#cs xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx AutoIt Version: Author: Logan Kitchen This script will read the monitor details to obtain the maximum screen resolution available on the monitor. It will then change the resolution settings to reflect the max resolution #ce xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Global $i_WidthScreen Global $i_HeightScreen ;GetRes finds the maximum supported resolution setting on the monitor Func GetRes(ByRef $i_WidthScreen, ByRef $i_HeightScreenScreen) Local $i_MaxWidth, $i_MaxHeight $i_MaxWidth = ;need the info from the monitor $i_MaxHeight = ;need the info from the monitor $i_WidthScreen = $i_MaxWidth $i_HeightScreen = $i_MaxHeight ;MsgBox(0, "GetRes", "The Get Resolution function resolved") ;This is for testing EndFunc;==>GetRes ;ChangeRes changes the resolution settings Func ChangeRes(Const $i_WidthScreen, Const $i_HeightScreen) @DesktopWidth = $i_WidthScreen @DesktopHeight = $i_HeightScreen MsgBox(0, Change Resolution, "The screen resolution has been set to " & $i_WidthScreen & "x" & $i_HeightScreen) EndFunc;==>ChangeRes