#AutoIt3Wrapper_AU3Check_Parameters=-d -w 1 -w 2 -w 3 -w 4 -w 5 -w 6 #include-once #include "OOoCalcConstants.au3" ; #INDEX# ======================================================================================================================= ; Title .........: OOoCalc ; AutoIt Version : ; Language ......: Functions that assist in the automation of OpenOffice/LibreOffice Calc ; Author(s) .....: Leagnus, Andy G, GMK, mLipok ; =============================================================================================================================== ; #CURRENT# ===================================================================================================================== ;_OOoCalc_BookNew ;_OOoCalc_BookOpen ;_OOoCalc_BookAttach ;_OOoCalc_BookSave ;_OOoCalc_BookSaveAs ;_OOoCalc_BookClose ;_OOoCalc_WriteCell ;_OOoCalc_WriteFormula ;_OOoCalc_WriteFromArray ;_OOoCalc_HyperlinkInsert ;_OOoCalc_RangeMoveOrCopy ;_OOoCalc_RangeSort ;_OOoCalc_RangeClearContents ;_OOoCalc_CreateBorders ;_OOoCalc_NumberFormat ;_OOoCalc_ReadCell ;_OOoCalc_ReadSheetToArray ;_OOoCalc_RowDelete ;_OOoCalc_ColumnDelete ;_OOoCalc_RowInsert ;_OOoCalc_ColumnInsert ;_OOoCalc_SheetAddNew ;_OOoCalc_SheetDelete ;_OOoCalc_SheetNameGet ;_OOoCalc_SheetNameSet ;_OOoCalc_SheetList ;_OOoCalc_SheetActivate ;_OOoCalc_SheetSetVisibility ;_OOoCalc_SheetMove ;_OOoCalc_SheetPrint ;_OOoCalc_HorizontalAlignSet ;_OOoCalc_FontSetProperties ;_OOoCalc_CellSetColors ;_OOoCalc_RowSetColors ;_OOoCalc_ColumnSetColors ;_OOoCalc_RowSetProperties ;_OOoCalc_ColumnSetProperties ;_OOoCalc_FindInRange ;_OOoCalc_ReplaceInRange ; =============================================================================================================================== ; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY# =========================================================================================================== ;__OOoCalc_CellA1ToRC ;__OOoCalc_CellRCToA1 ;__OOoCalc_CreateBorderLine ;__OOoCalc_FileToURL ;__OOoCalc_GetCell ;__OOoCalc_GetRange ;__OOoCalc_GetSheet ;__OOoCalc_GetUsedRange ;__OOoCalc_RangeIsValid ;__OOoCalc_SetPropertyValue ;__OOoCalc_WorksheetIsValid ;__OOoCalc_ComErrorHandler_InternalFunction ;_OOoCalc_ComErrorHandler_UserFunction ; =============================================================================================================================== #cs #CHANGES ==================================================================================================================== 2016/02/12 Moved constants and enums to separate file Script-Breaking Change: Renamed all functions to start with _OOoCalc_ or __OOoCalc_ Added internal error handler for all functions Added __OOoCalc_ComErrorHandler_InternalFunction and _OOoCalc_ComErrorHandler_UserFunction Removed error notification, along with __OOoCalcErrorNotify function _OOoCalc_RowSetProperties and _OOoCalc_ColumnSetProperties: Added Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_Success, 0, 1) Removed _OOoCalc_ErrorHandlerRegister and _OOoCalc_ErrorHandlerDeRegister _OOoCalc_SheetMove: Converted If...Then...Else code to use ternary operators _OOoCalc_FindInRange: Added local enum variables $eAddress, $eRow, $eColumn, $eString 2016/08/05 Potential Script-Breaking Change: Corrected number constants not matching documentation Removed unused global variables from OOoCalcConstants.au3 Corrected header for _OOoCalc_NumberFormat Pulled _DateTimeSplit and _DateIsValid from Date.au3 to avoid using the include _OOoCalc_WriteCell sets cell formula for dates (if value is a valid date) 2016/08/17 Fixed _OOoCalc_BookAttach to work when more than one Calc spreadsheet is open 2016/11/14 Added ByRef to parameter in __OOoCalc_ComErrorHandler_InternalFunction (Thanks to mLipok for catching that) Removed functions imported from Date.au3, as they were no longer used in _OOoCalc_WriteCell Implemented changes to __OOoCalc_WorksheetIsValid by mLipok (thanks, mLipok!) Finally fixed _OOoCalc_RangeSort Removed __OOoCalc_SetSortField, as it is no longer needed 2016/11/15 Made all error checks for $oObj consistent to return $_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType with @extended = 1 (Thanks to mLipok) Revised _OOoCalc_BookAttach error checking Revised _OOoCalc_BookSave error checking Added error checking to _OOoCalc_RangeSort Added error check for $iRow in _OOoCalc_RowDelete and _OOoCalc_RowInsert (Thanks to mLipok) Added error check for $iCol in _OOoCalc_ColumnDelete and _OOoCalc_ColumnInsert (Thanks to mLipok) Revised _OOoCalc_SheetAddNew error checking (Thanks to mLipok) Revised _OOoCalc_SheetDelete error checking Added error checking to _OOoCalc_SheetSetVisibility Corrected @extended return for _OOoCalc_CellSetColors sheet not found Corrected @extended return for _OOoCalc_RowSetProperties sheet not found Corrected @extended return for _OOoCalc_ColumnSetProperties sheet not found Corrected @extended return for _OOoCalc_FindInRange sheet not found Corrected @extended freutn for _OOoCalc_ReplaceInRange sheet not found Simplified __OOoCalc_CellA1ToRC Added error checking to __OOoCalc_CreateBorderLine Added error checking to __OOoCalc_FileToURL Added error checking to __OOoCalc_GetCell Revised __OOoCalc_GetRange Revised __OOoCalc_GetSheet Simplified __OOoCalc_RangeIsValid Added error checking to __OOoCalc_SetPropertyValue Modified _OOoCalc_WriteFromArray to put some variable declarations after error checking Replaced $iLineWidth with $nLineWidth 2016/11/16 Added ByRef to object parameters #ce ============================================================================================================================= ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _OOoCalc_BookNew ; Description ...: Creates a new workbook and returns its object identifier. ; Syntax ........: _OOoCalc_BookNew([$bHidden = False]) ; $bHidden - [optional] Flag, whether to open the workbook as visible (True or False) ; Default is True. ; Return values .: On Success - Returns an object variable pointing to active com.sun.star.frame.Desktop Component object ; On Failure - Returns 0 and sets @error: ; |@error - 0 ($_OOoCalcStatus_Success) = No Error ; | - 1 ($_OOoCalcStatus_GeneralError) = General Error ; | - 3 ($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType) = Invalid Data Type ; Author ........: Leagnus, GMK ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: None ; Related .......: _OOoCalc_BookAttach, _OOoCalc_BookOpen ; Link ..........: http://www.openoffice.org/api/docs/common/ref/com/sun/star/frame/XComponentLoader.html#loadComponentFromURL ; Example .......: No ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _OOoCalc_BookNew($bHidden = False) Local $oOOoCalc_COM_ErrorHandler = ObjEvent("AutoIt.Error", __OOoCalc_ComErrorHandler_InternalFunction) #forceref $oOOoCalc_COM_ErrorHandler If Not IsBool($bHidden) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 1, 0) Local $oSM = ObjCreate("com.sun.star.ServiceManager") If Not IsObj($oSM) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_GeneralError, 0, 0) Local $oDesktop = $oSM.createInstance("com.sun.star.frame.Desktop") ; Create a desktop object If Not IsObj($oDesktop) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_GeneralError, 0, 0) Local $aoProperties[1] = [__OOoCalc_SetPropertyValue('ReadOnly', False)] If Not IsObj($aoProperties[0]) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_GeneralError, 0, 0) If $bHidden Then ReDim $aoProperties[2] $aoProperties[1] = __OOoCalc_SetPropertyValue('Hidden', True) If Not IsObj($aoProperties[1]) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_GeneralError, 0, 0) EndIf Local $oReturn = $oDesktop.loadComponentFromURL('private:factory/scalc', '_default', 0, $aoProperties) If Not IsObj($oReturn) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_GeneralError, 0, 0) Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_Success, 0, $oReturn) EndFunc ;==>_OOoCalc_BookNew ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _OOoCalc_BookOpen ; Description ...: Opens an existing workbook and returns its object identifier. ; Syntax ........: _OOoCalc_BookOpen($sFileName[, $bHidden = True[, $bReadOnly = True[, $sPassword = '']]) ; Parameters ....: $sFileName - Path and filename of the file to be opened ; $bHidden - [optional] Flag, whether to open the workbook as visible (True or False) ; Default is True. ; $bReadOnly - [optional] Flag, whether to open the workbook as read-only (True or False) ; Default is False. ; $sPassword - [optional] The password that was used to read-protect the workbook, if any ; Default is ''. ; Return values .: On Success - Returns an object variable pointing to active com.sun.star.frame.Desktop Component object ; On Failure - Returns 0 and sets @error: ; |@error - 0 ($_OOoCalcStatus_Success) = No Error ; | - 1 ($_OOoCalcStatus_GeneralError) = General Error ; | - 3 ($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType) = Invalid Data Type ; | - 5 ($_OOoCalcStatus_NoMatch) = No Match ; |@extended - Contains Invalid Parameter Number ; Author ........: Leagnus, GMK ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: None ; Related .......: _OOoCalc_BookAttach, _OOoCalc_BookNew ; Link ..........: http://www.openoffice.org/api/docs/common/ref/com/sun/star/frame/XComponentLoader.html#loadComponentFromURL ; Example .......: No ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _OOoCalc_BookOpen($sFileName, $bHidden = False, $bReadOnly = False, $sPassword = '') Local $oOOoCalc_COM_ErrorHandler = ObjEvent("AutoIt.Error", __OOoCalc_ComErrorHandler_InternalFunction) #forceref $oOOoCalc_COM_ErrorHandler If Not IsString($sFileName) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 1, 0) If Not FileExists($sFileName) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_NoMatch, 1, 0) If Not IsBool($bHidden) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 2, 0) If Not IsBool($bReadOnly) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 3, 0) If Not IsString($sPassword) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 4, 0) Local $oSM = ObjCreate("com.sun.star.ServiceManager") If Not IsObj($oSM) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_GeneralError, 0, 0) Local $oDesktop = $oSM.createInstance("com.sun.star.frame.Desktop") If Not IsObj($oDesktop) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_GeneralError, 0, 0) Local $sURL = __OOoCalc_FileToURL($sFileName) Local $aoProperties[2] = [__OOoCalc_SetPropertyValue('Hidden', $bHidden)] If Not IsObj($aoProperties[0]) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_GeneralError, 2, 0) $aoProperties[1] = __OOoCalc_SetPropertyValue('ReadOnly', $bReadOnly) If Not IsObj($aoProperties[1]) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_GeneralError, 3, 0) If $sPassword <> '' Then ReDim $aoProperties[2] $aoProperties[1] = __OOoCalc_SetPropertyValue('Password', $sPassword) If Not IsObj($aoProperties[1]) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_GeneralError, 4, 0) EndIf Local $oReturn = $oDesktop.loadComponentFromURL($sURL, '_default', 0, $aoProperties) If Not IsObj($oReturn) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_GeneralError, 1, 0) Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_Success, 0, $oReturn) EndFunc ;==>_OOoCalc_BookOpen ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _OOoCalc_BookAttach ; Description ...: Attach to the first existing instance of OOo Calc ; Syntax ........: _OOoCalc_BookAttach($sFileName) ; Parameters ....: $sFileName - FileName of the open workbook with extension and without full UNC path ; Return values .: On Success - Returns an object variable pointing to active com.sun.star.frame.Desktop Component object ; On Failure - Returns 0 and sets @error: ; |@error - 0 ($_OOoCalcStatus_Success) = No Error ; | - 1 ($_OOoCalcStatus_GeneralError) = General Error ; | - 5 ($_OOoCalcStatus_NoMatch) = No Match ; Author ........: Leagnus. Thanks to ms777; GMK ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: None ; Related .......: _OOoCalc_BookNew, _OOoCalc_BookOpen ; Link ..........: http://www.openoffice.org/api/docs/common/ref/com/sun/star/frame/XDesktop.html#getCurrentComponent ; Example .......: No ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _OOoCalc_BookAttach($sFileName) Local $oOOoCalc_COM_ErrorHandler = ObjEvent("AutoIt.Error", __OOoCalc_ComErrorHandler_InternalFunction) #forceref $oOOoCalc_COM_ErrorHandler If Not IsString($sFileName) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 1, 0) If Not FileExists($sFileName) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_NoMatch, 1, 0) Local $oSM = ObjCreate("com.sun.star.ServiceManager") If Not IsObj($oSM) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_GeneralError, 0, 0) Local $oDesktop = $oSM.createInstance("com.sun.star.frame.Desktop") If Not IsObj($oDesktop) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_GeneralError, 0, 0) Local $iFrameNum = $oDesktop.Frames.Count Local $iInstance = 1 If $iFrameNum > 1 Then Local $asWinList = WinList('[CLASS:SALFRAME]', '') Local $asCurWin For $iCounter = 1 To $asWinList[0][0] $asCurWin = StringRegExp($asWinList[$iCounter][0], '(.*?\.\w{3}).*Calc', 1) If Not @error And StringInStr($asCurWin[0], $sFileName) Then $iInstance = $iCounter ExitLoop EndIf Next EndIf Local $sWinTitle = WinGetTitle('[CLASS:SALFRAME; INSTANCE:' & $iInstance & ']') If StringInStr($sWinTitle, $sFileName) <> 1 Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_NoMatch, 0, 0) WinActivate('[CLASS:SALFRAME; INSTANCE:' & $iInstance & ']') Local $oReturn = $oDesktop.getCurrentComponent If Not IsObj($oReturn) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_GeneralError, 0, 0) Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_Success, 0, $oReturn) EndFunc ;==>_OOoCalc_BookAttach ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _OOoCalc_BookSave ; Description ...: Saves (stores) the currently opened workbook of the specified Calc object. ; Syntax ........: _OOoCalc_BookSave(ByRef $oObj) ; Parameters ....: $oObj - Calc object opened by a preceding call to _OOoCalc_BookOpen, _OOoCalc_BookNew, or ; _OOoCalc_BookAttach ; Return values .: On Success - Returns 1 and saves the workbook ; On Failure - Returns 0 and sets @error: ; |@error - 0 ($_OOoCalcStatus_Success) = No Error ; | - 1 ($_OOoCalcStatus_GeneralError) = General Error ; | - 3 ($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType) = Invalid Data Type ; Author ........: GMK ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: None ; Related .......: _OOoCalc_BookSaveAs ; Link ..........: http://www.openoffice.org/api/docs/common/ref/com/sun/star/frame/XStorable.html#store ; Example .......: No ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _OOoCalc_BookSave(ByRef $oObj) Local $oOOoCalc_COM_ErrorHandler = ObjEvent("AutoIt.Error", __OOoCalc_ComErrorHandler_InternalFunction) #forceref $oOOoCalc_COM_ErrorHandler If Not IsObj($oObj) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 1, 0) If Not $oObj.hasLocation Or $oObj.isReadOnly Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_GeneralError, 0, 1) $oObj.store() Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_Success, 0, 1) EndFunc ;==>_OOoCalc_BookSave ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _OOoCalc_BookSaveAs ; Description ...: Saves Calc workbook with the specified file name of the specified Calc object. ; Syntax ........: _OOoCalc_BookSaveAs(ByRef $oObj, $sFilePath[, $sFilterName = ''[, $bOverwrite = False]]) ; Parameters ....: $oObj - Calc object opened by a preceding call to _OOoCalc_BookOpen, _OOoCalc_BookNew, or ; _OOoCalc_BookAttach ; $sFilePath - File name ; $sFilterName - [optional] Filter name. ; Default is ''. ; $bOverwrite - [optional] Overwrite flag ; Default is False. ; Return values .: On Success - Returns 1 ; On Failure - Returns 0 and sets @error: ; |@error - 0 ($_OOoCalcStatus_Success) = No Error ; | - 1 ($_OOoCalcStatus_GeneralError) = General Error ; | - 3 ($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType) = Invalid Data Type ; |@extended - Contains Invalid Parameter Number ; Author ........: Andy G, GMK ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: None ; Related .......: _OOoCalc_BookSave ; Link ..........: http://www.openoffice.org/api/docs/common/ref/com/sun/star/frame/XStorable.html#storeAsURL ; Example .......: No ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _OOoCalc_BookSaveAs(ByRef $oObj, $sFilePath, $sFilterName = '', $bOverwrite = False) Local $oOOoCalc_COM_ErrorHandler = ObjEvent("AutoIt.Error", __OOoCalc_ComErrorHandler_InternalFunction) #forceref $oOOoCalc_COM_ErrorHandler If Not IsObj($oObj) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 1, 0) If Not IsString($sFilePath) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 2, 0) If Not IsString($sFilterName) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 3, 0) If Not IsBool($bOverwrite) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 4, 0) $sFilePath = __OOoCalc_FileToURL($sFilePath) Local $avOptions[2] = [__OOoCalc_SetPropertyValue('FilterName', $sFilterName), __OOoCalc_SetPropertyValue('Overwrite', $bOverwrite)] $oObj.storeToURL($sFilePath, $avOptions) If @error Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_ComError, 0, 0) Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_Success, 0, 1) EndFunc ;==>_OOoCalc_BookSaveAs ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _OOoCalc_BookClose ; Description ...: Closes an existing workbook of the specified Calc object. ; Syntax ........: _OOoCalc_BookClose(ByRef $oObj[, $bDeliverOwnership = True]) ; Parameters ....: $oObj - Calc object opened by a preceding call to _OOoCalc_BookOpen, _OOoCalc_BookNew, or ; _OOoCalc_BookAttach ; $bDeliverOwnership - [optional] Deliver ownership? ; Default is True. ; Return values .: On Success - Returns 1 ; On Failure - Returns 0 and sets @error: ; |@error - 0 ($_OOoCalcStatus_Success) = No Error ; | - 3 ($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType) = Invalid Data Type ; |@extended - Contains Invalid Parameter Number ; Author ........: Leagnus, GMK ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: Document will not be saved automatically before closing. ; Related .......: None ; Link ..........: http://www.openoffice.org/api/docs/common/ref/com/sun/star/util/XCloseable.html#close ; Example .......: No ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _OOoCalc_BookClose(ByRef $oObj, $bDeliverOwnership = True) Local $oOOoCalc_COM_ErrorHandler = ObjEvent("AutoIt.Error", __OOoCalc_ComErrorHandler_InternalFunction) #forceref $oOOoCalc_COM_ErrorHandler If Not IsObj($oObj) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 1, 0) If Not IsBool($bDeliverOwnership) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 2, 0) $oObj.Close($bDeliverOwnership) Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_Success, 0, 1) EndFunc ;==>_OOoCalc_BookClose ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _OOoCalc_WriteCell ; Description ...: Write a string or value to the specified worksheet cell in a workbook of the specified Calc object. ; Syntax ........: _OOoCalc_WriteCell(ByRef $oObj, $vValue, $vRangeOrRow,[ $iCol = -1,[ $vSheet = -1]]) ; Parameters ....: $oObj - Calc object opened by a preceding call to _OOoCalc_BookOpen, _OOoCalc_BookNew, or ; _OOoCalc_BookAttach ; $vValue - Value or string to be written ; $vRangeOrRow - Either an A1 range, or index (0-based) of the row to which to write if using RC. ; $iCol - [optional] Index (0-based) of the column to which to write if using RC. ; Default is -1. ; $vSheet - [optional] Worksheet, either by index (0-based) or name. ; Default is -1, which would use the active worksheet. ; Return values .: On Success - Returns 1 ; On Failure - Returns 0 and sets @error: ; |@error - 0 ($_OOoCalcStatus_Success) = No Error ; | - 1 ($_OOoCalcStatus_GeneralError = General Error ; | - 3 ($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType) = Invalid Data Type ; | - 4 ($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidValue) = Invalid Value ; | - 5 ($_OOoCalcStatus_NoMatch) = No Match ; |@extended - Contains Invalid Parameter Number ; Author ........: Leagnus, GMK ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: None ; Related .......: _OOoCalc_ReadCell, _OOoCalc_WriteFormula ; Link ..........: http://www.openoffice.org/api/docs/common/ref/com/sun/star/table/XCell.html ; Example .......: No ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _OOoCalc_WriteCell(ByRef $oObj, $vValue, $vRangeOrRow, $iCol = -1, $vSheet = -1) Local $oOOoCalc_COM_ErrorHandler = ObjEvent("AutoIt.Error", __OOoCalc_ComErrorHandler_InternalFunction) #forceref $oOOoCalc_COM_ErrorHandler If Not IsObj($oObj) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 1, 0) If Not IsInt($vRangeOrRow) And Not IsString($vRangeOrRow) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 3, 0) If Not IsInt($vRangeOrRow) And Not __OOoCalc_RangeIsValid($vRangeOrRow) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidValue, 3, 0) If Not IsInt($iCol) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 4, 0) If IsInt($vRangeOrRow) And $iCol < 0 Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidValue, 4, 0) If Not IsInt($vSheet) And Not IsString($vSheet) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 5, 0) If IsString($vSheet) And Not __OOoCalc_WorksheetIsValid($oObj, $vSheet) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_NoMatch, 5, 0) Local $oSheet = __OOoCalc_GetSheet($oObj, $vSheet) If Not IsObj($oSheet) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_GeneralError, 0, 0) Local $oCell = __OOoCalc_GetCell($oSheet, $vRangeOrRow, $iCol) If Not IsObj($oCell) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_GeneralError, 0, 0) $oCell.setFormula($vValue) Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_Success, 0, 1) EndFunc ;==>_OOoCalc_WriteCell ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _OOoCalc_WriteFormula ; Description ...: Write a formula to the specified worksheet cell in a workbook of the specified Calc object. ; Syntax ........: _OOoCalc_WriteFormula(ByRef $oObj, $sFormula, $vRangeOrRow[, $iCol = -1[, $vSheet = -1]]) ; Parameters ....: $oObj - Calc object opened by a preceding call to _OOoCalc_BookOpen, _OOoCalc_BookNew, or ; _OOoCalc_BookAttach ; $sFormula - Formula to be written ; $vRangeOrRow - Either an A1 range, or index (0-based) of the row to which to write if using RC. ; $iCol - [optional] Index (0-based) of the column to which to write if using RC. ; Default is -1. ; $vSheet - [optional] Worksheet, either by index (0-based) or name. ; Default is -1, which would use the active worksheet. ; Return values .: On Success - Returns 1 ; On Failure - Returns 0 and sets @error: ; |@error - 0 ($_OOoCalcStatus_Success) = No Error ; | - 3 ($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType) = Invalid Data Type ; | - 4 ($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidValue) = Invalid Value ; | - 5 ($_OOoCalcStatus_NoMatch) = No Match ; |@extended - Contains Invalid Parameter Number ; Author ........: Leagnus, GMK ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: None ; Related .......: _OOoCalc_WriteCell ; Link ..........: http://www.openoffice.org/api/docs/common/ref/com/sun/star/table/XCell.html#setFormula ; Example .......: No ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _OOoCalc_WriteFormula(ByRef $oObj, $sFormula, $vRangeOrRow, $iCol = -1, $vSheet = -1) Local $oOOoCalc_COM_ErrorHandler = ObjEvent("AutoIt.Error", __OOoCalc_ComErrorHandler_InternalFunction) #forceref $oOOoCalc_COM_ErrorHandler If Not IsObj($oObj) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 1, 0) If Not IsString($sFormula) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 2, 0) If Not IsInt($vRangeOrRow) And Not __OOoCalc_RangeIsValid($vRangeOrRow) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidValue, 3, 0) If Not IsInt($iCol) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 4, 0) If IsInt($vRangeOrRow) And $iCol < 0 Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidValue, 4, 0) If Not IsInt($vSheet) And Not IsString($vSheet) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 5, 0) If $vSheet > -1 And Not __OOoCalc_WorksheetIsValid($oObj, $vSheet) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_NoMatch, 5, 0) Local $oSheet = __OOoCalc_GetSheet($oObj, $vSheet) If Not IsObj($oSheet) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_GeneralError, 0, 0) Local $oCell = __OOoCalc_GetCell($oSheet, $vRangeOrRow, $iCol) If Not IsObj($oCell) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_GeneralError, 0, 0) $oCell.setFormula($sFormula) Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_Success, 0, 1) EndFunc ;==>_OOoCalc_WriteFormula ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _OOoCalc_WriteFromArray ; Description ...: Write an array to a row or column on the specified worksheet of the specified Calc object. ; Syntax ........: _OOoCalc_WriteFromArray(ByRef $oObj, Byref $avArray, $vRangeOrRow[, $iCol = -1[, $vSheet = -1[, $bTranspose = False]]]) ; Parameters ....: $oObj - Calc object opened by a preceding call to _OOoCalc_BookOpen, _OOoCalc_BookNew, or ; _OOoCalc_BookAttach ; $avArray - The array (ByRef) to write ; $vRangeOrRow - Either an A1 range, or index (0-based) of the row to which to write if using RC. ; $iCol - [optional] Index (0-based) of the column to which to write if using RC. ; Default is -1. ; $vSheet - [optional] Worksheet, either by index (0-based) or name. ; Default is -1, which would use the active worksheet. ; $bTranspose - [optional] Transpose array ; Default is False. ; Return values .: On Success - Returns 1 ; On Failure - Returns 0 and sets @error: ; |@error - 0 ($_OOoCalcStatus_Success) = No Error ; | - 3 ($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType) = Invalid Data Type ; | - 4 ($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidValue) = Invalid Value ; | - 5 ($_OOoCalcStatus_NoMatch) = No Match ; |@extended - Contains Invalid Parameter Number ; Author ........: Andy G, GMK ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: None ; Related .......: _OOoCalc_WriteCell, _OOoCalc_ReadArray ; Link ..........: http://www.openoffice.org/api/docs/common/ref/com/sun/star/sheet/XCellRangeData.html#setDataArray ; Example .......: No ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _OOoCalc_WriteFromArray(ByRef $oObj, ByRef $avArray, $vRangeOrRow, $iCol = -1, $vSheet = -1, $bTranspose = False) Local $oOOoCalc_COM_ErrorHandler = ObjEvent("AutoIt.Error", __OOoCalc_ComErrorHandler_InternalFunction) #forceref $oOOoCalc_COM_ErrorHandler If Not IsObj($oObj) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 1, 0) If Not IsArray($avArray) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 2, 0) Local $iDim = UBound($avArray, 0) If $iDim > 2 Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidValue, 2, 0) If Not IsInt($vRangeOrRow) And Not __OOoCalc_RangeIsValid($vRangeOrRow) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidValue, 3, 0) If Not IsInt($iCol) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 4, 0) If IsInt($vRangeOrRow) And $iCol < 0 Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidValue, 4, 0) If Not IsInt($vSheet) And Not IsString($vSheet) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 5, 0) If $vSheet > -1 And Not __OOoCalc_WorksheetIsValid($oObj, $vSheet) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_NoMatch, 5, 0) If Not IsBool($bTranspose) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 6, 0) Local $iRows = UBound($avArray, 1) Local $iLastRow = $iRows - 1 Local $iCols = UBound($avArray, 2) Local $iLastCol = $iCols - 1 Local $avTempArray[1], $avOOoArray[1] If $bTranspose Then Switch $iDim Case 1 ReDim $avTempArray[1][$iRows] For $iCol = 0 To $iLastRow $avTempArray[0][$iCol] = $avArray[$iCol] Next Case Else ReDim $avTempArray[$iCols][$iRows] For $iRow = 0 To $iLastRow For $iCol = 0 To $iLastCol $avTempArray[$iLastCol - $iCol][$iRow] = $avArray[$iRow][$iCol] Next Next EndSwitch $avArray = $avTempArray $iDim = UBound($avArray, 0) $iRows = UBound($avArray, 1) $iLastRow = $iRows - 1 $iCols = UBound($avArray, 2) $iLastCol = $iCols - 1 EndIf Local $oSheet = __OOoCalc_GetSheet($oObj, $vSheet) If Not IsObj($oSheet) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_GeneralError, 0, 0) Local $iEndRow, $iEndCol, $oRange, $aiRC If IsInt($vRangeOrRow) Then $iEndRow = $vRangeOrRow + $iRows - 1 $iEndCol = $iCol + $iCols - 1 $oRange = __OOoCalc_GetRange($oSheet, $vRangeOrRow, $iCol, $iEndRow, $iEndCol) Else $aiRC = __OOoCalc_CellA1ToRC($vRangeOrRow) $iEndRow = $aiRC[0] + $iRows - 1 $iEndCol = $aiRC[1] + $iCols - 1 $oRange = __OOoCalc_GetRange($oSheet, $aiRC[0], $aiRC[1], $iEndRow, $iEndCol) EndIf If Not IsObj($oRange) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_GeneralError, 0, 0) If $iDim = 1 Then $avOOoArray[0] = $avArray Else ReDim $avOOoArray[$iRows] Local $avRows[$iCols] For $iRow = 0 To $iLastRow For $iCol = 0 To $iLastCol $avRows[$iCol] = $avArray[$iRow][$iCol] Next $avOOoArray[$iRow] = $avRows Next EndIf $oRange.setDataArray($avOOoArray) Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_Success, 0, 1) EndFunc ;==>_OOoCalc_WriteFromArray ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _OOoCalc_HyperlinkInsert ; Description ...: Inserts a hyperlink into the specified sheet. ; Syntax ........: _OOoCalc_HyperlinkInsert(ByRef $oObj, $sLinkText, $sAddress, $vRangeOrRow[, $iCol = -1[, $vSheet = -1]]) ; Parameters ....: $oObj - Calc object opened by a preceding call to _OOoCalc_BookOpen, _OOoCalc_BookNew, or ; _OOoCalc_BookAttach ; $sLinkText - Link text ; $sAddress - Valid URL ; $vRangeOrRow - Either an A1 range, or index (0-based) of row to which to write if using RC. ; $iCol - [optional] The index (0-based) of the column to which to write if using RC. ; Default is -1. ; $vSheet - [optional] Worksheet, either by index (0-based) or name. ; Default is -1, which would use the active worksheet. ; Return values .: On Success - Returns 1 ; On Failure - Returns 0 and sets @error: ; |@error - 0 ($_OOoCalcStatus_Success) = No Error ; | - 3 ($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType) = Invalid Data Type ; | - 4 ($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidValue) = Invalid Value ; | - 5 ($_OOoCalcStatus_NoMatch) = No Match ; |@extended - Contains Invalid Parameter Number ; Author ........: GMK ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: None ; Related .......: None ; Link ..........: http://www.openoffice.org/api/docs/common/ref/com/sun/star/text/textfield/URL.html ; Example .......: No ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _OOoCalc_HyperlinkInsert(ByRef $oObj, $sLinkText, $sAddress, $vRangeOrRow, $iCol = -1, $vSheet = -1) Local $oOOoCalc_COM_ErrorHandler = ObjEvent("AutoIt.Error", __OOoCalc_ComErrorHandler_InternalFunction) #forceref $oOOoCalc_COM_ErrorHandler If Not IsObj($oObj) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 1, 0) If Not IsString($sLinkText) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 2, 0) If Not IsString($sAddress) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 3, 0) If Not IsInt($vRangeOrRow) And Not __OOoCalc_RangeIsValid($vRangeOrRow) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidValue, 4, 0) If Not IsInt($iCol) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 5, 0) If IsInt($vRangeOrRow) And $iCol < 0 Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidValue, 5, 0) If Not IsInt($vSheet) And Not IsString($vSheet) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 6, 0) If $vSheet > -1 And Not __OOoCalc_WorksheetIsValid($oObj, $vSheet) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_NoMatch, 5, 0) Local $oSheet = __OOoCalc_GetSheet($oObj, $vSheet) If Not IsObj($oSheet) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_GeneralError, 0, 0) Local $oCell = __OOoCalc_GetCell($oSheet, $vRangeOrRow, $iCol) If Not IsObj($oCell) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_GeneralError, 0, 0) Local $oText = $oCell.getText If Not IsObj($oText) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_GeneralError, 0, 0) Local $oLink = $oObj.createInstance('com.sun.star.text.TextField.URL') If Not IsObj($oLink) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_GeneralError, 0, 0) $oLink.URL = $sAddress $oLink.Representation = $sLinkText $oCell.insertTextContent($oText.createTextCursor, $oLink, True) Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_Success, 0, 1) EndFunc ;==>_OOoCalc_HyperlinkInsert ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _OOoCalc_RangeMoveOrCopy ; Description ...: Move or copy a specified range to another ; Syntax ........: _OOoCalc_RangeMoveOrCopy(ByRef $oObj, $sSrcRange, $sDestCell, $iFlag[, $vSrcSheet = -1[, $vDestSheet = -1]]) ; Parameters ....: $oObj - Calc object opened by a preceding call to _OOoCalc_BookOpen, _OOoCalc_BookNew, or ; _OOoCalc_BookAttach ; $sSrcRange - Source range ; $sDestCell - Destination cell ; $iFlag - Move/copy flag: ; 0 = Move ; 1 = Copy ; $vSrcSheet - [optional] Source worksheet, either by index (0-based) or name. ; Default is -1, which would use the active worksheet. ; $vDestSheet - [optional] Destination worksheet, either by index (0-based) or name. ; Default is -1, which would use the active worksheet. ; Return values .: On Success - Returns 1 ; On Failure - Returns 0 and sets @error: ; |@error - 0 ($_OOoCalcStatus_Success) = No Error ; | - 3 ($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType) = Invalid Data Type ; | - 4 ($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidValue) = Invalid Value ; | - 5 ($_OOoCalcStatus_NoMatch) = No Match ; |@extended - Contains Invalid Parameter Number ; Author ........: Andy G, GMK ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: None ; Related .......: None ; Link ..........: http://www.openoffice.org/api/docs/common/ref/com/sun/star/sheet/XCellRangeMovement.html ; Example .......: No ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _OOoCalc_RangeMoveOrCopy(ByRef $oObj, $sSrcRange, $sDestCell, $iFlag, $vSrcSheet = -1, $vDestSheet = -1) Local $oOOoCalc_COM_ErrorHandler = ObjEvent("AutoIt.Error", __OOoCalc_ComErrorHandler_InternalFunction) #forceref $oOOoCalc_COM_ErrorHandler If Not IsObj($oObj) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 1, 0) If Not __OOoCalc_RangeIsValid($sSrcRange) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidValue, 2, 0) If Not __OOoCalc_RangeIsValid($sDestCell) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidValue, 3, 0) If $iFlag <> 0 And $iFlag <> 1 Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidValue, 4, 0) If Not IsInt($vSrcSheet) And Not IsString($vSrcSheet) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 5, 0) If $vSrcSheet > -1 And Not __OOoCalc_WorksheetIsValid($oObj, $vSrcSheet) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_NoMatch, 5, 0) If Not IsInt($vDestSheet) And Not IsString($vDestSheet) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 6, 0) If $vDestSheet > -1 And Not __OOoCalc_WorksheetIsValid($oObj, $vDestSheet) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_NoMatch, 6, 0) Local $oSrcSheet = __OOoCalc_GetSheet($oObj, $vSrcSheet) If Not IsObj($oSrcSheet) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_GeneralError, 0, 0) Local $oDestSheet = __OOoCalc_GetSheet($oObj, $vDestSheet) If Not IsObj($oDestSheet) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_GeneralError, 0, 0) Local $oSrcRange = $oSrcSheet.getCellRangeByName($sSrcRange).RangeAddress If Not IsObj($oSrcRange) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_GeneralError, 0, 0) Local $oDestRange = $oDestSheet.getCellRangeByname($sDestCell).CellAddress If Not IsObj($oDestRange) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_GeneralError, 