; ================================================== ; SysInfoLogViewer2.au3 ; Description: Views a SysInfoLog ; Released: May 22, 2012 - Version: 2.00 by ripdad ; ; v2.10 - July 14, 2014 ; Minor adjustment to SysInfoLog_Export2HTML(). ; Added progress bar. ; ; v2.11 - July 29, 2014 ; Added _LogOpen(). ;=================================================== #include ; Opt('TrayAutoPause', 0) Opt('MustDeclareVars', 1) ; Local Const $sTitle = 'SysInfoLog Viewer v2.11' Local $aSIL, $sFile, $strTitle, $idText, $init = 0 ; _LogOpen() ; Local Const $GUI_SHOW = 16, $GUI_HIDE = 32, $GUI_ENABLE = 64, $GUI_DISABLE = 128, $GUI_FOCUS = 256 ; Local $MyFlagsINI = @ScriptDir & '\MyFlags.ini' Local $NoFlags, $MyFlags = FileExists($MyFlagsINI) Local $CurrentScreen, $ID_FLAG, $ID_LV Local $aCM[34] = [33] Global $ID_Item ; Local $ID_GUI = GUICreate($strTitle, 900, 500, -1, -1, 0x00CF0000) Local $LabelSearch = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Enter the text to find in this log:", 10, 10, 150, 20, 0) Local $TextFind = GUICtrlCreateInput("Text to find", 170, 10, 240, 20) Local $ButtonSearch = GUICtrlCreateButton("&Search", 420, 10, 80, 20) Local $nMsg, $sText = "" Local $ID_PRB = GUICtrlCreateProgress(10, 10, 200, 10, 1) GUICtrlSetBkColor($ID_PRB, 0xFFFFFF) GUISetOnEvent(-3, '_AllExit') GUISetOnEvent(-5, 'SIL_AutoSizeGUI') GUISetOnEvent(-6, 'SIL_AutoSizeGUI') GUISetOnEvent(-12, 'SIL_AutoSizeGUI') Opt('GUIOnEventMode', 1) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $ID_GUI) GUIRegisterMsg(0x0024, '_WM_GETMINMAXINFO') ; _LvScreen() $init = 1 ; While 1 $nMsg = GUIGetMsg() Switch $nMsg Case $ButtonSearch $sText = GUICtrlRead($TextFind) $init = _GUICtrlListView_FindText($ID_Item, $sText, $init, True, True) _GUICtrlListView_ClickItem($ID_Item, $init) EndSwitch WEnd Func ShowSearch($status) GUICtrlSetState($ID_PRB, $status) If $status = $GUI_HIDE Then GUICtrlSetState($LabelSearch, $GUI_SHOW) GUICtrlSetState($TextFind, $GUI_SHOW) GUICtrlSetState($ButtonSearch, $GUI_SHOW) Else GUICtrlSetState($LabelSearch, $GUI_HIDE) GUICtrlSetState($TextFind, $GUI_HIDE) GUICtrlSetState($ButtonSearch, $GUI_HIDE) EndIf EndFunc ;==>ShowSearch ; Func _LogOpen() $sFile = FileOpenDialog('Select File', @ScriptDir, 'SysInfoLog File (*.log)', 1) If @error Or Not $sFile Then Exit EndIf ; If Not StringInStr(FileReadLine($sFile, 2), 'SysInfoLog v2.') Then MsgBox(8240, $sTitle, 'Invalid Log Version:' & @CRLF & $sFile & @TAB) Exit EndIf ; $aSIL = SysInfoLog_ReadToArray($sFile) Local $error = @error If $error Or Not IsArray($aSIL) Then MsgBox(8256, $sTitle, 'SysInfoLog_ReadToArray --> Error: ' & $error & @TAB, 10) Exit EndIf ; Local $pc = StringTrimLeft(FileReadLine($sFile, 3), 12) Local $dt = StringTrimLeft(FileReadLine($sFile, 4), 12) $strTitle = $sTitle & ' - ' & $pc & '\' & $dt & ' (Right-Click for Menu)' $idText = 'System Information' ; If $init Then $init = 0 