ; Return values .: Success - Item object of the copied item ; Failure - Returns 0 and sets @error: ; |1 - No or an invalid item has been specified ; |2 - Error accessing the specified target folder. See @extended for errorcode returned by _OL_FolderAccess ; |3 - Source and target folder are of different types ; |4 - Error moving the copied item to the target folder. For details check @extended ; Author ........: water ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: If $vTargetFolder is omitted the copy is created in the same folder as the source item ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: Yes ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _OL_ItemCopy($oOL, $vItem, $sStoreID = Default, $vTargetFolder = "") If Not IsObj($vItem) Then If StringStripWS($vItem, 3) = "" Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) $vItem = $oOL.Session.GetItemFromID($vItem, $sStoreID) If @error Then Return SetError(1, @error, 0) EndIf Local $oSourceFolder = $vItem.Parent If Not IsObj($vTargetFolder) Then If StringStripWS($vTargetFolder, 3) = "" Then $vTargetFolder = $oSourceFolder Else Local $aTemp = _OL_FolderAccess($oOL, $vTargetFolder) If @error Then Return SetError(2, @error, 0) $vTargetFolder = $aTemp[1] EndIf EndIf If $oSourceFolder.DefaultItemType <> $vTargetFolder.DefaultItemType Then Return SetError(3, 0, 0) Local $vItemCopied = $vItem.Copy $vItemCopied.Close(0) ; Move the copied item to another folder If $oSourceFolder <> $vTargetFolder Then $vItemCopied = _OL_ItemMove($oOL, $vItemCopied, $sStoreID, $vTargetFolder) If @error Then Return SetError(4, @error, 0) EndIf Return $vItemCopied EndFunc ;==>_OL_ItemCopy ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _OL_ItemCreate ; Description ...: Creates an item. ; Syntax.........: _OL_ItemCreate($oOL, $iItemType, $vFolder = ""[, $sTemplate = ""[,$sP1 = ""[, $sP2 = ""[, $sP3 = ""[, $sP4 = ""[, $sP5 = ""[, $sP6 = ""[, $sP7 = ""[, $sP8 = ""[, $sP9 = ""[, $sP10 = ""]]]]]]]]]]]) ; Parameters ....: $oOL - Outlook object returned by a preceding call to _OL_Open() ; $iItemType - Type of item to create. Is defined by the Outlook OlItemType enumeration ; $vFolder - Optional: Folder object as returned by _OL_FolderAccess or full name of folder where the item will be created. ; |If not specified the default folder for the item type specified by $iItemType will be selected ; $sTemplate - Optional: Path and file name of the Outlook template for the new item ; $sP1 - Optional: Item property in the format: propertyname=propertyvalue ; |or a zero based one-dimensional array with unlimited number of properties in the same format ; $sP2 - Optional: Item property in the format: propertyname=propertyvalue ; $sP3 - Optional: Item property in the format: propertyname=propertyvalue ; $sP4 - Optional: Item property in the format: propertyname=propertyvalue ; $sP5 - Optional: Item property in the format: propertyname=propertyvalue ; $sP6 - Optional: Item property in the format: propertyname=propertyvalue ; $sP7 - Optional: Item property in the format: propertyname=propertyvalue ; $sP8 - Optional: Item property in the format: propertyname=propertyvalue ; $sP9 - Optional: Item property in the format: propertyname=propertyvalue ; $sP10 - Optional: Item property in the format: propertyname=propertyvalue ; Return values .: Success - Item object of the created item ; Failure - Returns 0 and sets @error: ; |1 - Error accessing specified folder. See @extended for errorcode returned by _OL_FolderAccess ; |2 - Error moving the Item to the specified folder. See @extended for errorcode returned by _OL_ItemMove ; |3 - Property doesn't contain a "=" to separate name and value. @extended = number of property in error (zero based) ; |4 - Error creating the item. @extended = error returned by the COM interface ; |5 - Invalid or no $iItemType specified ; |6 - Specified template file does not exist ; |1xx - Error checking the properties $sP1 to $sP10 as returned by __OL_CheckProperties. ; + @extended is the number of the property in error (zero based) ; Author ........: water ; Modified.......: ; Remarks .......: $sP2 to $sP10 will be ignored if $sP1 is an array of properties ; Be sure to specify the properties in correct case e.g. "FirstName" is valid, "Firstname" is invalid ; + ; If you want to create a meeting request and send it to some attendees you have to create an appointment and set property ; +MeetingStatus to one of the OlMeetingStatus enumeration ; + ; Note: Mails are created in the drafts folder if you do not specify $vFolder ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: Yes ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _OL_ItemCreate($oOL, $iItemType, $vFolder = "", $sTemplate = "", $sP1 = "", $sP2 = "", $sP3 = "", $sP4 = "", $sP5 = "", $sP6 = "", $sP7 = "", $sP8 = "", $sP9 = "", $sP10 = "") Local $aProperties[10], $iPos, $oItem If Not IsNumber($iItemType) Then Return SetError(5, 0, 0) If $sTemplate <> "" And Not FileExists($sTemplate) Then Return SetError(6, 0, 0) If Not IsObj($vFolder) Then Local $aFolderToAccess = _OL_FolderAccess($oOL, $vFolder, Default, $iItemType) If @error Then Return SetError(1, @error, 0) $vFolder = $aFolderToAccess[1] EndIf If StringStripWS($sTemplate, 3) = "" Then $oItem = $vFolder.Items.Add($iItemType) If $iItemType = $olMailItem Then $oItem.GetInspector ; Add the signature to the mail item if defined Else $oItem = $oOL.CreateItemFromTemplate($sTemplate, $vFolder) ; create item based on a template EndIf If @error Then Return SetError(4, @error, 0) ; Move property parameters into an array If Not IsArray($sP1) Then $aProperties[0] = $sP1 $aProperties[1] = $sP2 $aProperties[2] = $sP3 $aProperties[3] = $sP4 $aProperties[4] = $sP5 $aProperties[5] = $sP6 $aProperties[6] = $sP7 $aProperties[7] = $sP8 $aProperties[8] = $sP9 $aProperties[9] = $sP10 Else $aProperties = $sP1 EndIf ; Check properties If Not __OL_CheckProperties($oItem, $aProperties) Then Return SetError(@error, @extended, 0) ; Set properties of the Item For $iIndex = 0 To UBound($aProperties) - 1 If $aProperties[$iIndex] <> "" Then $iPos = StringInStr($aProperties[$iIndex], "=") If $iPos <> 0 Then $oItem.ItemProperties.Item(StringStripWS(StringLeft($aProperties[$iIndex], $iPos - 1), 3)).value = _ StringStripWS(StringMid($aProperties[$iIndex], $iPos + 1), 3) Else Return SetError(3, $iIndex, 0) EndIf EndIf Next $oItem.Close(0) ; Mails: Move the Item from the drafts folder to another folder if folder was specified and sourcefolder <> targetfolder If IsObj($vFolder) And $vFolder.FolderPath <> $oItem.Parent.FolderPath Then $oItem = _OL_ItemMove($oOL, $oItem, $oItem.Parent.StoreID, $vFolder) If @error Then Return SetError(2, @error, 0) EndIf Return $oItem EndFunc ;==>_OL_ItemCreate ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _OL_ItemDelete ; Description ...: Deletes an item (contact, appointment ...) using the specified EntryID and StoreID. ; Syntax.........: _OL_ItemDelete($oOL, $sEntryId[, $sStoreID = Default) ; Parameters ....: $oOL - Outlook object returned by a preceding call to _OL_Open() ; $vItem - EntryID or object of the item to delete ; $sStoreID - Optional: StoreID where the EntryID is stored (default = the users mailbox) ; Return values .: Success - Item object ; Failure - Returns 0 and sets @error: ; |1 - No item has been specified ; |2 - Item could not be found. EntryID might be wrong ; |3 - Item could not be deleted. Please see @extended for more information ; Author ........: water ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: To cancel a meeting you have to set property "MeetingStatus" to $olMeetingCanceled and send the meeting again ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: Yes ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _OL_ItemDelete($oOL, $vItem, $sStoreID = Default) If Not IsObj($vItem) Then If StringStripWS($vItem, 3) = "" Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) $vItem = $oOL.Session.GetItemFromID($vItem, $sStoreID) If @error Then Return SetError(2, @error, 0) EndIf $vItem.Delete If @error Then Return SetError(3, @error, 0) Return $vItem EndFunc ;==>_OL_ItemDelete ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _OL_ItemDisplay ; Description ...: Displays an item (contact, appointment ...) using the specified EntryID and StoreID. ; Syntax.........: _OL_ItemDisplay($oOL, $sEntryId[, $sStoreID = Default[, $iWidth = 0[, $iHeight = 0[, $iLeft = 0[, $iTop = 0[, $iState = $olNormalWindow]]]]]]) ; Parameters ....: $oOL - Outlook object returned by a preceding call to _OL_Open() ; $vItem - EntryID or object of the item to display ; $sStoreID - Optional: StoreID where the EntryID is stored (default = keyword "Default" = the users mailbox) ; $iWidth - Optional: The width of the window in pixel (default = 0 = Use Outlook default) ; $iHeight - Optional: The height of the window in pixel (default = 0 = Use Outlook default) ; $iLeft - Optional: The left position of the window in pixel (default = 0 = Use Outlook default) ; $iTop - Optional: The top position of the window in pixel (default = 0 = Use Outlook default) ; $iState - Optional: State of the window. Defined by the Outlook OlWindowState enumeration (default = $olNormalWindow) ; Return values .: Success - Object of the Inspector where the item is displayed ; Failure - Returns 0 and sets @error: ; |1 - No item has been specified ; |2 - Item could not be found. EntryID might be wrong ; |3 - Item could not be displayed. Please see @extended for more information ; |4 - Error setting properties of the window. Please see @extended for more information ; Author ........: water ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: Yes ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _OL_ItemDisplay($oOL, $vItem, $sStoreID = Default, $iWidth = 0, $iHeight = 0, $iLeft = 0, $iTop = 0, $iState = $olNormalWindow) If Not IsObj($vItem) Then If StringStripWS($vItem, 3) = "" Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) $vItem = $oOL.Session.GetItemFromID($vItem, $sStoreID) If @error Then Return SetError(2, @error, 0) EndIf $vItem.Display() If @error Then Return SetError(3, @error, 0) If $iWidth > 0 Then $vItem.GetInspector.Width = $iWidth If $iHeight > 0 Then $vItem.GetInspector.Height = $iHeight If $iLeft > 0 Then $vItem.GetInspector.left = $iLeft If $iTop > 0 Then $vItem.GetInspector.Top = $iTop $vItem.GetInspector.WindowState = $iState If @error Then Return SetError(4, @error, 0) Return $vItem.GetInspector EndFunc ;==>_OL_ItemDisplay ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _OL_ItemExport ; Description ...: Exports items from an array to a file. ; Syntax.........: _OL_ItemExport($sPath, $sDelimiter, $sQuote, $iFormat, $sHeader, $aData) ; Parameters ....: $sPath - Drive, Directory, Filename and Extension of the output file ; $sDelimiter - Optional: Fieldseparator (default = , (comma)) ; $sQuote - Optional: Quote character (default = " (double quote)) ; $iFormat - Character encoding of file: ; |0 or 1 - ASCII writing ; |2 - Unicode UTF16 Little Endian writing (with BOM) ; |3 - Unicode UTF16 Big Endian writing (with BOM) ; |4 - Unicode UTF8 writing (with BOM) ; |5 - Unicode UTF8 writing (without BOM) ; $sHeader - Header line with comma separated list of properties to export ; $aData - 1-based two-dimensional array ; Return values .: Success - Number of records exported ; Failure - Returns 0 and sets @error: ; |1 - Parameter $sPath is empty ; |2 - File $sPath already exists ; |3 - $iType is not numeric or an invalid number ; |4 - $sHeader is empty ; |5 - $aData is empty or not a two-dimensional array ; |6 - Error writing header line to file $sPath. Please see @extended for error of function __WriteCSV ; |7 - Error writing data lines to file $sPath. Please see @extended for error of function __WriteCSV ; Author ........: water ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: Fill the array with data using _OL_ItemFind ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: Yes ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _OL_ItemExport($sPath, $sDelimiter, $sQuote, $iFormat, $sHeader, ByRef $aData) If StringStripWS($sPath, 3) = "" Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) If FileExists($sPath) Then Return SetError(2, 0, 0) If Not IsNumber($iFormat) Or $iFormat > 5 Then Return SetError(3, 0, 0) If StringStripWS($sHeader, 3) = "" Then Return SetError(4, 0, 0) If Not IsArray($aData) Or UBound($aData, 0) <> 2 Then Return SetError(5, 0, 0) If $sDelimiter = "" Or IsKeyword($sDelimiter) Then $sDelimiter = "," If $sQuote = "" Or IsKeyword($sQuote) Then $sQuote = '"' ; Write header to file Local $aHeaderSplit = StringSplit($sHeader, ",") Local $aHeaderTab[2][$aHeaderSplit[0]] = [[1, $aHeaderSplit[0]]] For $iIndex = 1 To $aHeaderSplit[0] $aHeaderTab[1][$iIndex - 1] = $aHeaderSplit[$iIndex] Next Local $iResult = __WriteCSV($sPath, $aHeaderTab, $sDelimiter, $sQuote, $iFormat) If @error Then Return SetError(6, @error, 0) ; Write data to file $iResult = __WriteCSV($sPath, $aData, $sDelimiter, $sQuote, $iFormat) If @error Then Return SetError(7, @error, 0) Return $iResult EndFunc ;==>_OL_ItemExport ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _OL_ItemFind ; Description ...: Finds items (contacts, appointments ...) returning an array of all specified properties. ; Syntax.........: _OL_ItemFind($oOL, $vFolder[, $iObjectClass = Default[, $sRestrict = ""[, $sSearchName = ""[, $sSearchValue = ""[, $sReturnProperties = ""[, $sSort = ""[, $iFlags = 0[, $sWarningClick = ""]]]]]]]]) ; Parameters ....: $oOL - Outlook object returned by a preceding call to _OL_Open() ; $vFolder - Folder object as returned by _OL_FolderAccess or full name of folder where the search will be started. ; +If you want to search a default folder you have to specify the folder object. ; $iObjectClass - Optional: Class of items to search for. Defined by the Outlook OlObjectClass enumeration (default = Default = $olContact) ; $sRestrict - Optional: Filter text to restrict number of items returned (exact match). For details please see Remarks ; $sSearchName - Optional: Name of the property to search for (without brackets) ; $sSearchValue - Optional: String value of the property to search for (partial match) ; $sReturnProperties - Optional: Comma separated list of properties to return (default = depending on $iObjectClass. Please see Remarks) ; $sSort - Optional: Property to sort the result on plus optional flag to sort descending (default = None). E.g. "[Subject], True" sorts the result descending on the subject ; $iFlags - Optional: Flags to set different processing options. Can be a combination of the following: ; | 1: Subfolders will be included ; | 2: Row 1 contains column headings. Therefore the number of rows/columns in the table has to be calculated using UBound ; | 4: Just return the number of records. You don't get an array, just a single integer denoting the total number of records found ; $sWarningClick - Optional: The Entire SearchString to 'OutlookWarning2.exe' (default = None) ; Return values .: Success - One based two-dimensional array with the properties specified by $sReturnProperties ; Failure - Returns "" and sets @error: ; |1 - You have to specifiy $sSearchName AND $sSearchValue or none of them ; |2 - $sWarningClick not found ; |3 - Error accessing the specified folder. See @extended for errorcode returned by _OL_FolderAccess ; |4 - Error accessing specified property. For details check @extended ; |1xx - Error checking $sReturnProperties as returned by __OL_CheckProperties. @extended is the number of the property in error (zero based) ; Author ........: water ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: Be sure to specify the values in $sReturnProperties and $sSearchName in correct case e.g. "FirstName" is valid, "Firstname" is invalid ;+ ; $sRestrict: Filter can be a Jet query or a DASL query with the @SQL= prefix. Jet query language syntax: ; Restrict filter: Filter LogicalOperator Filter ... ; LogicalOperator: And, Or, Not. Use ( and ) to change the processing order ; Filter: "[property] operator 'value'" or '[property] operator "value"' ; Operator: <, >, <=, >=, <>, = ; Example: "[Start]='2011-02-21 08:00' And [End]='2011-02-21 10:00' And [Subject]='Test'" ; See: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc513841.aspx - "Searching Outlook Data" ; http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb220369(v=office.12).aspx - "Items.Restrict Method" ;+ ; N.B.: Pass time as HH:MM, HH:MM:SS is invalid and returns no result ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: Yes ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _OL_ItemFind($oOL, $vFolder, $iObjectClass = Default, $sRestrict = "", $sSearchName = "", $sSearchValue = "", $sReturnProperties = "", $sSort = "", $iFlags = 0, $sWarningClick = "") Local $bChecked = False, $oItems, $aTemp, $iRecCounter = 0, $iCounter = 0 If $sWarningClick <> "" Then If FileExists($sWarningClick) = 0 Then Return SetError(2, 0, "") Run($sWarningClick) EndIf If $iObjectClass = Default Then $iObjectClass = $olContact ; Set Default ObjectClass ; Set default return properties depending on the class of items If StringStripWS($sReturnProperties, 3) = "" Then Switch $iObjectClass Case $olContact $sReturnProperties = "FirstName,LastName,Email1Address,Email2Address,MobileTelephoneNumber" Case $olDistributionList $sReturnProperties = "Subject,Body,MemberCount" Case $olNote, $olMail $sReturnProperties = "Subject,Body,CreationTime,LastModificationTime,Size" Case Else EndSwitch EndIf If Not IsObj($vFolder) Then $aTemp = _OL_FolderAccess($oOL, $vFolder) If @error Then Return SetError(3, @error, "") $vFolder = $aTemp[1] EndIf If ($sSearchName <> "" And $sSearchValue = "") Or ($sSearchName = "" And $sSearchValue <> "") Then Return SetError(1, 0, "") Local $aReturnProperties = StringSplit(StringStripWS($sReturnProperties, 8), ",") Local $iIndex = $aReturnProperties[0] If $aReturnProperties[0] < 2 Then $iIndex = 2 Local $aItems[$vFolder.Items.Count + 1][$iIndex] = [[0, $aReturnProperties[0]]] If StringStripWS($sRestrict, 3) = "" Then $oItems = $vFolder.Items Else $oItems = $vFolder.Items.Restrict($sRestrict) EndIf If BitAND($iFlags, 4) <> 4 And $sSort <> "" Then $aTemp = StringSplit($sSort, ",") If $aTemp[0] = 1 Then $oItems.Sort($sSort) Else $oItems.Sort($aTemp[1], True) EndIf EndIf For $oItem In $oItems If $oItem.Class <> $iObjectClass Then ContinueLoop ; Get all properties of first item and check for existance and correct case If BitAND($iFlags, 4) <> 4 And Not $bChecked Then If Not __OL_CheckProperties($oItem, $aReturnProperties, 1) Then Return SetError(@error, @extended, "") $bChecked = True EndIf If $sSearchName <> "" And StringInStr($oItem.ItemProperties.Item($sSearchName).value, $sSearchValue) = 0 Then ContinueLoop ; Fill array with the specified properties $iCounter += 1 If BitAND($iFlags, 4) <> 4 Then For $iIndex = 1 To $aReturnProperties[0] $aItems[$iCounter][$iIndex - 1] = $oItem.ItemProperties.Item($aReturnProperties[$iIndex]).value If @error Then Return SetError(4, @error, "") If BitAND($iFlags, 2) = 2 And $iCounter = 1 Then $aItems[0][$iIndex - 1] = $oItem.ItemProperties.Item($aReturnProperties[$iIndex]).name Next EndIf If BitAND($iFlags, 4) <> 4 And BitAND($iFlags, 2) <> 2 Then $aItems[0][0] = $iCounter Next If BitAND($iFlags, 4) = 4 Then $iRecCounter += $oItems.Count ; Process subfolders If BitAND($iFlags, 1) = 1 Then For $vFolder In $vFolder.Folders $iRecCounter += _OL_ItemFind($oOL, $vFolder, $iObjectClass, $sRestrict, $sSearchName, $sSearchValue, $sReturnProperties, $sSort, $iFlags, $sWarningClick) Next EndIf Return $iRecCounter Else ReDim $aItems[$iCounter + 1][$aReturnProperties[0]] ; Process subfolders If BitAND($iFlags, 1) = 1 Then For $vFolder In $vFolder.Folders $aTemp = _OL_ItemFind($oOL, $vFolder, $iObjectClass, $sRestrict, $sSearchName, $sSearchValue, $sReturnProperties, $sSort, $iFlags, $sWarningClick) __OL_ArrayConcatenate($aItems, $aTemp, $iFlags) Next EndIf Return $aItems EndIf EndFunc ;==>_OL_ItemFind ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _OL_ItemForward ; Description ...: Creates a copy of an item (contact, appointment ...) which then can be forwarded to other users. ; Syntax.........: _OL_ItemForward($oOL, $vItem, $sStoreID, $iType) ; Parameters ....: $oOL - Outlook object returned by a preceding call to _OL_Open() ; $vItem - EntryID or object of the item ; $sStoreID - StoreID where the EntryID is stored. Use "Default" to access the users mailbox ; $iType - Type of forwarded item. Valid values are: ; |0 - $iType is ignored for mail items ; |1 - ForwardAsVCard: Item is forwarded in vCard format. Valid for appointment and contact items ; | In Outlook 2002 a contact is forwarded in the vCal format ; |2 - ForwardAsBusinessCard: Item is forwarded as Electronic Business Card (EBC). Valid for contact items ; Return values .: Success - Object of the forwarded item ; Failure - Returns 0 and sets @error: ; |1 - No item has been specified ; |2 - Item could not be found. EntryID might be wrong ; |3 - Item could not be forwarded. @extended = error returned by .Forward ; |4 - Item could not be saved. @extended = error returned by .Close ; |5 - Specified mail item has not been sent. You can't forward a mail which hasn't been sent before ; Author ........: water ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: This function doesn't actually forward the item but creates a copy that you can forward. ; Use _OL_ItemRecipientAdd to set the recipient of the forwarded item and then call _OL_ItemSend to forward it. ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: Yes ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _OL_ItemForward($oOL, $vItem, $sStoreID, $iType) Local $vItemForward If Not IsObj($vItem) Then If StringStripWS($vItem, 3) = "" Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) $vItem = $oOL.Session.GetItemFromID($vItem, $sStoreID) If @error Then Return SetError(2, @error, 0) EndIf ; Mail: Simple forward ; Appointment: ForwardAsVcal ; Contact: ForwardAsVcal (Outlook 2002 as Vcard) or ForwardAsBusinessCard If $vItem.Class = $olMail Then If $vItem.Sent = False Then Return SetError(5, 0, 0) $vItemForward = $vItem.Forward ElseIf $vItem.Class = $olContact Then If $iType = 1 Then If $vItem.OutlookVersion = "10.0" Then $vItemForward = $vItem.ForwardAsVcal Else $vItemForward = $vItem.ForwardAsVcard EndIf EndIf If $iType = 2 Then $vItemForward = $vItem.ForwardAsBusinessCard Else $vItemForward = $vItem.ForwardAsVcal EndIf If @error Then Return SetError(3, @error, 0) $vItemForward.Save() If @error Then Return SetError(4, @error, 0) Return $vItemForward EndFunc ;==>_OL_ItemForward ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _OL_ItemGet ; Description ...: Returns all or selected properties of an item (contact, appointment ...) using the specified EntryID and StoreID. ; Syntax.........: _OL_ItemGet($oOL, $vItem[, $sStoreID = Default[, $sProperties = ""]]) ; Parameters ....: $oOL - Outlook object returned by a preceding call to _OL_Open() ; $vItem - EntryID or object of the item ; $sStoreID - Optional: StoreID where the EntryID is stored (default = keyword "Default" = the users mailbox) ; $sProperties - Optional: Comma separated list of properties to return (default = "" = return all properties) ; Return values .: Success - two-dimensional one based array with the following information: ; |0 - Name of the property ; |1 - Value of the property ; |2 - Type of the property. Defined by the Outlook OlUserPropertyType enumeration ; Failure - Returns "" and sets @error: ; |1 - No item has been specified ; |2 - Item could not be found. EntryID might be wrong ; Author ........: water ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: Yes ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _OL_ItemGet($oOL, $vItem, $sStoreID = Default, $sProperties = "") Local $vValue If Not IsObj($vItem) Then If StringStripWS($vItem, 3) = "" Then Return SetError(1, 0, "") $vItem = $oOL.Session.GetItemFromID($vItem, $sStoreID) If @error Then Return SetError(2, @error, "") EndIf $sProperties = "," & StringReplace($sProperties, " ", "") & "," Local $aProperties[$vItem.ItemProperties.Count + 1][3] = [[$vItem.ItemProperties.Count, 3]] Local $iCounter = 1 For $oProperty In $vItem.ItemProperties If Not ($sProperties = ",," Or StringInStr($sProperties, "," & $oProperty.name & ",") > 0) Then ContinueLoop $aProperties[$iCounter][0] = $oProperty.name $aProperties[$iCounter][2] = $oProperty.type Switch $oProperty.type Case $olKeywords $vValue = $oProperty.value $aProperties[$iCounter][1] = _ArrayToString($vValue) Case Else $aProperties[$iCounter][1] = $oProperty.value EndSwitch $iCounter += 1 Next ReDim $aProperties[$iCounter][UBound($aProperties, 2)] $aProperties[0][0] = UBound($aProperties, 1) - 1 _ArraySort($aProperties, 0, 1) Return $aProperties EndFunc ;==>_OL_ItemGet ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _OL_ItemImport ; Description ...: Imports items from a file. ; Syntax.........: _OL_ItemImport($oOL, $sPath, $sDelimiters, $sQuote, $iFormat, $vFolder, $iItemType) ; Parameters ....: $oOL - Outlook object ; $sPath - Path (drive, directory, filename) where the data to be imported is stored ; $sDelimiters - Optional: Fieldseparators of CSV, multiple are allowed (default = ,;) ; $sQuote - Optional: Character to quote strings (default = ") ; $iFormat - Character encoding of file: ; |0 or 1 - ASCII writing ; |2 - Unicode UTF16 Little Endian writing (with BOM) ; |3 - Unicode UTF16 Big Endian writing (with BOM) ; |4 - Unicode UTF8 writing (with BOM) ; |5 - Unicode UTF8 writing (without BOM) ; $vFolder - Folder object as returned by _OL_FolderAccess or full name of folder where the objects will be stored ; $iItemType - Type of the items that will be created in the $vFolder. Defined by the Outlook OlItemType enumeration ; Return values .: Success - Number of records imported ; Failure - Returns 0 and sets @error: ; |1 - Parameter $sPath is empty ; |2 - File $sPath does not exist ; |3 - $vFolder is empty ; |4 - $iItemType is not numeric ; |5 - Error processing input file $sPath. Please see @extended for the returncode of __ParseCSV ; |6 - Error accessing folder $vFolder. Please see @extended for more information ; |7 - Error creating item in folder $vFolder. Please see @extended for more information ; Author ........: water ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: Yes ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _OL_ItemImport($oOL, $sPath, $sDelimiters, $sQuote, $iFormat, $vFolder, $iItemType) If StringStripWS($sPath, 3) = "" Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) If Not FileExists($sPath) Then Return SetError(2, 0, 0) If Not IsObj($vFolder) Then If StringStripWS($vFolder, 3) = "" Then Return SetError(3, 0, 0) Local $aTemp = _OL_FolderAccess($oOL, $vFolder) If @error Then Return SetError(6, @error, "") $vFolder = $aTemp[1] EndIf If Not IsNumber($iItemType) Then Return SetError(4, 0, 0) Local $aData, $sString, $aItemData $aData = __ParseCSV($sPath, $sDelimiters, $sQuote, $iFormat) If @error Then Return SetError(5, @error, 0) For $iIndex1 = 1 To UBound($aData, 1) - 1 $sString = "" For $iIndex2 = 0 To UBound($aData, 2) - 1 $sString = $sString & "|" & $aData[0][$iIndex2] & "=" & $aData[$iIndex1][$iIndex2] Next $aItemData = StringSplit($sString, "|", 2) $sString = StringMid($sString, 2) ; Get rid of first | _OL_ItemCreate($oOL, $iItemType, $vFolder, "", $aItemData) If @error Then Return SetError(7, @error, 0) Next Return UBound($aData, 1) - 1 EndFunc ;==>_OL_ItemImport ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _OL_ItemModify ; Description ...: Modifies an item by setting the specified properties to the specified values. ; Syntax.........: _OL_ItemModify($oOL, $vItem[, $oStoreID = Default, $sP1 = ""[, $sP2 = ""[, $sP3 = ""[, $sP4 = ""[, $sP5 = ""[, $sP6 = ""[, $sP7 = ""[, $sP8 = ""[, $sP9 = ""[, $sP10 = ""]]]]]]]]]]) ; Parameters ....: $oOL - Outlook object returned by a preceding call to _OL_Open() ; $vItem - EntryID or object of the item ; $sStoreID - Optional: StoreID where the EntryID is stored. Use the keyword "Default" to use the users mailbox ; $sP1 - Property to modify in the format: propertyname=propertyvalue ; +or a zero based one-dimensional array with unlimited number of properties in the same format ; $sP2 - Optional: Property to modify in the format: propertyname=propertyvalue ; $sP3 - Optional: Property to modify in the format: propertyname=propertyvalue ; $sP4 - Optional: Property to modify in the format: propertyname=propertyvalue ; $sP5 - Optional: Property to modify in the format: propertyname=propertyvalue ; $sP6 - Optional: Property to modify in the format: propertyname=propertyvalue ; $sP7 - Optional: Property to modify in the format: propertyname=propertyvalue ; $sP8 - Optional: Property to modify in the format: propertyname=propertyvalue ; $sP9 - Optional: Property to modify in the format: propertyname=propertyvalue ; $sP10 - Optional: Property to modify in the format: propertyname=propertyvalue ; Return values .: Success - Item object ; Failure - Returns 0 and sets @error: ; |1 - No item has been specified ; |2 - Item could not be found. EntryID might be wrong ; |3 - Property doesn't contain a "=" to separate name and value. @extended = number of property in error (zero based) ; |4 - Item could not be saved. @extended = error returned by .save ; |1xx - Error checking the properties $sP1 to $sP10 as returned by __OL_CheckProperties. ; + @extended is the number of the property in error (zero based) ; Author ........: water ; Modified.......: ; Remarks .......: $sP2 to $sP10 will be ignored if $sP1 is an array of properties ; Be sure to specify the properties in correct case e.g. "FirstName" is valid, "Firstname" is invalid ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: Yes ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _OL_ItemModify($oOL, $vItem, $sStoreID, $sP1, $sP2 = "", $sP3 = "", $sP4 = "", $sP5 = "", $sP6 = "", $sP7 = "", $sP8 = "", $sP9 = "", $sP10 = "") Local $aProperties[10], $iPos If Not IsObj($vItem) Then If StringStripWS($vItem, 3) = "" Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) $vItem = $oOL.Session.GetItemFromID($vItem, $sStoreID) If @error Then Return SetError(2, @error, 0) EndIf ; Move property parameters into an array If Not IsArray($sP1) Then $aProperties[0] = $sP1 $aProperties[1] = $sP2 $aProperties[2] = $sP3 $aProperties[3] = $sP4 $aProperties[4] = $sP5 $aProperties[5] = $sP6 $aProperties[6] = $sP7 $aProperties[7] = $sP8 $aProperties[8] = $sP9 $aProperties[9] = $sP10 Else $aProperties = $sP1 EndIf ; Check properties If Not __OL_CheckProperties($vItem, $aProperties) Then Return SetError(@error, @extended, "") ; Set properties of the item For $iIndex = 0 To UBound($aProperties) - 1 If $aProperties[$iIndex] <> "" Then $iPos = StringInStr($aProperties[$iIndex], "=") If $iPos <> 0 Then $vItem.ItemProperties.Item(StringStripWS(StringLeft($aProperties[$iIndex], $iPos - 1), 3)).value = StringStripWS(StringMid($aProperties[$iIndex], $iPos + 1), 3) Else Return SetError(3, $iIndex, 0) EndIf EndIf Next $vItem.Save If @error Then Return SetError(4, @error, 0) Return $vItem EndFunc ;==>_OL_ItemModify ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _OL_ItemMove ; Description ...: Moves an item (contact, appointment ...) using the specified EntryID and StoreID. ; Syntax.........: _OL_ItemMove($oOL, $vItem, $sStoreID, $vTargetFolder[, $iFolderType = Default]) ; Parameters ....: $oOL - Outlook object returned by a preceding call to _OL_Open() ; $vItem - EntryID or object of the item to move ; $sStoreID - StoreID of the source store as returned by _OL_FolderAccess. Use "Default" to access the users mailbox ; $vTargetFolder - Target folder object as returned by _OL_FolderAccess or full name of folder ; $iFolderType - Optional: Type of target folder if you specify the folder name of another user. Is defined by the Outlook OlDefaultFolders enumeration (default = Default) ; Return values .: Success - Item object of the moved item ; Failure - Returns 0 and sets @error: ; |1 - Error accessing the specified target folder. See @extended for errorcode returned by _OL_FolderAccess ; |2 - Source and target folder are of different types ; |3 - Source and target folder are the same ; |4 - Target folder has not been specified or is empty ; |5 - Error moving the item to the target folder. For details check @extended ; |6 - No or an invalid item has been specified ; Author ........: water ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: Yes ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _OL_ItemMove($oOL, $vItem, $sStoreID, $vTargetFolder, $iFolderType = Default) If Not IsObj($vItem) Then If StringStripWS($vItem, 3) = "" Then Return SetError(6, 0, 0) $vItem = $oOL.Session.GetItemFromID($vItem, $sStoreID) If @error Then Return SetError(6, @error, 0) EndIf Local $oSourceFolder = $vItem.Parent If Not IsObj($vTargetFolder) Then If StringStripWS($vTargetFolder, 3) = "" Then Return SetError(4, 0, 0) Local $aTemp = _OL_FolderAccess($oOL, $vTargetFolder, $iFolderType) If @error Then Return SetError(1, @error, 0) $vTargetFolder = $aTemp[1] EndIf If $oSourceFolder = $vTargetFolder Then Return SetError(3, 0, 0) If $oSourceFolder.DefaultItemType <> $vTargetFolder.DefaultItemType Then Return SetError(2, 0, 0) Local $oItemMoved = $vItem.Move($vTargetFolder) If @error Then Return SetError(5, @error, 0) Return $oItemMoved EndFunc ;==>_OL_ItemMove ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _OL_ItemPrint ; Description ...: Prints an item (contact, appointment ...) using all the default settings. ; Syntax.........: _OL_ItemPrint($oOL, $vItem, $sStoreID) ; Parameters ....: $oOL - Outlook object returned by a preceding call to _OL_Open() ; $vItem - EntryID or object of the item to print ; $sStoreID - Optional: StoreID of the source store as returned by _OL_FolderAccess (default = keyword "Default" = the users mailbox) ; Return values .: Success - Item object of the printed item ; Failure - Returns 0 and sets @error: ; |1 - No item has been specified ; |2 - Item could not be found. EntryId/StoreId might be invalid. For details please check @extended ; |3 - Error printing the specified item. For details please check @extended ; Author ........: water ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: Item is printed on the default printer with default settings. ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: Yes ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _OL_ItemPrint($oOL, $vItem, $sStoreID = Default) If Not IsObj($vItem) Then If StringStripWS($vItem, 3) = "" Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) $vItem = $oOL.Session.GetItemFromID($vItem, $sStoreID) If @error Then Return SetError(2, @error, 0) EndIf Local $oItemPrinted = $vItem.PrintOut() If @error Then Return SetError(3, @error, 0) Return $oItemPrinted EndFunc ;==>_OL_ItemPrint ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _OL_ItemRecipientAdd ; Description ...: Adds one or multiple recipients to an item. ; Syntax.........: _OL_ItemRecipientAdd($oOL, $vItem, $sStoreID, $iType, $vP1 = ""[, $vP2 = ""[, $vP3 = ""[, $vP4 = ""[, $vP5 = ""[, $vP6 = ""[, $vP7 = ""[, $vP8 = ""[, $vP9 = ""[, $vP10 = ""[, $bAllowUnresolved = True]]]]]]]]]]) ; Parameters ....: $oOL - Outlook object returned by a preceding call to _OL_Open() ; $vItem - EntryID or object of the item item ; $sStoreID - StoreID where the EntryID is stored. Use the keyword "Default" to use the users mailbox ; $iType - Integer representing the type of recipient. For details see Remarks ; $vP1 - Recipient to add to the item. Either a recipient object or the recipients name to be resolved ; +or a zero based one-dimensional array with unlimited number of recipients ; $vP2 - Optional: recipient to add to the item. Either a recipient object or the recipients name to be resolved ; $vP3 - Optional: Same as $vP2 ; $vP4 - Optional: Same as $vP2 ; $vP5 - Optional: Same as $vP2 ; $vP6 - Optional: Same as $vP2 ; $vP7 - Optional: Same as $vP2 ; $vP8 - Optional: Same as $vP2 ; $vP9 - Optional: Same as $vP2 ; $vP10 - Optional: Same as $vP2 ; $bAllowUnresolved - Optional: True doesn't return an error even when unresolvable SMTP addresses have been found (default = True) ; Return values .: Success - Item object ; Failure - Returns 0 and sets @error: ; |1 - No item specified ; |2 - Item could not be found. EntryID might be wrong ; |5 - $iType is missing or not a number ; |3nn - Error adding recipient to the item. @extended = error code returned by the Recipients.Add method, nn = number of the invalid recipient (zero based) ; |4nn - Recipient name could not be resolved. @extended = error code returned by the Resolve method, nn = number of the invalid recipient (zero based) ; |6nn - Recipient object could not be created. @extended = error code returned by the CreateRecipient method, nn = number of the invalid recipient (zero based) ; Author ........: water ; Modified.......: ; Remarks .......: $vP2 to $vP10 will be ignored if $vP1 is an array of recipients ; + ; Valid $iType parameters: ; MailItem recipient: one of the following OlMailRecipientType constants: olBCC, olCC, olOriginator, or olTo ; MeetingItem recipient: one of the following OlMeetingRecipientType constants: olOptional, olOrganizer, olRequired, or olResource ; TaskItem recipient: one of the following OlTaskRecipientType constants: olFinalStatus, or olUpdate ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: Yes ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _OL_ItemRecipientAdd($oOL, $vItem, $sStoreID, $iType, $vP1, $vP2 = "", $vP3 = "", $vP4 = "", $vP5 = "", $vP6 = "", $vP7 = "", $vP8 = "", $vP9 = "", $vP10 = "", $bAllowUnresolved = True) Local $oRecipient, $aRecipients[10], $oTempRecipient If Not IsNumber($iType) Then Return SetError(5, 0, 0) If Not IsObj($vItem) Then If StringStripWS($vItem, 3) = "" Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) $vItem = $oOL.Session.GetItemFromID($vItem, $sStoreID) If @error Then Return SetError(2, @error, 0) EndIf ; Move members into an array If Not IsArray($vP1) Then $aRecipients[0] = $vP1 $aRecipients[1] = $vP2 $aRecipients[2] = $vP3 $aRecipients[3] = $vP4 $aRecipients[4] = $vP5 $aRecipients[5] = $vP6 $aRecipients[6] = $vP7 $aRecipients[7] = $vP8 $aRecipients[8] = $vP9 $aRecipients[9] = $vP10 Else $aRecipients = $vP1 EndIf ; add recipients to the item For $iIndex = 0 To UBound($aRecipients) - 1 ; recipient is an object = recipient name already resolved If IsObj($aRecipients[$iIndex]) Then $vItem.Recipients.Add($aRecipients[$iIndex]) If @error Then Return SetError(3, $iIndex, 0) Else If StringStripWS($aRecipients[$iIndex], 3) = "" Then ContinueLoop $oRecipient = $oOL.Session.CreateRecipient($aRecipients[$iIndex]) If @error Or Not IsObj($oRecipient) Then Return SetError(600 + $iIndex, @error, 0) $oRecipient.Resolve If @error Or Not $oRecipient.Resolved Then If Not (StringInStr($aRecipients[$iIndex], "@")) Or Not ($bAllowUnresolved) Then Return SetError(400 + $iIndex, @error, 0) EndIf #forceref $oTempRecipient ; to prevent the AU3Check warning: $oTempRecipient: declared, but not used in func. $oTempRecipient = $vItem.Recipients.Add($oRecipient) If @error Then Return SetError(300 + $iIndex, @error, 0) $oTempRecipient.Type = $iType EndIf Next $vItem.Close(0) Return $vItem EndFunc ;==>_OL_ItemRecipientAdd ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _OL_ItemRecipientCheck ; Description ...: Checks one/more recipients to be valid. ; Syntax.........: _OL_ItemRecipientCheck($oOL, $vRecipients) ; Parameters ....: $oOL - Outlook object returned by a preceding call to _OL_Open() ; $vRecipients - Name, Alias or SMPT mail address of one or multiple recipients separated by ";" ; Return values .: Success - two-dimensional one based array with the following information: ; |0 - Recipient derived from the list of recipients in $vRecipients ; |1 - True if the recipient could be resolved successfully ; |2 - Recipient object as returned by the Resolve method ; |3 - AddressEntry object ; |4 - Recipients mail address (empty for distribution lists). This can be: ; | PrimarySmtpAddress for an Exchange User ; | Email1Address for an Outlook contact ; | Empty for Exchange or Outlook distribution lists ; |5 - Display type is one of the OlDisplayType enumeration that describes the nature of the recipient ; |6 - Display name of the recipient ; Failure - Returns "" and sets @error: ; |1 - $oOL is not an object ; |2 - $vRecipients is empty ; |3 - Error creating recipient object. @extended contains the error returned by method CreateRecipient ; Author ........: water ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: Yes ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _OL_ItemRecipientCheck($oOL, $vRecipients) Local $oRecipient If Not IsObj($oOL) Then Return SetError(1, 0, "") If StringStripWS($vRecipients, 3) = "" Then Return SetError(2, 0, "") Local $asRecipients = StringSplit($vRecipients, ";") Local $asResult[$asRecipients[0] + 1][7] = [[$asRecipients[0], 7]] For $iIndex = 1 To $asRecipients[0] $asResult[$iIndex][0] = $asRecipients[$iIndex] If StringStripWS($asRecipients[$iIndex], 3) = "" Then ContinueLoop $oRecipient = $oOL.Session.CreateRecipient($asRecipients[$iIndex]) If @error Or Not IsObj($oRecipient) Then Return SetError(3, @error, "") $oRecipient.Resolve If @error Or Not $oRecipient.Resolved Then $asResult[$iIndex][1] = False Else $asResult[$iIndex][1] = True $asResult[$iIndex][2] = $oRecipient Switch $oRecipient.AddressEntry.AddressEntryUserType ; Exchange user that belongs to the same or a different Exchange forest Case $olExchangeUserAddressEntry, $olExchangeRemoteUserAddressEntry $asResult[$iIndex][3] = $oRecipient.AddressEntry.GetExchangeUser $asResult[$iIndex][4] = $oRecipient.AddressEntry.GetExchangeUser.PrimarySmtpAddress ; Address entry in an Outlook Contacts folder Case $olOutlookContactAddressEntry $asResult[$iIndex][3] = $oRecipient.AddressEntry.GetContact $asResult[$iIndex][4] = $oRecipient.AddressEntry.GetContact.Email1Address ; Address entry in an Exchange Distribution list Case $olExchangeDistributionListAddressEntry $asResult[$iIndex][3] = $oRecipient.AddressEntry.GetExchangeDistributionList ; Address entry in an an Outlook distribution list Case $olOutlookDistributionListAddressEntry $asResult[$iIndex][3] = $oRecipient.AddressEntry Case Else EndSwitch $asResult[$iIndex][5] = $oRecipient.DisplayType $asResult[$iIndex][6] = $oRecipient.Name EndIf Next Return $asResult EndFunc ;==>_OL_ItemRecipientCheck ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _OL_ItemRecipientDelete ; Description ...: Deletes one or multiple recipients from an item. ; Syntax.........: _OL_ItemRecipientDelete($oOL, $vItem, $sStoreID, $vP1 = ""[, $vP2 = ""[, $vP3 = ""[, $vP4 = ""[, $vP5 = ""[, $vP6 = ""[, $vP7 = ""[, $vP8 = ""[, $vP9 = ""[, $vP10 = ""]]]]]]]]]) ; Parameters ....: $oOL - Outlook object returned by a preceding call to _OL_Open() ; $vItem - EntryID or object of the item ; $sStoreID - StoreID where the EntryID is stored. Use the keyword "Default" to use the users mailbox ; $vP1 - Number of the recipient to delete from the recipients collection ; +or a zero based one-dimensional array with unlimited number of recipients ; $vP2 - Optional: Number of the recipient to delete from the recipients collection ; $vP3 - Optional: Same as $vP2 ; $vP4 - Optional: Same as $vP2 ; $vP5 - Optional: Same as $vP2 ; $vP6 - Optional: Same as $vP2 ; $vP7 - Optional: Same as $vP2 ; $vP8 - Optional: Same as $vP2 ; $vP9 - Optional: Same as $vP2 ; $vP10 - Optional: Same as $vP2 ; Return values .: Success - Item object ; Failure - Returns 0 and sets @error: ; |1 - No item specified ; |2 - Item could not be found. EntryID might be wrong ; |3 - Error removing recipient from the item. @extended = number of the invalid recipient parameter (zero based) ; Author ........: water ; Modified.......: ; Remarks .......: $vP2 to $vP10 will be ignored if $vP1 is an array of numbers ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: Yes ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _OL_ItemRecipientDelete($oOL, $vItem, $sStoreID, $vP1 = "", $vP2 = "", $vP3 = "", $vP4 = "", $vP5 = "", $vP6 = "", $vP7 = "", $vP8 = "", $vP9 = "", $vP10 = "") Local $aRecipients[10] If Not IsObj($vItem) Then If StringStripWS($vItem, 3) = "" Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) $vItem = $oOL.Session.GetItemFromID($vItem, $sStoreID) If @error Then Return SetError(2, @error, 0) EndIf ; Move recipients into an array If Not IsArray($vP1) Then $aRecipients[0] = $vP1 $aRecipients[1] = $vP2 $aRecipients[2] = $vP3 $aRecipients[3] = $vP4 $aRecipients[4] = $vP5 $aRecipients[5] = $vP6 $aRecipients[6] = $vP7 $aRecipients[7] = $vP8 $aRecipients[8] = $vP9 $aRecipients[9] = $vP10 Else $aRecipients = $vP1 EndIf ; Delete recipients from the item For $iIndex = 0 To UBound($aRecipients) - 1 If StringStripWS($aRecipients[$iIndex], 3) = "" Then ContinueLoop $vItem.Recipients.Remove($aRecipients[$iIndex]) If @error Then Return SetError(3, $iIndex, 0) Next $vItem.Close(0) Return $vItem EndFunc ;==>_OL_ItemRecipientDelete ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _OL_ItemRecipientGet ; Description ...: Returns all recipients of an item. ; Syntax.........: _OL_ItemRecipientGet($oOL, $vItem[, $sStoreID = Default]) ; Parameters ....: $oOL - Outlook object returned by a preceding call to _OL_Open() ; $vItem - EntryID or object of the item ; $sStoreID - Optional: StoreID where the EntryID is stored (default = keyword "Default" = the users mailbox) ; Return values .: Success - two-dimensional one based array with the following information: ; |0 - Recipient object ; |1 - Name of the recipient ; |2 - EntryID of the recipient ; Failure - Returns "" and sets @error: ; |1 - No item specified ; |2 - Item could not be found. EntryID might be wrong ; Author ........: water ; Modified.......