#include #include Global $msg Global $Button_next Global $Label_select Global $selectmodell Global $Combo Global $Combo2 Global $line Global $startgui Global $selecttype Global $olddriver Global $oldversion Global $oldurl Global $thirdgui Global $fourthgui Global $file Global $newurl Global $newurltemp Global $newfilever Global $var2 Global $newinfotemp Global $newinfo Global $l call ("start") Func Start () $startgui = GuiCreate("RIS - Driver Update Admin", 310, 200,(@DesktopWidth-400)/2, (@DesktopHeight-400)/2) $Group_1 = GuiCtrlCreateGroup("RIS - PC Driver Update Admin ", 30, 20, 250, 60) $Label_start = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("This wizard will help you to update the RIS - Drvier Update utility ", 40, 40, 190, 30) $Combo = GuiCtrlCreateCombo("", 70, 110, 170, 21, $CBS_DROPDOWNLIST) GUICtrlSetData(-1,"Dell x200") GUICtrlSetData(-1,"Dell x300") GUICtrlSetData(-1,"Dell GX280") GUICtrlSetData(-1,"Dell 530") GUICtrlSetData(-1,"Dell 620") GUICtrlSetData(-1,"Dell m70") GUICtrlSetData(-1,"Dell d600") $Label_select = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("1. Select Model", 70, 90, 130, 20) $Button_next = GuiCtrlCreateButton("Next", 100, 155, 100, 25) GuiSetState() call ("OnSelectModel") EndFunc Func OnSelectModel () While 1 $msg = GUIGetMsg() if $msg = $Button_next then $selectmodell = GUICtrlRead($Combo) Select case $selectmodell = "" MsgBox(64, "RIS - Driver Update Admin", "Please, make a selection" & @LF & "before you press Next") case $selectmodell = "Dell GX280" GUIDelete ($startgui) call ("OnSelectType") ExitLoop case $selectmodell = "Dell 530" GUIDelete ($startgui) call ("OnSelectType") ExitLoop case $selectmodell = "Dell x200" GUIDelete ($startgui) call ("OnSelectType") ExitLoop EndSelect endif wend EndFunc Func OnSelectType () ;Select Driver Type $secondgui = GuiCreate("RIS - Driver Update Admin", 310, 200,(@DesktopWidth-400)/2, (@DesktopHeight-400)/2) $Group_1 = GuiCtrlCreateGroup("RIS - PC Driver Update Admin ", 30, 20, 250, 60) $Label_start = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("This wizard will help you to update the RIS - Drvier Update utility ", 40, 40, 190, 30) $Label_select2 = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("2. Select Driver Type for " & $selectmodell, 70, 90, 190, 20) $Button_next = GuiCtrlCreateButton("Next", 165, 155, 75, 25) $Button_back = GuiCtrlCreateButton("Back", 75, 155, 75, 25) $Combo2 = GuiCtrlCreateCombo("", 70, 110, 170, 21, $CBS_DROPDOWNLIST) GUICtrlSetData(-1,"Audio Driver " & $selectmodell) GUICtrlSetData(-1,"Video Driver " & $selectmodell) GUICtrlSetData(-1,"Chipset Driver " & $selectmodell) GUICtrlSetData(-1,"Nic Driver " & $selectmodell) GuiSetState() while 1 $msg = GUIGetMsg() if $msg = $Button_next then $selecttype = GUICtrlRead($Combo2) Select case $selecttype = "" MsgBox(64, "RIS - Driver Update Admin", "Please, make a selection" & @LF & "before you press Next") case $selecttype = "Audio Driver " & $selectmodell ExitLoop case $selecttype = "Video Driver " & $selectmodell ExitLoop EndSelect Else if $msg = $Button_back then GUIDelete ($secondgui) call ("Start") ExitLoop EndIf endif WEnd $file = FileOpen("RIS Driver Update.au3", 0) ; Check if file opened for reading OK If $file = -1 Then MsgBox(0, "Error", "Unable to open file.") Exit EndIf $oldurl = "" $oldurltemp = "" $oldversion = "" $oldversiontemp = "" $nextline = "" $nextlinetemp = "" $olddriver = "" $olddrivertemp = "" $i = 1 While 1 $i = $i + 1 $line = FileReadline($file) If @error = -1 Then ExitLoop If $nextline = 3 Then $oldurltemp = StringTrimLeft($line, 20) $oldurl = StringTrimRight($oldurltemp, 1) MsgBox(0, "", $oldurl) GUIDelete ($secondgui) FileClose($file) call ("NewDriverDetails") ExitLoop EndIf If $nextline = 2 Then $oldversiontemp = StringTrimLeft($line, 17) $oldversion = StringTrimRight($oldversiontemp, 1) MsgBox(0, "", $oldversion) $nextline = 3 EndIf If $nextline = 1 Then $olddrivertemp = StringTrimLeft($line, 18) $olddriver = StringTrimRight($olddrivertemp, 1) MsgBox(0, "", $olddriver) $nextline = 2 Endif $result2 = StringInStr($line, ";" & $selecttype) if $result2 = 1 then msgbox (0, "", $i) $nextline = 1 endif WEnd EndFunc func NewDriverDetails () $thirdgui = GuiCreate("RIS - Driver Update Admin", 310, 300,(@DesktopWidth-400)/2, (@DesktopHeight-400)/2) GuiCtrlCreateGroup("RIS - PC Driver Update Admin ", 30, 20, 250, 60) GuiCtrlCreateLabel("This wizard will help you to update the RIS - Drvier Update utility ", 40, 40, 190, 30) GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Old " & $selecttype & ":", 35, 90, 390, 15) GuiCtrlCreateLabel("File = " & $olddriver, 35, 105, 390, 15) GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Ver = " & $oldversion, 35, 120, 390, 15) GuiCtrlCreateLabel("New " & $selecttype & ":", 35, 140, 390, 15) GuiCtrlCreateLabel("File = ", 35, 155, 390, 15) GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Ver = ", 35, 170, 390, 15) GuiSetState(@SW_SHOW) $ver = FileGetVersion($olddriver) if $ver = "" then MsgBox(64, "RIS - Driver Update Admin", "The old driver file is removed." & @LF & "Press Change new Driver File" & @LF & "to select driver file") ElseIf $ver <= $oldversion then MsgBox(64, "RIS - Driver Update Admin", "The old driver file verion is unchanged or older." & @LF & "Press Change new Driver File to select driver file") Else GuiCtrlCreateLabel("New " & $selecttype & ":", 35, 140, 390, 15) GuiCtrlCreateLabel("File = " & $olddriver, 35, 155, 390, 15) GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Ver = " & $ver, 35, 170, 390, 15) EndIf $Button_browse = GuiCtrlCreateButton("Change new Driver File", 75, 200, 165, 25) $Button_back = GuiCtrlCreateButton("Back", 75, 250, 75, 25) $Button_next = GuiCtrlCreateButton("Next", 165, 250, 75, 25) $var2 = $olddriver $newfilever = $ver while 1 $msg = GUIGetMsg() if $msg = $Button_browse then $message = "Select new driver file" $var2 = FileOpenDialog($message, "C:\Windows\system32\drivers\", "All files (*.*)") If @error Then ;MsgBox(4096,"","No File(s) chosen") Else $var2 = StringReplace($var2, "|", @CRLF) $newfilever = FileGetVersion($var2) GuiCtrlCreateLabel("File = " & $var2, 35, 155, 390, 15) GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Ver = " & $newfilever, 35, 170, 390, 15) EndIf Else if $msg = $Button_back then GUIDelete ($thirdgui) call ("OnSelectType") ExitLoop Else if $msg = $Button_next then GUIDelete ($thirdgui) call ("OnEnterUrl") ExitLoop EndIf EndIf endif WEnd while 1 sleep (1000) wend EndFunc Func OnEnterUrl () $fourthgui = GuiCreate("RIS - Driver Update Admin", 310, 235,(@DesktopWidth-400)/2, (@DesktopHeight-400)/2) GuiCtrlCreateGroup("RIS - PC Driver Update Admin ", 30, 20, 250, 60) GuiCtrlCreateLabel("This wizard will help you to update the RIS - Drvier Update utility ", 40, 40, 190, 30) GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Old url for " & $selecttype & " file:", 35, 90, 390, 15) GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Url = " & $oldurl, 35, 105, 390, 15) GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Enter new url for " & $selecttype & " file:", 35, 125, 390, 15) $newurltemp = GuiCtrlCreateInput("", 35, 145, 250, 20) $Button_back = GuiCtrlCreateButton("Back", 75, 185, 75, 25) $Button_next = GuiCtrlCreateButton("Next", 165, 185, 75, 25) GuiSetState(@SW_SHOW) while 1 $msg = GUIGetMsg() if $msg = $Button_back then GUIDelete ($fourthgui) call ("NewDriverDetails") ExitLoop Else if $msg = $Button_next then if GUICtrlRead($newurltemp) = "" Then MsgBox(64, "RIS - Driver Update Admin", "Please, enter a new url" & @LF & "before you press Next") else $newurl = GUICtrlRead($newurltemp) GUIDelete ($fourthgui) call ("OnEnterInfo") ExitLoop EndIf EndIf EndIf WEnd while 1 sleep (1000) wend EndFunc Func OnEnterInfo () $5gui = GuiCreate("RIS - Driver Update Admin", 415, 