WinSetTitle(WinGetTitle('[active]'), '', $strTitle) _LvScreen() $init = 1 EndIf EndFunc ; Func _LvScreen() If $init Then $idText = GUICtrlRead(@GUI_CtrlId, 1) ; Local $aItems = SysInfoLog_ReadSection($aSIL, $idText) If @error Or Not IsArray($aItems) Then MsgBox(8256, $sTitle, $idText & @CRLF & @CRLF & 'No Entries Found' & @TAB & @TAB) Return EndIf ; Local $a, $flag, $icon, $sItem, $type ShowSearch($GUI_SHOW) ; Switch $idText Case 'Common Startups' SIL_CreateListView($ID_LV, $idText & '|Source|Company Name|Version|File Description|Created') $NoFlags = 0 ; For $i = 1 To $aItems[0][0] GUICtrlSetData($ID_PRB, ($i / $aItems[0][0]) * 100) ; $sItem = $aItems[$i][0] If Not StringExists($sItem) Then ContinueLoop EndIf $type = $aItems[$i][1] $icon = $aItems[$i][2] $flag = $aItems[$i][3] ; ; ;[Empty Entry Filter] - If you don't want this filter, then comment or remove it. If StringRegExp($type, '(1|3)') Then If ($i = $aItems[0][0]) Then ExitLoop If Not StringRegExp($aItems[$i + 1][1], '(2|4)') Then ContinueLoop EndIf EndIf;[/Empty Entry Filter] ; ; If StringInStr($sItem, '-->') Then $a = StringSplit($sItem, '-->', 1) $sItem = StringReplace($a[2], '|', '|' & $a[1] & '|', 1) EndIf $ID_Item = GUICtrlCreateListViewItem($sItem, $ID_LV) ; If $type = 1 Then GUICtrlSetImage($ID_Item, 'regedit.exe', 100) ContinueLoop ElseIf $type = 3 Then GUICtrlSetImage($ID_Item, 'explorer.exe', 252) ContinueLoop ElseIf $type = 2 Then If $icon = 0 Then ElseIf ($icon = 1) Or ($icon = 2) Then GUICtrlSetImage($ID_Item, 'regedit.exe', 205) Else GUICtrlSetImage($ID_Item, 'regedit.exe', 206) EndIf ElseIf $type = 4 Then GUICtrlSetImage($ID_Item, 'shell32.dll', 3) EndIf ; If $flag = 1 Then; Internal Flags GUICtrlSetBkColor($ID_Item, 0xFF8080) ContinueLoop EndIf ; $flag = IsFlagged($sItem); User Flags If $flag Then $sItem = StringLeft($sItem, StringInStr($sItem, '|', 0, 1) - 1) & $flag GUICtrlSetData($ID_Item, $sItem) GUICtrlSetBkColor($ID_Item, 0xFF8080) Else GUICtrlSetBkColor($ID_Item, 0xFFD0D0) EndIf Next ; LV_SetColumnWidth($ID_LV, '420|90|125|90|130|70') GUICtrlSetState($ID_FLAG, $GUI_ENABLE) ; Case 'System Information', 'NTLog_Errors', 'NTLog_Warnings', 'NTLog_ChkDsk', 'Hosts File', 'QuickFixEngineering' If $idText = 'QuickFixEngineering' Then SIL_CreateListView($ID_LV, $idText & '|Date Installed') LV_SetColumnWidth($ID_LV, '200|600') ElseIf $idText = 'System Information' Then SIL_CreateListView($ID_LV, $idText & '| ') LV_SetColumnWidth($ID_LV, '250|600') Else SIL_CreateListView($ID_LV, $idText) LV_SetColumnWidth($ID_LV, '850') EndIf $NoFlags = 1 ; For $i = 1 To $aItems[0][0] GUICtrlSetData($ID_PRB, ($i / $aItems[0][0]) * 100) $ID_Item = GUICtrlCreateListViewItem($aItems[$i][0], $ID_LV) If StringInStr($aItems[$i][0], '<--', 0, 1, 1, 4) Then GUICtrlSetBkColor($ID_Item, 0xDFDFDF) Next ; GUICtrlSetState($ID_FLAG, $GUI_DISABLE) ; Case 'Registry Settings' SIL_CreateListView($ID_LV, $idText) $NoFlags = 0 ; For $i = 1 To $aItems[0][0] GUICtrlSetData($ID_PRB, ($i / $aItems[0][0]) * 100) $sItem = $aItems[$i][0] If Not StringExists($sItem) Then ContinueLoop $ID_Item = GUICtrlCreateListViewItem($sItem, $ID_LV) ; If $aItems[$i][1] = 1 Then GUICtrlSetImage($ID_Item, 'regedit.exe', 100) GUICtrlSetBkColor($ID_Item, 0xDFDFDF) Else $icon = $aItems[$i][2] If $icon = 0 Then ; do nothing ElseIf StringRegExp($icon, '(1|2)') Then GUICtrlSetImage($ID_Item, 'regedit.exe', 205) Else GUICtrlSetImage($ID_Item, 'regedit.exe', 206) EndIf ; $flag = IsFlagged($sItem) If $flag Then GUICtrlSetData($ID_Item, $sItem & $flag) GUICtrlSetBkColor($ID_Item, 0xFF8080) EndIf EndIf Next ; LV_SetColumnWidth($ID_LV, '800') GUICtrlSetState($ID_FLAG, $GUI_ENABLE) ; Case 'Running Programs', 'Running Services', 'Loaded Drivers', 'Loaded Dlls', 'Loaded Misc' If StringMatch($idText, 'Running Services|Loaded Drivers') Then SIL_CreateListView($ID_LV, $idText & '|Display Name|Company Name|Version|File Description|Created') LV_SetColumnWidth($ID_LV, '300|150|110|100|200|90') Else SIL_CreateListView($ID_LV, $idText & '|Company Name|Version|File Description|Created') LV_SetColumnWidth($ID_LV, '300|140|110|180|80') EndIf $NoFlags = 0 ; For $i = 1 To $aItems[0][0] GUICtrlSetData($ID_PRB, ($i / $aItems[0][0]) * 100) $sItem = $aItems[$i][0] If Not StringExists($sItem) Then $i -= 1 ExitLoop EndIf $ID_Item = GUICtrlCreateListViewItem($sItem, $ID_LV) ; $flag = IsFlagged($sItem) If $flag Then $sItem = StringLeft($sItem, StringInStr($sItem, '|', 0, 1) - 1) & $flag GUICtrlSetData($ID_Item, $sItem) GUICtrlSetBkColor($ID_Item, 0xFF8080) EndIf If ($idText <> 'Loaded Dlls') Then GUICtrlSetImage($ID_Item, 'shell32.dll', 3) EndIf Next ; GUICtrlSetData($ID_LV, $idText & ': ' & $i) GUICtrlSetState($ID_FLAG, $GUI_ENABLE) ; Case 'HD_SMART_DATA' SIL_CreateListView($ID_LV, 'Attribute|Nom/Flag|Status|Value/%|Worst/%|Raw/Value|Cycles|VSD1|VSD2|VSD3|VSD4|VSD5|Threshold|SumCounts|DriveInfo / AttributeName') $NoFlags = 1 ; For $i = 1 To $aItems[0][0] GUICtrlSetData($ID_PRB, ($i / $aItems[0][0]) * 100) If StringInStr($aItems[$i][0], '*') Then $ID_Item = GUICtrlCreateListViewItem('||||||||||||||' & $aItems[$i][0], $ID_LV) If $aItems[$i][0] Then If StringInStr($aItems[$i][0], 'PredictFailure=True') Then GUICtrlSetBkColor($ID_Item, 0xFF8080); red-ish Else GUICtrlSetBkColor($ID_Item, 0xDFDFDF); gray-ish EndIf EndIf ElseIf StringIsDigit(StringLeft($aItems[$i][0], 1)) Then $ID_Item = GUICtrlCreateListViewItem($aItems[$i][0], $ID_LV) ElseIf StringInStr($aItems[$i][0], 'Object Error') Then $ID_Item = GUICtrlCreateListViewItem($aItems[$i][0], $ID_LV) EndIf Next ; LV_SetColumnWidth($ID_LV, '-2|-2|-2|-2|-2|-2|-2|-2|-2|-2|-2|-2|-2|-2|-1') GUICtrlSetState($ID_FLAG, $GUI_DISABLE) ; Case Else ; EndSwitch ; $aItems = '' $CurrentScreen = $idText GUICtrlSetData($ID_PRB, 0) ShowSearch($GUI_HIDE) GUICtrlSetState($ID_LV, $GUI_SHOW) GUICtrlSetState($ID_LV, $GUI_FOCUS) EndFunc ; Func LV_SetColumnWidth(ByRef $IDLV, $sWidth) Local $a = StringSplit($sWidth, '|') For $i = 1 To $a[0] GUICtrlSendMsg($IDLV, 0x101E, $i - 1, Number($a[$i])) Next EndFunc ; Func SIL_AutoSizeGUI() Local $a = WinGetClientSize($sTitle) If IsArray($a) Then ControlMove($ID_GUI, '', $ID_LV, 5, 40, $a[0] - 10, $a[1] - 50) EndIf EndFunc ; Func SIL_CreateListView(ByRef $IDLV, $sHeader) GUICtrlSetState($IDLV, $GUI_HIDE) GUICtrlDelete($IDLV) $IDLV = '' $IDLV = GUICtrlCreateListView($sHeader, 0, 1000, 0, 0) GUICtrlSetState($IDLV, $GUI_HIDE) GUICtrlSendMsg($IDLV, 0x1036, 0, 0x14230); trancexx - egg? SIL_CreateContextMenu() SIL_AutoSizeGUI() EndFunc ; Func SIL_CreateContextMenu() For $i = $aCM[0] To 1 Step -1 If $aCM[$i] Then GUICtrlSetOnEvent($aCM[$i], '') GUICtrlDelete($aCM[$i]) $aCM[$i] = '' EndIf Next $aCM[1] = GUICtrlCreateContextMenu($ID_LV) $aCM[2] = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem('Copy to Clipboard', $aCM[1]) $aCM[3] = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem('', $aCM[1]) $aCM[4] = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem('System Information', $aCM[1]) $aCM[5] = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem('Common Startups', $aCM[1]) $aCM[6] = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem('Registry Settings', $aCM[1]) $aCM[7] = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem('', $aCM[1]) $aCM[8] = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem('Running Programs', $aCM[1]) $aCM[9] = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem('Running Services', $aCM[1]) $aCM[10] = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem('', $aCM[1]) $aCM[11] = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem('Loaded Drivers', $aCM[1]) $aCM[12] = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem('Loaded Dlls', $aCM[1]) $aCM[13] = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem('Loaded Misc', $aCM[1]) $aCM[14] = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem('', $aCM[1]) $aCM[15] = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem('NTLog_Errors', $aCM[1]) $aCM[16] = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem('NTLog_Warnings', $aCM[1]) $aCM[17] = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem('NTLog_ChkDsk', $aCM[1]) $aCM[18] = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem('', $aCM[1]) $aCM[19] = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem('Hosts File', $aCM[1]) $aCM[20] = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem('', $aCM[1]) $aCM[21] = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem('HD_SMART_DATA', $aCM[1]) $aCM[22] = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem('', $aCM[1]) $aCM[23] = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem('QuickFixEngineering', $aCM[1]) $aCM[24] = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem('', $aCM[1]) $aCM[25] = GUICtrlCreateMenu('Export