#include-once ; #INDEX# ======================================================================================================================= ; Title .........: _XMLDomWrapper ; AutoIt Version : 3.2.3++ ; Language ......: English ; Description ...: Functions to use for reading and writing XML using msxml. ; .Initial release Dec. 15, 2005 ; .Dec 15, 2005, Update Jan10,2006, Update Feb 5,8,14-15, 2006 ; .Feb 24, 2006 Updated _XMLCreateCDATA, code cleaned up Gary Frost (custompcs@charter.net) ; .Feb 24, 2006 bug fix in re-init COM error handler, rewrote _XMLCreateChildNodeWAttr() ; .Jun 20, 2006 Added count to index[0] of the _XMLGetValue return value ; .Jun 26, 2006 Changed _XMLCreateFile to include option flag for UTF-8 encoding ; .Jun 29, 2006 Added count to index[0] of the _XMLGetValue return ; . Changed _XMLFileOpen and _XMLFileCreate ; .Mar 30, 2007 Rewrote _AddFormat function to break up tags( no indentation) ; .Added _XMLTransform() which runs the document against a xsl(t) style sheet for indentation. ; . Changed _XMLCreateRootChildWAttr() to use new formatting ; . Changed _XMLChreateChildNode() to use new formatting ; .Apr 02, 2007 Added _XMLReplaceChild() ; .Apr 03, 2007 Changed other node creating function to use new formatting ; . Changed _XMLFileOpen() _XMLFileCreate to take an optional version number of MSXML to use. ; . Changed _XMLFileOpen() _XMLFileCreate find latest MSXML version logic. ; .Apr 24, 2007 Fixed _XMLCreateChileNodeWAttr() - Instead of removal, It points to the function that replaced it. ; .Apr 25, 2007 Added _XMLCreateAttrib() ; . Fixed bug with _XMLCreateRootNodeWAttr , _XMLCreateChild[Node]WAttr() where an extra node with same name was added. ; . Stripped extrenous comments. ; . Removed dependency on Array.au3 (I added the func from Array.au3 and renamed it to avoid conflicts.) ; .May 03, 2007 Changed method of msxml version lookup. Updated api call tips. ; .May 11, 2007 Fixed missing \ ; .Jun 08, 2007 Fixed Namespace issue with _XMLCreateChildNode() and _XMLCreateChildNodeWAttr() ; .Jun 12, 2007 Added workaround for MSXML6 to parse file with DTD's ; .Jun 13, 2007 Fixed bug in _XMLGetField() where all text was returned in one node. ; . Actually this is not a bug, because it is the way that WC3 says it will be returned ; . However, it will now return in a way that is expected. ; . _XMLGetValue now returns just the text associated with the node or empty string. ; .Jul 20, 2007 Fixed bug where failure to open the xml file would return an empty xml object, it now returns 0(no object). ; . Added object check to all applicable functions. ; .Aug 08, 2007 Add a _XMLSetAutoSave() to turn off/on forced saving within each function. --Thanks drlava ; . Added check for previous COM error handler. --Thanks Lukasz Suleja ; .Aug 27,2007 Changed property setting order for _XMLFileOpen. The previous order was causing a problem with default namespaces. ; . -- It seems that "selectionLanguage" needs to be declared before some other properties. ; .Aug 31,2007 Fixed bug where _XMLUpdateField would inadvertantly erase child nodes. ; .Sep 07,2007 Fixed _XMLDeleteNode bug where non-existant node cause COM error. ; . Added _XMLNodeExist function to check for the existence of node or nodes matching the specified path ; .Jan 05,2008 Fixed documentation problem in function header with _XMLGetAttrib. ; .Feb 25,2008 Fixed dimensioning bug in _XMLGetChildren --Thanks oblique ; .Mar 05,2008 Return values fixed for the following functions: --Thanks oblique ; . _XMLFileOpen ,_XMLLoadXML,_XMLCreateFile, ; . Documentation fixed for _XMLGetNodeCount,_XMLGetChildren --Thanks oblique ; .Mar 07,2008 Small changes. ; . Fixed an issue point out by lgr. ; .Mar 27,2009 Added function to turn off auto indenting, modified _XMLSetAutoSave, add "force" flag to _XMLSaveDoc ; . Replace _XMLTransform with weaponx provided version. ; . Added _XMLSetAutoFormat, _XMLSetAutoSave, _XMLSaveDoc to function list in header. ; .Mar 28,2009 Changed and verified (hopefuly) all function headers to be inline with current standard. ; . Verifed return values make documentation. ; . Automatic saving is now off by default. ; . Automatic formatting is now off by default. ; .Mar 30,2009 Fixed a bug in _XMLGetChildren where passing the root would get values of grandchildren. ; .Apr 24,2009 Reverted Autosave and Autoformat. ; . Fixed doc error regrading Autoindent vs Autoformat. ; . Change boolean vars to start with $f instead of $b ; .Apr 25,2009 Experimental code to remove indenting text node when a node is deleted. ; .Apr 27,2010 added _XMLUpdateField2 per weaponx. Should update multiple nodes. ; Author ........: Stephen Podhajecki Eltorro ; =============================================================================================================================== ; XML DOM Wrapper functions #cs defs to add to au3.api _XMLCreateFile($sPath, $sRootNode, [$fOverwrite = False]) Creates an XML file with the given name and root. _XMLFileOpen($sXMLFile,[$sNamespace=""],[$ver=-1]) Creates an instance of an XML file. _XMLSaveDoc( $sFile="",$iForce = 0 ) Save the xml doc, use $iForce = 1 to force save if AutoSave is off. ; ============================================================================= _XMLGetChildNodes ( strXPath ) Selects XML child Node(s) of an element based on XPath input from root node. _XMLGetNodeCount ( strXPath, strQry = "", iNodeType = 1 ) Get node count for specified path and type. _XMLGetPath ( strXPath ) Returns a nodes full path based on XPath input from root node. ; ============================================================================= _XMLSelectNodes ( strXPath ) Selects XML Node(s) based on XPath input from root node. _XMLGetField ( strXPath ) Get XML Field(s) based on XPath input from root node. _XMLGetValue ( strXPath ) Get XML Field based on XPath input from root node. _XMLGetChildText ( strXPath ) Selects XML child Node(s) of an element based on XPath input from root node. _XMLUpdateField ( strXPath, strData ) Update existing node based on XPath specs. _XMLUpdateField2 ( strXPath, strData ) Update existing node(s) based on XPath specs. _XMLReplaceChild ( objOldNode, objNewNode, ns = "" ) Replaces a node with a new node. ; ============================================================================= _XMLDeleteNode ( strXPath ) Delete specified XPath node. _XMLDeleteAttr ( strXPath, strAttrib ) Delete attribute for specified XPath _XMLDeleteAttrNode ( strXPath, strAttrib ) Delete attribute node for specified XPath ; ============================================================================= _XMLGetAttrib ( strXPath, strAttrib, strQuery = "" ) Get XML attribute based on XPath input from root node. _XMLGetAllAttrib ( strXPath, ByRef aName, ByRef aValue, strQry = "" ) Get all XML Field(s) attributes based on XPath input from root node. _XMLGetAllAttribIndex ( strXPath, ByRef aName, ByRef aValue, strQry = "", NodeIndex = 0 ) Get all XML Field(s) attributes based on Xpathn and specific index. _XMLSetAttrib ( strXPath, strAttrib, strValue = "" ) Set XML Field(s) attributes based on XPath input from root node. ; ============================================================================= _XMLCreateCDATA ( strNode, strCDATA, strNameSpc = "" ) Create a CDATA SECTION node directly under root. _XMLCreateComment ( strNode, strComment ) Create a COMMENT node at specified path. _XMLCreateAttrib ( strXPath,strAttrName,strAttrValue="" ) Creates an attribute for the specified node. ; ============================================================================= _XMLCreateRootChild ( strNode, strData = "", strNameSpc = "" ) Create node directly under root. _XMLCreateRootNodeWAttr ( strNode, aAttr, aVal, strData = "", strNameSpc = "" ) Create a child node under root node with attributes. _XMLCreateChildNode ( strXPath, strNode, strData = "", strNameSpc = "" ) Create a child node under the specified XPath Node. _XMLCreateChildWAttr ( strXPath, strNode, aAttr, aVal, strData = "", strNameSpc = "" ) Create a child node under the specified XPath Node with Attributes. ; ============================================================================= _XMLSchemaValidate ( sXMLFile, ns, sXSDFile ) _XMLSchemaValidate($sXMLFile, $ns, $sXSDFile) Validate a document against a DTD. _XMLGetDomVersion ( ) Returns the XSXML version currently in use. _XMLError ( sError = "" ) Sets or Gets XML error message generated by XML functions. _XMLUDFVersion ( ) Returns the UDF Version number. _XMLTransform ( oXMLDoc, Style = "",szNewDoc="" ) Transfroms the document using built-in sheet or xsl file passed to function. _XMLNodeExists( $strXPath) Checks for the existence of the specified path. ; ============================================================================= _XMLSetAutoFormat( $fAutoFormat = True ) Turn auto indenting on or off. _XMLSetAutoSave( $fSave = True ) Set the automatic save to on or off. #ce ; #VARIABLES# =================================================================================================================== Global Const $_XMLUDFVER = "" Global Const $NODE_ELEMENT = 1 Global Const $NODE_ATTRIBUTE = 2 Global Const $NODE_TEXT = 3 Global Const $NODE_CDATA_SECTION = 4 Global Const $NODE_ENTITY_REFERENCE = 5 Global Const $NODE_ENTITY = 6 Global Const $NODE_PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION = 7 Global Const $NODE_COMMENT = 8 Global Const $NODE_DOCUMENT = 9 Global Const $NODE_DOCUMENT_TYPE = 10 Global Const $NODE_DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT = 11 Global Const $NODE_NOTATION = 12 Global $strFile Global $oXMLMyError ;COM error handler OBJ ; Initialize SvenP 's error handler Global $sXML_error Global $fDEBUGGING Global $DOMVERSION = -1 Global $objDoc Global $fXMLAUTOSAVE = True ;auto save updates Global $fADDFORMATTING = True ;auto indent ; =============================================================================================================================== ; #FUNCTION# =================================================================== ; Name ..........: _XMLFileOpen ; Description ...: Creates an instance of an XML file. ; Syntax.........: _XMLFileOpen($strXMLFile[, $strNameSpc = ""[, $iVer = -1[, $fValOnParse = True]]]) ; Parameters ....: $strXMLFile - the XML file to open ; $strNameSpc - the namespace to specifiy if the file uses one. ; $iVer - specifically try to use the version supplied here. ; $fValOnParse - validate the document as it is being parsed ; Return values .: Success - 1 ; Failure - -1 and set @error to: ; |0 - No error ; |1 - Parse error, @Extended = MSXML reason ; |2 - No object ; Author ........: Stephen Podhajecki ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........; ; Example .......; [yes/no] ; ============================================================================== Func _XMLFileOpen($strXMLFile, $strNameSpc = "", $iVer = -1, $fValOnParse = True) ;==== pick your poison If $iVer <> -1 Then If $iVer > -1 And $iVer < 7 Then $objDoc = ObjCreate("Msxml2.DOMDocument." & $iVer & ".0") If IsObj($objDoc) Then $DOMVERSION = $iVer EndIf Else MsgBox(266288, "Error:", "Failed to create object with MSXML version " & $iVer) SetError(1) Return 0 EndIf Else For $x = 8 To 0 Step -1 If FileExists(@SystemDir & "\msxml" & $x & ".dll") Then $objDoc = ObjCreate("Msxml2.DOMDocument." & $x & ".0") If IsObj($objDoc) Then $DOMVERSION = $x ExitLoop EndIf EndIf Next EndIf If Not IsObj($objDoc) Then _XMLError("Error: MSXML not found. This object is required to use this program.") SetError(2) Return -1 EndIf ;Thanks Lukasz Suleja $oXMLMyError = ObjEvent("AutoIt.Error") If $oXMLMyError = "" Then $oXMLMyError = ObjEvent("AutoIt.Error", "_XMLCOMEerr") ; ; Initialize SvenP 's error handler EndIf $strFile = $strXMLFile $objDoc.async = False $objDoc.preserveWhiteSpace = True $objDoc.validateOnParse = $fValOnParse If $DOMVERSION > 4 Then $objDoc.setProperty("ProhibitDTD", False) $objDoc.Load($strFile) $objDoc.setProperty("SelectionLanguage", "XPath") $objDoc.setProperty("SelectionNamespaces", $strNameSpc) If $objDoc.parseError.errorCode > 0 Then ConsoleWrite($objDoc.parseError.reason & @LF) If $objDoc.parseError.errorCode <> 0 Then _XMLError("Error opening specified file: " & $strXMLFile & @CRLF & $objDoc.parseError.reason) ;Tom Hohmann 2008/02/29 SetError(1, $objDoc.parseError.errorCode, -1) $objDoc = 0 Return -1 EndIf ;Tom Hohmann 2008/02/29 Return 1 EndFunc ;==>_XMLFileOpen ; ; #FUNCTION# =================================================================== ; Name ..........: _XMLLoadXML ; Description ...: Creates an instance for a string of XML . ; Syntax.........: _XMLLoadXML($strXML[,$strNameSpc=""[, $iVer = -1[, $fValOnParse = True]]]) ; Parameters ....: $strXML - The XML to load into the document ; $strNameSpc - the namespace to specifiy if the file uses one. ; $iVer - specifically try to use the version supplied here. ; $fValOnParse - Set the MSXML ValidateOnParse property ; Return values .: Success - 1 ; Failure - -1 and set @error to ; |1 - failed to create object, @Extended = MSXML reason ; |2 - no object found (MSXML required for _XML functions ; Author ........: Stephen Podhajecki ,Lukasz Suleja,Tom Hohmann ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........; ; Example .......; [yes/no] ; ============================================================================== Func _XMLLoadXML($strXML, $strNameSpc = "", $iVer = -1, $fValOnParse = True) If $iVer <> -1 Then If $iVer > -1 And $iVer < 7 Then $objDoc = ObjCreate("Msxml2.DOMDocument." & $iVer & ".0") If IsObj($objDoc) Then $DOMVERSION = $iVer EndIf Else MsgBox(266288, "Error:", "Failed to create object with MSXML version " & $iVer) SetError(1) Return 0 EndIf Else For $x = 8 To 0 Step -1 If FileExists(@SystemDir & "\msxml" & $x & ".dll") Then $objDoc = ObjCreate("Msxml2.DOMDocument." & $x & ".0") If IsObj($objDoc) Then $DOMVERSION = $x ExitLoop EndIf EndIf Next EndIf If Not IsObj($objDoc) Then _XMLError("Error: MSXML not found. This object is required to use this program.") SetError(2) Return -1 EndIf ;Thanks Lukasz Suleja $oXMLMyError = ObjEvent("AutoIt.Error") If $oXMLMyError = "" Then $oXMLMyError = ObjEvent("AutoIt.Error", "_XMLCOMEerr") ; ; Initialize SvenP 's error handler EndIf $objDoc.async = False $objDoc.preserveWhiteSpace = True $objDoc.validateOnParse = $fValOnParse If $DOMVERSION > 4 Then $objDoc.setProperty("ProhibitDTD", False) $objDoc.LoadXml($strXML) $objDoc.setProperty("SelectionLanguage", "XPath") $objDoc.setProperty("SelectionNamespaces", $strNameSpc); "xmlns:ms='urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xslt'" If $objDoc.parseError.errorCode <> 0 Then _XMLError("Error loading the XML data: " & @CRLF & $objDoc.parseError.reason) ;Tom Hohmann 2008/02/29 SetError(1, $objDoc.parseError.errorCode, -1) Return -1 EndIf ;Tom Hohmann 2008/02/29 Return 1 EndFunc ;==>_XMLLoadXML ; #FUNCTION# =================================================================== ; Name ..........: _XMLCreateFile ; Description ...: Create a new blank metafile with header. ; Syntax.........: _XMLCreateFile($strPath, $strRoot[, $fOverwrite = False[, $fUTF8 = False[, $ver = -1]]]) ; Parameters ....: $strPath - The xml filename with full path to create ; $strRoot - The root of the xml file to create ; $fOverwrite - boolean flag to auto overwrite existing file of same name. ; $fUTF8 - boolean flag to specify UTF-8 encoding in header. ; $iVer - specifically try to use the version supplied here. ; Return values .: Success - 1 ; Failure - -1 and sets @Error to: ; |0 - No error ; |1 - Failed to create file ; |2 - No object ; |3 - File creation failed MSXML error ; |4 - File exists ; Author ........: Stephen Podhajecki ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........; ; Example .......; [yes/no] ; ============================================================================== Func _XMLCreateFile($strPath, $strRoot, $fOverwrite = False, $fUTF8 = False, $ver = -1) Local $retval, $fe, $objPI, $rootElement $fe = FileExists($strPath) If $fe And Not $fOverwrite Then $retval = (MsgBox(4097, "File Exists:", "The specified file exits." & @CRLF & "Click OK to overwrite file or cancel to exit.")) If $retval = 1 Then FileCopy($strPath, $strPath & @YEAR & "-" & @MON & "-" & @MDAY & "_" & @HOUR & "-" & @MIN & "-" & @SEC & ".bak", 1) FileDelete($strPath) $fe = False Else _XMLError("Error failed to create file: " & $strPath & @CRLF & "File exists.") SetError(4) Return -1 EndIf Else FileCopy($strPath, $strPath & ".old", 1) FileDelete($strPath) $fe = False EndIf If $fe = False Then If $ver <> -1 Then If $ver > -1 And $ver < 7 Then $objDoc = ObjCreate("Msxml2.DOMDocument." & $ver & ".0") If IsObj($objDoc) Then $DOMVERSION = $ver EndIf Else MsgBox(266288, "Error:", "Failed to create object with MSXML version " & $ver) SetError(3) Return 0 EndIf Else For $x = 8 To 0 Step -1 If FileExists(@SystemDir & "\msxml" & $x & ".dll") Then $objDoc = ObjCreate("Msxml2.DOMDocument." & $x & ".0") If IsObj($objDoc) Then $DOMVERSION = $x ExitLoop EndIf EndIf Next EndIf If Not IsObj($objDoc) Then Return SetError(2) EndIf If $fUTF8 Then $objPI = $objDoc.createProcessingInstruction("xml", "version=""1.0"" encoding=""UTF-8""") Else $objPI = $objDoc.createProcessingInstruction("xml", "version=""1.0""") EndIf $objDoc.appendChild($objPI) $rootElement = $objDoc.createElement($strRoot) $objDoc.documentElement = $rootElement $objDoc.save($strPath) ;_XMLSaveDoc (,1) If $objDoc.parseError.errorCode <> 0 Then _XMLError("Error Creating specified file: " & $strPath) ; Tom Hohmann 2008/02/29 SetError(1, $objDoc.parseError.errorCode, -1) Return -1 EndIf Return 1 Else _XMLError("Error! Failed to create file: " & $strPath) SetError(1) Return 0 EndIf Return 1 EndFunc ;==>_XMLCreateFile ; #FUNCTION# =================================================================== ; Name ..........: _XMLSelectNodes ; Description ...: Selects XML Node(s) based on XPath input from root node. ; Syntax.........: _XMLSelectNodes($strXPath) ; Parameters ....: $strXPath - xml tree path from root node (root/child/child..) ; Return values .: Success - An array of Nodes(count is in first element) ; Failure - -1 and set @Error = 1 ; Author ........: Stephen Podhajecki ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........; ; Example .......; [yes/no] ; ============================================================================== Func _XMLSelectNodes($strXPath) If Not IsObj($objDoc) Then _XMLError("No object passed to function _XMLSelectNodes") Return SetError(2, 0, -1) EndIf Local $objNode, $objNodeList, $arrResponse[1], $xmlerr $objNodeList = $objDoc.selectNodes($strXPath) If Not IsObj($objNodeList) Then _XMLError("\nNo matching nodes found") Return SetError(1, 0, -1) EndIf If $objNodeList.length < 1 Then _XMLError("\nNo matching nodes found") Return SetError(1, 0, -1) EndIf For $objNode In $objNodeList _XMLArrayAdd($arrResponse, $objNode.nodeName) _DebugWrite($objNode.nodeName) _DebugWrite($objNode.namespaceURI) Next $arrResponse[0] = $objNodeList.length Return $arrResponse _XMLError("Error Selecting Node(s): " & $strXPath & $xmlerr) Return SetError(1, 0, -1) EndFunc ;==>_XMLSelectNodes ; #FUNCTION# =================================================================== ; Name ..........: _XMLGetField ; Description ...: Get XML Field(s) based on XPath input from root node. ; Syntax.........: _XMLGetField($strXPath) ; Parameters ....: $strXPath - The XML tree path from root node (root/child/child..) ; Return values .: Success - An array of fields text values(count is in first element) ; Failure - -1 and sets @Error = 1 ; Author ........: Stephen Podhajecki ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........; ; Example .......; [yes/no] ; ============================================================================== Func _XMLGetField($strXPath) If Not IsObj($objDoc) Then _XMLError("No object passed to function _XMLGetField") Return SetError(1, 2, -1) EndIf Local $objNodeList, $arrResponse[1], $xmlerr, $szNodePath $objNodeList = $objDoc.selectSingleNode($strXPath) If Not IsObj($objNodeList) Then _XMLError("\nNo Matching Nodes found") $arrResponse[0] = 0 Return SetError(2, 0, -1) EndIf If $objNodeList.hasChildNodes() Then Local $count = $objNodeList.childNodes.length For $x = 1 To $count $objChild = $objNodeList.childNodes($x) _DebugWrite("ParentNode=" & $objNodeList.parentNode.nodeType) If $objNodeList.parentNode.nodeType = $NODE_DOCUMENT Then $szNodePath = "/" & $objNodeList.baseName & "/*[" & $x & "]" Else $szNodePath = $objNodeList.baseName & "/*[" & $x & "]" EndIf $aRet = _XMLGetValue($szNodePath) If IsArray($aRet) Then If UBound($aRet) > 1 Then _XMLArrayAdd($arrResponse, $aRet[1]) _DebugWrite("GetField>Text:" & $aRet[1]) EndIf Else _XMLArrayAdd($arrResponse, "") _DebugWrite("GetField>Text:" & "") EndIf Next $arrResponse[0] = UBound($arrResponse) - 1 Return $arrResponse Else $arrResponse[0] = 0 _XMLError("\nNo Child Nodes found") Return SetError(1, 0, -1) EndIf _XMLError("Error Selecting Node(s): " & $strXPath & $xmlerr) Return SetError(1, 0, -1) EndFunc ;==>_XMLGetField ; #FUNCTION# =================================================================== ; Name ..........: _XMLGetValue ; Description ...: Get XML values based on XPath input from root node. ; Syntax.........: _XMLGetValue($strXPath) ; Parameters ....: $strXPath - xml tree path from root node (root/child/child..) ; Return values .: Success - An array of fields text values(count is in first element) ; Failure - -1 and sets @Error = 1, @Extended to: ; |0 - No matching node. ; |1 - No object passed. ; Author ........: Stephen Podhajecki ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........; ; Example .......; [yes/no] ; ============================================================================== Func _XMLGetValue($strXPath) If Not IsObj($objDoc) Then _XMLError("No object passed to function _XMLGetValue") Return SetError(1, 1, -1) EndIf Local $objNodeList, $arrResponse[1], $objNodeChild, $xmlerr _DebugWrite("GetValue>$strXPath:" & $strXPath) $objNodeList = $objDoc.documentElement.selectNodes($strXPath) If $objNodeList.length > 0 Then _DebugWrite("GetValue list length:" & $objNodeList.length) For $objNode In $objNodeList If $objNode.hasChildNodes() = False Then _XMLArrayAdd($arrResponse, $objNode.nodeValue) Else For $objNodeChild In $objNode.childNodes() If $objNodeChild.nodeType = $NODE_CDATA_SECTION Then _XMLArrayAdd($arrResponse, $objNodeChild.data) _DebugWrite("GetValue>CData:" & $objNodeChild.data) ElseIf $objNodeChild.nodeType = $NODE_TEXT Then _XMLArrayAdd($arrResponse, $objNodeChild.Text) _DebugWrite("GetValue>Text:" & $objNodeChild.Text) EndIf Next EndIf Next $arrResponse[0] = UBound($arrResponse) - 1 Return $arrResponse Else $xmlerr = @CRLF & "No matching node(s)found!" Return SetError(1, 0, -1) EndIf _XMLError("Error Retrieving: " & $strXPath & $xmlerr) Return SetError(1, 0, -1) EndFunc ;==>_XMLGetValue ; #FUNCTION# =================================================================== ; Name ..........: _XMLDeleteNode ; Description ...: Deletes XML Node based on XPath input from root node. ; Syntax.........: _XMLDeleteNode($strXPath) ; Parameters ....: $strXPath - The XML tree path from root node (root/child/child..) ; Return values .: Success - 1 ; Failure - -1 and sets @Error to: ; |0 - No error ; |1 - Deletion error ; |2 - No object passed ; Author ........: Stephen Podhajecki ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........; ; Example .......; [yes/no] ; ============================================================================== Func _XMLDeleteNode($strXPath) If Not IsObj($objDoc) Then _XMLError("No object passed to function _XMLDeleteNode") Return SetError(2, 0, -1) EndIf Local $objNode, $xmlerr $objNode = $objDoc.selectNodes($strXPath) If Not IsObj($objNode) Then $xmlerr = @CRLF & "Node Not found" If @error = 0 Then For $objChild In $objNode If $objChild.hasChildNodes Then For $objGrandChild In $objChild.childNodes If $objGrandChild.nodeType = $NODE_TEXT Then If StringStripWS($objGrandChild.text, 7) = "" Then $objChild.removeChild($objGrandChild) EndIf EndIf Next EndIf $objChild.parentNode.removeChild($objChild) Next _XMLSaveDoc($strFile) Return 1 EndIf _XMLError("Error Deleting Node: " & $strXPath & $xmlerr) Return SetError(1, 0, -1) EndFunc ;==>_XMLDeleteNode ; #FUNCTION# =================================================================== ; Name ..........: _XMLDeleteAttr ; Description ...: Delete XML Attribute based on XPath input from root node. ; Syntax.........: _XMLDeleteAttr($strXPath, $strAttrib) ; Parameters ....: $strXPath - The XML tree path from root node (root/child/child..) ; $strAttribute - The attribute node to delete ; Return values .: Success - 1 ; Failure - -1 and sets @Error to: ; |0 - No error ; |1 - Error removing attribute ; |2 - No object ; Author ........: Stephen Podhajecki ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........; ; Example .......; [yes/no] ; ============================================================================== Func _XMLDeleteAttr($strXPath, $strAttrib) If Not IsObj($objDoc) Then _XMLError("No object passed to function _XMLDeleteAttr") Return SetError(2, 0, -1) EndIf Local $objNode, $objAttr, $xmlerr $objNode = $objDoc.selectSingleNode($strXPath) If IsObj($objNode) Then $objAttr = $objNode.getAttributeNode($strAttrib) If Not (IsObj($objAttr)) Then _XMLError("Attribute " & $strAttrib & " does not exist!") Return SetError(2, 0, -1) EndIf $objAttr = $objNode.removeAttribute($strAttrib) _XMLSaveDoc($strFile) Return 1 EndIf _XMLError("Error Removing Attribute: " & $strXPath & " - " & $strAttrib & @CRLF & $xmlerr) $xmlerr = "" Return SetError(1, 0, -1) EndFunc ;==>_XMLDeleteAttr ; #FUNCTION# =================================================================== ; Name ..........: _XMLDeleteAttrNode ; Description ...: Delete XML Attribute node based on XPath input from root node. ; Syntax.........: _XMLDeleteAttrNode($strXPath, $strAttrib) ; Parameters ....: $strXpath - XML tree path from root node (root/child/child..) ; $strAttrib - The attribute node to delete ; Return values .: Success - 1 ; Failure - -1 and sets @Error to: ; |0 - No error ; |1 - Error removing node ; |2 - No object ; Author ........: Stephen Podhajecki ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........; ; Example .......; [yes/no] ; ============================================================================== Func _XMLDeleteAttrNode($strXPath, $strAttrib) If Not IsObj($objDoc) Then _XMLError("No object passed to function _XMLDeleteAttrNode") Return SetError(2, 0, -1) EndIf Local $objNode, $objAttr, $xmlerr $objNode = $objDoc.selectSingleNode($strXPath) If Not IsObj($objNode) Then _XMLError("\nSpecified node not found!") Return SetError(2, 0, -1) EndIf $objAttr = $objNode.removeAttributeNode($objNode.getAttributeNode($strAttrib)) _XMLSaveDoc($strFile) If Not (IsObj($objAttr)) Then _XMLError("\nUnspecified error:!") Return SetError(1, 0, -1) EndIf Return 1 EndFunc ;==>_XMLDeleteAttrNode ; #FUNCTION# =================================================================== ; Name ..........: _XMLGetAttrib ; Description ...: Get XML Field based on XPath input from root node. ; Syntax.........: _XMLGetAttrib($strXPath, $strAttrib[, $strQuery = ""]) ; Parameters ....: $strXPath - XML tree path from root node (root/child/child..) ; $strAttrib - The attribute node to read. ; $strQuery - The query string in xml format ; Return values .: Success - The attribute value. ; Failure - -1 and sets @Error to: ; |0 - No error ; |1 - Attribute not found. ; |2 - No object ; Author ........: Stephen Podhajecki ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........; ; Example .......; [yes/no] ; ============================================================================== Func _XMLGetAttrib($strXPath, $strAttrib, $strQuery = "") If Not IsObj($objDoc) Then _XMLError("No object passed to function _XMLGetAttrib") Return SetError(2, 0, -1) EndIf ;Local $objNodeList, $arrResponse[1], $i, $xmlerr, $objAttr Local $objNodeList, $arrResponse, $i, $xmlerr, $objAttr $objNodeList = $objDoc.documentElement.selectNodes($strXPath & $strQuery) _DebugWrite("Get Attrib length= " & $objNodeList.length) If $objNodeList.length > 0 Then For $i = 0 To $objNodeList.length - 1 $objAttr = $objNodeList.item($i).getAttribute($strAttrib) $arrResponse = $objAttr _DebugWrite("RET>>" & $objAttr) Next Return $arrResponse EndIf $xmlerr = "\nNo qualified items found" _XMLError("Attribute " & $strAttrib & " not found for: " & $strXPath & $xmlerr) Return SetError(1, 0, -1) EndFunc ;==>_XMLGetAttrib ; #FUNCTION# =================================================================== ; Name ..........: _XMLSetAttrib ; Description ...: Set XML Field(s) based on XPath input from root node. ; Syntax.........: _XMLSetAttrib($strXPath, $strAttrib[, $strValue = ""[, $iIndex =-1]]) ; Parameters ....: $strXPath - Xml tree path from root node (root/child/child..) ; $strAttrib - The attribute to set. ; $strValue - The value to give the attribute defaults to "" ; $iIndex - Used to specify a specific index for "same named" nodes. ; Return values .: Success - Anarray of fields text values ; Failure - -1 and sets @error to 1 ; Author ........: Stephen Podhajecki ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........; ; Example .......; [yes/no] ; ============================================================================== Func _XMLSetAttrib($strXPath, $strAttrib, $strValue = "", $iIndex = -1) If Not IsObj($objDoc) Then _XMLError("No object passed to function _XMLSetAttrib") Return SetError(1, 8, -1) EndIf Local $objNodeList, $arrResponse[1], $i $objNodeList = $objDoc.selectNodes($strXPath) _DebugWrite(" Node list Length: " & $objNodeList.length) If @error = 0 And $objNodeList.length > 0 Then If $iIndex > 0 Then $arrResponse[0] = $objNodeList.item($iIndex).SetAttribute($strAttrib, $strValue) Else ReDim $arrResponse[$objNodeList.length] For $i = 0 To $objNodeList.length - 1 $arrResponse[$i] = $objNodeList.item($i).SetAttribute($strAttrib, $strValue) If $objDoc.parseError.errorCode <> 0 Then ExitLoop Next EndIf If $objDoc.parseError.errorCode <> 0 Then _XMLError("Error setting attribute for: " & $strXPath & @CRLF & $objDoc.parseError.reason) Return SetError(1, $objDoc.parseError.errorCode, -1) EndIf _XMLSaveDoc($strFile) Return $arrResponse EndIf _XMLError("Error failed to set attribute for: " & $strXPath & @CRLF) SetError(1) Return -1 EndFunc ;==>_XMLSetAttrib ; #FUNCTION# =================================================================== ; Name ..........: _XMLGetAllAttrib ; Description ...: Get all XML Field(s) attributes based on XPath input from root node. ; Syntax.........: _XMLGetAllAttrib($strXPath, ByRef $aName, ByRef $aValue[, $strQry = ""]) ; Parameters ....: $strXPath - XML tree path from root node (root/child/child..) ; $aName - The array to return the attrib names ; $aValue - The array to return the attrib values ; $strQuery - DOM compliant query string (not really necessary as it becomes part of the path) ; Return values .: Success - array of fields text values(number of items is in [0][0]) ; Failure - @error set to 1 and returns -1 ; Author ........: Stephen Podhajecki ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........; ; Example .......; [yes/no] ; ============================================================================== Func _XMLGetAllAttrib($strXPath, ByRef $aName, ByRef $aValue, $strQry = "") If Not IsObj($objDoc) Then _XMLError("No object passed to function _XMLGetAllAttrib") Return SetError(1, 9, -1) EndIf Local $objNodeList, $objQueryNodes, $objNode, $arrResponse[2][1], $i $objQueryNodes = $objDoc.selectNodes($strXPath & $strQry) If $objQueryNodes.length > 0 Then For $objNode In $objQueryNodes $objNodeList = $objNode.attributes If ($objNodeList.length) Then _DebugWrite("Get all attrib " & $objNodeList.length) ReDim $arrResponse[2][$objNodeList.length + 2] ReDim $aName[$objNodeList.length] ReDim $aValue[$objNodeList.length] For $i = 0 To $objNodeList.length - 1 $arrResponse[0][$i + 1] = $objNodeList.item($i).nodeName $arrResponse[1][$i + 1] = $objNodeList.item($i).Value $aName[$i] = $objNodeList.item($i).nodeName $aValue[$i] = $objNodeList.item($i).Value Next Else _XMLError("No Attributes found for node") Return SetError(1, 0, -1) EndIf Next $arrResponse[0][0] = $objNodeList.length Return $arrResponse EndIf _XMLError("Error retrieving attributes for: " & $strXPath & @CRLF) Return SetError(1, 0, -1) ; EndIf EndFunc ;==>_XMLGetAllAttrib ; #FUNCTION# =================================================================== ; Name ..........: _XMLUpdateField ; Description ...: Update existing node(s) based on XPath specs. ; Syntax.........: _XMLUpdateField($strXPath, $strData) ; Parameters ....: $strXPath - Path from root node. ; $strData - The data to update the node with. ; Return values .: Success - 1 ; Failure - -1 and sets @error to 1. ; Author ........: Stephen Podhajecki ; Modified ......: Weaponx ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........; ; Example .......; [yes/no] ; ============================================================================== Func _XMLUpdateField($strXPath, $strData) If Not IsObj($objDoc) Then _XMLError("No object passed to function _XMLUpdateField") Return SetError(1, 9, -1) EndIf Local $objField, $fUpdate, $objNode #forceref $objField $objField = $objDoc.selectSingleNode($strXPath) If IsObj($objField) Then If $objField.hasChildNodes Then For $objChild In $objField.childNodes() If $objChild.nodetype = $NODE_TEXT Then $objChild.Text = $strData $fUpdate = True ExitLoop EndIf Next EndIf If $fUpdate = False Then $objNode = $objDoc.createTextNode($strData) $objField.appendChild($objNode) EndIf _XMLSaveDoc($strFile) $objField = "" Return 1 EndIf _XMLError("Failed to update field for: " & $strXPath & @CRLF) Return SetError(1, 0, -1) EndFunc ;==>_XMLUpdateField ; #FUNCTION# =================================================================== ; Name ..........: _XMLUpdateField2 ; Description ...: Update existing node(s) based on XPath specs. ; Syntax.........: _XMLUpdateField2($strXPath, $strData) ; Parameters ....: $strXPath - Path from root node. ; $strData - The data to update the node with. ; Return values .: Success - 1 ; Author ........: Stephen Podhajecki (eltorro) ; Modified.......: Weaponx ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: [yes/no] ; ================================================================================ Func _XMLUpdateField2($strXPath, $strData) If Not IsObj($objDoc) Then _XMLError("No object passed to function _XMLUpdateField2") Return SetError(1, 9, -1) EndIf Local $objNodeList, $objNodeChild, $xmlerr $objNodeList = $objDoc.documentElement.selectNodes($strXPath) If $objNodeList.length > 0 Then _DebugWrite("GetValue list length:" & $objNodeList.length) For $objNode In $objNodeList If $objNode.hasChildNodes() = False Then ;??? Else For $objNodeChild In $objNode.childNodes() If $objNodeChild.nodetype = $NODE_TEXT Then $objNodeChild.Text = $strData $bUpdate = True ExitLoop EndIf Next EndIf Next Return 1 Else $xmlerr = @CRLF & "No matching node(s)found!" Return SetError(1, 0, -1) EndIf _XMLError("Error Retrieving: " & $strXPath & $xmlerr) Return SetError(1, 0, -1) EndFunc ;==>_XMLUpdateField2 ; #FUNCTION# =================================================================== ; Name ..........: _XMLCreateCDATA ; Description ...: Create a CDATA SECTION node directly under root. ; Syntax.........: _XMLCreateCDATA($strNode, $strCDATA[, $strNameSpc = ""]) ; Parameters ....: $strNode - name of node to create ; $strData - CDATA value ; $strNameSpc - the namespace to specifiy if the xml uses one. ; Return values .: Success - 1 ; Failure - 1 and sets @Error to 1. ; Author ........: Stephen Podhajecki ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: fixme, won't append to exisiting node. must create new node. ; Related .......: ; Link ..........; ; Example .......; [yes/no] ; ============================================================================== Func _XMLCreateCDATA($strNode, $strCDATA, $strNameSpc = "") If Not IsObj($objDoc) Then _XMLError("No object passed to function _XMLCreateCDATA") Return SetError(1, 10, -1) EndIf Local $objChild, $objNode $objNode = $objDoc.createNode($NODE_ELEMENT, $strNode, $strNameSpc) If IsObj($objNode) Then If Not ($objNode.hasChildNodes()) Then _AddFormat($objDoc, $objNode) EndIf $objChild = $objDoc.createCDATASection($strCDATA) $objNode.appendChild($objChild) $objDoc.documentElement.appendChild($objNode) _XMLSaveDoc($strFile) _AddFormat($objDoc) $objChild = "" Return 1 EndIf _XMLError("Failed to create CDATA Section: " & $strNode & @CRLF) Return SetError(1, 0, -1) EndFunc ;==>_XMLCreateCDATA ; #FUNCTION# =================================================================== ; Name ..........: _XMLCreateComment ; Description ...: Create a COMMENT node at specified path. ; Syntax.........: _XMLCreateComment($strNode, $strComment) ; Parameters ....: $strNode - The name of node to create. ; $strComment - The comment to add the to the xml file. ; Return values .: Success - 1 ; Failure - -1 and @error set to 1. ; Author ........: Stephen Podhajecki ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........; ; Example .......; [yes/no] ; ============================================================================== Func _XMLCreateComment($strNode, $strComment) If Not IsObj($objDoc) Then _XMLError("No object passed to function _XMLCreateComment") Return SetError(1, 11, -1) EndIf Local $objChild, $objNode $objNode = $objDoc.selectSingleNode($strNode) If IsObj($objNode) Then If Not ($objNode.hasChildNodes()) Then _AddFormat($objDoc, $objNode) EndIf $objChild = $objDoc.createComment($strComment) $objNode.insertBefore($objChild, $objNode.childNodes(0)) _XMLSaveDoc($strFile) _AddFormat($objDoc) $objChild = "" Return 1 EndIf _XMLError("Failed to root child: " & $strNode & @CRLF) Return SetError(1, 0, -1) EndFunc ;==>_XMLCreateComment ; #FUNCTION# =================================================================== ; Name ..........: _XMLCreateAttribute ; Description ...: Adds an XML Attribute to specified node. ; Syntax.........: _XMLCreateAttrib($strXPath, $strAttrName[, $strAttrValue = ""]) ; Parameters ....: $strXPath - The XML tree path from root node (root/child/child..) ; $strAttrName - The attribute to set. ; $strAttrValue - The value to give the attribute, defaults to "". ; Return values .: Success - 1 ; Failure - 0 or @error set to 0 and return -1 ; Author ........: Stephen Podhajecki ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........; ; Example .......; [yes/no] ; ============================================================================== Func _XMLCreateAttrib($strXPath, $strAttrName, $strAttrValue = "") If Not IsObj($objDoc) Then _XMLError("No object passed to function _XMLCreateAttrib") Return SetError(1, 12, -1) EndIf Local $objNode, $objAttr, $objAttrVal, $err $objNode = $objDoc.selectSingleNode($strXPath) If IsObj($objNode) Then $objAttr = $objDoc.createAttribute($strAttrName);, $strNameSpc) $objNode.SetAttribute($strAttrName, $strAttrValue) _XMLSaveDoc($strFile) $objAttr = 0 $objAttrVal = 0 $objNode = 0 $err = $objDoc.parseError.errorCode If $err = 0 Then Return 1 EndIf _XMLError("Error creating Attribute: " & $strAttrName & @CRLF & $strXPath & " does not exist." & @CRLF) Return 0 EndFunc ;==>_XMLCreateAttrib ; #FUNCTION# =================================================================== ; Name ..........: _XMLCreateRootChild ; Description ...: Create node directly under root. ; Syntax.........: _XMLCreateRootChild($strNode[, $strData = ""[, $strNameSpc = ""]]) ; Parameters ....: $strNode - The name of node to create. ; $strData - The optional value to create ; $$strNameSpc - the namespace to specifiy if the file uses one. ; Return values .: Success - 1 ; Failure - -1 and @error set to 1. ; Author ........: Stephen Podhajecki ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........; ; Example .......; [yes/no] ; ============================================================================== Func _XMLCreateRootChild($strNode, $strData = "", $strNameSpc = "") If Not IsObj($objDoc) Then _XMLError("No object passed to function _XMLCreateRootChild") Return SetError(1, 14, -1) EndIf ;ConsoleWrite("_XMLCreateRootChild:"&$strNode&@LF) Local $objChild If Not ($objDoc.documentElement.hasChildNodes()) Then _AddFormat($objDoc) EndIf $objChild = $objDoc.createNode($NODE_ELEMENT, $strNode, $strNameSpc) If IsObj($objChild) Then If $strData <> "" Then $objChild.text = $strData $objDoc.documentElement.appendChild($objChild) _XMLSaveDoc($strFile) _AddFormat($objDoc) $objChild = 0 Return 1 EndIf _XMLError("Failed