#include-once #include ; =================================================================================================================== ; <_DLLStructDisplay.au3> ; ; A function to display the contents of a DLL Structure in a ListView format (using _ArrayDisplay) ; ; Version: 2011.5.27, All AutoIt v. types allowed, including 'Struct'/'EndStruct' alignment directives ; ; NOTE: Some items may appear blank if they exceed a certain length. ; For example, a binary [byte] concatenated object will fail somewhere between 1024-2048 bytes! ; Not sure what the *string* display limit is.. ; ; Functions: ; _DLLStructDisplay() ; ; Dependencies: ; ; _ArrayDisplay() ; ; References: ; Data Structure Alignment @ Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Data_structure_alignment ; #pragma pack C/C++ Directive (basically equivalent to 'align #') - 'pack' @ MSDN: ; http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/2e70t5y1%28v=VS.100%29.aspx ; ; Author: Ascend4nt ; =================================================================================================================== ; =================================================================================================================== ; Func _DLLStructDisplay(Const ByRef $stStruct,$sStString,$sStructName="",$bBinConcat=False,$bStrConcat=True) ; ; Displays the contents of a DLL structure in a ListView format (using _ArrayDisplay) ; NOTE: Some items may appear blank if they exceed a certain length. ; For example, a binary [byte] concatenated object will fail somewhere between 1024-2048 bytes! ; Not sure what the *string* limit is though.. ; ; $stStruct = structure that has been initialized ; $sStString = string used to create the structure. ; IMPORTANT: This MUST absolutely be the same string! ; $sStructName = optional *SHORT* description of the Structure, to be incorporated into Title ; $bBinConcat = If True, any byte/ubyte data with subitems/array ([#]) will be displayed as one whole string ; If False (default), its displayed item by item ; $bStrConcat = If True (default), any char/uchar data with subitems/array ([#]) will be displayed as one whole string ; If False, its displayed item by item ; ; Formatted-Translation-String NOTES: ; - There are no 'ptr' and no types without 'u' - this is because the RegEx will ; correctly see those types within other types - and the sizes will be the same ; - Also: Current documentation in DLLStructCreate incorrectly lists "handle" and "hwnd" types as integers, ; but they are actually *pointers* (this is correctly indicated in DLLCall documentation though). ; ; Returns: ; Success: True ; Failure: False, with @error set: ; @error = 1 = invalid parameter, & if @extended>-1, it indicates index # of the type where error was found ; ; Author: Ascend4nt ; =================================================================================================================== Func _DLLStructDisplay(Const ByRef $stStruct,$sStString,$sStructName="",$bBinConcat=False,$bStrConcat=True) If Not IsDllStruct($stStruct) Or Not IsString($sStString) Then Return SetError(1,-1,False) ; DLL Type-Size Translation String. '*' represents architecture-dependent values (4 in 32-bit, 8 in 64-bit) ; The Replace here relies on @AutoItX64 being 0 or 1, so if the behavior changes in future, it will need a rewrite Local $sDLLTypeSzXLat=StringReplace("boolean,1ubyte,1char,1ushort,2word,2wchar,2udword,4uint,4ulong,4bool,4"& _ "float,4double,8uint64,8uint_ptr,*dword_ptr,*ulong_ptr,*hwnd,*handle,*lparam,*wparam,*lresult,*align,0endstruct,0", _ '*',(@AutoItX64+1)*4,0,2) ; Add user brief description to title If $sStructName<>"" Then $sStructName=' ('&$sStructName&')' Local $iPos,$iSize,$iStrSize,$iAlign=0,$iOffset,$iBaseAddress,$iSubItems,$iDispIndex,$iStIndex Local $aTmp,$aSubItems,$aStDisplay,$aStDataTypes $sStString=StringStripWS($sStString,3) ; Strip leading/trailing whitespace ; Check for the 'align (##);' overide prefix - note ## is optional and NONE means default '8' (set above) If StringLeft($sStString,5)="align" Then $aTmp=StringRegExp($sStString,"(?i)^align(?:\h+(\d+))?