to HTML', $aCM[1]) $aCM[26] = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem('Export Screen', $aCM[25]) $aCM[27] = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem('Export All', $aCM[25]) $aCM[28] = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem('', $aCM[1]) $aCM[29] = GUICtrlCreateMenu('Flag', $aCM[1]) $aCM[30] = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem('Flag This Entry', $aCM[29]) $aCM[31] = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem('Remove This Flag', $aCM[29]) $aCM[32] = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem('', $aCM[1]) $aCM[33] = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem('Open Log File', $aCM[1]) GUICtrlSetOnEvent($aCM[2], '_Copy2Clip') GUICtrlSetOnEvent($aCM[4], '_LvScreen') GUICtrlSetOnEvent($aCM[5], '_LvScreen') GUICtrlSetOnEvent($aCM[6], '_LvScreen') GUICtrlSetOnEvent($aCM[8], '_LvScreen') GUICtrlSetOnEvent($aCM[9], '_LvScreen') GUICtrlSetOnEvent($aCM[11], '_LvScreen') GUICtrlSetOnEvent($aCM[12], '_LvScreen') GUICtrlSetOnEvent($aCM[13], '_LvScreen') GUICtrlSetOnEvent($aCM[15], '_LvScreen') GUICtrlSetOnEvent($aCM[16], '_LvScreen') GUICtrlSetOnEvent($aCM[17], '_LvScreen') GUICtrlSetOnEvent($aCM[19], '_LvScreen') GUICtrlSetOnEvent($aCM[21], '_LvScreen') GUICtrlSetOnEvent($aCM[23], '_LvScreen') GUICtrlSetOnEvent($aCM[26], '_Export2HTML') GUICtrlSetOnEvent($aCM[27], '_Export2HTML') GUICtrlSetOnEvent($aCM[30], '_FlagThisEntry') GUICtrlSetOnEvent($aCM[31], '_RemoveThisFlag') GUICtrlSetOnEvent($aCM[33], '_LogOpen') $ID_FLAG = $aCM[29] EndFunc ; Func _Copy2Clip() Local $s = StringTrimRight(GUICtrlRead(GUICtrlRead($ID_LV)), 1) If StringRegExp($s, '[\w]') Then ClipPut($s) Else ClipPut('') EndIf EndFunc ; Func _AllExit() GUIRegisterMsg(0x0024, '') Opt('GUIOnEventMode', 0) GUIDelete($ID_GUI) $aSIL = '' Exit EndFunc ; Func _WM_GETMINMAXINFO($hwnd, $msg, $wParam, $lParam) Local $tagMaxinfo = DllStructCreate('int;int;int;int;int;int;int;int;int;int', $lParam) DllStructSetData($tagMaxinfo, 7, 600); min-width DllStructSetData($tagMaxinfo, 8, 400); min-height Return 'GUI_RUNDEFMSG' EndFunc ; Func IsFlagged($sItem) If $NoFlags Or Not $MyFlags Then Return '' $sItem = StringStripWS(StringRegExpReplace($sItem, '(\|).*', ''), 3) $sItem = StringReplace($sItem, '=', '*') Return IniRead($MyFlagsINI, 'Flagged', $sItem, '') EndFunc ; Func _FlagThisEntry() If $NoFlags Then Return Local $id = GUICtrlRead($ID_LV) Local $sItem = GUICtrlRead($id) If Not StringInStr($sItem, '|') Then Return If StringInStr($sItem, 'HKEY', 0, 1, 1, 4) Then Return If StringInStr($sItem, '<--[') Then Return ; $sItem = StringStripWS(StringRegExpReplace($sItem, '(\|).