to root child: " & $strNode & @CRLF) Return SetError(1, 0, -1) EndFunc ;==>_XMLCreateRootChild ; #FUNCTION# =================================================================== ; Name ..........: _XMLCreateRootNodeWAttr ; Description ...: Create a child node under root node with attributes. ; Syntax.........: _XMLCreateRootNodeWAttr($strNode, $aAttr, $aVal[, $strData = ""[, $strNameSpc = ""]]) ; Parameters ....: $strNode - The node to add with attibute(s) ; $aAttr - The attribute name(s) -- can be array ; $aVal - The attribute value(s) -- can be array ; $strData - The optional value to give the node. ; Return values .: Success - 1 ; Failure - -1 and @error set to: ; |1 - Could not create node. ; |2 - Mismatch between attribute name and value counts. ; Author ........: Stephen Podhajecki ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: This function requires that each attribute name has a corresponding value. ; Related .......: ; Link ..........; ; Example .......; [yes/no] ; ============================================================================== Func _XMLCreateRootNodeWAttr($strNode, $aAttr, $aVal, $strData = "", $strNameSpc = "") If Not IsObj($objDoc) Then _XMLError("No object passed to function _XMLCreateRootNodeWAttr") Return SetError(1, 15, -1) EndIf Local $objChild, $objAttr, $objAttrVal $objChild = $objDoc.createNode($NODE_ELEMENT, $strNode, $strNameSpc) If IsObj($objChild) Then If $strData <> "" Then $objChild.text = $strData If Not ($objDoc.documentElement.hasChildNodes()) Then _AddFormat($objDoc) EndIf If IsArray($aAttr) And IsArray($aVal) Then If UBound($aAttr) <> UBound($aVal) Then _XMLError("Attribute and value mismatch" & @CRLF & "Please make sure each attribute has a matching value.") Return SetError(2, 15, -1) Else Local $i For $i = 0 To UBound($aAttr) - 1 If $aAttr[$i] = "" Then _XMLError("Error creating child node: " & $strNode & @CRLF & " Attribute Name Cannot be NULL." & @CRLF) Return SetError(1, 0, -1) EndIf $objAttr = $objDoc.createAttribute($aAttr[$i]);, $strNameSpc) $objChild.SetAttribute($aAttr[$i], $aVal[$i]) Next EndIf Else $objAttr = $objDoc.createAttribute($aAttr) $objChild.SetAttribute($aAttr, $aVal) EndIf $objDoc.documentElement.appendChild($objChild) _XMLSaveDoc($strFile) _AddFormat($objDoc) $objChild = 0 Return 1 EndIf _XMLError("Failed to create root child with attributes: " & $strNode & @CRLF) Return SetError(1, 0, -1) EndFunc ;==>_XMLCreateRootNodeWAttr ; #FUNCTION# =================================================================== ; Name ..........: _XMLCreateChildNode ; Description ...: Create a child node under the specified XPath Node. ; Syntax.........: _XMLCreateChildNode($strXPath, $strNode[, $strData = ""[, $strNameSpc = ""]]) ; Parameters ....: $strXPath - The node from root. ; $strNode - Node name to add. ; $strData - Value to give the node ; Return values .: Success - 1 ; Failure - -1 and @error set to 1. ; Author ........: Stephen Podhajecki ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........; ; Example .......; [yes/no] ; ============================================================================== Func _XMLCreateChildNode($strXPath, $strNode, $strData = "", $strNameSpc = "") If Not IsObj($objDoc) Then _XMLError("No object passed to function _XMLCreateChildNode") Return SetError(1, 16, -1) EndIf Local $objParent, $objChild, $objNodeList $objNodeList = $objDoc.selectNodes($strXPath) If IsObj($objNodeList) And $objNodeList.length > 0 Then For $objParent In $objNodeList If Not ($objParent.hasChildNodes()) Then _AddFormat($objDoc, $objParent) EndIf If $strNameSpc = "" Then If Not ($objParent.namespaceURI = 0 Or $objParent.namespaceURI = "") Then $strNameSpc = $objParent.namespaceURI EndIf ;ConsoleWrite("$strNameSpc=" & $strNameSpc & @LF) $objChild = $objDoc.createNode($NODE_ELEMENT, $strNode, $strNameSpc) If $strData <> "" Then $objChild.text = $strData $objParent.appendChild($objChild) _AddFormat($objDoc, $objParent) Next _XMLSaveDoc($strFile) $objParent = "" $objChild = "" Return 1 EndIf _XMLError("Error creating child node: " & $strNode & @CRLF & $strXPath & " does not exist." & @CRLF) Return SetError(1, 0, -1) EndFunc ;==>_XMLCreateChildNode ; #FUNCTION# =================================================================== ; Name ..........: _XMLCreateChildNodeWAttr ; Description ...: Create a child node(s) under the specified XPath Node with attributes. ; Syntax.........: _XMLCreateChildNodeWAttr($strXPath, $strNode, $aAttr, $aVal[, $strData = ""[, $strNameSpc = ""]]) ; Parameters ....: $sPath - Path from root ; $sNode - node to add with attibute(s) ; $aAttr - The attribute name(s) -- can be array ; $aVal - The attribute value(s) -- can be array ; $strData - The optional value to give the child node. ; Return values .: Success - 1 ; Failure - -1, @error set to: ; |1 - Could not create node. ; |2 - Mismatch between attribute name and value counts. ; |3 - Attribute Name cannot be empty string. ; Author ........: Stephen Podhajecki ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: This function requires that each attribute name has a corresponding value. ; Related .......: ; Link ..........; ; Example .......; [yes/no] ; ============================================================================== Func _XMLCreateChildNodeWAttr($strXPath, $strNode, $aAttr, $aVal, $strData = "", $strNameSpc = "") Return _XMLCreateChildWAttr($strXPath, $strNode, $aAttr, $aVal, $strData, $strNameSpc) EndFunc ;==>_XMLCreateChildNodeWAttr ; #FUNCTION# =================================================================== ; Name ..........: _XMLCreateChildWAttr ; Description ...: Create a child node(s) under the specified XPath Node with attributes. ; Syntax.........: _XMLCreateChildWAttr($strXPath, $strNode, $aAttr, $aVal[, $strData = ""[, $strNameSpc = ""]]) ; Parameters ....: $sPath - Path from root ; $sNode - The node to add with attibute(s) ; $aAttr - The attribute name(s) -- can be array ; $aVal - The attribute value(s) -- can be array ; $strData - The optional value to give the child node. ; Return values .: Success - 1 ; Failure - -1, @error set to: ; |1 - Could not create node. ; |2 - Mismatch between attribute name and value counts. ; |3 - Attribute Name cannot be empty string. ; Author ........: Stephen Podhajecki ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: This function requires that each attribute name has a corresponding value. ; Related .......: ; Link ..........; ; Example .......; [yes/no] ; ============================================================================== Func _XMLCreateChildWAttr($strXPath, $strNode, $aAttr, $aVal, $strData = "", $strNameSpc = "") If Not IsObj($objDoc) Then _XMLError("No object passed to function _XMLCreateChildWAttr") Return SetError(1, 18, -1) EndIf Local $objParent, $objChild, $objAttr, $objAttrVal, $objNodeList $objNodeList = $objDoc.selectNodes($strXPath) _DebugWrite("Node Selected") If IsObj($objNodeList) And $objNodeList.length <> 0 Then _DebugWrite("Entering if") For $objParent In $objNodeList If Not ($objParent.hasChildNodes()) Then _AddFormat($objDoc, $objParent) EndIf _DebugWrite("Entering for") If $strNameSpc = "" Then If Not ($objParent.namespaceURI = 0 Or $objParent.namespaceURI = "") Then $strNameSpc = $objParent.namespaceURI EndIf $objChild = $objDoc.createNode($NODE_ELEMENT, $strNode, $strNameSpc) If @error Then Return -1 If $strData <> "" Then $objChild.text = $strData If IsArray($aAttr) And IsArray($aVal) Then If UBound($aAttr) <> UBound($aVal) Then _XMLError("Attribute and value mismatch" & @CRLF & "Please make sure each attribute has a matching value.") Return SetError(2, 0, -1) Else Local $i For $i = 0 To UBound($aAttr) - 1 _DebugWrite("Entering inside for") If $aAttr[$i] = "" Then _XMLError("Error creating child node: " & $strNode & @CRLF & " Attribute Name Cannot be NULL." & @CRLF) Return SetError(1, 0, -1) EndIf _DebugWrite($aAttr[$i] & " " & $strNameSpc) $objAttr = $objDoc.createAttribute($aAttr[$i]);, $strNameSpc) If @error Then ExitLoop $objChild.SetAttribute($aAttr[$i], $aVal[$i]) If @error <> 0 Then _XMLError("Error creating child node: " & $strNode & @CRLF & $strXPath & " does not exist." & @CRLF) Return SetError(1, 0, -1) EndIf _DebugWrite("Looping inside for") Next EndIf Else If IsArray($aAttr) Or IsArray($aVal) Then _XMLError("Type non-Array and Array detected" & @LF) Return SetError(1, 0, -1) EndIf If $aAttr = "" Then _XMLError("Attribute Name cannot be empty string." & @LF) Return SetError(3, 0, -1) EndIf _DebugWrite($aAttr & " " & $strNameSpc) $objAttr = $objDoc.createAttribute($aAttr);, $strNameSpc) $objChild.SetAttribute($aAttr, $aVal) EndIf $objParent.appendChild($objChild) _DebugWrite("Looping for") Next _AddFormat($objDoc, $objParent) _XMLSaveDoc($strFile) _DebugWrite("Saved") $objParent = "" $objChild = "" _DebugWrite("Returning") Return 1 EndIf _XMLError("Error creating child node: " & $strNode & @CRLF & $strXPath & " does not exist." & @CRLF) Return SetError(1, 0, -1) EndFunc ;==>_XMLCreateChildWAttr ; #FUNCTION# =================================================================== ; Name ..........: _XMLGetChildText ; Description ...: Selects XML child Node(s) of an element based on XPath input from root node. ; Syntax.........: _XMLGetChildText($strXPath) ; Parameters ....: $strXPath - The xml tree path from root node (root/child/child..) ; Return values .: Success - An array of Nodes. ; Failure - -1 and @error set to 1. ; Author ........: Stephen Podhajecki ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........; ; Example .......; [yes/no] ; ============================================================================== Func _XMLGetChildText($strXPath) If Not IsObj($objDoc) Then _XMLError("No object passed to function _XMLGetChildText") Return SetError(1, 19, -1) EndIf Local $objNodeList, $arrResponse[1], $xmlerr $objNodeList = $objDoc.selectSingleNode($strXPath) If Not IsObj($objNodeList) Then _XMLError(@CRLF & "No Matching Nodes found") $arrResponse[0] = 0 Return SetError(1, 0, -1) EndIf If $objNodeList.hasChildNodes() Then For $objChild In $objNodeList.childNodes() If $objChild.nodeType = $NODE_ELEMENT Then _XMLArrayAdd($arrResponse, $objChild.baseName) ElseIf $objChild.nodeType = $NODE_TEXT Then _XMLArrayAdd($arrResponse, $objChild.text) EndIf Next $arrResponse[0] = UBound($arrResponse) - 1 Return $arrResponse EndIf $arrResponse[0] = 0 $xmlerr = @CRLF & "No Child Text Nodes found" _XMLError("Error Selecting Node(s): " & $strXPath & $xmlerr) Return SetError(1, 0, -1) EndFunc ;==>_XMLGetChildText ; #FUNCTION# =================================================================== ; Name ..........: _XMLGetChildNodes ; Description ...: Selects XML child Node(s) of an element based on XPath input from root node. ; Syntax.........: _XMLGetChildNodes($strXPath) ; Parameters ....: $strXPath - The xml tree path from root node (root/child/child..) ; Return values .: Success - An array of Nodes, count in [0] element. ; Failure - -1 and @error set to 1. ; Author ........: Stephen Podhajecki ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........; ; Example .......; [yes/no] ; ============================================================================== Func _XMLGetChildNodes($strXPath) If Not IsObj($objDoc) Then _XMLError("No object passed to function _XMLGetChildNodes") Return SetError(1, 20, -1) EndIf Local $objNodeList, $arrResponse[1], $xmlerr $objNodeList = $objDoc.selectSingleNode($strXPath) If Not IsObj($objNodeList) Then _XMLError(@LF & "No Matching Nodes found") $arrResponse[0] = 0 Return SetError(1, 0, -1) EndIf If $objNodeList.hasChildNodes() Then For $objChild In $objNodeList.childNodes() If $objChild.nodeType() = $NODE_ELEMENT Then _DebugWrite($objChild.NamespaceURI & "::" & $objChild.baseName & @LF) _XMLArrayAdd($arrResponse, $objChild.baseName) EndIf Next $arrResponse[0] = UBound($arrResponse) - 1 Return $arrResponse EndIf $arrResponse[0] = 0 $xmlerr = @LF & "No Child Nodes found" _XMLError("Error Selecting Node(s): " & $strXPath & $xmlerr) Return SetError(1, 0, -1) EndFunc ;==>_XMLGetChildNodes ; #FUNCTION# =================================================================== ; Name ..........: _XMLGetChildren ; Description ...: Selects XML child Node(s) of an element based on XPath input from root node and returns there text values. ; Syntax.........: _XMLGetChildren($strXPath) ; Parameters ....: $strXPath - The XML tree path from root node (root/child/child..) ; Return values .: Success - An array where: ; |$array[0][0] = Size of array ; |$array[1][0] = Name ; |$array[1][1] = Text ; |$array[1][2] = NameSpaceURI ; |... ; |$array[n][0] = Name ; |$array[n][1] = Text ; |$array[n][2] = NamespaceURI ; Failure - -1 and @error set to 1. ; Author ........: Stephen Podhajecki ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........; ; Example .......; [yes/no] ; ============================================================================== Func _XMLGetChildren($strXPath) If Not IsObj($objDoc) Then _XMLError("No object passed to function _XMLGetChildren") Return SetError(1, 21, -1) EndIf Local $objNodeList, $arrResponse[1][3], $xmlerr $objNodeList = $objDoc.selectSingleNode($strXPath) If Not IsObj($objNodeList) Then _XMLError(@LF & "No Matching Nodes found") $arrResponse[0][0] = 0 Return SetError(1, 0, -1) EndIf If $objNodeList.hasChildNodes() Then For $objChild In $objNodeList.childNodes() If $objChild.nodeType() = $NODE_ELEMENT Then If $objChild.hasChildNodes() Then For $objChildNode In $objChild.childNodes() If $objChildNode.nodeType() = $NODE_TEXT Then Local $dims = UBound($arrResponse, 1) ReDim $arrResponse[$dims + 1][3] $arrResponse[$dims][0] = $objChildNode.parentNode.baseName $arrResponse[$dims][1] = $objChildNode.text $arrResponse[$dims][2] = $objChildNode.NamespaceURI ;_XMLArrayAdd($arrResponse, $objChild.baseName) EndIf Next EndIf EndIf Next $arrResponse[0][0] = UBound($arrResponse, 1) - 1 Return $arrResponse EndIf $arrResponse[0][0] = 0 $xmlerr = @LF & "No Child Nodes found" _XMLError("Error Selecting Node(s): " & $strXPath & $xmlerr) Return SetError(1, 0, -1) EndFunc ;==>_XMLGetChildren ; #FUNCTION# =================================================================== ; Name ..........: _XMLGetNodeCount ; Description ...: Get Node Count based on XPath input from root node. ; Syntax.........: _XMLGetNodeCount($strXPath[, $strQry = ""[, $iNodeType = 1]]) ; Parameters ....: $strXPath - The XML tree path from root node (root/child/child.. ; $strQry - A DOM compliant query string (not really necessary as it becomes part of the path ; $iNodeType - The type of node to count. (element, attrib, comment etc.) ; Return values .: Success - Number of nodes found (can be 0) ; Failure - -1 and @error set to 1. ; Author ........: Stephen Podhajecki & DickB ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........; ; Example .......; [yes/no] ; ============================================================================== Func _XMLGetNodeCount($strXPath, $strQry = "", $iNodeType = 1) If Not IsObj($objDoc) Then _XMLError("No object passed to function _XMLGetNodeCount") Return SetError(1, 22, -1) EndIf Local $objQueryNodes, $objNode, $nodeCount = 0, $errMsg $objQueryNodes = $objDoc.selectNodes($strXPath & $strQry) If @error = 0 And $objQueryNodes.length > 0 Then For $objNode In $objQueryNodes If $objNode.nodeType = $iNodeType Then $nodeCount = $nodeCount + 1 Next Return $nodeCount Else $errMsg = "No nodes of specified type found." EndIf _XMLError("Error retrieving node count for: " & $strXPath & @CRLF & $errMsg & @CRLF) SetError(1) Return -1 ; EndIf EndFunc ;==>_XMLGetNodeCount ;part of the path ; #FUNCTION# =================================================================== ; Name ..........: _XMLGetAllAttribIndex ; Description ...: Get all XML Field(s) attributes based on Xpathn and specific index. ; Syntax.........: _XMLGetAllAttribIndex($strXPath, ByRef $aName, ByRef $aValue[, $strQry = ""[, $iNodeIndex = 0]]) ; Parameters ....: $strXpath - The xml tree path from root node (root/child/child..) ; $aNames - The array to return the attrib names in. ; $aValue - The array to return the attrib values in. ; $strQry - DOM compliant query string (not really necessary as it becomes ; $iNodeIndex - The index of node to retrieve. ; Return values .: Success - The number of elements. ; Failure - -1 and @error set to 1. ; Author ........: Stephen Podhajecki ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........; ; Example .......; [yes/no] ; ============================================================================== Func _XMLGetAllAttribIndex($strXPath, ByRef $aName, ByRef $aValue, $strQry = "", $iNodeIndex = 0) If Not IsObj($objDoc) Then _XMLError("No object passed to function _XMLGetAllAttribIndex") Return SetError(1, 23, -1) EndIf Local $objNodeList, $objQueryNodes, $i ;, $arrResponse[2][1] $objQueryNodes = $objDoc.selectNodes($strXPath & $strQry) If $objQueryNodes.length > 0 Then $objNodeList = $objQueryNodes.item($iNodeIndex).attributes _DebugWrite("GetAllAttribIndex " & $objNodeList.length) ;ReDim $arrResponse[2][$objNodeList.length + 1] ReDim $aName[$objNodeList.length] ReDim $aValue[$objNodeList.length] For $i = 0 To $objNodeList.length - 1 ;$arrResponse[0][$i] = $objNodeList.item ($i).nodeName ;$arrResponse[1][$i] = $objNodeList.item ($i).Value $aName[$i] = $objNodeList.item($i).nodeName $aValue[$i] = $objNodeList.item($i).Value Next ;Return $arrResponse Return $objNodeList.length EndIf _XMLError("Error retrieving attributes for: " & $strXPath & @CRLF) Return SetError(1, 0, -1) EndFunc ;==>_XMLGetAllAttribIndex ; #FUNCTION# =================================================================== ; Name ..........: _XMLGetPath ; Description ...: Return a nodes full path based on XPath input from root node. ; Syntax.........: _XMLGetPath($strXPath) ; Parameters ....: $strXPath - The XML tree path from root node (root/child/child..) ; Return values .: Success - An array of node names from root, count in [0] element. ; Failure - -1 and @error set to 1. ; Author ........: Stephen Podhajecki ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........; ; Example .......; [yes/no] ; ============================================================================== Func _XMLGetPath($strXPath) If Not IsObj($objDoc) Then _XMLError("No object passed to function _XMLGetPath") Return SetError(1, 24, -1) EndIf If $DOMVERSION < 4 Then _XMLError("Error DOM Version: " & "MSXML Version 4 or greater required for this function") Return SetError(1, 0, -1) EndIf Local $objNodeList, $arrResponse[1], $objNodeChild, $xmlerr, $nodepath, $ns $objNodeList = $objDoc.selectNodes($strXPath) If $objNodeList.length > 0 Then _DebugWrite("GetPath list length:" & $objNodeList.length) For $objNode In $objNodeList Local $objNode1 = $objNode $nodepath = "" $nodepathtag = "" If $objNode.nodeType <> $NODE_DOCUMENT Then $ns = $objNode.namespaceURI() If $ns <> "" Then $ns = StringRight($ns, StringLen($ns) - StringInStr($ns, "/", 0, -1)) & ":" EndIf If $ns = 0 Then $ns = "" $nodepath = "/" & $ns & $objNode.nodeName() & $nodepath EndIf Do $objParent = $objNode1.parentNode() _DebugWrite("parent " & $objParent.nodeName() & @LF) If $objParent.nodeType <> $NODE_DOCUMENT Then $ns = $objParent.namespaceURI() If $ns <> "" Then ;$ns = StringRight($ns, StringLen($ns) - StringInStr($ns, "/", 0, -1)) & ":" $ns &= ":" EndIf If $ns = 0 Then $ns = "" $nodepath = "/" & $ns & $objParent.nodeName() & $nodepath $objNode1 = $objParent Else $objNode1 = 0 EndIf $objParent = 0 Until (Not (IsObj($objNode1))) _DebugWrite("Path node> " & $nodepath & @LF) _XMLArrayAdd($arrResponse, $nodepath) Next $arrResponse[0] = UBound($arrResponse) - 1 Return $arrResponse EndIf $xmlerr = @CRLF & "No matching node(s)found!" _XMLError("Error Retrieving: " & $strXPath & $xmlerr) Return SetError(1, 0, -1) EndFunc ;==>_XMLGetPath ; #FUNCTION# =================================================================== ; Function Name : _XMLGetPathInternal ; Description ...: Returns the path of a valid node object. ; Syntax ........: _XMLGetPathInternal($objNode) ; Parameters ....: $objNode - A valid node object ; Return values .: Success - Path from root as string. ; Failure - An empty string and @error set to 1. ; Author ........: Stephen Podhajecki ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........; ; Example .......; [yes/no] ; ============================================================================== Func _XMLGetPathInternal($objNode) If Not IsObj($objDoc) Then _XMLError("No object passed to function _XMLGetPathInternal") Return SetError(1, 25, "") EndIf Local $nodepath, $na, $objParent If IsObj($objNode) Then $nodepath = "/" & $objNode.baseName Do $objParent = $objNode.parentNode() _DebugWrite("parent" & $objParent.nodeName() & ">" & @LF) If $objParent.nodeType <> $NODE_DOCUMENT Then $ns = $objParent.namespaceURI() If $ns = 0 Then $ns = "" If $ns <> "" Then $ns = StringRight($ns, StringLen($ns) - StringInStr($ns, "/", 0, -1)) & ":" EndIf $nodepath = "/" & $ns & $objParent.nodeName() & $nodepath $objNode = $objParent Else $objNode = 0 EndIf $objParent = 0 Until (Not (IsObj($objNode))) _DebugWrite("Path node>" & $nodepath & @LF) Return ($nodepath) Else Return SetError(1, 0, "") EndIf EndFunc ;==>_XMLGetPathInternal ; http://www.perfectxml.com/msxmlAnswers.asp?Row_ID=65 ; #FUNCTION# =================================================================== ; Name ..........: _XMLReplaceChild ; Description ...: Replaces a node with another ; Syntax.........: _XMLReplaceChild($objOldNode, $objNewNode[, $ns = ""]) ; Parameters ....: $objOldNode - The node to replace ; $objNewNode - The replacement node. ; Return values .: Success - 1. ; Failure - -1 and @error set to 1. ; Author ........: Stephen Podhajecki adapted from ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........; ; Example .......; [yes/no] ; ============================================================================== Func _XMLReplaceChild($objOldNode, $objNewNode, $ns = "") If Not IsObj($objDoc) Then _XMLError("No object passed to function _XMLReplaceChild") Return SetError(1, 26, -1) EndIf If $objOldNode = "" Or $objNewNode = "" Then Return SetError(1) Local $nodeRoot Local $nodeOld Local $nodeNew Local $nodeTemp Local $fSuccess = False ;No error handling done With $objDoc ;;.Load "c:\books.xml" $nodeRoot = .documentElement $oldNodes = $nodeRoot.selectNodes($objOldNode) ;'For each Node For $nodeOld In $oldNodes ;Create a New element $nodeNew = .createNode($NODE_ELEMENT, $objNewNode, $ns) ;Copy attributes For $nodeTemp In $nodeOld.Attributes $nodeNew.Attributes.setNamedItem($nodeTemp.cloneNode(True)) Next ;Copy Child Nodes For $nodeTemp In $nodeOld.childNodes $nodeNew.appendChild($nodeTemp) Next ;Replace with the renamed node If IsObj($nodeOld.parentNode.replaceChild($nodeNew, $nodeOld)) Then $fSuccess = 1 If Not ($objDoc.parseError.errorCode = 0) Then _XMLError("_XMLReplaceChild:" & @LF & "Error Replacing Child: " & _ $objDoc.parseError.errorCode & _ " " & $objDoc.parseError.reason) $fSuccess = False ExitLoop Else $fSuccess = True EndIf Next .save($strFile) EndWith $nodeRoot = 0 $nodeOld = 0 $nodeNew = 0 $nodeTemp = 0 If ($fSuccess = False) Then Return SetError(1, 0, -1) Return 1 EndFunc ;==>_XMLReplaceChild ; #FUNCTION# =================================================================== ; Name ..........: _XMLSchemaValidate ; Description ...: Validates a document against a dtd. ; Syntax.........: _XMLSchemaValidate($sXMLFile, $strNameSpc, $sXSDFile) ; Parameters ....: $sXMLFile - The file to validate ; $strNameSpc - xml namespace ; $sXSDFile - DTD file to validate against. ; Return values .: Success - 1 ; Failure - -1 and @error set to 1. ; Author ........: Stephen Podhajecki ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........; ; Example .......; [yes/no] ; ============================================================================== Func _XMLSchemaValidate($sXMLFile, $strNameSpc, $sXSDFile) Local $cache, $xmldoc $cache = ObjCreate("Msxml2.XMLSchemaCache." & $DOMVERSION & ".0") If Not IsObj($cache) Then MsgBox(266288, "XML Error", "Unable to instantiate the XML object" & @LF & "Please check your components.") Return SetError(1, 0, -1) EndIf $cache.add($strNameSpc, $sXSDFile) $xmldoc = ObjCreate("Msxml2.DOMDocument." & $DOMVERSION & ".0") If Not IsObj($xmldoc) Then MsgBox(266288, "XML Error", "Unable to instantiate the XML object" & @LF & "Please check your components.") Return SetError(1, 0, -1) EndIf $xmldoc.async = False $xmldoc.schemas = $cache $xmldoc.load($sXMLFile) If Not ($xmldoc.parseError.errorCode = 0) Then _XMLError("_XMLSchemaValidate:" & @LF & "Error: " & $xmldoc.parseError.errorCode & " " & $xmldoc.parseError.reason) Return SetError($xmldoc.parseError.errorCode) EndIf Return 1 EndFunc ;==>_XMLSchemaValidate ; #FUNCTION# =================================================================== ; Name ..........: _XMLGetDomVersion ; Description ...: Returns the version of msxml that is in use for the document. ; Syntax.........: _XMLGetDomVersion() ; Parameters ....: none ; Return values .: Success - msxml version ; Failure - 0 ; Author ........: Stephen Podhajecki ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........; ; Example .......; [yes/no] ; ============================================================================== Func _XMLGetDomVersion() Return $DOMVERSION EndFunc ;==>_XMLGetDomVersion ; #FUNCTION# =================================================================== ; Name ..........: _XMLError ; Description ...: Sets or Gets error message that may be generated by the UDF functs. ; Syntax.........: _XMLError($sError = "") ; Parameters ....: $sError - Error message to set. ; Return values .: Success - one of the following: ; |$sError <> "" - Nothing. ; |$sError = "" - Last error set. ; Failure - Nothing. ; Author ........: Stephen Podhajecki ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........; ; Example .......; [yes/no] ; ============================================================================== Func _XMLError($sError = "") If $sError = "" Then $sError = $sXML_error $sXML_error = "" Return $sError Else $sXML_error = StringFormat($sError) EndIf _DebugWrite($sXML_error) EndFunc ;==>_XMLError ; From the forum this came. ; #FUNCTION# =================================================================== ; Name ..........: _XMLCOMEerr ; Description ...: Displays a message box with the COM Error. ; Syntax.........: _XMLCOMEerr() ; Parameters ....: None ; Return values .: ; Author ........: SvenP 's error handler ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........; ; Example .......; [yes/no] ; ============================================================================== Func _XMLCOMEerr() _ComErrorHandler() Return EndFunc ;==>_XMLCOMEerr ; #FUNCTION# =================================================================== ; Name ..........: _ComErrorHandler ; Description ...: A COM error handling routine. ; Syntax.........: _ComErrorHandler($quiet = "") ; Parameters ....: $quiet - Work silently ; Return values .: None ; Author ........: ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........; ; Example .......; [yes/no] ; ============================================================================== Func _ComErrorHandler($quiet = "") Local $COMErr_Silent, $HexNumber ; ============================================================================== ;added silent switch to allow the func returned to the option to display custom ;error messages If $quiet = True Or $quiet = False Then $COMErr_Silent = $quiet $quiet = "" EndIf ; ============================================================================== $HexNumber = Hex($oXMLMyError.number, 8) If @error Then Return Local $msg = "COM Error with DOM!" & @CRLF & @CRLF & _ "err.description is: " & @TAB & $oXMLMyError.description & @CRLF & _ "err.windescription:" & @TAB & $oXMLMyError.windescription & @CRLF & _ "err.number is: " & @TAB & $HexNumber & @CRLF & _ "err.lastdllerror is: " & @TAB & $oXMLMyError.lastdllerror & @CRLF & _ "err.scriptline is: " & @TAB & $oXMLMyError.scriptline & @CRLF & _ "err.source is: " & @TAB & $oXMLMyError.source & @CRLF & _ "err.helpfile is: " & @TAB & $oXMLMyError.helpfile & @CRLF & _ "err.helpcontext is: " & @TAB & $oXMLMyError.helpcontext If $COMErr_Silent <> True Then MsgBox(0, @AutoItExe, $msg) Else _XMLError($msg) EndIf SetError(1) EndFunc ;==>_ComErrorHandler ; simple helper functions ; #FUNCTION# =================================================================== ; Name ..........: _DebugWrite ; Description ...: Writes a message to console with a crlf on the end ; Syntax.........: _DebugWrite($strMsg[, $sLineEnding = @LF]) ; Parameters ....: $strMsg - The message to display ; $sLineEnding - Line ending to add ; Return values .: On Succes - None. ; Failure - None. ; Author ........: ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........; ; Example .......; [yes/no] ; ============================================================================== Func _DebugWrite($strMsg, $sLineEnding = @LF) If $fDEBUGGING Then ConsoleWrite(StringFormat($strMsg) & $sLineEnding) EndIf EndFunc ;==>_DebugWrite ; #FUNCTION# =================================================================== ; Name ..........: _Notifier ; Description ...: displays a simple "ok" messagebox ; Syntax.........: _Notifier($Notifier_msg) ; Parameters ....: $Notifier_Msg - The message to display ; Return values .: On Succes - None. ; Failure - None. ; Author ........: ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........; ; Example .......; [yes/no] ; ============================================================================== Func _Notifier($Notifier_msg) MsgBox(266288, @ScriptName, $Notifier_msg) EndFunc ;==>_Notifier ; #FUNCTION# =================================================================== ; Name ..........: _SetDebug ; Description ...: Turn debugging info on or off ; Syntax.........: _SetDebug($fDbug = True) ; Parameters ....: $fDbug - Boolean value for debugging. ; Return values .: Success - The debugging state. ; Author ........: ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........; ; Example .......; [yes/no] ; ============================================================================== Func _SetDebug($fDbug = True) $fDEBUGGING = $fDbug _DebugWrite("Debug = " & $fDEBUGGING) Return $fDEBUGGING EndFunc ;==>_SetDebug ; #FUNCTION# =================================================================== ; Name ..........: _XMLUDFVersion ; Description ...: Returns UDF version