0, 0) If $iFlag = 0 Then $oSrcSheet.MoveRange($oDestRange, $oSrcRange) Else $oSrcSheet.CopyRange($oDestRange, $oSrcRange) EndIf Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_Success, 0, 1) EndFunc ;==>_OOoCalc_RangeMoveOrCopy ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _OOoCalc_RangeSort ; Description ...: Sort a range ; Syntax ........: _OOoCalc_RangeSort(ByRef $oObj, $vSheet, $sRange[, $iSortField1 = 0[, $bIsAscending1 = True[, $bHasHeader = False[, $bCaseSensitive = False[, $bByRows = True[, $iSortField2 = -1[, $bIsAscending2 = True[, $iSortField3 = -1[, $bIsAscending3 = True]]]]]]]]]) ; Parameters ....: $oObj - Calc object opened by a preceding call to _OOoCalcBookOpen, _OOoCalcBookNew, or ; _OOoCalcBookAttach ; $vSheet - Worksheet, either by index (0-based) or name. ; -1 would use the active worksheet. ; $sRange - An A1 range. ; $iSortField1 - [optional] Sort field 1 (column index (0-based)). ; Default is 0. ; $bIsAscending1 - [optional] Sort field 1 as ascending. ; Default is True. If False, sort is descending. ; $bHasHeader - [optional] Range has header. ; Default is False. If True, sort with header. ; $bCaseSensitive - [optional] Range is Case Sensitive. ; Default is False. ; $bByRows - [optional] Sort By Rows. ; Default is True. If False, sort by columns. ; $iSortField2 - [optional] Sort field 2 (column index (0-based)). ; Default is -1. ; $bIsAscending2 - [optional] Sort field 2 as ascending. ; Default is True. If False, sort is descending. ; $iSortField3 - [optional] Sort field 3 (column index (0-based)). ; Default is -1. ; $bIsAscending3 - [optional] Sort field 3 as ascending. ; Default is True. If False, sort is descending. ; Return values .: On Success - Returns 1 ; On Failure - Returns 0 and sets @error: ; |@error - 0 ($_OOoCalcStatus_Success) = No Error ; | - 3 ($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType) = Invalid Data Type ; | - 4 ($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidValue) = Invalid Value ; | - 5 ($_OOoCalcStatus_NoMatch) = No Match ; |@extended - Contains Invalid Parameter Number ; Author ........: GMK ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: None ; Related .......: None ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: No ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _OOoCalc_RangeSort(ByRef $oObj, $vSheet, $sRange, $iSortField1 = 0, $bIsAscending1 = True, $bHasHeader = False, $bCaseSensitive = False, $bByRows = True, $iSortField2 = -1, $bIsAscending2 = True, $iSortField3 = -1, $bIsAscending3 = True) If Not IsObj($oObj) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 1, 0) If $vSheet > -1 And Not __OOoCalc_WorksheetIsValid($oObj, $vSheet) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_NoMatch, 2, 0) If Not IsInt($vSheet) And Not IsString($vSheet) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 2, 0) If Not __OOoCalc_RangeIsValid($sRange) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidValue, 3, 0) If Not IsInt($iSortField1) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 4, 0) If Not IsBool($bIsAscending1) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 5, 0) If Not IsBool($bHasHeader) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 6, 0) If Not IsBool($bCaseSensitive) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 7, 0) If Not IsBool($bByRows) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 8, 0) If Not IsInt($iSortField2) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 9, 0) If Not IsBool($bIsAscending2) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 10, 0) If Not IsInt($iSortField3) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 11, 0) If Not IsBool($bIsAscending3) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 12, 0) If $vSheet <> Default Then _OOoCalc_SheetActivate($oObj, $vSheet) Local $oSM = ObjCreate("com.sun.star.ServiceManager") If Not IsObj($oSM) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_GeneralError, 0, 0) Local $oDocument = $oObj.CurrentController.Frame If Not IsObj($oDocument) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_GeneralError, 1, 0) Local $oDispatcher = $oSM.createInstance('com.sun.star.frame.DispatchHelper') ; Create a desktop object If Not IsObj($oDispatcher) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_GeneralError, 0, 0) Local $oSheet = __OOoCalc_GetSheet($oObj, $vSheet) If @error Then Return SetError(@error, 2, 0) Local $oRange = __OOoCalc_GetRange($oSheet, $sRange) If @error Then Return SetError(@error, 0, 0) $oObj.getCurrentController.select($oRange) Local $avArgs2[7] = [ _ __OOoCalc_SetPropertyValue('ByRows', $bByRows), _ __OOoCalc_SetPropertyValue('HasHeader', $bHasHeader), _ __OOoCalc_SetPropertyValue('CaseSensitive', $bCaseSensitive), _ __OOoCalc_SetPropertyValue('IncludeAttribs', true), _ __OOoCalc_SetPropertyValue('UserDefIndex', 0), _ __OOoCalc_SetPropertyValue('Col1', $iSortField1), _ __OOoCalc_SetPropertyValue('Ascending1', $bIsAscending1)] For $i = 2 To 3 If Eval('iSortField' & $i) > -1 Then Local $iUBound = UBound($avArgs2) ReDim $avArgs2[$iUBound + 2] $iUBound = UBound($avArgs2) $avArgs2[$iUBound - 2] = __OOoCalc_SetPropertyValue('Col' & $i, Eval('iSortField' & $i)) $avArgs2[$iUBound - 1] = __OOoCalc_SetPropertyValue('Ascending' & $i, Eval('bIsAscending' & $i)) EndIf Next $oDispatcher.executeDispatch($oDocument, '.uno:DataSort', '', 0, $avArgs2) Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_Success, 0, 1) EndFunc ;==>_OOoCalc_RangeSort ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _OOoCalc_RangeClearContents ; Description ...: Clears contents of given range ; Syntax ........: _OOoCalc_RangeClearContents(ByRef $oObj[, $vRangeOrRowStart = -1[, $iColStart = -1[, $iRowEnd = -1[, $iColEnd = -1[, $vSheet = -1[, $iCellFlag = 31]]]]]]) ; Parameters ....: $oObj - Calc object opened by a preceding call to _OOoCalc_BookOpen, _OOoCalc_BookNew, or ; _OOoCalc_BookAttach ; $vRangeOrRowStart - [optional] Either an A1 range, or index (0-based) of row to which to write if using RC. ; Default is -1 (used range). ; $iColStart - [optional] The index (0-based) of the column to which to write if using RC. ; Default is -1. ; $iRowEnd - [optional] Index (0-based) of ending row to which to write if using RC. ; Default is -1. ; $iColEnd - [optional] Index (0-based) of ending column to which to write if using RC. ; Default is -1. ; $vSheet - [optional] Worksheet, either by index (0-based) or name. ; Default is -1, which would use the active worksheet. ; $iCellFlag - [optional] Type of cell contents to clear. (May be added.) Default is 31. ; $VALUE = 1 ; $DATETIME = 2 ; $STRING = 4 ; $ANNOTATION = 8 ; $FORMULA = 16 ; $HARDATTR = 32 ; $STYLES = 64 ; $OBJECTS = 128 ; $EDITATTR = 256 ; $FORMATTED = 512 ; Return values .: On Success - Returns 1 ; On Failure - Returns 0 and sets @error: ; |@error - 0 ($_OOoCalcStatus_Success) = No Error ; | - 3 ($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType) = Invalid Data Type ; | - 5 ($_OOoCalcStatus_NoMatch) = No Match ; |@extended - Contains Invalid Parameter Number ; Author ........: GMK ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: None ; Related .......: None ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: No ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _OOoCalc_RangeClearContents(ByRef $oObj, $vRangeOrRowStart = -1, $iColStart = -1, $iRowEnd = -1, $iColEnd = -1, $vSheet = -1, $iCellFlag = 31) Local $oOOoCalc_COM_ErrorHandler = ObjEvent("AutoIt.Error", __OOoCalc_ComErrorHandler_InternalFunction) #forceref $oOOoCalc_COM_ErrorHandler If Not IsObj($oObj) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 1, 0) If Not IsInt($vRangeOrRowStart) And Not __OOoCalc_RangeIsValid($vRangeOrRowStart) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidValue, 2, 0) If Not IsInt($iColStart) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 3, 0) If $vRangeOrRowStart < -1 And IsInt($vRangeOrRowStart) And $iColStart < 0 Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidValue, 3, 0) If Not IsInt($iRowEnd) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 4, 0) If Not IsInt($iColEnd) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 5, 0) If Not IsInt($vSheet) And Not IsString($vSheet) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 6, 0) If $vSheet > -1 And Not __OOoCalc_WorksheetIsValid($oObj, $vSheet) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_NoMatch, 6, 0) Local $oSheet = __OOoCalc_GetSheet($oObj, $vSheet) If Not IsObj($oSheet) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_GeneralError, 0, 0) Local $oRange = __OOoCalc_GetRange($oSheet, $vRangeOrRowStart, $iColStart, $iRowEnd, $iColEnd) If Not IsObj($oRange) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_GeneralError, 0, 0) $oRange.clearContents($iCellFlag) Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_Success, 0, 1) EndFunc ;==>_OOoCalc_RangeClearContents ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _OOoCalc_CreateBorders ; Description ...: Create borders in a given range of a Calc object. ; Syntax ........: _OOoCalc_CreateBorders(ByRef $oObj, $vRangeOrRowStart[, $iColStart = -1[, $iRowEnd = -1[, $iColEnd = -1[, $vSheet = -1[, $bTop = True[, $bRight = True[, $bBottom = True[, $bLeft = True[, $bHorizontal = False[, $bVertical = False[, $bDouble = False[, $nLineWidth = 10.5]]]]]]]]]]]]) ; Parameters ....: $oObj - Calc object opened by a preceding call to _OOoCalc_BookOpen, _OOoCalc_BookNew, or ; _OOoCalc_BookAttach ; $vRangeOrRowStart - Either an A1 range, or index (0-based) of row to which to write if using RC ; $iColStart - [optional] The index (0-based) of the column to which to write if using RC. ; Default is -1. ; $iRowEnd - [optional] Index (0-based) of ending row to which to write if using RC. ; Default is -1. ; $iColEnd - [optional] Index (0-based) of ending column to which to write if using RC. ; Default is -1. ; $vSheet - [optional] Worksheet, either by index (0-based) or name. ; Default is -1, which would use the active worksheet. ; $bTop - [optional] Turn on top border. ; Default is True. ; $bRight - [optional] Turn on right border. ; Default is True. ; $bBottom - [optional] Turn on bottom border. ; Default is True. ; $bLeft - [optional] Turn on left border. ; Default is True. ; $bHorizontal - [optional] Turn on inner horizontal border. ; Default is False. ; $bVertical - [optional] Turn on inner vertical border. ; Default is False. ; $bDouble - [optional] Turn on double line. ; Default is False. ; $nLineWidth - [optional] Line width in 1/100 mm. ; Default is 10.5 (0.3 pt). ; Return values .: On Success - Returns 1 ; On Failure - Returns 0 and sets @error: ; |@error - 0 ($_OOoCalcStatus_Success) = No Error ; | - 3 ($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType) = Invalid Data Type ; | - 4 ($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidValue) = Invalid Value ; | - 5 ($_OOoCalcStatus_NoMatch) = No Match ; |@extended - Contains Invalid Parameter Number ; Author ........: GMK ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: None ; Related .......: None ; Link ..........: http://www.openoffice.org/api/docs/common/ref/com/sun/star/table/TableBorder.html ; Example .......: No ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _OOoCalc_CreateBorders(ByRef $oObj, $vRangeOrRowStart, $iColStart = -1, $iRowEnd = -1, $iColEnd = -1, $vSheet = -1, $bTop = True, $bRight = True, $bBottom = True, $bLeft = True, $bHorizontal = False, $bVertical = False, $bDouble = False, $nLineWidth = 10.5) Local $oOOoCalc_COM_ErrorHandler = ObjEvent("AutoIt.Error", __OOoCalc_ComErrorHandler_InternalFunction) #forceref $oOOoCalc_COM_ErrorHandler If Not IsObj($oObj) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 1, 0) If Not IsInt($vRangeOrRowStart) And Not IsString($vRangeOrRowStart) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 2, 0) If IsString($vRangeOrRowStart) And Not __OOoCalc_RangeIsValid($vRangeOrRowStart) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidValue, 2, 0) If Not IsInt($iColStart) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 3, 0) If IsInt($vRangeOrRowStart) And $iColStart < 1 Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidValue, 3, 0) If Not IsInt($iRowEnd) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 4, 0) If Not IsInt($iColEnd) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 5, 0) If Not IsInt($vSheet) And Not IsString($vSheet) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 6, 0) If IsString($vSheet) And Not __OOoCalc_WorksheetIsValid($oObj, $vSheet) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_NoMatch, 6, 0) If Not IsBool($bTop) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 7, 0) If Not IsBool($bRight) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 8, 0) If Not IsBool($bBottom) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 9, 0) If Not IsBool($bBottom) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 10, 0) If Not IsBool($bHorizontal) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 11, 0) If Not IsBool($bVertical) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 12, 0) If Not IsBool($bDouble) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 13, 0) If Not IsNumber($nLineWidth) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 14, 0) Local $oSheet = __OOoCalc_GetSheet($oObj, $vSheet) If Not IsObj($oSheet) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_GeneralError, 0, 0) Local $oRange = __OOoCalc_GetRange($oSheet, $vRangeOrRowStart, $iColStart, $iRowEnd, $iColEnd) If Not IsObj($oRange) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_GeneralError, 0, 0) Local $oTableBorder = $oRange.TableBorder If Not IsObj($oTableBorder) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_GeneralError, 0, 0) Local $oTopLine If $bTop Then $oTopLine = __OOoCalc_CreateBorderLine($nLineWidth, $bDouble) If Not IsObj($oTopLine) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_GeneralError, 0, 0) $oTableBorder.IsTopLineValid = 1 $oTableBorder.TopLine = $oTopLine EndIf Local $oRightLine If $bRight Then $oRightLine = __OOoCalc_CreateBorderLine($nLineWidth, $bDouble) If Not IsObj($oRightLine) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_GeneralError, 0, 0) $oTableBorder.IsRightLineValid = 1 $oTableBorder.RightLine = $oRightLine EndIf Local $oBottomLine If $bBottom Then $oBottomLine = __OOoCalc_CreateBorderLine($nLineWidth, $bDouble) If Not IsObj($oBottomLine) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_GeneralError, 0, 0) $oTableBorder.IsBottomLineValid = 1 $oTableBorder.BottomLine = $oBottomLine EndIf Local $oLeftLine If $bLeft Then $oLeftLine = __OOoCalc_CreateBorderLine($nLineWidth, $bDouble) If Not IsObj($oLeftLine) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_GeneralError, 0, 0) $oTableBorder.IsLeftLineValid = 1 $oTableBorder.LeftLine = $oLeftLine EndIf Local $oHorizontalLine If $bHorizontal Then $oHorizontalLine = __OOoCalc_CreateBorderLine($nLineWidth, $bDouble) If Not IsObj($oHorizontalLine) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_GeneralError, 0, 0) $oTableBorder.IsHorizontalLineValid = 1 $oTableBorder.HorizontalLine = $oHorizontalLine EndIf Local $oVerticalLine If $bVertical Then $oVerticalLine = __OOoCalc_CreateBorderLine($nLineWidth, $bDouble) If Not IsObj($oVerticalLine) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_GeneralError, 0, 0) $oTableBorder.IsVerticalLineValid = 1 $oTableBorder.VerticalLine = $oVerticalLine EndIf If Not IsObj($oTableBorder) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_GeneralError, 0, 0) $oRange.TableBorder = $oTableBorder Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_Success, 0, 1) EndFunc ;==>_OOoCalc_CreateBorders ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _OOoCalc_NumberFormat ; Description ...: Applies the specified formatting to the cells in the specified RC Range. ; Syntax ........: _OOoCalc_NumberFormat(ByRef $oObj, $iFormat, $vRangeOrRowStart[, $iColStart = -1[, $iRowEnd = -1[, $iColEnd = -1[, $vSheet = -1]]]]) ; Parameters ....: $oObj - Calc object opened by a preceding call to _OOoCalc_BookOpen, _OOoCalc_BookNew, or ; _OOoCalc_BookAttach ; $iFormat - The formatting string to apply to the specified range: ; 0 ($NUMBER_STANDARD) ; 1 ($NUMBER_INT) ; 2 ($NUMBER_DEC2) ; 3 ($NUMBER_1000INT) ; 4 ($NUMBER_1000DEC2) ; 5 ($NUMBER_SYSTEM) ; 6 ($SCIENTIFIC_000E000) ; 7 ($SCIENTIFIC_000E00) ; 10 ($PERCENT_INT) ; 11 ($PERCENT_DEC2) ; 12 ($FRACTION_1) ; 13 ($FRACTION_2) ; 20 ($CURRENCY_1000INT) ; 21 ($CURRENCY_1000DEC2) ; 22 ($CURRENCY_1000INT_RED) ; 23 ($CURRENCY_1000DEC2_RED) ; 24 ($CURRENCY_1000DEC2_CCC) ; 25 ($CURRENCY_1000DEC2_DASHED) ; 30 ($DATE_SYSTEM_SHORT) ; 31 ($DATE_DEF_NNDDMMMYY) ; 32 ($DATE_SYS_MMYY) ; 33 ($DATE_SYS_DDMMM) ; 34 ($DATE_MMMM) ; 35 ($DATE_QQJJ) ; 36 ($DATE_SYS_DDMMYYYY) ; 37 ($DATE_SYS_DDMMYY) ; 38 ($DATE_SYS_NNNNDMMMMYYYY) ; 39 ($DATE_SYS_DMMMYY) ; 40 ($TIME_HHMM) ; 41 ($TIME_HHMMSS) ; 42 ($TIME_HHMMAMPM) ; 43 ($TIME_HHMMSSAMPM) ; 44 ($TIME_HH_MMSS) ; 45 ($TIME_MMSS00) ; 46 ($TIME_HH_MMSS00) ; 50 ($DATETIME_SYSTEM_SHORT_HHMM) ; $vRangeOrRowStart - Either an A1 range, or index (0-based) of row to which to write if using RC ; $iColStart - [optional] The index (0-based) of the column to which to write if using RC. ; Default is -1. ; $iRowEnd - [optional] Index (0-based) of ending row to which to write if using RC. ; Default is -1. ; $iColEnd - [optional] Index (0-based) of ending column to which to write if using RC. ; Default is -1. ; $vSheet - [optional] Worksheet, either by index (0-based) or name. ; Default is -1, which would use the active worksheet. ; Return values .: On Success - Returns 1 ; On Failure - Returns 0 and sets @error: ; |@error - 0 ($_OOoCalcStatus_Success) = No Error ; | - 3 ($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType) = Invalid Data Type ; | - 4 ($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidValue) = Invalid Value ; | - 