#include-once #include #include ; #INDEX# ======================================================================== ; Title .........: _TFTPClient.au3 ; AutoIt Version : ; Language ......: English ; Description ...: TFTP UDF implementation for AutoIt3 ; Author ........: Csaba "KEFE" Barta ; ================================================================================ ; #VARIABLES# ==================================================================== Global $TFTP_LastConnection ; enables the use of -1 to access the last opened connection Global $TFTPErr ; Plain text error message holder for TFTP errors (OpCode 0x05) Global $WSAErr ; Plain text error message holder for Windows Socket error codes (for details see: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms740668(v=vs.85).aspx) Global Const $TFTP_OK = 0 ; Successful result Global Const $TFTP_ERROR = 1 ; TFTP error Global Const $TFTPUDFVersion = "0.0.1" ; ============================================================================== ; #FUNCTION# =================================================================== ; Name ..........: _TFTP_Register() ; Description ...: Executes the UDPStartup(), if UDPStartup() failes set the apropiate error messages ; Syntax.........: _TFTP_Register() ; Return values .: On Success - Returns $TFTP_OK ; On Failure - Returns $TFTP_ERROR and both $TFTPErr and $WSAErr are set. ; Author ........: Csaba "KEFE" Barta ; Remarks .......: AutoIt3 v3.3.8.1 or higher ; ============================================================================== Func _TFTP_Register() If UDPStartup() Then Return SetError($TFTP_OK, 0, $TFTP_OK) Else $TFTPErr = "Unable to execute UDPStartup()" $WSAErr = @error Return SetError($TFTP_ERROR, 0, $TFTP_ERROR) EndIf EndFunc ; #FUNCTION# =================================================================== ; Name ..........: _TFTP_UnRegister() ; Description ...: Executes the UDPShutdown(), if UDPShutdown() failes set the apropiate error messages ; Syntax.........: _TFTP_UnRegister() ; Return values .: On Success - Returns $TFTP_OK ; On Failure - Returns $TFTP_ERROR and both $TFTPErr and $WSAErr are set. ; Author ........: Csaba "KEFE" Barta ; Remarks .......: AutoIt3 v3.3.8.1 or higher ; ============================================================================== Func _TFTP_UnRegister() If UDPShutdown() Then Return SetError($TFTP_OK, 0, $TFTP_OK) Else $TFTPErr = "Unable to execute UDPShutdown()" $WSAErr = @error Return SetError($TFTP_ERROR, 0, $TFTP_ERROR) EndIf EndFunc ; #FUNCTION# =================================================================== ; Name ..........: _TFTP_RRQ - TFTP Read Request (download from TFTP server) ; Description ...: Executes a Read Request (OpCode 0x0001), if server responds with DATA (0x0003) or OACK (0x0006) downloads the file, if server responds with ERROR (0x0005) displays the appropiate error message ; Syntax.........: _TFTP_RRQ($TFTPHost, $TFTPPort, $TFTPGetFilename, $FileLocalPath, $TFTPMode = "octet", $BlockSize = "128", $Timeout = 5) ; Return values .: On Success - Returns $TFTP_OK, also the file will be downloaded and copied to the path given in $FileLocalPath, directory will be created if it dosen't exists ; On Failure - Returns $TFTP_ERROR and both $TFTPErr and $WSAErr are set. ; Author ........: Csaba "KEFE" Barta ; Remarks .......: AutoIt3 v3.3.8.1 or higher ; ============================================================================== Func _TFTP_RRQ($TFTPHost, $TFTPPort, $TFTPGetFilename, $FileLocalPath, $TFTPMode = "octet", $BlockSize = "128", $Timeout = 5) $UDPSocket = UDPOpen($TFTPHost, $TFTPPort) $RRQ = "0x0001" & _StringToHex($TFTPGetFilename) & "00" & _StringToHex($TFTPMode) & "00" & _StringToHex("timeout") & "00" & _StringToHex($Timeout) & "00" & _StringToHex("blksize") & "00" & _StringToHex($BlockSize) & "00" & _StringToHex("tsize") & "00" $RRQStatus = UDPSend($UDPSocket, $RRQ) $DataRecv = UDPRecv($UDPSocket, $BlockSize, 2) $TimeoutLoop = 0 If $DataRecv <> "" Then $UDPSocketEphemeral = $UDPSocket $UDPSocketEphemeral[3] = $DataRecv[2] $DLFile = _TFTP_DATA($UDPSocketEphemeral, $TFTPGetFilename, $FileLocalPath, $DataRecv, $TFTPMode, $BlockSize, $Timeout, 1) If $DLFile = 0 Then Return SetError($TFTP_ERROR, 0, $TFTP_ERROR) Else Return $DLFile EndIf Else Do $TimeoutLoop = $TimeoutLoop + 1 Sleep(1000) Until $DataRecv <> "" Or $TimeoutLoop = $Timeout If $TimeoutLoop = $Timeout Then $TFTPErr = "Read Request timed out" Return SetError($TFTP_ERROR, 0, $TFTP_ERROR) ElseIf $DataRecv <> "" Then $UDPSocketEphemeral = $UDPSocket $UDPSocketEphemeral[3] = $DataRecv[2] $DLFile = _TFTP_DATA($UDPSocketEphemeral, $TFTPGetFilename, $FileLocalPath, $DataRecv, $TFTPMode, $BlockSize, $Timeout, 1) If $DLFile = 0 Then Return SetError($TFTP_ERROR, 0, $TFTP_ERROR) Else Return $DLFile EndIf Else $TFTPErr = "An unhandle error turned up during your Read Request" Return SetError($TFTP_ERROR, 0, $TFTP_ERROR) EndIf EndIf EndFunc ; #FUNCTION# =================================================================== ; Name ..........: _TFTP_DATA - TFTP Data Receive - both for RRQ and for standalone ; Description ...: Handels the TFTP Data Receive (OpCode 0x0003), both in standalone and for RRQ responses also if its needed calls the TFTP ERROR (OpCode 0x0005) handler ; Syntax.........: _TFTP_DATA($UDPSocket (usually on an ephemeral port), $TFTPGetFilename, $FileLocalPath, $FirstDataPacket (or in case of an error, error packet), $TFTPMode = "octet", $BlockSize = "128", $Timeout = 5, $CallMethod = 0 (0 for standalone, 1 for after an RRQ)) ; Return values .: On Success - Returns $TFTP_OK, also the received data will be written to $FileLocalPath & "\" & $TFTPGetFilename ; On Failure - Returns $TFTP_ERROR and both $TFTPErr and $WSAErr are set. ; Author ........: Csaba "KEFE" Barta ; Remarks .......: AutoIt3 v3.3.8.1 or higher ; ============================================================================== Func _TFTP_DATA($UDPSocket, $TFTPGetFilename, $FileLocalPath, $FirstDataPacket, $TFTPMode = "octet", $BlockSize = "128", $Timeout = 5, $CallMethod = 0) ; If $TransferSize = 0 Then $TransferSize = Floor(DriveSpaceFree(@ScriptDir)*1048576) ; ConsoleWrite($UDPSocket[2] & "-" & $UDPSocket[3] & "-" & $TFTPGetFilename & "-" & $FileLocalPath & "-" & $FirstDataPacket[0] & "-" & $TFTPMode & "-" & $BlockSize & "-" & $Timeout & "-" & $CallMethod & @CR) $OpCode = StringLeft(StringTrimLeft($FirstDataPacket[0], 2), 4) ; ConsoleWrite($OpCode & @CR) If $OpCode = "0003" Then ConsoleWrite("DATA" & @CR) ElseIf $OpCode = "0004" Then ConsoleWrite("ACK" & @CR) ElseIf $OpCode = "0005" Then Return _TFTP_ERROR($FirstDataPacket[0]) ElseIf $OpCode = "0006" Then $WriteOutTo = FileOpen($FileLocalPath & "\" & "DLD_" & $TFTPGetFilename, 2) $OACKResp = _TFTP_OACK($UDPSocket, $FirstDataPacket[0], $CallMethod) $ReturnSizeWillBe = 0 $BlockSizeWillBe = 0 $TimeoutWillBe = 0 For $OACKCnt = 0 To UBound($OACKResp)-1 $OACKItem = StringSplit($OACKResp[$OACKCnt], "|") If $OACKItem[1] = "tsize" Then $ReturnSizeWillBe = $OACKItem[2] If $OACKItem[1] = "blksize" Then $BlockSizeWillBe = $OACKItem[2] If $OACKItem[1] = "timeout" Then $TimeoutWillBe = $OACKItem[2] Next If $BlockSizeWillBe = $BlockSize And $Timeout = $TimeoutWillBe Then $NrTotalACK = $ReturnSizeWillBe / $BlockSize EndIf For $SendLoop = 0 To $NrTotalACK+1 ; If _TFTP_ACK($UDPSocket, 0) And $SendLoop = 0 Then ; If _TFTP_ACK($UDPSocket, 0) Then If _TFTP_ACK($UDPSocket, $SendLoop) Then $RecvIs = UDPRecv($UDPSocket, $BlockSize+4) ConsoleWrite("Get Back: " & $RecvIs & @CR) $RecvIsData = _HexToString(StringTrimLeft($RecvIs, 10)) FileWrite($WriteOutTo, $RecvIsData) $NextPacket = _HexToString("0x" & StringMid(StringTrimLeft($RecvIs, 6), 1, 4)) EndIf ; _TFTP_ACK($UDPSocket, $NextPacket) ; $RecvIs = UDPRecv($UDPSocket, $BlockSize+4) ; ConsoleWrite($NextPacket & ": Get Back: " & $RecvIs & @CR) Next FileClose($WriteOutTo) Else ConsoleWrite("SEND ERROR " & $OpCode & @CR) EndIf EndFunc Func _TFTP_ACK($UDPSocket, $BlockNr) $Send = UDPSend($UDPSocket, "0x0004" & Hex($BlockNr, 4)) ConsoleWrite("ACK:" & $BlockNr & " * " & Hex($BlockNr, 4) & @CR) Return $Send EndFunc ; #FUNCTION# =================================================================== ; Name ..........: _TFTP_ERROR - Handles TFTP Error (Op Code 0x0005) messages ; Description ...: Handels the TFTP Error (Op Code 0x0005) messages ; Syntax.........: _TFTP_ERROR($ErrorPacket) ; Return values .: On Success - Returns $TFTP_ERROR with the interpreted error message ; On Failure - Returns $TFTP_ERROR with a generic error message ; Author ........: Csaba "KEFE" Barta ; Remarks .......: AutoIt3 v3.3.8.1 or higher ; ============================================================================== Func _TFTP_ERROR($ErrorPacket) $ErrorPacket = StringReplace($ErrorPacket, "0x0005", "") $ErrorCode = StringLeft($ErrorPacket, 4) If $ErrorCode = "0000" Then $ReturnError = _HexToString("0x" & StringTrimRight(StringTrimLeft($ErrorPacket, 4), 2)) $TFTPErr = "Undefined Error *** Server returned this message: " & $ReturnError Return SetError($TFTP_ERROR, 0, $TFTP_ERROR) ElseIf $ErrorCode = "0001" Then $ReturnError = _HexToString("0x" & StringTrimRight(StringTrimLeft($ErrorPacket, 4), 2)) $TFTPErr = "File Not Found *** Server returned this message: " & $ReturnError Return SetError($TFTP_ERROR, 0, $TFTP_ERROR) ElseIf $ErrorCode = "0002" Then $ReturnError = _HexToString("0x" & StringTrimRight(StringTrimLeft($ErrorPacket, 4), 2)) $TFTPErr = "Access Violation *** Server returned this message: " & $ReturnError Return SetError($TFTP_ERROR, 0, $TFTP_ERROR) ElseIf $ErrorCode = "0003" Then $ReturnError = _HexToString("0x" & StringTrimRight(StringTrimLeft($ErrorPacket, 4), 2)) $TFTPErr = "Disk Full Or Allocation Exceeded *** Server returned this message: " & $ReturnError Return SetError($TFTP_ERROR, 0, $TFTP_ERROR) ElseIf $ErrorCode = "0004" Then $ReturnError = _HexToString("0x" & StringTrimRight(StringTrimLeft($ErrorPacket, 4), 2)) $TFTPErr = "Illegal TFTP Operation *** Server returned this message: " & $ReturnError Return SetError($TFTP_ERROR, 0, $TFTP_ERROR) ElseIf $ErrorCode = "0005" Then $ReturnError = _HexToString("0x" & StringTrimRight(StringTrimLeft($ErrorPacket, 4), 2)) $TFTPErr = "Unknown Transfer ID *** Server returned this message: " & $ReturnError Return SetError($TFTP_ERROR, 0, $TFTP_ERROR) ElseIf $ErrorCode = "0006" Then $ReturnError = _HexToString("0x" & StringTrimRight(StringTrimLeft($ErrorPacket, 4), 2)) $TFTPErr = "File Already Exists *** Server returned this message: " & $ReturnError Return SetError($TFTP_ERROR, 0, $TFTP_ERROR) ElseIf $ErrorCode = "0007" Then $ReturnError = _HexToString("0x" & StringTrimRight(StringTrimLeft($ErrorPacket, 4), 2)) $TFTPErr = "No Such User *** Server returned this message: " & $ReturnError Return SetError($TFTP_ERROR, 0, $TFTP_ERROR) Else ConsoleWrite("SEND ERROR BAD ERROR MSG" & @CR) EndIf EndFunc ; #FUNCTION# =================================================================== ; Name ..........: _TFTP_OACK - Handles TFTP Optional Acknowledgement (Op Code 0x0006) messages ; Description ...: Handels the TFTP Optional Acknowledgement (Op Code 0x0006) messages ; Syntax.........: _TFTP_OACK($OACKPacket) ; Return values .: On Success - Returns $TFTP_OK and an array with interpretation of the packet ; On Failure - Returns $TFTP_ERROR and sets the failure reason to $TFTPErr ; Author ........: Csaba "KEFE" Barta ; Remarks .......: AutoIt3 v3.3.8.1 or higher ; ============================================================================== Func _TFTP_OACK($UDPSocket, $OACKPacket, $CallMethod = 0) $OACKPacket = StringTrimRight(StringReplace($OACKPacket, "0x0006", ""), 2) $OACKArray = StringSplit($OACKPacket, "00", 1) _ArrayDelete($OACKArray, 0) Global $OACKReturn[UBound($OACKArray)/2] For $i = 0 To UBound($OACKArray)/2-1 $OACKReturn[$i] = _HexToString("0x" & $OACKArray[$i+$i]) & "|" & _HexToString("0x" & $OACKArray[$i+$i+1]) Next ; If $CallMethod = 1 Then ; _TFTP_ACK($UDPSocket, 0) ; EndIf Return $OACKReturn EndFunc