*', ''), 3) If StringMatch($sItem, '(Default) = (value not set)') Then Return ; Local $comment = InputBox($sTitle, @CRLF & ' Enter Flag Comment', Default, Default, Default, 150) If @error Then Return If Not StringExists($comment) Then $comment = 'No Comment' ; If IniWrite($MyFlagsINI, 'Flagged', StringReplace($sItem, '=', '*'), '<--[' & $comment & ']') Then GUICtrlSetData($id, $sItem & '<--[' & $comment & ']') GUICtrlSetBkColor($id, 0xFF8080) Send('{Down}') $MyFlags = 1 EndIf EndFunc ; Func _RemoveThisFlag() If $NoFlags Or Not $MyFlags Then Return Local $sItem = GUICtrlRead(GUICtrlRead($ID_LV)) If Not StringInStr($sItem, '<--[') Then Return ; $sItem = StringStripWS(StringRegExpReplace($sItem, '(\|).*', ''), 3) $sItem = StringReplace($sItem, '=', '*') $sItem = StringReplace($sItem, '<--[', '=<--[') Local $a = StringSplit($sItem, '=') If ($a[0] <> 2) Then Return ; If StringMatch(IniRead($MyFlagsINI, 'Flagged', $a[1], 0), $a[2]) Then If IniDelete($MyFlagsINI, 'Flagged', $a[1]) Then $init = 0 $idText = $CurrentScreen _LvScreen() $init = 1 EndIf EndIf EndFunc ; ;============================================================== ; #Function...: StringExists($s, $n) ; Description.: Test if a string, else whitespace. ; Version.....; 0.1 (simple version) ; Syntax......: $s = Input String. ;.............: $n = Number of characters to test. ; Remarks.....: Returns positive number if string, else 0. ;============================================================== Func StringExists($s, $n = 30) Return StringLen(StringStripWS(StringLeft($s, $n), 8)) EndFunc ; ;=============================================================== ;....#Function: StringMatch($s, $c, $m, $d) ;..Description: Compares with single or multiple strings. ;......Version; 0.3 ;.............: ;.......Syntax: $s = Input string ;.............: $c = Compare string ;.............: $m = Function mode ;.............: $d = Delimiter ;.............: ;........Modes: 0 - Returns position number if matched, else 0. ;.............: 1 - Normal Statement ;.............: 2 - NOT Statement ;.............: 3 - Multiple StringInStr ;=============================================================== Func StringMatch($s, $c, $m = 0, $d = '|') $s = StringLower($s) $c = StringLower($c) Local $a = StringSplit($c, $d, 1) Local $n = 0 ; Switch $m Case 0, 1, 2 For $i = 1 To $a[0] If ($s == $a[$i]) Then $n = $i ExitLoop EndIf Next Switch $m Case 0 If $n Then Return $n; <- position number Case 1 If Not $n Then Return 1 Case 2 If $n Then Return 1 EndSwitch Case 3 For $i = 1 To $a[0] If StringInStr($s, $a[$i]) Then Return $i; <- position/offset number EndIf Next Case Else Return -1; <- invalid mode EndSwitch EndFunc ; Func SysInfoLog_ReadSection(ByRef $aSIL, $section) $section = '[' & $section & ']' Local $c = 0, $End = $aSIL[0][0] - 1 Local $array[$aSIL[0][0] + 1][4] ; For $i = 1 To $aSIL[0][0] If ($aSIL[$i][0] <> $section) Then ContinueLoop EndIf $i += 1 For $j = $i To $End If StringLeft($aSIL[$j][0], 1) = '[' Then ExitLoop 2 EndIf $c += 1 $array[$c][0] = $aSIL[$j][0] $array[$c][1] = $aSIL[$j][1] $array[$c][2] = $aSIL[$j][2] $array[$c][3] = $aSIL[$j][3] Next