5 ($_OOoCalcStatus_NoMatch) = No Match ; |@extended - Contains Invalid Parameter Number ; Author ........: GMK ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: None ; Related .......: None ; Link ..........: http://www.openoffice.org/api/docs/common/ref/com/sun/star/text/CellRange.html#NumberFormat ; Example .......: No ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _OOoCalc_NumberFormat(ByRef $oObj, $iFormat, $vRangeOrRowStart, $iColStart = -1, $iRowEnd = -1, $iColEnd = -1, $vSheet = -1) Local $oOOoCalc_COM_ErrorHandler = ObjEvent("AutoIt.Error", __OOoCalc_ComErrorHandler_InternalFunction) #forceref $oOOoCalc_COM_ErrorHandler If Not IsObj($oObj) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 1, 0) If Not IsInt($iFormat) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 2, 0) If $iFormat < 0 Or $iFormat > 50 Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidValue, 2, 0) If Not IsInt($vRangeOrRowStart) And Not __OOoCalc_RangeIsValid($vRangeOrRowStart) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidValue, 3, 0) If Not IsInt($iColStart) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 4, 0) If IsInt($vRangeOrRowStart) And $iColStart < 1 Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidValue, 4, 0) If Not IsInt($iRowEnd) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 5, 0) If Not IsInt($iColEnd) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 6, 0) If Not IsInt($vSheet) And Not IsString($vSheet) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 7, 0) If $vSheet > -1 And Not __OOoCalc_WorksheetIsValid($oObj, $vSheet) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_NoMatch, 7, 0) Local $oSheet = __OOoCalc_GetSheet($oObj, $vSheet) If Not IsObj($oSheet) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_GeneralError, 0, 0) Local $oRange = __OOoCalc_GetRange($oSheet, $vRangeOrRowStart, $iColStart, $iRowEnd, $iColEnd) If Not IsObj($oRange) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_GeneralError, 0, 0) $oRange.NumberFormat = $iFormat Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_Success, 0, 1) EndFunc ;==>_OOoCalc_NumberFormat ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _OOoCalc_ReadCell ; Description ...: Read information from the specified worksheet cell ; Syntax ........: _OOoCalc_ReadCell(ByRef $oObj, $vRangeOrRow[, $iCol = -1[, $vSheet = -1]]) ; Parameters ....: $oObj - Calc object opened by a preceding call to _OOoCalc_BookOpen, _OOoCalc_BookNew, or ; _OOoCalc_BookAttach ; $vRangeOrRow - Either an A1 range, or index (0-based) of row to which to write if using RC ; $iCol - [optional] The index (0-based) of the column to which to write if using RC. ; Default is -1. ; $vSheet - [optional] Worksheet, either by index (0-based) or name. ; Default is -1, which would use the active worksheet. ; Return values .: On Success - Returns the data from the specified cell ; On Failure - Returns 0 and sets @error: ; |@error - 0 ($_OOoCalcStatus_Success) = No Error ; | - 3 ($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType) = Invalid Data Type ; | - 4 ($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidValue) = Invalid Value ; | - 5 ($_OOoCalcStatus_NoMatch) = No Match ; |@extended - Contains Invalid Parameter Number ; Author ........: Leagnus, GMK ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: None ; Related .......: _OOoCalc_WriteCell ; Link ..........: http://www.openoffice.org/api/docs/common/ref/com/sun/star/table/XCell.html#getValue ; Example .......: No ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _OOoCalc_ReadCell(ByRef $oObj, $vRangeOrRow, $iCol = -1, $vSheet = -1, $iFormulaOrValue = 1) Local $oOOoCalc_COM_ErrorHandler = ObjEvent("AutoIt.Error", __OOoCalc_ComErrorHandler_InternalFunction) #forceref $oOOoCalc_COM_ErrorHandler If Not IsObj($oObj) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 1, 0) If Not IsInt($vRangeOrRow) And Not __OOoCalc_RangeIsValid($vRangeOrRow) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidValue, 2, 0) If Not IsInt($iCol) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 3, 0) If IsInt($vRangeOrRow) And $iCol < 0 Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidValue, 3, 0) If Not IsInt($vSheet) And Not IsString($vSheet) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 4, 0) If $vSheet > -1 And Not __OOoCalc_WorksheetIsValid($oObj, $vSheet) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_NoMatch, 4, 0) Local $oSheet = __OOoCalc_GetSheet($oObj, $vSheet) If Not IsObj($oSheet) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_GeneralError, 0, 0) Local $oCell = __OOoCalc_GetCell($oSheet, $vRangeOrRow, $iCol) If Not IsObj($oCell) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_GeneralError, 0, 0) Local $vReturn Switch $iFormulaOrValue Case 0 $vReturn = $oCell.getFormula Case 1 $vReturn = $oCell.getstring EndSwitch Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_Success, 0, $vReturn) EndFunc ;==>_OOoCalc_ReadCell ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _OOoCalc_ReadSheetToArray ; Description ...: Creates an array from specified range of specified worksheet. ; Syntax ........: _OOoCalc_ReadSheetToArray(ByRef $oObj[, $vRangeOrRowStart = -1[, $iColStart = -1[, $iRowEnd = -1[, $iColEnd = -1[, $vSheet = -1]]]]]) ; Parameters ....: $oObj - Calc object opened by a preceding call to _OOoCalc_BookOpen, _OOoCalc_BookNew, or ; _OOoCalc_BookAttach ; $vRangeOrRowStart - [optional] Range to which to write array. If default value of -1 is used, the used range will be ; used. ; $iColStart - [optional] Index (0-based) of the starting column, if using RC. ; Default is -1. ; $iRowEnd - [optional] Ending row, if using RC. ; Default is -1. ; $iColEnd - [optional] Index (0-based) of the ending column, if using RC. ; Default is -1. ; $vSheet - [optional] Worksheet, either by index (0-based) or name. ; Default is -1, which would use the active worksheet. ; Return values .: On Success - Returns 2D array ; On Failure - Returns 0 and sets @error: ; |@error - 0 ($_OOoCalcStatus_Success) = No Error ; | - 3 ($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType) = Invalid Data Type ; | - 4 ($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidValue) = Invalid Value ; | - 5 ($_OOoCalcStatus_NoMatch) = No Match ; |@extended - Contains Invalid Parameter Number ; Author ........: Andy G, GMK ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: None ; Related .......: _OOoCalc_CellRead, _OOoCalc_WriteFromArray ; Link ..........: http://www.openoffice.org/api/docs/common/ref/com/sun/star/sheet/XCellRangeData.html#getDataArray ; Example .......: No ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _OOoCalc_ReadSheetToArray(ByRef $oObj, $vRangeOrRowStart = -1, $iColStart = -1, $iRowEnd = -1, $iColEnd = -1, $vSheet = -1) Local $oOOoCalc_COM_ErrorHandler = ObjEvent("AutoIt.Error", __OOoCalc_ComErrorHandler_InternalFunction) #forceref $oOOoCalc_COM_ErrorHandler If Not IsObj($oObj) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 1, 0) If Not IsInt($vRangeOrRowStart) And Not __OOoCalc_RangeIsValid($vRangeOrRowStart) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidValue, 2, 0) If Not IsInt($iColStart) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 3, 0) If $vRangeOrRowStart < -1 And IsInt($vRangeOrRowStart) And $iColStart < 0 Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidValue, 3, 0) If Not IsInt($iRowEnd) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 4, 0) If Not IsInt($iColEnd) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 5, 0) If Not IsInt($vSheet) And Not IsString($vSheet) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 6, 0) If $vSheet > -1 And Not __OOoCalc_WorksheetIsValid($oObj, $vSheet) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_NoMatch, 6, 0) Local $oSheet = __OOoCalc_GetSheet($oObj, $vSheet) If Not IsObj($oSheet) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_GeneralError, 0, 0) Local $oRange = __OOoCalc_GetRange($oSheet, $vRangeOrRowStart, $iColStart, $iRowEnd, $iColEnd) If Not IsObj($oRange) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_GeneralError, 0, 0) Local $avData = $oRange.getDataArray Local $iRows = UBound($avData) Local $iLastRow = $iRows - 1 Local $iCols = UBound($avData[0]) Local $iLastCol = $iCols - 1 Local $avReturn[$iRows][$iCols] Local $aRow For $iRow = 0 To $iLastRow $aRow = $avData[$iRow] $iCols = UBound($aRow) $iLastCol = $iCols - 1 For $iCol = 0 To $iLastCol $avReturn[$iRow][$iCol] = $aRow[$iCol] Next Next Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_Success, 0, $avReturn) EndFunc ;==>_OOoCalc_ReadSheetToArray ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _OOoCalc_RowDelete ; Description ...: Delete a number of rows from the specified worksheet. ; Syntax ........: _OOoCalc_RowDelete(ByRef $oObj, $iRow[, $iNumRows = 1[, $vSheet = -1]]) ; Parameters ....: $oObj - Calc object opened by a preceding call to _OOoCalc_BookOpen, _OOoCalc_BookNew, or ; _OOoCalc_BookAttach ; $iRow - The index (0-based) of the row to delete ; $iNumRows - [optional] The number of rows to delete. ; Default is 1. ; $vSheet - [optional] Worksheet, either by index (0-based) or name. ; Default is -1, which would use the active worksheet. ; Return values .: On Success - Returns 1 ; On Failure - Returns 0 and sets @error: ; |@error - 0 ($_OOoCalcStatus_Success) = No Error ; | - 3 ($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType) = Invalid Data Type ; | - 5 ($_OOoCalcStatus_NoMatch) = No Match ; |@extended - Contains Invalid Parameter Number ; Author ........: Andy G, GMK, mLipok ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: None ; Related .......: _OOoCalc_RowInsert ; Link ..........: http://www.openoffice.org/api/docs/common/ref/com/sun/star/table/XTableRows.html#removeByIndex ; Example .......: No ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _OOoCalc_RowDelete(ByRef $oObj, $iRow, $iNumRows = 1, $vSheet = -1) Local $oOOoCalc_COM_ErrorHandler = ObjEvent("AutoIt.Error", __OOoCalc_ComErrorHandler_InternalFunction) #forceref $oOOoCalc_COM_ErrorHandler If Not IsObj($oObj) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 1, 0) If Not IsInt($iRow) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 2, 0) If Not IsInt($iNumRows) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 3, 0) If Not IsInt($vSheet) And Not IsString($vSheet) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 4, 0) If $vSheet > -1 And Not __OOoCalc_WorksheetIsValid($oObj, $vSheet) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_NoMatch, 4, 0) Local $oSheet = __OOoCalc_GetSheet($oObj, $vSheet) If Not IsObj($oSheet) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_GeneralError, 0, 0) If $iRow < 0 Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidValue, 2, 0) $oSheet.getRows.removeByIndex($iRow, $iNumRows) Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_Success, 0, 1) EndFunc ;==>_OOoCalc_RowDelete ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _OOoCalc_ColumnDelete ; Description ...: Delete a number of Columns from the specified worksheet. ; Syntax ........: _OOoCalc_ColumnDelete(ByRef $oObj, $iCol[, $iNumColumns = 1[, $vSheet = -1]]) ; Parameters ....: $oObj - Calc object opened by a preceding call to _OOoCalc_BookOpen, _OOoCalc_BookNew, or ; _OOoCalc_BookAttach ; $iCol - The index (0-based) of the column to delete ; $iNumColumns - [optional] The number of columns to delete. ; Default is 1. ; $vSheet - [optional] Worksheet, either by index (0-based) or name. ; Default is -1, which would use the active worksheet. ; Return values .: On Success - Returns 1 ; On Failure - Returns 0 and sets @error: ; |@error - 0 ($_OOoCalcStatus_Success) = No Error ; | - 3 ($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType) = Invalid Data Type ; | - 5 ($_OOoCalcStatus_NoMatch) = No Match ; |@extended - Contains Invalid Parameter Number ; Author ........: Andy G, GMK ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: None ; Related .......: _OOoCalc_ColumnInsert ; Link ..........: http://www.openoffice.org/api/docs/common/ref/com/sun/star/table/XTableColumns.html#removeByIndex ; Example .......: No ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _OOoCalc_ColumnDelete(ByRef $oObj, $iCol, $iNumColumns = 1, $vSheet = -1) Local $oOOoCalc_COM_ErrorHandler = ObjEvent("AutoIt.Error", __OOoCalc_ComErrorHandler_InternalFunction) #forceref $oOOoCalc_COM_ErrorHandler If Not IsObj($oObj) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 1, 0) If Not IsInt($iCol) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 2, 0) If Not IsInt($iNumColumns) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 3, 0) If Not IsInt($vSheet) And Not IsString($vSheet) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 4, 0) If $vSheet > -1 And Not __OOoCalc_WorksheetIsValid($oObj, $vSheet) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_NoMatch, 4, 0) Local $oSheet = __OOoCalc_GetSheet($oObj, $vSheet) If Not IsObj($oSheet) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_GeneralError, 0, 0) If $iCol < 0 Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidValue, 2, 0) $oSheet.getColumns.removeByIndex($iCol, $iNumColumns) Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_Success, 0, 1) EndFunc ;==>_OOoCalc_ColumnDelete ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _OOoCalc_RowInsert ; Description ...: Insert a number of rows from the specified worksheet. ; Syntax ........: _OOoCalc_RowInsert(ByRef $oObj, $iRow[, $iNumRows = 1[, $vSheet = -1]]) ; Parameters ....: $oObj - Calc object opened by a preceding call to _OOoCalc_BookOpen, _OOoCalc_BookNew, or ; _OOoCalc_BookAttach ; $iRow - The index (0-based) of the row to insert ; $iNumRows - [optional] The number of rows to insert. ; Default is 1. ; $vSheet - [optional] Worksheet, either by index (0-based) or name. ; Default is -1, which would use the active worksheet. ; Return values .: On Success - Returns 1 ; On Failure - Returns 0 and sets @error: ; |@error - 0 ($_OOoCalcStatus_Success) = No Error ; | - 3 ($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType) = Invalid Data Type ; | - 5 ($_OOoCalcStatus_NoMatch) = No Match ; |@extended - Contains Invalid Parameter Number ; Author ........: Andy G, GMK, mLipok ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: None ; Related .......: _OOoCalc_RowInsert ; Link ..........: http://www.openoffice.org/api/docs/common/ref/com/sun/star/table/XTableRows.html#removeByIndex ; Example .......: No ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _OOoCalc_RowInsert(ByRef $oObj, $iRow, $iNumRows = 1, $vSheet = -1) Local $oOOoCalc_COM_ErrorHandler = ObjEvent("AutoIt.Error", __OOoCalc_ComErrorHandler_InternalFunction) #forceref $oOOoCalc_COM_ErrorHandler If Not IsObj($oObj) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 1, 0) If Not IsInt($iRow) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 2, 0) If Not IsInt($iNumRows) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 3, 0) If Not IsInt($vSheet) And Not IsString($vSheet) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 4, 0) If $vSheet > -1 And Not __OOoCalc_WorksheetIsValid($oObj, $vSheet) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_NoMatch, 4, 0) Local $oSheet = __OOoCalc_GetSheet($oObj, $vSheet) If Not IsObj($oSheet) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_GeneralError, 0, 0) If $iRow < 0 Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidValue, 2, 0) $oSheet.getRows.insertByIndex($iRow, $iNumRows) Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_Success, 0, 1) EndFunc ;==>_OOoCalc_RowInsert ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _OOoCalc_ColumnInsert ; Description ...: Insert a number of Columns from the specified worksheet. ; Syntax ........: _OOoCalc_ColumnInsert(ByRef $oObj, $iCol[, $iNumColumns = 1[, $vSheet = -1]]) ; Parameters ....: $oObj - Calc object opened by a preceding call to _OOoCalc_BookOpen, _OOoCalc_BookNew, or ; _OOoCalc_BookAttach ; $iCol - The index (0-based) of the column to insert ; $iNumColumns - [optional] The number of Columns to insert. ; Default is 1. ; $vSheet - [optional] Worksheet, either by index (0-based) or name. ; Default is -1, which would use the active worksheet. ; Return values .: On Success - Returns 1 ; On Failure - Returns 0 and sets @error: ; |@error - 0 ($_OOoCalcStatus_Success) = No Error ; | - 3 ($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType) = Invalid Data Type ; | - 5 ($_OOoCalcStatus_NoMatch) = No Match ; |@extended - Contains Invalid Parameter Number ; Author ........: Andy G, GMK, mLipok ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: None ; Related .......: _OOoCalc_ColumnInsert ; Link ..........: http://www.openoffice.org/api/docs/common/ref/com/sun/star/table/XTableColumns.html#removeByIndex ; Example .......: No ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _OOoCalc_ColumnInsert(ByRef $oObj, $iCol, $iNumColumns = 1, $vSheet = -1) Local $oOOoCalc_COM_ErrorHandler = ObjEvent("AutoIt.Error", __OOoCalc_ComErrorHandler_InternalFunction) #forceref $oOOoCalc_COM_ErrorHandler If Not IsObj($oObj) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 1, 0) If Not IsInt($iCol) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 2, 0) If Not IsInt($iNumColumns) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 3, 0) If Not IsInt($vSheet) And Not IsString($vSheet) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 4, 0) If $vSheet > -1 And Not __OOoCalc_WorksheetIsValid($oObj, $vSheet) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_NoMatch, 4, 0) Local $oSheet = __OOoCalc_GetSheet($oObj, $vSheet) If Not IsObj($oSheet) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_GeneralError, 0, 0) If $iCol < 0 Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidValue, 2, 0) $oSheet.getColumns.insertByIndex($iCol, $iNumColumns) Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_Success, 