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: Yes ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _OL_ItemRecipientGet($oOL, $vItem, $sStoreID = Default) If Not IsObj($vItem) Then If StringStripWS($vItem, 3) = "" Then Return SetError(1, 0, "") $vItem = $oOL.Session.GetItemFromID($vItem, $sStoreID) If @error Then Return SetError(2, @error, 0) EndIf Local $aMembers[$vItem.Recipients.Count + 1][3] = [[$vItem.Recipients.Count, 3]] For $iIndex = 1 To $vItem.Recipients.Count $aMembers[$iIndex][0] = $vItem.Recipients.Item($iIndex) $aMembers[$iIndex][1] = $vItem.Recipients.Item($iIndex).Name $aMembers[$iIndex][2] = $vItem.Recipients.Item($iIndex).EntryID Next Return $aMembers EndFunc ;==>_OL_ItemRecipientGet ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _OL_ItemRecipientSelect ; Description ...: Displays the Recipient Selection Dialog and returns the selected recipients. ; Syntax.........: _OL_ItemRecipientSelect($oOL[, $sRecipients = ""[, $iRecipientType = Default[, $bForceResolution = Default[, $sInitialAddressList = Default[, $iDefaultMode = Default[, $bAllowMultipleSelection = Default[, $sCaption = Default]]]]]]]) ; Parameters ....: $oOL - Outlook object returned by a preceding call to _OL_Open() ; $sRecipients - Optional: String of one or multiple recipient names separated by ";" to be preset ; in the selection field defined by $iRecipientType (default = "") ; $iRecipientType - Optional: Sets the selection field where $sRecipients should be displayed (default = Default) ; Has to be one of the following enumerations: ; JournalItem recipient: the OlJournalRecipientType constant olAssociatedContact. ; MailItem recipient: one of the following OlMailRecipientType constants: olBCC, olCC, olOriginator, or olTo. ; MeetingItem recipient: one of the following OlMeetingRecipientType constants: olOptional, olOrganizer, olRequired, or olResource. ; TaskItem recipient: either of the following OlTaskRecipientType constants: olFinalStatus, or olUpdate. ; $bForceResolution - Optional: True determines that all recipients must be resolved before the user can click OK (default = Default) ; $sInitialAddressList - Optional: Name of the initial address list to be displayed (default = Default) ; $iDefaultMode - Optional: Sets the default display mode. Has to be one of the OlDefaultSelectNamesDisplayMode enumeration (default = Default) ; $bAllowMultipleSelection - Optional: True allows more than one address entry to be selected (default = Default) ; $sCaption - Optional: Caption for the selection dialog (default = Default) ; Return values .: Success - zero based one-dimensional array with the recipient objects of the selected recipients. ; Failure - Returns 0 and sets @error: ; |1 - $oOL is not an object ; |2 - Specified inital address list not found ; Author ........: water ; Modified.......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: Yes ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _OL_ItemRecipientSelect($oOL, $sRecipients = "", $iRecipientType = Default, $bForceResolution = Default, $sInitialAddressList = Default, $iDefaultMode = Default, $bAllowMultipleSelection = Default, $sCaption = Default) If Not IsObj($oOL) Then Return SetError(1, 0, "") Local $oSelectionDialog = $oOL.Session.GetSelectNamesDialog() If $sRecipients <> "" Then Local $oRecipients = $oSelectionDialog.Recipients.Add($sRecipients) #forceref $oRecipients If $iRecipientType <> Default Then $oRecipients.Type = $iRecipientType EndIf If $bForceResolution <> Default Then $oSelectionDialog.ForceResolution = $bForceResolution If $sInitialAddressList <> Default Then Local $bFound = False For $oAL In $oOL.Session.AddressLists If $oAL.Name = $sInitialAddressList Then $bFound = True $oSelectionDialog.InitialAddressList = $oAL ExitLoop EndIf Next If Not $bFound Then Return SetError(2, 0, "") EndIf If $iDefaultMode <> Default Then $oSelectionDialog.SetDefaultDisplayMode($iDefaultMode) If $bAllowMultipleSelection <> Default Then $oSelectionDialog.AllowMultipleSelection = $bAllowMultipleSelection If $sCaption <> Default Then $oSelectionDialog.Caption = $sCaption Local $bClicked = $oSelectionDialog.Display() If $bClicked = False Then Return False ; User cancelled the selection dialog Local $aoRecipients[$oSelectionDialog.Recipients.Count] For $iIndex = 1 To $oSelectionDialog.Recipients.Count $aoRecipients[$iIndex - 1] = $oSelectionDialog.Recipients.Item($iIndex) Next Return $aoRecipients EndFunc ;==>_OL_ItemRecipientSelect ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _OL_ItemRecurrenceDelete ; Description ...: Deletes recurrence information of an item (appointment or task). ; Syntax.........: _OL_ItemRecurrenceDelete($oOL, $vItem[, $sStoreID = Default]) ; Parameters ....: $oOL - Outlook object returned by a preceding call to _OL_Open() ; $vItem - EntryID or object of the appointment or task item ; $sStoreID - Optional: StoreID where the EntryID is stored (default = keyword "Default" = the users mailbox) ; Return values .: Success - Item object ; Failure - Returns 0 and sets @error: ; |1 - No appointment or task item specified ; |2 - Item could not be found. EntryID might be wrong ; |3 - Item has no recurrence information ; |4 - Error with ClearRecurrencePattern. For more info please see @extended ; |5 - Error with Save. For more info please see @extended ; Author ........: water ; Modified.......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: Yes ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _OL_ItemRecurrenceDelete($oOL, $vItem, $sStoreID = Default) If Not IsObj($vItem) Then If StringStripWS($vItem, 3) = "" Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) $vItem = $oOL.Session.GetItemFromID($vItem, $sStoreID) If @error Then Return SetError(2, @error, 0) EndIf ; Recurrence object of the appointment If $vItem.IsRecurring = False Then Return SetError(3, 0, 0) $vItem.ClearRecurrencePattern If @error Then Return SetError(4, @error, 0) $vItem.Save If @error Then Return SetError(5, @error, 0) Return $vItem EndFunc ;==>_OL_ItemRecurrenceDelete ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _OL_ItemRecurrenceExceptionGet ; Description ...: Returns all exceptions in the recurrence information of an item (appointment or task). ; Syntax.........: _OL_ItemRecurrenceExceptionGet($oOL, $vItem[, $sStoreID = Default]) ; Parameters ....: $oOL - Outlook object returned by a preceding call to _OL_Open() ; $vItem - EntryID or object of the appointment or task item ; $sStoreID - Optional: StoreID where the EntryID is stored (default = keyword "Default" = the users mailbox) ; Return values .: Success - one-dimensional one based array with the following information: ; |1 - AppointmentItem: The AppointmentItem object that is the exception. Not valid for deleted appointments ; |2 - Deleted: Returns True if the AppointmentItem was deleted from the recurring pattern ; |3 - OriginalDate: A Date indicating the original date and time of an AppointmentItem before it was altered. ; +Will return the original date even if the AppointmentItem has been deleted. ; +However, it will not return the original time if deletion has occurred ; Failure - Returns "" and sets @error: ; |1 - No appointment or task item specified ; |2 - Item could not be found. EntryID might be wrong ; |3 - Item has no recurrence information ; |4 - Error with GetRecurrencePattern. For more info please see @extended ; Author ........: water ; Modified.......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: Yes ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _OL_ItemRecurrenceExceptionGet($oOL, $vItem, $sStoreID = Default) If Not IsObj($vItem) Then If StringStripWS($vItem, 3) = "" Then Return SetError(1, 0, "") $vItem = $oOL.Session.GetItemFromID($vItem, $sStoreID) If @error Then Return SetError(2, @error, "") EndIf ; Recurrence object of the appointment If $vItem.IsRecurring = False Then Return SetError(3, 0, "") Local $oRecurrence = $vItem.GetRecurrencePattern If @error Then Return SetError(4, @error, "") Local $aExceptions[$oRecurrence.Exceptions.Count + 1][3] = [[$oRecurrence.Exceptions.Count, 3]] Local $iIndex = 1 For $oException In $oRecurrence.Exceptions $aExceptions[$iIndex][0] = $oException.AppointmentItem $aExceptions[$iIndex][1] = $oException.Deleted $aExceptions[$iIndex][2] = $oException.OriginalDate $iIndex += 1 Next Return $aExceptions EndFunc ;==>_OL_ItemRecurrenceExceptionGet ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _OL_ItemRecurrenceExceptionSet ; Description ...: Defines an exception in the recurrence information of an item (appointment or task). ; Syntax.........: _OL_ItemRecurrenceExceptionSet($oOL, $vItem, $sStoreID, $sStartDate[, $sNewStartDate = ""[, $sNewEndDate = ""[, $sNewSubject = ""[, $sNewBody = ""]]]] ; Parameters ....: $oOL - Outlook object returned by a preceding call to _OL_Open() ; $vItem - EntryID or object of the appointment or task item ; $sStoreID - StoreID where the EntryID is stored. Use "Default" if you use the users mailbox ; $sStartDate - Start date and time of the item to be changed ; $sNewStartDate - Optional: New start date and time ; $sNewEndDate - Optional: New end date and time or duration in minutes ; $sNewSubject - Optional: New subject ; $sNewBody - Optional: New body ; Return values .: Success - item object of the exception item ; Failure - Returns 0 and sets @error: ; |1 - No appointment or task item specified ; |2 - Item could not be found. EntryID might be wrong ; |3 - Item has no recurrence information ; |4 - Error with GetRecurrencePattern. For more info please see @extended ; |5 - Error accessing the specified occurrence. Date/time might be invalid. For more info please see @extended ; |6 - Error saving the exception. For more info please see @extended ; Author ........: water ; Modified.......: ; Remarks .......: To change more properties please use _OL_ItemModify ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: Yes ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _OL_ItemRecurrenceExceptionSet($oOL, $vItem, $sStoreID, $sStartDate, $sNewStartDate = "", $sNewEndDate = "", $sNewSubject = "", $sNewBody = "") If Not IsObj($vItem) Then If StringStripWS($vItem, 3) = "" Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) $vItem = $oOL.Session.GetItemFromID($vItem, $sStoreID) If @error Then Return SetError(2, @error, 0) EndIf ; Recurrence object of the appointment If $vItem.IsRecurring = False Then Return SetError(3, 0, 0) Local $oRecurrence = $vItem.GetRecurrencePattern If @error Then Return SetError(4, @error, 0) Local $oOccurrenceItem = $oRecurrence.GetOccurrence($sStartDate) If @error Then Return SetError(5, @error, 0) If $sNewStartDate <> "" Then $oOccurrenceItem.Start = $sNewStartDate If $sNewEndDate <> "" Then If IsNumber($sNewEndDate) Then $oOccurrenceItem.Duration = $sNewEndDate Else $oOccurrenceItem.End = $sNewEndDate EndIf EndIf If $sNewSubject <> "" Then $oOccurrenceItem.Subject = $sNewSubject If $sNewBody <> "" Then $oOccurrenceItem.Body = $sNewBody $oOccurrenceItem.Save If @error Then Return SetError(6, @error, 0) Return $oOccurrenceItem EndFunc ;==>_OL_ItemRecurrenceExceptionSet ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _OL_ItemRecurrenceGet ; Description ...: Returns recurrence information of an item (appointment or task). ; Syntax.........: _OL_ItemRecurrenceGet($oOL, $vItem[, $sStoreID = Default]) ; Parameters ....: $oOL - Outlook object returned by a preceding call to _OL_Open() ; $vItem - EntryID or object of the appointment or task item ; $sStoreID - Optional: StoreID where the EntryID is stored (default = keyword "Default" = the users mailbox) ; Return values .: Success - one-dimensional one based array with the following information: ; |1 - DayOfMonth: Integer indicating the day of the month on which the recurring appointment or task occurs ; |2 - DayOfWeekMask: OlDaysOfWeek constant representing the mask for the days of the week on which the recurring appointment or task occurs ; |3 - Duration: Integer indicating the duration (in minutes) of the RecurrencePattern ; |4 - EndTime: Time indicating the end time for a recurrence pattern ; |5 - Instance: Integer specifying the count for which the recurrence pattern is valid for a given interval ; |6 - Interval: Integer specifying the number of units of a given recurrence type between occurrences ; |7 - MonthOfYear: Integer indicating which month of the year is valid for the specified recurrence pattern ; |8 - NoEndDate: Boolean value that indicates True if the recurrence pattern has no end date ; |9 - Occurrences: Integer indicating the number of occurrences of the recurrence pattern ; |10 - PatternEndDate: Date indicating the end date for the recurrence pattern ; |11 - PatternStartDate: Date indicating the start date for the recurrence pattern ; |12 - RecurrenceType: OlRecurrenceType constant specifying the frequency of occurrences for the recurrence pattern ; |13 - StartTime: Time indicating the start time for a recurrence pattern ; Failure - Returns "" and sets @error: ; |1 - No appointment or task item specified ; |2 - Item could not be found. EntryID might be wrong ; |3 - Item has no recurrence information ; |4 - Error with GetRecurrencePattern. For more info please see @extended ; Author ........: water ; Modified.......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: Yes ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _OL_ItemRecurrenceGet($oOL, $vItem, $sStoreID = Default) If Not IsObj($vItem) Then If StringStripWS($vItem, 3) = "" Then Return SetError(1, 0, "") $vItem = $oOL.Session.GetItemFromID($vItem, $sStoreID) If @error Then Return SetError(2, @error, "") EndIf ; Recurrence object of the appointment If $vItem.IsRecurring = False Then Return SetError(3, 0, "") Local $oRecurrence = $vItem.GetRecurrencePattern If Not IsObj($oRecurrence) Or @error Then Return SetError(4, @error, "") Local $aPattern[14] = [14] $aPattern[1] = $oRecurrence.DayOfMonth $aPattern[2] = $oRecurrence.DayOfWeekMask $aPattern[3] = $oRecurrence.Duration $aPattern[4] = $oRecurrence.EndTime $aPattern[5] = $oRecurrence.Instance $aPattern[6] = $oRecurrence.Interval $aPattern[7] = $oRecurrence.MonthOfYear $aPattern[8] = $oRecurrence.NoEndDate $aPattern[9] = $oRecurrence.Occurrences $aPattern[10] = $oRecurrence.PatternEndDate $aPattern[11] = $oRecurrence.PatternStartDate $aPattern[12] = $oRecurrence.RecurrenceType $aPattern[13] = $oRecurrence.StartTime Return $aPattern EndFunc ;==>_OL_ItemRecurrenceGet ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _OL_ItemRecurrenceSet ; Description ...: Sets recurrence information of an item (appointment or task). ; Syntax.........: _OL_ItemRecurrenceSet($oOL, $vItem, $sStoreID, $sPatternStartDate, $sStartTime, $vPatternEndDate, $vEndTime, $iRecurrenceType, $iDayOf, $iInterval, $iInstance, $iOccurrences) ; Parameters ....: $oOL - Outlook object returned by a preceding call to _OL_Open() ; $vItem - EntryID or object of the appointment or task item ; $sStoreID - StoreID where the EntryID is stored. Use "Default" if you use the users mailbox ; $sPatternStartDate - Date indicating the start date for the recurrence pattern ; $sStartTime - Time indicating the start time for the recurrence pattern ; $vPatternEndDate - Date indicating the end date for the recurrence pattern OR ; + "" that indicates the recurrence pattern has no end date OR ; + an integer indicating the number of occurrences of the recurrence pattern ; $vEndTime - Time indicating the end time for the recurrence pattern OR ; + an integer indicating the duration (in minutes) of the recurrence pattern ; $iRecurrenceType - Constant specifying the frequency of occurrences for the recurrence pattern. ; + Is defined by the Outlook OlRecurrenceType enumeration ; $iDayOf - DayOfWeekMask (mask for the days of the week on which the recurring appointment or task occurs) OR ; + DayOfMonth (integer indicating the day of the month on which the recurring appointment or task occurs) if $sRecurrenceType = $olRecursMonthly OR ; + DayOfMonth/MonthOfYear (integer indicating the day of the month and month of the year on which the recurring appointment or task occurs) if $sRecurrenceType = $olRecursYearly ; $iInterval - Integer specifying the number of units of a given recurrence type between occurrences ; $iInstance - Integer specifying the count for which the recurrence pattern is valid for a given interval. ; Only valid for $sRecurrenceType $olRecursMonthNth and $olRecursYearNth ; Return values .: Success - Item object ; Failure - Returns 0 and sets @error: ; |1 - No appointment or task item specified ; |2 - Item could not be found. EntryID might be wrong ; |3 - Error with Save. For more info please see @extended ; Author ........: water ; Modified.......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: Yes ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _OL_ItemRecurrenceSet($oOL, $vItem, $sStoreID, $sPatternStartDate, $sStartTime, $vPatternEndDate, $vEndTime, $iRecurrenceType, $iDayOf, $iInterval, $iInstance) If Not IsObj($vItem) Then If StringStripWS($vItem, 3) = "" Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) $vItem = $oOL.Session.GetItemFromID($vItem, $sStoreID) If @error Then Return SetError(2, @error, 0) EndIf ; Recurrence object of the item Local $oRecurrence = $vItem.GetRecurrencePattern #forceref $oRecurrence ; to prevent the AU3Check warning: $oRecurrence: declared, but not used in func. ; Set properties of the reccurrence $oRecurrence.RecurrenceType = $iRecurrenceType $oRecurrence.PatternStartDate = $sPatternStartDate $oRecurrence.StartTime = $sStartTime ; Set PatternEndDate to date, number of occurrences or NoEndDate If IsInt($vPatternEndDate) Then $oRecurrence.Occurrences = $vPatternEndDate ElseIf $vPatternEndDate <> "" Then $oRecurrence.PatternEndDate = $vPatternEndDate Else $oRecurrence.NoEndDate = True EndIf ; Set PatternEndTime to time or duration If IsInt($vEndTime) Then $oRecurrence.Duration = $vEndTime Else $oRecurrence.EndTime = $vEndTime EndIf ; Set DayOfWeekMask or DayOfMonth and MonthOfYear If $iRecurrenceType = $olRecursYearly Then Local $aTemp = StringSplit($iDayOf, "/") $oRecurrence.DayOfMonth = $aTemp[1] $oRecurrence.MonthofYear = $aTemp[2] EndIf If $iRecurrenceType = $olRecursWeekly Or $iRecurrenceType = $olRecursMonthNth Or $iRecurrenceType = $olRecursYearNth And $iDayOf <> "" Then $oRecurrence.DayOfWeekMask = $iDayOf If $iRecurrenceType = $olRecursMonthly And $iDayOf <> "" Then $oRecurrence.DayOfMonth = $iDayOf ; Set Interval If $iInterval <> 0 Then $oRecurrence.Interval = $iInterval ; Set Instance If $iRecurrenceType = $olRecursMonthNth Or $iRecurrenceType = $olRecursYearNth And $iInstance <> 0 Then $oRecurrence.Instance = $iInstance $vItem.Save If @error Then Return SetError(3, @error, 0) Return $vItem EndFunc ;==>_OL_ItemRecurrenceSet ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _OL_ItemReply ; Description ...: Replies/responds to an item. ; Syntax.........: _OL_ItemReply($oOL, $vItem[, $sStoreID[, $bReplyAll = False[, $iResponse = $olMeetingAccepted]]]) ; Parameters ....: $oOL - Outlook object returned by a preceding call to _OL_Open() ; $vItem - EntryID or object of the item to move ; $sStoreID - Optional: StoreID of the source store as returned by _OL_FolderAccess (default = keyword "Default" = the users mailbox) ; $bReplyAll - Optional: False: reply to the original sender (default), True: reply to all recipients ; $iResponse - Optional: Indicates the response to a meeting request. Is defined by the Outlook OlMeetingResponse enumeration ; +(default = $olMeetingAccepted = The meeting was accepted) ; Return values .: Success - object of the created item ; Failure - Returns 0 and sets @error: ; |1 - No item has been specified ; |2 - Item could not be found. EntryID might be wrong ; |3 - Error with method .Reply, .ReplyAll or .Respond. For more info please see @extended ; |4 - Error with Save. For more info please see @extended ; Author ........: water ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: $bReplyAll is used for mail items and ignored for all other items ; $iResponse is used for meeting and task items and ignored for all other items ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: Yes ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _OL_ItemReply($oOL, $vItem, $sStoreID = Default, $bReplyAll = False, $iResponse = Default) If Not IsObj($vItem) Then If StringStripWS($vItem, 3) = "" Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) $vItem = $oOL.Session.GetItemFromID($vItem, $sStoreID) If @error Then Return SetError(2, @error, 0) EndIf ; Mail: reply or replyall If $vItem.Class = $olMail Then If $bReplyAll Then $vItem = $vItem.Reply If @error Then Return SetError(3, @error, 0) Else $vItem = $vItem.Reply If @error Then Return SetError(3, @error, 0) EndIf EndIf ; Meeting request: Respond If $vItem.Class = $olAppointment Then If $iResponse = Default Then $iResponse = $olMeetingAccepted $vItem = $vItem.Respond($iResponse) If @error Then Return SetError(3, @error, 0) EndIf ; Task: Respond If $vItem.Class = $olTask Then If $iResponse = Default Then $iResponse = $olTaskAccept $vItem = $vItem.Respond($iResponse) If @error Then Return SetError(3, @error, 0) EndIf $vItem.Close(0) If @error Then Return SetError(4, @error, 0) Return $vItem EndFunc ;==>_OL_ItemReply ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _OL_ItemSave ; Description ...: Saves an item (contact, appointment ...) and/or all attachments in the specified path with the specified type. ; Syntax.........: _OL_ItemSave($oOL, $vItem, $sStoreID, $sPath, $iType[, $iFlags = 0]) ; Parameters ....: $oOL - Outlook object returned by a preceding call to _OL_Open() ; $vItem - EntryID or object of the item to save ; $sStoreID - StoreID of the source store as returned by _OL_FolderAccess. Use the keyword "Default" to use the users mailbox ; $sPath - Path (drive, directory[, filename]) where to save the item. ; If the filename is missing it is set to the item subject. In this case the directory needs a trailing backslash. ; The extension is always set according to $iType. ; If the directory does not exist it is created ; $iType - The file type to save. Is defined by the Outlook OlSaveAsType enumeration ; $iFlags - Optional: Flags to set different processing options. Can be a combination of the following: ; | 1: Save the item (default) ; | 2: Save attachments. Will be saved into the same directory as the item itself. ; +Name is Filename of the item, underscore plus name of attachment plus (optional) unterscore plus integer so multiple att. with the same name ; +can be saved ; Return values .: Success - Object of the saved item ; Failure - Returns 0 and sets @error: ; |1 - $sPath is missing ; |2 - Specified directory does not exist. It could not be created ; |3 - $iType is missing or invalid ; |4 - Error saving the item. For details check @extended ; |5 - Error saving an attachment. For details check @extended ; |6 - No or an invalid item has been specified ; |7 - Invalid $iType specified ; |8 - Could not save attachment. More than 99 files with the same filename encountered. @extended is set to the attachment number in error (1 based) ; |9 - Error retrieving attachments. @extended is set to the error code as returned by _OL_ItemAttachmentGet ; |10 - An attachment doesn't have filename/extension so it can't be saved. @extended is set to the attachment number in error (1 based). Use function _OL_ItemAttachmentSave to save such attachments ; Author ........: water ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: $iFlags: 1 = save the item without attachments, 2 = save attachments only, 3 = save item + attachments ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: Yes ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _OL_ItemSave($oOL, $vItem, $sStoreID, $sPath, $iType, $iFlags = 1) Local $aType2Ext[11][2] = [[$olDoc, ".doc"],[$olHTML, ".html"],[$olICal, ".ics"],[$olMHTML, ".mht"],[$olMSG, ".msg"],[$olMSGUnicode, ".msg"], _ [$olRTF, ".rtf"],[$olTemplate, ".oft"],[$olTXT, ".txt"],[$olVCal, ".vcs"],[$olVCard, "vcf"]] Local $sDrive, $sDir, $sFName, $sExt If StringStripWS($sPath, 3) = "" Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) _PathSplit($sPath, $sDrive, $sDir, $sFName, $sExt) If Not FileExists($sDrive & $sDir) Then If DirCreate($sDrive & $sDir) = 0 Then Return SetError(2, 0, 0) EndIf If Not IsNumber($iType) Then Return SetError(3, 0, 0) If Not IsObj($vItem) Then If StringStripWS($vItem, 3) = "" Then Return SetError(6, 0, 0) $vItem = $oOL.Session.GetItemFromID($vItem, $sStoreID) If @error Then Return SetError(6, @error, 0) EndIf ; Set filename to item subject if filename is empty If $sFName = "" Then $sFName = $vItem.Subject ; Replace invalid characters from filename with underscore $sFName = StringRegExpReplace($sFName, '[ \/:*?"