ExitLoop Next If ($c = 0) Then Return SetError(-1) ReDim $array[$c + 1][4] $array[0][0] = $c Return $array EndFunc ; Func SysInfoLog_ReadToArray($LogFile) If Not FileExists($LogFile) Then Return SetError(-1, 0, 0) Local $fo = FileOpen($LogFile) If $fo = -1 Then Return SetError(-2, 0, 0) Local $s, $fr = StringStripCR(FileRead($fo)) FileClose($fo) Local $a = StringSplit($fr, @LF) If $a[0] < 20 Then Return SetError(-3, 0, 0) Local $array[$a[0] + 1][4] = [[0, 'Type', 'Icon', 'Flag']] ; For $i = 1 To $a[0] $s = $a[$i] If StringInStr(StringRight($s, 4), '^', 0, 1, 1, 1) Then $array[$i][0] = StringLeft($s, StringInStr($s, '^', 0, -1) - 1) $array[$i][1] = StringLeft(StringRight($s, 3), 1) $array[$i][2] = StringLeft(StringRight($s, 2), 1) $array[$i][3] = StringRight($s, 1) Else $array[$i][0] = $s EndIf Next ReDim $array[$i + 1][4] $array[0][0] = $i Return $array EndFunc ; Func _Export2HTML() $idText = GUICtrlRead(@GUI_CtrlId, 1) Local $aSections, $fo, $rtn, $sHTML, $string, $style If $idText = 'Export All' Then $sHTML = StringReplace($sFile, '.log', '.html') Else $sHTML = @ScriptDir & '\Export_' & $CurrentScreen & '.html' EndIf $fo = FileOpen($sHTML, 2) If $fo = -1 Then Return ; $style = '' & @CRLF & @CRLF ; $string = '' & StringTrimLeft($aSIL[2][0], 2) & ' - ' & StringTrimLeft($aSIL[3][0], 2) & ' - ' $string &= StringTrimLeft($aSIL[4][0], 2) & '' & @CRLF & @CRLF & $style & '' & @CRLF & @CRLF FileWrite($fo, $string) ; Switch $idText Case 'Export Screen' $rtn = SysInfoLog_Export2HTML($aSIL, $CurrentScreen) FileWrite($fo, $rtn & '' & @CRLF) Case 'Export All' $aSections = StringSplit('System Information|HD_SMART_DATA|Common Startups|Running Programs|Running Services|Loaded Drivers|Loaded Dlls|Loaded Misc|Registry Settings|NTLog_Errors|NTLog_Warnings|NTLog_ChkDsk|Hosts File|QuickFixEngineering', '|') For $i = 1 To $aSections[0] $rtn = SysInfoLog_Export2HTML($aSIL, $aSections[$i]) FileWrite($fo, $rtn) Next FileWrite($fo, '' & @CRLF) EndSwitch ; FileClose($fo) MsgBox(8256, $sTitle, 'Export Finished' & @TAB) EndFunc ; Func SysInfoLog_Export2HTML(ByRef $aSIL, $section) Local $aItems = SysInfoLog_ReadSection($aSIL, $section) If @error Or Not IsArray($aItems) Then Return SetError(-1) Local $a, $n, $s ; Switch $section Case 'Running Services', 'Loaded Drivers' $s = '' & @CRLF & ' ' & @CRLF For $i = 1 To $aItems[0][0] If StringExists($aItems[$i][0]) Then If StringInStr($aItems[$i][0], '|') Then $a = StringSplit($aItems[$i][0], '|') If $a[0] = 6 Then For $j = 1 To $a[0] If ($a[$j] = '') Then $a[$j] = ' ' Next $s &= ' ' & @CRLF EndIf Else If StringInStr($aItems[$i][0], 'HKEY') Then If StringInStr($aItems[$i + 1][0], 'HKEY') Then ContinueLoop Else If Not StringInStr($aItems[$i][0], '.') And Not ($aItems[$i][0] = $aItems[0][0]) Then If Not StringInStr($aItems[$i + 1][0], '.') Then ContinueLoop EndIf EndIf $s &= ' ' & @CRLF EndIf EndIf Next Case 'Common Startups', 'Running Programs', 'Loaded Dlls', 'Loaded Misc' $s = '
