; For those who would fear the license - don't. I tried to license it as liberal as possible. ; It really means you can do what ever you want with this. ; Donations are wellcome And will be accepted via PayPal address: trancexx at yahoo dot com ; Thank you for the shiny stuff :kiss: #comments-start Copyright 2013 Dragana R. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. #comments-end #include-once #include "WinHttpConstants.au3" ; #INDEX# =================================================================================== ; Title ...............: WinHttp ; File Name............: WinHttp.au3 ; File Version.........: ; Min. AutoIt Version..: v3.3.7.20 ; Description .........: AutoIt wrapper for WinHTTP functions ; Author... ...........: trancexx, ProgAndy ; Dll .................: winhttp.dll, kernel32.dll ; =========================================================================================== ; #CONSTANTS# =============================================================================== Global Const $hWINHTTPDLL__WINHTTP = DllOpen("winhttp.dll") DllOpen("winhttp.dll") ; making sure reference count never reaches 0 ;============================================================================================ ; #CURRENT# ================================================================================= ;_WinHttpAddRequestHeaders ;_WinHttpCheckPlatform ;_WinHttpCloseHandle ;_WinHttpConnect ;_WinHttpCrackUrl ;_WinHttpCreateUrl ;_WinHttpDetectAutoProxyConfigUrl ;_WinHttpGetDefaultProxyConfiguration ;_WinHttpGetIEProxyConfigForCurrentUser ;_WinHttpOpen ;_WinHttpOpenRequest ;_WinHttpQueryAuthSchemes ;_WinHttpQueryDataAvailable ;_WinHttpQueryHeaders ;_WinHttpQueryOption ;_WinHttpReadData ;_WinHttpReceiveResponse ;_WinHttpSendRequest ;_WinHttpSetCredentials ;_WinHttpSetDefaultProxyConfiguration ;_WinHttpSetOption ;_WinHttpSetStatusCallback ;_WinHttpSetTimeouts ;_WinHttpSimpleBinaryConcat ;_WinHttpSimpleFormFill ;_WinHttpSimpleReadData ;_WinHttpSimpleReadDataAsync ;_WinHttpSimpleRequest ;_WinHttpSimpleSendRequest ;_WinHttpSimpleSendSSLRequest ;_WinHttpSimpleSSLRequest ;_WinHttpTimeFromSystemTime ;_WinHttpTimeToSystemTime ;_WinHttpWriteData ; =========================================================================================== ; #FUNCTION# ;=============================================================================== ; Name...........: _WinHttpAddRequestHeaders ; Description ...: Adds one or more HTTP request headers to the HTTP request handle. ; Syntax.........: _WinHttpAddRequestHeaders ($hRequest, $sHeaders [, $iModifiers = Default ]) ; Parameters ....: $hRequest - Handle returned by _WinHttpOpenRequest function. ; $sHeader - [optional] Header(s) to append to the request. ; $iModifier - [optional] Contains the flags used to modify the semantics of this function. Default is $WINHTTP_ADDREQ_FLAG_ADD_IF_NEW. ; Return values .: Success - Returns 1 ; Failure - Returns 0 and sets @error: ; |1 - DllCall failed ; Author ........: trancexx ; Remarks .......: In case of multiple additions at once use [[@CRLF]] to separate each [[$hRequest]] and responded [[$sHeaders]] and [[$iModifiers]]. ; Related .......: _WinHttpOpenRequest, _WinHttpQueryHeaders ; Link ..........: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa384087.aspx ;============================================================================================ Func _WinHttpAddRequestHeaders($hRequest, $sHeader, $iModifier = Default) __WinHttpDefault($iModifier, $WINHTTP_ADDREQ_FLAG_ADD_IF_NEW) Local $aCall = DllCall($hWINHTTPDLL__WINHTTP, "bool", "WinHttpAddRequestHeaders", _ "handle", $hRequest, _ "wstr", $sHeader, _ "dword", -1, _ "dword", $iModifier) If @error Or Not $aCall[0] Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) Return 1 EndFunc ; #FUNCTION# ;=============================================================================== ; Name...........: _WinHttpCheckPlatform ; Description ...: Determines whether the current platform is supported by this version of Microsoft Windows HTTP Services (WinHTTP). ; Syntax.........: _WinHttpCheckPlatform() ; Parameters ....: None ; Return values .: Success - Returns 1 if current platform is supported ; - Returns 0 if current platform is not supported ; Failure - Returns 0 and sets @error: ; |1 - DllCall failed ; Author ........: trancexx ; Link ..........: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa384089.aspx ;============================================================================================ Func _WinHttpCheckPlatform() Local $aCall = DllCall($hWINHTTPDLL__WINHTTP, "bool", "WinHttpCheckPlatform") If @error Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) Return $aCall[0] EndFunc ; #FUNCTION# ;=============================================================================== ; Name...........: _WinHttpCloseHandle ; Description ...: Closes a single handle. ; Syntax.........: _WinHttpCloseHandle($hInternet) ; Parameters ....: $hInternet - Valid handle to be closed. ; Return values .: Success - Returns 1 ; Failure - Returns 0 and sets @error: ; |1 - DllCall failed ; Author ........: trancexx ; Related .......: _WinHttpConnect, _WinHttpOpen, _WinHttpOpenRequest ; Link ..........: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa384090.aspx ;============================================================================================ Func _WinHttpCloseHandle($hInternet) Local $aCall = DllCall($hWINHTTPDLL__WINHTTP, "bool", "WinHttpCloseHandle", "handle", $hInternet) If @error Or Not $aCall[0] Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) Return 1 EndFunc ; #FUNCTION# ;=============================================================================== ; Name...........: _WinHttpConnect ; Description ...: Specifies the initial target server of an HTTP request and returns connection handle to an HTTP session for that initial target. ; Syntax.........: _WinHttpConnect($hSession, $sServerName [, $iServerPort = Default ]) ; Parameters ....: $hSession - Valid WinHttp session handle returned by a previous call to _WinHttpOpen(). ; $sServerName - Host name of an HTTP server. In case URI scheme (http://, https://, ...) is specified $iServerPort is ignored. ; $iServerPort - [optional] TCP/IP port on the server to which a connection is made (default is $INTERNET_DEFAULT_PORT) ; Return values .: Success - Returns a valid connection handle to the HTTP session ; Failure - Returns 0 and sets @error: ; |1 - DllCall failed ; Author ........: trancexx ; Remarks .......: [[$iServerPort]] can be defined via global constants [[$INTERNET_DEFAULT_PORT]], [[$INTERNET_DEFAULT_HTTP_PORT]] or [[$INTERNET_DEFAULT_HTTPS_PORT]] ; Related .......: _WinHttpOpen ; Link ..........: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa384091.aspx ;============================================================================================ Func _WinHttpConnect($hSession, $sServerName, $iServerPort = Default) Local $aURL = _WinHttpCrackUrl($sServerName) If @error Then __WinHttpDefault($iServerPort, $INTERNET_DEFAULT_PORT) Else $sServerName = $aURL[2] $iServerPort = $aURL[3] EndIf Local $aCall = DllCall($hWINHTTPDLL__WINHTTP, "handle", "WinHttpConnect", _ "handle", $hSession, _ "wstr", $sServerName, _ "dword", $iServerPort, _ "dword", 0) If @error Or Not $aCall[0] Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) Return $aCall[0] EndFunc ; #FUNCTION# ;=============================================================================== ; Name...........: _WinHttpCrackUrl ; Description ...: Separates a URL into its component parts such as host name and path. ; Syntax.........: _WinHttpCrackUrl($sURL [, $iFlag = Default ]) ; Parameters ....: $sURL - String. Canonical URL to separate. ; $iFlag - [optional] Flag that control the operation. Default is $ICU_ESCAPE ; Return values .: Success - Returns array with 8 elements: ; |$array[0] - scheme name ; |$array[1] - internet protocol scheme ; |$array[2] - host name ; |$array[3] - port number ; |$array[4] - user name ; |$array[5] - password ; |$array[6] - URL path ; |$array[7] - extra information ; Failure - Returns 0 and sets @error: ; |1 - DllCall failed ; Author ........: ProgAndy ; Modified.......: trancexx ; Remarks .......: [[$iFlag]] is defined in WinHttpConstants.au3 and can be: ; |[[$ICU_DECODE]] - Converts characters that are "escape encoded" (%xx) to their non-escaped form. ; |[[$ICU_ESCAPE]] - Escapes certain characters to their escape sequences (%xx). ; Related .......: _WinHttpCreateUrl ; Link ..........: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa384092.aspx ;============================================================================================ Func _WinHttpCrackUrl($sURL, $iFlag = Default) __WinHttpDefault($iFlag, $ICU_ESCAPE) Local $tURL_COMPONENTS = DllStructCreate("dword StructSize;" & _ "ptr SchemeName;" & _ "dword SchemeNameLength;" & _ "int Scheme;" & _ "ptr HostName;" & _ "dword HostNameLength;" & _ "word Port;" & _ "ptr UserName;" & _ "dword UserNameLength;" & _ "ptr Password;" & _ "dword PasswordLength;" & _ "ptr UrlPath;" & _ "dword UrlPathLength;" & _ "ptr ExtraInfo;" & _ "dword ExtraInfoLength") DllStructSetData($tURL_COMPONENTS, 1, DllStructGetSize($tURL_COMPONENTS)) Local $tBuffers[6] Local $iURLLen = StringLen($sURL) For $i = 0 To 5 $tBuffers[$i] = DllStructCreate("wchar[" & $iURLLen + 1 & "]") Next DllStructSetData($tURL_COMPONENTS, "SchemeNameLength", $iURLLen) DllStructSetData($tURL_COMPONENTS, "SchemeName", DllStructGetPtr($tBuffers[0])) DllStructSetData($tURL_COMPONENTS, "HostNameLength", $iURLLen) DllStructSetData($tURL_COMPONENTS, "HostName", DllStructGetPtr($tBuffers[1])) DllStructSetData($tURL_COMPONENTS, "UserNameLength", $iURLLen) DllStructSetData($tURL_COMPONENTS, "UserName", DllStructGetPtr($tBuffers[2])) DllStructSetData($tURL_COMPONENTS, "PasswordLength", $iURLLen) DllStructSetData($tURL_COMPONENTS, "Password", DllStructGetPtr($tBuffers[3])) DllStructSetData($tURL_COMPONENTS, "UrlPathLength", $iURLLen) DllStructSetData($tURL_COMPONENTS, "UrlPath", DllStructGetPtr($tBuffers[4])) DllStructSetData($tURL_COMPONENTS, "ExtraInfoLength", $iURLLen) DllStructSetData($tURL_COMPONENTS, "ExtraInfo", DllStructGetPtr($tBuffers[5])) Local $aCall = DllCall($hWINHTTPDLL__WINHTTP, "bool", "WinHttpCrackUrl", _ "wstr", $sURL, _ "dword", $iURLLen, _ "dword", $iFlag, _ "struct*", $tURL_COMPONENTS) If @error Or Not $aCall[0] Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) Local $aRet[8] = [DllStructGetData($tBuffers[0], 1), _ DllStructGetData($tURL_COMPONENTS, "Scheme"), _ DllStructGetData($tBuffers[1], 1), _ DllStructGetData($tURL_COMPONENTS, "Port"), _ DllStructGetData($tBuffers[2], 1), _ DllStructGetData($tBuffers[3], 1), _ DllStructGetData($tBuffers[4], 1), _ DllStructGetData($tBuffers[5], 1)] Return $aRet EndFunc ; #FUNCTION# ;=============================================================================== ; Name...........: _WinHttpCreateUrl ; Description ...: Creates a URL from array of components such as the host name and path. ; Syntax.........: _WinHttpCreateUrl($aURLArray) ; Parameters ....: $aURLArray - Array of URL data. ; Return values .: Success - Returns created URL ; Failure - Returns empty string and sets @error: ; |1 - Invalid input. ; |2 - Initial DllCall failed ; |3 - Main DllCall failed ; Author ........: ProgAndy ; Modified.......: trancexx ; Remarks .......: Input is one dimensional 8 elements in size array: ; |- first element [0] scheme name ; |- second element [1] internet protocol scheme ; |- third element [2] host name ; |- fourth element [3] port number ; |- fifth element [4] user name ; |- sixth element [5] password ; |- seventh element [6] URL path ; |- eighth element [7] extra information ; Related .......: _WinHttpCrackUrl ; Link ..........: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa384093.aspx ;============================================================================================ Func _WinHttpCreateUrl($aURLArray) If UBound($aURLArray) - 8 Then Return SetError(1, 0, "") Local $tURL_COMPONENTS = DllStructCreate("dword StructSize;" & _ "ptr SchemeName;" & _ "dword SchemeNameLength;" & _ "int Scheme;" & _ "ptr HostName;" & _ "dword HostNameLength;" & _ "word Port;" & _ "ptr UserName;" & _ "dword UserNameLength;" & _ "ptr Password;" & _ "dword PasswordLength;" & _ "ptr UrlPath;" & _ "dword UrlPathLength;" & _ "ptr ExtraInfo;" & _ "dword ExtraInfoLength;") DllStructSetData($tURL_COMPONENTS, 1, DllStructGetSize($tURL_COMPONENTS)) Local $tBuffers[6][2] $tBuffers[0][1] = StringLen($aURLArray[0]) If $tBuffers[0][1] Then $tBuffers[0][0] = DllStructCreate("wchar[" & $tBuffers[0][1] + 1 & "]") DllStructSetData($tBuffers[0][0], 1, $aURLArray[0]) EndIf $tBuffers[1][1] = StringLen($aURLArray[2]) If $tBuffers[1][1] Then $tBuffers[1][0] = DllStructCreate("wchar[" & $tBuffers[1][1] + 1 & "]") DllStructSetData($tBuffers[1][0], 1, $aURLArray[2]) EndIf $tBuffers[2][1] = StringLen($aURLArray[4]) If $tBuffers[2][1] Then $tBuffers[2][0] = DllStructCreate("wchar[" & $tBuffers[2][1] + 1 & "]") DllStructSetData($tBuffers[2][0], 1, $aURLArray[4]) EndIf $tBuffers[3][1] = StringLen($aURLArray[5]) If $tBuffers[3][1] Then $tBuffers[3][0] = DllStructCreate("wchar[" & $tBuffers[3][1] + 1 & "]") DllStructSetData($tBuffers[3][0], 1, $aURLArray[5]) EndIf $tBuffers[4][1] = StringLen($aURLArray[6]) If $tBuffers[4][1] Then $tBuffers[4][0] = DllStructCreate("wchar[" & $tBuffers[4][1] + 1 & "]") DllStructSetData($tBuffers[4][0], 1, $aURLArray[6]) EndIf $tBuffers[5][1] = StringLen($aURLArray[7]) If $tBuffers[5][1] Then $tBuffers[5][0] = DllStructCreate("wchar[" & $tBuffers[5][1] + 1 & "]") DllStructSetData($tBuffers[5][0], 1, $aURLArray[7]) EndIf