Global $shape $shape = InputBox("Area", "Which shape would you like to know the equation for? Circle , Square , or Triangle ") If $shape = "Circle" Then $circle = MsgBox(4, "Area of a Circle", "Area of a circle is A=3.14*r^2. Would you like to find the area of a cirle?") EndIf If $shape = "Square" Then $square = MsgBox(4, "Area of a square", "The area a square is A=l*w or A=l^2. Would you like to find the area of a square?") EndIf If $square = 6 Then $squareside = InputBox("Area of a square", "Enter the length of one side,") EndIf If $circle = 6 Then $circleradius = InputBox("Area of a circle", "Enter the length of the radius.") EndIf $squarearea = ($squareside *$squareside) $circlearea = ($circleradius * $circleradius) * 3.14 MsgBox(0, "Area of a circle", "The area of the circle is, " & $circlearea)