;PowerTool 8.0 Work Left ;Buttons to Functionize or GUI Build ;Jabber Groups Creator new AutoIT GUI to utilize DASH grps to create Jabber groups import XML ;TemplateBldr new AutoIt GUI that adds quick templates for INC descriptions, INC worklogs, INC customer emails, RITM templates, Chat templates ;BreakTimer new AutoIT GUI based off AutoMacro, includes alerts in the forms of soundbyte, msgbox, email, sms ;SMS App Search Tool new AutoIT GUI to search SMS for pkgID and open Util svr link to pkg ;TempCache Cleaner new AutoIT GUI to remote delete commom temp/cache folders on remote system ;UserProfileDeletor new AutoIT GUI to remote delete user profiles from filesystem and registry ;InstByMSICode (needs ExecCtrl function to have AutoIT function parsing written in) adds functionality to remote elevated install by saved MSI ProdCode in reg ;InstByFileCMD (needs ExecCtrl function to have AutoIT function parsing written in) adds functionality to remote install by elevated BAT installer for MSI,EXE,VBS files ;RemoveByMSICode (needs ExecCtrl function to have AutoIT function parsing written in) adds functionality to remote elevated remove by saved MSI ProdCode in reg ;RemoveByFileCMD (needs ExecCtrl function to have AutoIT function parsing written in) adds functionality to remote elevated remove by elevated BAT installer for MSI,EXE,VBS files ;CATTS W drive ;Wizard W drive ;OTIS w drive W:\APPS\OTIS\OTIS.exe ;Get All DGs owned by user, Launch Admin Powershell ;add-pssnapin *exchange* -erroraction SilentlyContinue ;Get-DistributionGroup | where {$_.ManagedBy -like "*e94406"} ;Build Top Kb OneNotes ;VNC MacRemote ;HorizonInstall Pg ;Possibly No ;SWIFT local or citrix execution ;WSI local or citrix execution ;MetaSearch (needs ExecCtrl function to have AutoIt function parsing written in) adds functionality to keyword search multiple resources like ... SwaFlu, Dash KB, Dash Global, Swalife ;While ProcessExists("otis.exe") ; ProcessClose("otis.exe") ; Sleep(5000) ;WEnd ;RightClick functions ;RA ;Check RA installation folder ;Checking RA service state ;Start/Restart RA service ;Install RA w License ;Open w RA CompMgmt Essentials ;Open RA Cmd Pmpt ;Open RA File Mgr ;Open RA Registry ;Open RA Services ;Open RA Processes ;Open RA Reboot ;Ping ;IPConfig ;Netstat ;Tracert ;HPNN ;NSLookup ;Proteus ;Telnet ;Open FIDS PrintSvrs ;Reboot ;Shutdown /i (GUI) ;CompMgmt ;Chkdsk ;SFC ;DISM ;GPUpdate ;Admin CmdPrompt ;Admin Powershell ;WMIC Menu ;C$ ;TreeSize ;DriveSpace in GB ;TempCacheCleaner ;cleanmgr /sagerun silent ;UserProfileDeletor ;Open Program Files ;Open Program Files (x86) ;Open ProgramData ;Open AllUsers StartMenu ;Open Windows ;Open WindowsTemp ;Open System32 ;Open SysWOW64 ;Open Users ;Open CurrentUser AppData ;Open CurrentUser StartMenu ;Copy ATPTools to Target ;UNC ;TreeSize ;Open F: ;Open H: ;Open U: ;Open W: ;Open CSD Apps ;Open CSD Drivers ;Open CSD Prtr Drivers ;Open AppV ;Open PRI Util Svr ;Open STN Util Svr ;PATH ;TreeSize ;Open Program Files ;Open Program Files (x86) ;Open ProgramData ;Open AllUsers StartMenu ;Open Windows ;Open WindowsTemp ;Open System32 ;Open SysWOW64 ;Open Users ;Open CurrentUser Documents ;Open CurrentUser Downloads ;Open CurrentUser Pictures ;Open CurrentUser AppData ;Open StartMenu ;Open SWA Favorites ;PCs ;Copy AD OU to Clipbrd ;Get WMIC SVC tag ;Get WMIC Mapped Printer ;Svcs ;Get WMIC Svcs ;User ;Get DGs Owned by User ;Create exchange mailbox ;Add SIP email alias ;Add SWA Script to AD Profile ;Launch HomeDirBldr ;Disable User in AD/Exchange ;All Buttons standard user ;RunAsAdmin ;RunAsAcctAdmin ;Browser Overrides, for browser cmds ;Use Default ;Use Internet Explorer ;Use Mozilla Firefox ;Use Google Chrome ;Disable AutoUpperCase, for input cmds ;Disable PingCheck ;Disable WhiteSpaceRemove, for input cmds ;Disable InputValidation, for input cmds ;All Controls admin user ;Add New / Properties, Build GUI for Control managmement features like ... add edit move delete etc ;OnPropertiesSave, Build a Validate Control function to indicate invalid control input. ;Enable Properties for Disabled Controls ;Launch Features ;Implement new launch initialize workflow ;0 - Define GUI Modes, and built-in backdoor passwords, and default critical app paths ;resources.dat - zip file, holds entire application build directory structure and files, and source code ;main.dat - holds main GUI settings, all file paths, install locations, admins ;controls.dat - all control definitions ;1 - Check CMDLine params for admin repair functions, config guis ;2 - Check Critical Files, use main.dat to authorize restores from backup or resources.dat, if main.dat is missing, password prompt ;3 - Check Installation Location, if not approved, use main.dat to authorize new location, if main.dat is missing, password prompt ;4 - Load Config Files, if error loading a config, authorize thru main.dat or password prompt restore from backup or resources.dat ;5 - Set app vars and arrays from configs ;5 - Load User Config preferences from Registry ;6 - Parse and validate and build GUI from config arrays, and validate repair and log non-critical issues ;Build a Validate Control function, with autocorrect toggle param, and hide if min properties not defined. ;7 - Set User Config Preferences ;8 - Logon User ;9 - Render GUI and begin Event polling ;Executive Features ;OnExec, InputValidation feature needs to be completed ;OnExec, ExecAuth feature needs to be written ;MainMenu Features ;File Menu features ;Build Export/Import/Reset Config features ;Build Enable Persistent Admin ;Build Enable Persistent Acct Admin ;Admin Menu features ;Edit Config, GUI settings, paths, install locations, admins ;Backup Config ;Load Config, prompt to backup current ;Reveal Hidden Controls ;Build Help features