HotKeySet("{ESC}", "Terminate") Opt("WinTitleMatchMode", 2) Opt("MouseCoordMode",0) Global $Data1 Global $Data2 $Data1="Text that is different" ;first variability $Data2="Text that is different" ;second variability CREW() Func CREW() WinActivate("Process Workspace for Process") ;this open my active Mozilla with app Send("Process Type") ;this highlight text before my first empty field, from this point i navigate through fisrt bookmark press Tab key Send("{Enter}") Send("{TAB}") Send("{down 2}") Send("{Enter}") Sleep(1500) Send("{TAB}") Send("Same text I insert everytime") ;Same text every time I fillin this app Sleep(200) Send("{Enter}") Send("{TAB}") Send("Same text I insert everytime") ;Same text every time I fillin this app Sleep(200) Send("{TAB 5}") Send("{Delete}") Send("Same text I insert everytime") ;Same text every time I fillin this app Sleep(500) Send("{Enter}") Send("{TAB 2}") ;here insert date from Lotus Notes (working on it in another script) Send("{TAB}") Send("{Delete}") Send("Same text I insert everytime") Sleep(500) Send("{Enter}") Send("{TAB}") ;here insert date from Lotus Notes (working on it in another script) Send("{TAB}") Send($Data1) ;Only this text change in inserting info to app Send("{TAB 4}") Send($Data2) ;Only this text change in inserting info to app Send("{TAB}") Send("{alt}") Send("Document Type") ;Same text every time I fillin this app Send("{TAB}") Send("{down 2}") Send("{Enter}") ;------------------->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Here I need some way to move to second bookmark to continue in process. EndFunc Func Terminate() Exit 0 EndFunc