;=============================================================================== ; ; FunctionName: _StringCompareVersions() ; Description: Compare 2 strings of the FileGetVersion format [a.b.c.d]. ; Syntax: _StringCompareVersions( $s_Version1, [$s_Version2] ) ; Parameter(s): $s_Version1 - The string being compared ; $s_Version2 - The string to compare against ; [Optional] : Default = ; Requirement(s): None ; Return Value(s): 0 - Strings are the same (if @error=0) ; -1 - First string is (<) older than second string ; 1 - First string is (>) newer than second string ; 0 and @error<>0 - String(s) are of incorrect format: ; @error 1 = 1st string; 2 = 2nd string; 3 = both strings. ; Author(s): PeteW ; Note(s): Comparison checks that both strings contain numeric (decimal) data. ; Supplied strings are contracted or expanded (with 0s) ; MostSignificant_Major.MostSignificant_minor.LeastSignificant_major.LeastSignificant_Minor ; ;=============================================================================== Func _StringCompareVersions($s_Version1, $s_Version2 = "") ; Confirm strings are of correct basic format. Set @error to 1,2 or 3 if not. SetError((StringIsDigit(StringReplace($s_Version1, ".", ""))=0) + 2 * (StringIsDigit(StringReplace($s_Version2, ".", ""))=0)) If @error>0 Then Return 0; Ought to Return something! Local $i_Index, $i_Result, $ai_Version1, $ai_Version2 ; Split into arrays by the "." separator $ai_Version1 = StringSplit($s_Version1, ".") $ai_Version2 = StringSplit($s_Version2, ".") $i_Result = 0; Assume strings are equal ; Ensure strings are of the same (correct) format: ; Short strings are padded with 0s. Extraneous components of long strings are ignored. Values are Int. If $ai_Version1[0] <> 4 Then ReDim $ai_Version1[5] For $i_Index = 1 To 4 $ai_Version1[$i_Index] = Int($ai_Version1[$i_Index]) Next If $ai_Version2[0] <> 4 Then ReDim $ai_Version2[5] For $i_Index = 1 To 4 $ai_Version2[$i_Index] = Int($ai_Version2[$i_Index]) Next For $i_Index = 1 To 4 If $ai_Version1[$i_Index] < $ai_Version2[$i_Index] Then; Version1 older than Version2 $i_Result = -1 ElseIf $ai_Version1[$i_Index] > $ai_Version2[$i_Index] Then; Version1 newer than Version2 $i_Result = 1 EndIf ; Bail-out if they're not equal If $i_Result <> 0 Then ExitLoop Next Return $i_Result EndFunc ;==>_StringCompareVersions