DllStructSetData($tURL_COMPONENTS, "SchemeNameLength", $tBuffers[0][1]) DllStructSetData($tURL_COMPONENTS, "SchemeName", DllStructGetPtr($tBuffers[0][0])) DllStructSetData($tURL_COMPONENTS, "HostNameLength", $tBuffers[1][1]) DllStructSetData($tURL_COMPONENTS, "HostName", DllStructGetPtr($tBuffers[1][0])) DllStructSetData($tURL_COMPONENTS, "UserNameLength", $tBuffers[2][1]) DllStructSetData($tURL_COMPONENTS, "UserName", DllStructGetPtr($tBuffers[2][0])) DllStructSetData($tURL_COMPONENTS, "PasswordLength", $tBuffers[3][1]) DllStructSetData($tURL_COMPONENTS, "Password", DllStructGetPtr($tBuffers[3][0])) DllStructSetData($tURL_COMPONENTS, "UrlPathLength", $tBuffers[4][1]) DllStructSetData($tURL_COMPONENTS, "UrlPath", DllStructGetPtr($tBuffers[4][0])) DllStructSetData($tURL_COMPONENTS, "ExtraInfoLength", $tBuffers[5][1]) DllStructSetData($tURL_COMPONENTS, "ExtraInfo", DllStructGetPtr($tBuffers[5][0])) DllStructSetData($tURL_COMPONENTS, "Scheme", $aURLArray[1]) DllStructSetData($tURL_COMPONENTS, "Port", $aURLArray[3]) Local $aCall = DllCall($hWINHTTPDLL__WINHTTP, "bool", "WinHttpCreateUrl", _ "struct*", $tURL_COMPONENTS, _ "dword", $ICU_ESCAPE, _ "ptr", 0, _ "dword*", 0) If @error Then Return SetError(2, 0, "") Local $iURLLen = $aCall[4] Local $URLBuffer = DllStructCreate("wchar[" & ($iURLLen + 1) & "]") $aCall = DllCall($hWINHTTPDLL__WINHTTP, "bool", "WinHttpCreateUrl", _ "struct*", $tURL_COMPONENTS, _ "dword", $ICU_ESCAPE, _ "struct*", $URLBuffer, _ "dword*", $iURLLen) If @error Or Not $aCall[0] Then Return SetError(3, 0, "") Return DllStructGetData($URLBuffer, 1) EndFunc ; #FUNCTION# ;=============================================================================== ; Name...........: _WinHttpDetectAutoProxyConfigUrl ; Description ...: Finds the URL for the Proxy Auto-Configuration (PAC) file. ; Syntax.........: _WinHttpDetectAutoProxyConfigUrl($iAutoDetectFlags) ; Parameters ....: $iAutoDetectFlags - Specifies what protocols to use to locate the PAC file. ; Return values .: Success - Returns URL for the PAC file. ; Failure - Returns empty string and sets @error: ; |1 - DllCall failed ; |2 - Internal failure. ; Author ........: trancexx ; Remarks .......: [[$iAutoDetectFlags]] values are defined in WinHttpconstants.au3 ; Related .......: _WinHttpGetDefaultProxyConfiguration, _WinHttpGetIEProxyConfigForCurrentUser, _WinHttpSetDefaultProxyConfiguration ; Link ..........: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa384094.aspx ;============================================================================================ Func _WinHttpDetectAutoProxyConfigUrl($iAutoDetectFlags) Local $aCall = DllCall($hWINHTTPDLL__WINHTTP, "bool", "WinHttpDetectAutoProxyConfigUrl", "dword", $iAutoDetectFlags, "ptr*", 0) If @error Or Not $aCall[0] Then Return SetError(1, 0, "") Local $pString = $aCall[2] If $pString Then Local $iLen = __WinHttpPtrStringLenW($pString) If @error Then Return SetError(2, 0, "") Local $tString = DllStructCreate("wchar[" & $iLen + 1 & "]", $pString) Local $sString = DllStructGetData($tString, 1) __WinHttpMemGlobalFree($pString) Return $sString EndIf Return "" EndFunc ; #FUNCTION# ;=============================================================================== ; Name...........: _WinHttpGetDefaultProxyConfiguration ; Description ...: Retrieves the default WinHttp proxy configuration. ; Syntax.........: _WinHttpGetDefaultProxyConfiguration() ; Parameters ....: None. ; Return values .: Success - Returns array with 3 elements: ; |$array[0] - Integer. Access type. ; |$array[1] - String. Proxy server list. ; |$array[2] - String. Proxy bypass list. ; Failure - Returns 0 and sets @error: ; |1 - DllCall failed ; Author ........: trancexx ; Remarks .......: Access types are defined in WinHttpconstants.au3: ; |[[$WINHTTP_ACCESS_TYPE_DEFAULT_PROXY = 0]] ; |[[$WINHTTP_ACCESS_TYPE_NO_PROXY = 1]] ; |[[$WINHTTP_ACCESS_TYPE_NAMED_PROXY = 3]] ; Related .......: _WinHttpDetectAutoProxyConfigUrl, _WinHttpGetIEProxyConfigForCurrentUser, _WinHttpSetDefaultProxyConfiguration ; Link ..........: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa384095.aspx ;============================================================================================ Func _WinHttpGetDefaultProxyConfiguration() Local $tWINHTTP_PROXY_INFO = DllStructCreate("dword AccessType;" & _ "ptr Proxy;" & _ "ptr ProxyBypass") Local $aCall = DllCall($hWINHTTPDLL__WINHTTP, "bool", "WinHttpGetDefaultProxyConfiguration", "struct*", $tWINHTTP_PROXY_INFO) If @error Or Not $aCall[0] Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) Local $iAccessType = DllStructGetData($tWINHTTP_PROXY_INFO, "AccessType") Local $pProxy = DllStructGetData($tWINHTTP_PROXY_INFO, "Proxy") Local $pProxyBypass = DllStructGetData($tWINHTTP_PROXY_INFO, "ProxyBypass") Local $sProxy If $pProxy Then Local $iProxyLen = __WinHttpPtrStringLenW($pProxy) If Not @error Then Local $tProxy = DllStructCreate("wchar[" & $iProxyLen + 1 & "]", $pProxy) $sProxy = DllStructGetData($tProxy, 1) __WinHttpMemGlobalFree($pProxy) EndIf EndIf Local $sProxyBypass If $pProxyBypass Then Local $iProxyBypassLen = __WinHttpPtrStringLenW($pProxyBypass) If Not @error Then Local $tProxyBypass = DllStructCreate("wchar[" & $iProxyBypassLen + 1 & "]", $pProxyBypass) $sProxyBypass = DllStructGetData($tProxyBypass, 1) __WinHttpMemGlobalFree($pProxyBypass) EndIf EndIf Local $aRet[3] = [$iAccessType, $sProxy, $sProxyBypass] Return $aRet EndFunc ; #FUNCTION# ;=============================================================================== ; Name...........: _WinHttpGetIEProxyConfigForCurrentUser ; Description ...: Retrieves the Internet Explorer proxy configuration for the current user. ; Syntax.........: _WinHttpGetIEProxyConfigForCurrentUser() ; Parameters ....: None. ; Return values .: Success - Returns array with 4 elements: ; |$array[0] - if 1 indicates that the IE proxy configuration for the current user specifies "automatically detect settings", ; |$array[1] - auto-configuration URL if the IE proxy configuration for the current user specifies "Use automatic proxy configuration", ; |$array[2] - proxy URL if the IE proxy configuration for the current user specifies "use a proxy server", ; |$array[3] - optional proxy by-pass server list. ; Failure - Returns 0 and sets @error: ; |1 - DllCall failed ; |2 - Internal failure. ; Author ........: trancexx ; Related .......: _WinHttpDetectAutoProxyConfigUrl, _WinHttpGetDefaultProxyConfiguration, _WinHttpSetDefaultProxyConfiguration ; Link ..........: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa384096.aspx ;============================================================================================ Func _WinHttpGetIEProxyConfigForCurrentUser() Local $tWINHTTP_CURRENT_USER_IE_PROXY_CONFIG = DllStructCreate("int AutoDetect;" & _ "ptr AutoConfigUrl;" & _ "ptr Proxy;" & _ "ptr ProxyBypass;") Local $aCall = DllCall($hWINHTTPDLL__WINHTTP, "bool", "WinHttpGetIEProxyConfigForCurrentUser", "struct*", $tWINHTTP_CURRENT_USER_IE_PROXY_CONFIG) If @error Or Not $aCall[0] Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) Local $iAutoDetect = DllStructGetData($tWINHTTP_CURRENT_USER_IE_PROXY_CONFIG, "AutoDetect") Local $pAutoConfigUrl = DllStructGetData($tWINHTTP_CURRENT_USER_IE_PROXY_CONFIG, "AutoConfigUrl") Local $pProxy = DllStructGetData($tWINHTTP_CURRENT_USER_IE_PROXY_CONFIG, "Proxy") Local $pProxyBypass = DllStructGetData($tWINHTTP_CURRENT_USER_IE_PROXY_CONFIG, "ProxyBypass") Local $sAutoConfigUrl If $pAutoConfigUrl Then Local $iAutoConfigUrlLen = __WinHttpPtrStringLenW($pAutoConfigUrl) If Not @error Then Local $tAutoConfigUrl = DllStructCreate("wchar[" & $iAutoConfigUrlLen + 1 & "]", $pAutoConfigUrl) $sAutoConfigUrl = DllStructGetData($tAutoConfigUrl, 1) __WinHttpMemGlobalFree($pAutoConfigUrl) EndIf EndIf Local $sProxy If $pProxy Then Local $iProxyLen = __WinHttpPtrStringLenW($pProxy) If Not @error Then Local $tProxy = DllStructCreate("wchar[" & $iProxyLen + 1 & "]", $pProxy) $sProxy = DllStructGetData($tProxy, 1) __WinHttpMemGlobalFree($pProxy) EndIf EndIf Local $sProxyBypass If $pProxyBypass Then Local $iProxyBypassLen = __WinHttpPtrStringLenW($pProxyBypass) If Not @error Then Local $tProxyBypass = DllStructCreate("wchar[" & $iProxyBypassLen + 1 & "]", $pProxyBypass) $sProxyBypass = DllStructGetData($tProxyBypass, 1) __WinHttpMemGlobalFree($pProxyBypass) EndIf EndIf Local $aOutput[4] = [$iAutoDetect, $sAutoConfigUrl, $sProxy, $sProxyBypass] Return $aOutput EndFunc ; #FUNCTION# ;=============================================================================== ; Name...........: _WinHttpOpen ; Description ...: Initializes the use of WinHttp functions and returns a WinHttp-session handle. ; Syntax.........: _WinHttpOpen([$sUserAgent = Default [, $iAccessType = Default [, $sProxyName = Default [, $sProxyBypass = Default [, $iFlag = Default ]]]]]) ; Parameters ....: $sUserAgent - [optional] The name of the application or entity calling the WinHttp functions. Default is "AutoIt/3.3 WinHTTP/5.1". ; $iAccessType - [optional] Type of access required. Default is $WINHTTP_ACCESS_TYPE_NO_PROXY. ; $sProxyName - [optional] The name of the proxy server to use when proxy access is specified by setting $iAccessType to $WINHTTP_ACCESS_TYPE_NAMED_PROXY. Default is $WINHTTP_NO_PROXY_NAME. ; $sProxyBypass - [optional] An optional list of host names or IP addresses, or both, that should not be routed through the proxy when $iAccessType is set to $WINHTTP_ACCESS_TYPE_NAMED_PROXY. Default is $WINHTTP_NO_PROXY_BYPASS. ; $iFlag - [optional] Integer containing the flags that indicate various options affecting the behavior of this function. Default is 0. ; Return values .: Success - Returns valid session handle. ; Failure - Returns 0 and sets @error: ; |1 - DllCall failed ; Author ........: trancexx ; Remarks .......: You are strongly discouraged to use WinHTTP in asynchronous mode with AutoIt. AutoIt's callback implementation can't handle reentrancy properly. ; +For asynchronous mode set [[$iFlag]] to [[$WINHTTP_FLAG_ASYNC]]. In that case [[$WINHTTP_OPTION_CONTEXT_VALUE]] for the handle will inernally be set to [[$WINHTTP_FLAG_ASYNC]] also. ; Related .......: _WinHttpCloseHandle, _WinHttpConnect ; Link ..........: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa384098.aspx ;============================================================================================ Func _WinHttpOpen($sUserAgent = Default, $iAccessType = Default, $sProxyName = Default, $sProxyBypass = Default, $iFlag = Default) __WinHttpDefault($sUserAgent, "AutoIt/3.3 WinHTTP/5.1") __WinHttpDefault($iAccessType, $WINHTTP_ACCESS_TYPE_NO_PROXY) __WinHttpDefault($sProxyName, $WINHTTP_NO_PROXY_NAME) __WinHttpDefault($sProxyBypass, $WINHTTP_NO_PROXY_BYPASS) __WinHttpDefault($iFlag, 0) Local $aCall = DllCall($hWINHTTPDLL__WINHTTP, "handle", "WinHttpOpen", _ "wstr", $sUserAgent, _ "dword", $iAccessType, _ "wstr", $sProxyName, _ "wstr", $sProxyBypass, _ "dword", $iFlag) If @error Or Not $aCall[0] Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) If $iFlag = $WINHTTP_FLAG_ASYNC Then _WinHttpSetOption($aCall[0], $WINHTTP_OPTION_CONTEXT_VALUE, $WINHTTP_FLAG_ASYNC) Return $aCall[0] EndFunc ; #FUNCTION# ;=============================================================================== ; Name...........: _WinHttpOpenRequest ; Description ...: Creates an HTTP request handle. ; Syntax.........: _WinHttpOpenRequest($hConnect [, $sVerb = Default [, $sObjectName = Default [, $sVersion = Default [, $sReferrer = Default [, $sAcceptTypes = Default [, $iFlags = Default ]]]]]]) ; Parameters ....: $hConnect - Handle to an HTTP session returned by _WinHttpConnect(). ; $sVerb - [optional] HTTP verb to use in the request. Default is "GET". ; $sObjectName - [optional] The name of the target resource of the specified HTTP verb. ; $sVersion - [optional] HTTP version. Default is "HTTP/1.1" ; $sReferrer - [optional] URL of the document from which the URL in the request $sObjectName was obtained. Default is $WINHTTP_NO_REFERER. ; $sAcceptTypes - [optional] Media types accepted by the client. Default is $WINHTTP_DEFAULT_ACCEPT_TYPES ; $iFlags - [optional] Integer specifying the Internet flag values. Default is $WINHTTP_FLAG_ESCAPE_DISABLE ; Return values .: Success - Returns valid session handle. ; Failure - Returns 0 and sets @error: ; |1 - DllCall failed ; Author ........: trancexx ; Related .......: _WinHttpCloseHandle, _WinHttpConnect, _WinHttpSendRequest ; Link ..........: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa384099.aspx ;============================================================================================ Func _WinHttpOpenRequest($hConnect, $sVerb = Default, $sObjectName = Default, $sVersion = Default, $sReferrer = Default, $sAcceptTypes = Default, $iFlags = Default) __WinHttpDefault($sVerb, "GET") __WinHttpDefault($sObjectName, "") __WinHttpDefault($sVersion, "HTTP/1.1") __WinHttpDefault($sReferrer, $WINHTTP_NO_REFERER) __WinHttpDefault($iFlags, $WINHTTP_FLAG_ESCAPE_DISABLE) Local $pAcceptTypes If $sAcceptTypes = Default Or Number($sAcceptTypes) = -1 Then $pAcceptTypes = $WINHTTP_DEFAULT_ACCEPT_TYPES Else Local $aTypes = StringSplit($sAcceptTypes, ",", 2) Local $tAcceptTypes = DllStructCreate("ptr[" & UBound($aTypes) + 1 & "]") Local $tType[UBound($aTypes)] For $i = 0 To UBound($aTypes) - 1 $tType[$i] = DllStructCreate("wchar[" & StringLen($aTypes[$i]) + 1 & "]") DllStructSetData($tType[$i], 1, $aTypes[$i]) DllStructSetData($tAcceptTypes, 1, DllStructGetPtr($tType[$i]), $i + 1) Next $pAcceptTypes = DllStructGetPtr($tAcceptTypes) EndIf Local $aCall = DllCall($hWINHTTPDLL__WINHTTP, "handle", "WinHttpOpenRequest", _ "handle", $hConnect, _ "wstr", StringUpper($sVerb), _ "wstr", $sObjectName, _ "wstr", StringUpper($sVersion), _ "wstr", $sReferrer, _ "ptr", $pAcceptTypes, _ "dword", $iFlags) If @error Or Not $aCall[0] Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) Return $aCall[0] EndFunc ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _WinHttpQueryAuthSchemes ; Description ...: Returns the authorization schemes that are supported