#include ;done by Jakob Schoormann , 28 January 2014 ; teaware by schoormann@gmail.com $again = true ;enter again while $again $bla = "returns all IP networks (classless) " & @crlf & _ "contained within an IP range"& @crlf & _ "Enter range like :" $start=inputbox("please enter the range",$bla) $arr = stringsplit($start,"-") if not isarray($arr) then $again = True $start = stringstripws($arr[1],3) $stop = stringstripws($arr[2],3) $a = ip2num($start) ;calculate once $b = ip2num($stop) if isint($a) and isint($b) and $b >= $a then $again = false wend $tstarr = ran2netarr($start,$stop) _arraydisplay($tstarr,"Networks") ;-------------------------------------------------------------- return array with networks representing a range --------------------------------- func ran2netarr($start,$stop) ;entered as strings in ip form local $retarr dim $retarr[2][2] $retarr[0][0] = 0 local $nettable ;static table defining network segments local $modwert = 0 ;modulo value within array $nettable local $mask = 1 ;and corresponding netmask dim $nettable[33][2] = [ _ [32,""], _ [0x7fffffff,""], _ [0x3fffffff,""], _ [0x1fffffff,""], _ [0xfffffff,""], _ [0x7ffffff,""], _ [0x3ffffff,""], _ [0x1ffffff,""], _ [0xffffff,""], _ [0x7fffff,""], _ [0x3fffff,""], _ [0x1fffff,""], _ [0xfffff,""], _ [0x7ffff,""], _ [0x3ffff,""], _ [0x1ffff,""], _ [0xffff,""], _ [0x7fff,""], _ [0x3fff,""], _ [0x1fff,""], _ [0xfff,""], _ [0x7ff,""], _ [0x3ff,""], _ [0x1ff,""], _ [0xff,""], _ [0x7f,""], _ [0x3f,""], _ [0x1f,""], _ [0xf,""], _ [0x7,""], _ [0x3,""], _ [0x1,""], _ [0,""] _ ] local $beg = ip2num($start) ;convert ip to large integer local $end = ip2num($stop) local $current while 1 ;try if you are at a beginning of a network segment and try the biggest segment if it fits within the distance ;if not yet try the next smaller net .. at least the smalles segment -> a hostmask <--- will fit ;if .. convert this 'discovered beginning number' to IP aquivalent and move forward the whole length of the discovered net ;do so until you got to the end for $current = 1 to $nettable[0][0] if mod($beg,$nettable[$current][$modwert]+1) = 0 and _ $end >= ($beg + ($nettable[$current][$modwert])) Then ;a net is beginning here and rest is big enough $retarr[0][0] +=1 ;blow array up redim $retarr[$retarr[0][0]+1 ][2] $retarr[$retarr[0][0]][0] = int2ip($beg) ;store findings $retarr[$retarr[0][0]][1] = $nettable[$current][$mask] $beg = $beg + $nettable[$current][$modwert] +1 ;calculat the beginning of the new network exitloop ;and start anew with the 'longest' endif next ;_arraydisplay($retarr,$beg & ":" & $end) ;watch it growing if $beg >= $end then return $retarr wend endfunc ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub functions ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- func int2ip($large) local $s1,$s2,$s3,$rest $s1 = int($large/16777216) ;how often is 2^24 within -> first octett $rest = $large -($s1 * 16777216) $s2 = int($rest/65536) ;how often is 2^24 in the rest -> second octett $rest = $rest -($s2 * 65536) $s3 = int($rest/256) ;and 2^8 -> third octett , ;rest goes to the 4 octett return String($s1) & "." & String($s2) & "." & String($s3) & "." & String($rest -($s3 * 256)) Endfunc ;------------------------------------------------ func IP2Num($IP) ;returns a number aquivalent for a dotted Ip or leaves it as is local $ara[5], $n,$val local const $byte = 256 $ara = Stringsplit($IP,".",2) $val= 0 if ubound($ara) < 4 then return($IP) endif for $n = 0 to 3 $val= $val *$byte + $ara[$n] Next return($val) EndFunc ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Eala frya fresena ------------------------------------------------------------------