<>|]', '_') ; Select extension according to $iType For $iIndex = 0 To UBound($aType2Ext) - 1 If $aType2Ext[$iIndex][0] = $iType Then $sExt = $aType2Ext[$iIndex][1] Next If $sExt = "" Then Return SetError(7, 0, 0) $sPath = $sDrive & $sDir & $sFName & $sExt ; Save item If BitAND($iFlags, 1) = 1 Then $vItem.SaveAs($sPath, $iType) If @error Then Return SetError(4, @error, 0) EndIf ; Save attachments If BitAND($iFlags, 2) = 2 Then Local $aAttachments = _OL_ItemAttachmentGet($oOL, $vItem, $sStoreID) If @error = 0 Then For $iIndex = 1 To $aAttachments[0][0] If $aAttachments[$iIndex][2] = "" Then Return SetError(10, $iIndex, 0) If FileExists($sDrive & $sDir & $sFName & "_" & $aAttachments[$iIndex][2]) = 1 Then Local $aTemp = StringSplit($aAttachments[$iIndex][2], ".") For $iIndex2 = 1 To 99 If FileExists($sDrive & $sDir & $sFName & "_" & $aTemp[1] & "_" & $iIndex2 & "." & $aTemp[2]) = 0 Then ExitLoop Next If $iIndex2 > 99 Then Return SetError(8, $iIndex, 0) $aAttachments[$iIndex][0] .SaveAsFile($sDrive & $sDir & $sFName & "_" & $aTemp[1] & "_" & $iIndex2 & "." & $aTemp[2]) If @error Then Return SetError(5, @error, 0) Else $aAttachments[$iIndex][0] .SaveAsFile($sDrive & $sDir & $sFName & "_" & $aAttachments[$iIndex][2]) If @error Then Return SetError(5, @error, 0) EndIf Next Else Return SetError(9, @error, 0) EndIf EndIf Return $vItem EndFunc ;==>_OL_ItemSave ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _OL_ItemSearch ; Description ...: Find items (extended search) using a DASL query returning an array of all specified properties. ; Syntax.........: _OL_ItemSearch($oOL, $vFolder, $avSearch, $sReturnProperties) ; Parameters ....: $oOL - Outlook object returned by a preceding call to _OL_Open() ; $vFolder - Folder object as returned by _OL_FolderAccess or full name of folder where the search will be started. ; +If you want to search a default folder you have to specify the folder object. ; $avSearch - Can bei either a string containing the full DASL query or a one based two-dimensional array with unlimited number of rows containing the elements to build the DASL query: ; |0: Property to query. This can be either the hex value or the name of the property. The function translates the name to the hex value. Unknown names set @error ; |1: Type of comparison operator: 1 = "=", 2 = "ci_startswith", 3 = "ci_phrasematch", 4 = "like" ; |2: Value to search for ; |3: Operator to concatenate the next comparison. Has to be "and", "or", "or not" or "and not" ; For details please see Remarks ; $sReturnProperties - Comma separated list of properties to return. Can be the property name (e.g. "subject") or the MAPI proptag (e.g. "http://schemas.microsoft.com/mapi/proptag/0x10F4000B") ; Return values .: Success - One based two-dimensional array with the properties specified by $sReturnProperties ; Failure - Returns "" and sets @error: ; |1 - $oOL is not an object ; |2 - Error accessing the specified folder. See @extended for errorcode returned by _OL_FolderAccess ; |3 - $sReturnProperties is empty ; |4 - $avSearch is an array but not a two dimensional array or the first row doesn't contain the numbers of rows and columns ; |5 - Specified search property could not be translated to a hex code. @extended is set to the row in $avSearch ; |6 - Specified search operator is not an integer or < 1 or > 4. @extended is set to the row in $avSearch ; |7 - Specified search value is empty. @extended is set to the row in $avSearch ; |8 - Invalid search operator. Must be "and" or "or". @extended is set to the row in $avSearch ; |9 - The last entry in the search array has a search operator ; |10 - The entry in the search array has no operator but more search arguments follow ; |11 - Error executing the search operation. @extended is set to the error returned by method GetTable ; |12 - No records returned by the search operation ; |13 - Error adding $sReturnProperties to the result set. @extended is the number of the property in error ; |14 - Error filling the result table. @extended is set to the error returned by method GetRowCount ; Author ........: water ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: DASL syntax: "Searching Outlook Data" - http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc513841.aspx" ; List of MAPI proptags: - http://www.dimastr.com/redemption/enum_MAPITags.htm ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: Yes ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _OL_ItemSearch($oOL, $vFolder, $avSearch, $sReturnProperties) Local $asOperator[5] = [4, "=", "ci_startswith", "ci_phrasematch", "like"] Local $sFilter = '@SQL=', $aTemp, $sProperty, $iRows, $iCols, $oRow If Not IsObj($oOL) Then Return SetError(1, 0, "") If Not IsObj($vFolder) Then $aTemp = _OL_FolderAccess($oOL, $vFolder) If @error Then Return SetError(2, @error, "") $vFolder = $aTemp[1] EndIf If StringStripWs($sReturnProperties, 7) = "" Then Return SetError(3, 0, "") Local $aReturnProperties = StringSplit(StringStripWS($sReturnProperties, 8), ",") ; Build search string If IsArray($avSearch) Then If UBound($avSearch, 0) <> 2 Or Not IsInt($avSearch[0][0]) Or Not IsInt($avSearch[0][1]) Then Return SetError(4, 0, "") Local Const $sPropTag = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/mapi/proptag/" For $iIndex = 1 To $avSearch[0][0] If IsInt($avSearch[$iIndex][0]) Then $sProperty = "0x" & Hex(Int($avSearch[$iIndex][0])) Else $sProperty = __OL_Property2Hex($avSearch[$iIndex][0]) If @error Then Return SetError(5, $iIndex, "") Endif If Not IsInt($avSearch[$iIndex][1]) Or $avSearch[$iIndex][1] < 1 Or $avSearch[$iIndex][1] > 4 Then Return SetError(6, $iIndex, "") $avSearch[$iIndex][2] = StringStripWS($avSearch[$iIndex][2], 7) If $avSearch[$iIndex][2] = "" Then Return SetError(7, $iIndex, "") $avSearch[$iIndex][3] = StringStripWS($avSearch[$iIndex][3], 7) If $avSearch[$iIndex][3] <> "" Then If $avSearch[$iIndex][3] <> "and" And $avSearch[$iIndex][3] <> "or" And _ $avSearch[$iIndex][3] <> "and not" And $avSearch[$iIndex][3] <> "or not" _ Then Return SetError(8, $iIndex, "") If $iIndex = $avSearch[0][0] Then Return SetError(9, $iIndex, "") Else If $iIndex < $avSearch[0][0] Then Return SetError(10, $iIndex, "") EndIf $sFilter = $sFilter & '"' & $sPropTag & $sProperty & '" ' & $asOperator[$avSearch[$iIndex][1]] & " '" & $avSearch[$iIndex][2] & "'" If $avSearch[$iIndex][3] <> "" Then $sFilter = $sFilter & " " & $avSearch[$iIndex][3] & " " Next Else $sFilter = $avSearch EndIf ; execute the search Local $oTable = $vFolder.GetTable($sFilter) If @error Or Not IsObj($oTable) Then Return SetError(11, @error, "") If $oTable.GetRowCount = 0 Then Return SetError(12, 0, "") ; http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb176396%28v=office.12%29.aspx ; Remove all columns in the default column set $oTable.Columns.RemoveAll ; Specify desired properties For $iIndex = 1 To $aReturnProperties[0] $oTable.Columns.Add($aReturnProperties[$iIndex]) If @error Then Return SetError(13, $iIndex, "") Next ; Create and fill the result table $iRows = $oTable.GetRowCount + 1 If @error Then Return SetError(14, @error, "") $iCols = $aReturnProperties[0] Local $avResult[$iRows][$iCols] = [[$iRows - 1]] If UBound($avResult, 2) > 1 Then $avResult[0][1] = $iCols Local $iIndex2 = 1 While Not $oTable.EndOfTable $oRow = $oTable.GetNextRow For $iIndex = 1 To $aReturnProperties[0] $avResult[$iIndex2][$iIndex-1] = $oRow($aReturnProperties[$iIndex]) Next $iIndex2 = $iIndex2 + 1 WEnd Return $avResult EndFunc ;==>_OL_ItemSearch ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _OL_ItemSend ; Description ...: Sends an item (appointment, mail, task) using the specified EntryID and StoreID. ; Syntax.........: _OL_ItemSend($oOL, $vItem[, $sStoreID = Default]) ; Parameters ....: $oOL - Outlook object returned by a preceding call to _OL_Open() ; $vItem - EntryID or object of the item to send ; $sStoreID - Optional: StoreID of the source store as returned by _OL_FolderAccess (default = keyword "Default" = the users mailbox) ; Return values .: Success - Object of the item ; Failure - Returns 0 and sets @error: ; |1 - No or an invalid item has been specified ; |2 - Error sending the item. For details check @extended ; Author ........: water ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: Yes ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _OL_ItemSend($oOL, $vItem, $sStoreID = Default) If Not IsObj($vItem) Then If StringStripWS($vItem, 3) = "" Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) $vItem = $oOL.Session.GetItemFromID($vItem, $sStoreID) If @error Then Return SetError(1, @error, 0) EndIf $vItem.Send() If @error Then Return SetError(2, @error, 0) Return $vItem EndFunc ;==>_OL_ItemSend ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _OL_ItemSendReceive ; Description ...: Initiates immediate delivery of all undelivered messages and immediate receipt of mail for all accounts in the current profile. ; Syntax.........: _OL_ItemSendReceive($oOL[, $bShowProgress = False]) ; Parameters ....: $oOL - Outlook object returned by a preceding call to _OL_Open() ; $bShowProgress - Optional: If True show the Outlook Send/Receive progress dialog box (default = False) ; Return values .: Success - 1 ; Failure - Returns 0 and sets @error: ; |1 - Error executing the SendAndReceive method. For details check @extended ; |99 - Function not available for this Outlook version. @extended denotes the lowest required Outlook version to run the function ; Author ........: water ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: Only available for Outlook 2007 and later ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: Yes ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _OL_ItemSendReceive($oOL, $bShowProgress = False) Local $aVersion = StringSplit($oOL.Version, '.') If Int($aVersion[1]) < 12 Then Return SetError(99, 12, 0) Local $oNamespace = $oOL.GetNamespace("MAPI") $oNamespace.SendAndReceive($bShowProgress) If @error Then Return SetError(1, @error, 0) Return 1 EndFunc ;==>_OL_ItemSendReceive ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _OL_ItemSync ; Description ...: Starts synchronization for all or a single Send/Receive group(s) set up for the user. ; Syntax.........: _OL_ItemSync($oOL[, $sGroup = ""]) ; Parameters ....: $oOL - Outlook object returned by a preceding call to _OL_Open() ; $sGroup - Optional: Name of the Send/Receive group to be synchronized (default = all) ; Return values .: Success - 1 ; Failure - Returns 0 and sets @error: ; |1 - Error returned by method Start. For details please check @extended ; Author ........: water ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: Yes ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _OL_ItemSync($oOL, $sGroup = "") Local $oNamespace = $oOL.GetNamespace("MAPI") For $iIndex = 1 To $oNamespace.SyncObjects.Count If $sGroup = "" Or $sGroup = $oNamespace.SyncObjects.Item($iIndex).Name Then $oNamespace.SyncObjects.Item($iIndex).Start If @error Then Return SetError(1, @error, 0) EndIf Next Return 1 EndFunc ;==>_OL_ItemSync ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _OL_MailheaderGet ; Description ...: Returns the headers of a mail item using the specified EntryID and StoreID. ; Syntax.........: _OL_MailheaderGet($oOL, $vItem[, $sStoreID]) ; Parameters ....: $oOL - Outlook object returned by a preceding call to _OL_Open() ; $vItem - EntryID or object of the mail item ; $sStoreID - Optional: StoreID of the source store as returned by _OL_FolderAccess (default = keyword "Default" = the users mailbox) ; Return values .: Success - Returns a string with the mail headers ; Failure - Returns "" and sets @error: ; |1 - Error getting the mail object from the specified EntryID and StoreID ; Author ........: water ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: Yes ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _OL_MailheaderGet($oOL, $vItem, $sStoreID = Default) Local $sPR_MAIL_HEADER_TAG = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/mapi/proptag/0x007D001E" If Not IsObj($vItem) Then $vItem = $oOL.Session.GetItemFromID($vItem, $sStoreID) If @error Then Return SetError(1, @error, "") Local $oPA = $vItem.PropertyAccessor Return $oPA.GetProperty($sPR_MAIL_HEADER_TAG) EndFunc ;==>_OL_MailheaderGet ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _OL_MailSignatureCreate ; Description ...: Creates a new/modifies an existing e-mail signature. ; Syntax.........: _OL_MailSignatureCreate($sName, $oWord, $oRange[, $bNewMessage = False[, $bReplyMessage = False]]) ; Parameters ....: $sName - Name of the signature to be created/modified. ; $oWord - Object of an already running Word Application ; $oRange - Range (as defined by the word range method) that contains the signature text + formatting ; $bNewMessage - Optional: True sets the signature as the default signature to be added to new email messages (default = False) ; $bReplyMessage - Optional: True sets the signature as the default signature to be added when you reply to an email messages (default = False) ; Return values .: Success - 1 ; Failure - Returns 0 and sets @error: ; |1 - $oWord is not an object ; |2 - $sName is empty ; |3 - $oRange is not an object ; |4 - Error adding signature. For details check @extended ; Author ........: water ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: If the signature already exists $bNewMessage and $bReplyMessage can be set but not unset. Use _OL_MailSignatureSet in this case. ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/magazine/2006.10.heyscriptingguy.aspx ; Example .......: Yes ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _OL_MailSignatureCreate($sName, $oWord, $oRange, $bNewMessage = False, $bReplyMessage = False) If Not IsObj($oWord) Then Return SetError(1, 0, "") If StringStripWS($sName, 3) = "" Then Return SetError(2, 0, "") If Not IsObj($oRange) Then Return SetError(3, 0, "") Local $oEmailOptions = $oWord.EmailOptions Local $oSignatureObject = $oEmailOptions.EmailSignature Local $oSignatureEntries = $oSignatureObject.EmailSignatureEntries $oSignatureEntries.Add($sName, $oRange) If @error Then Return SetError(4, @error, 0) If $bNewMessage Then $oSignatureObject.NewMessageSignature = $sName If $bReplyMessage Then $oSignatureObject.ReplyMessageSignature = $sName Return 1 EndFunc ;==>_OL_MailSignatureCreate ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _OL_MailSignatureDelete ; Description ...: Deletes an existing e-mail signature. ; Syntax.........: _OL_MailSignatureDelete($sSignature[, $oWord = 0]) ; Parameters ....: $sSignature - Name of the signature to be created/modified ; $oWord - Optional: Object of an already running Word Application (default = 0 = no Word Application running) ; Return values .: Success - 1 ; Failure - Returns 0 and sets @error: ; |1 - $oWord is not an object ; |2 - $sSignature is empty ; |3 - $sSignature does not exist ; Author ........: water ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: Yes ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _OL_MailSignatureDelete($sSignature, $oWord = 0) If StringStripWS($sSignature, 3) = "" Then Return SetError(2, 0, "") Local $bWordStart = False If $oWord = 0 Then $oWord = ObjCreate("Word.Application") $bWordStart = True EndIf If @error Or Not IsObj($oWord) Then Return SetError(1, @error, "") ; Check if the specified signatures exist _OL_MaiLSignatureGet($sSignature, $oWord) If @error Then If $bWordStart = True Then $oWord.Quit $oWord = 0 EndIf Return SetError(3, 0, 0) EndIf Local $oEmailOptions = $oWord.EmailOptions Local $oSignatureObject = $oEmailOptions.EmailSignature Local $oSignatureEntries = $oSignatureObject.EmailSignatureEntries $oSignatureEntries.Item($sSignature).Delete Local $iError = @error, $iExtended = @extended If $bWordStart = True Then $oWord.Quit $oWord = 0 EndIf If $iError <> 0 Then Return SetError($iError, $iExtended, 0) Return 1 EndFunc ;==>_OL_MailSignatureDelete ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _OL_MailSignatureGet ; Description ...: Returns a list of e-mail signatures used when you create/edit e-mail messages and replies. ; Syntax.........: _OL_MailSignatureGet([$sSignature = ""[, $oWord = 0]]) ; Parameters ....: $sSignature - Optional: Name of a signature to check for existance. The result contains this single signature or is set to error. ; $oWord - Optional: Object of an already running Word Application (default = 0 = no Word Application running) ; Return values .: Success - two-dimensional one based array with the following information: ; |0 - Name of the signature ; |1 - True if the signature is used when creating new messages ; |2 - True if the signature is used when replying to a message ; Failure - Returns "" and sets @error: ; |1 - Error accessing word object. For details check @extended ; |2 - Specified signature does not exist ; Author ........: water ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: Yes ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _OL_MailSignatureGet($sSignature = "", $oWord = 0) Local $bWordStart = False If $oWord = 0 Then $oWord = ObjCreate("Word.Application") $bWordStart = True EndIf If @error Or Not IsObj($oWord) Then Return SetError(1, @error, "") Local $oEmailOptions = $oWord.EmailOptions Local $oSignatureObject = $oEmailOptions.EmailSignature Local $oSignatureEntries = $oSignatureObject.EmailSignatureEntries Local $sNewMessageSig = $oSignatureObject.NewMessageSignature Local $sReplyMessageSig = $oSignatureObject.ReplyMessageSignature Local $aSignatures[$oSignatureEntries.Count + 1][3] Local $iIndex = 0 For $oSignatureEntry In $oSignatureEntries If $sSignature = "" Or $sSignature == $oSignatureEntry.Name Then $iIndex = $iIndex + 1 $aSignatures[$iIndex][0] = $oSignatureEntry.Name If $aSignatures[$iIndex][0] = $sNewMessageSig Then $aSignatures[$iIndex][1] = True Else $aSignatures[$iIndex][1] = False EndIf If $aSignatures[$iIndex][0] = $sReplyMessageSig Then $aSignatures[$iIndex][2] = True Else $aSignatures[$iIndex][2] = False EndIf EndIf Next ReDim $aSignatures[$iIndex + 1][3] $aSignatures[0][0] = $iIndex $aSignatures[0][1] = UBound($aSignatures, 2) If $bWordStart = True Then $oWord.Quit $oWord = 0 EndIf If $sSignature <> "" And $aSignatures[0][0] = 0 Then Return SetError(2, 0, "") Return $aSignatures EndFunc ;==>_OL_MailSignatureGet ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _OL_MailSignatureSet ; Description ...: Sets the signature to be added to new email messages and/or when you reply to an email message. ; Syntax.........: _OL_MailSignatureSet($sNewMessage, $sReplyMessage[, $oWord = 0]) ; Parameters ....: $sNewMessage - Name of the signature to be added to new email messages. "" removes the default signature. Keyword Default leaves the signature unchanged ; $sReplyMessage - Name of the signature to be added when you reply to an email messages. "" removes the default signature. Keyword Default leaves the signature unchanged ; $oWord - Optional: Object of an already running Word Application (default = 0 = no Word Application running) ; Return values .: Success - 1 ; Failure - Returns 0 and sets @error: ; |1 - $oWord is not an object ; |2 - Error getting list of signatures using _OL_MailSignatureGet. Please check @extended ; |3 - $sNewMessage could not be found in the list of already defined signatures. ; |4 - $sReplyMessage could not be found in the list of already defined signatures. ; Author ........: water ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: Yes ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _OL_MailSignatureSet($sNewMessage, $sReplyMessage, $oWord = 0) Local $bWordStart = False If $oWord = 0 Then $oWord = ObjCreate("Word.Application") $bWordStart = True EndIf If @error Or Not IsObj($oWord) Then Return SetError(1, @error, "") ; Check if the specified signatures exist If $sNewMessage <> Default And $sNewMessage <> "" Then _OL_MaiLSignatureGet($sNewMessage, $oWord) If @error Then If $bWordStart = True Then $oWord.Quit $oWord = 0 EndIf Return SetError(3, 0, 0) EndIf EndIf If $sReplyMessage <> Default And $sReplyMessage <> "" Then _OL_MaiLSignatureGet($sReplyMessage, $oWord) If @error Then If $bWordStart = True Then $oWord.Quit $oWord = 0 EndIf Return SetError(4, 0, 0) EndIf EndIf ; Set Signatures Local $oEmailOptions = $oWord.EmailOptions Local $oSignatureObject = $oEmailOptions.EmailSignature #forceref $oSignatureObject If $sNewMessage <> Default Then $oSignatureObject.NewMessageSignature = $sNewMessage If $sReplyMessage <> Default Then $oSignatureObject.ReplyMessageSignature = $sReplyMessage If $bWordStart = True Then $oWord.Quit $oWord = 0 EndIf Return 1 EndFunc ;==>_OL_MailSignatureSet ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _OL_OOFGet ; Description ...: Returns information about the OOF (Out of Office) setting of the specified store. ; Syntax.........: _OL_OOFGet($oOL[, $sStore = "*"]) ; Parameters ....: $oOL - Outlook object returned by a preceding call to _OL_Open() ; $sStore - Optional: Store for which the OOF should be retrieved. ; Use "*" to denote your default store or specify the store of another user ; Return values .: Success - one-dimensional one based array with the following information: ; |0 - State of the OOF. True = OOF is set, False = OOF is not set ; |1 - OOF text for internal senders ; Failure - Returns "" and sets @error: ; |1 - The specified store could not be accessed ; |2 - Error accessing the internal OOF mail item. For details please see @extended ; Author ........: water ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/outlookdev/thread/3e3dd60b-a9ce-4484-b974-6b78766e376b ; Example .......: Yes ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _OL_OOFGet($oOL, $sStore = "*") Local $oItem, $aOOF[3] = [2] Local $aFolder = _OL_FolderAccess($oOL, "\\" & $sStore, $olFolderInbox) If @error Then Return SetError(1, @error, 0) If $sStore = "*" Then $sStore = $aFolder[1] .Parent.Name ; Get the status of the OOF for the specified store $aOOF[1] = $oOL.Session.Stores.Item($sStore).PropertyAccessor.GetProperty("http://schemas.microsoft.com/mapi/proptag/0x661D000B") ; Get the text of the internal OOF $oItem = $aFolder[1] .GetStorage("IPM.Note.Rules.OofTemplate.Microsoft", $olIdentifyByMessageClass) If @error Then Return SetError(2, @error, 0) $aOOF[2] = $oItem.Body Return $aOOF EndFunc ;==>_OL_OOFGet ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _OL_OOFSet ; Description ...: Sets the OOF (Out of Office) message for your or another users Exchange Store and/or activates/deactivates the OOF. ; Syntax.........: _OL_OOFSet($oOL, $sStore, $bOOFActivate, $sOOFText) ; Parameters ....: $oOL - Outlook object returned by a preceding call to _OL_Open() ; $sStore - Store for which the OOF should be set. Use "*" to denote your default store or specify the store of another user if you have write permission ; $bOOFActivate - If set to True the OOF is activated. Keyword Default leaves the status unchanged ; $sOOFText - OOF reply text for internal messages. "" clears the text. Keyword Default leaves the text unchanged ; Return values .: Success - 1 ; Failure - Returns 0 and sets @error: ; |1 - Error returned by _OL_FolderAccess (the error code of this function can be found in @extended) ; |2 - Invalid StoreType. Has to be $olPrimaryExchangeMailbox or $olExchangeMailbox ; |3 - Error returned by Outlook GetStorage method for the internal OOF. For details please see @extended ; |4 - Error returned by Outlook Save method for the internal OOF. For details please see @extended ; Author ........: water ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/outlookdev/thread/99b07ca3-e26c-4eab-b644-2c7749638f0e ; Example .......: Yes ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _OL_OOFSet($oOL, $sStore, $bOOFActivate, $sOOFText) Local $oItem Local $aFolder = _OL_FolderAccess($oOL, "\\" & $sStore, $olFolderInbox) If @error Then Return SetError(1, @error, 0) If $sStore = "*" Then $sStore = $aFolder[1] .Parent.Name Local $iStoreType = $oOL.Session.Stores.Item($sStore).ExchangeStoreType If $iStoreType <> $olPrimaryExchangeMailbox And $iStoreType <> $olExchangeMailbox Then Return SetError(2, 0, 0) ; Set the text of the internal OOF If $sOOFText <> Default Then $oItem = $aFolder[1] .GetStorage("IPM.Note.Rules.OofTemplate.Microsoft", $olIdentifyByMessageClass) If @error Then Return SetError(3, @error, 0) $oItem.Body = $sOOFText $oItem.Save If @error Then Return SetError(4, @error, 0) EndIf ; Set the status of the OOF for the specified store If $bOOFActivate <> Default Then _ $oOL.Session.Stores.Item($sStore).PropertyAccessor.SetProperty("http://schemas.microsoft.com/mapi/proptag/0x661D000B", $bOOFActivate) Return 1 EndFunc ;==>_OL_OOFSet ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _OL_PSTAccess ; Description ...: Accesses a PST file so Outlook can access it as a folder. ; Syntax.........: _OL_PSTAccess($oOL, $sPSTPath[, $sDisplayName = ""]) ; Parameters ....: $oOL - Outlook object returned by a preceding call to _OL_Open() ; $sPSTPath - Path of the PST file (including filename & extension) ; $sDisplayName - Optional: Displayname of the resulting Outlook folder (default = let Outlook set the display name) ; Return values .: Success - Object to the folder ; Failure - Returns 0 and sets @error: ; |1 - PST file $sPSTPath does not exist ; |2 - Error accessing namespace object. For details check @extended ; |3 - Error adding the PST file as an Outlook folder. For details check @extended ; Author ........: water ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: You can pass element 1 of the resulting array to _OL_Folderget to get further information. ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: Yes ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _OL_PSTAccess($oOL, $sPSTPath, $sDisplayName = "") If FileExists($sPSTPath) = 0 Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) Local $oNamespace = $oOL.GetNamespace("MAPI") If @error Or Not IsObj($oNamespace) Then Return SetError(2, 0, 0) $oNamespace.AddStore($sPSTPath) If @error Then Return SetError(3, @error, 0) If $sDisplayName <> "" Then $oNamespace.Folders.GetLast.Name = $sDisplayName ; Set Displayname Return $oNamespace.Folders.GetLast EndFunc ;==>_OL_PSTAccess ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _OL_PSTClose ; Description ...: Closes a PST file and removes the Outlook folder. ; Syntax.........: _OL_PSTClose($oOL, $oFolder) ; Parameters ....: $oOL - Outlook object returned by a preceding call to _OL_Open() ; $vFolder - Object of the Outlook folder representing the PST file or the displayname of the folder ; Return values .: Success - 1 ; Failure - Returns 0 and sets @error: ; |1 - Error accessing Namespace object. For details check @extended ; |2 - Error accessing the specified folder. For details check @extended ; |3 - Error removing the specified folder. For details check @extended ; Author ........: water ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: You can pass element 1 of the resulting array to _OL_Folderget to get further information. ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: Yes ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _OL_PSTClose($oOL, $oFolder) Local $oNamespace = $oOL.GetNamespace("MAPI") If @error Or Not IsObj($oNamespace) Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) If Not IsObj($oFolder) Then $oFolder = $oNamespace.Folders.Item($oFolder) If @error Or Not IsObj($oFolder) Then Return SetError(2, @error, 0) EndIf $oNamespace.RemoveStore($oFolder) If @error Then Return SetError(3, @error, 0) Return 1 EndFunc ;==>_OL_PSTClose ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _OL_PSTCreate ; Description ...: Creates a new (empty) PST file and accesses it in Outlook as a folder. ; Syntax.........: _OL_PSTCreate($oOL, $sPSTPath[, $sDisplayName = ""[, $iPSTType = $olStoreANSI]]) ; Parameters ....: $oOL - Outlook object returned by a preceding call to _OL_Open() ; $sPSTPath - Path of the PST file (including filename & extension) ; $sDisplayName - Optional: Displayname of the resulting Outlook folder (default = let Outlook set the display name) ; $iPSTType - Optional: Type of the PST file. Possible values: ; |$olStoreANSI - ANSI format compatible with all previous versions of Microsoft Office Outlook format (default) ; |$olStoreDefault - Default format compatible with the mailbox mode in which Microsoft Office Outlook runs on the Microsoft Exchange Server ; |$olStoreUnicode - Unicode format compatible with Microsoft Office Outlook 2003 and later ; Return values .: Success - Object to the folder ; Failure - Returns 0 and sets @error: ; |1 - PST file $sPSTPath already exists ; |2 - Error accessing Namespace object. For details check @extended ; |3 - Error creating the PST file. For details check @extended ; Author ........: water ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: Yes ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _OL_PSTCreate($oOL, $sPSTPath, $sDisplayName = "", $iPSTType = $olStoreANSI) If FileExists($sPSTPath) = 1 Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) Local $oNamespace = $oOL.GetNamespace("MAPI") If @error Or Not IsObj($oNamespace) Then Return SetError(2, 0, 0) $oNamespace.AddStoreEx($sPSTPath, $iPSTType) If @error Then Return SetError(3, @error, 0) If $sDisplayName <> "" Then $oNamespace.Folders.GetLast.Name = $sDisplayName ; Set Displayname Return $oNamespace.Folders.GetLast EndFunc ;==>_OL_PSTCreate ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _OL_PSTGet ; Description ...: Returns a list of currently accessed PST files. ; Syntax.........: _OL_PSTGet($oOL) ; Parameters ....: $oOL - Outlook object returned by a preceding call to _OL_Open() ; Return values .: Success - two-dimensional one based array with the following information: ; |0 - Displayname of the folder ; |1 - Object of the folder ; |2 - Path to the PST file in the filesystem ; Failure - Returns "" and sets @error: ; |1 - Error accessing namespace object. For details check @extended ; Author ........: water ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: You can pass element 1 of the resulting array to _OL_Folderget to get further information. ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: http://www.visualbasicscript.com/Find-PST-files-configured-in-outlook-m44947.aspx ; Example .......: Yes ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _OL_PSTGet($oOL) Local $sFolderSubString, $sPath, $iIndex1 = 0, $iIndex2, $iPos, $aPST[1][3] = [[0, 3]] Local $oNamespace = $oOL.GetNamespace("MAPI") If @error Or Not IsObj($oNamespace) Then Return SetError(1, 0, "") For $oFolder In $oNamespace.Folders $sPath = "" For $iIndex2 = 1 To StringLen($oFolder.StoreID) Step 2 $sFolderSubString = StringMid($oFolder.StoreID, $iIndex2, 2) If $sFolderSubString <> "00" Then $sPath &= Chr(Dec($sFolderSubString)) Next If StringInStr($sPath, "mspst.dll") > 0 Then ; PST file $iPos = StringInStr($sPath, ":\") If $iPos > 0 Then $sPath = StringMid($sPath, $iPos - 1) Else $iPos = StringInStr($sPath, "\\") If $iPos > 0 Then $sPath = StringMid($sPath, $iPos) EndIf ReDim $aPST[UBound($aPST, 1) + 1][UBound($aPST, 2)] $iIndex1 = $iIndex1 + 1 $aPST[$iIndex1][0] = $oFolder.Name $aPST[$iIndex1][1] = $oNamespace.GetFolderFromID($oFolder.EntryID, $oFolder.StoreID) $aPST[$iIndex1][2] = $sPath $aPST[0][0] = $iIndex1 EndIf Next Return $aPST EndFunc ;==>_OL_PSTGet ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _OL_RecipientFreeBusyGet ; Description ...: Returns free/busy information for the recipient. ; Syntax.........: _OL_RecipientFreeBusyGet($oOL, $vRecipient, $sStart[, $iMinPerChar = 30[, $bCompleteFormat = False]]) ; Parameters ....: $oOL - Outlook object returned by a preceding call to _OL_Open() ; $vRecipient - Name of a recipient or resolved object of a recipient ; $sStart - The start date for the returned period of free/busy information ; $iMinPerChar - Optional: The number of minutes per character represented in the returned free/busy string (default = 30) ; $bCompleteFormat - Optional: True if the returned string should contain not only free/busy information, but also values for ; +each character according to the OlBusyStatus constants (default = False) ; Return values .: Success - String of free/busy information ; Failure - Returns "" and sets @error: ; |1 - No recipient has been specified ; |2 - Error creating recipient object. For details check @extended ; |3 - Recipient could not be resolved. For details check @extended ; |4 - Error retrieving the free/busy inforamtion. For details check @extended ; Author ........: water ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: The default is to return a string representing one month of free/busy information. ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: Yes ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _OL_RecipientFreeBusyGet($oOL, $vRecipient, $sStart, $iMinPerChar = 30, $bCompleteFormat = False) ; Recipient specified as name - resolve If Not IsObj($vRecipient) Then If StringStripWS($vRecipient, 3) = "" Then Return SetError(1, 0, "") $vRecipient = $oOL.Session.CreateRecipient($vRecipient) If @error Or Not IsObj($vRecipient) Then Return SetError(2, @error, "") $vRecipient.Resolve If @error Or Not $vRecipient.Resolved Then Return SetError(3, @error, "") EndIf Local $sFreeBusy = $vRecipient.FreeBusy($sStart, $iMinPerChar, $bCompleteFormat) If @error Or $sFreeBusy = "" Then Return SetError(4, @error, "") Return $sFreeBusy EndFunc ;==>_OL_RecipientFreeBusyGet ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _OL_ReminderDelay ; Description ...: Delays the reminder by a specified time. ; Syntax.........: _OL_ReminderDelay($oReminder[, $iDelayTime = 5]) ; Parameters ....: $oReminder - Represents a reminder object ; $iDelayTime - Optional: amount of time (in minutes) to delay the reminder (default = 5) ; Return values .: Success - 1 ; Failure - 0 and sets @error: ; |1 - You didn't specify our you specified an invalid object ; |2 - $iDelayTime is not an integer ; |3 - Error returned by method .Snooze. For more information check @extended ; Author ........: water ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: Yes ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _OL_ReminderDelay($oReminder, $iDelayTime = 5) If Not IsObj($oReminder) Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) If Not IsInt($iDelayTime) Then Return SetError(2, 0, 0) $oReminder.Snooze($iDelayTime) If @error Then Return SetError(3, @error, 0) Return 1 EndFunc ;==>_OL_ReminderDelay ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _OL_ReminderDismiss ; Description ...: Dismisses the specified reminder. ; Syntax.........: _OL_ReminderDismiss($oOL, $iReminder) ; Parameters ....: $oOL - Outlook object returned by a preceding call to _OL_Open() ; $iReminder - Index number of the object in the reminders collection ; Return values .: Success - 1 ; Failure - 0 and sets @error: ; |1 - The reminder has to be visible to be dismissed ; |2 - Error returned by method .Dismiss. For more information check @extended ; Author ........: water ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: The Dismiss method will fail if there is no visible reminder ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: Yes ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _OL_ReminderDismiss($oOL, $iReminder) If $oOL.Reminders.Item($iReminder).IsVisible = False Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) $oOL.Reminders.Item($iReminder).Dismiss() If @error Then Return SetError(2, @error, 0) Return 1 EndFunc ;==>_OL_ReminderDismiss ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _OL_ReminderGet ; Description ...: Returns all or only visible reminders. ; Syntax.........: _OL_ReminderGet($oOL[, $bIsVisible = True]) ; Parameters ....: $oOL - Outlook object returned by a preceding call to _OL_Open() ; $bIsVisible - Optional: Only return visible reminders (default = True) ; Return values .: Success - two-dimensional one based array with the following information: ; |0 - String representing the title ; |1 - OlObjectClass constant indicating the object's class of the specified outlook item (see element 4) ; |2 - Boolean that determines if the reminder is currently visible ; |3 - Object corresponding to the Reminder ; |4 - Object corresponding to the specified Outlook item (AppointmentItem, MailItem, ContactItem, TaskItem) ; |5 - Date that indicates the next date and time the specified reminder will occur ; |6 - Date that specifies the original date and time that the specified reminder is set to occur ; Failure - Returns "" and sets @error: ; Author ........: water ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: Yes ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _OL_ReminderGet($oOL, $bIsVisible = True) Local $iIndex = 1, $aReminders[$oOL.Reminders.Count + 1][7] For $oReminder In $oOL.Reminders If $bIsVisible = False Or ($bIsVisible = True And $oReminder.IsVisible) Then $aReminders[$iIndex][0] = $oReminder.Caption $aReminders[$iIndex][1] = $oReminder.Item.Class $aReminders[$iIndex][2] = $oReminder.IsVisible $aReminders[$iIndex][3] = $oReminder $aReminders[$iIndex][4] = $oReminder.Item $aReminders[$iIndex][5] = $oReminder.NextReminderDate $aReminders[$iIndex][6] = $oReminder.OriginalReminderDate $iIndex += 1 EndIf Next ReDim $aReminders[$iIndex][UBound($aReminders, 2)] $aReminders[0][0] = $iIndex - 1 $aReminders[0][1] = UBound($aReminders, 2) Return $aReminders EndFunc ;==>_OL_ReminderGet ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _OL_RuleActionGet ; Description ...: Returns all actions for a specified rule. ; Syntax.........: _OL_RuleActionGet($oRule[, $bEnabled = True]) ; Parameters ....: $oRule - Rule object returned by a preceding call to _OL_RuleGet in element 0 ; $bEnabled - Optional: Only returns enabled actions if set to True (default = True) ; Return values .: Success - two-dimensional one based array with the following information: ; Elements 0 - 2 are the same for every action type. The other elements (if any) depend on the action type. ; |0 - OlRuleActionType constant indicating the type of action that is taken by the rule action ; |1 - OlObjectClass constant indicating the class of the rule action ; |2 - True if the action is enabled ; |AssignToCategoryRuleAction ; |3 - Categories assigned to the message separated by the pipe character ; |MoveOrCopyRuleAction ; |3 - Object of the folder where the message will be copied/moved to ; |4 - Name of the folder where the message will be copied/moved to ; |SendRuleAction ; |3 - Recipients collection (object) that represents the recipient list for the cc/forward/redirect action ; |4 - Recipients (string) separated by the pipe character ; |MarkAsTaskRuleAction ; |3 - String that represents the label of the flag for the message ; |4 - constant in the OlMarkInterval enumeration representing the interval before the task is due ; |NewItemAlertRuleAction ; |3 - Text to be displayed in the new item alert dialog box ; |PlaySoundRuleAction ; |3 - Full file path to a sound file (.wav) ; Failure - Returns "" and sets @error: ; |1 - The ActionType can not be handled by this function. @extended contains the ActionType in error ; Author ........: water ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: Yes ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _OL_RuleActionGet($oRule, $bEnabled = True) Local $iIndex = 1 Local $aActions[$oRule.Actions.Count + 1][5] = [[$oRule.Actions.Count, 5]] For $oAction In $oRule.Actions If $bEnabled = False Or $oAction.Enabled = True Then ; Properties that apply to all action types $aActions[$iIndex][0] = $oAction.ActionType $aActions[$iIndex][1] = $oAction.Class $aActions[$iIndex][2] = $oAction.Enabled ; Properties that apply to individual action types Switch $oAction.ActionType Case $olRuleActionAssignToCategory ; AssignToCategoryRuleAction object Local $aCategories = $oAction.Categories ; array of strings representing the categories assigned to the message $aActions[$iIndex][3] = _ArrayToString($aCategories) Case $olRuleActionMoveToFolder, $olRuleActionCopyToFolder ; MoveOrCopyRuleAction object $aActions[$iIndex][3] = $oAction.Folder ; Folder object that represents the folder to which the rule moves or copies the message If IsObj($oAction.Folder) Then $aActions[$iIndex][4] = $oAction.Folder.Name Case $olRuleActionCcMessage, $olRuleActionForward, $olRuleActionForwardAsAttachment, $olRuleActionRedirect ; SendRuleAction object $aActions[$iIndex][3] = $oAction.Recipients ; collection that represents the recipient list for the send action Local $sRecipients For $oRecipient In $oAction.Recipients $sRecipients = $sRecipients & $oRecipient.Name & "|" Next $aActions[$iIndex][4] = StringLeft($sRecipients, StringLen($sRecipients) - 1) Case $olRuleActionMarkAsTask ; MarkAsTaskRuleAction object $aActions[$iIndex][3] = $oAction.FlagTo ; String that represents the label of the flag for the message $aActions[$iIndex][4] = $oAction.MarkInterval ; constant in the OlMarkInterval enumeration representing the interval before the task is due Case $olRuleActionNewItemAlert ; NewItemAlertRuleAction object $aActions[$iIndex][3] = $oAction.Text ; String that represents the text displayed in the new item alert dialog box Case $olRuleActionPlaySound ; PlaySoundRuleAction object $aActions[$iIndex][3] = $oAction.FilePath ; Full file path to a sound file (.wav) Case $olRuleActionClearCategories, $olRuleActionDelete, $olRuleActionDeletePermanently, _ ; Actions without additional properties $olRuleActionDesktopAlert, $olRuleActionNotifyDelivery, $olRuleActionNotifyRead, $olRuleActionStop Case $olRuleActionServerReply, $olRuleActionTemplate, $olRuleActionFlagForActionInDays, _ ; Types not yet handled by Outlook object model $olRuleActionFlagColor, $olRuleActionFlagClear, $olRuleActionImportance, $olRuleActionSensitivity, _ $olRuleActionPrint, $olRuleActionMarkRead, $olRuleActionDefer, $olRuleActionStartApplication Case Else Return SetError(1, $oAction.ActionType, "") EndSwitch $iIndex += 1 EndIf Next ReDim $aActions[$iIndex][UBound($aActions, 2)] $aActions[0][0] = $iIndex - 1 Return $aActions EndFunc ;==>_OL_RuleActionGet ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _OL_RuleActionSet ; Description ...: Adds a new or overwrites an existing action of an existing rule of the specified store. ; Syntax.........: _OL_RuleActionSet($oOL, $sStore, $sRuleName, $iRuleActionType, $bEnabled[, $sP1 = ""[, $sP2 = ""]]) ; Parameters ....: $oOL - Outlook object returned by a preceding