by the server. ; Syntax ........: _WinHttpQueryAuthSchemes($hRequest, Byref $iSupportedSchemes, Byref $iFirstScheme, Byref $iAuthTarget) ; Parameters ....: $hRequest - Valid handle returned by _WinHttpSendRequest(). ; $iSupportedSchemes - [out] Supported authentication schemes. See remarks. ; $iFirstScheme - [out] First authentication scheme listed by the server. See remarks. ; $iAuthTarget - [out] A flag that contains the authentication target. See remarks. ; Return values .: Success - Returns 1 ; Failure - Returns 0 and sets @error: ; |1 - DllCall failed ; Author ........: trancexx ; Remarks .......: _WinHttpQueryAuthSchemes() is called after _WinHttpQueryHeaders(). ; +Arguments are accepted ByRef. ; +Both [[$iSupportedSchemes]] and [[$iFirstScheme]] is set to combination of any of [[$WINHTTP_AUTH_SCHEME_]] flags. ; +[[$iAuthTarget]] parameter is set to one or more [[$WINHTTP_AUTH_TARGET_]] constants values. ; Related .......: _WinHttpSetCredentials, _WinHttpQueryHeaders, _WinHttpOpenRequest ; Link ..........: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa384100.aspx ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _WinHttpQueryAuthSchemes($hRequest, ByRef $iSupportedSchemes, ByRef $iFirstScheme, ByRef $iAuthTarget) Local $aCall = DllCall($hWINHTTPDLL__WINHTTP, "bool", "WinHttpQueryAuthSchemes", _ "handle", $hRequest, _ "dword*", 0, _ "dword*", 0, _ "dword*", 0) If @error Or Not $aCall[0] Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) $iSupportedSchemes = $aCall[2] $iFirstScheme = $aCall[3] $iAuthTarget = $aCall[4] Return 1 EndFunc ; #FUNCTION# ;=============================================================================== ; Name...........: _WinHttpQueryDataAvailable ; Description ...: Returns the availability to be read with _WinHttpReadData(). ; Syntax.........: _WinHttpQueryDataAvailable($hRequest) ; Parameters ....: $hRequest - handle returned by _WinHttpOpenRequest(). ; Return values .: Success - Returns 1 if data is available. ; - Returns 0 if no data is available. ; - @extended receives the number of available bytes. ; Failure - Returns 0 and sets @error: ; |1 - DllCall failed ; Author ........: trancexx ; Remarks .......: _WinHttpReceiveResponse must have been called for this handle and completed before _WinHttpQueryDataAvailable is called. ; Related .......: _WinHttpOpenRequest, _WinHttpReadData, _WinHttpReceiveResponse ; Link ..........: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa384101.aspx ;============================================================================================ Func _WinHttpQueryDataAvailable($hRequest) Local $sReadType = "dword*" If BitAND(_WinHttpQueryOption(_WinHttpQueryOption(_WinHttpQueryOption($hRequest, $WINHTTP_OPTION_PARENT_HANDLE), $WINHTTP_OPTION_PARENT_HANDLE), $WINHTTP_OPTION_CONTEXT_VALUE), $WINHTTP_FLAG_ASYNC) Then $sReadType = "ptr" Local $aCall = DllCall($hWINHTTPDLL__WINHTTP, "bool", "WinHttpQueryDataAvailable", "handle", $hRequest, $sReadType, 0) If @error Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) Return SetExtended($aCall[2], $aCall[0]) EndFunc ; #FUNCTION# ;=============================================================================== ; Name...........: _WinHttpQueryHeaders ; Description ...: Retrieves header information associated with an HTTP request. ; Syntax.........: _WinHttpQueryHeaders($hRequest [, $iInfoLevel = Default [, $sName = Default [, $iIndex = Default ]]]) ; Parameters ....: $hRequest - Handle returned by _WinHttpOpenRequest(). ; $iInfoLevel - [optional] A combination of attribute and modifier flags. Default is $WINHTTP_QUERY_RAW_HEADERS_CRLF. ; $sName - [optional] Header name string. Default is $WINHTTP_HEADER_NAME_BY_INDEX. ; $iIndex - [optional] Index used to enumerate multiple headers with the same name ; Return values .: Success - Returns string that contains header. ; - @extended is set to the index of the next header ; Failure - Returns empty string and sets @error: ; |1 - DllCall failed ; Author ........: trancexx ; Related .......: _WinHttpAddRequestHeaders, _WinHttpOpenRequest ; Link ..........: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa384102.aspx ;============================================================================================ Func _WinHttpQueryHeaders($hRequest, $iInfoLevel = Default, $sName = Default, $iIndex = Default) __WinHttpDefault($iInfoLevel, $WINHTTP_QUERY_RAW_HEADERS_CRLF) __WinHttpDefault($sName, $WINHTTP_HEADER_NAME_BY_INDEX) __WinHttpDefault($iIndex, $WINHTTP_NO_HEADER_INDEX) Local $aCall = DllCall($hWINHTTPDLL__WINHTTP, "bool", "WinHttpQueryHeaders", _ "handle", $hRequest, _ "dword", $iInfoLevel, _ "wstr", $sName, _ "wstr", "", _ "dword*", 65536, _ "dword*", $iIndex) If @error Or Not $aCall[0] Then Return SetError(1, 0, "") Return SetExtended($aCall[6], $aCall[4]) EndFunc ; #FUNCTION# ;=============================================================================== ; Name...........: _WinHttpQueryOption ; Description ...: Queries an Internet option on the specified handle. ; Syntax.........: _WinHttpQueryOption($hInternet, $iOption) ; Parameters ....: $hInternet - Handle on which to query information. ; $iOption - Internet option to query. ; Return values .: Success - Returns data containing requested information. ; Failure - Returns empty string and sets @error: ; |1 - Initial DllCall failed ; |2 - Main DllCall failed ; Author ........: trancexx ; Remarks .......: Type of the returned data varies on request. ; Related .......: _WinHttpSetOption ; Link ..........: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa384103.aspx ;============================================================================================ Func _WinHttpQueryOption($hInternet, $iOption) Local $aCall = DllCall($hWINHTTPDLL__WINHTTP, "bool", "WinHttpQueryOption", _ "handle", $hInternet, _ "dword", $iOption, _ "ptr", 0, _ "dword*", 0) If @error Or $aCall[0] Then Return SetError(1, 0, "") Local $iSize = $aCall[4] Local $tBuffer Switch $iOption Case $WINHTTP_OPTION_CONNECTION_INFO, $WINHTTP_OPTION_PASSWORD, $WINHTTP_OPTION_PROXY_PASSWORD, $WINHTTP_OPTION_PROXY_USERNAME, $WINHTTP_OPTION_URL, $WINHTTP_OPTION_USERNAME, $WINHTTP_OPTION_USER_AGENT, _ $WINHTTP_OPTION_PASSPORT_COBRANDING_TEXT, $WINHTTP_OPTION_PASSPORT_COBRANDING_URL $tBuffer = DllStructCreate("wchar[" & $iSize + 1 & "]") Case $WINHTTP_OPTION_PARENT_HANDLE, $WINHTTP_OPTION_CALLBACK $tBuffer = DllStructCreate("ptr") Case $WINHTTP_OPTION_CONNECT_TIMEOUT, $WINHTTP_AUTOLOGON_SECURITY_LEVEL_HIGH, $WINHTTP_AUTOLOGON_SECURITY_LEVEL_LOW, $WINHTTP_AUTOLOGON_SECURITY_LEVEL_MEDIUM, _ $WINHTTP_OPTION_CONFIGURE_PASSPORT_AUTH, $WINHTTP_OPTION_CONNECT_RETRIES, $WINHTTP_OPTION_EXTENDED_ERROR, $WINHTTP_OPTION_HANDLE_TYPE, $WINHTTP_OPTION_MAX_CONNS_PER_1_0_SERVER, _ $WINHTTP_OPTION_MAX_CONNS_PER_SERVER, $WINHTTP_OPTION_MAX_HTTP_AUTOMATIC_REDIRECTS, $WINHTTP_OPTION_RECEIVE_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT, $WINHTTP_OPTION_RECEIVE_TIMEOUT, _ $WINHTTP_OPTION_RESOLVE_TIMEOUT, $WINHTTP_OPTION_SECURITY_FLAGS, $WINHTTP_OPTION_SECURITY_KEY_BITNESS, $WINHTTP_OPTION_SEND_TIMEOUT $tBuffer = DllStructCreate("int") Case $WINHTTP_OPTION_CONTEXT_VALUE $tBuffer = DllStructCreate("dword_ptr") Case Else $tBuffer = DllStructCreate("byte[" & $iSize & "]") EndSwitch $aCall = DllCall($hWINHTTPDLL__WINHTTP, "bool", "WinHttpQueryOption", _ "handle", $hInternet, _ "dword", $iOption, _ "struct*", $tBuffer, _ "dword*", $iSize) If @error Or Not $aCall[0] Then Return SetError(2, 0, "") Return DllStructGetData($tBuffer, 1) EndFunc ; #FUNCTION# ;=============================================================================== ; Name...........: _WinHttpReadData ; Description ...: Reads data from a handle opened by the _WinHttpOpenRequest() function. ; Syntax.........: _WinHttpReadData($hRequest [, $iMode = Default [, $iNumberOfBytesToRead = Default ]]) ; Parameters ....: $hRequest - Valid handle returned from a previous call to _WinHttpOpenRequest(). ; $iMode - [optional] Integer representing reading mode. Default is 0 (charset is decoded as it is ANSI). ; $iNumberOfBytesToRead - [optional] The number of bytes to read. Default is 8192 bytes. ; Return values .: Success - Returns data read. ; - @extended receives the number of bytes read. ; Special: Sets @error to -1 if no more data to read (end reached). ; Failure - Returns empty string and sets @error: ; |1 - DllCall failed ; Author ........: trancexx, ProgAndy ; Remarks .......: [[$iMode]] can have these values: ; |[[0]] - ANSI ; |[[1]] - UTF8 ; |[[2]] - Binary ; Related .......: _WinHttpOpenRequest, _WinHttpWriteData ; Link ..........: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa384104.aspx ;============================================================================================ Func _WinHttpReadData($hRequest, $iMode = Default, $iNumberOfBytesToRead = Default, $pBuffer = Default) __WinHttpDefault($iMode, 0) __WinHttpDefault($iNumberOfBytesToRead, 8192) Local $tBuffer, $vOutOnError = "" If $iMode = 2 Then $vOutOnError = Binary($vOutOnError) Switch $iMode Case 1, 2 If $pBuffer And $pBuffer <> Default Then $tBuffer = DllStructCreate("byte[" & $iNumberOfBytesToRead & "]", $pBuffer) Else $tBuffer = DllStructCreate("byte[" & $iNumberOfBytesToRead & "]") EndIf Case Else $iMode = 0 If $pBuffer And $pBuffer <> Default Then $tBuffer = DllStructCreate("char[" & $iNumberOfBytesToRead & "]", $pBuffer) Else $tBuffer = DllStructCreate("char[" & $iNumberOfBytesToRead & "]") EndIf EndSwitch Local $sReadType = "dword*" If BitAND(_WinHttpQueryOption(_WinHttpQueryOption(_WinHttpQueryOption($hRequest, $WINHTTP_OPTION_PARENT_HANDLE), $WINHTTP_OPTION_PARENT_HANDLE), $WINHTTP_OPTION_CONTEXT_VALUE), $WINHTTP_FLAG_ASYNC) Then $sReadType = "ptr" Local $aCall = DllCall($hWINHTTPDLL__WINHTTP, "bool", "WinHttpReadData", _ "handle", $hRequest, _ "struct*", $tBuffer, _ "dword", $iNumberOfBytesToRead, _ $sReadType, 0) If @error Or Not $aCall[0] Then Return SetError(1, 0, "") If Not $aCall[4] Then Return SetError(-1, 0, $vOutOnError) If $aCall[4] < $iNumberOfBytesToRead Then Switch $iMode Case 0 Return SetExtended($aCall[4], StringLeft(DllStructGetData($tBuffer, 1), $aCall[4])) Case 1 Return SetExtended($aCall[4], BinaryToString(BinaryMid(DllStructGetData($tBuffer, 1), 1, $aCall[4]), 4)) Case 2 Return SetExtended($aCall[4], BinaryMid(DllStructGetData($tBuffer, 1), 1, $aCall[4])) EndSwitch Else Switch $iMode Case 0, 2 Return SetExtended($aCall[4], DllStructGetData($tBuffer, 1)) Case 1 Return SetExtended($aCall[4], BinaryToString(DllStructGetData($tBuffer, 1), 4)) EndSwitch EndIf EndFunc ; #FUNCTION# ;=============================================================================== ; Name...........: _WinHttpReceiveResponse ; Description ...: Waits to receive the response to an HTTP request initiated by WinHttpSendRequest(). ; Syntax.........: _WinHttpReceiveResponse($hRequest) ; Parameters ....: $hRequest - Handle returned by _WinHttpOpenRequest() and sent by _WinHttpSendRequest(). ; Return values .: Success - Returns 1. ; Failure - Returns 0 and sets @error: ; |1 - DllCall failed ; Author ........: trancexx ; Remarks .......: Call to _WinHttpReceiveResponse() must be done before _WinHttpQueryDataAvailable() and _WinHttpReadData(). ; Related .......: _WinHttpOpenRequest, _WinHttpSetTimeouts ; Link ..........: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa384105.aspx ;============================================================================================ Func _WinHttpReceiveResponse($hRequest) Local $aCall = DllCall($hWINHTTPDLL__WINHTTP, "bool", "WinHttpReceiveResponse", "handle", $hRequest, "ptr", 0) If @error Or Not $aCall[0] Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) Return 1 EndFunc ; #FUNCTION# ;=============================================================================== ; Name...........: _WinHttpSendRequest ; Description ...: Sends the specified request to the HTTP server. ; Syntax.........: _WinHttpSendRequest($hRequest [, $sHeaders = Default [, $sOptional = Default [, $iTotalLength = Default [, $iContext = Default ]]]]) ; Parameters ....: $hRequest - Handle returned by _WinHttpOpenRequest(). ; $sHeaders - [optional] Additional headers to append to the request. Default is $WINHTTP_NO_ADDITIONAL_HEADERS. ; $sOptional - [optional] Optional data to send immediately after the request headers. Default is $WINHTTP_NO_REQUEST_DATA. ; $iTotalLength - [optional] Length, in bytes, of the total optional data sent. Default is 0. ; $iContext - [optional] Application-defined value that is passed, with the request handle, to any callback functions. Default is 0. ; Return values .: Success - Returns 1. ; Failure - Returns 0 and sets @error: ; |1 - DllCall failed ; Author ........: trancexx ; Remarks .......: Specifying optional data [[$sOptional]] will cause [[$iTotalLength]] to receive the size of that data if left default value. ; Related .......: _WinHttpOpenRequest ; Link ..........: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa384110.aspx ;============================================================================================ Func _WinHttpSendRequest($hRequest, $sHeaders = Default, $sOptional = Default, $iTotalLength = Default, $iContext = Default) __WinHttpDefault($sHeaders, $WINHTTP_NO_ADDITIONAL_HEADERS) __WinHttpDefault($sOptional, $WINHTTP_NO_REQUEST_DATA) __WinHttpDefault($iTotalLength, 0) __WinHttpDefault($iContext, 0) Local $pOptional = 0, $iOptionalLength = 0 If @NumParams > 2 Then Local $tOptional $iOptionalLength = BinaryLen($sOptional) $tOptional = DllStructCreate("byte[" & $iOptionalLength & "]") If $iOptionalLength Then $pOptional = DllStructGetPtr($tOptional) DllStructSetData($tOptional, 1, $sOptional) EndIf If Not $iTotalLength Or $iTotalLength < $iOptionalLength Then $iTotalLength += $iOptionalLength Local $aCall = DllCall($hWINHTTPDLL__WINHTTP, "bool", "WinHttpSendRequest", _ "handle", $hRequest, _ "wstr", $sHeaders, _ "dword", 0, _ "ptr", $pOptional, _ "dword", $iOptionalLength, _ "dword", $iTotalLength, _ "dword_ptr", $iContext) If @error Or Not $aCall[0] Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) Return 1 EndFunc ; #FUNCTION# ;=============================================================================== ; Name...........: _WinHttpSetCredentials ; Description ...: Passes the required authorization credentials to the server. ; Syntax.........: _WinHttpSetCredentials($hRequest, $iAuthTargets, $iAuthScheme, $sUserName, $sPassword) ; Parameters ....: $hRequest - Valid handle returned by _WinHttpOpenRequest(). ; $iAuthTargets - Authentication target. ; $iAuthScheme - Authentication scheme. ; $sUserName - Valid user name. ; $sPassword - Valid password. ; Return values .: Success - Returns 1. ; Failure - Returns 0 and sets @error: ; |1 - DllCall failed ; Author ........: trancexx ; Related .......: _WinHttpOpenRequest ; Link ..........: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa384112.aspx ;============================================================================================ Func _WinHttpSetCredentials($hRequest, $iAuthTargets, $iAuthScheme, $sUserName, $sPassword) Local $aCall = DllCall($hWINHTTPDLL__WINHTTP, "bool", "WinHttpSetCredentials", _ "handle", $hRequest, _ "dword", $iAuthTargets, _ "dword", $iAuthScheme, _ "wstr", $sUserName, _ "wstr", $sPassword, _ "ptr", 0) If @error Or Not $aCall[0] Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) Return 1 EndFunc ; #FUNCTION# ;=============================================================================== ; Name...........: _WinHttpSetDefaultProxyConfiguration ; Description ...: Sets the default WinHttp proxy configuration. ; Syntax.........: _WinHttpSetDefaultProxyConfiguration($iAccessType [, $sProxy = "" [, $sProxyBypass = ""]) ; Parameters ....: $iAccessType - Integer. Access type. ; $sProxy - [optional] String. Proxy server list. ; $sProxyBypass - [optional] String. Proxy bypass list. ; Return values .: Success - Returns 1. ; Failure - Returns 0 and sets @error: ; |1 - DllCall failed ; Author ........: trancexx ; Related .......: _WinHttpDetectAutoProxyConfigUrl, _WinHttpGetDefaultProxyConfiguration, _WinHttpGetIEProxyConfigForCurrentUser ; Link ..........: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa384113.aspx ;============================================================================================ Func _WinHttpSetDefaultProxyConfiguration($iAccessType, $sProxy = "", $sProxyBypass = "") Local $tProxy = DllStructCreate("wchar[" & StringLen($sProxy) + 1 & "]") DllStructSetData($tProxy, 1, $sProxy) Local $tProxyBypass = DllStructCreate("wchar[" & StringLen($sProxyBypass) + 1 & "]") DllStructSetData($tProxyBypass, 1, $sProxyBypass) Local $tWINHTTP_PROXY_INFO = DllStructCreate("dword AccessType;" & _ "ptr Proxy;" & _ "ptr ProxyBypass") DllStructSetData($tWINHTTP_PROXY_INFO, "AccessType", $iAccessType) If $iAccessType <> $WINHTTP_ACCESS_TYPE_NO_PROXY Then DllStructSetData($tWINHTTP_PROXY_INFO, "Proxy", DllStructGetPtr($tProxy)) DllStructSetData($tWINHTTP_PROXY_INFO, "ProxyBypass", DllStructGetPtr($tProxyBypass)) EndIf Local $aCall = DllCall($hWINHTTPDLL__WINHTTP, "bool", "WinHttpSetDefaultProxyConfiguration", "struct*", $tWINHTTP_PROXY_INFO) If @error Or Not $aCall[0] Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) Return 1 EndFunc ; #FUNCTION# ;=============================================================================== ; Name...........: _WinHttpSetOption ; Description ...: Sets an Internet option. ; Syntax.........: _WinHttpSetOption($hInternet, $iOption, $vSetting [, $iSize = Default ]) ; Parameters ....: $hInternet - Handle on which to set data. ; $iOption - Integer value that contains the Internet option to set. ; $vSetting - Value of setting ; $iSize - [optional] Size of $vSetting, required if $vSetting is pointer to memory block ; Return values .: Success - Returns 1. ; Failure - Returns 0 and sets @error: ; |1 - Invalid Internet option ; |2 - Size required ; |3 - Datatype of value does not fit to option ; |4 - DllCall failed ; Author ........: ProgAndy, trancexx ; Related .......: _WinHttpQueryOption ; Link ..........: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa384114.aspx ;============================================================================================ Func _WinHttpSetOption($hInternet, $iOption, $vSetting, $iSize = Default) If $iSize = Default Then $iSize = -1 If IsBinary($vSetting) Then $iSize = DllStructCreate("byte[" & BinaryLen($vSetting) & "]") DllStructSetData($iSize, 1, $vSetting) $vSetting = $iSize $iSize = DllStructGetSize($vSetting) EndIf Local $sType Switch $iOption Case $WINHTTP_OPTION_AUTOLOGON_POLICY, $WINHTTP_OPTION_CODEPAGE, $WINHTTP_OPTION_CONFIGURE_PASSPORT_AUTH, $WINHTTP_OPTION_CONNECT_RETRIES, _ $WINHTTP_OPTION_CONNECT_TIMEOUT, $WINHTTP_OPTION_DISABLE_FEATURE, $WINHTTP_OPTION_ENABLE_FEATURE, $WINHTTP_OPTION_ENABLETRACING, _ $WINHTTP_OPTION_MAX_CONNS_PER_1_0_SERVER, $WINHTTP_OPTION_MAX_CONNS_PER_SERVER, $WINHTTP_OPTION_MAX_HTTP_AUTOMATIC_REDIRECTS, _ $WINHTTP_OPTION_MAX_HTTP_STATUS_CONTINUE, $WINHTTP_OPTION_MAX_RESPONSE_DRAIN_SIZE, $WINHTTP_OPTION_MAX_RESPONSE_HEADER_SIZE, _ $WINHTTP_OPTION_READ_BUFFER_SIZE, $WINHTTP_OPTION_RECEIVE_TIMEOUT, _ $WINHTTP_OPTION_RECEIVE_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT, $WINHTTP_OPTION_REDIRECT_POLICY, $WINHTTP_OPTION_REJECT_USERPWD_IN_URL, _ $WINHTTP_OPTION_REQUEST_PRIORITY, $WINHTTP_OPTION_RESOLVE_TIMEOUT, $WINHTTP_OPTION_SECURE_PROTOCOLS, $WINHTTP_OPTION_SECURITY_FLAGS, _ $WINHTTP_OPTION_SECURITY_KEY_BITNESS, $WINHTTP_OPTION_SEND_TIMEOUT, $WINHTTP_OPTION_SPN, $WINHTTP_OPTION_USE_GLOBAL_SERVER_CREDENTIALS, _ $WINHTTP_OPTION_WORKER_THREAD_COUNT, $WINHTTP_OPTION_WRITE_BUFFER_SIZE $sType = "dword*" $iSize = 4 Case $WINHTTP_OPTION_CALLBACK, $WINHTTP_OPTION_PASSPORT_SIGN_OUT $sType = "ptr*" $iSize = 4 If @AutoItX64 Then $iSize = 8 If Not IsPtr($vSetting) Then Return SetError(3, 0, 0) Case $WINHTTP_OPTION_CONTEXT_VALUE $sType = "dword_ptr*" $iSize = 4 If @AutoItX64 Then $iSize = 8 Case $WINHTTP_OPTION_PASSWORD, $WINHTTP_OPTION_PROXY_PASSWORD, $WINHTTP_OPTION_PROXY_USERNAME, $WINHTTP_OPTION_USER_AGENT, $WINHTTP_OPTION_USERNAME $sType = "wstr" If (IsDllStruct($vSetting) Or IsPtr($vSetting)) Then Return SetError(3, 0, 0) If $iSize < 1 Then $iSize = StringLen($vSetting) Case $WINHTTP_OPTION_CLIENT_CERT_CONTEXT, $WINHTTP_OPTION_GLOBAL_PROXY_CREDS, $WINHTTP_OPTION_GLOBAL_SERVER_CREDS, $WINHTTP_OPTION_HTTP_VERSION, _ $WINHTTP_OPTION_PROXY $sType = "ptr" If Not (IsDllStruct($vSetting) Or IsPtr($vSetting)) Then Return SetError(3, 0, 0) Case Else Return SetError(1, 0, 0) EndSwitch If $iSize < 1 Then If IsDllStruct($vSetting) Then $iSize = DllStructGetSize($vSetting) Else Return SetError(2, 0, 0) EndIf EndIf Local $aCall If IsDllStruct($vSetting) Then $aCall = DllCall($hWINHTTPDLL__WINHTTP, "bool", "WinHttpSetOption", "handle", $hInternet, "dword", $iOption, $sType, DllStructGetPtr($vSetting), "dword", $iSize) Else $aCall = DllCall($hWINHTTPDLL__WINHTTP, "bool", "WinHttpSetOption", "handle", $hInternet, "dword", $iOption, $sType, $vSetting, "dword", $iSize) EndIf If @error Or Not $aCall[0] Then Return SetError(4, 0, 0) Return 1 EndFunc ; #FUNCTION# ;=============================================================================== ; Name...........: _WinHttpSetStatusCallback ; Description ...: Sets up a callback function that WinHttp can call as progress is made during an operation. ; Syntax.........: _WinHttpSetStatusCallback($hInternet, $hInternetCallback [, $iNotificationFlags = Default ]) ; Parameters ....: $hInternet - Handle for which the callback is to be set. ; $hInternetCallback - Callback function to call when progress is made. ; $iNotificationFlags - [optional] Flags to indicate which events activate the callback function. Default is $WINHTTP_CALLBACK_FLAG_ALL_NOTIFICATIONS. ; Return values .: Success - Returns a pointer to the previously defined status callback function or NULL if there was no previously defined status callback function. ; Failure - Returns 0 and sets @error: ; |1 - DllCall failed ; Author ........: ProgAndy ; Modified.......: trancexx ; Related .......: _WinHttpOpen ; Link ..........: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa384115.aspx ;============================================================================================ Func _WinHttpSetStatusCallback($hInternet, $hInternetCallback, $iNotificationFlags = Default) __WinHttpDefault($iNotificationFlags, $WINHTTP_CALLBACK_FLAG_ALL_NOTIFICATIONS) Local $aCall = DllCall($hWINHTTPDLL__WINHTTP, "ptr", "WinHttpSetStatusCallback", _ "handle", $hInternet, _ "ptr", DllCallbackGetPtr($hInternetCallback), _ "dword", $iNotificationFlags, _ "ptr", 0) If @error Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) Return $aCall[0] EndFunc ; #FUNCTION# ;=============================================================================== ; Name...........: _WinHttpSetTimeouts ; Description ...: Sets time-outs involved with HTTP transactions. ; Syntax.........: _WinHttpSetTimeouts($hInternet [, $iResolveTimeout = Default [, $iConnectTimeout = Default [, $iSendTimeout = Default [, $iReceiveTimeout = Default ]]]]) ; Parameters ....: $hInternet - Handle returned by _WinHttpOpen() or _WinHttpOpenRequest(). ; $iResolveTimeout - [optional] Time-out value, in milliseconds, to use for name resolution. Default is 0 ms. ; $iConnectTimeout - [optional] Time-out value, in milliseconds, to use for server connection requests. Default is 60000 ms. ; $iSendTimeout - [optional] Time-out value, in milliseconds, to use for sending requests. Default is 30000 ms. ; $iReceiveTimeout - [optional] Time-out value, in milliseconds, to receive a response to a request. Default is 30000 ms. ; Return values .: Success - Returns 1. ; Failure - Returns 0 and sets @error: ; |1 - DllCall failed ; Author ........: trancexx ; Remarks .......: Initial values are: ; |- $iResolveTimeout = 0 ; |- $iConnectTimeout = 60000 ; |- $iSendTimeout = 30000 ; |- $iReceiveTimeout = 30000 ; Related .......: _WinHttpReceiveResponse ; Link ..........: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa384116.aspx ;============================================================================================ Func _WinHttpSetTimeouts($hInternet, $iResolveTimeout = Default, $iConnectTimeout = Default, $iSendTimeout = Default, $iReceiveTimeout = Default) __WinHttpDefault($iResolveTimeout, 0) __WinHttpDefault($iConnectTimeout, 60000) __WinHttpDefault($iSendTimeout, 30000) __WinHttpDefault($iReceiveTimeout, 30000) Local $aCall = DllCall($hWINHTTPDLL__WINHTTP, "bool", "WinHttpSetTimeouts", _ "handle", $hInternet, _ "int", $iResolveTimeout, _ "int", $iConnectTimeout, _ "int", $iSendTimeout, _ "int", $iReceiveTimeout) If @error Or Not $aCall[0] Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) Return 1 EndFunc ; #FUNCTION# ;=============================================================================== ; Name...........: _WinHttpSimpleBinaryConcat ; Description ...: Concatenates two binary data returned by _WinHttpReadData() in binary mode. ; Syntax.........: _WinHttpSimpleBinaryConcat(ByRef $bBinary1, ByRef $bBinary2) ; Parameters ....: $bBinary1 - Binary data that is to be concatenated. ; $bBinary2 - Binary data to concatenate. ; Return values .: Success - Returns concatenated binary data. ; Failure - Returns empty binary and sets @error: ; |1 - Invalid input. ; Author ........: ProgAndy ; Modified.......: trancexx ; Related .......: _WinHttpReadData ;============================================================================================ Func _WinHttpSimpleBinaryConcat(ByRef $bBinary1, ByRef $bBinary2) Switch IsBinary($bBinary1) + 2 * IsBinary($bBinary2) Case 0 Return SetError(1, 0, Binary('')) Case 1 Return $bBinary1 Case 2 Return $bBinary2 EndSwitch Local $tAuxiliary = DllStructCreate("byte[" & BinaryLen($bBinary1) & "];byte[" & BinaryLen($bBinary2) & "]") DllStructSetData($tAuxiliary, 1, $bBinary1) DllStructSetData($tAuxiliary, 2, $bBinary2) Local $tOutput = DllStructCreate("byte[" & DllStructGetSize($tAuxiliary) & "]", DllStructGetPtr($tAuxiliary)) Return DllStructGetData($tOutput, 1) EndFunc ; #FUNCTION# ;=============================================================================== ; Name...........: _WinHttpSimpleFormFill ; Description ...: Fills web form. ; Syntax.........: _WinHttpSimpleFormFill(ByRef $hInternet [, $sActionPage = Default [, $sFormId = Default [, $sFieldId1 = Default [, $sData1 = Default [, (...) [, $sAdditionalData]]]]]]) ; Parameters ....: $hInternet - Handle returned by _WinHttpConnect() or string variable with form. ; $sActionPage - [optional] path to the page with form or session handle if $hInternet is string (default: "" - empty string; meaning 'default' page on the server in former). ; $sFormId - [optional] Id of the form. Can be name or zero-based index too (read Remarks section). ; $sFieldId1 - [optional] Id of the input. ; $sData1 - [optional] Data to set to coresponding field. ; (...) - [optional] Other pairs of Id/Data. Overall number of fields is 40. ; $sAdditionalData - [optional] Additional data (read Remarks section). ; Return values .: Success - Returns HTML source of the page returned by the server on submited form. ; Failure - Returns empty string and sets @error: ; |1 - No forms on the page ; |2 - Invalid form ; |3 - No forms with specified attributes on the page ; |4 - Connection problems ; |5 - form's "action" is invalid ; |6 - invalid session handle passed ; Author ........: trancexx ; Remarks .......: In case form requires redirection and [[$hInternet]] is internet handle, this handle will be closed and replaced with new and required one. ; +When [[$hInternet]] is form string, form's "action" must specify URL and [[$sActionPage]] parameter must be session handle. On succesful call this variable will be changed to connection handle of the internally made connection. ; Don't forget to close this handle after the function returns and when no longer needed. ; +[[$sFormId]] specifies Id of the form same as [[.getElementById(FormId)]]. Aditionally you can use [["index:FormIndex"]] to ; identify form by its zero-based index number (in case of e.g. three forms on some page first one will have index=0, second index=1, third index=2). ; Use [["name:FormName"]] to identify form by its name like with [[.getElementsByName(FormName)]]. FormName will be taken to be what's right of colon mark. ; In that case first form with that name is filled. ; +As for fields, If [["name:FieldName"]] option is used all the fields except last with that name are removed from the form. Last one is filled with specified [[$sData]] data. ; +This function can be used to fill forms with up to 40 fields at once. ; +"Submit" control you want to keep (click) set to True. If no such control is set then the first one found in the form is "clicked" ; and the other removed from the submited form. "Checkbox" and "Button" input types are removed from the submitted form unless explicitly set. Same goes for "Radio" with exception that ; only one such control can be set, the rest are removed. These controls are set by their values. Wrong value makes them invalid and therefore not part of the submited data. ; +All other non-set fields are left default. ; +Last (superfluous) [[$sAdditionalData]] argument can be used to pass authorization credentials in form [["[CRED:username,password]"]] and/or HTTP request header data to add. ; + ; +If this function is used to upload multiple files then there are two available ways. Default would be to submit the form following RFC2388 specification. ; In that case every file is represented as multipart/mixed part embedded within the multipart/form-data. ; +If you want to upload using alternative way (to avoid certain PHP bug that could exist on server side) then prefix the file string with [["PHP#50338:"]] string. ; +For example: [[..."name:files[]", "PHP#50338:" & $sFile1 & "|" & $sFile2 ...]] ; +Muliple files are always separated with vertical line ASCII character when filling the form. ; Related .......: _WinHttpConnect ;============================================================================================ Func _WinHttpSimpleFormFill(ByRef $hInternet, $sActionPage = Default, $sFormId = Default, $sFieldId1 = Default, $sData1 = Default, $sFieldId2 = Default, $sData2 = Default, $sFieldId3 = Default, $sData3 = Default, $sFieldId4 = Default, $sData4 = Default, $sFieldId5 = Default, $sData5 = Default, $sFieldId6 = Default, $sData6 = Default, $sFieldId7 = Default, $sData7 = Default, $sFieldId8 = Default, $sData8 = Default, $sFieldId9 = Default, $sData9 = Default, $sFieldId10 = Default, $sData10 = Default, _ $sFieldId11 = Default, $sData11 = Default, $sFieldId12 = Default, $sData12 = Default, $sFieldId13 = Default, $sData13 = Default, $sFieldId14 = Default, $sData14 = Default, $sFieldId15 = Default, $sData15 = Default, $sFieldId16 = Default, $sData16 = Default, $sFieldId17 = Default, $sData17 = Default, $sFieldId18 = Default, $sData18 = Default, $sFieldId19 = Default, $sData19 = Default, $sFieldId20 = Default, $sData20 = Default, _ $sFieldId21 = Default, $sData21 = Default, $sFieldId22 = Default, $sData22 = Default, $sFieldId23 = Default, $sData23 = Default, $sFieldId24 = Default, $sData24 = Default, $sFieldId25 = Default, $sData25 = Default, $sFieldId26 = Default, $sData26 = Default, $sFieldId27 = Default, $sData27 = Default, $sFieldId28 = Default, $sData28 = Default, $sFieldId29 = Default, $sData29 = Default, $sFieldId30 = Default, $sData30 = Default, _ $sFieldId31 = Default, $sData31 = Default, $sFieldId32 = Default, $sData32 = Default, $sFieldId33 = Default, $sData33 = Default, $sFieldId34 = Default, $sData34 = Default, $sFieldId35 = Default, $sData35 = Default, $sFieldId36 = Default, $sData36 = Default, $sFieldId37 = Default, $sData37 = Default, $sFieldId38 = Default, $sData38 = Default, $sFieldId39 = Default, $sData39 = Default, $sFieldId40 = Default, $sData40 = Default) #forceref $sFieldId1, $sData1, $sFieldId2, $sData2, $sFieldId3, $sData3, $sFieldId4, $sData4, $sFieldId5, $sData5, $sFieldId6, $sData6, $sFieldId7, $sData7, $sFieldId8, $sData8, $sFieldId9, $sData9, $sFieldId10, $sData10 #forceref $sFieldId11, $sData11, $sFieldId12, $sData12, $sFieldId13, $sData13, $sFieldId14, $sData14, $sFieldId15, $sData15, $sFieldId16, $sData16, $sFieldId17, $sData17, $sFieldId18, $sData18, $sFieldId19, $sData19, $sFieldId20, $sData20 #forceref $sFieldId21, $sData21, $sFieldId22, $sData22, $sFieldId23, $sData23, $sFieldId24, $sData24, $sFieldId25, $sData25, $sFieldId26, $sData26, $sFieldId27, $sData27, $sFieldId28, $sData28, $sFieldId29, $sData29, $sFieldId30, $sData30 #forceref $sFieldId31, $sData31, $sFieldId32, $sData32, $sFieldId33, $sData33, $sFieldId34, $sData34, $sFieldId35, $sData35, $sFieldId36, $sData36, $sFieldId37, $sData37, $sFieldId38, $sData38, $sFieldId39, $sData39, $sFieldId40, $sData40 __WinHttpDefault($sActionPage, "") Local $iNumArgs = @NumParams, $sAdditionalHeaders, $sCredName, $sCredPass If Not Mod($iNumArgs, 2) Then $sAdditionalHeaders = Eval("sFieldId" & $iNumArgs / 2 - 1) Local $aCred = StringRegExp($sAdditionalHeaders, "\[CRED:(.*?)\]", 2) If Not @error Then Local $aSplit = StringSplit($aCred[1], ",", 3) If Not @error Then $sCredName = $aSplit[0] $sCredPass = $aSplit[1] EndIf $sAdditionalHeaders = StringReplace($sAdditionalHeaders, $aCred[0], "", 1) EndIf EndIf ; Get page source Local $hOpen, $sHTML, $fVarForm, $iScheme = $INTERNET_SCHEME_HTTP If IsString($hInternet) Then ; $hInternet is page source $sHTML = $hInternet If _WinHttpQueryOption($sActionPage, $WINHTTP_OPTION_HANDLE_TYPE) <> $WINHTTP_HANDLE_TYPE_SESSION Then Return SetError(6, 0, "") $hOpen = $sActionPage $fVarForm = True Else $sHTML = _WinHttpSimpleRequest($hInternet, Default, $sActionPage, Default, Default, "Accept: text/html;q=0.9,text/plain;q=0.8,*/*;q=0.5", Default, Default, $sCredName, $sCredPass) If @error Then $sHTML = _WinHttpSimpleSSLRequest($hInternet, Default, $sActionPage, Default, Default, "Accept: text/html;q=0.9,text/plain;q=0.8,*/*;q=0.5", Default, Default, $sCredName, $sCredPass) $iScheme = $INTERNET_SCHEME_HTTPS EndIf EndIf $sHTML = StringRegExpReplace($sHTML, "(?s)", "") ; removing comments $sHTML = StringRegExpReplace($sHTML, "(?s)", "") ; removing CDATA Local $fSend = False ; preset 'Sending flag' ; Find all forms on page Local $aForm = StringRegExp($sHTML, "(?si)<\s*form(?:[^\w])\s*(.*?)(?:(?:<\s*/form\s*>)|\Z)", 3) If @error Then Return SetError(1, 0, "") ; There are no forms available ; Process input Local $fGetFormByName, $sFormName, $fGetFormByIndex, $fGetFormById, $iFormIndex Local $aSplitForm = StringSplit($sFormId, ":", 2) If @error Then ; like .getElementById(FormId) $fGetFormById = True Else If $aSplitForm[0] = "name" Then ; like .getElementsByName(FormName) $sFormName = $aSplitForm[1] $fGetFormByName = True ElseIf $aSplitForm[0] = "index" Then $iFormIndex = Number($aSplitForm[1]) $fGetFormByIndex = True ElseIf $aSplitForm[0] = "id" Then ; like .getElementById(FormId) $sFormId = $aSplitForm[1] $fGetFormById = True Else ; like .getElementById(FormId) $sFormId = $aSplitForm[0] $fGetFormById = True EndIf EndIf ; Variables Local $sForm, $sAttributes, $aAttributes, $aInput Local $iNumParams = Ceiling(($iNumArgs - 2) / 2) - 1 Local $sAddData Local $aCrackURL, $sNewURL ; Loop thru all forms on the page and find one that was specified For $iFormOrdinal = 0 To UBound($aForm) - 1 If $fGetFormByIndex And $iFormOrdinal <> $iFormIndex Then ContinueLoop $sForm = $aForm[$iFormOrdinal] ; Extract form attributes $sAttributes = StringRegExp($sForm, "(?s)(.*?)>", 3) If Not @error Then $sAttributes = $sAttributes[0] Local $sAction = "", $sAccept = "", $sEnctype = "", $sMethod = "", $sName = "", $sId = "" ; Check set attributes $sId = __WinHttpAttribVal($sAttributes, "id") If $fGetFormById And $sFormId <> Default And $sId <> $sFormId Then ContinueLoop $sName = __WinHttpAttribVal($sAttributes, "name") If $fGetFormByName And $sFormName <> $sName Then ContinueLoop $sAction = StringReplace(__WinHttpAttribVal($sAttributes, "action"), "&", "&") $sAccept = __WinHttpAttribVal($sAttributes, "accept") $sEnctype = __WinHttpAttribVal($sAttributes, "enctype") $sMethod = __WinHttpAttribVal($sAttributes, "method") If Not $sMethod Then $sMethod = "GET" If $sMethod = "GET" Then $sEnctype = "" $aCrackURL = _WinHttpCrackUrl($sAction) If @error Then If $sAction Then If StringLeft($sAction, 1) <> "/" Then Local $sCurrent Local $aURL = StringRegExp($sActionPage, '(.*)/', 3) If Not @error Then $sCurrent = $aURL[0] If $sCurrent Then $sAction = $sCurrent & "/" & $sAction EndIf If StringLeft($sAction, 1) = "?" Then $sAction = $sActionPage & $sAction EndIf If Not $sAction Then $sAction = $sActionPage $sAction = StringRegExpReplace($sAction, "\A(/*\.\./)*", "") ; /../ Else $iScheme = $aCrackURL[1] $sNewURL = $aCrackURL[2] $sAction = $aCrackURL[6] & $aCrackURL[7] EndIf If $fVarForm And Not $sNewURL Then Return SetError(5, 0, "") ; "action" must have URL specified ; Requested form is found. Set $fSend flag to true $fSend = True Local $aSplit, $sBoundary, $sPassedId, $sPassedData, $iNumRepl, $fMultiPart = False, $sSubmit, $sRadio, $sCheckBox, $sButton Local $sGrSep = Chr(29) $aInput = StringRegExp($sForm, "(?si)<\h*(?:input|textarea|label|fieldset|legend|select|optgroup|option|button)\h*(.*?)/*\h*>", 3) If @error Then Return SetError(2, 0, "") ; invalid form Local $aInputIds[4][UBound($aInput)] Switch $sEnctype Case "", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" For $i = 0 To UBound($aInput) - 1 ; for all input elements __WinHttpFormAttrib($aInputIds, $i, $aInput[$i]) If $aInputIds[1][$i] Then ; if there is 'name' field then add it $aInputIds[2][$i] = __WinHttpURLEncode($aInputIds[2][$i]) $sAddData &= $aInputIds[1][$i] & "=" & $aInputIds[2][$i] & "&" If $aInputIds[3][$i] = "submit" Then $sSubmit &= $aInputIds[1][$i] & "=" & $aInputIds[2][$i] & $sGrSep ; add to overall "submit" string If $aInputIds[3][$i] = "radio" Then $sRadio &= $aInputIds[1][$i] & "=" & $aInputIds[2][$i] & $sGrSep ; add to overall "radio" string If $aInputIds[3][$i] = "checkbox" Then $sCheckBox &= $aInputIds[1][$i] & "=" & $aInputIds[2][$i] & $sGrSep ; add to overall "checkbox" string If $aInputIds[3][$i] = "button" Then $sButton &= $aInputIds[1][$i] & "=" & $aInputIds[2][$i] & $sGrSep ; add to overall "button" string EndIf Next $sSubmit = StringTrimRight($sSubmit, 1) $sRadio = StringTrimRight($sRadio, 1) $sCheckBox = StringTrimRight($sCheckBox, 1) $sButton = StringTrimRight($sButton, 1) $sAddData = StringTrimRight($sAddData, 1) For $k = 1 To $iNumParams $sPassedData = __WinHttpURLEncode(Eval("sData" & $k)) $sPassedId = Eval("sFieldId" & $k) $aSplit = StringSplit($sPassedId, ":", 2) If @error Or $aSplit[0] <> "name" Then ; like .getElementById If Not @error And $aSplit[0] = "id" Then $sPassedId = $aSplit[1] For $j = 0 To UBound($aInputIds, 2) - 1 If $aInputIds[0][$j] = $sPassedId Then If $aInputIds[3][$j] = "submit" Then If $sPassedData = True Then ; if this "submit" is set to TRUE then If $sSubmit Then ; If not already processed; only the first is valid Local $fDelId = False For $sChunkSub In StringSplit($sSubmit, $sGrSep, 3) ; go tru all "submit" controls If $sChunkSub = $aInputIds[1][$j] & "=" & $aInputIds[2][$j] Then If $fDelId Then $sAddData = StringRegExpReplace($sAddData, "(?i)(?:&|\A)\Q" & $sChunkSub & "\E(?:&|\Z)", "&", 1) $fDelId = True Else $sAddData = StringRegExpReplace($sAddData, "(?i)(?:&|\A)\Q" & $sChunkSub & "\E(?:&|\Z)", "&") ; delete all but the TRUE one EndIf __WinHttpTrimBounds($sAddData, "&") Next $sSubmit = "" EndIf EndIf ElseIf $aInputIds[3][$j] = "radio" Then If $sPassedData = $aInputIds[2][$j] Then For $sChunkSub In StringSplit($sRadio, $sGrSep, 3) ; go tru all "radio" controls If $sChunkSub = $aInputIds[1][$j] & "=" & $sPassedData Then $sAddData = StringRegExpReplace(StringReplace($sAddData, "&", "&&"), "(?i)(?:&|\A)\Q" & $aInputIds[1][$j] & "\E(.*?)(?:&|\Z)", "&") $sAddData = StringReplace(StringReplace($sAddData, "&&", "&"), "&&", "&") If StringLeft($sAddData, 1) = "&" Then $sAddData = StringTrimLeft($sAddData, 1) $sAddData &= "&" & $sChunkSub $sRadio = StringRegExpReplace(StringReplace($sRadio, $sGrSep, $sGrSep & $sGrSep), "(?i)(?:" & $sGrSep & "|\A)\Q" & $aInputIds[1][$j] & "\E(.*?)(?:" & $sGrSep & "|\Z)", $sGrSep) $sRadio = StringReplace(StringReplace($sRadio, $sGrSep & $sGrSep, $sGrSep), $sGrSep & $sGrSep, $sGrSep) EndIf Next EndIf ElseIf $aInputIds[3][$j] = "checkbox" Then $sCheckBox = StringRegExpReplace($sCheckBox, "(?i)\Q" & $aInputIds[1][$j] & "=" & $sPassedData & "\E" & $sGrSep & "*", "") __WinHttpTrimBounds($sCheckBox, $sGrSep) ElseIf $aInputIds[3][$j] = "button" Then $sButton = StringRegExpReplace($sButton, "(?i)\Q" & $aInputIds[1][$j] & "=" & $sPassedData & "\E" & $sGrSep & "*", "") __WinHttpTrimBounds($sButton, $sGrSep) Else $sAddData = StringRegExpReplace(StringReplace($sAddData, "&", "&&"), "(?i)(?:&|\A)\Q" & $aInputIds[1][$j] & "=" & $aInputIds[2][$j] & "\E(?:&|\Z)", "&" & $aInputIds[1][$j] & "=" & $sPassedData & "&") $iNumRepl = @extended $sAddData = StringReplace($sAddData, "&&", "&") If $iNumRepl > 1 Then ; equalize ; TODO: remove duplicates $sAddData = StringRegExpReplace($sAddData, "(?i)(?:&|\A)\Q" & $aInputIds[1][$j] & "\E=.*?