310,(@DesktopWidth-500)/2, (@DesktopHeight-400)/2) GuiCtrlCreateGroup("RIS - PC Driver Update Admin ", 30, 20, 250, 60) GuiCtrlCreateLabel("This wizard will help you to update the RIS - Drvier Update utility ", 40, 40, 190, 30) GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Enter new Download Info Message for " & $selecttype, 12, 100, 390, 15) $newinfotemp = GuiCtrlCreateInput("", 10, 120, 396, 112, BitOR ($ES_WANTRETURN, $ES_MULTILINE)) $Button_back = GuiCtrlCreateButton("Back", 115, 260, 75, 25) $Button_next = GuiCtrlCreateButton("Next", 205, 260, 75, 25) GuiSetState(@SW_SHOW) while 1 $msg = GUIGetMsg() if $msg = $Button_back then GUIDelete ($5gui) call ("OnEnterUrl") ExitLoop Else if $msg = $Button_next then if GUICtrlRead($newinfotemp) = "" Then MsgBox(64, "RIS - Driver Update Admin", "Please, enter a new Driver Info" & @LF & "before you press Next") else $newinfo = GUICtrlRead($newinfotemp) GUIDelete ($5gui) call ("OnCompile") ExitLoop EndIf EndIf EndIf WEnd while 1 sleep (1000) wend EndFunc Func OnCompile () $6gui = GuiCreate("RIS - Driver Update Admin", 415, 400,(@DesktopWidth-500)/2, (@DesktopHeight-400)/2) GuiCtrlCreateGroup("RIS - PC Driver Update Admin ", 30, 20, 250, 60) GuiCtrlCreateLabel("This wizard will help you to update the RIS - Drvier Update utility ", 40, 40, 190, 30) GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Save Changes for " & $selecttype, 12, 90, 390, 15) ;GuiCtrlCreateLabel("File = " & $var2, 12, 105, 390, 15) ;GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Ver = " & $newfilever, 12, 120, 390, 15) GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Url = " & $newurl, 12, 135, 390, 30) GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Driver Info:", 12, 165, 390, 15) GuiCtrlCreateInput($newinfo, 10, 182, 396, 112, Bitor ($ES_READONLY, $ES_MULTILINE)) _FileCreate ("temp.pak") $temppak = FileOpen("temp.pak", 1) If $temppak = -1 Then MsgBox(0, "Error", "Unable to open file.") Exit EndIf FileWrite($temppak, $newinfo) FileClose($temppak) $l = 0 $temppak = FileOpen("temp.pak", 0) While 1 $l = $l + 1 $line = FileReadLine($temppak) If @error = -1 Then ExitLoop If $l = 1 Then $line1 = $line MsgBox(0, "Line read:", $line1) else If $l = 2 Then $line2 = $line MsgBox(0, "Line read:", $line2) Else If $l = 3 Then $line3 = $line MsgBox(0, "Line read:", $line3) Else If $l = 4 Then $line4 = $line MsgBox(0, "Line read:", $line4) Else If $l = 5 Then $line5 = $line MsgBox(0, "Line read:", $line5) Else If $l = 6 Then $line6 = $line MsgBox(0, "Line read:", $line6) Else If $l = 7 Then $line7 = $line MsgBox(0, "Line read:", $line7) Else If $l = 8 Then $line8 = $line MsgBox(0, "Line read:", $line8) EndIf EndIf EndIf EndIf EndIf EndIf EndIf EndIf Wend FileClose($temppak) $Button_create = GuiCtrlCreateButton("Compile EXE", 115, 320, 165, 25) $Button_back = GuiCtrlCreateButton("Back", 115, 355, 75, 25) $Button_cancel = GuiCtrlCreateButton("Cancel", 205, 355, 75, 25) GuiSetState(@SW_SHOW) while 1 $msg = GUIGetMsg() if $msg = $Button_back then GUIDelete ($6gui) call ("OnEnterInfo") ExitLoop Else if $msg = $Button_create then GUIDelete ($6gui) call ("OnCompileFile") ExitLoop Else if $msg = $Button_cancel then Exit EndIf EndIf Endif WEnd while 1 sleep (1000) wend EndFunc Func OnCompileFile () ;$au3file = "Copy of RIS Driver Update.au3" $au3file = "admin1.au3" $au3filenew = "tempau3.au3" ; read in the file $list1 = FileRead($au3file, FileGetSize ($au3file)) ;If @error = 1 Then ;MsgBox (0, "", "Error reading from " & $au3file) ;Exit 1 ;EndIf ; split into lines $list = StringSplit ($list1, @CRLF, 1) ; replace specific line $linenum = 5 $list[$linenum] = "This is the text on the replaced line." ; overwrite the file $handle = FileOpen($au3filenew, 1) If $handle = -1 Then MsgBox(0, "Error", "Unable to open file.") Exit 1 EndIf For $i = 1 To $list[0] FileWriteLine ($handle, $list[$i]) Next msgbox(0,"", "har skrivit till filen") FileClose($handle) EndFunc