;Spacetime Encryption ;by ;Kevin J. Sisco(kevinsisco61784@gmail.com ;Spacetime Encryption takes a signal and encrypts it using the power of the universe! ;this algorithm uses key material from the spacetime continuum ;note ;Spacetime Encryption is written in Autoit ;see the following URL: ;http://www.autoitscript.com $p = 3.1415926535897932384626433832795 ;value of pi $ms = @MSEC ;ms value of clock $s = @SEC ;second value of clock $m = @MIN ;minute value of clock $h = @HOUR ;hour value of clock $y = @YEAR ;year $t = $ms+$s+$m+$h+$y ;time $H = @DesktopHeight ;height of display in pixels $W = @DesktopWidth ;display width $L = $W*$W ;length $S = $H+$W+$L ;space $st = $t+$S ;spacetime continuum $dr = @DesktopRefresh ;refresh rate of display in hertz ;this is the signal ;the following code encrypts the signal $br = BitRotate($dr, 80) ;left bit rotation of the signal $x = BitXor($br, $st) ;xor $sr = BitRotate($x, 80) ;second rotation $t = $br+$x+$sr+$p+$st*Log($st)&Hex($br)&Hex($x)&Hex($sr)&Hex($s)&Hex($ms)&Hex($h)&Hex($m)&Hex($y)&Hex($st) $o = FileOpen("output.txt", 1) ;open output stream FileWriteLine($o, $t) ;write to stream FileFlush($o) ;flush the buffer FileClose($o) ;close the stream