using AxTeeChart; using AxWMPLib; using System; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Drawing; using System.IO; using System.Net; using System.Net.Mail; using System.Net.Sockets; using System.Text; using System.Threading; using System.Windows.Forms; using TeeChart; using TEMPer.Properties; using WMPLib; namespace TEMPer { public class MainForm : Form { public static int[] vids = new int[2]{ 16701, 3141 }; public static int[] pids = new int[3] { 8455, 29698, 29697 }; private int timeIndex = 0; private int emailIndex = 1; private bool isStartRead = true; private byte[] bCommondGetVersion = new byte[9] { (byte) 0, (byte) 1, (byte) 134, byte.MaxValue, (byte) 1, (byte) 0, (byte) 0, (byte) 0, (byte) 0 }; private byte[] comamandSensor = new byte[9] { (byte) 0, (byte) 1, (byte) 135, (byte) 238, (byte) 0, (byte) 0, (byte) 0, (byte) 0, (byte) 0 }; private byte[] bCommondGetCalibration = new byte[9] { (byte) 0, (byte) 1, (byte) 130, (byte) 119, (byte) 1, (byte) 0, (byte) 0, (byte) 0, (byte) 0 }; private byte[] bCommandReadTemper = new byte[9] { (byte) 0, (byte) 1, (byte) 128, (byte) 51, (byte) 1, (byte) 0, (byte) 0, (byte) 0, (byte) 0 }; private int dataIndex = 0; private StringBuilder emailContinueSb = new StringBuilder(); private string unnit = Settings.Default.set; private int totalCount = 0; private int successCount = 0; private IContainer components = (IContainer) null; private Point myPoint; private RemoteForm rf; private string NamePwd; private Panel titlePanel; private Label setLabel; private PictureBox pictureBox1; private Label emailLabel; private Label remoteLabel; private Panel mainPanel; private Panel dataPanel1; private Label data1; private Label dataMax1; private Label dataAvg1; private Label dataMin1; private Panel dataPanel4; private Label dataMin4; private Label dataAvg4; private Label dataMax4; private Label data4; private Panel dataPanel3; private Label dataMin3; private Label dataAvg3; private Label dataMax3; private Label data3; private Panel dataPanel2; private Label dataMin2; private Label dataAvg2; private Label dataMax2; private Label data2; private Button logButton; private Button curveButton; private AxTChart chart; private System.Windows.Forms.Timer timer; private Label label11; private Label label13; private Label label12; private Label label16; private Label label15; private Label label14; private Label label19; private Label label18; private Label label17; private Label label22; private Label label21; private Label label20; public AxWindowsMediaPlayer axWindowsMediaPlayer1; private CheckBox threeCkb; private Panel nagvationPanel; private Panel panel1; private Button unitBtn; private Button emailBtn; private Button remoteBtn; private Label label1; private Label label2; private Label label3; private Label label4; private Panel emailTipPanel; private Label label5; private Label sendCount; private Label introduceLabel; private Label aboutLabel; private NotifyIcon notifyIcon1; private ContextMenuStrip contextMenuStrip1; private ToolStripMenuItem 退出ToolStripMenuItem; private PictureBox pictureBox2; private PictureBox pictureBox6; private PictureBox pictureBox5; private PictureBox pictureBox4; private PictureBox pictureBox3; private DataGridView dataTable; private DataGridViewTextBoxColumn Column1; private DataGridViewTextBoxColumn Column2; private DataGridViewTextBoxColumn Column3; private DataGridViewTextBoxColumn Column4; private DataGridViewTextBoxColumn Column5; private DataGridViewTextBoxColumn Column6; private DataGridViewTextBoxColumn Column7; private PictureBox pictureBox7; public MainForm() { this.setLanguage(); this.InitializeComponent(); } public void setLanguage() { if (Settings.Default.Language == 2) SetLanguage.SetLang("en", (Form) this, typeof (MainForm)); else SetLanguage.SetLang("zh-CHS", (Form) this, typeof (MainForm)); } private void MainForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Settings.Default.Language == 1) this.unitBtn.Text = "当前温度单位是:" + Settings.Default.set; else this.unitBtn.Text = "Temp unit : " + Settings.Default.set; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Settings.Default.FilePath)) { string path = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Personal) + "/PCsensor/TEMPer/Data"; if (!Directory.Exists(path)) Directory.CreateDirectory(path); Settings.Default.FilePath = path; Settings.Default.Save(); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Settings.Default.SoundPath)) { Settings.Default.SoundPath = Environment.CurrentDirectory + "\\music\\alert.wav"; Settings.Default.Save(); } if (Settings.Default.SendStart == 1) { this.emailBtn.Visible = false; this.emailTipPanel.Visible = true; } this.clearData(); this.timer.Start(); } public void clearData() { this.dataTable.Rows.Clear(); for (int index = 0; index < 17; ++index) this.dataTable.Rows.Add(); // ISSUE: reference to a compiler-generated method ((ISeries) this.chart.Series(0)).Clear(); // ISSUE: reference to a compiler-generated method ((ISeries) this.chart.Series(1)).Clear(); // ISSUE: reference to a compiler-generated method ((ISeries) this.chart.Series(2)).Clear(); // ISSUE: reference to a compiler-generated method ((ISeries) this.chart.Series(3)).Clear(); this.data1.Text = "wait"; this.data2.Text = "wait"; this.data3.Text = "wait"; this.data4.Text = "wait"; this.dataAvg1.Text = "wait"; this.dataAvg2.Text = "wait"; this.dataAvg3.Text = "wait"; this.dataAvg4.Text = "wait"; this.dataMax1.Text = "wait"; this.dataMax2.Text = "wait"; this.dataMax3.Text = "wait"; this.dataMax4.Text = "wait"; this.dataMin1.Text = "wait"; this.dataMin2.Text = "wait"; this.dataMin3.Text = "wait"; this.dataMin4.Text = "wait"; this.dataIndex = 0; } private void titlePanel_MouseUp(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { if (e.Button != MouseButtons.Left) return; Point mousePosition = Control.MousePosition; mousePosition.Offset(this.myPoint.X, this.myPoint.Y); this.DesktopLocation = mousePosition; } private void titlePanel_MouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { if (e.Button != MouseButtons.Left) return; Point mousePosition = Control.MousePosition; mousePosition.Offset(this.myPoint.X, this.myPoint.Y); this.DesktopLocation = mousePosition; } private void titlePanel_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { this.myPoint = new Point(-e.X, -e.Y); } private void timer_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) { PubMethod.isOpen = this.openDevice(); if (PubMethod.isOpen && string.IsNullOrEmpty(PubMethod.version)) { this.isStartRead = false; this.timer.Stop(); this.getVersion(); } else if (!PubMethod.isOpen && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(PubMethod.version)) PubMethod.version = ""; if (PubMethod.isRead && this.timeIndex % Settings.Default.Interval == 0 && this.isStartRead) this.readData(); if (Settings.Default.SendType == 2 && Settings.Default.SendStart == 1 && PubMethod.isOpen) { ++this.emailIndex; if (this.emailIndex % (Settings.Default.SendInterval * 60) == 0 && this.emailIndex > 0) { this.startSend(this.emailContinueSb.ToString()); this.emailContinueSb.Remove(0, this.emailContinueSb.Length); this.emailIndex = 0; } } ++this.timeIndex; } private bool openDevice() { for (int index1 = 0; index1 < MainForm.pids.Length; ++index1) { for (int index2 = 0; index2 < MainForm.vids.Length; ++index2) { PubMethod.pDevice = RDing.OpenUSBDevice(MainForm.vids[index2], MainForm.pids[index1]); if (PubMethod.pDevice.ToInt32() != -1) { PubMethod.inputLength = RDing.GetInputLength(PubMethod.pDevice); PubMethod.outputLength = RDing.GetOutputLength(PubMethod.pDevice); return (int) PubMethod.inputLength == 9 && (int) PubMethod.outputLength == 9 ? true : true; } } } return false; } private void getVersion() { if (PubMethod.isOpen) { if (!RDing.WriteUSB(PubMethod.pDevice, this.bCommondGetVersion, (uint) PubMethod.outputLength, ref PubMethod.lpNumberOfBytesWritten)) return; Thread.Sleep(50); byte[] numArray1 = new byte[9]; if (RDing.ReadUSB(PubMethod.pDevice, numArray1, (uint) PubMethod.inputLength, ref PubMethod.lpNumberOfBytesReaden)) { string str1 = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(numArray1, 1, 8); byte[] numArray2 = new byte[9]; Thread.Sleep(100); RDing.ReadUSB(PubMethod.pDevice, numArray2, (uint) PubMethod.inputLength, ref PubMethod.lpNumberOfBytesReaden); string str2 = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(numArray2, 1, 8).Trim(); if (str2.Contains("M12") || str2.Length < 8) { str1 += str2; } else { for (int index = 0; index < str1.Length && (int) str1[index] != (int) str2[index]; ++index) str1 += str2[index].ToString(); } PubMethod.version = str1; } if (PubMethod.version.Contains("TEMPerX") || PubMethod.version.Contains("TEMPerGold")) { PubMethod.type = 6; this.readSensorType(); } else if (PubMethod.version.Contains("TEMPer1F_H1")) PubMethod.type = 1; else if (PubMethod.version.Contains("TEMPer1F")) PubMethod.type = 2; else if (PubMethod.version.Contains("TEMPer2_M12")) PubMethod.type = 3; else if (PubMethod.version.Contains("TEMPerF")) PubMethod.type = 4; else if (PubMethod.version.Contains("TEMPerHum")) PubMethod.type = 5; if (PubMethod.type != 6) this.getCalib(); } else { if (!PubMethod.isLogin) return; string str = IpDAL.sendOrder("ReadVersion>", PubMethod.reciveSocket); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(str)) { PubMethod.version = str; if (PubMethod.version.Contains("TEMPerX")) { PubMethod.type = 6; this.readSensorType(); } else if (PubMethod.version.Contains("TEMPer1F_H1")) PubMethod.type = 1; else if (PubMethod.version.Contains("TEMPer1F")) PubMethod.type = 2; else if (PubMethod.version.Contains("TEMPer2_M12")) PubMethod.type = 3; else if (PubMethod.version.Contains("TEMPerF")) PubMethod.type = 4; else if (PubMethod.version.Contains("TEMPerHum")) PubMethod.type = 5; if (PubMethod.type != 6) this.getCalib(); } } } private void readSensorType() { if (PubMethod.isOpen) { if (!RDing.WriteUSB(PubMethod.pDevice, this.comamandSensor, (uint) PubMethod.outputLength, ref PubMethod.lpNumberOfBytesWritten)) return; Thread.Sleep(50); byte[] pBuffer = new byte[9]; if (RDing.ReadUSB(PubMethod.pDevice, pBuffer, (uint) PubMethod.inputLength, ref PubMethod.lpNumberOfBytesReaden) && (int) pBuffer[1] == 135) { PubMethod.innerSensor = (int) pBuffer[2]; PubMethod.outerSensor = (int) pBuffer[3]; if (PubMethod.innerSensor > 0 || PubMethod.outerSensor > 0) this.getCalib(); } } else { if (!PubMethod.isLogin) return; string text = IpDAL.sendOrder("ReadSensorType>", PubMethod.reciveSocket); int num = (int) MessageBox.Show(text); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(text)) { string[] strArray = text.Split(','); if (strArray.Length == 2) { PubMethod.innerSensor = PubMethod.getStringInteger(strArray[0]); PubMethod.outerSensor = PubMethod.getStringInteger(strArray[1]); if (PubMethod.innerSensor > 0 || PubMethod.outerSensor > 0) this.getCalib(); } } } } private void getCalib() { if (PubMethod.isOpen) { if (RDing.WriteUSB(PubMethod.pDevice, this.bCommondGetCalibration, (uint) PubMethod.outputLength, ref PubMethod.lpNumberOfBytesWritten)) { Thread.Sleep(50); byte[] pBuffer = new byte[9]; if (RDing.ReadUSB(PubMethod.pDevice, pBuffer, (uint) PubMethod.inputLength, ref PubMethod.lpNumberOfBytesReaden) && (int) pBuffer[1] == 130) { switch (PubMethod.type) { case 1: PubMethod.calib3 = this.getReciveData(pBuffer[3]); PubMethod.calib4 = this.getReciveData(pBuffer[4]); break; case 2: PubMethod.calib3 = this.getReciveData(pBuffer[3]); break; case 3: PubMethod.calib1 = this.getReciveData(pBuffer[3]); PubMethod.calib3 = this.getReciveData(pBuffer[4]); break; case 4: PubMethod.calib1 = this.getReciveData(pBuffer[3]); break; case 5: PubMethod.calib1 = this.getReciveData(pBuffer[3]); PubMethod.calib2 = this.getReciveData(pBuffer[4]); break; case 6: PubMethod.calib1 = this.getReciveData(pBuffer[3]); PubMethod.calib2 = this.getReciveData(pBuffer[4]); PubMethod.calib3 = this.getReciveData(pBuffer[5]); PubMethod.calib4 = this.getReciveData(pBuffer[6]); break; } this.clearData(); this.initForm(); } } } else if (PubMethod.isLogin) { string str = IpDAL.sendOrder("ReadCalib>", PubMethod.reciveSocket); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(str)) { string[] strArray = str.Split(','); if (strArray.Length == 4) { PubMethod.calib1 = double.Parse(strArray[0]); PubMethod.calib2 = double.Parse(strArray[1]); PubMethod.calib3 = double.Parse(strArray[2]); PubMethod.calib4 = double.Parse(strArray[3]); this.clearData(); this.initForm(); } } } this.timer.Start(); this.isStartRead = true; } private double getReciveData(byte b) { return PubMethod.type != 6 ? ((int) b > (int) sbyte.MaxValue ? (double) (-1 * (256 - (int) b) * (int) b) : (double) (int) ((double) b * (1.0 / 16.0))) : ((int) b <= (int) sbyte.MaxValue ? (double) b / 10.0 : ((double) b - 256.0) / 10.0); } private void initForm() { this.pictureBox2.Image = Image.FromFile("images/TEMPer.png"); this.pictureBox4.Image = Image.FromFile("images/TEMPer1F.png"); this.pictureBox5.Image = Image.FromFile("images/TEMPer1F_H1.png"); this.pictureBox3.Image = Image.FromFile("images/TEMPer2.png"); this.pictureBox6.Image = Image.FromFile("images/TEMPerHUM.png"); this.pictureBox7.Image = Image.FromFile("images/TEMPerX.PNG"); switch (PubMethod.type) { case 1: ((ISeries) this.chart.Series(0)).ShowInLegend = false; ((ISeries) this.chart.Series(1)).ShowInLegend = false; this.pictureBox5.Image = Image.FromFile("images/TEMPer1F_H1_1.png"); break; case 2: ((ISeries) this.chart.Series(0)).ShowInLegend = false; ((ISeries) this.chart.Series(1)).ShowInLegend = false; ((ISeries) this.chart.Series(3)).ShowInLegend = false; this.pictureBox4.Image = Image.FromFile("images/TEMPer1F_1.png"); break; case 3: ((ISeries) this.chart.Series(1)).ShowInLegend = false; ((ISeries) this.chart.Series(3)).ShowInLegend = false; this.pictureBox3.Image = Image.FromFile("images/TEMPer2_1.png"); break; case 4: ((ISeries) this.chart.Series(2)).ShowInLegend = false; ((ISeries) this.chart.Series(1)).ShowInLegend = false; ((ISeries) this.chart.Series(3)).ShowInLegend = false; this.pictureBox2.Image = Image.FromFile("images/TEMPer_1.png"); break; case 5: ((ISeries) this.chart.Series(2)).ShowInLegend = false; ((ISeries) this.chart.Series(3)).ShowInLegend = false; this.pictureBox6.Image = Image.FromFile("images/TEMPerHUM_1.png"); break; case 6: if (PubMethod.innerSensor > 0) { if (PubMethod.innerSensor != 64) ((ISeries) this.chart.Series(1)).ShowInLegend = false; } else { ((ISeries) this.chart.Series(0)).ShowInLegend = false; ((ISeries) this.chart.Series(1)).ShowInLegend = false; } if (PubMethod.outerSensor > 0) { if (PubMethod.outerSensor != 4) ((ISeries) this.chart.Series(3)).ShowInLegend = false; } else { ((ISeries) this.chart.Series(2)).ShowInLegend = false; ((ISeries) this.chart.Series(3)).ShowInLegend = false; } this.pictureBox7.Image = Image.FromFile("images/TEMPerX_1.PNG"); break; } this.mainPanel.Visible = true; PubMethod.isRead = true; } private void readData() { try { if (PubMethod.isOpen) { if (!RDing.WriteUSB(PubMethod.pDevice, this.bCommandReadTemper, (uint) PubMethod.outputLength, ref PubMethod.lpNumberOfBytesWritten)) return; Thread.Sleep(50); byte[] pBuffer = new byte[18]; if (RDing.ReadUSB(PubMethod.pDevice, pBuffer, (uint) PubMethod.inputLength, ref PubMethod.lpNumberOfBytesReaden)) { PubMethod.data1 = (int) pBuffer[3] <= 128 ? ((double) Convert.ToInt32(pBuffer[3]) + (double) ((int) pBuffer[4] >> 4 & 15) * (1.0 / 16.0)).ToString("F2") : (-1.0 * ((double) Convert.ToInt32(256 - (int) pBuffer[3]) + (double) (~((int) pBuffer[4] >> 4 & 15) + 1) * (1.0 / 16.0))).ToString("F2"); if (PubMethod.type == 2) PubMethod.data3 = (int) pBuffer[3] <= 128 ? ((double) Convert.ToInt32(pBuffer[3]) + (double) ((int) pBuffer[4] >> 4 & 15) * (1.0 / 16.0)).ToString("F2") : (-1.0 * ((double) Convert.ToInt32(256 - (int) pBuffer[3]) + (double) (~((int) pBuffer[4] >> 4 & 15) + 1) * (1.0 / 16.0))).ToString("F2"); if (PubMethod.type == 3) PubMethod.data3 = (int) pBuffer[5] <= 128 || (int) pBuffer[5] >= (int) byte.MaxValue ? ((double) Convert.ToInt32(pBuffer[5]) + (double) ((int) pBuffer[6] >> 4 & 15) * (1.0 / 16.0)).ToString("F2") : (-1.0 * ((double) Convert.ToInt32(256 - (int) pBuffer[5]) + (double) (~((int) pBuffer[6] >> 4 & 15) + 1) * (1.0 / 16.0))).ToString("F2"); if (PubMethod.type == 1) { double num1 = 0.0; if (PubMethod.version.Contains("TEMPer1F_H1V1.5")) { double int32 = (double) Convert.ToInt32((int) pBuffer[5] * 256 + (int) pBuffer[6]); double num2 = ((double) Convert.ToInt32((int) pBuffer[3] * 256 + (int) pBuffer[4]) * 1.07 - 4685.0) / 100.0; PubMethod.data4 = ((int32 * 3.05 - 600.0) / 100.0).ToString("F2"); PubMethod.data3 = num2.ToString("F2"); } else { double num2 = (double) (Convert.ToInt32(pBuffer[5]) * 256 + (int) pBuffer[6]); double num3 = -2.8E-06 * num2 * num2 + 0.0405 * num2 - 4.0; double num4 = (num1 - 25.0) * (0.01 + 8E-05 * num2) + num3; if (num4 > 100.0) num4 = 100.0; if (num4 < 0.1) num4 = 0.1; double num5 = Convert.ToDouble((double) ((int) pBuffer[3] * 256 + (int) pBuffer[4]) * 0.01 - 40.0); PubMethod.data4 = num4.ToString("F2"); PubMethod.data3 = num5.ToString("F2"); } } if (PubMethod.type == 5) { if (PubMethod.version.Contains("TEMPerHumM12V1.0") || PubMethod.version.Contains("TEMPerHumM12V1.1")) { double num1 = (double) ((int) pBuffer[3] * 256 + (int) pBuffer[4]) / 32.0 - 50.0; double x = (double) ((int) pBuffer[5] * 256 + (int) pBuffer[6]) / 16.0 - 24.0; double num2 = x + Math.Pow(x, 2.0) * 0.00393 - x * 0.4008 + 4.7844; if (num1 > 15.0 && num1 < 50.0) num2 += (num1 - 30.0) * (num2 * 0.00237 + 0.193); PubMethod.data1 = num1.ToString("F2"); PubMethod.data2 = num2.ToString("F2"); } else { PubMethod.data1 = ((double) ((int) pBuffer[3] * 256 + (int) pBuffer[4]) * 175.0 / 65536.0 - 46.85).ToString("F2"); PubMethod.data2 = ((double) ((int) pBuffer[5] * 256 + (int) pBuffer[6]) * 125.0 / 65536.0 - 6.0).ToString("F2"); } } if (PubMethod.type == 6) { if (PubMethod.innerSensor > 0) { PubMethod.data1 = this.parseByteToData((int) pBuffer[3] * 256 + (int) pBuffer[4]).ToString("F2"); PubMethod.data2 = this.parseByteToData((int) pBuffer[5] * 256 + (int) pBuffer[6]).ToString("F2"); if (PubMethod.outerSensor > 0) { Thread.Sleep(50); if (RDing.ReadUSB(PubMethod.pDevice, pBuffer, (uint) PubMethod.inputLength, ref PubMethod.lpNumberOfBytesReaden)) { PubMethod.data3 = this.parseByteToData((int) pBuffer[3] * 256 + (int) pBuffer[4]).ToString("F2"); PubMethod.data4 = this.parseByteToData((int) pBuffer[5] * 256 + (int) pBuffer[6]).ToString("F2"); } } } else if (PubMethod.outerSensor > 0) { PubMethod.data3 = this.parseByteToData((int) pBuffer[3] * 256 + (int) pBuffer[4]).ToString("F2"); PubMethod.data4 = this.parseByteToData((int) pBuffer[5] * 256 + (int) pBuffer[6]).ToString("F2"); } } if (Settings.Default.Unit == 2) { double num = PubMethod.getCurveData(PubMethod.data1) * 1.8 + 32.0; PubMethod.data1 = num.ToString("F2"); num = PubMethod.getCurveData(PubMethod.data3) * 1.8 + 32.0; PubMethod.data3 = num.ToString("F2"); } this.fillData(); } } else { if (!PubMethod.isLogin) return; string str = IpDAL.sendOrder("ReadData>", PubMethod.reciveSocket); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(str) && !str.Contains("Disconnect")) { string[] strArray = str.Split(','); if (strArray.Length == 4) { PubMethod.data1 = strArray[0]; PubMethod.data2 = strArray[1]; PubMethod.data3 = strArray[2]; PubMethod.data4 = strArray[3]; this.fillData(); } } } } catch { } } private double parseByteToData(int b) { return b <= (int) short.MaxValue ? (double) b / 100.0 : ((double) b - 65536.0) / 100.0; } private void fillData() { switch (PubMethod.type) { case 1: this.data3.Text = PubMethod.getStringDouble(PubMethod.data3); this.data4.Text = PubMethod.getStringDouble(PubMethod.data4); this.dataMax3.Text = PubMethod.getMaxData(PubMethod.data3, this.dataMax3.Text); this.dataMin3.Text = PubMethod.getMinData(PubMethod.data3, this.dataMin3.Text); this.dataAvg3.Text = PubMethod.getAvgData(PubMethod.data3, this.dataAvg3.Text, this.dataIndex); this.dataMax4.Text = PubMethod.getMaxData(PubMethod.data4, this.dataMax4.Text); this.dataMin4.Text = PubMethod.getMinData(PubMethod.data4, this.dataMin4.Text); this.dataAvg4.Text = PubMethod.getAvgData(PubMethod.data4, this.dataAvg4.Text, this.dataIndex); if (Settings.Default.SendStart == 1 && Settings.Default.SendType == 2) { this.emailContinueSb.Append(PubMethod.getTime() + "\r" + PubMethod.data3 + "\r" + PubMethod.data4 + "\n"); break; } break; case 2: this.data3.Text = PubMethod.getStringDouble(PubMethod.data3); this.dataMax3.Text = PubMethod.getMaxData(PubMethod.data3, this.dataMax3.Text); this.dataMin3.Text = PubMethod.getMinData(PubMethod.data3, this.dataMin3.Text); this.dataAvg3.Text = PubMethod.getAvgData(PubMethod.data3, this.dataAvg3.Text, this.dataIndex); if (Settings.Default.SendStart == 1 && Settings.Default.SendType == 2) { this.emailContinueSb.Append(PubMethod.getTime() + "\r" + PubMethod.data3 + "\n"); break; } break; case 3: this.data1.Text = PubMethod.getStringDouble(PubMethod.data1); this.data3.Text = PubMethod.getStringDouble(PubMethod.data3); this.dataMax1.Text = PubMethod.getMaxData(PubMethod.data1, this.dataMax1.Text); this.dataMin1.Text = PubMethod.getMinData(PubMethod.data1, this.dataMin1.Text); this.dataAvg1.Text = PubMethod.getAvgData(PubMethod.data1, this.dataAvg1.Text, this.dataIndex); this.dataMax3.Text = PubMethod.getMaxData(PubMethod.data3, this.dataMax3.Text); this.dataMin3.Text = PubMethod.getMinData(PubMethod.data3, this.dataMin3.Text); this.dataAvg3.Text = PubMethod.getAvgData(PubMethod.data3, this.dataAvg3.Text, this.dataIndex); if (Settings.Default.SendStart == 1 && Settings.Default.SendType == 2) { this.emailContinueSb.Append(PubMethod.getTime() + "\r" + PubMethod.data1 + "\r" + PubMethod.data3 + "\n"); break; } break; case 4: this.data1.Text = PubMethod.getStringDouble(PubMethod.data1); this.dataMax1.Text = PubMethod.getMaxData(PubMethod.data1, this.dataMax1.Text); this.dataMin1.Text = PubMethod.getMinData(PubMethod.data1, this.dataMin1.Text); this.dataAvg1.Text = PubMethod.getAvgData(PubMethod.data1, this.dataAvg1.Text, this.dataIndex); if (Settings.Default.SendStart == 1 && Settings.Default.SendType == 2) { this.emailContinueSb.Append(PubMethod.getTime() + "\r" + PubMethod.data1 + "\n"); break; } break; case 5: this.data1.Text = PubMethod.getStringDouble(PubMethod.data1); this.data2.Text = PubMethod.getStringDouble(PubMethod.data2); this.dataMax1.Text = PubMethod.getMaxData(PubMethod.data1, this.dataMax1.Text); this.dataMin1.Text = PubMethod.getMinData(PubMethod.data1, this.dataMin1.Text); this.dataAvg1.Text = PubMethod.getAvgData(PubMethod.data1, this.dataAvg1.Text, this.dataIndex); this.dataMax2.Text = PubMethod.getMaxData(PubMethod.data2, this.dataMax2.Text); this.dataMin2.Text = PubMethod.getMinData(PubMethod.data2, this.dataMin2.Text); this.dataAvg2.Text = PubMethod.getAvgData(PubMethod.data2, this.dataAvg2.Text, this.dataIndex); if (Settings.Default.SendStart == 1 && Settings.Default.SendType == 2) { this.emailContinueSb.Append(PubMethod.getTime() + "\r" + PubMethod.data1 + "\r" + PubMethod.data2 + "\n"); break; } break; case 6: StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); if (PubMethod.innerSensor > 0) { this.data1.Text = PubMethod.getStringDouble(PubMethod.data1); this.dataMax1.Text = PubMethod.getMaxData(PubMethod.data1, this.dataMax1.Text); this.dataMin1.Text = PubMethod.getMinData(PubMethod.data1, this.dataMin1.Text); this.dataAvg1.Text = PubMethod.getAvgData(PubMethod.data1, this.dataAvg1.Text, this.dataIndex); stringBuilder.Append(PubMethod.data1 + "\r"); if (PubMethod.innerSensor == 64) { this.data2.Text = PubMethod.getStringDouble(PubMethod.data2); this.dataMax2.Text = PubMethod.getMaxData(PubMethod.data2, this.dataMax2.Text); this.dataMin2.Text = PubMethod.getMinData(PubMethod.data2, this.dataMin2.Text); this.dataAvg2.Text = PubMethod.getAvgData(PubMethod.data2, this.dataAvg2.Text, this.dataIndex); stringBuilder.Append(PubMethod.data2 + "\r"); } } if (PubMethod.outerSensor > 0) { this.data3.Text = PubMethod.getStringDouble(PubMethod.data3); this.dataMax3.Text = PubMethod.getMaxData(PubMethod.data3, this.dataMax3.Text); this.dataMin3.Text = PubMethod.getMinData(PubMethod.data3, this.dataMin3.Text); this.dataAvg3.Text = PubMethod.getAvgData(PubMethod.data3, this.dataAvg3.Text, this.dataIndex); stringBuilder.Append(PubMethod.data3 + "\r"); if (PubMethod.outerSensor == 4) { this.data4.Text = PubMethod.getStringDouble(PubMethod.data4); this.dataMax4.Text = PubMethod.getMaxData(PubMethod.data4, this.dataMax4.Text); this.dataMin4.Text = PubMethod.getMinData(PubMethod.data4, this.dataMin4.Text); this.dataAvg4.Text = PubMethod.getAvgData(PubMethod.data4, this.dataAvg4.Text, this.dataIndex); stringBuilder.Append(PubMethod.data4); } } if (Settings.Default.SendStart == 1 && Settings.Default.SendType == 2) { this.emailContinueSb.Append(PubMethod.getTime() + "\r" + stringBuilder.ToString() + "\n"); break; } break; } if (this.dataIndex % 2 == 0) { switch (PubMethod.type) { case 1: this.data3.ForeColor = Color.Orange; this.data4.ForeColor = Color.Orange; break; case 2: this.data3.ForeColor = Color.Orange; break; case 3: this.data1.ForeColor = Color.Orange; this.data3.ForeColor = Color.Orange; break; case 4: this.data1.ForeColor = Color.Orange; break; case 5: this.data1.ForeColor = Color.Orange; this.data2.ForeColor = Color.Orange; break; case 6: if (PubMethod.innerSensor > 0) { this.data1.ForeColor = Color.Orange; if (PubMethod.innerSensor == 64) this.data2.ForeColor = Color.Orange; } if (PubMethod.outerSensor > 0) { this.data3.ForeColor = Color.Orange; if (PubMethod.outerSensor == 4) this.data4.ForeColor = Color.Orange; break; } break; } } else { this.data1.ForeColor = Color.Black; this.data2.ForeColor = Color.Black; this.data3.ForeColor = Color.Black; this.data4.ForeColor = Color.Black; } this.fillTable(); this.fillCurve(); this.saveFile(); ++this.dataIndex; } private void panel_url_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Process.Start(((Control) sender).Tag.ToString()); } private void label_url_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Process.Start(((Control) sender).Tag.ToString()); } private void pictureBox_url_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Process.Start(((Control) sender).Tag.ToString()); } private void button_change_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (((Control) sender).Tag.ToString() == "1") { this.dataTable.Visible = true; this.chart.Visible = false; this.logButton.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(62, 160, 228); this.curveButton.BackColor = Color.White; this.logButton.Cursor = Cursors.Default; this.curveButton.Cursor = Cursors.Hand; this.threeCkb.Visible = false; } else { this.dataTable.Visible = false; this.chart.Visible = true; this.logButton.BackColor = Color.White; this.curveButton.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(62, 160, 228); this.curveButton.Cursor = Cursors.Default; this.logButton.Cursor = Cursors.Hand; this.threeCkb.Visible = true; } } private void fillTable() { string str1 = this.checkAlarm(); string str2 = ""; string stringDouble1 = PubMethod.getStringDouble(PubMethod.data1); string stringDouble2 = PubMethod.getStringDouble(PubMethod.data2); string stringDouble3 = PubMethod.getStringDouble(PubMethod.data3); string stringDouble4 = PubMethod.getStringDouble(PubMethod.data4); if (!(stringDouble1 == "error")) stringDouble1 += this.unnit; if (!(stringDouble2 == "error")) stringDouble2 += "%RH"; if (!(stringDouble3 == "error")) stringDouble3 += this.unnit; if (!(stringDouble4 == "error")) stringDouble4 += "%RH"; switch (PubMethod.type) { case 1: str2 = (this.dataIndex + 1).ToString() + "|" + PubMethod.getTime() + "|||" + stringDouble3 + "|" + stringDouble4 + "|" + str1; break; case 2: str2 = (this.dataIndex + 1).ToString() + "|" + PubMethod.getTime() + "|||" + stringDouble3 + "||" + str1; break; case 3: str2 = (this.dataIndex + 1).ToString() + "|" + PubMethod.getTime() + "|" + stringDouble1 + "||" + stringDouble3 + "||" + str1; break; case 4: str2 = (this.dataIndex + 1).ToString() + "|" + PubMethod.getTime() + "|" + stringDouble1 + "||||" + str1; break; case 5: str2 = (this.dataIndex + 1).ToString() + "|" + PubMethod.getTime() + "|" + stringDouble1 + "|" + stringDouble2 + "|||" + str1; break; case 6: StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); if (PubMethod.innerSensor > 0) { stringBuilder.Append(stringDouble1 + "|"); if (PubMethod.innerSensor == 64) stringBuilder.Append(stringDouble2 + "|"); else stringBuilder.Append("|"); } else stringBuilder.Append("||"); if (PubMethod.outerSensor > 0) { stringBuilder.Append(stringDouble3 + "|"); if (PubMethod.outerSensor == 4) stringBuilder.Append(stringDouble4 + "|"); else stringBuilder.Append("|"); } else stringBuilder.Append("||"); str2 = (this.dataIndex + 1).ToString() + "|" + PubMethod.getTime() + "|" + stringBuilder.ToString() + str1; break; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(str2)) return; string[] strArray = str2.Split('|'); if (this.dataIndex < 17) { DataGridViewRow row = this.dataTable.Rows[this.dataIndex]; for (int index = 0; index < strArray.Length; ++index) row.Cells[index].Value = (object) strArray[index]; } else this.dataTable.Rows.Add((object[]) strArray); this.dataTable.Focus(); this.dataTable.FirstDisplayedScrollingRowIndex = this.dataTable.Rows[this.dataTable.Rows.Count - 1].Index; } private string checkAlarm() { StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); switch (PubMethod.type) { case 1: if (PubMethod.getCurveData(PubMethod.data3) > Settings.Default.tempUpper3) { stringBuilder.Append((Settings.Default.Language == 2 ? (object) "Outer tempe exceeds the upper limit, current upper limit : " : (object) "外部温度超出上限,当前上限:").ToString() + (object) Settings.Default.tempUpper3 + ";"); if (Settings.Default.SendType == 1) this.startSend((Settings.Default.Language == 2 ? "Outer tempe exceeds the upper limit, current upper limit : " : "外部温度超出上限,当前上限:") + (Settings.Default.tempUpper3 + (double) Settings.Default.Language == 2.0 ? ", current temp : " : ",当前温度:") + PubMethod.data3); this.playSound(); } if (PubMethod.getCurveData(PubMethod.data3) < Settings.Default.tempLower3) { stringBuilder.Append((Settings.Default.Language == 2 ? (object) "Outer temp below limit, current lower limit : " : (object) "外部温度低于限,当前下限:").ToString() + (object) Settings.Default.tempLower3 + ";"); if (Settings.Default.SendType == 1) this.startSend((Settings.Default.Language == 2 ? (object) "Outer temp below limit, current lower limit : " : (object) "外部温度低于限,当前下限:").ToString() + (object) Settings.Default.tempLower3 + (Settings.Default.Language == 2 ? (object) ", current temp : " : (object) ",当前温度:") + PubMethod.data3); this.playSound(); } if (PubMethod.getCurveData(PubMethod.data4) > Settings.Default.tempUpper4) { stringBuilder.Append((Settings.Default.Language == 2 ? (object) "Outer hum exceeds the upper limit, current upper limit : " : (object) "外部湿度超出上限,当前上限:").ToString() + (object) Settings.Default.tempUpper4 + ";"); if (Settings.Default.SendType == 1) this.startSend((Settings.Default.Language == 2 ? (object) "Outer hum exceeds the upper limit, current