Global $eReturn Global $Emails = @extended Global $Count, $NumberofEmails = 0 Global $User = InputBox("Gmail", "Please enter user name.") Global $Pass = InputBox("Gmail", "Please enter password.", "", "*") _Display() _Notify_RegMsg() _Notify_Locate(0) AdlibRegister("_Display", 5000) _Notify_Set(Default) While 1 Sleep(10) If $NumberofEmails < $Count Then For $x = $NumberofEmails To $Count _Notify_Show(@AutoItExe, "", $eReturn[$x][1] & @CR & $eReturn[$x][0]) Next $NumberofEmails = $Count ElseIf $NumberofEmails > $Count Then $NumberofEmails = $Count EndIf WEnd Func _Display() $eReturn = _CheckMail($User, $Pass) Switch @error Case 1 MsgBox(0,"Error!","Couldn't get your new emails for some reason...") Exit Case 2,3 MsgBox(0,"Error!","you need to enter an user name and password!") Exit Case 4 MsgBox(16,"Error!","Error Getting URL Source!") Exit Case 5 MsgBox(16,"Error!","No response?") Exit Case 6 MsgBox(16,"Error!","Unauthorized access, possibly a wrong username or password!") Exit EndSwitch EndFunc Func _CheckMail($UserName, $Pswd, $UserAgentString = "") If Not $UserName Then Return SetError(2,0,0) If Not $Pswd Then Return SetError(3,0,0) If $UserAgentString Then HttpSetUserAgent($UserAgentString) Local $source = InetRead("https://" & $UserName & ":" & $Pswd & "",1) If @error Then ConsoleWrite("!>Error Getting URL Source!" & @CR & " 404>@Error =" & @error & @CR & " 404>@Extended =" & @extended & @CR) Return SetError(4,0,0) EndIf If $source Then $source = BinaryToString($source) MsgBox (0,"Source", $source) Else Return SetError(5,0,0) EndIf MsgBox (0,"A","RadheRadhe") If StringLeft(StringStripWS($source, 8), 46) == "Unauthorized" Then Return SetError(6, 0, 0) MsgBox (0,"A","1") ;If Not Number(StringBetween($source, "", "")) Then Return SetError(0,0,0) MsgBox (0,"A","2") Local $EmailCount = StringBetween($source, "", "") MsgBox (0,"A","3") Local $Email = _StringBetween($source, "", "") If @error Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) Local $Time Local $Datum[$EmailCount][6] MsgBox (0,"A","4") $Datum[0][0] = StringBetween($source, "", "") $Datum[0][1] = StringBetween($source, "", "") MsgBox (0,"A","5") For $i = 0 To $EmailCount - 1 $Datum[$i][0] = StringBetween($Email[$i], "", "") If Not $Datum[$i][0] Then $Datum[$i][0] = "(no subject)" $Datum[$i][1] = StringBetween($Email[$i], "", "") $Datum[$i][2] = StringBetween($Email[$i], "", "") $Datum[$i][3] = StringBetween($Email[$i], "", "") $Time = StringBetween($Email[$i], "", "") $Datum[$i][4] = DateFromTimeDate($Time) $Datum[$i][5] = TimeFromTimeDate($Time) Next MsgBox (0,"A","6") Return SetError(0,$EmailCount,$Datum) EndFunc MsgBox (0,"A","RadheRadhe1") Func StringBetween($Str, $S, $E) MsgBox (0,"Value", $S) MsgBox (0,"Value", $E) Local $B =_StringBetween($Str, $S, $E) MsgBox (0,"Value", $B) If @error Then Return SetError(1,0,0) Return SetError(0,0,$B[0]) EndFunc ;==>StringBetween Func DateFromTimeDate($String) Local $RegEx = StringRegExp($String, "(?d{2}|d{4})(?:-)(?d{1,2})(?:-)(?d{1,2})", 1) If IsArray($RegEx) Then Return Int($RegEx[0]) & "/" & Int($RegEx[1]) & "/" & Int($RegEx[2]) Else Return SetError(1, 0, 0) EndIf EndFunc ;==>DateFromTimeDate Func TimeFromTimeDate($String) Local $RegEx = StringRegExp($String, "(?d{1,2})(?::)(?d{1,2})(?::)(?d{1,2})", 1) If IsArray($RegEx) Then Return (Int($RegEx[0]) - 4) & ":" & Int($RegEx[1]) & ":" & Int($RegEx[2]) ;don't know why I have to subtract 4 Else Return SetError(1, 0, 0) EndIf EndFunc ;==>TimeFromTimeDate