\h*;",1) ; Error in string - need at least a ';' after 1st 'align'! If @error Then Return SetError(1,0,False) ; We have the Offset of 1 past ';' in @extended, lets strip 'align (##);' off string $sStString=StringTrimLeft($sStString,@extended-1) ; Grab the alignment #, if present (otherwise 0 is returned) - checked for after EndIf $iAlign=Int($aTmp[0]) EndIf If $iAlign=0 Then $iAlign=8 ; 'Align', or Align's '#' not present - use default in both cases ; Need a valid structure string (if 'align (##);' was present, it was stripped - there should be at least 1 type!) If $sStString='' Then Return SetError(1,0,False) ; Structure size $iStrSize=DllStructGetSize($stStruct) ; Check for ';' at end of the string (some tags use this, and DLLStructCreate accepts it) If StringRight($sStString,1)=';' Then $sStString=StringTrimRight($sStString,1) ; Split the string based on ';' separators (if only one item (no ;), it will still be set in an array correctly) $aStDataTypes=StringSplit($sStString,';') ; Get base address of calculation of offsets $iBaseAddress=DllStructGetPtr($stStruct) $iSubItems=0 ; Check for [##] data-type subitems (or 'arrays') in string $aSubItems=StringRegExp($sStString,"\[(\d+)\]",3) If Not @error Then ; Get a total of all subitems For $i=0 To UBound($aSubItems)-1 $iSubItems+=$aSubItems[$i]-1 ; -1 for first displayed item Next EndIf ; Now that we have split the string and counted subitems, we can make an array (with 1st row for titles, last for padding info) Dim $aStDisplay[$aStDataTypes[0]+2+$iSubItems][5] ; Set titles $aStDisplay[0][0]="Index" $aStDisplay[0][1]="DLL Struct Type + Description (optional)" $aStDisplay[0][2]="Value" $aStDisplay[0][3]="Offset [Base Ptr="&$iBaseAddress&", Alignment="&$iAlign&" [Base], Size="&$iStrSize&']' $aStDisplay[0][4]="Size [Total="&$iStrSize&']' $iDispIndex=1 $iStIndex=1 ; usually matches $i, unless 'Struct' or 'EndStruct' alignment directives found ; Begin going through all items For $i=1 To $aStDataTypes[0] ; Strip Whitespace from beginning, end, and more-than-one space (between type and description) $aStDataTypes[$i]=StringStripWS($aStDataTypes[$i],7) ; Set Type, name & array info "[#]" (last 2 are optional) $aStDisplay[$iDispIndex][1]=$aStDataTypes[$i] ; See if there's a subitem/array indicator for data-type $iPos=StringInStr($aStDataTypes[$i],'[',0) ; Grab count into $iSubItems, and strip "[#]" out If $iPos Then ; Find total of subitems for this data-type $aSubItems=StringRegExp($aStDataTypes[$i],"\[(\d+)\]",1) ; Shouldn't be an error if structure was created properly If @error Then Return SetError(1,$i,False) $iSubItems=$aSubItems[0] ; Since we won't be using this again for display, we can overwrite it (and simplify SRE below) $aStDataTypes[$i]=StringLeft($aStDataTypes[$i],$iPos-1) Else $iSubItems=0 EndIf #cs ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Get the type size from the array. We use two Regular expressions here: ; 1: Erase the description text (RegExpReplace) ; 2: Find the size in the formatted $sDLLTypeSzXLat string ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------- #ce $aTmp=StringRegExp($sDLLTypeSzXLat,'(?i)'&StringRegExpReplace($aStDataTypes[$i],'\h.*','')&',(.)',1) ; Shouldn't be an error if structure was created properly If @error Then Return SetError(1,$i,False) ; 'align', 'Struct', or 'EndStruct' alignment directive? (size '0') If $aTmp[0]=0 Then ; 'Struct'/'EndStruct' directive? (9 char limit prevents text descriptions from being looked at) If StringInStr($aStDataTypes[$i],'struct',0,1,1,9) Then ; Add little curly braces as if it's a C structure definition If StringLeft($aStDataTypes[$i],3)='end' Then $aStDisplay[$iDispIndex][1]='}; '&$aStDisplay[$iDispIndex][1] Else $aStDisplay[$iDispIndex][1]&=' {' EndIf EndIf ;Else (align) -> 'align' directives are left as-is for now $iDispIndex+=1 ContinueLoop EndIf ; We set this AFTER the Struct/EndStruct check, because it is used at end of loop (last legit. item size) $iSize=$aTmp[0] ; Set the size $aStDisplay[$iDispIndex][4]=$iSize ; Set Index # $aStDisplay[$iDispIndex][0]=$iStIndex ; Calculate offset, store it in the array and in temporary variable ($iOffset used at end of loop) $iOffset=Number(DllStructGetPtr($stStruct,$iStIndex)-$iBaseAddress) $aStDisplay[$iDispIndex][3]=$iOffset ; If there were subitems, and the the Concatenation bool is True, show items individually ; Note the 5-char limit on both StringInStr()'s - prevents any description text from being looked at If $iSubItems And Not (StringInStr($aStDataTypes[$i],'char',0,1,1,5) And $bStrConcat) And Not (StringInStr($aStDataTypes[$i],'byte',0,1,1,5) And $bBinConcat) Then ; Affix (sub item #1) to 1st item description $aStDisplay[$iDispIndex][1]&=" (sub item #1)" ; Set the Value for 1st item $aStDisplay[$iDispIndex][2]=String(DllStructGetData($stStruct,$iStIndex,1)) ; $iOffset -> set above ; Next array item $iDispIndex+=1 ; Loop through all the subitems and display the relevant info For $i2=2 To $iSubItems $iOffset+=$iSize $aStDisplay[$iDispIndex][0]="" $aStDisplay[$iDispIndex][1]="______ (sub item #"&$i2&')' $aStDisplay[$iDispIndex][2]=String(DllStructGetData($stStruct,$iStIndex,$i2)) $aStDisplay[$iDispIndex][3]=$iOffset $aStDisplay[$iDispIndex][4]=$iSize $iDispIndex+=1 Next Else ; Get the whole item, subitems and all, in one chunk ; [NOTE: Display may limit this. For binary data I've found a limit somewhere between 1024-2048 bytes] $aStDisplay[$iDispIndex][2]=String(DllStructGetData($stStruct,$iStIndex)) ; Add comments for concatenated strings/binary data If $iSubItems Then $aStDisplay[$iDispIndex][1]&=" (concatenated)" $aStDisplay[$iDispIndex][4]&=' (*'&$iSubItems&')' EndIf $iDispIndex+=1 EndIf $iStIndex+=1 Next ; Check for end-of-Structure padding & report it on a separate line If $iOffset+$iSize<$iStrSize Then ;~ ConsoleWrite("Struct Size:"&$iStrSize&", Last item Offset:"&$iOffset&", Last item Size:"&$iSize&@CRLF) $aStDisplay[$iDispIndex][1]="End-Of-Structure Padding" $aStDisplay[$iDispIndex][3]=$iOffset+$iSize $aStDisplay[$iDispIndex][4]=$iStrSize-($iOffset+$iSize) $iDispIndex+=1 EndIf ; Resize due to any concatenation ReDim $aStDisplay[$iDispIndex][5] ; And finally display the result _ArrayDisplay($aStDisplay,"DLLStruct"&$sStructName&" Contents [Base Ptr="&$iBaseAddress&", Alignment="&$iAlign&", Size="&$iStrSize&']') Return True EndFunc #cs ; =================================================================================================================== ; -------------------- TESTS -------------------- ; =================================================================================================================== #include ; _VersionCompare() ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Note: in 'align 8' (default) mode, everything is aligned on a boundary divisible by ths size of the operand ; (i.e. byte/char = 1, starts anywhere, short/wchar=2, start on even bounds, ; dword/int/float/ptr(x86)=4, starts on divisble-by-4 boundary, ; int64/double/ptr(x64)=8, starts on divisible-by-8 bound) ; Also, architecture-dependent values, are either: ; 4 bytes (on 4-byte boundary) on x86, or 8 bytes ('' 8-byte boundary) on x64: ; lparam, wparam, lresult, int_ptr, long_ptr, uint_ptr, ulong_ptr ; =================================================================================================================== Local $sStructStr="Align 16;Short Albi;byte;hwnd;char;align 8;byte;short[2];dword;byte;short;byte;int64;char[9];int64;byte;" & _ "byte;ptr;char;double;short;wchar[3];byte;float;byte;uint_ptr;byte;int;byte[13];word 2bytes;handle isptr;hwnd isalsoptr;" & _ "boolean isbyte[2];bool isint;dword_ptr;long_ptr;ulong_ptr;lparam;wparam;lresult;byte;" ; Version Struct/EndStruct addition If _VersionCompare(@AutoItVersion,'')>0 Then $sStructStr&="Struct asd;ptr;byte WithInStruct;EndStruct asd;byte" EndIf Local $stStruct=DllStructCreate($sStructStr) If @error Then Exit ConsoleWrite("DLLStructCreate @error="&@error&@CRLF) If Not _DLLStructDisplay($stStruct,$sStructStr,"Randomness") Then ConsoleWrite("_DLLStructDisplay failed, @error="&@error&@CRLF) #ce