upper limit : " : (object) "外部湿度超出上限,当前上限:").ToString() + (object) Settings.Default.tempUpper4 + (Settings.Default.Language == 2 ? (object) ", current hum : " : (object) ",当前湿度:") + PubMethod.data4); this.playSound(); } if (PubMethod.getCurveData(PubMethod.data4) < Settings.Default.tempLower4) { stringBuilder.Append((Settings.Default.Language == 2 ? (object) "Outer hum below limit, current lower limit : " : (object) "外部湿度低于限,当前下限:").ToString() + (object) Settings.Default.tempLower4 + ";"); if (Settings.Default.SendType == 1) this.startSend((Settings.Default.Language == 2 ? (object) "Outer hum below limit, current lower limit : " : (object) "外部湿度低于限,当前下限:").ToString() + (object) Settings.Default.tempLower4 + (Settings.Default.Language == 2 ? (object) ", current hum : " : (object) ",当前湿度:") + PubMethod.data4); this.playSound(); break; } break; case 2: if (PubMethod.getCurveData(PubMethod.data3) > Settings.Default.tempUpper3) { stringBuilder.Append((Settings.Default.Language == 2 ? (object) "Outer tempe exceeds the upper limit, current upper limit : " : (object) "外部温度超出上限,当前上限:").ToString() + (object) Settings.Default.tempUpper3 + ";"); if (Settings.Default.SendType == 1) this.startSend((Settings.Default.Language == 2 ? (object) "Outer tempe exceeds the upper limit, current upper limit : " : (object) "外部温度超出上限,当前上限:").ToString() + (object) Settings.Default.tempUpper3 + (Settings.Default.Language == 2 ? (object) ", current temp : " : (object) ",当前温度:") + PubMethod.data3); this.playSound(); } if (PubMethod.getCurveData(PubMethod.data3) < Settings.Default.tempLower3) { stringBuilder.Append((Settings.Default.Language == 2 ? (object) "Outer temp below limit, current lower limit : " : (object) "外部温度低于限,当前下限:").ToString() + (object) Settings.Default.tempLower3 + ";"); if (Settings.Default.SendType == 1) this.startSend((Settings.Default.Language == 2 ? (object) "Outer temp below limit, current lower limit : " : (object) "外部温度低于限,当前下限:").ToString() + (object) Settings.Default.tempLower3 + (Settings.Default.Language == 2 ? (object) "Search" : (object) ",, current temp : :") + PubMethod.data3); this.playSound(); break; } break; case 3: if (PubMethod.getCurveData(PubMethod.data1) > Settings.Default.tempUpper1) { stringBuilder.Append((Settings.Default.Language == 2 ? (object) "Inner temp exceeds upper limit, current upper limit : " : (object) "内部温度超出上限,当前上限:").ToString() + (object) Settings.Default.tempUpper1 + ";"); if (Settings.Default.SendType == 1) this.startSend((Settings.Default.Language == 2 ? (object) "Inner temp exceeds upper limit, current upper limit : " : (object) "内部温度超出上限,当前上限:").ToString() + (object) Settings.Default.tempUpper1 + (Settings.Default.Language == 2 ? (object) ", current temp : " : (object) ",当前温度:") + PubMethod.data1); this.playSound(); } if (PubMethod.getCurveData(PubMethod.data1) < Settings.Default.tempLower1) { stringBuilder.Append((Settings.Default.Language == 2 ? (object) "Inner temp below limit, current lower limit : " : (object) "内部温度低于限,当前下限:").ToString() + (object) Settings.Default.tempLower1 + ";"); if (Settings.Default.SendType == 1) this.startSend((Settings.Default.Language == 2 ? (object) "Inner temp below limit, current lower limit : " : (object) "内部温度低于限,当前下限:").ToString() + (object) Settings.Default.tempLower1 + (Settings.Default.Language == 2 ? (object) ", current temp : " : (object) ",当前温度:") + PubMethod.data1); this.playSound(); } if (PubMethod.getCurveData(PubMethod.data3) > Settings.Default.tempUpper3) { stringBuilder.Append((Settings.Default.Language == 2 ? (object) "Outer tempe exceeds the upper limit, current upper limit :" : (object) "外部温度超出上限,当前上限:").ToString() + (object) Settings.Default.tempUpper3 + ";"); if (Settings.Default.SendType == 1) this.startSend((Settings.Default.Language == 2 ? (object) "Outer tempe exceeds the upper limit, current upper limit :" : (object) "外部温度超出上限,当前上限:").ToString() + (object) Settings.Default.tempUpper3 + (Settings.Default.Language == 2 ? (object) ", current temp : " : (object) ",当前温度:") + PubMethod.data3); this.playSound(); } if (PubMethod.getCurveData(PubMethod.data3) < Settings.Default.tempLower3) { stringBuilder.Append((Settings.Default.Language == 2 ? (object) "Outer temp below limit, current lower limit : " : (object) "外部温度低于限,当前下限:").ToString() + (object) Settings.Default.tempLower3 + ";"); if (Settings.Default.SendType == 1) this.startSend((Settings.Default.Language == 2 ? (object) "Outer temp below limit, current lower limit : " : (object) "外部温度低于限,当前下限:").ToString() + (object) Settings.Default.tempLower3 + (Settings.Default.Language == 2 ? (object) ", current temp : " : (object) ",当前温度:") + PubMethod.data3); this.playSound(); break; } break; case 4: if (PubMethod.getCurveData(PubMethod.data1) > Settings.Default.tempUpper1) { stringBuilder.Append((Settings.Default.Language == 2 ? (object) "Inner temp exceeds upper limit, current upper limit : " : (object) "内部温度超出上限,当前上限:").ToString() + (object) Settings.Default.tempUpper1 + ";"); if (Settings.Default.SendType == 1) this.startSend((Settings.Default.Language == 2 ? (object) "Inner temp exceeds upper limit, current upper limit : " : (object) "内部温度超出上限,当前上限:").ToString() + (object) Settings.Default.tempUpper1 + (Settings.Default.Language == 2 ? (object) ", current temp : " : (object) ",当前温度:") + PubMethod.data1); this.playSound(); } if (PubMethod.getCurveData(PubMethod.data1) < Settings.Default.tempLower1) { stringBuilder.Append((Settings.Default.Language == 2 ? (object) "Inner temp below limit, current lower limit : " : (object) "内部温度低于限,当前下限:").ToString() + (object) Settings.Default.tempLower1 + ";"); if (Settings.Default.SendType == 1) this.startSend((Settings.Default.Language == 2 ? (object) "Inner temp below limit, current lower limit : " : (object) "内部温度低于限,当前下限:").ToString() + (object) Settings.Default.tempLower1 + (Settings.Default.Language == 2 ? (object) ", current temp : " : (object) ",当前温度:") + PubMethod.data1); this.playSound(); break; } break; case 5: if (PubMethod.getCurveData(PubMethod.data1) > Settings.Default.tempUpper1) { stringBuilder.Append((Settings.Default.Language == 2 ? (object) "Inner temp exceeds upper limit, current upper limit : " : (object) "内部温度超出上限,当前上限:").ToString() + (object) Settings.Default.tempUpper1 + ";"); if (Settings.Default.SendType == 1) this.startSend((Settings.Default.Language == 2 ? (object) "Inner temp exceeds upper limit, current upper limit : " : (object) "内部温度超出上限,当前上限:").ToString() + (object) Settings.Default.tempUpper1 + (Settings.Default.Language == 2 ? (object) ", current temp : " : (object) ",当前温度:") + PubMethod.data1); this.playSound(); } if (PubMethod.getCurveData(PubMethod.data1) < Settings.Default.tempLower1) { stringBuilder.Append((Settings.Default.Language == 2 ? (object) "Inner temp below limit, current lower limit : " : (object) "内部温度低于限,当前下限:").ToString() + (object) Settings.Default.tempLower1 + ";"); if (Settings.Default.SendType == 1) this.startSend((Settings.Default.Language == 2 ? (object) "Inner temp below limit, current lower limit : " : (object) "内部温度低于限,当前下限:").ToString() + (object) Settings.Default.tempLower1 + (Settings.Default.Language == 2 ? (object) ", current temp : " : (object) ",当前温度:") + PubMethod.data1); this.playSound(); } if (PubMethod.getCurveData(PubMethod.data2) > Settings.Default.tempUpper2) { stringBuilder.Append((Settings.Default.Language == 2 ? (object) "Inner hum exceeds upper limit, current upper limit : " : (object) "内部湿度超出上限,当前上限:").ToString() + (object) Settings.Default.tempUpper2 + ";"); if (Settings.Default.SendType == 1) this.startSend((Settings.Default.Language == 2 ? (object) "Inner hum exceeds upper limit, current upper limit : " : (object) "内部湿度超出上限,当前上限:").ToString() + (object) Settings.Default.tempUpper2 + (Settings.Default.Language == 2 ? (object) ", current hum : " : (object) ",当前湿度:") + PubMethod.data2); this.playSound(); } if (PubMethod.getCurveData(PubMethod.data2) < Settings.Default.tempLower2) { stringBuilder.Append((Settings.Default.Language == 2 ? (object) "Inner hum below limit, current lower limit : " : (object) "内部湿度低于限,当前下限:").ToString() + (object) Settings.Default.tempLower2 + ";"); if (Settings.Default.SendType == 1) this.startSend((Settings.Default.Language == 2 ? (object) "Inner hum below limit, current lower limit : " : (object) "内部湿度低于限,当前下限:").ToString() + (object) Settings.Default.tempLower2 + (Settings.Default.Language == 2 ? (object) ", current hum : " : (object) ",当前湿度:") + PubMethod.data2); this.playSound(); break; } break; case 6: if (PubMethod.innerSensor > 0) { if (PubMethod.getCurveData(PubMethod.data1) > Settings.Default.tempUpper1) { stringBuilder.Append((Settings.Default.Language == 2 ? (object) "Inner temp exceeds upper limit, current upper limit : " : (object) "内部温度超出上限,当前上限:").ToString() + (object) Settings.Default.tempUpper1 + ";"); if (Settings.Default.SendType == 1) this.startSend((Settings.Default.Language == 2 ? (object) "Inner temp exceeds upper limit, current upper limit : " : (object) "内部温度超出上限,当前上限:").ToString() + (object) Settings.Default.tempUpper1 + (Settings.Default.Language == 2 ? (object) ", current temp : " : (object) ",当前温度:") + PubMethod.data1); this.playSound(); } if (PubMethod.getCurveData(PubMethod.data1) < Settings.Default.tempLower1) { stringBuilder.Append((Settings.Default.Language == 2 ? (object) "Inner temp below limit, current lower limit : " : (object) "内部温度低于限,当前下限:").ToString() + (object) Settings.Default.tempLower1 + ";"); if (Settings.Default.SendType == 1) this.startSend((Settings.Default.Language == 2 ? (object) "Inner temp below limit, current lower limit : " : (object) "内部温度低于限,当前下限:").ToString() + (object) Settings.Default.tempLower1 + (Settings.Default.Language == 2 ? (object) ", current temp : " : (object) ",当前温度:") + PubMethod.data1); this.playSound(); } if (PubMethod.innerSensor == 4) { if (PubMethod.getCurveData(PubMethod.data2) > Settings.Default.tempUpper2) { stringBuilder.Append((Settings.Default.Language == 2 ? (object) "Inner hum exceeds upper limit, current upper limit : " : (object) "内部湿度超出上限,当前上限:").ToString() + (object) Settings.Default.tempUpper2 + ";"); if (Settings.Default.SendType == 1) this.startSend((Settings.Default.Language == 2 ? (object) "Inner hum exceeds upper limit, current upper limit : " : (object) "内部湿度超出上限,当前上限:").ToString() + (object) Settings.Default.tempUpper2 + (Settings.Default.Language == 2 ? (object) ", current hum : " : (object) ",当前湿度:") + PubMethod.data2); this.playSound(); } if (PubMethod.getCurveData(PubMethod.data2) < Settings.Default.tempLower2) { stringBuilder.Append((Settings.Default.Language == 2 ? (object) "Inner hum below limit, current lower limit : " : (object) "内部湿度低于限,当前下限:").ToString() + (object) Settings.Default.tempLower2 + ";"); if (Settings.Default.SendType == 1) this.startSend((Settings.Default.Language == 2 ? (object) "Inner hum below limit, current lower limit : " : (object) "内部湿度低于限,当前下限:").ToString() + (object) Settings.Default.tempLower2 + (Settings.Default.Language == 2 ? (object) ", current hum : " : (object) ",当前湿度:") + PubMethod.data2); this.playSound(); } } } if (PubMethod.outerSensor > 0) { if (PubMethod.getCurveData(PubMethod.data3) > Settings.Default.tempUpper3) { stringBuilder.Append((Settings.Default.Language == 2 ? (object) "Outer tempe exceeds the upper limit, current upper limit : " : (object) "外部温度超出上限,当前上限:").ToString() + (object) Settings.Default.tempUpper3 + ";"); if (Settings.Default.SendType == 1) this.startSend((Settings.Default.Language == 2 ? "Outer tempe exceeds the upper limit, current upper limit : " : "外部温度超出上限,当前上限:") + (Settings.Default.tempUpper3 + (double) Settings.Default.Language == 2.0 ? ", current temp : " : ",当前温度:") + PubMethod.data3); this.playSound(); } if (PubMethod.getCurveData(PubMethod.data3) < Settings.Default.tempLower3) { stringBuilder.Append((Settings.Default.Language == 2 ? (object) "Outer temp below limit, current lower limit : " : (object) "外部温度低于限,当前下限:").ToString() + (object) Settings.Default.tempLower3 + ";"); if (Settings.Default.SendType == 1) this.startSend((Settings.Default.Language == 2 ? (object) "Outer temp below limit, current lower limit : " : (object) "外部温度低于限,当前下限:").ToString() + (object) Settings.Default.tempLower3 + (Settings.Default.Language == 2 ? (object) ", current temp : " : (object) ",当前温度:") + PubMethod.data3); this.playSound(); } if (PubMethod.innerSensor == 4) { if (PubMethod.getCurveData(PubMethod.data4) > Settings.Default.tempUpper4) { stringBuilder.Append((Settings.Default.Language == 2 ? (object) "Outer hum exceeds the upper limit, current upper limit : " : (object) "外部湿度超出上限,当前上限:").ToString() + (object) Settings.Default.tempUpper4 + ";"); if (Settings.Default.SendType == 1) this.startSend((Settings.Default.Language == 2 ? (object) "Outer hum exceeds the upper limit, current upper limit : " : (object) "外部湿度超出上限,当前上限:").ToString() + (object) Settings.Default.tempUpper4 + (Settings.Default.Language == 2 ? (object) ", current hum : " : (object) ",当前湿度:") + PubMethod.data4); this.playSound(); } if (PubMethod.getCurveData(PubMethod.data4) < Settings.Default.tempLower4) { stringBuilder.Append((Settings.Default.Language == 2 ? (object) "Outer hum below limit, current lower limit : " : (object) "外部湿度低于限,当前下限:").ToString() + (object) Settings.Default.tempLower4 + ";"); if (Settings.Default.SendType == 1) this.startSend((Settings.Default.Language == 2 ? (object) "Outer hum below limit, current lower limit : " : (object) "外部湿度低于限,当前下限:").ToString() + (object) Settings.Default.tempLower4 + (Settings.Default.Language == 2 ? (object) ", current hum : " : (object) ",当前湿度:") + PubMethod.data4); this.playSound(); } } break; } break; } return stringBuilder.ToString(); } private void fillCurve() { switch (PubMethod.type) { case 1: // ISSUE: reference to a compiler-generated method ((ISeries) this.chart.Series(2)).Add(PubMethod.getCurveData(PubMethod.data3), PubMethod.getMille(), 0U); // ISSUE: reference to a compiler-generated method ((ISeries) this.chart.Series(3)).Add(PubMethod.getCurveData(PubMethod.data4), PubMethod.getMille(), 0U); break; case 2: // ISSUE: reference to a compiler-generated method ((ISeries) this.chart.Series(2)).Add(PubMethod.getCurveData(PubMethod.data1), PubMethod.getMille(), 0U); break; case 3: // ISSUE: reference to a compiler-generated method ((ISeries) this.chart.Series(0)).Add(PubMethod.getCurveData(PubMethod.data1), PubMethod.getMille(), 0U); // ISSUE: reference to a compiler-generated method ((ISeries) this.chart.Series(2)).Add(PubMethod.getCurveData(PubMethod.data3), PubMethod.getMille(), 0U); break; case 4: // ISSUE: reference to a compiler-generated method ((ISeries) this.chart.Series(0)).Add(PubMethod.getCurveData(PubMethod.data1), PubMethod.getMille(), 0U); break; case 5: // ISSUE: reference to a compiler-generated method ((ISeries) this.chart.Series(0)).Add(PubMethod.getCurveData(PubMethod.data1), PubMethod.getMille(), 0U); // ISSUE: reference to a compiler-generated method ((ISeries) this.chart.Series(1)).Add(PubMethod.getCurveData(PubMethod.data2), PubMethod.getMille(), 0U); break; case 6: if (PubMethod.innerSensor > 0) { // ISSUE: reference to a compiler-generated method ((ISeries) this.chart.Series(0)).Add(PubMethod.getCurveData(PubMethod.data1), PubMethod.getMille(), 0U); if (PubMethod.innerSensor == 64) { // ISSUE: reference to a compiler-generated method ((ISeries) this.chart.Series(1)).Add(PubMethod.getCurveData(PubMethod.data2), PubMethod.getMille(), 0U); } } if (PubMethod.outerSensor > 0) { // ISSUE: reference to a compiler-generated method ((ISeries) this.chart.Series(2)).Add(PubMethod.getCurveData(PubMethod.data3), PubMethod.getMille(), 0U); if (PubMethod.outerSensor == 4) { // ISSUE: reference to a compiler-generated method ((ISeries) this.chart.Series(3)).Add(PubMethod.getCurveData(PubMethod.data4), PubMethod.getMille(), 0U); } } break; } double num1 = -50000.0; double num2 = 50000.0; for (int seriesIndex = 0; seriesIndex < this.chart.SeriesCount; ++seriesIndex) { if (((ISeries) this.chart.Series(seriesIndex)).YValues.Maximum > num1) num1 = ((ISeries) this.chart.Series(seriesIndex)).YValues.Maximum; if (((ISeries) this.chart.Series(seriesIndex)).YValues.Minimum < num2) num2 = ((ISeries) this.chart.Series(seriesIndex)).YValues.Minimum; } double num3 = num1 - num2; // ISSUE: reference to a compiler-generated method ((IAxes) this.chart.Axis).Left.SetMinMax(num2 - num3, num1 + num3); } private void saveFile() { string filePath = Settings.Default.FilePath; string str1 = ""; string str2 = ""; string str3 = ""; string stringDouble1 = PubMethod.getStringDouble(PubMethod.data1); string stringDouble2 = PubMethod.getStringDouble(PubMethod.data2); string stringDouble3 = PubMethod.getStringDouble(PubMethod.data3); string stringDouble4 = PubMethod.getStringDouble(PubMethod.data4); if (!(stringDouble1 == "error")) stringDouble1 += this.unnit; if (!(stringDouble2 == "error")) stringDouble2 += "%RH"; if (!(stringDouble3 == "error")) stringDouble3 += this.unnit; if (!(stringDouble4 == "error")) stringDouble4 += "%RH"; switch (PubMethod.type) { case 1: str1 = PubMethod.getTime() + "," + stringDouble3 + "," + stringDouble4; str2 = "TEMPer1F_H1"; str3 = "Time,Temperature,Humidity\n"; break; case 2: str1 = PubMethod.getTime() + "," + stringDouble1; str2 = "TEMPer1F"; str3 = "Time,Temperature\n"; break; case 3: str1 = PubMethod.getTime() + "," + stringDouble1 + "," + stringDouble3; str2 = "TEMPer2"; str3 = "Time,Inner Temperature,Outer Temperature\n"; break; case 4: str1 = PubMethod.getTime() + "," + stringDouble1; str2 = "TEMPerGold"; str3 = "Time,Temperature\n"; break; case 5: str1 = PubMethod.getTime() + "," + stringDouble1 + "," + stringDouble2; str2 = "TEMPerHUM"; str3 = "Time,Temperature,Humidity\n"; break; case 6: str2 = "TEMPerX"; str1 = PubMethod.getTime() + ","; string str4 = "Time,"; if (PubMethod.innerSensor > 0) { str1 = str1 + stringDouble1 + ","; str4 += "InnerTemp,"; if (PubMethod.innerSensor == 64) { str1 = str1 + stringDouble2 + ","; str4 += "InnerHum,"; } } if (PubMethod.outerSensor > 0) { str1 = str1 + stringDouble3 + ","; str4 += "OuterTemp,"; if (PubMethod.outerSensor == 4) { str1 += stringDouble4; str4 += "OuterHum,"; } } str3 = str4 + "\n"; break; } string path = filePath + "/" + str2; if (!Directory.Exists(path)) Directory.CreateDirectory(path); FileInfo[] files = new DirectoryInfo(path).GetFiles(); string str5 = Settings.Default.FileType != 1 ? ".txt" : ".csv"; StreamWriter streamWriter; if (files.Length == 0 || !Directory.Exists(path + "1" + str5)) { streamWriter = new StreamWriter(path + (object) 1 + str5, true); str1 = str3 + str1; } else if (PubMethod.getFileRowNum(path + "/" + (object) files.Length + str5) > Settings.Default.FileMax + 1) { streamWriter = new StreamWriter(path + (object) (files.Length + 1) + str5, true); str1 = str3 + str1; } else streamWriter = new StreamWriter(path + (object) files.Length + str5, true); streamWriter.WriteLine(str1); streamWriter.Close(); streamWriter.Dispose(); } private void setLabel_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int num = (int) new SetForm() { mf = this }.ShowDialog(); } private void data_alarm_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int num = (int) new AlarmForm(((Control) sender).Tag.ToString()) { mf = this }.ShowDialog(); } public bool setCalib(byte[] bs) { if (RDing.WriteUSB(PubMethod.pDevice, bs, (uint) PubMethod.outputLength, ref PubMethod.lpNumberOfBytesWritten)) { Thread.Sleep(50); byte[] pBuffer = new byte[9]; if (RDing.ReadUSB(PubMethod.pDevice, pBuffer, (uint) PubMethod.inputLength, ref PubMethod.lpNumberOfBytesReaden) && (int) pBuffer[4] == 85) return true; } return false; } private void playSound() { if (Settings.Default.SoundAlarm != 1) return; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Settings.Default.SoundPath)) { try { this.axWindowsMediaPlayer1.URL = Settings.Default.SoundPath; // ISSUE: reference to a compiler-generated method ((IWMPControls) this.axWindowsMediaPlayer1.Ctlcontrols).play(); } catch { } } } private void startSend(string str) { if (Settings.Default.SendStart != 1) return; new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(this.sendEamil)).Start((object) str); } private void sendEamil(object obj) { try { if (Settings.Default.SendStart != 1) return; MailMessage message = new MailMessage(); string sendAccount = Settings.Default.SendAccount; message.From = new MailAddress(sendAccount); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Settings.Default.ReciveAccount1)) message.To.Add(Settings.Default.ReciveAccount1); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Settings.Default.ReciveAccount2)) message.To.Add(Settings.Default.ReciveAccount2); message.Subject = string.IsNullOrEmpty(Settings.Default.Subject) ? "Alarm Email" : Settings.Default.Subject; message.Body = Settings.Default.Content + "\n" + obj; SmtpClient smtpClient = new SmtpClient(); smtpClient.Host = Settings.Default.SendSmtp; smtpClient.UseDefaultCredentials = true; smtpClient.Port = int.Parse(Settings.Default.SendPort); if (smtpClient.Host == "") { smtpClient.Port = 587; smtpClient.EnableSsl = true; } else if (smtpClient.Host != "") smtpClient.EnableSsl = true; try { ++this.totalCount; smtpClient.Credentials = (ICredentialsByHost) new NetworkCredential(sendAccount, Settings.Default.SendPass); smtpClient.Send(message); ++this.successCount; } catch (Exception ex) { this.Invoke((Delegate) delegate {}); } finally { this.Invoke((Delegate) delegate { this.sendCount.Text = string.Concat((object) this.successCount); }); } } catch { } } private void emailLabel_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int num = (int) new EmailForm() { mf = this }.ShowDialog(); } private void remoteLabel_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.rf = new RemoteForm(); = this; int num = (int) this.rf.ShowDialog(); } private void threeCkb_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ((IAspect) this.chart.Aspect).View3D = ((CheckBox) sender).Checked; } private void nagvationPanel_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e) { Panel panel = (Panel) sender; e.Graphics.DrawLine(new Pen(Color.FromArgb(204, 204, 204)), panel.Width - 1, panel.Height - 1, 0, panel.Height - 1); } public void uploadDevice() { PubMethod.sendSocket = IpDAL.GetSocket("", 16000); if (!PubMethod.sendSocket.Connected) return; PubMethod.sendSocket.BeginReceive(PubMethod.buffer, 0, PubMethod.buffer.Length, SocketFlags.None, new AsyncCallback(this.ReceiveCallBack), (object) PubMethod.sendSocket); } public void ReceiveCallBack(IAsyncResult result) { Socket asyncState = (Socket) result.AsyncState; try { if (!asyncState.Connected) return; int num1 = asyncState.EndReceive(result); result.AsyncWaitHandle.Close(); if (num1 > 0) { string str = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(PubMethod.buffer); if (str.Contains("call pcsensor!")) IpDAL.returnOrder("enter config state", asyncState); else if (str.Contains("display configs!")) { IpDAL.returnOrder("device MAC:00-0B-3C-6D-FF-AA\r\ndevice ipaddress:\r\ndevice netmask:\r\ndevice gateway:\r\nhost ipaddress:\r\nconnection type:tcp\r\nhost port:16000\r\nuser name:" + PubMethod.loginName + "\r\nuser password:" + PubMethod.loginPass + "\r\nfirmware:TEMPer", asyncState); if (this.rf != null) this.Invoke((Delegate) delegate { this.rf.Close(); }); int num2 = (int) MessageBox.Show(Settings.Default.Language == 2 ? "Upload success" : "上传成功"); } else if (str.Contains("ReadVersion>")) IpDAL.returnOrder(PubMethod.version, asyncState); else if (str.Contains("ReadSensorType>")) IpDAL.returnOrder(PubMethod.innerSensor.ToString() + "," + (object) PubMethod.outerSensor, asyncState); else if (str.Contains("ReadCalib>")) IpDAL.returnOrder(PubMethod.calib1.ToString() + "," + (object) PubMethod.calib2 + "," + (object) PubMethod.calib3 + "," + (object) PubMethod.calib4, asyncState); else if (str.Contains("ReadData>")) { if (PubMethod.isOpen) IpDAL.returnOrder(PubMethod.data1 + "," + PubMethod.data2 + "," + PubMethod.data3 + "," + PubMethod.data4, asyncState); else IpDAL.returnOrder("Disconnect", asyncState); } else if (str.Contains("SetCalib:")) { string s = str.Substring(str.IndexOf(",") + 1); if (this.setCalib(PubMethod.getCailbByte(int.Parse(str.Substring(str.IndexOf(":") + 1, str.IndexOf(","))), (double) int.Parse(s)))) IpDAL.returnOrder("OK", asyncState); else IpDAL.returnOrder("Fail", asyncState); } PubMethod.buffer = new byte[1024]; asyncState.BeginReceive(PubMethod.buffer, 0, PubMethod.buffer.Length, SocketFlags.None, new AsyncCallback(this.ReceiveCallBack), (object) asyncState); } } catch (SocketException ex) { } } public void searchDevice() { this.NamePwd = ProtocolKeys.UserName + ProtocolKeys.ColonSign + PubMethod.loginName + ProtocolKeys.ReturnWrap + ProtocolKeys.Password + ProtocolKeys.ColonSign + PubMethod.loginPass + ProtocolKeys.ReturnWrap + ProtocolKeys.ResetLogin + ProtocolKeys.ColonSign + ProtocolKeys.ResetLogin; ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem((WaitCallback) (o => this.ConnectServer())); } private void ConnectServer() { IPEndPoint ipEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(""), 16000); Socket clienttest = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp); clienttest.BeginConnect((EndPoint) ipEndPoint, (AsyncCallback) null, (object) clienttest).AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne(10000, true); Thread.Sleep(1000); if (clienttest.Connected) { try { clienttest.ReceiveTimeout = 2000; clienttest.SendTimeout = 2000; byte[] numArray = new byte[clienttest.ReceiveBufferSize]; int count1 = clienttest.Receive(numArray); if (Encoding.ASCII.GetString(numArray, 0, count1) != "call pcsensor!") return; byte[] buffer = new byte[1]{ (byte) 101 }; clienttest.Send(buffer, buffer.Length, SocketFlags.None); Thread.Sleep(500); int count2 = clienttest.Receive(numArray); if (Encoding.ASCII.GetString(numArray, 0, count2) != "display configs!") return; byte[] bytes = Encoding.Default.GetBytes(this.NamePwd); clienttest.Send(bytes, bytes.Length, SocketFlags.None); Thread.Sleep(1500); int count3 = clienttest.Receive(numArray); AssemblyInDataParser assemblyInDataParser = new AssemblyInDataParser(); assemblyInDataParser.DecodeProtocolText(Encoding.UTF8.GetString(numArray, 0, count3)); string devicesIp = ""; assemblyInDataParser.GetValue(ProtocolKeys.RemotDeviceIp, ref devicesIp); if (devicesIp != "") this.Invoke((Delegate) delegate { PubMethod.reciveSocket = clienttest; PubMethod.reciveIp = devicesIp; if (this.rf != null && this.rf != null) this.Invoke((Delegate) delegate { this.rf.Close(); }); this.getVersion(); int num = (int) MessageBox.Show(Settings.Default.Language == 2 ? "End of the search" : "搜索结束"); }); } catch { clienttest.Shutdown(SocketShutdown.Both); clienttest.Close(); GC.Collect(); GC.Collect(); } } } public void changeUnit(string str) { this.unitBtn.Text = str; } public void changeEmail(string str) { this.emailBtn.Text = str; } public void changeRemote(string str) { this.remoteBtn.Text = str; } private void emailBtn_MouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { this.emailTipPanel.Visible = true; } private void emailBtn_MouseLeave(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.emailTipPanel.Visible = false; } private void introduceLabel_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int num = (int) new IntroduceForm().ShowDialog(); } private void aboutLabel_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int num = (int) new AboutForm().ShowDialog(); } private void closePic_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Settings.Default.CloseOperate == 1) { this.Close(); } else { this.Hide(); this.notifyIcon1.ShowBalloonTip(1000, " ", Settings.Default.Language == 2 ? "The interface is hidden to the tray" : "界面隐藏到托盘", ToolTipIcon.None); } } private void MainForm_FormClosing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e) { if (Settings.Default.CloseOperate != 2) ; } private void notifyIcon1_DoubleClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.Visible = true; } private void 退出ToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.Close(); } private void minPB_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.WindowState = FormWindowState.Minimized; } private void titlePanel_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e) { } private void emailTipPanel_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e) { Panel panel = (Panel) sender; e.Graphics.DrawLine(new Pen(Color.FromArgb(204, 204, 204)), panel.Width - 1, panel.Height - 1, 0, panel.Height - 1); e.Graphics.DrawLine(new Pen(Color.FromArgb(204, 204, 204)), 0, 0, 0, panel.Height - 1); e.Graphics.DrawLine(new Pen(Color.FromArgb(204, 204, 204)), panel.Width - 1, panel.Height - 1, panel.Width - 1, 0); e.Graphics.DrawLine(new Pen(Color.FromArgb(204, 204, 204)), panel.Width - 1, 0, 0, 0); } protected override void Dispose(bool disposing) { if (disposing && this.components != null) this.components.Dispose(); base.Dispose(disposing); } private void InitializeComponent() { this.components = (IContainer) new Container(); ComponentResourceManager componentResourceManager = new ComponentResourceManager(typeof (MainForm)); DataGridViewCellStyle gridViewCellStyle1 = new DataGridViewCellStyle(); DataGridViewCellStyle gridViewCellStyle2 = new DataGridViewCellStyle(); DataGridViewCellStyle gridViewCellStyle3 = new DataGridViewCellStyle(); this.titlePanel = new Panel(); this.pictureBox7 = new PictureBox(); this.pictureBox6 = new PictureBox(); this.pictureBox5 = new PictureBox(); this.pictureBox4 = new PictureBox(); this.pictureBox3 = new PictureBox(); this.pictureBox2 = new PictureBox(); this.pictureBox1 = new PictureBox(); this.remoteLabel = new Label(); this.emailLabel = new Label(); this.setLabel = new Label(); this.mainPanel = new Panel(); this.emailTipPanel = new Panel(); this.sendCount = new Label(); this.label5 = new Label(); this.remoteBtn = new Button(); this.emailBtn = new Button(); this.unitBtn = new Button(); this.threeCkb = new CheckBox(); this.axWindowsMediaPlayer1 = new AxWindowsMediaPlayer(); this.chart = new AxTChart(); this.curveButton = new Button(); this.logButton = new Button(); this.dataTable = new DataGridView(); this.Column1 = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn(); this.Column2 = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn(); this.Column3 = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn(); this.Column4 = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn(); this.Column5 = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn(); this.Column6 = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn(); this.Column7 = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn(); this.dataPanel4 = new Panel(); this.label4 = new Label(); this.label22 = new Label(); this.label21 = new Label(); this.label20 = new Label(); this.dataMin4 = new Label(); this.dataAvg4 = new Label(); this.dataMax4 = new Label(); this.data4 = new Label(); this.dataPanel3 = new Panel(); this.label3 = new Label(); this.label19 = new Label(); this.label18 = new Label(); this.label17 = new Label(); this.dataMin3 = new Label(); this.dataAvg3 = new Label(); this.dataMax3 = new Label(); this.data3 = new Label(); this.dataPanel2 = new Panel(); this.label2 = new Label(); this.label16 = new Label(); this.label15 = new Label(); this.label14 = new Label(); this.dataMin2 = new Label(); this.dataAvg2 = new Label(); this.dataMax2 = new Label(); this.data2 = new Label(); this.dataPanel1 = new Panel(); this.label1 = new Label(); this.label13 = new Label(); this.label12 = new Label(); this.label11 = new Label(); this.dataMin1 = new Label(); this.dataAvg1 = new Label(); this.dataMax1 = new Label(); this.data1 = new Label(); this.timer = new System.Windows.Forms.Timer(this.components); this.nagvationPanel = new Panel(); this.aboutLabel = new Label(); this.introduceLabel = new Label(); this.panel1 = new Panel(); this.notifyIcon1 = new NotifyIcon(this.components); this.contextMenuStrip1 = new ContextMenuStrip(this.components); this.