' & $section & 'Display NameCompany NameVersionFile DescriptionCreated
' & $a[1] & '' & $a[2] & '' & $a[3] & '' & $a[4] & '' & $a[5] & '' & $a[6] & '
' & $aItems[$i][0] & '     
' & @CRLF & ' ' & @CRLF For $i = 1 To $aItems[0][0] If StringExists($aItems[$i][0]) Then If StringInStr($aItems[$i][0], '|') Then $a = StringSplit($aItems[$i][0], '|') For $j = 1 To $a[0] If ($a[$j] = '') Then $a[$j] = ' ' Next $s &= ' ' & @CRLF Else If StringInStr($aItems[$i][0], 'HKEY') Then If StringInStr($aItems[$i + 1][0], 'HKEY') Then ContinueLoop Else If Not StringInStr($aItems[$i][0], '.') And Not ($aItems[$i][0] = $aItems[0][0]) Then If Not StringInStr($aItems[$i + 1][0], '.') Then ContinueLoop EndIf EndIf $s &= ' ' & @CRLF EndIf EndIf Next Case 'System Information', 'QuickFixEngineering' $s = '
' & $section & 'Company NameVersionFile DescriptionCreated
' & $a[1] & '' & $a[2] & '' & $a[3] & '' & $a[4] & '' & $a[5] & '
' & $aItems[$i][0] & '    
' & @CRLF & ' ' & @CRLF For $i = 1 To $aItems[0][0] If StringExists($aItems[$i][0]) Then If StringInStr($aItems[$i][0], '|') Then $a = StringSplit($aItems[$i][0], '|') If ($a[1] = '') Then $a[1] = ' ' If ($a[2] = '') Then $a[2] = ' ' $s &= ' ' & @CRLF ElseIf $aItems[$i][0] Then If StringInStr($aItems[$i][0], '<--') Then $s &= ' ' & @CRLF Else $s &= ' ' & @CRLF EndIf Else $s &= ' ' & @CRLF EndIf EndIf Next Case 'Registry Settings' $s = '
' & $section & '' & StringTrimLeft($aSIL[3][0], 2) & ' -- ' & StringTrimLeft($aSIL[4][0], 2) & '
' & $a[1] & '' & $a[2] & '
' & StringReplace($aItems[$i][0], '<--', '') & ' 
' & $aItems[$i][0] & ' 
' & @CRLF & ' ' & @CRLF For $i = 1 To $aItems[0][0] If StringExists($aItems[$i][0]) Then If StringLeft($aItems[$i][0], 4) = 'HKEY' Then $s &= ' ' & @CRLF Else $s &= ' ' & @CRLF EndIf EndIf Next Case 'HD_SMART_DATA' For $i = 1 To $aItems[0][0] If StringExists($aItems[$i][0]) Then If StringInStr($aItems[$i][0], '*') Then $s &= '
' & $section & '
' & $aItems[$i][0] & '
' & $aItems[$i][0] & '
' & @CRLF & ' ' & @CRLF & '
HD_SMART_DATA' & StringReplace($aItems[$i][0], '*', '') & '
' & @CRLF $n = 1 ElseIf StringInStr($aItems[$i][0], '|') Then If $n Then $s &= '' & @CRLF & ' ' $n = 0 Else $s &= ' ' EndIf $a = StringSplit($aItems[$i][0], '|') For $j = 1 To $a[0] $s &= '' Next $s &= '' & @CRLF EndIf ElseIf $aItems[$i - 1][0] And Not $aItems[$i][0] Then; Fixed: July 14, 2014 (was not closing table properly) $s &= '
' & $a[$j] & '
' & @CRLF EndIf Next $s &= '
' & @CRLF Return $s Case Else $s = '' & @CRLF & ' ' & @CRLF For $i = 1 To $aItems[0][0] If StringExists($aItems[$i][0]) Then If StringInStr($aItems[$i][0], '<--') Then $s &= ' ' & @CRLF Else $s &= ' ' & @CRLF EndIf EndIf Next EndSwitch $s &= '
' & $section & '
' & StringReplace($aItems[$i][0], '<--', '') & '
' & $aItems[$i][0] & '
' & @CRLF & '
' & @CRLF Return $s EndFunc ;