#Region ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI **** #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Description=PAL Timecode Calculator UDF #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_LegalCopyright=horvath.imre@gmail.com #EndRegion ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI **** ; ; #FUNCTION# ; Name...........: _tcAdd ; Description....: Returns addition of two timecodes ; Syntax.........: _tcAdd($fTc1, fTc2 [, $fFormat = "P"]) ; ; Parameters.....: $fTc1 - First timecode in hh:mm:ss.ff format ; $fTc2 - Second timecode in hh:mm:ss.ff format ; $fFormat - Time base - "P" (default): PAL (25 fps) ; "M" : millisecond ; ; Return value...: Sum of the two timecode in the selected format Func _tcAdd($fTc1, $fTc2, $fFormat = "P", $fHourFormat = 1) Local $fMs1 = _tcToMs($fTc1) Local $fMs2 = _tcToMs($fTc2) Local $fSumMs = $fMs1 + $fMs2 Return _msToTc($fSumMs, $fFormat, $fHourFormat) EndFunc ; #FUNCTION# ; Name...........: _tcsSub ; Description....: Returns addition of two timecodes ; Syntax.........: _tcSub($fTc1, fTc2 [, $fFormat = "P"]) ; ; Parameters.....: $fTc1 - First timecode in hh:mm:ss.ff format ; $fTc2 - Second timecode in hh:mm:ss.ff format ; $fFormat - Time base - "P" (default): PAL (25 fps) ; "M" : millisecond ; ; Return value...: Subtract $fTc2 from $fTc1 in the source format Func _tcSub($fTc1, $fTc2, $fFormat = "P") Local $fMs1 = _tcToMs($fTc1) Local $fMs2 = _tcToMs($fTc2) Local $fSumMs = $fMs1 - $fMs2 If $fSumMs < 0 Then $fSumMs = _tcToMs("24:00:00.00") - ($fSumMs * -1) EndIf Return _msToTc($fSumMs, $fFormat) EndFunc ; #FUNCTION# ; Name...........: _tcToMs ; Description....: Returns timecode converted to total milliseconds ; Syntax.........: _tcToMs($fTc) ; ; Parameters.....: $fTc - Timecode in hh:mm:ss.ff or hh:mm:ss:xxx format, where xxx are milliseconds ; ; Return value...: Milliseconds as an integer value Func _tcToMs($fTc) Local $fTemp = StringSplit($fTc, ":.") Local $fChr = StringLen($fTemp[4]) Switch $fChr Case 2 Return ($fTemp[4] * 40) + ($fTemp[3] * 1000) + ($fTemp[2] * 60000) + ($fTemp[1] * 3600000) Case 3 Return ($fTemp[4]) + ($fTemp[3] * 1000) + ($fTemp[2] * 60000) + ($fTemp[1] * 3600000) EndSwitch EndFunc ; #FUNCTION# ; Name...........: _msToTc ; Description....: Converts total milliseconds to timecode ; Syntax.........: _msToTc($fIn, $fFormat = "P", $fHourFormat = 1) ; ; Parameters.....: $fIn - Time in milliseconds ; $fFormat - Output format "P": PAL TC (default) ; "M": hh:mm:ss.xxx where xxx are milliseconds ; $fHourFormat - Hour format "1": max. value is 23, then starts from 0 (default) ; "0": hours can be more then 23 ; ; Return value...: Timecode as string in the selected format Func _msToTc($fIn, $fFormat = "P", $fHourFormat = 1) Switch $fFormat Case "P" Local $fFr = StringFormat("%02i", (StringRight($fIn, 3) - Mod(StringRight($fIn, 3), 40)) / 40) Case "M" Local $fFr = StringFormat("%03i", StringRight($fIn, 3)) EndSwitch $fIn = StringTrimRight($fIn, 3) Local $fSec = StringFormat("%02i", Mod($fIn, 60)) $fIn -= $fSec Local $fMinTot = $fIn / 60 Local $fMin = StringFormat("%02i", Mod($fMinTot, 60)) $fIn -= $fMin*60 Local $fHourTot = $fIn / 60 / 60 Switch $fHourFormat Case 1 $fHour = StringFormat("%02i", Mod($fHourTot, 24)) Case 0 $fHour = StringFormat("%02i", $fHourTot) EndSwitch Return($fHour & ":" & $fMin & ":" & $fSec & "." & $fFr) EndFunc ; #FUNCTION# ; Name...........: _tcFormatChange ; Description....: Toggle TC format ; Syntax.........: _tcFormatChange($fTc) ; ; Parameters.....: $fTc - Timecode in hh:mm:ss.ff or hh:mm:ss:xxx format, where xxx are milliseconds ; ; Return value...: PAL timecode or time with milliseconds as string, depends on input Func _tcFormatChange($fTc) Local $fTemp = StringSplit($fTc, ":.") Local $fChr = StringLen($fTemp[4]) Switch $fChr Case 2 Return $fTemp[1]&":"&$fTemp[2]&":"&$fTemp[3]&"."&StringFormat("%03i", $fTemp[4]*40) Case 3 Return $fTemp[1]&":"&$fTemp[2]&":"&$fTemp[3]&"."&StringFormat("%02i", ($fTemp[4]-Mod($fTemp[4], 40))/40) EndSwitch EndFunc