退出ToolStripMenuItem = new ToolStripMenuItem(); this.titlePanel.SuspendLayout(); ((ISupportInitialize) this.pictureBox7).BeginInit(); ((ISupportInitialize) this.pictureBox6).BeginInit(); ((ISupportInitialize) this.pictureBox5).BeginInit(); ((ISupportInitialize) this.pictureBox4).BeginInit(); ((ISupportInitialize) this.pictureBox3).BeginInit(); ((ISupportInitialize) this.pictureBox2).BeginInit(); ((ISupportInitialize) this.pictureBox1).BeginInit(); this.mainPanel.SuspendLayout(); this.emailTipPanel.SuspendLayout(); this.axWindowsMediaPlayer1.BeginInit(); this.chart.BeginInit(); ((ISupportInitialize) this.dataTable).BeginInit(); this.dataPanel4.SuspendLayout(); this.dataPanel3.SuspendLayout(); this.dataPanel2.SuspendLayout(); this.dataPanel1.SuspendLayout(); this.nagvationPanel.SuspendLayout(); this.panel1.SuspendLayout(); this.contextMenuStrip1.SuspendLayout(); this.SuspendLayout(); this.titlePanel.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(62, 160, 228); this.titlePanel.Controls.Add((Control) this.pictureBox7); this.titlePanel.Controls.Add((Control) this.pictureBox6); this.titlePanel.Controls.Add((Control) this.pictureBox5); this.titlePanel.Controls.Add((Control) this.pictureBox4); this.titlePanel.Controls.Add((Control) this.pictureBox3); this.titlePanel.Controls.Add((Control) this.pictureBox2); this.titlePanel.Controls.Add((Control) this.pictureBox1); componentResourceManager.ApplyResources((object) this.titlePanel, "titlePanel"); this.titlePanel.Name = "titlePanel"; this.titlePanel.Paint += new PaintEventHandler(this.titlePanel_Paint); this.titlePanel.MouseDown += new MouseEventHandler(this.titlePanel_MouseDown); this.titlePanel.MouseMove += new MouseEventHandler(this.titlePanel_MouseMove); this.titlePanel.MouseUp += new MouseEventHandler(this.titlePanel_MouseUp); this.pictureBox7.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(62, 160, 228); componentResourceManager.ApplyResources((object) this.pictureBox7, "pictureBox7"); this.pictureBox7.Name = "pictureBox7"; this.pictureBox7.TabStop = false; this.pictureBox6.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(62, 160, 228); componentResourceManager.ApplyResources((object) this.pictureBox6, "pictureBox6"); this.pictureBox6.Name = "pictureBox6"; this.pictureBox6.TabStop = false; this.pictureBox5.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(62, 160, 228); componentResourceManager.ApplyResources((object) this.pictureBox5, "pictureBox5"); this.pictureBox5.Name = "pictureBox5"; this.pictureBox5.TabStop = false; this.pictureBox4.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(62, 160, 228); componentResourceManager.ApplyResources((object) this.pictureBox4, "pictureBox4"); this.pictureBox4.Name = "pictureBox4"; this.pictureBox4.TabStop = false; this.pictureBox3.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(62, 160, 228); componentResourceManager.ApplyResources((object) this.pictureBox3, "pictureBox3"); this.pictureBox3.Name = "pictureBox3"; this.pictureBox3.TabStop = false; this.pictureBox2.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(62, 160, 228); componentResourceManager.ApplyResources((object) this.pictureBox2, "pictureBox2"); this.pictureBox2.Name = "pictureBox2"; this.pictureBox2.TabStop = false; componentResourceManager.ApplyResources((object) this.pictureBox1, "pictureBox1"); this.pictureBox1.Name = "pictureBox1"; this.pictureBox1.TabStop = false; this.remoteLabel.Cursor = Cursors.Hand; this.remoteLabel.ForeColor = Color.Black; componentResourceManager.ApplyResources((object) this.remoteLabel, "remoteLabel"); this.remoteLabel.Name = "remoteLabel"; this.remoteLabel.Click += new EventHandler(this.remoteLabel_Click); this.emailLabel.Cursor = Cursors.Hand; this.emailLabel.ForeColor = Color.Black; componentResourceManager.ApplyResources((object) this.emailLabel, "emailLabel"); this.emailLabel.Name = "emailLabel"; this.emailLabel.Click += new EventHandler(this.emailLabel_Click); this.setLabel.Cursor = Cursors.Hand; this.setLabel.ForeColor = Color.Black; componentResourceManager.ApplyResources((object) this.setLabel, "setLabel"); this.setLabel.Name = "setLabel"; this.setLabel.Click += new EventHandler(this.setLabel_Click); this.mainPanel.Controls.Add((Control) this.emailTipPanel); this.mainPanel.Controls.Add((Control) this.remoteBtn); this.mainPanel.Controls.Add((Control) this.emailBtn); this.mainPanel.Controls.Add((Control) this.unitBtn); this.mainPanel.Controls.Add((Control) this.threeCkb); this.mainPanel.Controls.Add((Control) this.axWindowsMediaPlayer1); this.mainPanel.Controls.Add((Control) this.chart); this.mainPanel.Controls.Add((Control) this.curveButton); this.mainPanel.Controls.Add((Control) this.logButton); this.mainPanel.Controls.Add((Control) this.dataTable); this.mainPanel.Controls.Add((Control) this.dataPanel4); this.mainPanel.Controls.Add((Control) this.dataPanel3); this.mainPanel.Controls.Add((Control) this.dataPanel2); this.mainPanel.Controls.Add((Control) this.dataPanel1); componentResourceManager.ApplyResources((object) this.mainPanel, "mainPanel"); this.mainPanel.Name = "mainPanel"; this.emailTipPanel.BackColor = Color.White; this.emailTipPanel.Controls.Add((Control) this.sendCount); this.emailTipPanel.Controls.Add((Control) this.label5); componentResourceManager.ApplyResources((object) this.emailTipPanel, "emailTipPanel"); this.emailTipPanel.Name = "emailTipPanel"; this.emailTipPanel.Paint += new PaintEventHandler(this.emailTipPanel_Paint); componentResourceManager.ApplyResources((object) this.sendCount, "sendCount"); this.sendCount.Name = "sendCount"; componentResourceManager.ApplyResources((object) this.label5, "label5"); this.label5.Name = "label5"; this.remoteBtn.BackColor = Color.White; this.remoteBtn.Cursor = Cursors.Hand; this.remoteBtn.FlatAppearance.BorderColor = Color.Silver; componentResourceManager.ApplyResources((object) this.remoteBtn, "remoteBtn"); this.remoteBtn.Name = "remoteBtn"; this.remoteBtn.Tag = (object) "2"; this.remoteBtn.UseVisualStyleBackColor = false; this.emailBtn.BackColor = Color.White; this.emailBtn.Cursor = Cursors.Hand; this.emailBtn.FlatAppearance.BorderColor = Color.Silver; componentResourceManager.ApplyResources((object) this.emailBtn, "emailBtn"); this.emailBtn.Name = "emailBtn"; this.emailBtn.Tag = (object) "2"; this.emailBtn.UseVisualStyleBackColor = false; this.unitBtn.BackColor = Color.White; this.unitBtn.Cursor = Cursors.Hand; this.unitBtn.FlatAppearance.BorderColor = Color.Silver; componentResourceManager.ApplyResources((object) this.unitBtn, "unitBtn"); this.unitBtn.Name = "unitBtn"; this.unitBtn.Tag = (object) "2"; this.unitBtn.UseVisualStyleBackColor = false; componentResourceManager.ApplyResources((object) this.threeCkb, "threeCkb"); this.threeCkb.Name = "threeCkb"; this.threeCkb.UseVisualStyleBackColor = true; this.threeCkb.Click += new EventHandler(this.threeCkb_Click); componentResourceManager.ApplyResources((object) this.axWindowsMediaPlayer1, "axWindowsMediaPlayer1"); this.axWindowsMediaPlayer1.Name = "axWindowsMediaPlayer1"; this.axWindowsMediaPlayer1.OcxState = (AxHost.State) componentResourceManager.GetObject("axWindowsMediaPlayer1.OcxState"); componentResourceManager.ApplyResources((object) this.chart, "chart"); this.chart.Name = "chart"; this.chart.OcxState = (AxHost.State) componentResourceManager.GetObject("chart.OcxState"); this.curveButton.BackColor = Color.White; this.curveButton.Cursor = Cursors.Hand; this.curveButton.FlatAppearance.BorderColor = Color.Silver; componentResourceManager.ApplyResources((object) this.curveButton, "curveButton"); this.curveButton.Name = "curveButton"; this.curveButton.Tag = (object) "2"; this.curveButton.UseVisualStyleBackColor = false; this.curveButton.Click += new EventHandler(this.button_change_Click); this.logButton.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(62, 160, 228); this.logButton.FlatAppearance.BorderColor = Color.Silver; componentResourceManager.ApplyResources((object) this.logButton, "logButton"); this.logButton.Name = "logButton"; this.logButton.Tag = (object) "1"; this.logButton.UseVisualStyleBackColor = false; this.logButton.Click += new EventHandler(this.button_change_Click); this.dataTable.AllowUserToResizeColumns = false; this.dataTable.AllowUserToResizeRows = false; this.dataTable.BackgroundColor = Color.FromArgb(242, 243, 244); this.dataTable.