0, 1) EndFunc ;==>_OOoCalc_ColumnInsert ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _OOoCalc_SheetAddNew ; Description ...: Add new sheet to workbook - optionally with a name. ; Syntax ........: _OOoCalc_SheetAddNew(ByRef $oObj[, $sName = ''[, $iPos = '']]) ; Parameters ....: $oObj - Calc object opened by a preceding call to _OOoCalc_BookOpen, _OOoCalc_BookNew, or ; _OOoCalc_BookAttach ; $sSheet - [optional] Name of the sheet to be added. ; Default is ''. ; $iPos - [optional] Number position (0-based index) of the sheet to be added. ; Default is -1, which will put the sheet at the end. ; Return values .: On Success - Returns 1 ; On Failure - Returns 0 and sets @error: ; |@error - 0 ($_OOoCalcStatus_Success) = No Error ; | - 3 ($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType) = Invalid Data Type ; | - 4 ($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidValue) = Invalid Value ; |@extended - Contains Invalid Parameter Number ; Author ........: Andy G, GMK, mLipok ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: If no name is specified, a generic name is provided, such as 'Sheet4' ; Related .......: _OOoCalc_SheetDelete ; Link ..........: http://www.openoffice.org/api/docs/common/ref/com/sun/star/container/XNameContainer.html#insertByName ; Example .......: No ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _OOoCalc_SheetAddNew(ByRef $oObj, $sSheet = '', $iPos = -1) Local $oOOoCalc_COM_ErrorHandler = ObjEvent("AutoIt.Error", __OOoCalc_ComErrorHandler_InternalFunction) #forceref $oOOoCalc_COM_ErrorHandler If Not IsObj($oObj) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 1, 0) If Not IsString($sSheet) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 2, 0) If Not IsInt($iPos) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 3, 0) Local $iCount = $oObj.GetSheets.count If $sSheet = '' Then $sSheet = 'Sheet' & $iCount + 1 If $iPos < 0 Then $iPos = $iCount Local $oSheets = $oObj.getSheets.createEnumeration If Not IsObj($oSheets) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_GeneralError, 0, 0) Local $bFlag = False, $oElement While $oSheets.hasMoreElements $oElement = $oSheets.nextElement If $oElement.Name = $sSheet Then $bFlag = True ExitLoop EndIf WEnd If $bFlag Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidValue, 2, 0) $oObj.Sheets.insertNewByName($sSheet, $iPos) Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_Success, 0, 1) EndFunc ;==>_OOoCalc_SheetAddNew ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _OOoCalc_SheetDelete ; Description ...: Delete the specified sheet by string name or by index. ; Syntax ........: _OOoCalc_SheetDelete(ByRef $oObj, $vSheet) ; Parameters ....: $oObj - Calc object opened by a preceding call to _OOoCalc_BookOpen, _OOoCalc_BookNew, or ; _OOoCalc_BookAttach ; $vSheet - Worksheet by index (0-based) or name ; Return values .: On Success - Returns 1 ; On Failure - Returns 0 and sets @error: ; |@error - 0 ($_OOoCalcStatus_Success) = No Error ; | - 3 ($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType) = Invalid Data Type ; | - 5 ($_OOoCalcStatus_NoMatch) = No Match ; |@extended - Contains Invalid Parameter Number ; Author ........: GMK ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: None ; Related .......: _OOoCalc_SheetAddNew, _OOoCalc_SheetActivate ; Link ..........: http://www.openoffice.org/api/docs/common/ref/com/sun/star/container/XNameContainer.html#removeByName ; Example .......: No ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _OOoCalc_SheetDelete(ByRef $oObj, $vSheet) Local $oOOoCalc_COM_ErrorHandler = ObjEvent("AutoIt.Error", __OOoCalc_ComErrorHandler_InternalFunction) #forceref $oOOoCalc_COM_ErrorHandler If Not IsObj($oObj) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 1, 0) If Not IsInt($vSheet) And Not IsString($vSheet) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 2, 0) If Not __OOoCalc_WorksheetIsValid($oObj, $vSheet) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_NoMatch, 2, 0) If IsInt($vSheet) Then $vSheet = $oObj.getSheets.getByIndex($vSheet - 1).Name $oObj.getSheets.removeByName($vSheet) Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_Success, 0, 1) EndFunc ;==>_OOoCalc_SheetDelete ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _OOoCalc_SheetNameGet ; Description ...: Return the name of the active sheet. ; Syntax ........: _OOoCalc_SheetNameGet(ByRef $oObj) ; Parameters ....: $oObj - Calc object opened by a preceding call to _OOoCalc_BookOpen, _OOoCalc_BookNew, or ; _OOoCalc_BookAttach ; Return values .: On Success - Returns the name of the active sheet (string) ; On Failure - Returns 0 and sets @error: ; |@error - 0 ($_OOoCalcStatus_Success) = No Error ; | - 3 ($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType) = Invalid Data Type ; Author ........: Andy G ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: None ; Related .......: _OOoCalc_SheetNameSet, _OOoCalc_SheetList ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: No ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _OOoCalc_SheetNameGet(ByRef $oObj) Local $oOOoCalc_COM_ErrorHandler = ObjEvent("AutoIt.Error", __OOoCalc_ComErrorHandler_InternalFunction) #forceref $oOOoCalc_COM_ErrorHandler If Not IsObj($oObj) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 1, 0) Local $sReturn = $oObj.CurrentController.ActiveSheet.name Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_Success, 0, $sReturn) EndFunc ;==>_OOoCalc_SheetNameGet ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _OOoCalc_SheetNameSet ; Description ...: Set the name of the active sheet. ; Syntax ........: _OOoCalc_SheetNameSet(ByRef $oObj, $sSheetName) ; Parameters ....: $oObj - Calc object opened by a preceding call to _OOoCalc_BookOpen, _OOoCalc_BookNew, or ; _OOoCalc_BookAttach ; $sSheetName - Sheet name ; Return values .: On Success - Returns the name of the active sheet (string) ; On Failure - Returns 0 and sets @error: ; |@error - 0 ($_OOoCalcStatus_Success) = No Error ; | - 3 ($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType) = Invalid Data Type ; |@extended - Contains Invalid Parameter Number ; Author ........: Andy G ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: None ; Related .......: _OOoCalc_SheetNameGet, _OOoCalc_SheetList ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: No ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _OOoCalc_SheetNameSet(ByRef $oObj, $sSheetName) Local $oOOoCalc_COM_ErrorHandler = ObjEvent("AutoIt.Error", __OOoCalc_ComErrorHandler_InternalFunction) #forceref $oOOoCalc_COM_ErrorHandler If Not IsObj($oObj) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 1, 0) If Not IsString($sSheetName) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 2, 0) $oObj.CurrentController.ActiveSheet.name = $sSheetName SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_Success, 0, 1) EndFunc ;==>_OOoCalc_SheetNameSet ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _OOoCalc_SheetList ; Description ...: Returns a list of all sheets in workbook, by name, as an array. ; Syntax ........: _OOoCalc_SheetList(ByRef $oObj) ; Parameters ....: $oObj - Calc object opened by a preceding call to _OOoCalc_BookOpen, _OOoCalc_BookNew, or ; _OOoCalc_BookAttach ; Return values .: On Success - Returns an array of the sheet names in the workbook with the first entry of the array indicating ; the array size ; On Failure - Returns 0 and sets @error: ; |@error - 0 ($_OOoCalcStatus_Success) = No Error ; | - 3 ($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType) = Invalid Data Type ; Author ........: Leagnus, Kris, GMK ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: None ; Related .......: None ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: No ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _OOoCalc_SheetList(ByRef $oObj) Local $oOOoCalc_COM_ErrorHandler = ObjEvent("AutoIt.Error", __OOoCalc_ComErrorHandler_InternalFunction) #forceref $oOOoCalc_COM_ErrorHandler If Not IsObj($oObj) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 1, 0) Local $asReturn[1] = [$oObj.getSheets.count] Local $asWorksheets = $oObj.getSheets.ElementNames Local $iSheets = UBound($asWorksheets) ReDim $asReturn[$iSheets + 1] Local $iLastRow = UBound($asReturn) - 1 For $iRow = 1 To $iLastRow $asReturn[$iRow] = $asWorksheets[$iRow - 1] Next Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_Success, 0, $asReturn) EndFunc ;==>_OOoCalc_SheetList ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _OOoCalc_SheetActivate ; Description ...: Activate the specified sheet by string name ; Syntax ........: _OOoCalc_SheetActivate(ByRef $oObj, $vSheet) ; Parameters ....: $oObj - Calc object opened by a preceding call to _OOoCalc_BookOpen, _OOoCalc_BookNew, or ; _OOoCalc_BookAttach ; $vSheet - Worksheet, either by index (0-based) or name ; Return values .: On Success - Returns 1 ; On Failure - Returns 0 and sets @error: ; |@error - 0 ($_OOoCalcStatus_Success) = No Error ; | - 3 ($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType) = Invalid Data Type ; | - 5 ($_OOoCalcStatus_NoMatch) = No Match ; |@extended - Contains Invalid Parameter Number ; Author ........: Leagnus, Kris, GMK ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: Made the selection procedure more elegant (nothing gets selected). This function is only for visual aid for ; user and is useless for other funcs: _OOoCalc_FindInRange, _OOoCalc_ReadCell, _OOoCalc_WriteCell, etc. ; Related .......: None ; Link ..........: http://www.openoffice.org/api/docs/common/ref/com/sun/star/sheet/XSpreadsheetView.html#setActiveSheet ; Example .......: No ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _OOoCalc_SheetActivate(ByRef $oObj, $vSheet) Local $oOOoCalc_COM_ErrorHandler = ObjEvent("AutoIt.Error", __OOoCalc_ComErrorHandler_InternalFunction) #forceref $oOOoCalc_COM_ErrorHandler If Not IsObj($oObj) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 1, 0) If Not IsInt($vSheet) And Not IsString($vSheet) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 2, 0) If $vSheet > -1 And Not __OOoCalc_WorksheetIsValid($oObj, $vSheet) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_NoMatch, 2, 0) Local $oSheet = __OOoCalc_GetSheet($oObj, $vSheet) If Not IsObj($oSheet) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_GeneralError, 0, 0) $oObj.getCurrentController.setActiveSheet($oSheet) Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_Success, 0, 1) EndFunc ;==>_OOoCalc_SheetActivate ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _OOoCalc_SheetSetVisibility ; Description ...: Activate the specified sheet by string name ; Syntax ........: _OOoCalc_SheetSetVisibility(ByRef $oObj, $vSheet[, $bVisibility = True]) ; Parameters ....: $oObj - Calc object opened by a preceding call to _OOoCalc_BookOpen, _OOoCalc_BookNew, or ; _OOoCalc_BookAttach ; $vSheet - Worksheet, either by index (0-based) or name ; $iVisibility - Flag for visibility (1 = True or 0 = False). Default is 1. ; Return values .: On Success - Returns 1 ; On Failure - Returns 0 and sets @error: ; |@error - 0 ($_OOoCalcStatus_Success) = No Error ; | - 3 ($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType) = Invalid Data Type ; | - 5 ($_OOoCalcStatus_NoMatch) = No Match ; |@extended - Contains Invalid Parameter Number ; Author ........: GMK ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: None ; Link ..........: None ; Example .......: No ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _OOoCalc_SheetSetVisibility(ByRef $oObj, $vSheet, $iVisibility = 1) Local $oOOoCalc_COM_ErrorHandler = ObjEvent("AutoIt.Error", __OOoCalc_ComErrorHandler_InternalFunction) #forceref $oOOoCalc_COM_ErrorHandler If Not IsObj($oObj) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 1, 0) If Not IsInt($vSheet) And Not IsString($vSheet) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 2, 0) If $vSheet > -1 And Not __OOoCalc_WorksheetIsValid($oObj, $vSheet) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_NoMatch, 2, 0) If Not IsInt($iVisibility) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 3, 0) If $iVisibility <> 0 And $iVisibility <> 1 Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidValue, 3, 0) Local $oSheet = __OOoCalc_GetSheet($oObj, $vSheet) If Not IsObj($oSheet) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_GeneralError, 0, 0) $oSheet.IsVisible = $iVisibility Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_Success, 0, 1) EndFunc ;==>_OOoCalc_SheetSetVisibility ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _OOoCalc_SheetMove ; Description ...: Move the specified sheet before another specified position. ; Syntax ........: _OOoCalc_SheetMove(ByRef $oObj, $sSheet, $iPosition) ; Parameters ....: $oObj - Calc object opened by a preceding call to _OOoCalc_BookOpen, _OOoCalc_BookNew, or ; _OOoCalc_BookAttach ; $iPosition - Position in which to move sheet. ; $vSheet - [optional] Worksheet, either by index (0-based) or name. ; Default is -1, which would use the active worksheet. ; Return values .: On Success - Returns 1 ; On Failure - Returns 0 and sets @error: ; |@error - 0 ($_OOoCalcStatus_Success) = No Error ; | - 3 ($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType) = Invalid Data Type ; | - 5 ($_OOoCalcStatus_NoMatch) = No Match ; |@extended - Contains Invalid Parameter Number ; Author ........: GMK ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: None ; Related .......: _OOoCalc_SheetAddNew, _OOoCalc_SheetDelete, _OOoCalc_SheetNameGet, _OOoCalc_SheetNameSet, _OOoCalc_SheetList, _OOoCalc_SheetActivate ; Link ..........: http://www.openoffice.org/api/docs/common/ref/com/sun/star/sheet/XSpreadsheets.html#moveByName ; Example .......: No ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _OOoCalc_SheetMove(ByRef $oObj, $iPosition, $vSheet = -1) Local $oOOoCalc_COM_ErrorHandler = ObjEvent("AutoIt.Error", __OOoCalc_ComErrorHandler_InternalFunction) #forceref $oOOoCalc_COM_ErrorHandler If Not IsObj($oObj) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 1, 0) If Not IsInt($iPosition) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 2, 0) If Not IsInt($vSheet) And Not IsString($vSheet) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 3, 0) If $vSheet > -1 And Not __OOoCalc_WorksheetIsValid($oObj, $vSheet) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_NoMatch, 3, 0) If IsInt($vSheet) Then $vSheet = ($vSheet < 0) ? (_OOoCalc_SheetNameGet($oObj)) : ($oObj.getSheets.getByIndex($vSheet).name) $oObj.Sheets.moveByName($vSheet, $iPosition) Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_Success, 0, 1) EndFunc ;==>_OOoCalc_SheetMove ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _OOoCalc_SheetPrint ; Description ...: Prints the specified sheet from the specified Calc object. ; Syntax ........: _OOoCalc_SheetPrint(ByRef $oObj, $vSheet[, $sPrinter = ''[, $iCopyCount = 1[, $sFileName = ''[, $bCollate = True[, $vPages = 'ALL'[, $bWait = False[, $iDuplexMode = $OFF]]]]]]]) ; Parameters ....: $oObj - Calc object opened by a preceding call to _OOoCalc_BookOpen, _OOoCalc_BookNew, or ; _OOoCalc_BookAttach. ; $vSheet - [optional] Worksheet, either by index (0-based) or name. ; Default is -1, which would use the active worksheet. ; $sPrinter - [optional] Printer name. If left blank or printer name is not found, default printer is used. ; $iCopyCount - [optional] Specifies the number of copies to print. ; Default is 1. ; $sFileName - [optional] Specifies the name of a file to which to print. ; Default is a blank string. ; $bCollate - [optional] Advises the printer to collate the pages of the copies. ; Default is True. ; $vPages - [optional] Specifies which pages to print. This range is given as at the user interface. ; For example: '1-4;10' to print the pages 1 to 4 and 10. ; Default is 'ALL'. ; $bWait - [optional] If set to True, the corresponding print request will be executed synchronous. ; Default is the asynchronous print mode. ATTENTION: Setting this field to True is ; highly recommended. Otherwhise following actions (as e.g. closing the corresponding ; model) can fail. ; $iDuplexMode - [optional] Determines the duplex mode for the print job. ; 0 ($UNKNOWN) ; 1 ($OFF) [Default] ; 2 ($LONGEDGE) ; 3 ($SHORTEDGE) ; Return values .: On Success - Returns 1 ; On Failure - Returns 0 and sets @error: ; |@error - 0 ($_OOoCalcStatus_Success) = No Error ; | - 3 ($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType) = Invalid Data Type ; | - 4 ($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidValue) = Invalid Value ; | - 5 ($_OOoCalcStatus_NoMatch) = No Match ; |@extended - Contains Invalid Parameter Number ; Author ........: GMK ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: None ; Related .......: None ; Link ..........: http://www.openoffice.org/api/docs/common/ref/com/sun/star/view/XPrintable.html#print ; Example .......: No ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _OOoCalc_SheetPrint(ByRef $oObj, $vSheet = -1, $sPrinter = '', $iCopyCount = 1, $sFileName = '', $bCollate = True, $vPages = 'ALL', $bWait = True, $iDuplexMode = $OFF) Local $oOOoCalc_COM_ErrorHandler = ObjEvent("AutoIt.Error", __OOoCalc_ComErrorHandler_InternalFunction) #forceref $oOOoCalc_COM_ErrorHandler If Not IsObj($oObj) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 1, 0) If Not IsInt($vSheet) And Not IsString($vSheet) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 2, 0) If $vSheet > -1 And Not __OOoCalc_WorksheetIsValid($oObj, $vSheet) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_NoMatch, 2, 0) If Not IsString($sPrinter) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 3, 0) If Not IsInt($iCopyCount) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 4, 0) If Not IsString($sFileName) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 5, 0) If Not IsBool($bCollate) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 6, 0) If Not IsInt($vPages) And Not