call to _OL_Open() ; $sStore - Name of the Store where the rule will be defined. "*" = your default store ; $sRuleName - Name of the rule ; $iRuleActionType - Type of the rule action. Please see the OlRuleActionType enumeration ; $bEnabled - True sets the rule action to enabled ; $sP1 - Optional: Data to create the rule action depending on $iRuleActionType. Please check remarks for details ; $sP2 - Optional: Same as $sP1 ; Return values .: Success - Object of the added action ; Failure - Returns 0 and sets @error: ; |1 - Error accessing specified store. For details please check @extended ; |2 - Error accessing the rule collection. For details please check @extended ; |3 - Error accessing the specified rule. For details please check @extended ; |4 - Error creating the action for the specified rule. For details please check @extended ; |5 - Error saving the specified rule. For details please check @extended ; |6 - $sP1 is not an folder object for rule action type $olRuleActionMoveToFolder or $olRuleActionCopyToFolder ; |7 - Error adding a recipient. For details please check @extended ; |8 - Error resolving recipients. @extended is the 1-based number of the recipient in error ; |9 - The specified rule action is not valid for the rule type (send/receive) ; |10 - The specified wav sound file could not be found ; |11 - The specified $iRuleActionType is invalid ; |12 - The specified $iRuleActionType is not supported by the Outlook object model at the moment ; Author ........: water ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: Not all possible rule actions can be created using the COM model. ; To remove an action from a rule set $bEnabled to False. ; Remarks for different types of actions: ;+ ; $olRuleActionAssignToCategory: ; $sP1: Specify a string of categories to be assigned to the message separated by the pipe character e.g. "Birthday|Private" ;+ ; $olRuleActionMoveToFolder, $olRuleActionCopyToFolder: ; $sP1: Folder object that represents the folder to which the rule moves or copies the message ;+ ; $olRuleActionCcMessage, $olRuleActionForward, $olRuleActionForwardAsAttachment, $olRuleActionRedirect ; $sP1: collection that represents the recipient list for the send action e.g. "George Smith;John Doe" ;+ ; $olRuleActionMarkAsTask: ; $sP1: String that represents the label of the flag for the message e.g. "Very urgent!" ; $sP2: constant in the OlMarkInterval enumeration representing the interval before the task is due ;+ ; $olRuleActionNewItemAlert: ; $sP1: String that represents the text displayed in the new item alert dialog box ;+ ; $olRuleActionPlaySound: ; $sP1: Full file path to a sound file (.wav) e.g. "C:\Windows\Media\Tada.wav" ;+ ; $olRuleActionClearCategories, $olRuleActionDelete, $olRuleActionDeletePermanently, $olRuleActionDesktopAlert, ; $olRuleActionNotifyDelivery, $olRuleActionNotifyRead, $olRuleActionStop: ; No parameters need to be set ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb206764(v=office.12).aspx ; Example .......: Yes ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _OL_RuleActionSet($oOL, $sStore, $sRuleName, $iRuleActionType, $bEnabled, $sP1 = "", $sP2 = "") Local $oAction If $sStore = "*" Then $sStore = $oOL.Session.DefaultStore.DisplayName Local $oStore = $oOL.Session.Stores.Item($sStore) If @error Then Return SetError(1, @error, 0) Local $oRules = $oStore.GetRules() If @error Then Return SetError(2, @error, 0) Local $oRule = $oRules.Item($sRuleName) If @error Then Return SetError(3, @error, 0) ; Properties that apply to individual action types Switch $iRuleActionType Case $olRuleActionAssignToCategory ; AssignToCategoryRuleAction object $oAction = $oRule.Actions.AssignToCategory If @error Then Return SetError(4, @error, 0) $oAction.Enabled = $bEnabled $oAction.Categories = StringSplit($sP1, "|", 2) ; array of strings representing the categories assigned to the message SetError(0) ; Reset an error raised by StringSplit when nothing to split Case $olRuleActionMoveToFolder, $olRuleActionCopyToFolder ; MoveOrCopyRuleAction object If $oRule.RuleType = $olRuleSend And $iRuleActionType = $olRuleActionMoveToFolder Then Return SetError(9, 0, 0) If Not IsObj($sP1) Then Return SetError(6, 0, 0) If $iRuleActionType = $olRuleActionMoveToFolder Then $oAction = $oRule.Actions.MoveToFolder If $iRuleActionType = $olRuleActionCopyToFolder Then $oAction = $oRule.Actions.CopyToFolder If @error Then Return SetError(4, @error, 0) $oAction.Enabled = $bEnabled $oAction.Folder = $sP1 ; Folder object that represents the folder to which the rule moves or copies the message Case $olRuleActionCcMessage, $olRuleActionForward, $olRuleActionForwardAsAttachment, $olRuleActionRedirect ; SendRuleAction object If $oRule.RuleType = $olRuleReceive And $iRuleActionType = $olRuleActionCcMessage Then Return SetError(9, 0, 0) If $oRule.RuleType = $olRuleSend And $iRuleActionType = $olRuleActionForward Then Return SetError(9, 0, 0) If $oRule.RuleType = $olRuleSend And $iRuleActionType = $olRuleActionForwardAsAttachment Then Return SetError(9, 0, 0) If $oRule.RuleType = $olRuleSend And $iRuleActionType = $olRuleActionRedirect Then Return SetError(9, 0, 0) If $iRuleActionType = $olRuleActionCcMessage Then $oAction = $oRule.Actions.CC If $iRuleActionType = $olRuleActionForward Then $oAction = $oRule.Actions.Forward If $iRuleActionType = $olRuleActionForwardAsAttachment Then $oAction = $oRule.Actions.ForwardAsAttachment If $iRuleActionType = $olRuleActionRedirect Then $oAction = $oRule.Actions.Redirect If @error Then Return SetError(4, @error, 0) $oAction.Enabled = $bEnabled Local $aRecipients = StringSplit($sP1, ";") Local $oRecipient SetError(0) ; Reset an error raised by StringSplit when nothing to split For $iIndex = 1 To $aRecipients[0] ; collection that represents the recipient list for the send action $oRecipient = $oAction.Recipients.Add($aRecipients[$iIndex]) If @error Then Return SetError(7, @error, 0) If $oRecipient.Resolve = False Then Return SetError(8, $iIndex, 0) Next Case $olRuleActionMarkAsTask ; MarkAsTaskRuleAction object If $oRule.RuleType = $olRuleSend Then Return SetError(9, 0, 0) $oAction = $oRule.Actions.MarkAsTask If @error Then Return SetError(4, @error, 0) $oAction.Enabled = $bEnabled $oAction.FlagTo = $sP1 ; String that represents the label of the flag for the message $oAction.MarkInterval = $sP2 ; constant in the OlMarkInterval enumeration representing the interval before the task is due Case $olRuleActionNewItemAlert ; NewItemAlertRuleAction object If $oRule.RuleType = $olRuleSend Then Return SetError(9, 0, 0) $oAction = $oRule.Actions.NewItemAlert If @error Then Return SetError(4, @error, 0) $oAction.Enabled = $bEnabled $oAction.Text = $sP1 ; String that represents the text displayed in the new item alert dialog box Case $olRuleActionPlaySound ; PlaySoundRuleAction object If $oRule.RuleType = $olRuleSend Then Return SetError(9, 0, 0) If FileExists($sP1) = 0 Then Return SetError(10, 0, 0) $oAction = $oRule.Actions.PlaySound If @error Then Return SetError(4, @error, 0) $oAction.Enabled = $bEnabled $oAction.FilePath = $sP1 ; Full file path to a sound file (.wav) Case $olRuleActionClearCategories, $olRuleActionDelete, $olRuleActionDeletePermanently, _ ; Actions without additional properties $olRuleActionDesktopAlert, $olRuleActionNotifyDelivery, $olRuleActionNotifyRead, $olRuleActionStop If $oRule.RuleType = $olRuleReceive And $iRuleActionType = $olRuleActionNotifyDelivery Then Return SetError(9, 0, 0) If $oRule.RuleType = $olRuleReceive And $iRuleActionType = $olRuleActionNotifyRead Then Return SetError(9, 0, 0) If $oRule.RuleType = $olRuleSend And $iRuleActionType = $olRuleActionDelete Then Return SetError(9, 0, 0) If $oRule.RuleType = $olRuleSend And $iRuleActionType = $olRuleActionDeletePermanently Then Return SetError(9, 0, 0) If $oRule.RuleType = $olRuleSend And $iRuleActionType = $olRuleActionDesktopAlert Then Return SetError(9, 0, 0) If $iRuleActionType = $olRuleActionNotifyDelivery Then $oAction = $oRule.Actions.NotifyDelivery If $iRuleActionType = $olRuleActionNotifyRead Then $oAction = $oRule.Actions.NotifyRead If $iRuleActionType = $olRuleActionDelete Then $oAction = $oRule.Actions.Delete If $iRuleActionType = $olRuleActionDeletePermanently Then $oAction = $oRule.Actions.DeletePermanently If $iRuleActionType = $olRuleActionDesktopAlert Then $oAction = $oRule.Actions.DesktopAlert If @error Then Return SetError(4, @error, 0) $oAction.Enabled = $bEnabled Case $olRuleActionServerReply, $olRuleActionTemplate, $olRuleActionFlagForActionInDays, _ ; Types not yet handled by Outlook object model $olRuleActionFlagColor, $olRuleActionFlagClear, $olRuleActionImportance, $olRuleActionSensitivity, _ $olRuleActionPrint, $olRuleActionMarkRead, $olRuleActionDefer, $olRuleActionStartApplication Return SetError(12, $iRuleActionType, 0) Case Else Return SetError(11, $iRuleActionType, 0) EndSwitch ; Update the server $oRules.Save If @error Then Return SetError(5, @error, 0) Return $oAction EndFunc ;==>_OL_RuleActionSet ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _OL_RuleAdd ; Description ...: Adds a new rule to the specified store. ; Syntax.........: _OL_RuleAdd($oOL, $sStore, $sRuleName[, $bEnabled = True[, $iRuleType = $olRuleReceive[, $iExecutionOrder = 0]]]) ; Parameters ....: $oOL - Outlook object returned by a preceding call to _OL_Open() ; $sStore - Name of the Store where the rule will be defined. "*" = your default store ; $sRuleName - Name of the rule ; $bEnabled - Optional: True sets the rule to enabled (default = True) ; $iRuleType - Optional: Can be $olRuleSend or $olRuleReceive (default = $olRuleReceive) ; $iExecutionOrder - Optional: Integer indicating the order of execution of the rule among other rules (default = 1) ; Return values .: Success - Object of the created rule ; Failure - Returns 0 and sets @error: ; |1 - Rule already exists for the specified store ; |2 - Error returned by method .GetRules. For more information check @extended ; |3 - Error creating the rule. For more information check @extended ; |4 - Error saving the rule collection. For more information check @extended ; Author ........: water ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: A newly added rule is always a client rule till you add actions which can be executed on the server ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: http://www.outlookpower.com/issues/issue200904/00002353001.html ; Example .......: Yes ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _OL_RuleAdd($oOL, $sStore, $sRuleName, $bEnabled = True, $iRuleType = $olRuleReceive, $iExecutionOrder = 1) If $sStore = "*" Then $sStore = $oOL.Session.DefaultStore.DisplayName Local $oRules = $oOL.Session.Stores.Item($sStore).GetRules If @error Then Return SetError(2, @error, 0) For $oRule In $oRules If $oRule.Name = $sRuleName Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) Next $oRule = $oRules.Create($sRuleName, $iRuleType) If @error Then Return SetError(3, @error, 0) $oRule.Enabled = $bEnabled $oRule.ExecutionOrder = $iExecutionOrder $oRules.Save If @error Then Return SetError(4, @error, 0) Return $oRule EndFunc ;==>_OL_RuleAdd ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _OL_RuleConditionGet ; Description ...: Returns all conditions or condition exceptions for a specified rule. ; Syntax.........: _OL_RuleConditionGet($oRule[, $bEnabled = True[, $bExceptions = False]]) ; Parameters ....: $oRule - Rule object returned by a preceding call to _OL_RuleGet in element 0 ; $bEnabled - Optional: Only returns enabled conditions if set to True (default = True) ; $bExceptions - Optional: Only returns defined exceptions to the conditions if set to True (default = False) ; Return values .: Success - two-dimensional one based array with the following information: ; Elements 0 - 2 are the same for every condition type. The other elements (if any) depend on the condition type. ; |0 - OlRuleConditionType constant indicating the type of condition that is taken by the rule condition ; |1 - OlObjectClass constant indicating the class of the rule condition ; |2 - True if the condition is enabled ; |AccountRuleCondition ; |3 - Account object that represents the account used to evaluate the rule condition ; |AddressRuleCondition ; |3 - array of strings to evaluate the address rule condition ; |CategoryRuleCondition ; |3 - array of strings representing the categories evaluated by the rule condition ; |FormNameRuleCondition ; |3 - array of form identifiers ; |FromRssFeedRuleCondition ; |3 - array of String elements that represent the RSS subscriptions ; |ImportanceRuleCondition ; |3 - OlImportance constant indicating the relative level of importance for the message ; |SenderInAddressListRuleCondition ; |3 - AddressList object that represents the address list ; |4 - Name of the addresslist object ; |TextRuleCondition ; |3 - array of String elements that represents the text to be evaluated ; |ToOrFromRuleCondition ; |3 - collection that represents the recipient list for the evaluation of the rule condition ; |4 - Recipients (string) separated by the pipe character ; Failure - Returns "" and sets @error: ; |1 - The ConditionType can not be handled by this function. @extended contains the ConditionType in error ; Author ........: water ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: Yes ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _OL_RuleConditionGet($oRule, $bEnabled = True, $bExceptions = False) Local $iIndex = 1 Local $oConditionOrException = $oRule.Conditions If $bExceptions = True Then $oConditionOrException = $oRule.Exceptions Local $aConditions[$oConditionOrException.Count + 1][5] = [[$oConditionOrException.Count, 5]] For $oObject In $oConditionOrException If $bEnabled = False Or $oObject.Enabled = True Then ; Properties that apply to all condition types $aConditions[$iIndex][0] = $oObject.ConditionType $aConditions[$iIndex][1] = $oObject.Class $aConditions[$iIndex][2] = $oObject.Enabled ; Properties that apply to individual condition types Switch $oObject.ConditionType Case $olConditionAccount ; AccountRuleCondition object $aConditions[$iIndex][3] = $oObject.Account ; Account object that represents the account used to evaluate the rule condition Case $olConditionRecipientAddress, $olConditionSenderAddress ; AddressRuleCondition object Local $aAddress = $oObject.Address ; array of strings to evaluate the address rule condition $aConditions[$iIndex][3] = _ArrayToString($aAddress) Case $olConditionCategory ; CategoryRuleCondition object Local $aCategories = $oObject.Categories ; array of strings representing the categories evaluated by the rule condition $aConditions[$iIndex][3] = _ArrayToString($aCategories) Case $olConditionFormName ; FormNameRuleCondition object Local $aForms = $oObject.FormName ; array of form identifiers $aConditions[$iIndex][3] = _ArrayToString($aForms) Case $olConditionFromRssFeed ; FromRssFeedRuleCondition object Local $aFeeds = $oObject.FromRssFeed ; array of String elements that represent the RSS subscriptions $aConditions[$iIndex][3] = _ArrayToString($aFeeds) Case $olConditionImportance ; ImportanceRuleCondition object $aConditions[$iIndex][3] = $oObject.Importance ; OlImportance constant indicating the relative level of importance for the message Case $olConditionSenderInAddressBook ; SenderInAddressListRuleCondition object $aConditions[$iIndex][3] = $oObject.AddressList ; AddressList object that represents the address list If IsObj($oObject.AddressList) Then $aConditions[$iIndex][4] = $oObject.AddressList.Name Case $olConditionBody, $olConditionBodyOrSubject, $olConditionMessageHeader, $olConditionSubject ; TextRuleCondition object Local $aText = $oObject.Text ; array of String elements that represents the text to be evaluated $aConditions[$iIndex][3] = _ArrayToString($aText) ; Conditions that the Rules object model supports for rules created by the Wizard but not for those created by the object model Case $olConditionSentTo, $olConditionFrom ; ToOrFromRuleCondition object $aConditions[$iIndex][3] = $oObject.Recipients Local $sRecipients For $oRecipient In $oObject.Recipients $sRecipients = $sRecipients & $oRecipient.Name & "|" Next $aConditions[$iIndex][4] = StringLeft($sRecipients, StringLen($sRecipients) - 1) Case $olConditionAnyCategory, $olConditionCc, $olConditionFromAnyRssFeed, $olConditionHasAttachment, _ ; Conditions without additional properties $olConditionLocalMachineOnly, $olConditionMeetingInviteOrUpdate, $olConditionNotTo, $olConditionOnlyToMe, _ $olConditionOtherMachine, $olConditionTo, $olConditionToOrCc Case $olConditionSensitivity, $olConditionFlaggedForAction, $olConditionOOF, $olConditionSizeRange, _ ; Types not yet handled by Outlook object model $olConditionDateRange, $olConditionProperty Case Else Return SetError(1, $oObject.ConditionType, "") EndSwitch $iIndex += 1 EndIf Next ReDim $aConditions[$iIndex][UBound($aConditions, 2)] $aConditions[0][0] = $iIndex - 1 Return $aConditions EndFunc ;==>_OL_RuleConditionGet ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _OL_RuleConditionSet ; Description ...: Adds a new or overwrites an existing condition or condition exception to an existing rule of the specified store. ; Syntax.........: _OL_RuleConditionSet($oOL, $sStore, $sRuleName, $iRuleConditionType, $bEnabled[, $sP1 = ""]) ; Parameters ....: $oOL - Outlook object returned by a preceding call to _OL_Open() ; $sStore - Name of the Store where the rule will be defined. "*" = your default store ; $sRuleName - Name of the rule ; $iRuleConditionType - Type of the rule condition. Please see the OlRuleCOnditionType enumeration ; $bEnabled - Optional: True sets the rule condition to enabled (default = True) ; $bExceptions - Optional: Sets exceptions to the rule conditions if set to True (default = False) ; $sP1 - Optional: Data to create the rule condition depending on $iRuleConditionType ; Return values .: Success - Object of the added condition ; Failure - Returns 0 and sets @error: ; |1 - Error accessing specified store. For details please check @extended ; |2 - Error accessing the rule collection. For details please check @extended ; |3 - Error accessing the specified rule. For details please check @extended ; |4 - Error creating the condition for the specified rule. For details please check @extended ; |5 - Error saving the specified rule. For details please check @extended ; |6 - The specified rule condition is not valid for the rule type (send/receive) ; |7 - Error adding a recipient. For details please check @extended ; |8 - Error resolving recipients. @extended is the 1-based number of the recipient in error ; |9 - The specified $iRuleConditionType is invalid ; |10 - The specified $iRuleConditionType is not supported by the Outlook object model at the moment ; Author ........: water ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: Not all possible rule conditions can be created using the COM model. ; To remove an action from a rule set $bEnabled to False. ; Remarks for different types of conditions: ;+ ; $olConditionAccount: ; $sP1: Account object that represents the account used to evaluate the rule condition ;+ ; $olConditionBody, $olConditionBodyOrSubject, $olConditionMessageHeader, $olConditionSubject: ; $sP1: Specify a string of elements that represent the text to be evaluated separated by the pipe character e.g. "Vacation|return" ;+ ; $olConditionCategory: ; $sP1: Specify a string of elements that represent the categories separated by the pipe character e.g. "Birthday|Private" ;+ ; $olConditionFormName: ; $sP1: Specify a string of form identifiers to be evaluated by the rule condition separated by the pipe character ;+ ; $olConditionFrom, $olConditionSentTo: ; $sP1: Specify a string of elements that represents the recipient list separated by ";" e.g. "George Smith;John Doe" ;+ ; $olFromRSSFeed: ; $sP1: Specify a string of elements that represent the RSS subscriptions separated by the pipe character ;+ ; $olConditionImportance: ; $sP1: OlImportance constant indicating the relative level of importance ;+ ; $olConditionRecipientAddress, $olConditionSenderAddress: ; $sP1: Specify a string of elements to evaluate the address rule condition separated by ";" ;+ ; $olConditionSenderInAddressList: ; $sP1: AddressList object that represents the address list used to evaluate the rule condition ;+ ; $olConditionAnyCategory, $olConditionCC, $olConditionFromAnyRSSFeed, $olConditionHasAttachment, $olConditionMeetingInviteOrUpdate, ; $olConditionNotTo, $olConditionLocalMachineOnly, $olConditionOnlyToMe, $olConditionTo, $olConditionToOrCC: ; No parameters need to be set ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb206766(v=office.12).aspx ; Example .......: Yes ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _OL_RuleConditionSet($oOL, $sStore, $sRuleName, $iRuleConditionType, $bEnabled = True, $bExceptions = False, $sP1 = "") Local $oObject If $sStore = "*" Then $sStore = $oOL.Session.DefaultStore.DisplayName Local $oStore = $oOL.Session.Stores.Item($sStore) If @error Then Return SetError(1, @error, 0) Local $oRules = $oStore.GetRules() If @error Then Return SetError(2, @error, 0) Local $oRule = $oRules.Item($sRuleName) If @error Then Return SetError(3, @error, 0) Local $oConditionOrException = $oRule.Conditions If $bExceptions = True Then $oConditionOrException = $oRule.Exceptions ; Properties that apply to individual condition types Switch $iRuleConditionType Case $olConditionAccount ; AccountRuleCondition object $oObject = $oConditionOrException.Account If @error Then Return SetError(4, @error, 0) $oObject.Enabled = $bEnabled $oObject.Account = $sP1 ; Account object that represents the account used to evaluate the rule condition Case $olConditionBody, $olConditionBodyOrSubject, $olConditionMessageHeader, $olConditionSubject ; TextRuleCondition object If $oRule.RuleType = $olRuleSend And $iRuleConditionType = $olConditionMessageHeader Then Return SetError(6, 0, 0) If $iRuleConditionType = $olConditionBody Then $oObject = $oConditionOrException.Body If $iRuleConditionType = $olConditionBodyOrSubject Then $oObject = $oConditionOrException.BodyOrSubject If $iRuleConditionType = $olConditionMessageHeader Then $oObject = $oConditionOrException.MessageHeader If $iRuleConditionType = $olConditionSubject Then $oObject = $oConditionOrException.Subject If @error Then Return SetError(4, @error, 0) $oObject.Enabled = $bEnabled $oObject.Text = StringSplit($sP1, "|", 2) ; array of string elements that represents the text to be evaluated SetError(0) ; Reset an error raised by StringSplit when nothing to split Case $olConditionCategory ; CategoryRuleCondition object $oObject = $oConditionOrException.Category If @error Then Return SetError(4, @error, 0) $oObject.Enabled = $bEnabled $oObject.Categories = StringSplit($sP1, "|", 2) ; array of strings representing the categories assigned to the message SetError(0) ; Reset an error raised by StringSplit when nothing to split Case $olConditionFormName ; FormNameRuleCondition object $oObject = $oConditionOrException.FormName If @error Then Return SetError(4, @error, 0) $oObject.Enabled = $bEnabled $oObject.FormName = StringSplit($sP1, "|", 2) ; represents an array of form identifiers to be evaluated by the rule condition SetError(0) ; Reset an error raised by StringSplit when nothing to split Case $olConditionFrom, $olConditionSentTo ; ToOrFromRuleCondition object If $oRule.RuleType = $olRuleSend And $iRuleConditionType = $olConditionFrom Then Return SetError(6, 0, 0) If $iRuleConditionType = $olConditionFrom Then $oObject = $oConditionOrException.From If $iRuleConditionType = $olConditionFrom Then $oObject = $oConditionOrException.SentTo If @error Then Return SetError(4, @error, 0) $oObject.Enabled = $bEnabled Local $aRecipients = StringSplit($sP1, ";") Local $oRecipient SetError(0) ; Reset an error raised by StringSplit when nothing to split For $iIndex = 1 To $aRecipients[0] ; collection that represents the recipient list $oRecipient = $oObject.Recipients.Add($aRecipients[$iIndex]) If @error Then Return SetError(7, @error, 0) If $oRecipient.Resolve = False Then Return SetError(8, $iIndex, 0) Next Case $olConditionFromRssFeed ; FromRSSFeedRuleCondition object If $oRule.RuleType = $olRuleSend Then Return SetError(6, 0, 0) $oObject = $oConditionOrException.FromRSSFeed If @error Then Return SetError(4, @error, 0) $oObject.Enabled = $bEnabled $oObject.FromRSSFeed = StringSplit($sP1, "|", 2) ; array of string elements that represent the RSS subscriptions SetError(0) ; Reset an error raised by StringSplit when nothing to split Case $olConditionImportance ; ImportanceRuleCondition object $oObject = $oConditionOrException.Importance If @error Then Return SetError(4, @error, 0) $oObject.Enabled = $bEnabled $oObject.Importance = $sP1 ; OlImportance constant indicating the relative level of importance Case $olConditionRecipientAddress, $olConditionSenderAddress ; AddressRuleCondition object If $oRule.RuleType = $olRuleSend And $iRuleConditionType = $olConditionSenderAddress Then Return SetError(6, 0, 0) If $iRuleConditionType = $olConditionRecipientAddress Then $oObject = $oConditionOrException.RecipientAddress If $iRuleConditionType = $olConditionSenderAddress Then $oObject = $oConditionOrException.SenderAddress If @error Then Return SetError(4, @error, 0) $oObject.Enabled = $bEnabled $oObject.Address = StringSplit($sP1, ";", 2) ; array of string elements to evaluate the address rule condition SetError(0) ; Reset an error raised by StringSplit when nothing to split Case $olConditionSenderInAddressBook ; SenderInAddressListRuleCondition object If $oRule.RuleType = $olRuleSend Then Return SetError(6, 0, 0) $oObject = $oConditionOrException.SenderInAddressList If @error Then Return SetError(4, @error, 0) $oObject.Enabled = $bEnabled $oObject.AddressList = $sP1 ; AddressList object that represents the address list used to evaluate the rule condition Case $olConditionAnyCategory, $olConditionCc, $olConditionFromAnyRssFeed, $olConditionHasAttachment, _ ; Conditions without additional properties $olConditionMeetingInviteOrUpdate, $olConditionNotTo, $olConditionLocalMachineOnly, $olConditionOnlyToMe, $olConditionTo, _ $olConditionToOrCc If $oRule.RuleType = $olRuleSend And $iRuleConditionType = $olConditionFromAnyRssFeed Then Return SetError(6, 0, 0) If $oRule.RuleType = $olRuleSend And $iRuleConditionType = $olConditionNotTo Then Return SetError(6, 0, 0) If $oRule.RuleType = $olRuleSend And $iRuleConditionType = $olConditionOnlyToMe Then Return SetError(6, 0, 0) If $oRule.RuleType = $olRuleSend And $iRuleConditionType = $olConditionTo Then Return SetError(6, 0, 0) If $oRule.RuleType = $olRuleSend And $iRuleConditionType = $olConditionToOrCc Then Return SetError(6, 0, 0) If $iRuleConditionType = $olConditionAnyCategory Then $oObject = $oConditionOrException.AnyCategory If $iRuleConditionType = $olConditionCc Then $oObject = $oConditionOrException.CC If $iRuleConditionType = $olConditionFromAnyRssFeed Then $oObject = $oConditionOrException.FromAnyRSSFeed If $iRuleConditionType = $olConditionHasAttachment Then $oObject = $oConditionOrException.HasAttachment If $iRuleConditionType = $olConditionMeetingInviteOrUpdate Then $oObject = $oConditionOrException.MeetingInviteOrUpdate If $iRuleConditionType = $olConditionNotTo Then $oObject = $oConditionOrException.NotTo If $iRuleConditionType = $olConditionLocalMachineOnly Then $oObject = $oConditionOrException.OnLocalMachine If $iRuleConditionType = $olConditionOnlyToMe Then $oObject = $oConditionOrException.OnlyToMe If $iRuleConditionType = $olConditionTo Then $oObject = $oConditionOrException.ToMe If $iRuleConditionType = $olConditionToOrCc Then $oObject = $oConditionOrException.ToOrCC If @error Then Return SetError(4, @error, 0) $oObject.Enabled = $bEnabled Case $olConditionDateRange, $olConditionFlaggedForAction, $olConditionOOF, $olConditionOtherMachine, _ ; Types not yet handled by Outlook object model $olConditionProperty, $olConditionSensitivity, $olConditionSizeRange, $olConditionUnknown Return SetError(10, $iRuleConditionType, 0) Case Else Return SetError(9, $iRuleConditionType, 0) EndSwitch ; Update the server $oRules.Save If @error Then Return SetError(5, @error, 0) Return $oObject EndFunc ;==>_OL_RuleConditionSet ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _OL_RuleDelete ; Description ...: Deletes a rule from the specified store. ; Syntax.........: _OL_RuleDelete($oOL, $sStore, $sRuleName) ; Parameters ....: $oOL - Outlook object returned by a preceding call to _OL_Open() ; $sStore - Name of the Store where the rule will be deleted from. "*" = your default store ; $sRuleName - Name of the rule to be deleted ; Return values .: Success - 1 ; Failure - Returns 0 and sets @error: ; |1 - Rule doesn't exist in the specified store ; |2 - Error returned by method .GetRules. For more information check @extended ; |3 - Error deleting the rule. For more information check @extended ; |4 - Error saving the changed rules. For details please check @extended ; Author ........: water ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: Yes ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _OL_RuleDelete($oOL, $sStore, $sRuleName) If $sStore = "*" Then $sStore = $oOL.Session.DefaultStore.DisplayName Local $oRules = $oOL.Session.Stores.Item($sStore).GetRules If @error Then Return SetError(2, @error, 0) Local $bFound = False For $oRule In $oRules If $oRule.Name = $sRuleName Then $bFound = True Next If $bFound = False Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) $oRules.Remove($sRuleName) If @error Then Return SetError(3, @error, 0) ; Update the server $oRules.Save If @error Then Return SetError(4, @error, 0) Return 1 EndFunc ;==>_OL_RuleDelete ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _OL_RuleExecute ; Description ...: Applies a rule as an one-off operation. ; Syntax.........: _OL_RuleExecute($oOL, $sStore, $sRuleName, $oFolder[, $bIncludeSubfolders = False[, $iExecuteOption = $olRuleExecuteAllMessages[, $bShowProgress = False]]]) ; Parameters ....: $oOL - Outlook object returned by a preceding call to _OL_Open() ; $sStore - Name of the Store where the rule will be deleted from. "*" = your default store ; $sRuleName - Name of the rule to be deleted ; $oFolder - Object of the folder to which to apply the rule ; $bIncludeSubfolders - Optional: Subfolders will be included if set to True (default = False) ; $iExecuteOption - Optional: Specifies the type of messages in the specified folder or folders that a rule should be applied to (default = $olRuleExecuteAllMessages) ; $bShowProgress - Optional: When set to True displays the progress dialog box when the rule is executed (default = False) ; Return values .: Success - 1 ; Failure - Returns 0 and sets @error: ; |1 - Rule doesn't exist in the specified store ; |2 - Error returned by method .GetRules. For more information check @extended ; |3 - Error executing the rule. For more information check @extended ; |4 - $oFolder is not of type object ; Author ........: water ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: Yes ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _OL_RuleExecute($oOL, $sStore, $sRuleName, $oFolder, $bIncludeSubfolders = False, $iExecuteOption = $olRuleExecuteAllMessages, $bShowProgress = False) If $sStore = "*" Then $sStore = $oOL.Session.DefaultStore.DisplayName Local $oRules = $oOL.Session.Stores.Item($sStore).GetRules If @error Then Return SetError(2, @error, 0) If Not IsObj($oFolder) Then Return SetError(4, 0, 0) Local $bFound = False For $oRule In $oRules If $oRule.Name = $sRuleName Then $bFound = True ExitLoop EndIf Next If $bFound = False Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) $oRule.Execute($bShowProgress, $oFolder, $bIncludeSubfolders, $iExecuteOption) If @error Then Return SetError(3, @error, 0) Return 1 EndFunc ;==>_OL_RuleExecute ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _OL_RuleGet ; Description ...: Returns a list of rules for the specified store. ; Syntax.........: _OL_RuleGet($oOL[, sOL_Store = "*" [, $bEnabled = True]]) ; Parameters ....: $oOL - Outlook object returned by a preceding call to _OL_Open() ; $sStore - Optional: Store to query for rules. Use "*" to denote the default store or specify the name of another store (default = "*") ; $bEnabled - Optional: Only returns enabled rules if set to True (default = True) ; Return values .: Success - two-dimensional one based array with the following information: ; |0 - Rule object ; |1 - Boolean value that determines if the rule is to be applied ; |2 - Integer indicating the order of execution of the rule in the rules collection ; |3 - Boolean value that indicates if the rule executes as a client-side rule ; |4 - String representing the name of the rule ; |5 - Constant from the OlRuleType enumeration indicating if the rule applies to messages being sent or received ; Failure - Returns "" and sets @error: ; |1 - No rules found for the specified store ; |2 - Error returned by method .GetRules. For more information check @extended ; Author ........: water ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: Yes ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _OL_RuleGet($oOL, $sStore = "*", $bEnabled = True) If $sStore = "*" Then $sStore = $oOL.Session.DefaultStore.DisplayName Local $oRules = $oOL.Session.Stores.Item($sStore).GetRules If @error Then Return SetError(2, @error, "") If $oRules.Count = 0 Then Return SetError(1, 0, "") Local $aRules[$oRules.Count + 1][6] = [[$oRules.Count, 6]] Local $iIndex = 1 For $oRule In $oRules If $bEnabled = False Or $oRule.Enabled = True Then $aRules[$iIndex][0] = $oRule $aRules[$iIndex][1] = $oRule.Enabled $aRules[$iIndex][2] = $oRule.ExecutionOrder $aRules[$iIndex][3] = $oRule.IsLocalRule $aRules[$iIndex][4] = $oRule.Name $aRules[$iIndex][5] = $oRule.RuleType $iIndex += 1 EndIf Next ReDim $aRules[$iIndex][UBound($aRules, 2)] $aRules[0][0] = $iIndex - 1 Return $aRules EndFunc ;==>_OL_RuleGet ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _OL_StoreGet ; Description ...: Returns information about the Stores in the current profile. ; Syntax.........: _OL_StoreGet($oOL) ; Parameters ....: $oOL - Outlook object returned by a preceding call to _OL_Open() ; Return values .: Success - two-dimensional one based array with the following information: ; |0 - display name of the Store object ; |1 - Constant in the OlExchangeStoreType enumeration that indicates the type of an Exchange store ; |2 - Full file path for a Personal Folders File (.pst) or an Offline Folder File (.ost) store ; |3 - True if the store is a cached Exchange store ; |4 - True if the store is a store for an Outlook data file (Personal Folders File (.pst) or Offline Folder File (.ost)) ; |5 - True if Instant Search is enabled and operational ; |6 - True if the Store is open ; |7 - String identifying the Store ; |8 - True if the OOF (Out Of Office) is set for this store ; Failure - Returns "" and sets @error: ; |1 - Function is only supported for Outlook 2007 and later ; Author ........: water ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: This function only works for Outlook 2007 and later. ; It always returns a valid filepath for PST files where function _OL_PSTGet might not (hebrew characters in filename etc.) ; + ; A store object represents a file on the local computer or a network drive that stores e-mail messages and other items. ; If you use an Exchange server, you can have a store on the server, in an Exchange Public folder, or on a local computer ; in a Personal Folders File (.pst) or Offline Folder File (.ost). ; For a POP3, IMAP, and HTTP e-mail server, a store is a .pst file. ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: Yes ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _OL_StoreGet($oOL) Local $aVersion = StringSplit($oOL.Version, '.') If Int($aVersion[1]) < 12 Then Return SetError(1, 0, "") Local $iIndex = 0 Local $aStore[$oOL.Session.Stores.Count + 1][9] = [[$oOL.Session.Stores.Count, 9]] For $oStore In $oOL.Session.Stores $iIndex = $iIndex + 1 $aStore[$iIndex][0] = $oStore.DisplayName $aStore[$iIndex][1] = $oStore.ExchangeStoreType $aStore[$iIndex][2] = $oStore.FilePath $aStore[$iIndex][3] = $oStore.IsCachedExchange $aStore[$iIndex][4] = $oStore.IsDataFileStore $aStore[$iIndex][5] = $oStore.IsInstantSearchEnabled $aStore[$iIndex][6] = $oStore.IsOpen $aStore[$iIndex][7] = $oStore.StoreId If $oStore.ExchangeStoreType = $olExchangeMailbox Or $oStore.ExchangeStoreType = $olPrimaryExchangeMailbox Then $aStore[$iIndex][8] = $oStore.PropertyAccessor.GetProperty("http://schemas.microsoft.com/mapi/proptag/0x661D000B") EndIf Next Return $aStore EndFunc ;==>_OL_StoreGet ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _OL_VersionInfo ; Description ...: Returns an array of information about the OutlookEX.au3 UDF. ; Syntax.........: _OL_VersionInfo() ; Parameters ....: None ; Return values .: Success - one-dimensional one based array with the following information: ; |1 - Release Type (T=Test or V=Production) ; |2 - Major Version ; |3 - Minor Version ; |4 - Sub Version ; |5 - Release Date (YYYYMMDD) ; |6 - AutoIt version required ; |7 - List of authors separated by "," ; |8 - List of contributors separated by "," ; Author ........: water ; Modified.......: ; Remarks .......: Based on function _IE_VersionInfo written bei Dale Hohm ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: Yes ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _OL_VersionInfo() Local $aVersionInfo[9] = [8, "V", 0, 9, 0, "20121007", "", "wooltown, water", _ "progandy (CSV functions), Ultima, PsaltyDS (basis of the __OL_ArrayConcatenate function)"] Return $aVersionInfo EndFunc ;==>_OL_VersionInfo ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _OL_Wrapper_CreateAppointment ; Description ...: Creates an appointment (wrapper function). ; Syntax.........: _OL_Wrapper_CreateAppointment($oOL, $sSubject, $sStartDate[, $vEndDate = ""[, $sLocation = ""[, $bAllDayEvent = False[, $sBody = ""[, $sReminder = 15[, $sShowTimeAs = ""[, $iImportance = ""[, $iSensitivity = ""[, $iRecurrenceType = ""[, $sPatternStartDate = ""[, $sPatternEndDate = ""[, $iInterval = ""[, $iDayOfWeekMask = ""[, $iDay_MonthOfMonth_Year = ""[, $iInstance = ""]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]) ; Parameters ....: $oOL - Outlook object returned by a preceding call to _OL_Open() ; $sSubject - The Subject of the Appointment. ; $sStartDate - Start date & time of the Appointment, format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM - or what is set locally. ; $vEndDate - Optional: End date & time of the Appointment, format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM - or what is set locally OR ; Number of minutes. If not set 30 minutes is used. ; $sLocation - Optional: The location where the meeting is going to take place. ; $bAllDayEvent - Optional: True or False(default), if set to True and the appointment is lasting for more than one day, end Date ; must be one day higher than the actual end Date. ; $sBody - Optional: The Body of the Appointment. ; $sReminder - Optional: Reminder in Minutes before start, 0 for no reminder ; $sShowTimeAs - Optional: $olBusy=2 (default), $olFree=0, $olOutOfOffice=3, $olTentative=1 ; $iImportance - Optional: $olImportanceNormal=1 (default), $olImportanceHigh=2, $olImportanceLow=0 ; $iSensitivity - Optional: $olNormal=0, $olPersonal=1, $olPrivate=2, $olConfidential=3 ; $iRecurrenceType - Optional: $olRecursDaily=0, $olRecursWeekly=1, $olRecursMonthly=2, $olRecursMonthNth=3, $olRecursYearly=5, $olRecursYearNth=6 ; $sPatternStartDate - Optional: Start Date of the Reccurent Appointment, format YYYY-MM-DD - or what is set locally. ; $sPatternEndDate - Optional: End Date of the Reccurent Appointment, format YYYY-MM-DD - or what is set locally. ; $iInterval - Optional: Interval between the Reccurent Appointment ; $iDayOfWeekMask - Optional: Add the values of the days the appointment shall occur. $olSunday=1, $olMonday=2, $olTuesday=4, $olWednesday=8, $olThursday=16, $olFriday=32, $olSaturday=64 ; $iDay_MonthOfMonth_Year - Optional: DayOfMonth or MonthOfYear, Day of the month or month of the year on which the recurring appointment or task occurs ; $iInstance - Optional: This property is only valid for recurrences of the $olRecursMonthNth and $olRecursYearNth type and allows the definition of a recurrence pattern that is only valid for the Nth occurrence, such as "the 2nd Sunday in March" pattern. The count is set numerically: 1 for the first, 2 for the second, and so on through 5 for the last. Values greater than 5 will generate errors when the pattern is saved. ; Return values .: Success - Object of the appointment ; Failure - Returns 0 and sets @error: ; |1 - $sStartDate is invalid ; |2 - $sBody is missing ; |4 - $sTo, $sCc and $sBCc are missing ; |1xxx - Error returned by function _OL_FolderAccess ; |2xxx - Error returned by function _OL_ItemCreate ; |3xxx - Error returned by function _OL_ItemModify ; |4xxx - Error returned by function _OL_ItemRecurrenceSet ; Author ........: water ; Modified.......: ; Remarks .......: This is a wrapper function to simplify creating an appointment. If you have to set more properties etc. you have to do all steps yourself ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: Yes ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _OL_Wrapper_CreateAppointment($oOL, $sSubject, $sStartDate, $vEndDate = "", $sLocation = "", $bAllDayEvent = False, $sBody = "", $sReminder = 15, $sShowTimeAs = "", $iImportance = "", $iSensitivity = "", $iRecurrenceType = "", $sPatternStartDate = "", $sPatternEndDate = "", $iInterval = "", $iDayOfWeekMask = "", $iDay_MonthOfMonth_Year = "", $iInstance = "") If Not _DateIsValid($sStartDate) Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) Local $sEnd, $oItem ; Access the default calendar Local $aFolder = _OL_FolderAccess($oOL, "", $olFolderCalendar) If @error Then Return SetError(@error + 1000, @extended, 0) ; Create an appointment item in the default calendar and set properties If _DateIsValid($vEndDate) Then $sEnd = "End=" & $vEndDate Else $sEnd = "Duration=" & Number($vEndDate) EndIf $oItem = _OL_ItemCreate($oOL, $olAppointmentItem, $aFolder[1], "", "Subject=" & $sSubject, "Location=" & $sLocation, "AllDayEvent=" & $bAllDayEvent, _ "Start=" & $sStartDate, "Body=" & $sBody, "Importance=" & $iImportance, "BusyStatus=" & $sShowTimeAs, $sEnd, "Sensitivity=" & $iSensitivity) If @error Then Return SetError(@error + 2000, @extended, 0) ; Set reminder properties If $sReminder <> 0 Then $oItem = _OL_ItemModify($oOL, $oItem, Default, "ReminderSet=True", "ReminderMinutesBeforeStart=" & $sReminder) If @error Then Return SetError(@error + 3000, @extended, 0) Else $oItem = _OL_ItemModify($oOL, $oItem, Default, "ReminderSet=False") If @error Then Return SetError(@error + 3000, @extended, 0) EndIf ; Set recurrence $iDayOfWeekMask = "" If $iRecurrenceType <> "" Then Local $sSDate, $sSTime, $sEDate, $sETime $sSDate = StringLeft($sPatternStartDate, 10) $sSTime = StringStripWS(StringMid($sPatternStartDate, 11), 3) $sEDate = StringLeft($sPatternEndDate, 10) $sETime = StringStripWS(StringMid($sPatternEndDate, 11), 3) If $iDayOfWeekMask <> "" Then $iDay_MonthOfMonth_Year = $iDayOfWeekMask $oItem = _OL_ItemRecurrenceSet($oOL, $oItem, Default, $sSDate, $sSTime, $sEDate, $sETime, $iRecurrenceType, $iDay_MonthOfMonth_Year, $iInterval, $iInstance) If @error Then Return SetError(@error + 4000, @extended, 0) EndIf Return $oItem EndFunc ;==>_OL_Wrapper_CreateAppointment ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _OL_Wrapper_SendMail ; Description ...: Creatse and sends a mail (wrapper function). ; Syntax.........: _OL_Wrapper_SendMail($oOL[, $sTo = ""[, $sCc= ""[, $sBCc = ""[, $sSubject = ""[, $sBody = ""[, $sAttachments = ""[, $iBodyFormat = $olFormatUnspecified[, $iImportance = $olImportanceNormal]]]]]]]]) ; Parameters ....: $oOL - Outlook object returned by a preceding call to _OL_Open() ; $sTo - Optional: The recipiant(s), separated by ; ; $sCc - Optional: The CC recipiant(s) of the mail, separated by ; ; $sBCc - Optional: The BCC recipiant(s) of the mail, separated by ; ; $sSubject - Optional: The Subject of the mail ; $sBody - Optional: The Body of the mail ; $sAttachments - Optional: Attachments, separated by ; ; $iBodyFormat - Optional: The Bodyformat of the mail as defined by the OlBodyFormat enumeration (default = $olFormatUnspecified) ; $iImportance - Optional: The Importance of the mail as defined by the OlImportance enumeration (default = $olImportanceNormal) ; Return values .: Success - Object of the sent mail ; Failure - Returns 0 and sets @error: ; |1 - $iBodyFormat is not a number ; |2 - $sBody is missing ; |4 - $sTo, $sCc and $sBCc are missing ; |1xxx - Error returned by function _OL_FolderAccess ; |2xxx - Error returned by function _OL_ItemCreate ; |3xxx - Error returned by function _OL_ItemModify ; |4xxx - Error returned by function _OL_ItemRecipientAdd ; |5xxx - Error returned by function _OL_ItemAttachmentAdd ; |6xxx - Error returned by function _OL_ItemSend ; Author ........: water ; Modified.......: ; Remarks .......: This is a wrapper function to simplify sending an email. If you have to set more properties etc. you have to do all