number ; Syntax.........: _XMLUDFVersion() ; Parameters ....: None ; Return values .: Success - The UDF version number ; Author ........: Stephen Podhajecki ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........; ; Example .......; [yes/no] ; ============================================================================== Func _XMLUDFVersion() Return $_XMLUDFVER EndFunc ;==>_XMLUDFVersion ; #FUNCTION# =================================================================== ; Name ..........: _XMLTransform ; Description ...: ; Syntax.........: _XMLTransform([$oXMLDoc = ""[, $Style = ""[, $szNewDoc = ""]]]) ; Parameters ....: $oXMLDoc - The document to transform ; $Style - The stylesheet to use ; $szNewDoc - Save to this file. ; Return values .: Success - Returns True ; Failure - -1 and @error set to 1. ; Author ........: Stephen Podhajecki , Modified by WeaponX ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: Default stylesheet is used for indenting. ; Related .......: ; Link ..........; ; Example .......; [yes/no] ; ============================================================================== Func _XMLTransform($oXMLDoc = "", $Style = "", $szNewDoc = "") If $oXMLDoc = "" Then $oXMLDoc = $objDoc EndIf If Not IsObj($oXMLDoc) Then _XMLError("No object passed to function _XMLTransform") Return SetError(1, 29, -1) EndIf Local $fIndented = False Local $xslt = ObjCreate("MSXML2.XSLTemplate." & $DOMVERSION & ".0") Local $xslDoc = ObjCreate("MSXML2.FreeThreadedDOMDocument." & $DOMVERSION & ".0") Local $xmldoc = ObjCreate("MSXML2.DOMDocument." & $DOMVERSION & ".0") Local $xslProc $xslDoc.async = False If FileExists($Style) Then _DebugWrite("LoadXML:1:" & $xslDoc.load($Style) & @LF) Else _DebugWrite("LoadXML2:" & $xslDoc.loadXML(_GetDefaultStyleSheet()) & @LF) EndIf If $xslDoc.parseError.errorCode <> 0 Then _XMLError("Error Transforming NodeToObject: " & $xslDoc.parseError.reason) EndIf $xslt.stylesheet = $xslDoc $xslProc = $xslt.createProcessor() $xslProc.input = $objDoc $oXMLDoc.transformNodeToObject($xslDoc, $xmldoc) If $oXMLDoc.parseError.errorCode <> 0 Then _XMLError("_XMLTransform:" & @LF & "Error Transforming NodeToObject: " & $oXMLDoc.parseError.reason) $fIndented = False Else $fIndented = True EndIf If $fIndented Then ;Write transformed xml to a file if a filename is given If $szNewDoc <> "" Then $xmldoc.save($szNewDoc) If $xmldoc.parseError.errorCode <> 0 Then _XMLError("_XMLTransform:" & @LF & "Error Saving: " & $xmldoc.parseError.reason) $fIndented = False EndIf Else ;Overwrite original object with transformed object $objDoc = $xmldoc _XMLSaveDoc($strFile) If $oXMLDoc.parseError.errorCode <> 0 Then _XMLError("_XMLTransform:" & @LF & "Error Saving: " & $oXMLDoc.parseError.reason) $fIndented = False EndIf EndIf EndIf $xslProc = 0 $xslt = 0 $xslDoc = 0 $xmldoc = 0 If $fIndented = False Then Return SetError(1, 0, -1) Return $fIndented EndFunc ;==>_XMLTransform ; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY#========================================================== ; Name ..........: _GetDefaultStyleSheet ; Description ...: Internal function, returns the default indenting style sheet. ; Syntax.........: _GetDefaultStyleSheet() ; Parameters ....: ; Return values .: Success - The default stylesheet. ; Failure - Nothing. ; Author ........: Hew Wolff - Art & Logic, Inc. ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: Posted all over the web. ; Related .......: ; Link ..........; ; Example .......; [yes/no] ; ============================================================================== Func _GetDefaultStyleSheet() Return '' & _ '' & _ '' & _ '' & _ '' & _ '' & _ '' & _ '' & _ '' & _ '0' & _ '' & _ '' & _ '' & _ '' & _ '' & _ '' & _ ' ' & _ '' & _ '' & _ '' & _ '' & _ '' & _ '' & _ '' & _ '' & _ '' & _ '' & _ '' & _ '' & _ ' ' & _ '' & _ '' & _ '' & _ '' & _ '' & _ '' & _ '' & _ '' & _ ' ' & _ '' & _ '' & _ '' & _ '' & _ '' & _ ' ' & _ '' & _ '' & _ '' & _ '' & _ '' & _ '' & _ '' & _ '' & _ '' & _ '' & _ '' & _ '' & _ '' & _ '' & _ '' & _ '' & _ '' & _ '' & _ '&#xA;' & _ '' & _ '' & _ '' & _ '' & _ '' & _ '' & _ '' & _ '' & _ '' & _ '' & _ '' EndFunc ;==>_GetDefaultStyleSheet ; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY#========================================================== ; Name ..........: _AddFormat ; Description ...: ; Syntax.........: _AddFormat($objDoc[, $objParent = ""]) ; Parameters ....: $objDoc - Document to format ; $objParent - Optional node to add formatting to ; Return values .: Success - 1 ; Failure - -1 and @error set to 1. ; Author ........: Stephen Podhajecki ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: Just break up the tags, no indenting is done here. ; Related .......: ; Link ..........; ; Example .......; [yes/no] ; ============================================================================== Func _AddFormat($objDoc, $objParent = "") If $fADDFORMATTING = True Then If Not IsObj($objDoc) Then _XMLError("No object passed to function _XMLAddFormat") Return SetError(1, 30, -1) EndIf $objFormat = $objDoc.createTextNode(@CR) If IsObj($objParent) Then $objParent.appendChild($objFormat) Else $objDoc.documentElement.appendChild($objFormat) EndIf _XMLSaveDoc($strFile) EndIf Return 1 EndFunc ;==>_AddFormat ; #FUNCTION# =================================================================== ; Name ..........: _XMLSetAutoSave ; Description ...: Set the automatic save to on or off ; Syntax.........: _XMLSetAutoSave($fSave = True) ; Parameters ....: $fSave - Boolean value to set automatic saving. ; Return values .: Success - Previous state of autosave. ; Author ........: Stephen Podhajecki ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: Defaults to true. ; Related .......: ; Link ..........; ; Example .......; [yes/no] ; ============================================================================== Func _XMLSetAutoSave($fSave = True) Local $oldSave = $fXMLAUTOSAVE $fXMLAUTOSAVE = Not $fXMLAUTOSAVE Return $oldSave EndFunc ;==>_XMLSetAutoSave ; #FUNCTION# =================================================================== ; Name ..........: _XMLSetAutoFormat ; Description ...: Turn auto formatting on or off ; Syntax.........: _XMLSetAutoFormat($fAutoFormat = True) ; Parameters ....: $fAutoFormat - Boolean flag for automatic formatting ; Return values .: Success - The previous state. ; Failure - Nothing. ; Author ........: Stephen Podhajecki {gehossafats at netmdc. com} ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........; ; Example .......; [yes/no] ; ============================================================================== Func _XMLSetAutoFormat($fAutoFormat = True) Local $oldFormat = $fADDFORMATTING $fADDFORMATTING = $fAutoFormat Return $oldFormat EndFunc ;==>_XMLSetAutoFormat ; #FUNCTION# =================================================================== ; Name ..........: _XMLSaveDoc ; Description ...: Save the current xml doc ; Syntax.........: _XMLSaveDoc([$sFile=""[,$iForce = 0]]) ; Parameters ....: $sFile - The filename to save the xml doc as. ; $iForce - If true, save the file regardless of autosave state. ; Return values .: Success - 1 ; Failure - -1 and @error set to the following: ; |1 - error trying to save. ; |2 - Autosave is off. ; |3 - No filename given for save and default is blank. ; Author ........: Stephen Podhajecki {gehossafats at netmdc. com} ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: Defaults to the current filename. ; Related .......: ; Link ..........; ; Example .......; [yes/no] ; ============================================================================== Func _XMLSaveDoc($sFile = "", $iForce = 0) If ($fXMLAUTOSAVE = True) Or ($iForce = 1) Then If $sFile = "" Then $sFile = $strFile If $sFile <> "" Then $objDoc.save($sFile) If $objDoc.parseError.errorCode <> 0 Then _XMLError("_XMLSaveDoc: Saving " & $sFile & " failed.:" & @LF & _ $objDoc.parseError.errorCode & _ " " & $objDoc.parseError.reason) Return SetError(1, 0, -1) EndIf Return 1 Else _XMLError("_XMLSaveDoc:" & " Error Saving: No Filename given") Return SetError(3, 0, -1) EndIf EndIf Return SetError(2, 0, 1) EndFunc ;==>_XMLSaveDoc ; #FUNCTION# =================================================================== ; Name ..........: _XMLNodeExists ; Description ...: Checks for the existence of a node or nodes matching the specified path ; Syntax.........: _XMLNodeExists($strXPath) ; Parameters ....: $strXPath - Path to check for. ; Return values .: Success - 1 or Higher , 0 ; Failure - 0 and @Error set to: ; |0 - No error. ; |1 - No XML object @extended = 31. ; |2 - Node not found. ; Author ........: Stephen Podhajecki ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: Returns the number of nodes found (could be greater than 1) ; Related .......: ; Link ..........; ; Example .......; [yes/no] ; ============================================================================== Func _XMLNodeExists($strXPath) If Not IsObj($objDoc) Then _XMLError("No object passed to function _XMLNodeExists") Return SetError(1, 31, 0) EndIf Local $objNode, $iCount Local $objNode = $objDoc.SelectNodes($strXPath) If IsObj($objNode) Then $iCount = $objNode.length $objNode = 0 If $iCount Then Return $iCount Return SetError(2, 0, 0) EndFunc ;==>_XMLNodeExists ; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY#========================================================== ; Name ..........: _XMLArrayAdd ; Description ...: Adds an item to an array. ; Syntax.........: _XMLArrayAdd(ByRef $avArray, $sValue) ; Parameters ....: $avArray - The array to modify. ; $sValue - The value to add to the array. ; Return values .: Success - 1 and value added to array. ; Failure - 0 and @error set to 1 ; Author ........: ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: Local version of _ArrayAdd to remove dependency on Array.au3 ; Related .......: ; Link ..........; ; Example .......; [yes/no] ; ============================================================================== Func _XMLArrayAdd(ByRef $avArray, $sValue) If IsArray($avArray) Then ReDim $avArray[UBound($avArray) + 1] $avArray[UBound($avArray) - 1] = $sValue SetError(0) Return 1 Else SetError(1) Return 0 EndIf EndFunc ;==>_XMLArrayAdd