IsString($vPages) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 7, 0) If Not IsBool($bWait) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 8, 0) If $iDuplexMode < 0 Or $iDuplexMode > 3 Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidValue, 9, 0) Local $sOldSheet = _OOoCalc_SheetNameGet($oObj) _OOoCalc_SheetActivate($oObj, $vSheet) If $sPrinter <> '' Then Local $avSetPrinterOpt[1] = [__OOoCalc_SetPropertyValue('Name', $sPrinter)] $oObj.setPrinter($avSetPrinterOpt) EndIf Local $avPrintOpt[4] = [__OOoCalc_SetPropertyValue('CopyCount', $iCopyCount), _ __OOoCalc_SetPropertyValue('Collate', $bCollate), _ __OOoCalc_SetPropertyValue('Wait', $bWait), _ __OOoCalc_SetPropertyValue('DuplexMode', $iDuplexMode)] If $vPages <> 'ALL' Then ReDim $avPrintOpt[UBound($avPrintOpt) + 1] $avPrintOpt[UBound($avPrintOpt) - 1] = __OOoCalc_SetPropertyValue('Pages', $vPages) EndIf If $sFileName <> '' Then ReDim $avPrintOpt[UBound($avPrintOpt) + 1] $avPrintOpt[UBound($avPrintOpt) - 1] = __OOoCalc_SetPropertyValue('FileName', $sFileName) EndIf $oObj.print($avPrintOpt) _OOoCalc_SheetActivate($oObj, $sOldSheet) Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_Success, 0, 1) EndFunc ;==>_OOoCalc_SheetPrint ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _OOoCalc_HorizontalAlignSet ; Description ...: Set the horizontal alignment of each cell in a range. ; Syntax ........: _OOoCalc_HorizontalAlignSet(ByRef $oObj, $iHorizAlign, $vRangeOrRowStart[, $iColStart = -1[, $iRowEnd = -1[, $iColEnd = -1[, $vSheet = -1]]]]) ; Parameters ....: $oObj - Calc object opened by a preceding call to _OOoCalc_BookOpen, _OOoCalc_BookNew, or ; _OOoCalc_BookAttach ; $iHorizAlign - [optional] Horizontal alignment. ; Default is 1 ($LEFT). ; 0 ($STANDARD) ; 1 ($LEFT) ; 2 ($CENTER) ; 3 ($RIGHT) ; 4 ($BLOCK) ; 5 ($REPEAT) ; $vRangeOrRowStart - Either an A1 range, or index (0-based) of row to set alignment if using RC ; $iColStart - [optional] The index (0-based) of the starting column to set alignment if using RC. ; Default is -1. ; $iRowEnd - [optional] Index (0-based) of ending row to set alignment if using RC. ; Default is -1. ; $iColEnd - [optional] Index (0-based) of ending column to set alignment if using RC. ; Default is -1. ; $vSheet - [optional] Worksheet, either by index (0-based) or name. ; Default is -1, which would use the active worksheet. ; Return values .: On Success - Returns 1 ; On Failure - Returns 0 and sets @error: ; |@error - 0 ($_OOoCalcStatus_Success) = No Error ; | - 3 ($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType) = Invalid Data Type ; | - 4 ($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidValue) = Invalid Value ; | - 5 ($_OOoCalcStatus_NoMatch) = No Match ; |@extended - Contains Invalid Parameter Number ; Author ........: GMK ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: None ; Related .......: None ; Link ..........: http://www.openoffice.org/api/docs/common/ref/com/sun/star/table/CellHoriJustify.html ; Example .......: No ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _OOoCalc_HorizontalAlignSet(ByRef $oObj, $iHorizAlign, $vRangeOrRowStart, $iColStart = -1, $iRowEnd = -1, $iColEnd = -1, $vSheet = -1) Local $oOOoCalc_COM_ErrorHandler = ObjEvent("AutoIt.Error", __OOoCalc_ComErrorHandler_InternalFunction) #forceref $oOOoCalc_COM_ErrorHandler If Not IsObj($oObj) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 1, 0) If Not IsInt($iHorizAlign) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 2, 0) If $iHorizAlign < 0 Or $iHorizAlign > 5 Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidValue, 2, 0) If Not IsInt($vRangeOrRowStart) And Not __OOoCalc_RangeIsValid($vRangeOrRowStart) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidValue, 3, 0) If Not IsInt($iColStart) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 4, 0) If IsInt($vRangeOrRowStart) And $iColStart < 0 Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidValue, 4, 0) If Not IsInt($iRowEnd) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 5, 0) If Not IsInt($iColEnd) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 6, 0) If Not IsInt($vSheet) And Not IsString($vSheet) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 7, 0) If $vSheet > -1 And Not __OOoCalc_WorksheetIsValid($oObj, $vSheet) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_NoMatch, 7, 0) Local $oSheet = __OOoCalc_GetSheet($oObj, $vSheet) If Not IsObj($oSheet) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_GeneralError, 0, 0) Local $oRange = __OOoCalc_GetRange($oSheet, $vRangeOrRowStart, $iColStart, $iRowEnd, $iColEnd) If Not IsObj($oRange) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_GeneralError, 0, 0) $oRange.HoriJustify = $iHorizAlign Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_Success, 0, 1) EndFunc ;==>_OOoCalc_HorizontalAlignSet ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _OOoCalc_FontSetProperties ; Description ...: Set the bold, italic, and underline font properties of a range in a Calc object. ; Syntax ........: _OOoCalc_FontSetProperties(ByRef $oObj, $vRangeOrRowStart[, $iColStart = -1[, $iRowEnd = -1[, $iColEnd = -1[, $vSheet = -1[, $bBold = False[, $bItalic = False[, $bUnderline = False]]]]]]]) ; Parameters ....: $oObj - Calc object opened by a preceding call to _OOoCalc_BookOpen, _OOoCalc_BookNew, or ; _OOoCalc_BookAttach ; $vRangeOrRowStart - Either an A1 range, or index (0-based) of row to set font properties if using RC ; $iColStart - [optional] The column to set font properties if using RC. ; Default is -1. ; $iRowEnd - [optional] Index (0-based) of ending row to set font properties if using RC. ; Default is -1. ; $iColEnd - [optional] Index (0-based) of ending column to set font properties if using RC. ; Default is -1. ; $vSheet - [optional] Worksheet, either by index (0-based) or name. ; Default is -1, which would use the active worksheet. ; $bBold - [optional] Turn Bold on. ; Default is False. ; $bItalic - [optional] Turn Italic on. ; Default is False. ; $bUnderline - [optional] Turn Italic on. ; Default is False. ; Return values .: On Success - Returns 1 ; On Failure - Returns 0 and sets @error: ; |@error - 0 ($_OOoCalcStatus_Success) = No Error ; | - 3 ($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType) = Invalid Data Type ; | - 4 ($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidValue) = Invalid Value ; | - 5 ($_OOoCalcStatus_NoMatch) = No Match ; |@extended - Contains Invalid Parameter Number ; Author ........: GMK ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: None ; Related .......: None ; Link ..........: http://www.openoffice.org/api/docs/common/ref/com/sun/star/style/CharacterProperties.html ; Example .......: No ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _OOoCalc_FontSetProperties(ByRef $oObj, $vRangeOrRowStart, $iColStart = -1, $iRowEnd = -1, $iColEnd = -1, $vSheet = -1, $bBold = False, $bItalic = False, $bUnderline = False) Local $oOOoCalc_COM_ErrorHandler = ObjEvent("AutoIt.Error", __OOoCalc_ComErrorHandler_InternalFunction) #forceref $oOOoCalc_COM_ErrorHandler If Not IsObj($oObj) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 1, 0) If Not IsInt($vRangeOrRowStart) And Not __OOoCalc_RangeIsValid($vRangeOrRowStart) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidValue, 2, 0) If Not IsInt($iColStart) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 3, 0) If IsInt($vRangeOrRowStart) And $iColStart < 0 Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidValue, 3, 0) If Not IsInt($iRowEnd) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 4, 0) If Not IsInt($iColEnd) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 5, 0) If Not IsInt($vSheet) And Not IsString($vSheet) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 6, 0) If $vSheet > -1 And Not __OOoCalc_WorksheetIsValid($oObj, $vSheet) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_NoMatch, 6, 0) If Not IsBool($bBold) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 7, 0) If Not IsBool($bItalic) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 8, 0) If Not IsBool($bUnderline) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 9, 0) Local $oSheet = __OOoCalc_GetSheet($oObj, $vSheet) If Not IsObj($oSheet) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_GeneralError, 0, 0) Local $oRange = __OOoCalc_GetRange($oSheet, $vRangeOrRowStart, $iColStart, $iRowEnd, $iColEnd) If Not IsObj($oRange) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_GeneralError, 0, 0) If $bBold Then $oRange.CharWeight = 150 If $bItalic Then $oRange.CharPosture = 2 If $bUnderline Then $oRange.CharUnderline = 1 Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_Success, 0, 1) EndFunc ;==>_OOoCalc_FontSetProperties ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _OOoCalc_CellSetColors ; Description ...: Set the foreground and background cell colors of a range in a Calc object. ; Syntax ........: _OOoCalc_CellSetColors(ByRef $oObj, $nForeColor, $nBackColor, $vRangeOrRowStart[, $iColStart = -1[, $iRowEnd = -1[, $iColEnd = -1[, $vSheet = -1]]]]) ; Parameters ....: $oObj - Calc object opened by a preceding call to _OOoCalc_BookOpen, _OOoCalc_BookNew, or ; _OOoCalc_BookAttach ; $nForeColor - Cell foreground (font) color ; $nBackColor - Cell (background) color ; $vRangeOrRowStart - Either an A1 range, or index (0-based) of row to set cell colors if using RC ; $iColStart - [optional] The column to set Cell Color if using RC. ; Default is -1. ; $iRowEnd - [optional] Index (0-based) of ending row to set Cell Color if using RC. ; Default is -1. ; $iColEnd - [optional] Index (0-based) of ending column to set Cell Color if using RC. ; Default is -1. ; $vSheet - [optional] Worksheet, either by index (0-based) or name. ; Default is -1, which would use the active worksheet. ; Return values .: On Success - Returns 1 ; On Failure - Returns 0 and sets @error: ; |@error - 0 ($_OOoCalcStatus_Success) = No Error ; | - 3 ($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType) = Invalid Data Type ; | - 4 ($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidValue) = Invalid Value ; | - 5 ($_OOoCalcStatus_NoMatch) = No Match ; |@extended - Contains Invalid Parameter Number ; Author ........: Andy G, GMK ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: None ; Related .......: _OOoCalc_RowSetColors, _OOoCalc_ColSetColors ; Link ..........: http://www.openoffice.org/api/docs/common/ref/com/sun/star/table/CellProperties.html#CellBackColor ; Example .......: No ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _OOoCalc_CellSetColors(ByRef $oObj, $nForeColor, $nBackColor, $vRangeOrRowStart, $iColStart = -1, $iRowEnd = -1, $iColEnd = -1, $vSheet = -1) Local $oOOoCalc_COM_ErrorHandler = ObjEvent("AutoIt.Error", __OOoCalc_ComErrorHandler_InternalFunction) #forceref $oOOoCalc_COM_ErrorHandler If Not IsObj($oObj) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 1, 0) If Not IsNumber($nForeColor) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 2, 0) If Not IsNumber($nBackColor) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 3, 0) If Not IsInt($vRangeOrRowStart) And Not __OOoCalc_RangeIsValid($vRangeOrRowStart) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidValue, 4, 0) If Not IsInt($iColStart) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 5, 0) If IsInt($vRangeOrRowStart) And $iColStart < 0 Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidValue, 5, 0) If Not IsInt($iRowEnd) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 6, 0) If Not IsInt($iColEnd) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 7, 0) If Not IsInt($vSheet) And Not IsString($vSheet) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 8, 0) If $vSheet > -1 And Not __OOoCalc_WorksheetIsValid($oObj, $vSheet) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_NoMatch, 8, 0) Local $oSheet = __OOoCalc_GetSheet($oObj, $vSheet) If Not IsObj($oSheet) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_GeneralError, 0, 0) Local $oRange = __OOoCalc_GetRange($oSheet, $vRangeOrRowStart, $iColStart, $iRowEnd, $iColEnd) If Not IsObj($oRange) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_GeneralError, 0, 0) $oRange.CharColor = $nForeColor $oRange.CellBackColor = $nBackColor Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_Success, 0, 1) EndFunc ;==>_OOoCalc_CellSetColors ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _OOoCalc_RowSetColors ; Description ...: Set the foreground and background cell colors of a range in a Calc object. ; Syntax ........: _OOoCalc_RowSetColors(ByRef $oObj, $nForeColor, $nBackColor, $iRow[, $vSheet = -1]) ; Parameters ....: $oObj - Calc object opened by a preceding call to _OOoCalc_BookOpen, _OOoCalc_BookNew, or ; _OOoCalc_BookAttach ; $nForeColor - Row foreground (font) color ; $nBackColor - Row (background) color ; $iRow - Row in which to set color ; $vSheet - [optional] Worksheet, either by index (0-based) or name. ; Default is -1, which would use the active worksheet. ; Return values .: On Success - Returns 1 ; On Failure - Returns 0 and sets @error: ; |@error - 0 ($_OOoCalcStatus_Success) = No Error ; | - 3 ($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType) = Invalid Data Type ; | - 4 ($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidValue) = Invalid Value ; | - 5 ($_OOoCalcStatus_NoMatch) = No Match ; |@extended - Contains Invalid Parameter Number ; Author ........: Andy G, GMK ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: None ; Related .......: _OOoCalc_CellSetColors, _OOoCalc_ColumnSetColors ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: No ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _OOoCalc_RowSetColors(ByRef $oObj, $nForeColor, $nBackColor, $iRow, $vSheet = -1) ;RRGGBB Local $oOOoCalc_COM_ErrorHandler = ObjEvent("AutoIt.Error", __OOoCalc_ComErrorHandler_InternalFunction) #forceref $oOOoCalc_COM_ErrorHandler If Not IsObj($oObj) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 1, 0) If Not IsNumber($nForeColor) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 2, 0) If Not IsNumber($nBackColor) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 3, 0) If Not IsInt($iRow) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidValue, 4, 0) If Not IsInt($vSheet) And Not IsString($vSheet) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 5, 0) If $vSheet > -1 And Not __OOoCalc_WorksheetIsValid($oObj, $vSheet) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_NoMatch, 5, 0) Local $oSheet = __OOoCalc_GetSheet($oObj, $vSheet) If Not IsObj($oSheet) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_GeneralError, 0, 0) Local $oRowComponent = $oSheet.getRows.getByIndex($iRow) If Not IsObj($oRowComponent) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_GeneralError, 0, 0) $oRowComponent.CharColor = $nForeColor $oRowComponent.CellBackColor = $nBackColor Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_Success, 0, 1) EndFunc ;==>_OOoCalc_RowSetColors ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _OOoCalc_ColumnSetColors ; Description ...: Set the foreground and background cell colors of a range in a Calc object. ; Syntax ........: _OOoCalc_ColumnSetColors(ByRef $oObj, $nForeColor, $nBackColor, $iCol[, $vSheet = -1]) ; Parameters ....: $oObj - Calc object opened by a preceding call to _OOoCalc_BookOpen, _OOoCalc_BookNew, or ; _OOoCalc_BookAttach ; $nForeColor - Column foreground (font) color ; $nBackColor - Column (background) color ; $iCol - Column in which to set color ; $vSheet - [optional] Worksheet, either by index (0-based) or name. ; Default is -1, which would use the active worksheet. ; Return values .: On Success - Returns 1 ; On Failure - Returns 0 and sets @error: ; |@error - 0 ($_OOoCalcStatus_Success) = No Error ; | - 3 ($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType) = Invalid Data Type ; | - 4 ($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidValue) = Invalid Value ; | - 5 ($_OOoCalcStatus_NoMatch) = No Match ; |@extended - Contains Invalid Parameter Number ; Author ........: Andy G, GMK ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: None ; Related .......: _OOoCalc_CellSetColors, _OOoCalc_ColumnSetColors ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: No ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _OOoCalc_ColumnSetColors(ByRef $oObj, $nForeColor, $nBackColor, $iCol, $vSheet = -1) ;RRGGBB Local $oOOoCalc_COM_ErrorHandler = ObjEvent("AutoIt.Error", __OOoCalc_ComErrorHandler_InternalFunction) #forceref $oOOoCalc_COM_ErrorHandler If Not IsObj($oObj) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 1, 0) If Not IsNumber($nForeColor) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 2, 0) If Not IsNumber($nBackColor) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 3, 0) If Not IsInt($iCol) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidValue, 4, 0) If Not IsInt($vSheet) And Not IsString($vSheet) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 5, 0) If $vSheet > -1 And Not __OOoCalc_WorksheetIsValid($oObj, $vSheet) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_NoMatch, 5, 0) Local $oSheet = __OOoCalc_GetSheet($oObj, $vSheet) If Not IsObj($oSheet) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_GeneralError, 0, 0) Local $oColumnComponent = $oSheet.getColumns.getByIndex($iCol) If Not IsObj($oColumnComponent) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_GeneralError, 0, 0) $oColumnComponent.CharColor = $nForeColor $oColumnComponent.CellBackColor = $nBackColor Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_Success, 0, 1) EndFunc ;==>_OOoCalc_ColumnSetColors ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _OOoCalc_RowSetProperties ; Description ...: Set row properties, including optimal height (autosize), visibility (hidden or shown) and new page (page break). ; Syntax ........: _OOoCalc_RowSetProperties(ByRef $oObj, $iRow, $nHeight[, $bOptHeight = True[, $bVisible = True[, $bNewPage = False[, $vSheet = -1]]]]) ; Parameters ....: $oObj - Calc object opened by a preceding call to _OOoCalc_BookOpen, _OOoCalc_BookNew, or ; _OOoCalc_BookAttach ; $iRow - Row in which to set properties ; $nHeight - Row height, in 100ths mm ; $bOptHeight - [optional] Set optimal height (autosize). ; Default is True. ; $bVisible - [optional] Set row to visible (unhidden). ; Default is True. ; $bNewPage - [optional] Start new page on row (page break). ; Default is False. ; $vSheet - [optional] Worksheet, either by index (0-based) or name. ; Default is -1, which would use the active worksheet. ; Return values .: On Success - Returns 1 ; On Failure - Returns 0 and sets @error: ; |@error - 0 ($_OOoCalcStatus_Success) = No Error ; | - 3 ($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType) = Invalid Data Type ; | - 4 ($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidValue) = Invalid Value ; | - 5 ($_OOoCalcStatus_NoMatch) = No Match ; |@extended - Contains Invalid Parameter Number ; Author ........: Andy G, GMK ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: None ; Related .......: _OOoCalc_ColumnSetProperties ; Link ..........: http://www.openoffice.org/api/docs/common/ref/com/sun/star/table/TableRow.html ; Example .......: No ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _OOoCalc_RowSetProperties(ByRef $oObj, $iRow, $nHeight, $bOptHeight = True, $bVisible = True, $bNewPage = False, $vSheet = -1) Local $oOOoCalc_COM_ErrorHandler = ObjEvent("AutoIt.Error", __OOoCalc_ComErrorHandler_InternalFunction) #forceref $oOOoCalc_COM_ErrorHandler If Not IsObj($oObj) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 1, 0) If Not IsInt($iRow) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 2, 0) If Not IsNumber($nHeight) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 3, 0) If Not IsBool($bOptHeight) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 4, 0) If Not IsBool($bVisible) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 5, 0) If Not IsBool($bNewPage) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 6, 0) If Not IsInt($vSheet) And Not IsString($vSheet) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 7, 0) If $vSheet > -1 And Not __OOoCalc_WorksheetIsValid($oObj, $vSheet) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_NoMatch, 7, 0) Local $oSheet = __OOoCalc_GetSheet($oObj, $vSheet) If Not IsObj($oSheet) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_GeneralError, 0, 0) Local $oRowComponent = $oSheet.getRows.getByIndex($iRow) If Not IsObj($oRowComponent) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_GeneralError, 0, 0) If Not $bOptHeight Then $oRowComponent.Height = $nHeight ;column height (in 100ths of mm) With $oRowComponent .OptimalHeight = Number($bOptHeight) .IsVisible = Number($bVisible) .IsStartOfNewPage = Number($bNewPage) EndWith Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_Success, 0, 1) EndFunc ;==>_OOoCalc_RowSetProperties ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _OOoCalc_ColumnSetProperties ; Description ...: Set Col properties, including optimal Width (autosize), visibility (hidden or shown) and new page (page break). ; Syntax ........: _OOoCalc_ColumnSetProperties(ByRef $oObj, $iCol, $nWidth[, $bOptWidth = True[, $bVisible = True[, $bNewPage = False[, $vSheet = -1]]]]) ; Parameters ....: $oObj - Calc object opened by a preceding call to _OOoCalc_BookOpen, _OOoCalc_BookNew, or ; _OOoCalc_BookAttach ; $iCol - Col in which to set properties ; $nWidth - Col width, in 1/100 mm ; $bOptWidth - [optional] Set optimal Width (autosize). ; Default is True ; $bVisible - [optional] Set Col to visible (unhidden). ; Default is True. ; $bNewPage - [optional] Start new page on Col (page break). ; Default is False. ; $vSheet - [optional] Worksheet, either by index (0-based) or name. ; Default is -1, which would use the active worksheet. ; Return values .: On Success - Returns 1 ; On Failure - Returns 0 and sets @error: ; |@error - 0 ($_OOoCalcStatus_Success) = No Error ; | - 3 ($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType) = Invalid Data Type ; | - 4 ($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidValue) = Invalid Value ; | - 5 ($_OOoCalcStatus_NoMatch) = No Match ; |@extended - Contains Invalid Parameter Number ; Author ........: Andy G, GMK ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: None ; Related .......: _OOoCalc_RowSetProperties ; Link ..........: http://www.openoffice.org/api/docs/common/ref/com/sun/star/table/TableCol.html ; Example .......: No ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _OOoCalc_ColumnSetProperties(ByRef $oObj, $iCol, $nWidth, $bOptWidth = True, $bVisible = True, $bNewPage = False, $vSheet = -1) Local $oOOoCalc_COM_ErrorHandler = ObjEvent("AutoIt.Error", __OOoCalc_ComErrorHandler_InternalFunction) #forceref $oOOoCalc_COM_ErrorHandler If Not IsObj($oObj) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 1, 0) If Not IsInt($iCol) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 2, 0) If Not IsNumber($nWidth) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 3, 0) If Not IsBool($bOptWidth) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 4, 0) If Not IsBool($bVisible) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 5, 0) If Not IsBool($bNewPage) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 6, 0) If Not IsInt($vSheet) And Not IsString($vSheet) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 7, 0) If $vSheet > -1 And Not __OOoCalc_WorksheetIsValid($oObj, $vSheet) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_NoMatch, 7, 0) Local $oSheet = __OOoCalc_GetSheet($oObj, $vSheet) If Not IsObj($oSheet) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_GeneralError, 0, 0) Local $oColComponent = $oSheet.getColumns.getByIndex($iCol) If Not IsObj($oColComponent) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_GeneralError, 0, 0) If IsNumber($nWidth) And Not $bOptWidth Then $oColComponent.Width = $nWidth ;column Width (in 100ths of mm) With $oColComponent .OptimalWidth = Number($bOptWidth) .IsVisible = Number($bVisible) .IsStartOfNewPage = Number($bNewPage) EndWith Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_Success, 0, 1) EndFunc ;==>_OOoCalc_ColumnSetProperties ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _OOoCalc_FindInRange ; Description ...: Finds all instances of a string in a range and returns their addresses as a two-dimensional array. ; Syntax ........: _OOoCalc_FindInRange(ByRef $oObj, $sString[, $vRangeOrRowStart = -1[, $iColStart = -1[, $iRowEnd = -1[, $iColEnd = -1[, $vSheet = -1[, $bWholeWord = False[, $bMatchCase = False[, $bRegExp = False]]]]]]]]) ; Parameters ....: $oObj - Calc object opened by a preceding call to _OOoCalc_BookOpen, _OOoCalc_BookNew, or ; _OOoCalc_BookAttach ; $sString - The string for which to search ; $vRangeOrRowStart - [optional] Either an A1 range, or index (0-based) of row to search if using RC. If ; default value of -1 is used, the used range will be used. ; $iColStart - [optional] The column to search if using RC. ; Default is -1. ; $iRowEnd - [optional] Index (0-based) of ending row to search if using RC. ; Default is -1. ; $iColEnd - [optional] Index (0-based) of ending column to search if using RC. ; Default is -1. ; $vSheet - [optional] Worksheet, either by index (0-based) or name. ; Default is -1, which would use the activevworksheet. ; $bWholeWord - [optional] If True, only complete words will be found. If False, partial match is possible. ; Default is False. ; $bMatchCase - [optional] Specify whether case should match in search (True or False). ; Default is False. ; $bRegExp - [optional] If True, the search string is evaluated as a regular expression. ; Return values .: On Success - Returns a two dimensional array with addresses of matching cells. If no matches found, returns null string. ; | UBound($avArray) - The number of found cells ; | $avArray[x][0] - The address of found cell ; | $avArray[x][1] - The index of the row of found cell (0-based) ; | $avArray[x][2] - The index of the column of found cell (0-based) ; | $avArray[x][3] - The value of found cell ; On Failure - Returns 0 and sets @error: ; |@error - 0 ($_OOoCalcStatus_Success) = No Error ; | - 1 ($_OOoCalcStatus_GeneralError) = General Error ; | - 3 ($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType) = Invalid Data Type ; | - 4 ($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidValue) = Invalid Value ; | - 5 ($_OOoCalcStatus_NoMatch) = No Match ; |@extended - Contains Invalid Parameter Number ; Author ........: Leagnus, GMK ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: None ; Related .......: None ; Link ..........: http://www.openoffice.org/api/docs/common/ref/com/sun/star/util/SearchDescriptor.html ; Example .......: No ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _OOoCalc_FindInRange(ByRef $oObj, $sString, $vRangeOrRowStart = -1, $iColStart = -1, $iRowEnd = -1, $iColEnd = -1, $vSheet = -1, $bWholeWord = False, $bMatchCase = False, $bRegExp = False) Local $oOOoCalc_COM_ErrorHandler = ObjEvent("AutoIt.Error", __OOoCalc_ComErrorHandler_InternalFunction) #forceref $oOOoCalc_COM_ErrorHandler Local Enum $eAddress, $eRow, $eColumn, $eString If Not IsObj($oObj) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 1, 0) If Not IsString($sString) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 2, 0) If Not IsInt($vRangeOrRowStart) And Not __OOoCalc_RangeIsValid($vRangeOrRowStart) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidValue, 3, 0) If Not IsInt($iColStart) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 4, 0) If $vRangeOrRowStart > -1 And IsInt($vRangeOrRowStart) And $iColStart < 0 Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidValue, 4, 0) If Not IsInt($iRowEnd) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 5, 0) If Not IsInt($iColEnd) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 6, 0) If Not IsInt($vSheet) And Not IsString($vSheet) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 7, 0) If $vSheet > -1 And Not __OOoCalc_WorksheetIsValid($oObj, $vSheet) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_NoMatch, 7, 0) If Not IsBool($bWholeWord) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 8, 0) If Not IsBool($bMatchCase) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 9, 0) If Not IsBool($bRegExp) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 10, 0) Local $oSheet = __OOoCalc_GetSheet($oObj, $vSheet) If Not IsObj($oSheet) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_GeneralError, 0, 0) Local $oRange = __OOoCalc_GetRange($oSheet, $vRangeOrRowStart, $iColStart, $iRowEnd, $iColEnd) If Not IsObj($oRange) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_GeneralError, 0, 0) Local $iCount = 0 ; row index starts with 0 ; Create a descriptor from a searchable document: Local $oSearchDescriptor = $oRange.createSearchDescriptor If Not IsObj($oSearchDescriptor) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_GeneralError, 0, 0) ; Set the text for which to search and other ; http://api.openoffice.org/docs/common/ref/com/sun/star/util/SearchDescriptor.html With $oSearchDescriptor .SearchString = $sString ; SearchWords forces the entire cell to contain only the search string: .SearchWords = $bWholeWord .SearchCaseSensitive = $bMatchCase .SearchRegularExpression = $bRegExp EndWith Local $avReturn[$iCount + 1][4] ; 1 row 4 columns ; Find the first one: Local $oCell = $oSheet.findFirst($oSearchDescriptor) If Not IsObj($oCell) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_GeneralError, 0, 0) $avReturn[0][$eAddress] = __OOoCalc_CellRCToA1($oCell.CellAddress.Row, $oCell.CellAddress.Column) $avReturn[0][$eRow] = $oCell.CellAddress.Row $avReturn[0][$eColumn] = $oCell.CellAddress.Column $avReturn[0][$eString] = $oCell.getString ; Find all next instances: While IsObj($oCell) $oCell = $oSheet.findNext($oCell, $oSearchDescriptor) If IsObj($oCell) Then $iCount += 1 ReDim $avReturn[$iCount + 1][3] ; +1 because ReDim starts not with 0 like indices $avReturn[0][$eAddress] = __OOoCalc_CellRCToA1($oCell.CellAddress.Row, $oCell.CellAddress.Column) $avReturn[0][$eRow] = $oCell.CellAddress.Row $avReturn[0][$eColumn] = $oCell.CellAddress.Column $avReturn[0][$eString] = $oCell.getString EndIf WEnd Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_Success, 0, $avReturn) EndFunc ;==>_OOoCalc_FindInRange ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _OOoCalc_ReplaceInRange ; Description ...: Finds all instances of a string in a range and replace them with the replace string. ; Syntax ........: _OOoCalc_ReplaceInRange(ByRef $oObj, $sSearchString, $sReplaceString[, $vRangeOrRowStart = -1[, $iColStart = -1[, $iRowEnd = -1[, $iColEnd = -1[, $vSheet = -1[, $bWholeWord = False[, $bMatchCase = False[, $bRegExp = False]]]]]]]]) ; Parameters ....: $oObj - Calc object opened by a preceding call to _OOoCalc_BookOpen, _OOoCalc_BookNew, or ; _OOoCalc_BookAttach ; $sSearchString - Search string. ; $sReplaceString - Replacement string. ; $vSheet - [optional] Worksheet, either by index (0-based) or name. ; Default is -1, which would use the active worksheet. ; $vRangeOrRowStart - [optional] Either an A1 range, or index (0-based) of row to search if using RC. If ; default value of -1 is used, the used range will be used. ; $iColStart - [optional] The column to search if using RC. ; Default is -1. ; $iRowEnd - [optional] Index (0-based) of ending row to search if using RC. ; Default is -1. ; $iColEnd - [optional] Index (0-based) of ending column to search if using RC. ; Default is -1. ; $bWholeWord - [optional] Match whole word. ; Default is False. ; $bMatchCase - [optional] Match case. ; Default is False. ; $bRegExp - [optional] Use regular expression. ; Default is False. ; Return values .: On Success - Returns 1 ; On Failure - Returns 0 and sets @error: ; |@error - 0 ($_OOoCalcStatus_Success) = No Error ; | - 3 ($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType) = Invalid Data Type ; | - 4 ($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidValue) = Invalid Value ; | - 5 ($_OOoCalcStatus_NoMatch) = No Match ; |@extended - Contains Invalid Parameter Number ; Author ........: GMK ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: None ; Related .......: _OOoCalc_FindInRange ; Link ..........: http://www.openoffice.org/api/docs/common/ref/com/sun/star/util/XReplaceable.html ; Example .......: No ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _OOoCalc_ReplaceInRange(ByRef $oObj, $sSearchString, $sReplaceString, $vRangeOrRowStart = -1, $iColStart = -1, $iRowEnd = -1, $iColEnd = -1, $vSheet = -1, $bWholeWord = False, $bMatchCase = False, $bRegExp = False) Local $oOOoCalc_COM_ErrorHandler = ObjEvent("AutoIt.Error", __OOoCalc_ComErrorHandler_InternalFunction) #forceref $oOOoCalc_COM_ErrorHandler If Not IsObj($oObj) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 1, 0) If Not IsString($sSearchString) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 2, 0) If Not IsString($sReplaceString) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 3, 0) If Not IsInt($vRangeOrRowStart) And Not __OOoCalc_RangeIsValid($vRangeOrRowStart) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidValue, 4, 0) If Not IsInt($iColStart) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 5, 0) If IsInt($vRangeOrRowStart) And $vRangeOrRowStart > -1 And $iColStart < 0 Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidValue, 5, 0) If Not IsInt($iRowEnd) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 6, 0) If Not IsInt($iColEnd) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 7, 0) If Not IsInt($vSheet) And Not IsString($vSheet) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 8, 0) If $vSheet > -1 And Not __OOoCalc_WorksheetIsValid($oObj, $vSheet) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_NoMatch, 8, 0) If Not IsBool($bWholeWord) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 9, 0) If Not IsBool($bMatchCase) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 10, 0) If Not IsBool($bRegExp) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 11, 0) Local $oSheet = __OOoCalc_GetSheet($oObj, $vSheet) If Not IsObj($oSheet) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_GeneralError, 0, 0) Local $oRange = __OOoCalc_GetRange($oSheet, $vRangeOrRowStart, $iColStart, $iRowEnd, $iColEnd) If Not IsObj($oRange) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_GeneralError, 0, 0) Local $oReplaceDescriptor = $oRange.createReplaceDescriptor If Not IsObj($oReplaceDescriptor) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_GeneralError, 0, 0) With $oReplaceDescriptor .SearchString = $sSearchString .ReplaceString = $sReplaceString .SearchWords = $bWholeWord .SearchCaseSensitive = $bMatchCase .SearchRegularExpression = $bRegExp EndWith $oRange.ReplaceAll($oReplaceDescriptor) Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_Success, 0, 1) EndFunc ;==>_OOoCalc_ReplaceInRange ; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY# =========================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: __OOoCalc_CellA1ToRC ; Description ...: Extracts 0-based index of row and column from given cell address ; Syntax ........: __OOoCalc_CellA1ToRC($sCellName) ; Parameters ....: $sCellName - A string value. ; Return values .: An array containing the row and column (0-based index) of the given cell address ; |[0] = Row (0-based index) ; |[1] = Column (0-based index) ; Author ........: Leagnus, GMK ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: ; =============================================================================================================================== Func __OOoCalc_CellA1ToRC($sCellName) Local $aiReturn[2] $sCellName = StringUpper($sCellName) Local $aiRow = StringRegExp($sCellName, '\d+', 1) $aiReturn[0] = $aiRow[0] - 1 Local $asColumn = StringRegExp($sCellName, '[[:alpha:]]{0,2}', 