(?:&|\Z)", "&", $iNumRepl - 1) EndIf __WinHttpTrimBounds($sAddData, "&") EndIf EndIf Next Else ; like .getElementsByName For $j = 0 To UBound($aInputIds, 2) - 1 If $aInputIds[3][$j] = "submit" Then If $sPassedData = True Then ; if this "submit" is set to TRUE then If $aInputIds[1][$j] = $aSplit[1] Then If $sSubmit Then ; If not already processed; only the first is valid Local $fDel = False For $sChunkSub In StringSplit($sSubmit, $sGrSep, 3) ; go tru all "submit" controls If $sChunkSub = $aInputIds[1][$j] & "=" & $aInputIds[2][$j] Then If $fDel Then $sAddData = StringRegExpReplace($sAddData, "(?i)(?:&|\A)\Q" & $sChunkSub & "\E(?:&|\Z)", "&", 1) $fDel = True Else $sAddData = StringRegExpReplace($sAddData, "(?i)(?:&|\A)\Q" & $sChunkSub & "\E(?:&|\Z)", "&") ; delete all but the TRUE one EndIf __WinHttpTrimBounds($sAddData, "&") Next $sSubmit = "" EndIf ContinueLoop 2 ; process next parameter EndIf Else ; False means do nothing ContinueLoop 2 ; process next parameter EndIf ElseIf $aInputIds[1][$j] = $aSplit[1] And $aInputIds[3][$j] = "radio" Then For $sChunkSub In StringSplit($sRadio, $sGrSep, 3) ; go tru all "radio" controls If $sChunkSub = $aInputIds[1][$j] & "=" & $sPassedData Then $sAddData = StringReplace(StringReplace(StringRegExpReplace(StringReplace($sAddData, "&", "&&"), "(?i)(?:&|\A)\Q" & $aInputIds[1][$j] & "\E(.*?)(?:&|\Z)", "&"), "&&", "&"), "&&", "&") If StringLeft($sAddData, 1) = "&" Then $sAddData = StringTrimLeft($sAddData, 1) $sAddData &= "&" & $sChunkSub $sRadio = StringRegExpReplace(StringReplace($sRadio, $sGrSep, $sGrSep & $sGrSep), "(?i)(?:" & $sGrSep & "|\A)\Q" & $aInputIds[1][$j] & "\E(.*?)(?:" & $sGrSep & "|\Z)", $sGrSep) $sRadio = StringReplace(StringReplace($sRadio, $sGrSep & $sGrSep, $sGrSep), $sGrSep & $sGrSep, $sGrSep) EndIf Next ContinueLoop 2 ; process next parameter ElseIf $aInputIds[1][$j] = $aSplit[1] And $aInputIds[3][$j] = "checkbox" Then $sCheckBox = StringRegExpReplace($sCheckBox, "(?i)\Q" & $aInputIds[1][$j] & "=" & $sPassedData & "\E" & $sGrSep & "*", "") __WinHttpTrimBounds($sCheckBox, $sGrSep) ContinueLoop 2 ; process next parameter ElseIf $aInputIds[1][$j] = $aSplit[1] And $aInputIds[3][$j] = "button" Then $sButton = StringRegExpReplace($sButton, "(?i)\Q" & $aInputIds[1][$j] & "=" & $sPassedData & "\E" & $sGrSep & "*", "") __WinHttpTrimBounds($sButton, $sGrSep) ContinueLoop 2 ; process next parameter EndIf Next $sAddData = StringRegExpReplace(StringReplace($sAddData, "&", "&&"), "(?i)(?:&|\A)\Q" & $aSplit[1] & "\E=.*?(?:&|\Z)", "&" & $aSplit[1] & "=" & $sPassedData & "&") $iNumRepl = @extended $sAddData = StringReplace($sAddData, "&&", "&") If $iNumRepl > 1 Then ; remove duplicates $sAddData = StringRegExpReplace($sAddData, "(?i)(?:&|\A)\Q" & $aSplit[1] & "\E=.*?(?:&|\Z)", "&", $iNumRepl - 1) EndIf __WinHttpTrimBounds($sAddData, "&") EndIf Next __WinHttpFinalizeCtrls($sSubmit, $sRadio, $sCheckBox, $sButton, $sAddData, $sGrSep, "&") If $sMethod = "GET" Then $sAction &= "?" & $sAddData $sAddData = "" ; not to send as addition to the request (this is GET) EndIf Case "multipart/form-data" If $sMethod = "POST" Then ; can't be GET $fMultiPart = True ; Define boundary line $sBoundary = StringFormat("%s%.5f", "----WinHttpBoundaryLine_", Random(10000, 99999)) Local $sCDisp = 'Content-Disposition: form-data; name="' For $i = 0 To UBound($aInput) - 1 ; for all input elements __WinHttpFormAttrib($aInputIds, $i, $aInput[$i]) If $aInputIds[1][$i] Then ; if there is 'name' field If $aInputIds[3][$i] = "file" Then $sAddData &= "--" & $sBoundary & @CRLF & _ $sCDisp & $aInputIds[1][$i] & '"; filename=""' & @CRLF & @CRLF & _ $aInputIds[2][$i] & @CRLF Else $sAddData &= "--" & $sBoundary & @CRLF & _ $sCDisp & $aInputIds[1][$i] & '"' & @CRLF & @CRLF & _ $aInputIds[2][$i] & @CRLF EndIf If $aInputIds[3][$i] = "submit" Then $sSubmit &= "--" & $sBoundary & @CRLF & _ $sCDisp & $aInputIds[1][$i] & '"' & @CRLF & @CRLF & _ $aInputIds[2][$i] & @CRLF & $sGrSep If $aInputIds[3][$i] = "radio" Then $sRadio &= "--" & $sBoundary & @CRLF & _ $sCDisp & $aInputIds[1][$i] & '"' & @CRLF & @CRLF & _ $aInputIds[2][$i] & @CRLF & $sGrSep If $aInputIds[3][$i] = "checkbox" Then $sCheckBox &= "--" & $sBoundary & @CRLF & _ $sCDisp & $aInputIds[1][$i] & '"' & @CRLF & @CRLF & _ $aInputIds[2][$i] & @CRLF & $sGrSep If $aInputIds[3][$i] = "button" Then $sButton &= "--" & $sBoundary & @CRLF & _ $sCDisp & $aInputIds[1][$i] & '"' & @CRLF & @CRLF & _ $aInputIds[2][$i] & @CRLF & $sGrSep EndIf Next $sSubmit = StringTrimRight($sSubmit, 1) $sRadio = StringTrimRight($sRadio, 1) $sCheckBox = StringTrimRight($sCheckBox, 1) $sButton = StringTrimRight($sButton, 1) $sAddData &= "--" & $sBoundary & "--" & @CRLF For $k = 1 To $iNumParams $sPassedData = Eval("sData" & $k) $sPassedId = Eval("sFieldId" & $k) $aSplit = StringSplit($sPassedId, ":", 2) If @error Or $aSplit[0] <> "name" Then ; like getElementById If Not @error And $aSplit[0] = "id" Then $sPassedId = $aSplit[1] For $j = 0 To UBound($aInputIds, 2) - 1 If $aInputIds[0][$j] = $sPassedId Then If $aInputIds[3][$j] = "file" Then $sAddData = StringReplace($sAddData, _ $sCDisp & $aInputIds[1][$j] & '"; filename=""' & @CRLF & @CRLF & $aInputIds[2][$j] & @CRLF, _ __WinHttpFileContent($sAccept, $aInputIds[1][$j], $sPassedData, $sBoundary)) ElseIf $aInputIds[3][$j] = "submit" Then If $sPassedData = True Then ; if this "submit" is set to TRUE then If $sSubmit Then ; If not already processed; only the first is valid Local $fMDelId = False For $sChunkSub In StringSplit($sSubmit, $sGrSep, 3) ; go tru all "submit" controls If $sChunkSub = "--" & $sBoundary & @CRLF & _ $sCDisp & $aInputIds[1][$j] & '"' & @CRLF & @CRLF & _ $aInputIds[2][$j] & @CRLF Then If $fMDelId Then $sAddData = StringReplace($sAddData, $sChunkSub, "", 1) ; Removing duplicates $fMDelId = True Else $sAddData = StringReplace($sAddData, $sChunkSub, "") ; delete all but the TRUE one EndIf Next $sSubmit = "" EndIf EndIf ElseIf $aInputIds[3][$j] = "radio" Then If $sPassedData = $aInputIds[2][$j] Then For $sChunkSub In StringSplit($sRadio, $sGrSep, 3) ; go tru all "radio" controls If StringInStr($sChunkSub, "--" & $sBoundary & @CRLF & $sCDisp & $aInputIds[1][$j] & '"' & @CRLF & @CRLF & $sPassedData & @CRLF) Then $sAddData = StringRegExpReplace($sAddData, "(?i)\Q--" & $sBoundary & @CRLF & $sCDisp & $aInputIds[1][$j] & '"' & @CRLF & @CRLF & "\E" & "(.*?)" & @CRLF, "") $sAddData = StringReplace($sAddData, "--" & $sBoundary & "--" & @CRLF, "") $sAddData &= $sChunkSub & "--" & $sBoundary & "--" & @CRLF $sRadio = StringRegExpReplace($sRadio, "(?i)\Q--" & $sBoundary & @CRLF & $sCDisp & $aInputIds[1][$j] & '"' & @CRLF & @CRLF & "\E(.*?)" & @CRLF & $sGrSep & "?", "") EndIf Next EndIf ElseIf $aInputIds[3][$j] = "checkbox" Then $sCheckBox = StringRegExpReplace($sCheckBox, "(?i)\Q--" & $sBoundary & @CRLF & _ $sCDisp & $aInputIds[1][$j] & '"' & @CRLF & @CRLF & _ $sPassedData & @CRLF & "\E" & $sGrSep & "*", "") If StringRight($sCheckBox, 1) = $sGrSep Then $sCheckBox = StringTrimRight($sCheckBox, 1) ElseIf $aInputIds[3][$j] = "button" Then $sButton = StringRegExpReplace($sButton, "(?i)\Q--" & $sBoundary & @CRLF & _ $sCDisp & $aInputIds[1][$j] & '"' & @CRLF & @CRLF & _ $sPassedData & @CRLF & "\E" & $sGrSep & "*", "") If StringRight($sButton, 1) = $sGrSep Then $sButton = StringTrimRight($sButton, 1) Else $sAddData = StringReplace($sAddData, _ $sCDisp & $aInputIds[1][$j] & '"' & @CRLF & @CRLF & $aInputIds[2][$j] & @CRLF, _ $sCDisp & $aInputIds[1][$j] & '"' & @CRLF & @CRLF & $sPassedData & @CRLF) $iNumRepl = @extended If $iNumRepl > 1 Then ; equalize ; TODO: remove duplicates $sAddData = StringRegExpReplace($sAddData, '(?si)\Q--' & $sBoundary & @CRLF & $sCDisp & $aInputIds[1][$j] & '"' & '\E\r\n\r\n.*?\r\n', "", $iNumRepl - 1) EndIf EndIf EndIf Next Else ; like getElementsByName For $j = 0 To UBound($aInputIds, 2) - 1 If $aInputIds[1][$j] = $aSplit[1] And $aInputIds[3][$j] = "file" Then $sAddData = StringReplace($sAddData, _ $sCDisp & $aSplit[1] & '"; filename=""' & @CRLF & @CRLF & $aInputIds[2][$j] & @CRLF, _ __WinHttpFileContent($sAccept, $aInputIds[1][$j], $sPassedData, $sBoundary)) ElseIf $aInputIds[1][$j] = $aSplit[1] And $aInputIds[3][$j] = "submit" Then If $sPassedData = True Then ; if this "submit" is set to TRUE then If $sSubmit Then ; If not already processed; only the first is valid Local $fMDel = False For $sChunkSub In StringSplit($sSubmit, $sGrSep, 3) ; go tru all "submit" controls If $sChunkSub = "--" & $sBoundary & @CRLF & _ $sCDisp & $aInputIds[1][$j] & '"' & @CRLF & @CRLF & _ $aInputIds[2][$j] & @CRLF Then If $fMDel Then $sAddData = StringReplace($sAddData, $sChunkSub, "", 1) ; Removing duplicates $fMDel = True Else $sAddData = StringReplace($sAddData, $sChunkSub, "") ; delete all but the TRUE one EndIf Next $sSubmit = "" EndIf ContinueLoop 2 ; process next parameter Else ; False means do nothing ContinueLoop 2 ; process next parameter EndIf ElseIf $aInputIds[1][$j] = $aSplit[1] And $aInputIds[3][$j] = "radio" Then For $sChunkSub In StringSplit($sRadio, $sGrSep, 3) ; go tru all "radio" controls If StringInStr($sChunkSub, "--" & $sBoundary & @CRLF & $sCDisp & $aInputIds[1][$j] & '"' & @CRLF & @CRLF & $sPassedData & @CRLF) Then $sAddData = StringRegExpReplace($sAddData, "(?i)\Q--" & $sBoundary & @CRLF & $sCDisp & $aInputIds[1][$j] & '"' & @CRLF & @CRLF & "\E" & "(.*?)" & @CRLF, "") $sAddData = StringReplace($sAddData, "--" & $sBoundary & "--" & @CRLF, "") $sAddData &= $sChunkSub & "--" & $sBoundary & "--" & @CRLF $sRadio = StringRegExpReplace($sRadio, "(?i)\Q--" & $sBoundary & @CRLF & $sCDisp & $aInputIds[1][$j] & '"' & @CRLF & @CRLF & "\E(.*?)" & @CRLF & $sGrSep & "?", "") EndIf Next ContinueLoop 2 ; process next parameter ElseIf $aInputIds[1][$j] = $aSplit[1] And $aInputIds[3][$j] = "checkbox" Then $sCheckBox = StringRegExpReplace($sCheckBox, "(?i)\Q--" & $sBoundary & @CRLF & _ $sCDisp & $aInputIds[1][$j] & '"' & @CRLF & @CRLF & _ $sPassedData & @CRLF & "\E" & $sGrSep & "*", "") If StringRight($sCheckBox, 1) = $sGrSep Then $sCheckBox = StringTrimRight($sCheckBox, 1) ContinueLoop 2 ; process next parameter ElseIf $aInputIds[1][$j] = $aSplit[1] And $aInputIds[3][$j] = "button" Then $sButton = StringRegExpReplace($sButton, "(?i)\Q--" & $sBoundary & @CRLF & _ $sCDisp & $aInputIds[1][$j] & '"' & @CRLF & @CRLF & _ $sPassedData & @CRLF & "\E" & $sGrSep & "*", "") If StringRight($sButton, 1) = $sGrSep Then $sButton = StringTrimRight($sButton, 1) ContinueLoop 2 ; process next parameter EndIf Next $sAddData = StringRegExpReplace($sAddData, '(?si)\Q' & $sCDisp & $aSplit[1] & '"' & '\E\r\n\r\n.*?\r\n', _ $sCDisp & $aSplit[1] & '"' & @CRLF & @CRLF & StringReplace($sPassedData, "\", "\\") & @CRLF) $iNumRepl = @extended If $iNumRepl > 1 Then ; remove duplicates $sAddData = StringRegExpReplace($sAddData, '(?si)\Q--' & $sBoundary & @CRLF & $sCDisp & $aSplit[1] & '"' & '\E\r\n\r\n.*?\r\n', "", $iNumRepl - 1) EndIf EndIf Next EndIf __WinHttpFinalizeCtrls($sSubmit, $sRadio, $sCheckBox, $sButton, $sAddData, $sGrSep) EndSwitch ExitLoop Next ; Send If $fSend Then If $fVarForm Then $hInternet = _WinHttpConnect($hOpen, $sNewURL) Else If $sNewURL Then $hOpen = _WinHttpQueryOption($hInternet, $WINHTTP_OPTION_PARENT_HANDLE) _WinHttpCloseHandle($hInternet) $hInternet = _WinHttpConnect($hOpen, $sNewURL) EndIf EndIf Local $hRequest If $iScheme = $INTERNET_SCHEME_HTTPS Then $hRequest = __WinHttpFormSend($hInternet, $sMethod, $sAction, $fMultiPart, $sBoundary, $sAddData, True, $sAdditionalHeaders, $sCredName, $sCredPass) Else $hRequest = __WinHttpFormSend($hInternet, $sMethod, $sAction, $fMultiPart, $sBoundary, $sAddData, False, $sAdditionalHeaders, $sCredName, $sCredPass) If _WinHttpQueryHeaders($hRequest, $WINHTTP_QUERY_STATUS_CODE) > $HTTP_STATUS_BAD_REQUEST Then _WinHttpCloseHandle($hRequest) $hRequest = __WinHttpFormSend($hInternet, $sMethod, $sAction, $fMultiPart, $sBoundary, $sAddData, True, $sAdditionalHeaders, $sCredName, $sCredPass) ; try adding $WINHTTP_FLAG_SECURE EndIf EndIf Local $sReturned = _WinHttpSimpleReadData($hRequest) If @error Then _WinHttpCloseHandle($hRequest) Return SetError(4, 0, "") ; either site is expiriencing problems or your connection EndIf _WinHttpCloseHandle($hRequest) Return $sReturned EndIf ; If here then there is no form on the page with specified attributes (name, id or index) Return SetError(3, 0, "") EndFunc ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _WinHttpSimpleReadData ; Description ...: Reads data from a request ; Syntax.........: _WinHttpSimpleReadData($hRequest [, $iMode = Default ]) ; Parameters ....: $hRequest - request handle after _WinHttpReceiveResponse ; $iMode - [optional] type of data returned ; |0 - ASCII-String ; |1 - UTF-8-String ; |2 - binary data ; Return values .: Success - String or binary depending on $iMode ; Failure - empty string or empty binary (mode 2) and set @error ; |1 - invalid mode ; |2 - no data available ; Author ........: ProgAndy ; Modified.......: trancexx ; Remarks .......: In case of default reading mode, if the server specifies utf-8 content type, function will force UTF-8 string. ; Related .......: _WinHttpReadData, _WinHttpSimpleRequest, _WinHttpSimpleSSLRequest ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _WinHttpSimpleReadData($hRequest, $iMode = Default) If $iMode = Default Then $iMode = 0 If __WinHttpCharSet(_WinHttpQueryHeaders($hRequest, $WINHTTP_QUERY_CONTENT_TYPE)) = 65001 Then $iMode = 1 ; header suggest utf-8 Else __WinHttpDefault($iMode, 0) EndIf If $iMode > 2 Or $iMode < 0 Then Return SetError(1, 0, '') Local $vData = Binary('') If _WinHttpQueryDataAvailable($hRequest) Then Do $vData &= _WinHttpReadData($hRequest, 2) Until @error Switch $iMode Case 0 Return BinaryToString($vData) Case 1 Return BinaryToString($vData, 4) Case Else Return $vData EndSwitch EndIf Return SetError(2, 0, $vData) EndFunc ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _WinHttpSimpleReadDataAsync ; Description ...: Reads data from a request in asynchronous mode ; Syntax.........: _WinHttpSimpleReadDataAsync($hInternet, Byref $pBuffer [, $iNumberOfBytesToRead = Default ]) ; Parameters ....: $hInternet - Request handle (first parameter while in callback function). ; $pBuffer - Pointer to memory buffer to which to read. ; $iNumberOfBytesToRead - [optional] The number of bytes to read. Default is 8192 bytes. ; |0 - ASCII-String ; |1 - UTF-8-String ; |2 - binary data ; Return values .: Same as for _WinHttpReadData. Due to async nature here it has no meaning except in case of possible error. ; Author ........: trancexx ; Remarks .......: You are strongly discouraged to use WinHTTP in asynchronous mode with AutoIt. AutoIt's callback implementation can't handle reentrancy properly. ; +WinHttp is rentrant during asynchronous completion callback. Make sure you have only one callback running and only one request handled though it at time. ; +Also make sure memory buffer is at least 8192 bytes in size if [[$iNumberOfBytesToRead]] is left default. ; Related .......: _WinHttpSimpleReadData, _WinHttpReadData ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _WinHttpSimpleReadDataAsync($hInternet, ByRef $pBuffer, $iNumberOfBytesToRead = Default) __WinHttpDefault($iNumberOfBytesToRead, 8192) Local $vOut = _WinHttpReadData($hInternet, 2, $iNumberOfBytesToRead, $pBuffer) Return SetError(@error, @extended, $vOut) EndFunc ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _WinHttpSimpleRequest ; Description ...: A function to send a request in a simpler form ; Syntax.........: _WinHttpSimpleRequest($hConnect, $sType, $sPath [, $sReferrer = Default [, $sData = Default [, $sHeader = Default [, $fGetHeaders = Default [, $iMode = Default ]]]]]) ; Parameters ....: $hConnect - Handle from _WinHttpConnect ; $sType - [optional] GET or POST (default: GET) ; $sPath - [optional] request path (default: "" - empty string; meaning 'default' page on the server) ; $sReferrer - [optional] referrer (default: $WINHTTP_NO_REFERER) ; $sData - [optional] POST-Data (default: $WINHTTP_NO_REQUEST_DATA) ; $sHeader - [optional] additional Headers (default: $WINHTTP_NO_ADDITIONAL_HEADERS) ; $fGetHeaders - [optional] return response headers (default: False) ; $iMode - [optional] reading mode of result ; |0 - ASCII-text ; |1 - UTF-8 text ; |2 - binary data ; Return values .: Success - response data if $fGetHeaders = False (default) ; |Array if $fGetHeaders = True ; | [0] - response headers ; | [1] - response data ; Failure - 0 and set @error ; |1 - could not open request ; |2 - could not send request ; |3 - could not receive response ; |4 - $iMode is not valid ; Author ........: ProgAndy ; Modified.......: trancexx ; Related .......: _WinHttpSimpleSSLRequest, _WinHttpSimpleSendRequest, _WinHttpSimpleSendSSLRequest, _WinHttpQueryHeaders, _WinHttpSimpleReadData ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _WinHttpSimpleRequest($hConnect, $sType = Default, $sPath = Default, $sReferrer = Default, $sData = Default, $sHeader = Default, $fGetHeaders = Default, $iMode = Default, $sCredName = Default, $sCredPass = Default) ; Author: ProgAndy __WinHttpDefault($sType, "GET") __WinHttpDefault($sPath, "") __WinHttpDefault($sReferrer, $WINHTTP_NO_REFERER) __WinHttpDefault($sData, $WINHTTP_NO_REQUEST_DATA) __WinHttpDefault($sHeader, $WINHTTP_NO_ADDITIONAL_HEADERS) __WinHttpDefault($fGetHeaders, False) __WinHttpDefault($iMode, Default) __WinHttpDefault($sCredName, "") __WinHttpDefault($sCredPass, "") If $iMode > 2 Or $iMode < 0 Then Return SetError(4, 0, 0) Local $hRequest = _WinHttpSimpleSendRequest($hConnect, $sType, $sPath, $sReferrer, $sData, $sHeader) If @error Then Return SetError(@error, 0, 0) __WinHttpSetCredentials($hRequest, $sHeader, $sData, $sCredName, $sCredPass) If $fGetHeaders Then Local $aData[2] = [_WinHttpQueryHeaders($hRequest), _WinHttpSimpleReadData($hRequest, $iMode)] _WinHttpCloseHandle($hRequest) Return $aData EndIf Local $sOutData = _WinHttpSimpleReadData($hRequest, $iMode) _WinHttpCloseHandle($hRequest) Return $sOutData EndFunc ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _WinHttpSimpleSendRequest ; Description ...: A function to send a request in a simpler form, but not read the data ; Syntax.........: _WinHttpSimpleSendRequest($hConnect, $sType, $sPath [, $sReferrer = Default [, $sData = Default [, $sHeader = Default ]]]) ; Parameters ....: $hConnect - Handle from _WinHttpConnect ; $sType - [optional] GET or POST (default: GET) ; $sPath - [optional] request path (default: "" - empty string; meaning 'default' page on the server) ; $sReferrer - [optional] referrer (default: $WINHTTP_NO_REFERER) ; $sData - [optional] POST-Data (default: $WINHTTP_NO_REQUEST_DATA) ; $sHeader - [optional] additional Headers (default: $WINHTTP_NO_ADDITIONAL_HEADERS) ; Return values .: Success - handle of request after _WinHttpReceiveResponse. ; Failure - 0 and set @error ; |1 - could not open request ; |2 - could not send request ; |3 - could not receive response ; Author ........: ProgAndy ; Related .......: _WinHttpSimpleRequest, _WinHttpSimpleSendSSLRequest, _WinHttpSimpleReadData ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _WinHttpSimpleSendRequest($hConnect, $sType = Default, $sPath = Default, $sReferrer = Default, $sData = Default, $sHeader = Default) ; Author: ProgAndy __WinHttpDefault($sType, "GET") __WinHttpDefault($sPath, "") __WinHttpDefault($sReferrer, $WINHTTP_NO_REFERER) __WinHttpDefault($sData, $WINHTTP_NO_REQUEST_DATA) __WinHttpDefault($sHeader, $WINHTTP_NO_ADDITIONAL_HEADERS) Local $hRequest = _WinHttpOpenRequest($hConnect, $sType, $sPath, Default, $sReferrer) If Not $hRequest Then Return SetError(1, @error, 0) If $sType = "POST" And $sHeader = $WINHTTP_NO_ADDITIONAL_HEADERS Then $sHeader = "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" & @CRLF _WinHttpSendRequest($hRequest, $sHeader, $sData) If @error Then Return SetError(2, 0 * _WinHttpCloseHandle($hRequest), 0) _WinHttpReceiveResponse($hRequest) If @error Then Return SetError(3, 0 * _WinHttpCloseHandle($hRequest), 0) Return $hRequest EndFunc ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _WinHttpSimpleSendSSLRequest ; Description ...: A function to send a SSL request in a simpler form, but not read the data ; Syntax.........: _WinHttpSimpleSendSSLRequest($hConnect [, $sType [, $sPath [, $sReferrer = Default [, $sData = Default [, $sHeader = Default ]]]]]) ; Parameters ....: $hConnect - Handle from _WinHttpConnect ; $sType - [optional] GET or POST (default: GET) ; $sPath - [optional] request path (default: "" - empty string; meaning 'default' page on the server) ; $sReferrer - [optional] referrer (default: $WINHTTP_NO_REFERER) ; $sData - [optional] POST-Data (default: $WINHTTP_NO_REQUEST_DATA) ; $sHeader - [optional] additional Headers (default: $WINHTTP_NO_ADDITIONAL_HEADERS) ; Return values .: Success - handle of request after _WinHttpReceiveResponse. ; Failure - 0 and set @error ; |1 - could not open request ; |2 - could not send request ; |3 - could not receive response ; Author ........: ProgAndy ; Related .......: _WinHttpSimpleSSLRequest, _WinHttpSimpleSendRequest, _WinHttpSimpleReadData ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _WinHttpSimpleSendSSLRequest($hConnect, $sType = Default, $sPath = Default, $sReferrer = Default, $sData = Default, $sHeader = Default) ; Author: ProgAndy __WinHttpDefault($sType, "GET") __WinHttpDefault($sPath, "") __WinHttpDefault($sReferrer, $WINHTTP_NO_REFERER) __WinHttpDefault($sData, $WINHTTP_NO_REQUEST_DATA) __WinHttpDefault($sHeader, $WINHTTP_NO_ADDITIONAL_HEADERS) Local $hRequest = _WinHttpOpenRequest($hConnect, $sType, $sPath, Default, $sReferrer, Default, BitOR($WINHTTP_FLAG_SECURE, $WINHTTP_FLAG_ESCAPE_DISABLE)) If Not $hRequest Then Return SetError(1, @error, 0) If $sType = "POST" And $sHeader = $WINHTTP_NO_ADDITIONAL_HEADERS Then $sHeader = "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" & @CRLF _WinHttpSendRequest($hRequest, $sHeader, $sData) If @error Then Return SetError(2, 0 * _WinHttpCloseHandle($hRequest), 0) _WinHttpReceiveResponse($hRequest) If @error Then Return SetError(3, 0 * _WinHttpCloseHandle($hRequest), 0) Return $hRequest EndFunc ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _WinHttpSimpleSSLRequest ; Description ...: A function to send a SSL request in a simpler form ; Syntax.........: _WinHttpSimpleSSLRequest($hConnect [, $sType [, $sPath [, $sReferrer = Default [, $sData = Default [, $sHeader = Default [, $fGetHeaders = Default [, $iMode = Default ]]]]]]]) ; Parameters ....: $hConnect - Handle from _WinHttpConnect ; $sType - [optional] GET or POST (default: GET) ; $sPath - [optional] request path (default: "" - empty string; meaning 'default' page on the server) ; $sReferrer - [optional] referrer (default: $WINHTTP_NO_REFERER) ; $sData - [optional] POST-Data (default: $WINHTTP_NO_REQUEST_DATA) ; $sHeader - [optional] additional Headers (default: $WINHTTP_NO_ADDITIONAL_HEADERS) ; $fGetHeaders - [optional] return response headers (default: False) ; $iMode - [optional] reading mode of result ; |0 - ASCII-text ; |1 - UTF-8 text ; |2 - binary data ; Return values .: Success - response data if $fGetHeaders = False (default) ; |Array if $fGetHeaders = True ; | [0] - response headers ; | [1] - response data ; Failure - 0 and set @error ; |1 - could not open request ; |2 - could not send request ; |3 - could not receive response ; |4 - $iMode is not valid ; Author ........: ProgAndy ; Modified.......: trancexx ; Related .......: _WinHttpSimpleRequest, _WinHttpSimpleSendSSLRequest, _WinHttpSimpleSendRequest, _WinHttpQueryHeaders, _WinHttpSimpleReadData ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _WinHttpSimpleSSLRequest($hConnect, $sType = Default, $sPath = Default, $sReferrer = Default, $sData = Default, $sHeader = Default, $fGetHeaders = Default, $iMode = Default, $sCredName = Default, $sCredPass = Default) ; Author: ProgAndy __WinHttpDefault($sType, "GET") __WinHttpDefault($sPath, "") __WinHttpDefault($sReferrer, $WINHTTP_NO_REFERER) __WinHttpDefault($sData, $WINHTTP_NO_REQUEST_DATA) __WinHttpDefault($sHeader, $WINHTTP_NO_ADDITIONAL_HEADERS) __WinHttpDefault($fGetHeaders, False) __WinHttpDefault($iMode, Default) __WinHttpDefault($sCredName, "") __WinHttpDefault($sCredPass, "") If $iMode > 2 Or $iMode < 0 Then Return SetError(4, 0, 0) Local $hRequest = _WinHttpSimpleSendSSLRequest($hConnect, $sType, $sPath, $sReferrer, $sData, $sHeader) If @error Then Return SetError(@error, 0, 0) __WinHttpSetCredentials($hRequest, $sHeader, $sData, $sCredName, $sCredPass) If $fGetHeaders Then Local $aData[2] = [_WinHttpQueryHeaders($hRequest), _WinHttpSimpleReadData($hRequest, $iMode)] _WinHttpCloseHandle($hRequest) Return $aData EndIf Local $sOutData = _WinHttpSimpleReadData($hRequest, $iMode) _WinHttpCloseHandle($hRequest) Return $sOutData EndFunc ; #FUNCTION# ;=============================================================================== ; Name...........: _WinHttpTimeFromSystemTime ; Description ...: Formats a system date and time according to the HTTP version 1.0 specification. ; Syntax.........: _WinHttpTimeFromSystemTime() ; Parameters ....: None. ; Return values .: Success - Returns time string. ; Failure - Returns empty string and sets @error: ; |1 - Initial DllCall failed ; |2 - Main DllCall failed ; Author ........: trancexx ; Related .......: _WinHttpTimeToSystemTime ; Link ..........: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa384117.aspx ;============================================================================================ Func _WinHttpTimeFromSystemTime() Local $SYSTEMTIME = DllStructCreate("word Year;" & _ "word Month;" & _ "word DayOfWeek;" & _ "word Day;" & _ "word Hour;" & _ "word Minute;" & _ "word Second;" & _ "word Milliseconds") DllCall("kernel32.dll", "none", "GetSystemTime", "struct*", $SYSTEMTIME) If @error Then Return SetError(1, 0, "") Local $tTime = DllStructCreate("wchar[62]") Local $aCall = DllCall($hWINHTTPDLL__WINHTTP, "bool", "WinHttpTimeFromSystemTime", "struct*", $SYSTEMTIME, "struct*", $tTime) If @error Or Not $aCall[0] Then Return SetError(2, 0, "") Return DllStructGetData($tTime, 1) EndFunc ; #FUNCTION# ;=============================================================================== ; Name...........: _WinHttpTimeToSystemTime ; Description ...: Takes an HTTP time/date string and converts it to array (SYSTEMTIME structure values). ; Syntax.........: _WinHttpTimeToSystemTime($sHttpTime) ; Parameters ....: $sHttpTime - Date/time string to convert. ; Return values .: Success - Returns array with 8 elements: ; |$array[0] - Year, ; |$array[1] - Month, ; |$array[2] - DayOfWeek, ; |$array[3] - Day, ; |$array[4] - Hour, ; |$array[5] - Minute, ; |$array[6] - Second., ; |$array[7] - Milliseconds. ; Failure - Returns 0 and sets @error: ; |1 - DllCall failed ; Author ........: trancexx ; Related .......: _WinHttpTimeFromSystemTime ; Link ..........: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa384118.aspx ;============================================================================================ Func _WinHttpTimeToSystemTime($sHttpTime) Local $SYSTEMTIME = DllStructCreate("word Year;" & _ "word Month;" & _ "word DayOfWeek;" & _ "word Day;" & _ "word Hour;" & _ "word Minute;" & _ "word Second;" & _ "word Milliseconds") Local $tTime = DllStructCreate("wchar[62]") DllStructSetData($tTime, 1, $sHttpTime) Local $aCall = DllCall($hWINHTTPDLL__WINHTTP, "bool", "WinHttpTimeToSystemTime", "struct*", $tTime, "struct*", $SYSTEMTIME) If @error Or Not $aCall[0] Then Return SetError(2, 0, 0) Local $aRet[8] = [DllStructGetData($SYSTEMTIME, "Year"), _ DllStructGetData($SYSTEMTIME, "Month"), _ DllStructGetData($SYSTEMTIME, "DayOfWeek"), _ DllStructGetData($SYSTEMTIME, "Day"), _ DllStructGetData($SYSTEMTIME, "Hour"), _ DllStructGetData($SYSTEMTIME, "Minute"), _ DllStructGetData($SYSTEMTIME, "Second"), _ DllStructGetData($SYSTEMTIME, "Milliseconds")] Return $aRet EndFunc ; #FUNCTION# ;=============================================================================== ; Name...........: _WinHttpWriteData ; Description ...: Writes request data to an HTTP server. ; Syntax.........: _WinHttpWriteData($hRequest, $vData [, $iMode = Default ]) ; Parameters ....: $hRequest - Valid handle returned by _WinHttpSendRequest(). ; $vData - Data to write. ; $iMode - [optional] Integer representing writing mode. Default is 0 - write ANSI string. ; Return values .: Success - Returns 1 ; - @extended receives the number of bytes written. ; Failure - Returns 0 and sets @error: ; |1 - DllCall failed ; Author ........: trancexx, ProgAndy ; Remarks .......: [[$vData]] variable is either string or binary data to write. ; [[$iMode]] can have these values: ; |[[0]] - to write ANSI string ; |[[1]] - to write binary data ; Related .......: _WinHttpSendRequest, _WinHttpReadData ; Link ..........: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa384120.aspx ;============================================================================================ Func _WinHttpWriteData($hRequest, $vData, $iMode = Default) __WinHttpDefault($iMode, 0) Local $iNumberOfBytesToWrite, $tData If $iMode = 1 Then $iNumberOfBytesToWrite = BinaryLen($vData) $tData = DllStructCreate("byte[" & $iNumberOfBytesToWrite & "]") DllStructSetData($tData, 1, $vData) ElseIf IsDllStruct($vData) Then $iNumberOfBytesToWrite = DllStructGetSize($vData) $tData = $vData Else $iNumberOfBytesToWrite = StringLen($vData) $tData = DllStructCreate("char[" & $iNumberOfBytesToWrite + 1 & "]") DllStructSetData($tData, 1, $vData) EndIf Local $aCall = DllCall($hWINHTTPDLL__WINHTTP, "bool", "WinHttpWriteData", _ "handle", $hRequest, _ "struct*", $tData, _ "dword", $iNumberOfBytesToWrite, _ "dword*", 0) If @error Or Not $aCall[0] Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) Return SetExtended($aCall[4], 1) EndFunc ; #INTERNAL FUNCTIONS# ;===================================================================== Func __WinHttpFileContent($sAccept, $sName, $sFileString, $sBoundaryMain = "") #forceref $sAccept ; FIXME: $sAccept is specified by the server (or left default). In case $sFileString is non-supported MIME type action should be aborted. Local $fNonStandard = False If StringLeft($sFileString, 10) = "PHP#50338:" Then $sFileString = StringTrimLeft($sFileString, 10) $fNonStandard = True EndIf Local $sOut = 'Content-Disposition: form-data; name="' & $sName & '"' If Not $sFileString Then Return $sOut & '; filename=""' & @CRLF & @CRLF & @CRLF ; Check $sFileString string If StringRight($sFileString, 1) = "|" Then $sFileString = StringTrimRight($sFileString, 1) Local $aFiles = StringSplit($sFileString, "|", 2) If UBound($aFiles) = 1 Then $sOut &= '; filename="' & StringRegExpReplace($aFiles[0], ".*\\", "") & '"' & @CRLF & _ "Content-Type: " & __WinHttpMIMEType($aFiles[0]) & @CRLF & @CRLF & FileRead($aFiles[0]) & @CRLF Return $sOut ; That's it EndIf ; Multiple files specified, separated by "|". Support on server side required! If $fNonStandard Then ; This way is forced by some browsers to avoid PHP's inability to parse multipart/mixed content $sOut = "" ; discharge Local $iFiles = UBound($aFiles) For $i = 0 To $iFiles - 1 $sOut &= 'Content-Disposition: form-data; name="' & $sName & '"' & _ '; filename="' & StringRegExpReplace($aFiles[$i], ".*\\", "") & '"' & @CRLF & _ "Content-Type: " & __WinHttpMIMEType($aFiles[$i]) & @CRLF & @CRLF & FileRead($aFiles[$i]) & @CRLF If $i < $iFiles - 1 Then $sOut &= "--" & $sBoundaryMain & @CRLF Next Else ; RFC2388 ( http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2388.txt ) Local $sBoundary = StringFormat("%s%.5f", "----WinHttpSubBoundaryLine_", Random(10000, 99999)) $sOut &= @CRLF & "Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=" & $sBoundary & @CRLF & @CRLF For $i = 0 To UBound($aFiles) - 1 $sOut &= "--" & $sBoundary & @CRLF & _ 'Content-Disposition: file; filename="' & StringRegExpReplace($aFiles[$i], ".*\\", "") & '"' & @CRLF & _ "Content-Type: " & __WinHttpMIMEType($aFiles[$i]) & @CRLF & @CRLF & FileRead($aFiles[$i]) & @CRLF Next $sOut &= "--" & $sBoundary & "--" & @CRLF EndIf Return $sOut EndFunc Func __WinHttpMIMEType($sFileName) Local $aArray = StringRegExp(__WinHttpMIMEAssocString(), "(?i)\Q;" & StringRegExpReplace($sFileName, ".*\.", "") & "\E\|(.*?);", 3) If @error Then Return "application/octet-stream" Return $aArray[0] EndFunc Func __WinHttpMIMEAssocString() Return ";ai|application/postscript;aif|audio/x-aiff;aifc|audio/x-aiff;aiff|audio/x-aiff;asc|text/plain;atom|application/atom+xml;au|audio/basic;avi|video/x-msvideo;bcpio|application/x-bcpio;bin|application/octet-stream;bmp|image/bmp;cdf|application/x-netcdf;cgm|image/cgm;class|application/octet-stream;cpio|application/x-cpio;cpt|application/mac-compactpro;csh|application/x-csh;css|text/css;dcr|application/x-director;dif|video/x-dv;dir|application/x-director;djv|image/vnd.djvu;djvu|image/vnd.djvu;dll|application/octet-stream;dmg|application/octet-stream;dms|application/octet-stream;doc|application/msword;dtd|application/xml-dtd;dv|video/x-dv;dvi|application/x-dvi;dxr|application/x-director;eps|application/postscript;etx|text/x-setext;exe|application/octet-stream;ez|application/andrew-inset;gif|image/gif;gram|application/srgs;grxml|application/srgs+xml;gtar|application/x-gtar;hdf|application/x-hdf;hqx|application/mac-binhex40;htm|text/html;html|text/html;ice|x-conference/x-cooltalk;ico|image/x-icon;ics|text/calendar;ief|image/ief;ifb|text/calendar;iges|model/iges;igs|model/iges;jnlp|application/x-java-jnlp-file;jp2|image/jp2;jpe|image/jpeg;jpeg|image/jpeg;jpg|image/jpeg;js|application/x-javascript;kar|audio/midi;latex|application/x-latex;lha|application/octet-stream;lzh|application/octet-stream;m3u|audio/x-mpegurl;m4a|audio/mp4a-latm;m4b|audio/mp4a-latm;m4p|audio/mp4a-latm;m4u|video/vnd.mpegurl;m4v|video/x-m4v;mac|image/x-macpaint;man|application/x-troff-man;mathml|application/mathml+xml;me|application/x-troff-me;mesh|model/mesh;mid|audio/midi;midi|audio/midi;mif|application/vnd.mif;mov|video/quicktime;movie|video/x-sgi-movie;mp2|audio/mpeg;mp3|audio/mpeg;mp4|video/mp4;mpe|video/mpeg;mpeg|video/mpeg;mpg|video/mpeg;mpga|audio/mpeg;ms|application/x-troff-ms;msh|model/mesh;mxu|video/vnd.mpegurl;nc|application/x-netcdf;oda|application/oda;ogg|application/ogg;pbm|image/x-portable-bitmap;pct|image/pict;pdb|chemical/x-pdb;pdf|application/pdf;pgm|image/x-portable-graymap;pgn|application/x-chess-pgn;pic|image/pict;pict|image/pict;png|image/png;pnm|image/x-portable-anymap;pnt|image/x-macpaint;pntg|image/x-macpaint;ppm|image/x-portable-pixmap;ppt|application/vnd.ms-powerpoint;ps|application/postscript;qt|video/quicktime;qti|image/x-quicktime;qtif|image/x-quicktime;ra|audio/x-pn-realaudio;ram|audio/x-pn-realaudio;ras|image/x-cmu-raster;rdf|application/rdf+xml;rgb|image/x-rgb;rm|application/vnd.rn-realmedia;roff|application/x-troff;rtf|text/rtf;rtx|text/richtext;sgm|text/sgml;sgml|text/sgml;sh|application/x-sh;shar|application/x-shar;silo|model/mesh;sit|application/x-stuffit;skd|application/x-koan;skm|application/x-koan;skp|application/x-koan;skt|application/x-koan;smi|application/smil;smil|application/smil;snd|audio/basic;so|application/octet-stream;spl|application/x-futuresplash;src|application/x-wais-source;sv4cpio|application/x-sv4cpio;sv4crc|application/x-sv4crc;svg|image/svg+xml;swf|application/x-shockwave-flash;t|application/x-troff;tar|application/x-tar;tcl|application/x-tcl;tex|application/x-tex;texi|application/x-texinfo;texinfo|application/x-texinfo;tif|image/tiff;tiff|image/tiff;tr|application/x-troff;tsv|text/tab-separated-values;txt|text/plain;ustar|application/x-ustar;vcd|application/x-cdlink;vrml|model/vrml;vxml|application/voicexml+xml;wav|audio/x-wav;wbmp|image/vnd.wap.wbmp;wbmxl|application/vnd.wap.wbxml;wml|text/vnd.wap.wml;wmlc|application/vnd.wap.wmlc;wmls|text/vnd.wap.wmlscript;wmlsc|application/vnd.wap.wmlscriptc;wrl|model/vrml;xbm|image/x-xbitmap;xht|application/xhtml+xml;xhtml|application/xhtml+xml;xls|application/vnd.ms-excel;xml|application/xml;xpm|image/x-xpixmap;xsl|application/xml;xslt|application/xslt+xml;xul|application/vnd.mozilla.xul+xml;xwd|image/x-xwindowdump;xyz|chemical/x-xyz;zip|application/zip;" EndFunc Func __WinHttpCharSet($sContentType) Local $aContentType = StringRegExp($sContentType, "(?i).*?\Qcharset=\E(?U)([^ ]+)(;| |\Z)", 2) If Not @error Then $sContentType = $aContentType[1] If StringLeft($sContentType, 2) = "cp" Then Return Int(StringTrimLeft($sContentType, 2)) If $sContentType = "utf-8" Then Return 65001 EndFunc Func __WinHttpURLEncode($vData) If IsBool($vData) Then Return $vData Local $aData = StringToASCIIArray($vData, Default, Default, 2) Local $sOut For $i = 0 To UBound($aData) - 1 Switch $aData[$i] Case 45, 46, 48 To 57, 65 To 90, 95, 97 To 122, 126 $sOut &= Chr($aData[$i]) Case 32 $sOut &= "+" Case Else $sOut &= "%" & Hex($aData[$i], 2) EndSwitch Next Return $sOut EndFunc Func __WinHttpFinalizeCtrls($sSubmit, $sRadio, $sCheckBox, $sButton, ByRef $sAddData, $sGrSep, $sBound = "") If $sSubmit Then ; If no submit is specified Local $aSubmit = StringSplit($sSubmit, $sGrSep, 3) For $m = 1 To UBound($aSubmit) - 1 $sAddData = StringRegExpReplace($sAddData, "(?:\Q" & $sBound & "\E|\A)\Q" & $aSubmit[$m] & "\E(?:\Q" & $sBound & "\E|\z)", $sBound) Next __WinHttpTrimBounds($sAddData, $sBound) EndIf If $sRadio Then ; If no radio is specified If $sRadio <> $sGrSep Then For $sElem In StringSplit($sRadio, $sGrSep, 3) $sAddData = StringRegExpReplace($sAddData, "(?:\Q" & $sBound & "\E|\A)\Q" & $sElem & "\E(?:\Q" & $sBound & "\E|\z)", $sBound) Next __WinHttpTrimBounds($sAddData, $sBound) EndIf EndIf If $sCheckBox Then ; If no checkbox is specified For $sElem In StringSplit($sCheckBox, $sGrSep, 3) $sAddData = StringRegExpReplace($sAddData, "(?:\Q" & $sBound & "\E|\A)\Q" & $sElem & "\E(?:\Q" & $sBound & "\E|\z)", $sBound) Next __WinHttpTrimBounds($sAddData, $sBound) EndIf If $sButton Then ; If no button is specified For $sElem In StringSplit($sButton, $sGrSep, 3) $sAddData = StringRegExpReplace($sAddData, "(?:\Q" & $sBound & "\E|\A)\Q" & $sElem & "\E(?:\Q" & $sBound & "\E|\z)", $sBound) Next __WinHttpTrimBounds($sAddData, $sBound) EndIf EndFunc Func __WinHttpTrimBounds(ByRef $sData, $sBound) Local $iBLen = StringLen($sBound) If StringRight($sData, $iBLen) = $sBound Then $sData = StringTrimRight($sData, $iBLen) If StringLeft($sData, $iBLen) = $sBound Then $sData = StringTrimLeft($sData, $iBLen) EndFunc Func __WinHttpFormAttrib(ByRef $aAttrib, $i, $sElement) $aAttrib[0][$i] = __WinHttpAttribVal($sElement, "id") $aAttrib[1][$i] = __WinHttpAttribVal($sElement, "name") $aAttrib[2][$i] = __WinHttpAttribVal($sElement, "value") $aAttrib[3][$i] = __WinHttpAttribVal($sElement, "type") EndFunc Func __WinHttpAttribVal($sIn, $sAttrib) Local $aArray = StringRegExp($sIn, '(?i).*?' & $sAttrib & '\h*=(\h*"(.*?)"|' & "\h*'(.*?)'|" & '\h*(.*?)(?: |\Z))', 3) ; e.g. id="abc" or id='abc' or id=abc If @error Then Return "" Return $aArray[UBound($aArray) - 1] EndFunc Func __WinHttpFormSend($hInternet, $sMethod, $sAction, $fMultiPart, $sBoundary, $sAddData, $fSecure = False, $sAdditionalHeaders = "", $sCredName = "", $sCredPass = "") Local $hRequest If $fSecure Then $hRequest = _WinHttpOpenRequest($hInternet, $sMethod, $sAction, Default, Default, Default, $WINHTTP_FLAG_SECURE) Else $hRequest = _WinHttpOpenRequest($hInternet, $sMethod, $sAction) EndIf If $fMultiPart Then _WinHttpAddRequestHeaders($hRequest, "Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=" & $sBoundary) Else If $sMethod = "POST" Then _WinHttpAddRequestHeaders($hRequest, "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded") EndIf _WinHttpAddRequestHeaders($hRequest, "Accept: application/xml,application/xhtml+xml,text/html;q=0.9,text/plain;q=0.8,*/*;q=0.5") _WinHttpAddRequestHeaders($hRequest, "Accept-Charset: utf-8;q=0.7") If $sAdditionalHeaders Then _WinHttpAddRequestHeaders($hRequest, $sAdditionalHeaders) _WinHttpSendRequest($hRequest, Default, $sAddData) _WinHttpReceiveResponse($hRequest) __WinHttpSetCredentials($hRequest, "", $sAddData, $sCredName, $sCredPass) Return $hRequest EndFunc Func __WinHttpSetCredentials($hRequest, $sHeaders = "", $sOptional = "", $sCredName = "", $sCredPass = "") If $sCredName And $sCredPass Then Local $iStatusCode = _WinHttpQueryHeaders($hRequest, $WINHTTP_QUERY_STATUS_CODE) ; Check status code If $iStatusCode = $HTTP_STATUS_DENIED Or $iStatusCode = $HTTP_STATUS_PROXY_AUTH_REQ Then ; Query Authorization scheme Local $iSupportedSchemes, $iFirstScheme, $iAuthTarget If _WinHttpQueryAuthSchemes($hRequest, $iSupportedSchemes, $iFirstScheme, $iAuthTarget) Then ; Set passed credentials If $iFirstScheme = $WINHTTP_AUTH_SCHEME_PASSPORT And $iStatusCode = $HTTP_STATUS_PROXY_AUTH_REQ Then _WinHttpSetOption($hRequest, $WINHTTP_OPTION_CONFIGURE_PASSPORT_AUTH, $WINHTTP_ENABLE_PASSPORT_AUTH) _WinHttpSetOption($hRequest, $WINHTTP_OPTION_PROXY_USERNAME, $sCredName) _WinHttpSetOption($hRequest, $WINHTTP_OPTION_PROXY_PASSWORD, $sCredPass) Else _WinHttpSetCredentials($hRequest, $iAuthTarget, $iFirstScheme, $sCredName, $sCredPass) EndIf ; Send request again now _WinHttpSendRequest($hRequest, $sHeaders, $sOptional) ; And wait for the response again _WinHttpReceiveResponse($hRequest) EndIf EndIf EndIf EndFunc Func __WinHttpDefault(ByRef $vInput, $vOutput) If $vInput = Default Or Number($vInput) = -1 Then $vInput = $vOutput EndFunc Func __WinHttpMemGlobalFree($pMem) Local $aCall = DllCall("kernel32.dll", "ptr", "GlobalFree", "ptr", $pMem) If @error Or $aCall[0] Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) Return 1 EndFunc Func __WinHttpPtrStringLenW($pString) Local $aCall = DllCall("kernel32.dll", "dword", "lstrlenW", "ptr", $pString) If @error Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) Return $aCall[0] EndFunc Func _WinHttpBinaryConcat(ByRef $bBinary1, ByRef $bBinary2) Local $bOut = _WinHttpSimpleBinaryConcat($bBinary1, $bBinary2) Return SetError(@error, 0, $bOut) EndFunc ;============================================================================================