#cs ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Remmanaut, the autoit RMM tool Script function: Management connector, communicates with the Remmanaut management tool Version: 0.2.3 Author: Faldo / Erik Ribbhammar UDF Credits: lod3n (_RunReadStd), dantay9 (TCP File Transfer), Prog@ndy (MySQL, _TCPconnect), Greg Laabs (_http) Helping Credits: #ce ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #NoTrayIcon #include #include #include #include ;Predefined variables Global $ListenIP = "" Global $MgmPort = IniRead ( "settings.ini", "variables", "MgmPort", "5075" ) Global $Recv, $RecvArray, $MySQLSession ;Start TCP server TCPStartup() $Listen = TCPListen($ListenIP, $MgmPort) If @error Or $Listen = '-1' Then Exit _FileWriteLog(@ScriptDir & "\log.txt", "Unable to start management connector, exiting...") Else _FileWriteLog(@ScriptDir & "\log.txt", "Management connector listening on port "&$MgmPort) EndIf While 1 ;Wait for agent to open a session Do $Client = TCPAccept($Listen) Sleep('100') Until $Client <> '-1' ;Wait for agent to send a message For $i = 1 to 10 $Recv = TCPRecv($Client, '1000') Sleep('100') If $Recv <> '' then ExitLoop Next ;Split message from agent into header och payload $RecvArray = StringSplit($Recv, "|") ;---------------------------- ;Mgm requesting list of agents If $RecvArray[1] = "agent_inv" Then _Open_MySql("remmanaut") ;Select all agents from DB $query = "SELECT * FROM agents;" $SQL_Result = _MySQL_Real_Query($MySQLSession, $query) If $SQL_Result = 0 then $result = _MySQL_Store_Result($MySQLSession) $array = _MySQL_Fetch_Result_StringArray($result) ;If there are agents in DB reply to mgm with list If IsArray($array) Then $AgentList = "" For $i = 1 to UBound($array)-1 $AgentList &= $array[$i][0]&"|"&$array[$i][1]&"|"&$array[$i][2]&"|"&$array[$i][3]&"|"&$array[$i][4]&"|"&$array[$i][5]&"|"&$array[$i][6]&"|" Next TCPSend($Client, $AgentList) Else TCPSend($Client, "No agents") EndIf _MySQL_Free_Result($result) Else _FileWriteLog(@ScriptDir & "\log.txt", "MySQL error while selecting: "& _MySQL_Error($MysqlSession)) EndIf _Close_MySql() EndIf ;Mgm requesting schedule of specific agent If $RecvArray[1] = "agent_shed" Then _Open_MySql("remmanaut") ;Read queued actions for agent $query = "SELECT * FROM action_queue WHERE agent_id="&$RecvArray[2]&";" $SQL_Result = _MySQL_Real_Query($MySQLSession, $query) If $SQL_Result = 0 then $result = _MySQL_Store_Result($MySQLSession) $array = _MySQL_Fetch_Result_StringArray($result) ;If there are agents in DB reply to mgm with list If IsArray($array) Then $AgentShed = "" For $i = 1 to UBound($array)-1 $AgentShed &= $array[$i][2]&"|"&$array[$i][3]&"|"&$array[$i][4]&"|" Next TCPSend($Client, $AgentShed) Else TCPSend($Client, "nothing scheduled") EndIf _MySQL_Free_Result($result) Else _FileWriteLog(@ScriptDir & "\log.txt", "MySQL error while selecting: "& _MySQL_Error($MysqlSession)) EndIf _Close_MySql() EndIf ;Mgm scheduling shell command for agent If $RecvArray[1] = "cmd_sysuser" Then $cmd_filtered = StringReplace($RecvArray[4], "\", "\\") _Open_MySql("remmanaut") $query = 'INSERT INTO action_queue (agent_id,schedule,action,parameter1,parameter2,parameter3,parameter4,parameter5) VALUES (' & _ '"'&$RecvArray[2]&'","'&$RecvArray[3]&'","cmd_sysuser","'&$cmd_filtered&'","-i","1","null","null");' $SQL_Result = _MySQL_Real_Query($MySQLSession, $query) If $SQL_Result <> 0 then _FileWriteLog(@ScriptDir & "\log.txt", "MySQL error while scheduling command: "& _MySQL_Error($MysqlSession)) _Close_MySql() TCPSend($Client, $SQL_Result) EndIf WEnd TCPCloseSocket($Client) TCPShutdown() Exit ; Functions ----------------------------------------------------- Func _Open_MySQL($DB) ;Initiate MySql library _MySQL_InitLibrary() If @error Then _FileWriteLog(@ScriptDir & "\log.txt", "Error initiating MySQL") ;Initiate MySQL connection and connect to root $MySQLSession = _MySQL_Init() $Connection = _MySQL_Real_Connect($MysqlSession,"localhost","root","") If $Connection = 0 Then $errno = _MySQL_errno($MysqlSession) _FileWriteLog(@ScriptDir & "\log.txt", "MySQL error while selecting: "& _MySQL_Error($MysqlSession)) If $errno = $CR_UNKNOWN_HOST Then _FileWriteLog(@ScriptDir & "\log.txt", "Error:","$CR_UNKNOWN_HOST" & @LF & $CR_UNKNOWN_HOST) Endif ;Select databse for Use $SQL_Return = _MySQL_Real_Query($MysqlSession, "USE "&$DB) If $SQL_Return <> 0 then _FileWriteLog(@ScriptDir & "\log.txt", "MySQL error: "& _MySQL_Error($MysqlSession)) EndIf EndFunc Func _Close_MySql() ;Close the MySql session _MySQL_Close($MysqlSession) ;Close the MySql library _MySQL_EndLibrary() EndFunc