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.None; gridViewCellStyle1.Alignment = DataGridViewContentAlignment.MiddleCenter; gridViewCellStyle1.BackColor = SystemColors.Control; gridViewCellStyle1.Font = new Font("微软雅黑", 9f); gridViewCellStyle1.ForeColor = SystemColors.WindowText; gridViewCellStyle1.SelectionBackColor = Color.Transparent; gridViewCellStyle1.SelectionForeColor = SystemColors.HighlightText; gridViewCellStyle1.WrapMode = DataGridViewTriState.False; this.dataTable.ColumnHeadersDefaultCellStyle = gridViewCellStyle1; componentResourceManager.ApplyResources((object) this.dataTable, "dataTable"); this.dataTable.Columns.AddRange((DataGridViewColumn) this.Column1, (DataGridViewColumn) this.Column2, (DataGridViewColumn) this.Column3, (DataGridViewColumn) this.Column4, (DataGridViewColumn) this.Column5, (DataGridViewColumn) this.Column6, (DataGridViewColumn) this.Column7); this.dataTable.Name = "dataTable"; this.dataTable.ReadOnly = true; this.dataTable.RowHeadersVisible = false; gridViewCellStyle2.Alignment = DataGridViewContentAlignment.MiddleCenter; this.dataTable.RowsDefaultCellStyle = gridViewCellStyle2; this.dataTable.RowTemplate.Height = 23; gridViewCellStyle3.Alignment = DataGridViewContentAlignment.MiddleCenter; this.Column1.DefaultCellStyle = gridViewCellStyle3; componentResourceManager.ApplyResources((object) this.Column1, "Column1"); this.Column1.Name = "Column1"; this.Column1.ReadOnly = true; this.Column1.SortMode = DataGridViewColumnSortMode.NotSortable; componentResourceManager.ApplyResources((object) this.Column2, "Column2"); this.Column2.Name = "Column2"; this.Column2.ReadOnly = true; componentResourceManager.ApplyResources((object) this.Column3, "Column3"); this.Column3.Name = "Column3"; this.Column3.ReadOnly = true; componentResourceManager.ApplyResources((object) this.Column4, "Column4"); this.Column4.Name = "Column4"; this.Column4.ReadOnly = true; componentResourceManager.ApplyResources((object) this.Column5, "Column5"); this.Column5.Name = "Column5"; this.Column5.ReadOnly = true; componentResourceManager.ApplyResources((object) this.Column6, "Column6"); this.Column6.Name = "Column6"; this.Column6.ReadOnly = true; this.Column7.AutoSizeMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnMode.Fill; componentResourceManager.ApplyResources((object) this.Column7, "Column7"); this.Column7.Name = "Column7"; this.Column7.ReadOnly = true; this.dataPanel4.BackColor = Color.White; this.dataPanel4.Controls.Add((Control) this.label4); this.dataPanel4.Controls.Add((Control) this.label22); this.dataPanel4.Controls.Add((Control) this.label21); this.dataPanel4.Controls.Add((Control) this.label20); this.dataPanel4.Controls.Add((Control) this.dataMin4); this.dataPanel4.Controls.Add((Control) this.dataAvg4); this.dataPanel4.Controls.Add((Control) this.dataMax4); this.dataPanel4.Controls.Add((Control) this.data4); componentResourceManager.ApplyResources((object) this.dataPanel4, "dataPanel4"); this.dataPanel4.Name = "dataPanel4"; componentResourceManager.ApplyResources((object) this.label4, "label4"); this.label4.ForeColor = Color.Blue; this.label4.Name = "label4"; componentResourceManager.ApplyResources((object) this.label22, "label22"); this.label22.Name = "label22"; componentResourceManager.ApplyResources((object) this.label21, "label21"); this.label21.Name = "label21"; 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this.dataPanel3.Controls.Add((Control) this.dataMax3); this.dataPanel3.Controls.Add((Control) this.data3); componentResourceManager.ApplyResources((object) this.dataPanel3, "dataPanel3"); this.dataPanel3.Name = "dataPanel3"; componentResourceManager.ApplyResources((object) this.label3, "label3"); this.label3.ForeColor = Color.FromArgb((int) byte.MaxValue, 128, 0); this.label3.Name = "label3"; componentResourceManager.ApplyResources((object) this.label19, "label19"); this.label19.Name = "label19"; componentResourceManager.ApplyResources((object) this.label18, "label18"); this.label18.Name = "label18"; componentResourceManager.ApplyResources((object) this.label17, "label17"); this.label17.Name = "label17"; componentResourceManager.ApplyResources((object) this.dataMin3, "dataMin3"); this.dataMin3.Name = "dataMin3"; componentResourceManager.ApplyResources((object) this.dataAvg3, "dataAvg3"); this.dataAvg3.Name = "dataAvg3"; componentResourceManager.ApplyResources((object) this.dataMax3, "dataMax3"); this.dataMax3.Name = "dataMax3"; this.data3.Cursor = Cursors.Hand; componentResourceManager.ApplyResources((object) this.data3, "data3"); this.data3.Name = "data3"; this.data3.Tag = (object) "3"; this.data3.Click += new EventHandler(this.data_alarm_Click); this.dataPanel2.BackColor = Color.White; this.dataPanel2.Controls.Add((Control) this.label2); this.dataPanel2.Controls.Add((Control) this.label16); this.dataPanel2.Controls.Add((Control) this.label15); this.dataPanel2.Controls.Add((Control) this.label14); this.dataPanel2.Controls.Add((Control) this.dataMin2); this.dataPanel2.Controls.Add((Control) this.dataAvg2); this.dataPanel2.Controls.Add((Control) this.dataMax2); this.dataPanel2.Controls.Add((Control) this.data2); componentResourceManager.ApplyResources((object) this.dataPanel2, "dataPanel2"); this.dataPanel2.Name = "dataPanel2"; componentResourceManager.ApplyResources((object) this.label2, "label2"); this.label2.ForeColor = Color.Green; this.label2.Name = "label2"; componentResourceManager.ApplyResources((object) this.label16, "label16"); this.label16.Name = "label16"; componentResourceManager.ApplyResources((object) this.label15, "label15"); this.label15.Name = "label15"; componentResourceManager.ApplyResources((object) this.label14, "label14"); this.label14.Name = "label14"; componentResourceManager.ApplyResources((object) this.dataMin2, "dataMin2"); this.dataMin2.Name = "dataMin2"; componentResourceManager.ApplyResources((object) this.dataAvg2, "dataAvg2"); this.dataAvg2.Name = "dataAvg2"; componentResourceManager.ApplyResources((object) this.dataMax2, "dataMax2"); this.dataMax2.Name = "dataMax2"; this.data2.Cursor = Cursors.Hand; componentResourceManager.ApplyResources((object) this.data2, "data2"); this.data2.Name = "data2"; this.data2.Tag = (object) "2"; this.data2.Click += new EventHandler(this.data_alarm_Click); this.dataPanel1.BackColor = Color.White; this.dataPanel1.Controls.Add((Control) this.label1); this.dataPanel1.Controls.Add((Control) this.label13); this.dataPanel1.Controls.Add((Control) this.label12); this.dataPanel1.Controls.Add((Control) this.label11); this.dataPanel1.Controls.Add((Control) this.dataMin1); this.dataPanel1.Controls.Add((Control) this.dataAvg1); this.dataPanel1.Controls.Add((Control) this.dataMax1); this.dataPanel1.Controls.Add((Control) this.data1); componentResourceManager.ApplyResources((object) this.dataPanel1, "dataPanel1"); this.dataPanel1.Name = "dataPanel1"; componentResourceManager.ApplyResources((object) this.label1, "label1"); this.label1.ForeColor = Color.Red; this.label1.Name = "label1"; componentResourceManager.ApplyResources((object) this.label13, "label13"); this.label13.Name = "label13"; componentResourceManager.ApplyResources((object) this.label12, "label12"); this.label12.Name = "label12"; componentResourceManager.ApplyResources((object) this.label11, "label11"); this.label11.Name = "label11"; componentResourceManager.ApplyResources((object) this.dataMin1, "dataMin1"); this.dataMin1.Name = "dataMin1"; componentResourceManager.ApplyResources((object) this.dataAvg1, "dataAvg1"); this.dataAvg1.Name = "dataAvg1"; componentResourceManager.ApplyResources((object) this.dataMax1, "dataMax1"); this.dataMax1.Name = "dataMax1"; this.data1.Cursor = Cursors.Hand; componentResourceManager.ApplyResources((object) this.data1, "data1"); this.data1.Name = "data1"; this.data1.Tag = (object) "1"; this.data1.Click += new EventHandler(this.data_alarm_Click); this.timer.Interval = 1000; this.timer.Tick += new EventHandler(this.timer_Tick); this.nagvationPanel.Controls.Add((Control) this.aboutLabel); this.nagvationPanel.Controls.Add((Control) this.introduceLabel); this.nagvationPanel.Controls.Add((Control) this.setLabel); this.nagvationPanel.Controls.Add((Control) this.remoteLabel); this.nagvationPanel.Controls.Add((Control) this.emailLabel); componentResourceManager.ApplyResources((object) this.nagvationPanel, "nagvationPanel"); this.nagvationPanel.Name = "nagvationPanel"; this.nagvationPanel.Paint += new PaintEventHandler(this.nagvationPanel_Paint); this.aboutLabel.Cursor = Cursors.Hand; this.aboutLabel.ForeColor = Color.Black; componentResourceManager.ApplyResources((object) this.aboutLabel, "aboutLabel"); this.aboutLabel.Name = "aboutLabel"; this.aboutLabel.Click += new EventHandler(this.aboutLabel_Click); this.introduceLabel.Cursor = Cursors.Hand; this.introduceLabel.ForeColor = Color.Black; componentResourceManager.ApplyResources((object) this.introduceLabel, "introduceLabel"); this.introduceLabel.Name = "introduceLabel"; this.introduceLabel.Click += new EventHandler(this.introduceLabel_Click); this.panel1.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(242, 243, 244); this.panel1.Controls.Add((Control) this.mainPanel); this.panel1.Controls.Add((Control) this.nagvationPanel); componentResourceManager.ApplyResources((object) this.panel1, "panel1"); this.panel1.Name = "panel1"; this.notifyIcon1.ContextMenuStrip = this.contextMenuStrip1; componentResourceManager.ApplyResources((object) this.notifyIcon1, "notifyIcon1"); this.notifyIcon1.DoubleClick += new EventHandler(this.notifyIcon1_DoubleClick); this.contextMenuStrip1.Items.AddRange(new ToolStripItem[1] { (ToolStripItem) this.退出ToolStripMenuItem }); this.contextMenuStrip1.Name = "contextMenuStrip1"; componentResourceManager.ApplyResources((object) this.contextMenuStrip1, "contextMenuStrip1"); this.退出ToolStripMenuItem.Name = "退出ToolStripMenuItem"; componentResourceManager.ApplyResources((object) this.退出ToolStripMenuItem, "退出ToolStripMenuItem"); this.退出ToolStripMenuItem.Click += new EventHandler(this.退出ToolStripMenuItem_Click); componentResourceManager.ApplyResources((object) this, "$this"); this.AutoScaleMode = AutoScaleMode.Font; this.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(62, 160, 228); this.Controls.Add((Control) this.panel1); this.Controls.Add((Control) this.titlePanel); this.Name = nameof (MainForm); this.FormClosing += new FormClosingEventHandler(this.MainForm_FormClosing); this.Load += new EventHandler(this.MainForm_Load); this.titlePanel.ResumeLayout(false); ((ISupportInitialize) this.pictureBox7).EndInit(); ((ISupportInitialize) this.pictureBox6).EndInit(); ((ISupportInitialize) this.pictureBox5).EndInit(); ((ISupportInitialize) this.pictureBox4).EndInit(); ((ISupportInitialize) this.pictureBox3).EndInit(); ((ISupportInitialize) this.pictureBox2).EndInit(); ((ISupportInitialize) this.pictureBox1).EndInit(); this.mainPanel.ResumeLayout(false); this.mainPanel.PerformLayout(); this.emailTipPanel.ResumeLayout(false); this.emailTipPanel.PerformLayout(); this.axWindowsMediaPlayer1.EndInit(); this.chart.EndInit(); ((ISupportInitialize) this.dataTable).EndInit(); this.dataPanel4.ResumeLayout(false); this.dataPanel4.PerformLayout(); this.dataPanel3.ResumeLayout(false); this.dataPanel3.PerformLayout(); this.dataPanel2.ResumeLayout(false); this.dataPanel2.PerformLayout(); this.dataPanel1.ResumeLayout(false); this.dataPanel1.PerformLayout(); this.nagvationPanel.ResumeLayout(false); this.panel1.ResumeLayout(false); this.contextMenuStrip1.ResumeLayout(false); this.ResumeLayout(false); } } }