1) Local $iColumn = (Asc(StringMid($asColumn[0], 1, 1)) - 65) If StringLen($asColumn[0]) = 2 Then $iColumn = (($iColumn + 1) * 26) + (Asc(StringMid($asColumn[0], 2, 1)) - 65) $aiReturn[1] = $iColumn Return $aiReturn EndFunc ;==>__OOoCalc_CellA1ToRC ; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY# =========================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: __OOoCalc_CellRCToA1 ; Description ...: Convert row and column to cell address ; Syntax ........: __OOoCalc_CellRCToA1($iRow, $iCol) ; Parameters ....: $iRow - Index (0-based) of row ; $iCol - Index (0-based) of column ; Return values .: Address of cell ; Author ........: Leagnus ; Modified ......: GMK, mLipok ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: ; =============================================================================================================================== Func __OOoCalc_CellRCToA1($iRow, $iCol) Local $iQuotient = Int($iCol / 26) Local $iRemainder = Mod($iCol, 26) Local $sChar = Chr(65 + $iRemainder) If $iQuotient <> 0 Then $sChar = Chr(65 + $iQuotient) & $sChar Return $sChar & String($iRow + 1) EndFunc ;==>__OOoCalc_CellRCToA1 ; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY# =========================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: __OOoCalc_CreateBorderLine ; Description ...: Create a border line for use in _OOoCalc_CreateBorders ; Syntax ........: __OOoCalc_CreateBorderLine($nLineWidth[, $bDouble = False]) ; Parameters ....: $nLineWidth - Line width in 1/100 mm ; $bDouble - [optional] Double line. Default is False. ; Return values .: Returns border line object ; Author ........: GMK ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: ; =============================================================================================================================== Func __OOoCalc_CreateBorderLine($nLineWidth, $bDouble = False) Local $oOOoCalc_COM_ErrorHandler = ObjEvent("AutoIt.Error", __OOoCalc_ComErrorHandler_InternalFunction) #forceref $oOOoCalc_COM_ErrorHandler If Not IsNumber($nLineWidth) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 1, 0) If Not IsBool($bDouble) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 2, 0) Local $oSM = ObjCreate("com.sun.star.ServiceManager") If Not IsObj($oSM) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_GeneralError, 0, 0) Local $oReturn = $oSM.Bridge_GetStruct('com.sun.star.table.BorderLine') If Not IsObj($oReturn) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_GeneralError, 0, 0) $oReturn.OuterLineWidth = $nLineWidth If $bDouble Then $oReturn.LineDistance = $nLineWidth $oReturn.InnerLineWidth = $nLineWidth Else $oReturn.InnerLineWidth = 0 EndIf Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_Success, 0, $oReturn) EndFunc ;==>__OOoCalc_CreateBorderLine ; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY# =========================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: __OOoCalc_FileToURL ; Description ...: Convert filename to URL ; Syntax ........: __OOoCalc_FileToURL($sFileName) ; Parameters ....: $sFileName - Full path of file name ; Return values .: URL of the filename ; Author ........: Leagnus, GMK ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: ; =============================================================================================================================== Func __OOoCalc_FileToURL($sFileName) If Not IsString($sFileName) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 1, 0) $sFileName = StringReplace($sFileName, ':', '|') $sFileName = StringReplace($sFileName, ' ', '%20') Local $sReturn = 'file:///' & StringReplace($sFileName, '\', '/') Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_Success, 0, $sReturn) EndFunc ;==>__OOoCalc_FileToURL ; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY# =========================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: __OOoCalc_GetCell ; Description ...: Get cell object from given sheet and address or row and column ; Syntax ........: __OOoCalc_GetCell(ByRef $oSheet, $vRangeOrRow[, $iCol = -1]) ; Parameters ....: $oSheet - Object returned by __OOoCalc_GetSheet ; $vRangeOrRow - Either an A1 range, or index (0-based) of row of cell if using RC. ; $iCol - [optional] Index (0-based) of column of cell if using RC. Default is -1. ; Return values .: Returns a cell object ; Author ........: GMK ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: ; =============================================================================================================================== Func __OOoCalc_GetCell(ByRef $oSheet, $vRangeOrRow, $iCol = -1) Local $oOOoCalc_COM_ErrorHandler = ObjEvent("AutoIt.Error", __OOoCalc_ComErrorHandler_InternalFunction) #forceref $oOOoCalc_COM_ErrorHandler If Not IsObj($oSheet) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 1, 0) If Not IsString($vRangeOrRow) And Not IsInt($vRangeOrRow) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 2, 0) If IsString($vRangeOrRow) And Not __OOoCalc_RangeIsValid($vRangeOrRow) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidValue, 2, 0) If Not IsInt($iCol) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 3, 0) Local $oReturn Select Case IsString($vRangeOrRow) $oReturn = $oSheet.getCellRangeByName($vRangeOrRow) Case IsInt($vRangeOrRow) $oReturn = $oSheet.getCellByPosition($iCol, $vRangeOrRow) EndSelect If Not IsObj($oReturn) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_GeneralError, 0, 0) Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_Success, 0, $oReturn) EndFunc ;==>__OOoCalc_GetCell ; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY# =========================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: __OOoCalc_GetRange ; Description ...: Get range object from given sheet and address range or rows and columns ; Syntax ........: __OOoCalc_GetRange(ByRef $oSheet, $vRangeOrRowStart[, $iColStart = -1[, $iRowEnd = -1[, $iColEnd = -1]]]) ; Parameters ....: $oSheet - Object returned by __OOoCalc_GetSheet ; $vRangeOrRowStart - Either an A1 range, or index (0-based) of starting row of range if using RC. ; A value of -1 will return the used range. ; $iColStart - [optional] The index (0-based) of the starting column of range if using RC. ; Default is -1. ; $iRowEnd - [optional] Index (0-based) of ending row of range if using RC. ; Default is -1. ; $iColEnd - [optional] Index (0-based) of ending column of range if using RC. ; Default is -1. ; Return values .: Returns a range object ; Author ........: GMK ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: ; =============================================================================================================================== Func __OOoCalc_GetRange(ByRef $oSheet, $vRangeOrRowStart, $iColStart = -1, $iRowEnd = -1, $iColEnd = -1) Local $oOOoCalc_COM_ErrorHandler = ObjEvent("AutoIt.Error", __OOoCalc_ComErrorHandler_InternalFunction) #forceref $oOOoCalc_COM_ErrorHandler If Not IsObj($oSheet) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 1, 0) If Not IsInt($vRangeOrRowStart) And Not IsString($vRangeOrRowStart) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 2, 0) If IsString($vRangeOrRowStart) And Not __OOoCalc_RangeIsValid($vRangeOrRowStart) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidValue, 2, 0) If Not IsInt($iColStart) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 3, 0) If Not IsInt($iRowEnd) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 4, 0) If Not IsInt($iColEnd) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 5, 0) Local $oReturn = __OOoCalc_GetUsedRange($oSheet) Select Case IsString($vRangeOrRowStart) $oReturn = $oSheet.getCellRangeByName($vRangeOrRowStart) Case IsInt($vRangeOrRowStart) And $vRangeOrRowStart > -1 If $iColEnd < 0 Then $iColEnd = $iColStart If $iRowEnd < 0 Then $iRowEnd = $vRangeOrRowStart $oReturn = $oSheet.getCellRangeByPosition($iColStart, $vRangeOrRowStart, $iColEnd, $iRowEnd) EndSelect If Not IsObj($oReturn) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_GeneralError, 0, 0) Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_Success, 0, $oReturn) EndFunc ;==>__OOoCalc_GetRange ; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY# =========================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: __OOoCalc_GetSheet ; Description ...: Get sheet object from given Calc object and sheet name or index ; Syntax ........: __OOoCalc_GetSheet(ByRef $oObj, $vSheet) ; Parameters ....: $oObj - Calc object opened by a preceding call to _OOoCalc_BookOpen, _OOoCalc_BookNew, or _OOoCalc_BookAttach ; $vSheet - Worksheet, either by index (0-based) or name. -1 returns active sheet. ; Return values .: Returns a sheet object ; Author ........: GMK ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: ; =============================================================================================================================== Func __OOoCalc_GetSheet(ByRef $oObj, $vSheet) Local $oOOoCalc_COM_ErrorHandler = ObjEvent("AutoIt.Error", __OOoCalc_ComErrorHandler_InternalFunction) #forceref $oOOoCalc_COM_ErrorHandler If Not IsObj($oObj) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 1, 0) If Not IsInt($vSheet) And Not IsString($vSheet) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 2, 0) If IsString($vSheet) And Not __OOoCalc_WorksheetIsValid($oObj, $vSheet) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_NoMatch, 2, 0) Local $oSheets = $oObj.getSheets If Not IsObj($oSheets) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_GeneralError, 0, 0) Local $oReturn = $oObj.CurrentController.ActiveSheet Select Case IsString($vSheet) $oReturn = $oSheets.getByName($vSheet) Case IsInt($vSheet) And $vSheet > -1 $oReturn = $oSheets.getByIndex($vSheet) EndSelect If Not IsObj($oReturn) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_GeneralError, 0, 0) Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_Success, 0, $oReturn) EndFunc ;==>__OOoCalc_GetSheet ; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY# =========================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: __OOoCalc_GetUsedRange ; Description ...: Get used range object of given Calc object ; Syntax ........: __OOoCalc_GetUsedRange(ByRef $oObj) ; Parameters ....: $oObj - Calc object opened by a preceding call to _OOoCalc_BookOpen, _OOoCalc_BookNew, or _OOoCalc_BookAttach ; Return values .: Returns a range object ; Author ........: Leagnus, GMK ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: ; =============================================================================================================================== Func __OOoCalc_GetUsedRange(ByRef $oObj) Local $oOOoCalc_COM_ErrorHandler = ObjEvent("AutoIt.Error", __OOoCalc_ComErrorHandler_InternalFunction) #forceref $oOOoCalc_COM_ErrorHandler If Not IsObj($oObj) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 1, 0) Local $oCursor = $oObj.createCursor If Not IsObj($oCursor) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_GeneralError, 0, 0) $oCursor.gotoStartOfUsedArea(False) Local $oStart = $oCursor.getRangeAddress If Not IsObj($oStart) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_GeneralError, 0, 0) $oCursor.gotoEndOfUsedArea(False) Local $oEnd = $oCursor.getRangeAddress If Not IsObj($oEnd) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_GeneralError, 0, 0) Local $oReturn = $oObj.getCellRangeByPosition($oStart.EndColumn, $oStart.EndRow, $oEnd.EndColumn, $oEnd.EndRow) If Not IsObj($oReturn) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_GeneralError, 0, 0) Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_Success, 0, $oReturn) EndFunc ;==>__OOoCalc_GetUsedRange ; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY# =========================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: __OOoCalc_RangeIsValid ; Description ...: Check if cell address or range is valid ; Syntax ........: __OOoCalc_RangeIsValid($sRange) ; Parameters ....: $sRange - Cell address or range. ; Return values .: Returns True if range is valid, False if invalid. ; Author ........: GMK ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: ; =============================================================================================================================== Func __OOoCalc_RangeIsValid($sRange) If StringRegExp($sRange, '[A-Z,a-z]+[0-9]+:[A-Z,a-z]+[0-9]+') Or (Not StringInStr($sRange, ':') And StringRegExp($sRange, '[A-Z,a-z]+[0-9]+')) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_Success, 0, True) Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_Success, 0, False) EndFunc ;==>__OOoCalc_RangeIsValid ; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY# =========================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: __OOoCalc_SetPropertyValue ; Description ...: Creates a property value struct object. ; Syntax ........: __OOoCalc_SetPropertyValue($sName, $vValue) ; Parameters ....: $sName - Property name. ; $vValue - Property value. ; Return values .: Returns the PropertyValue object ; Author ........: Leagnus, GMK ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: ; =============================================================================================================================== Func __OOoCalc_SetPropertyValue($sName, $vValue) Local $oOOoCalc_COM_ErrorHandler = ObjEvent("AutoIt.Error", __OOoCalc_ComErrorHandler_InternalFunction) #forceref $oOOoCalc_COM_ErrorHandler If Not IsString($sName) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 1, 0) Local $oSM = ObjCreate("com.sun.star.ServiceManager") If Not IsObj($oSM) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_GeneralError, 0, 0) Local $oReturn = $oSM.Bridge_GetStruct('com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue') If Not IsObj($oReturn) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_GeneralError, 0, 0) $oReturn.Name = $sName $oReturn.Value = $vValue Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_Success, 0, $oReturn) EndFunc ;==>__OOoCalc_SetPropertyValue ; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY# =========================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: __OOoCalc_WorksheetIsValid ; Description ...: Tests whether a sheet is valid, either by name or index. ; Syntax ........: __OOoCalc_WorksheetIsValid(ByRef $oObj, $vSheet) ; Parameters ....: $oObj - Calc object opened by a preceding call to _OOoCalc_BookOpen, _OOoCalc_BookNew, or _OOoCalc_BookAttach ; $vSheet - Worksheet, either by index (0-based) or name. ; Return values .: Returns True if the worksheet is valid, False if it is invalid ; Author ........: GMK, mLipok ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: ; =============================================================================================================================== Func __OOoCalc_WorksheetIsValid(ByRef $oObj, $vSheet) Local $oOOoCalc_COM_ErrorHandler = ObjEvent("AutoIt.Error", __OOoCalc_ComErrorHandler_InternalFunction) #forceref $oOOoCalc_COM_ErrorHandler If Not IsObj($oObj) Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 1, 0) If IsInt($vSheet) Then If $vSheet >= 0 And $vSheet <= $oObj.getSheets.count - 1 Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_Success, 0, True) Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_NoMatch, 0, False) ElseIf IsString($vSheet) And $vSheet <> '' Then Local $asWorksheets = _OOoCalc_SheetList($oObj) For $iSheet = 1 To $asWorksheets[0] If $asWorksheets[$iSheet] == $vSheet Then Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_Success, 0, True) Next Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_NoMatch, 0, False) EndIf Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidDataType, 0, False) EndFunc ;==>__OOoCalc_WorksheetIsValid ; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY#========================================================== ; Name ..........: __OOoCalc_ComErrorHandler_InternalFunction ; Description ...: A COM error handling routine. ; Syntax.........: __OOoCalc_ComErrorHandler_InternalFunction() ; Parameters ....: None ; Return values .: None ; Author ........: mLipok ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........; ; Example .......; [yes/no] ; ============================================================================== Func __OOoCalc_ComErrorHandler_InternalFunction(ByRef $oCOMError) ; If not defined ComErrorHandler_UserFunction then this function do nothing special ; In that case you only can check @error / @extended after suspect functions Local $sUserFunction = _OOoCalc_ComErrorHandler_UserFunction() If IsFunc($sUserFunction) Then $sUserFunction($oCOMError) EndFunc ;==>__OOoCalc_ComErrorHandler_InternalFunction ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: __OOoCalc_ComErrorHandler_UserFunction ; Description ...: Set a UserFunctionWrapper to move the Fired COM Error Error outside UDF ; Syntax ........: _OOoCalc_ComErrorHandler_UserFunction([$fnUserFunction = Default]) ; Parameters ....: $fnUserFunction- [optional] a Function. Default value is Default. ; Return values .: ErrorHandler Function ; Author ........: mLipok ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: No ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _OOoCalc_ComErrorHandler_UserFunction($fnUserFunction = Default) ; in case when user does not set function UDF, must use internal function to avoid AutoItError Local Static $fnUserFunction_Static = '' If $fnUserFunction = Default Then ; just return stored static variable Return $fnUserFunction_Static ElseIf IsFunc($fnUserFunction) Then ; set and return static variable $fnUserFunction_Static = $fnUserFunction Return $fnUserFunction_Static Else ; reset static variable $fnUserFunction_Static = '' ; return error as incorrect parameter was passed to this function Return SetError($_OOoCalcStatus_InvalidValue, 0, $fnUserFunction_Static) EndIf EndFunc ;==>_OOoCalc_ComErrorHandler_UserFunction