steps yourself ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: Yes ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _OL_Wrapper_SendMail($oOL, $sTo = "", $sCc = "", $sBCc = "", $sSubject = "", $sBody = "", $sAttachments = "", $iBodyFormat = $olFormatPlain, $iImportance = $olImportanceNormal) If Not IsInt($iBodyFormat) Then SetError(1, 0, 0) If StringStripWS($sBody, 3) = "" Then SetError(2, 0, 0) If StringStripWS($sTo, 3) = "" And StringStripWS($sCc, 3) = "" And StringStripWS($sBCc, 3) = "" Then SetError(3, 0, 0) ; Access the default outbox folder Local $aFolder = _OL_FolderAccess($oOL, "", $olFolderOutbox) If @error Then Return SetError(@error + 1000, @extended, 0) ; Create a mail item in the default folder Local $oItem = _OL_ItemCreate($oOL, $olMailItem, $aFolder[1], "", "Subject=" & $sSubject, "BodyFormat=" & $iBodyFormat, "Importance=" & $iImportance) If @error Then Return SetError(@error + 2000, @extended, 0) ; Set the body according to $iBodyFormat If $iBodyFormat = $olFormatHTML Then _OL_ItemModify($oOL, $oItem, Default, "HTMLBody=" & $sBody) Else _OL_ItemModify($oOL, $oItem, Default, "Body=" & $sBody) EndIf If @error Then Return SetError(@error + 3000, @extended, 0) ; Add recipients (to, cc and bcc) Local $aRecipients If $sTo <> "" Then $aRecipients = StringSplit($sTo, ";", 2) _OL_ItemRecipientAdd($oOL, $oItem, Default, $olTo, $aRecipients) If @error Then Return SetError(@error + 4000, @extended, 0) EndIf If $sCc <> "" Then $aRecipients = StringSplit($sCc, ";", 2) _OL_ItemRecipientAdd($oOL, $oItem, Default, $olCC, $aRecipients) If @error Then Return SetError(@error + 4000, @extended, 0) EndIf If $sBCc <> "" Then $aRecipients = StringSplit($sBCc, ";", 2) _OL_ItemRecipientAdd($oOL, $oItem, Default, $olBCC, $aRecipients) If @error Then Return SetError(@error + 4000, @extended, 0) EndIf ; Add attachments If $sAttachments <> "" Then Local $aAttachments = StringSplit($sAttachments, ";", 2) _OL_ItemAttachmentAdd($oOL, $oItem, Default, $aAttachments) If @error Then Return SetError(@error + 5000, @extended, 0) EndIf ; Send mail _OL_ItemSend($oOL, $oItem, Default) If @error Then Return SetError(@error + 6000, @extended, 0) Return $oItem EndFunc ;==>_OL_Wrapper_SendMail ; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY#============================================================================================================ ; Name...........: __OL_ArrayConcatenate ; Description ...: Concatenates 2D arrays. ; Syntax.........: __OL_ArrayConcatenate(ByRef $avArrayTarget, Const ByRef $avArraySource) ; Parameters ....: $avArrayTarget - The array to concatenate onto ; $avArraySource - The array to concatenate from - Must be 1D or 2D to match $avArrayTarget, ; and if 2D, then Ubound($avArraySource, 2) <= Ubound($avArrayTarget, 2). ; $iFlags - Flags as defined in function call for _OL_ItemFind ; Return values .: Success - Index of last added item ; Failure - -1, sets @error to 1 and @extended per failure (see code below) ; Author ........: Ultima ; Modified.......: PsaltyDS - 1D/2D version, changed return value and @error/@extended to be consistent with __ArrayAdd() ; water - removed 1D array support, support for row 1 containing the number of rows/columns ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: ; =============================================================================== Func __OL_ArrayConcatenate(ByRef $avArrayTarget, Const ByRef $avArraySource, $iFlags) If Not IsArray($avArrayTarget) Then Return SetError(1, 1, -1); $avArrayTarget is not an array If Not IsArray($avArraySource) Then Return SetError(1, 2, -1); $avArraySource is not an array Local $iUBoundTarget0 = UBound($avArrayTarget, 0), $iUBoundSource0 = UBound($avArraySource, 0) If $iUBoundTarget0 <> $iUBoundSource0 Then Return SetError(1, 3, -1); 1D/2D dimensionality did not match If $iUBoundTarget0 > 2 Then Return SetError(1, 4, -1); At least one array was 3D or more Local $iUBoundTarget1 = UBound($avArrayTarget, 1), $iUBoundSource1 = UBound($avArraySource, 1) Local $iNewSize = $iUBoundTarget1 + $iUBoundSource1 - 1 Local $iUBoundTarget2 = UBound($avArrayTarget, 2), $iUBoundSource2 = UBound($avArraySource, 2) If $iUBoundSource2 > $iUBoundTarget2 Then Return SetError(1, 5, -1); 2D boundry of source too large for target ReDim $avArrayTarget[$iNewSize][$iUBoundTarget2] For $r = 1 To $iUBoundSource1 - 1 For $c = 0 To $iUBoundSource2 - 1 $avArrayTarget[$iUBoundTarget1 + $r - 1][$c] = $avArraySource[$r][$c] Next Next If BitAND($iFlags, 2) <> 2 Then $avArrayTarget[0][0] = $iNewSize - 1 If UBound($avArrayTarget, 0) > 1 Then $avArrayTarget[0][1] = UBound($avArrayTarget, 2) EndIf Return $iNewSize - 1 EndFunc ;==>__OL_ArrayConcatenate ; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY#============================================================================================================ ; Name...........: __OL_CheckProperties ; Description ...: Checks if specified properties exist for the item and have the correct case. ; Syntax.........: __OL_CheckProperties($oItem, $aProperties) ; Parameters ....: $oItem - Object of the item to check ; $aProperties - Zero based array of property names. Format "propertyname=propertyvalue" is valid as well ; $iFlag - 0: Array $aProperties is zero based, 1: Array $aProperties is one based ; Return values .: Success - 1 ; Failure - 0 and sets @error: ; |100 - Property is not valid for this type of item. @extended = number of property in error (zero based) ; |101 - Property has wrong case (e.g. "firstname" is wrong, "FirstName" is correct). @extended = number of property in error (zero based) ; Author ........: water ; Modified.......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: ; =============================================================================== Func __OL_CheckProperties($oItem, $aProperties, $iFlag = 0) Local $sItemProperties = ",", $aTemp, $iIndex, $iEnd For $oProperty In $oItem.ItemProperties $sItemProperties = $sItemProperties & $oProperty.name & "," Next If $iFlag = 1 Then $iIndex = 1 $iEnd = $aProperties[0] Else $iIndex = 0 $iEnd = UBound($aProperties) - 1 EndIf For $iIndex = $iIndex To $iEnd $aTemp = StringSplit($aProperties[$iIndex], "=") If $aTemp[1] <> "" And StringInStr($sItemProperties, "," & $aTemp[1] & ",", 0) = 0 Then Return SetError(100, $iIndex, 0) If $aTemp[1] <> "" And StringInStr($sItemProperties, "," & $aTemp[1] & ",", 1) = 0 Then Return SetError(101, $iIndex, 0) Next Return 1 EndFunc ;==>__OL_CheckProperties ; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY#============================================================================================================ ; Name ..........: __Outlook_ErrorHandler ; Description ...: Called if an ObjEvent error occurs. ; Syntax.........: __Outlook_ErrorHandler() ; Parameters ....: None ; Return values .: None ; Author ........: water ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: ; =============================================================================================================================== Func __Outlook_ErrorHandler() Local $bHexNumber = Hex($__oOL_Error.number, 8) Local $aVersionInfo = _OL_VersionInfo() Local $sError = "COM Error Encountered in " & @ScriptName & @CRLF & _ "OutlookEx UDF version = " & $aVersionInfo[2] & "." & $aVersionInfo[3] & "." & $aVersionInfo[4] & @CRLF & _ "@AutoItVersion = " & @AutoItVersion & @CRLF & _ "@AutoItX64 = " & @AutoItX64 & @CRLF & _ "@Compiled = " & @Compiled & @CRLF & _ "@OSArch = " & @OSArch & @CRLF & _ "@OSVersion = " & @OSVersion & @CRLF & _ "Scriptline = " & $__oOL_Error.scriptline & @CRLF & _ "NumberHex = " & $bHexNumber & @CRLF & _ "Number = " & $__oOL_Error.number & @CRLF & _ "WinDescription = " & StringStripWS($__oOL_Error.WinDescription, 2) & @CRLF & _ "Description = " & StringStripWS($__oOL_Error.description, 2) & @CRLF & _ "Source = " & $__oOL_Error.Source & @CRLF & _ "HelpFile = " & $__oOL_Error.HelpFile & @CRLF & _ "HelpContext = " & $__oOL_Error.HelpContext & @CRLF & _ "LastDllError = " & $__oOL_Error.LastDllError If $__iOL_Debug > 0 Then If $__iOL_Debug = 1 Then ConsoleWrite($sError & @CRLF & "========================================================" & @CRLF) If $__iOL_Debug = 2 Then MsgBox(64, "Outlook UDF - Debug Info", $sError) If $__iOL_Debug = 3 Then FileWrite($__sOL_DebugFile, @YEAR & "." & @MON & "." & @MDAY & " " & @HOUR & ":" & @MIN & ":" & @SEC & " " & @CRLF & _ "-------------------" & @CRLF & $sError & @CRLF & "========================================================" & @CRLF) EndIf EndFunc ;==>__Outlook_ErrorHandler ; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY#============================================================================================================ ; Name ..........: _OL_TestEnvironmentCreate ; Description ...: Deletes and recreates the OutlookEX UDF test environment. ; Syntax.........: _OL_TestEnvironmentCreate($oOL[, $vDontAsk = ""[, $vDontDelete= ""]]) ; Parameters ....: $oOL - Outlook object returned by a preceding call to _OL_Open() ; $vDontAsk - Optional: Return error if folder already exists? 1 = no, 4 = yes, "" = read value from ini file ; $vDontDelete - Optional: Delete test environment if it already exists? 1 = no, 4 = yes, "" = read value from ini file ; Return values .: Success - 1 ; Failure - 0 and sets @error: ; |1 - Folder *\Outlook-UDF-Test already exists and user denied to delete/recreate the testenvironment ; |2 - Error deleting folder. @extended is @error as returned by _OL_FolderDelete ; |3xx - Error creating source folder. @extended is set to @error as returned by _OL_FolderCreate ; |4xx - Error creating target folder. @extended is set to @error as returned by _OL_FolderCreate ; |5xx - Error creating item in source folder. @extended is set to @error as returned by _OL_Create ; |6xx - Error creating item in target folder. @extended is set to @error as returned by _OL_Create ; Author ........: water ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: The test environment consists of the following items: ; * Folder Outlook-UDF-Test, subfolders plus items ; * Group "Outlook-UDF-Test" in the Outlook bar ; * Shortcut int the "Outlook-UDF-Test" group in the Outlook bar ; * Category "Outlook-UDF-Test" in the Outlook bar ; * Mail signature "Outlook-UDF-Test" ; * PST "Outlook-UDF-Test" in "C:\temp\Outlook-UDF-Test.pst" ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _OL_TestEnvironmentCreate($oOL, $vDontAsk = "", $vDontDelete = "") Local $vResult, $sCurrentUser = $oOL.GetNameSpace("MAPI").CurrentUser.Name ;--------------------------------- ; Delete existing folder structure ;--------------------------------- If _OL_FolderExists($oOL, "*\Outlook-UDF-Test") Then If StringStripWS($vDontAsk, 3) = "" Then $vDontAsk = IniRead("_OL_TestEnvironment.ini", "Configuration", "DontAsk", "4") ; checked = 1, unchecked = 4 If StringStripWS($vDontDelete, 3) = "" Then $vDontDelete = IniRead("_OL_TestEnvironment.ini", "Configuration", "DontDelete", "4") ; checked = 1, unchecked = 4 If $vDontDelete = 4 Then If $vDontAsk = 4 Then Local $iResult = MsgBox(35, "OutlookEX UDF - Create Test Environment", "Testenvironment already exists. Should it be deleted and recreated?") If $iResult = 2 Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) If $iResult = 7 Then Return 1 EndIf If $vDontAsk = 1 Or $iResult = 6 Then _OL_FolderDelete($oOL, "*\Outlook-UDF-Test") Else Return 1 EndIf If @error Then Return SetError(2, @error, 0) EndIf ;------------------------------------------------------------ ; Create Source Folder plus one subfolder for every item type ;------------------------------------------------------------ Local $oSourceFolderCalendar = _OL_FolderCreate($oOL, "Outlook-UDF-Test\SourceFolder\Calendar", $olFolderCalendar) If @error Then Return SetError(300, @error, 0) Local $oSourceFolderContact = _OL_FolderCreate($oOL, "Contacts", $olFolderContacts, "*\Outlook-UDF-Test\SourceFolder") If @error Then Return SetError(301, @error, 0) ; Mark the folder as address book and change the name $oSourceFolderContact.ShowAsOutlookAB = True $oSourceFolderContact.AddressBookName = "Outlook-UDF-Test" If @error Then Return SetError(302, @error, 0) Local $oSourceFolderMail = _OL_FolderCreate($oOL, "Mail", $olFolderInbox, "*\Outlook-UDF-Test\SourceFolder") If @error Then Return SetError(303, @error, 0) Local $oSourceFolderNotes = _OL_FolderCreate($oOL, "Notes", $olFolderNotes, "*\Outlook-UDF-Test\SourceFolder") If @error Then Return SetError(304, @error, 0) Local $oSourceFolderTasks = _OL_FolderCreate($oOL, "Tasks", $olFolderTasks, "*\Outlook-UDF-Test\SourceFolder") If @error Then Return SetError(305, @error, 0) ;----------------------------------- ; Create test items in Source Folder ;----------------------------------- ; Appointment Local $sStartTime = StringMid(_DateAdd("n", -10, _NowCalc()), 12, 5) Local $sEndTime = StringMid(_DateAdd("h", 3, _NowCalc()), 12, 5) Local $oItem = _OL_ItemCreate($oOL, $olAppointmentItem, $oSourceFolderCalendar, "", "Subject=TestAppointment", _ "Start=" & _NowCalcDate() & " " & $sStartTime, "End=" & _NowCalcDate() & " " & $sEndTime, _ "ReminderMinutesBeforeStart=15", "ReminderSet=True", "Location=Building A, Room 10") If @error Then Return SetError(500, @error, 0) ; Appointment: Add optional recipient _OL_ItemRecipientAdd($oOL, $oItem, Default, $olOptional, $sCurrentUser) If @error Then Return SetError(501, @error, 0) ; Appointment: Add recurrence: Daily with defined start and end date/time _OL_ItemRecurrenceSet($oOL, $oItem, Default, _NowCalcDate(), $sStartTime, _DateAdd("D", 14, _NowCalcDate()), $sEndTime, $olRecursDaily, "", "", "") If @error Then Return SetError(502, @error, 0) ; Define exception Local $sTemp = _DateAdd("D", 1, _NowCalcDate()) _OL_ItemRecurrenceExceptionSet($oOL, $oItem, Default, $sTemp & " " & $sStartTime & ":00", $sTemp & " 08:00:00", $sTemp & " 14:00:00", "TestException", "ExceptionBody") If @error Then Return SetError(503, @error, 0) ; Appointment: Create a conflict $oItem = _OL_ItemCreate($oOL, $olAppointmentItem, $oSourceFolderCalendar, "", "Subject=TestAppointment-Conflict", _ "Start=" & _NowCalcDate() & " " & $sStartTime, "End=" & _NowCalcDate() & " " & $sEndTime) If @error Then Return SetError(504, @error, 0) ; Contact _OL_ItemCreate($oOL, $olContactItem, $oSourceFolderContact, "", "FirstName=TestFirstName", "LastName=TestLastName") If @error Then Return SetError(505, @error, 0) ; Distribution List + Member $vResult = _OL_ItemCreate($oOL, $olDistributionListItem, $oSourceFolderContact, "", "Subject=TestDistributionList", "Importance=" & $olImportanceHigh) If @error Then Return SetError(506, @error, 0) _OL_DistListMemberAdd($oOL, $vResult, Default, $sCurrentUser) If @error Then Return SetError(507, @error, 0) ; Mail plus attachment $vResult = _OL_ItemCreate($oOL, $olMailItem, $oSourceFolderMail, "", "Subject=TestMail", "BodyFormat=" & $olFormatHTML, "HTMLBody=Bodytext in bold.", "To=" & $sCurrentUser) If @error Then Return SetError(508, @error, 0) _OL_ItemAttachmentAdd($oOL, $vResult, Default, @ScriptDir & "\The_Outlook.jpg") If @error Then Return SetError(509, @error, 0) ; Note _OL_ItemCreate($oOL, $olNoteItem, $oSourceFolderNotes, "", "Body=TestNote", "Width=350") If @error Then Return SetError(510, @error, 0) ; Task _OL_ItemCreate($oOL, $olTaskItem, $oSourceFolderTasks, "", "Subject=TestSubject", "StartDate=" & _NowDate()) If @error Then Return SetError(511, @error, 0) ;------------------------------------------------------------ ; Create Target Folder plus one subfolder for every item type ;------------------------------------------------------------ _OL_FolderCreate($oOL, "TargetFolder\Calendar", $olFolderCalendar, "*\Outlook-UDF-Test") If @error Then Return SetError(400, @error, 0) _OL_FolderCreate($oOL, "Contacts", $olFolderContacts, "*\Outlook-UDF-Test\TargetFolder") If @error Then Return SetError(401, @error, 0) _OL_FolderCreate($oOL, "Mail", $olFolderInbox, "*\Outlook-UDF-Test\TargetFolder") If @error Then Return SetError(402, @error, 0) _OL_FolderCreate($oOL, "Notes", $olFolderNotes, "*\Outlook-UDF-Test\TargetFolder") If @error Then Return SetError(403, @error, 0) _OL_FolderCreate($oOL, "Tasks", $olFolderTasks, "*\Outlook-UDF-Test\TargetFolder") If @error Then Return SetError(404, @error, 0) Return 1 EndFunc ;==>_OL_TestEnvironmentCreate ; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY#============================================================================================================ ; Name...........: __ParseCSV ; Description ...: Reads a CSV-file ; Syntax.........: __ParseCSV($sFile, $sDelimiters=',', $sQuote='"', $iFormat=0) ; Parameters ....: $sFile - File to read or string to parse ; $sDelimiters - [optional] Fieldseparators of CSV, multiple are allowed (default = ,;) ; $sQuote - [optional] Character to quote strings (default = ") ; $iFormat - [optional] Encoding of the file (default = 0): ; |-1 - No file, plain data given ; |0 or 1 - automatic (ASCII) ; |2 - Unicode UTF16 Little Endian reading ; |3 - Unicode UTF16 Big Endian reading ; |4 or 5 - Unicode UTF8 reading ; Return values .: Success - 2D-Array with CSV data (0-based) ; Failure - 0, sets @error to: ; |1 - could not open file ; |2 - error on parsing data ; |3 - wrong format chosen ; Author ........: ProgAndy ; Modified.......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: __WriteCSV ; Link ..........: http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/topic/114406-csv-file-to-multidimensional-array ; Example .......: ; =============================================================================================================================== Func __ParseCSV($sFile, $sDelimiters = ',;', $sQuote = '"', $iFormat = 0) Local Static $aEncoding[6] = [0, 0, 32, 64, 128, 256] If $iFormat < -1 Or $iFormat > 6 Then Return SetError(3, 0, 0) ElseIf $iFormat > -1 Then Local $hFile = FileOpen($sFile, $aEncoding[$iFormat]) If @error Then Return SetError(1, @error, 0) $sFile = FileRead($hFile) FileClose($hFile) EndIf If $sDelimiters = "" Or IsKeyword($sDelimiters) Then $sDelimiters = ',;' If $sQuote = "" Or IsKeyword($sQuote) Then $sQuote = '"' $sQuote = StringLeft($sQuote, 1) Local $srDelimiters = StringRegExpReplace($sDelimiters, '[\\\^\-\[\]]', '\\\0') Local $srQuote = StringRegExpReplace($sQuote, '[\\\^\-\[\]]', '\\\0') Local $sPattern = StringReplace(StringReplace('(?m)(?:^|[,])\h*(["](?:[^"]|["]{2})*["]|[^,\r\n]*)(\v+)?', ',', $srDelimiters, 0, 1), '"', $srQuote, 0, 1) Local $aREgex = StringRegExp($sFile, $sPattern, 3) If @error Then Return SetError(2, @error, 0) $sFile = '' ; save memory Local $iBound = UBound($aREgex), $iIndex = 0, $iSubBound = 1, $iSub = 0 Local $aResult[$iBound][$iSubBound] For $i = 0 To $iBound - 1 Select Case StringLen($aREgex[$i]) < 3 And StringInStr(@CRLF, $aREgex[$i]) $iIndex += 1 $iSub = 0 ContinueLoop Case StringLeft(StringStripWS($aREgex[$i], 1), 1) = $sQuote $aREgex[$i] = StringStripWS($aREgex[$i], 3) $aResult[$iIndex][$iSub] = StringReplace(StringMid($aREgex[$i], 2, StringLen($aREgex[$i]) - 2), $sQuote & $sQuote, $sQuote, 0, 1) Case Else $aResult[$iIndex][$iSub] = $aREgex[$i] EndSelect $aREgex[$i] = 0 ; save memory $iSub += 1 If $iSub = $iSubBound Then $iSubBound += 1 ReDim $aResult[$iBound][$iSubBound] EndIf Next If $iIndex = 0 Then $iIndex = 1 ReDim $aResult[$iIndex][$iSubBound] Return $aResult EndFunc ;==>__ParseCSV ; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY#============================================================================================================ ; Name...........: __WriteCSV ; Description ...: Writes a CSV-file (appends to an existing file) ; Syntax.........: __WriteCSV($sFile, Const ByRef $aData, $sDelimiter, $sQuote, $iFormat=0) ; Parameters ....: $sFile - Destination file ; $aData - [Const ByRef] 1-based 2D-Array with data ; $sDelimiter - [optional] Fieldseparator (default = ,) ; $sQuote - [optional] Quote character (default = ") ; $iFormat - [optional] character encoding of file (default = 0) ; |0 or 1 - ASCII writing ; |2 - Unicode UTF16 Little Endian writing (with BOM) ; |3 - Unicode UTF16 Big Endian writing (with BOM) ; |4 - Unicode UTF8 writing (with BOM) ; |5 - Unicode UTF8 writing (without BOM) ; Return values .: Success - Number of records written ; Failure - 0, sets @error to: ; |1 - No valid 2D-Array ; |2 - Could not open file ; Author ........: ProgAndy ; Modified.......: water ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: __ParseCSV ; Link ..........: http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/topic/114406-csv-file-to-multidimensional-array ; Example .......: ; =============================================================================================================================== Func __WriteCSV($sFile, Const ByRef $aData, $sDelimiter = ',', $sQuote = '"', $iFormat = 0) Local Static $aEncoding[6] = [9, 9, 41, 73, 137, 265] ; Mode + 1 (append to end of file) + 8 (create dir structure) If $sDelimiter = "" Or IsKeyword($sDelimiter) Then $sDelimiter = ',' If $sQuote = "" Or IsKeyword($sQuote) Then $sQuote = '"' Local $iBound = UBound($aData, 1), $iSubBound = UBound($aData, 2) If Not $iSubBound Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) Local $hFile = FileOpen($sFile, $aEncoding[$iFormat]) If @error Then Return SetError(2, @error, 0) For $i = 1 To $iBound - 1 For $j = 0 To $iSubBound - 1 FileWrite($hFile, $sQuote & StringReplace($aData[$i][$j], $sQuote, $sQuote & $sQuote, 0, 1) & $sQuote) If $j < $iSubBound - 1 Then FileWrite($hFile, $sDelimiter) Next FileWrite($hFile, @CRLF) Next FileClose($hFile) Return $iBound - 1 EndFunc ;==>__WriteCSV ; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY#============================================================================================================ ; Name...........: __OL_Property2Hex ; Description ...: Translates MAPI property names to hex ; Syntax.........: __OL_Property2Hex($sProperty) ; Parameters ....: $sProperty - MAPI property name to translate ; Return values .: Success - Hex value of the specified property ; Failure - "", sets @error to: ; |1 - Property name could not be found in the table ; Author ........: water ; Modified.......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: ; =============================================================================================================================== Func __OL_Property2Hex($sProperty) Local $aProperties[100][2] = [[2, 2],["subject", "0x0037001E"],["SenderName","0x0C1A001F"]] For $i = 1 To $aProperties[0][0] If $aProperties[$i][0] = $sProperty Then Return $aProperties[$i][1] Next Return SetError(1, 0, "") EndFunc ;==>__OL_Property2Hex