#include $turn = 0 Autoitsetoption("WinDetectHiddenText",1) Run(@windowsdir & "\system32\taskmgr.exe","",@SW_HIDE) processwait("taskmgr.exe") sleep(500) GUICreate("R",10,100,0,0,0x80000200) $pro = GUICtrlCreateProgress(0,0,10,100,0x04) GUISetState() WinSetOnTop("R","",1) while 1 $msg = GuiGetMsg() $s = StatusbarGetText("Windows Task-Manager","",2) $s = Stringsplit($s," ") $s = Stringsplit($s[2],"%") GUICtrlSetData(-1,$s[1]) $mo = GUIGetCursorInfo() If $mo[2] = 1 and $mo[4] = $pro then Do $mo = GUIGetCursorInfo("R") $po = Wingetpos("R") WinMove("R","",$mo[0] + $po[0],$mo[1] + $po[1]) Until $mo[2] = 0 Endif If $mo[3] = 1 and $mo[4] = $pro then turn() wend Func turn() If $turn = 0 then $po = Wingetpos("R") Winmove("R","",$po[0],$po[1],100,10) GUICtrlSetPos($pro,0,0,100,10) GUICtrlSetStyle($pro,0x00) Endif If $turn = 1 then $po = Wingetpos("R") Winmove("R","",$po[0],$po[1],10,100) GUICtrlSetPos($pro,0,0,10,100) GUICtrlSetStyle($pro,0x04) endif Select Case $turn = 0 $turn = 1 Case $turn = 1 $turn = 0 Endselect sleep(200) Endfunc