; #VARIABLES# =================================================================================================================== ; #MODIFIED# =================================================================================================================== ; Disabled auto-loading of dll. The dll must be loaded specifically by the user. Run this function before using any of the 7zip functions. Global $hDLL_7ZIP Func _7ZipStartup($sDLL_7ZIP = @ScriptDir & "\7-zip32.dll") $hDLL_7ZIP = DllOpen($sDLL_7ZIP) If $hDLL_7ZIP = -1 Then Exit MsgBox(0x10, 'Error', 'Error loading 7-zip32.dll' & @LF & '(' & $sDLL_7ZIP & ')') ; OK: 1 OnAutoItExitRegister('_7ZipExitFunc') EndFunc #cs - Original script: Global $sDLL_7ZIP If Not $sDLL_7ZIP Then $sDLL_7ZIP = @ScriptDir & "\7-zip32.dll" Global $hDLL_7ZIP If Not $hDLL_7ZIP Then $hDLL_7ZIP = DllOpen($sDLL_7ZIP) If $hDLL_7ZIP = -1 Then Exit MsgBox(0x10, 'Error', 'Error loading 7-zip32.dll' & @LF & '(' & $sDLL_7ZIP & ')') ; OK: 1 #ce Global Const $FNAME_MAX32 = 512 Global $hArchiveProc ;File attributes constants Global Const $FA_RDONLY = 0x01 ;Reading private file Global Const $FA_HIDDEN = 0x02 ;Invisibility attribute file Global Const $FA_SYSTEM = 0x04 ;System file Global Const $FA_LABEL = 0x08 ;Volume label Global Const $FA_DIREC = 0x10 ;Directory Global Const $FA_ARCH = 0x20 ;Retention bit Global Const $FA_ENCRYPTED = 0x40 ;The password the file which is protected ; =============================================================================================================================== ; #STRUCTURES# ================================================================================================================== Global $tagINDIVIDUALINFO = "int dwOriginalSize;int dwCompressedSize;int dwCRC;uint uFlag;uint uOSType;short wRatio;" & _ "short wDate;short wTime;char szFileName[" & $FNAME_MAX32 + 1 & "];char dummy1[3];" & _ "char szAttribute[8];char szMode[8]" Global Const $tagEXTRACTINGINFO = "int dwFileSize;int dwWriteSize;char szSourceFileName[" & $FNAME_MAX32 + 1 & "];" & _ "char dummy1[3];char szDestFileName[" & $FNAME_MAX32 + 1 & "];char dummy[3]" Global Const $tagEXTRACTINGINFOEX = $tagEXTRACTINGINFO & ";dword dwCompressedSize;dword dwCRC;uint uOSType;short wRatio;" & _ "short wDate;short wTime;char szAttribute[8];char szMode[8]" ; =============================================================================================================================== ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _7ZipAdd ; Description ...: Adds files to archive ; Syntax.........: _7ZipAdd($hWnd, $sArcName, $sFileName[, $sHide = 0[, $sCompress = 5[, $sRecurse = 1[, $sIncludeFile = 0[, _ ; $sExcludeFile = 0[, $sPassword = 0[, $sSFX = 0[, $sVolume = 0[, $sWorkDir = 0]]]]]]]]]) ; Parameters ....: $hWnd - Handle to parent or owner window ; $sArcName - Archive file name ; $sFileName - File names to archive up ; $sHide - Use this switch if you want the CallBack function to be called ; $sCompress - Compress level 0-9 ; $sRecurse - Recursion method: 0 - Disable recursion ; 1 - Enable recursion ; 2 - Enable recursion only for wildcard names ; $sIncludeFile - Include filenames, specifies filenames and wildcards or list file that specify processed files ; $sExcludeFile - Exclude filenames, specifies what filenames or (and) wildcards must be excluded from operation ; $sPassword - Specifies password ; $sSFX - Creates self extracting archive ; $sVolume - Specifies volumes sizes ; $sWorkDir - Sets working directory for temporary base archive ; Return values .: Success - Returns the string with results ; Failure - Returns 0 and and sets the @error flag to 1 ; Author ........: R. Gilman (rasim) ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _7ZipAdd($hWnd, $sArcName, $sFileName, $sHide = 0, $sCompress = 5, $sRecurse = 1, $sIncludeFile = 0, $sExcludeFile = 0, _ $sPassword = 0, $sSFX = 0, $sVolume = 0, $sWorkDir = 0) $sArcName = '"' & $sArcName & '"' $sFileName = '"' & $sFileName & '"' Local $iSwitch = "" If $sHide Then $iSwitch &= " -hide" $iSwitch &= " -mx" & $sCompress $iSwitch &= _RecursionSet($sRecurse) If $sIncludeFile Then $iSwitch &= _IncludeFileSet($sIncludeFile) If $sExcludeFile Then $iSwitch &= _ExcludeFileSet($sExcludeFile) If $sPassword Then $iSwitch &= " -p" & $sPassword If FileExists($sSFX) Then $iSwitch &= " -sfx" & $sSFX If $sVolume Then $iSwitch &= " -v" & $sVolume If $sWorkDir Then $iSwitch &= " -w" & $sWorkDir Local $tOutBuffer = DllStructCreate("char[32768]") Local $aRet = DllCall($hDLL_7ZIP, "int", "SevenZip", _ "hwnd", $hWnd, _ "str", "a " & $sArcName & " " & $sFileName & " " & $iSwitch, _ "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($tOutBuffer), _ "int", DllStructGetSize($tOutBuffer)) If Not $aRet[0] Then Return SetError(0, 0, DllStructGetData($tOutBuffer, 1)) Return SetError(1, 0, 0) EndFunc ;==>_7ZipAdd ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _7ZipDelete ; Description ...: Deletes files from archive ; Syntax.........: _7ZipDelete($hWnd, $sArcName, $sFileName[, $sHide = 0[, $sCompress = 5[, $sRecurse = 1[, $sIncludeFile = 0[, _ ; $sExcludeFile = 0[, $sPassword = 0[, $sWorkDir = 0]]]]]]]) ; Parameters ....: $hWnd - Handle to parent or owner window ; $sArcName - Archive file name ; $sFileName - File names to deleting ; $sHide - Use this switch if you want the CallBack function to be called ; $sCompress - Compress level 0-9 ; $sRecurse - Recursion method: 0 - Disable recursion ; 1 - Enable recursion ; 2 - Enable recursion only for wildcard names ; $sIncludeFile - Include filenames, specifies filenames and wildcards or list file that specify processed files ; $sExcludeFile - Exclude filenames, specifies what filenames or (and) wildcards must be excluded from operation ; $sPassword - Specifies password ; $sWorkDir - Sets working directory for temporary base archive ; Return values .: Success - Returns the string with results ; Failure - Returns 0 and and sets the @error flag to 1 ; Author ........: R. Gilman (rasim) ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _7ZipDelete($hWnd, $sArcName, $sFileName, $sHide = 0, $sCompress = 5, $sRecurse = 1, $sIncludeFile = 0, $sExcludeFile = 0, _ $sPassword = 0, $sWorkDir = 0) $sArcName = '"' & $sArcName & '"' $sFileName = '"' & $sFileName & '"' Local $iSwitch = "" If $sHide Then $iSwitch &= " -hide" $iSwitch &= " -mx" & $sCompress $iSwitch &= _RecursionSet($sRecurse) If $sIncludeFile Then $iSwitch &= _IncludeFileSet($sIncludeFile) If $sExcludeFile Then $iSwitch &= _ExcludeFileSet($sExcludeFile) If $sPassword Then $iSwitch &= " -p" & $sPassword If $sWorkDir Then $iSwitch &= " -w" & $sWorkDir Local $tOutBuffer = DllStructCreate("char[32768]") Local $aRet = DllCall($hDLL_7ZIP, "int", "SevenZip", _ "hwnd", $hWnd, _ "str", "d " & $sArcName & " " & $sFileName & " " & $iSwitch, _ "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($tOutBuffer), _ "int", DllStructGetSize($tOutBuffer)) If Not $aRet[0] Then Return SetError(0, 0, DllStructGetData($tOutBuffer, 1)) Return SetError(1, 0, 0) EndFunc ;==>_7ZipDelete ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _7ZIPExtract ; Description ...: Extracts files from archive to the current directory or to the output directory ; Syntax.........: _7ZIPExtract($hWnd, $sArcName[, $sOutput = 0[, $sHide = 0[, $sOverwrite = 0[, $sRecurse = 1[, _ ; $sIncludeArc[, $sExcludeArc[, $sIncludeFile = 0[, $sExcludeFile = 0[, $sPassword = 0[, _ ; $sYes = 0]]]]]]]]]]) ; Parameters ....: $hWnd - Handle to parent or owner window ; $sArcName - Archive file name ; $sOutput - Output directory ; $sHide - Use this switch if you want the CallBack function to be called ; $sOverwrite - Overwrite mode: 0 - Overwrite All existing files without prompt, _ ; 1 - Skip extracting of existing files, _ ; 2 - Auto rename extracting file, _ ; 3 - auto rename existing file ; $sRecurse - Recursion method: 0 - Disable recursion ; 1 - Enable recursion ; 2 - Enable recursion only for wildcard names ; $sIncludeArc - Include archive filenames ; $sExcludeArc - Exclude archive filenames ; $sIncludeFile - Include filenames, specifies filenames and wildcards or list file that specify processed files ; $sExcludeFile - Exclude filenames, specifies what filenames or (and) wildcards must be excluded from operation ; $sPassword - Specifies password ; $Yes - assume Yes on all queries ; Return values .: Success - Returns the string with results ; Failure - Returns 0 and and sets the @error flag to 1 ; Author ........: R. Gilman (rasim) ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _7ZIPExtract($hWnd, $sArcName, $sOutput = 0, $sHide = 0, $sOverwrite = 0, $sRecurse = 1, $sIncludeArc = 0, $sExcludeArc = 0, _ $sIncludeFile = 0, $sExcludeFile = 0, $sPassword = 0, $sYes = 0) $sArcName = '"' & $sArcName & '"' Local $iSwitch = "" If $sOutput Then $iSwitch = ' -o"' & $sOutput & '"' If $sHide Then $iSwitch &= " -hide" $iSwitch &= _OverwriteSet($sOverwrite) $iSwitch &= _RecursionSet($sRecurse) If $sIncludeArc Then $iSwitch &= _IncludeArcSet($sIncludeArc) If $sExcludeArc Then $iSwitch &= _ExcludeArcSet($sExcludeArc) If $sIncludeFile Then $iSwitch &= _IncludeFileSet($sIncludeFile) If $sExcludeFile Then $iSwitch &= _ExcludeFileSet($sExcludeFile) If $sPassword Then $iSwitch &= " -p" & $sPassword If $sYes Then $iSwitch &= " -y" Local $tOutBuffer = DllStructCreate("char[32768]") Local $aRet = DllCall($hDLL_7ZIP, "int", "SevenZip", _ "hwnd", $hWnd, _ "str", "e " & $sArcName & " " & $iSwitch, _ "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($tOutBuffer), _ "int", DllStructGetSize($tOutBuffer)) If Not $aRet[0] Then Return SetError(0, 0, DllStructGetData($tOutBuffer, 1)) Return SetError(1, 0, 0) EndFunc ;==>_7ZIPExtract ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _7ZIPExtractEx ; Description ...: Extracts files from archive with full paths to the current directory or to the output directory ; Syntax.........: _7ZIPExtract($hWnd, $sArcName[, $sOutput = 0[, $sHide = 0[, $sOverwrite = 0[, $sRecurse = 1[, _ ; $sIncludeArc[, $sExcludeArc[, $sIncludeFile = 0[, $sExcludeFile = 0[, $sPassword = 0[, _ ; $sYes = 0]]]]]]]]]]) ; Parameters ....: $hWnd - Handle to parent or owner window ; $sArcName - Archive file name ; $sOutput - Output directory ; $sHide - Use this switch if you want the CallBack function to be called ; $sOverwrite - Overwrite mode: 0 - Overwrite All existing files without prompt, _ ; 1 - Skip extracting of existing files, _ ; 2 - Auto rename extracting file, _ ; 3 - auto rename existing file ; $sRecurse - Recursion method: 0 - Disable recursion ; 1 - Enable recursion ; 2 - Enable recursion only for wildcard names ; $sIncludeArc - Include archive filenames ; $sExcludeArc - Exclude archive filenames ; $sIncludeFile - Include filenames, specifies filenames and wildcards or list file that specify processed files ; $sExcludeFile - Exclude filenames, specifies what filenames or (and) wildcards must be excluded from operation ; $sPassword - Specifies password ; $Yes - assume Yes on all queries ; Return values .: Success - Returns the string with results ; Failure - Returns 0 and and sets the @error flag to 1 ; Author ........: R. Gilman (rasim) ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _7ZipExtractEx($hWnd, $sArcName, $sOutput = 0, $sHide = 0, $sOverwrite = 0, $sRecurse = 1, $sIncludeArc = 0, _ $sExcludeArc = 0, $sIncludeFile = 0, $sExcludeFile = 0, $sPassword = 0, $sYes = 0) $sArcName = '"' & $sArcName & '"' Local $iSwitch = "" If $sOutput Then $iSwitch = ' -o"' & $sOutput & '"' If $sHide Then $iSwitch &= " -hide" $iSwitch &= _OverwriteSet($sOverwrite) $iSwitch &= _RecursionSet($sRecurse) If $sIncludeArc Then $iSwitch &= _IncludeArcSet($sIncludeArc) If $sExcludeArc Then $iSwitch &= _ExcludeArcSet($sExcludeArc) If $sIncludeFile Then $iSwitch &= _IncludeFileSet($sIncludeFile) If $sExcludeFile Then $iSwitch &= _ExcludeFileSet($sExcludeFile) If $sPassword Then $iSwitch &= " -p" & $sPassword If $sYes Then $iSwitch &= " -y" Local $tOutBuffer = DllStructCreate("char[32768]") Local $aRet = DllCall($hDLL_7ZIP, "int", "SevenZip", _ "hwnd", $hWnd, _ "str", "x " & $sArcName & " " & $iSwitch, _ "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($tOutBuffer), _ "int", DllStructGetSize($tOutBuffer)) If Not $aRet[0] Then Return SetError(0, 0, DllStructGetData($tOutBuffer, 1)) Return SetError(1, 0, 0) EndFunc ;==>_7ZIPExtractEx ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _7ZIPUpdate ; Description ...: Update older files in the archive and add files that are new to the archive ; Syntax.........: _7ZIPUpdate($hWnd, $sArcName, $sFileName[, $sHide = 0[, $sCompress = 5[, $sRecurse = 1[, _ ; $sIncludeFile = 0[, $sExcludeFile = 0[, $sPassword = 0[, $sSFX = 0[, $sWorkDir = 0]]]]]]]]) ; Parameters ....: $hWnd - Handle to parent or owner window ; $sArcName - Archive file name ; $sFileName - File names to archive up ; $sHide - Use this switch if you want the CallBack function to be called ; $sCompress - Compress level 0-9 ; $sRecurse - Recurse method: 0 - Disable recursion ; 1 - Enable recursion ; 2 - Enable recursion only for wildcard names ; $sIncludeFile - Include filenames, specifies filenames and wildcards or list file that specify processed files ; $sExcludeFile - Exclude filenames, specifies what filenames or (and) wildcards must be excluded from operation ; $sPassword - Specifies password ; $sSFX - Creates self extracting archive ; $sWorkDir - Sets working directory for temporary base archive ; Return values .: Success - Returns the string with results ; Failure - Returns 0 and and sets the @error flag to 1 ; Author ........: R. Gilman (rasim) ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _7ZipUpdate($hWnd, $sArcName, $sFileName, $sHide = 0, $sCompress = 5, $sRecurse = 1, $sIncludeFile = 0, $sExcludeFile = 0, _ $sPassword = 0, $sSFX = 0, $sWorkDir = 0) $sArcName = '"' & $sArcName & '"' $sFileName = '"' & $sFileName & '"' Local $iSwitch = "" If $sHide Then $iSwitch &= " -hide" $iSwitch = " -mx" & $sCompress $iSwitch &= _RecursionSet($sRecurse) If $sIncludeFile Then $iSwitch &= _IncludeFileSet($sIncludeFile) If $sExcludeFile Then $iSwitch &= _ExcludeFileSet($sExcludeFile) If $sPassword Then $iSwitch &= " -p" & $sPassword If FileExists($sSFX) Then $iSwitch &= " -sfx" & $sSFX If $sWorkDir Then $iSwitch &= " -w" & $sWorkDir Local $tOutBuffer = DllStructCreate("char[32768]") Local $aRet = DllCall($hDLL_7ZIP, "int", "SevenZip", _ "hwnd", $hWnd, _ "str", "u " & $sArcName & " " & $sFileName & " " & $iSwitch, _ "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($tOutBuffer), _ "int", DllStructGetSize($tOutBuffer)) If Not $aRet[0] Then Return SetError(0, 0, DllStructGetData($tOutBuffer, 1)) Return SetError(1, 0, 0) EndFunc ;==>_7ZIPUpdate ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _7ZipSetOwnerWindowEx ; Description ...: Appoints the call-back function in order to receive the information of the compressing/unpacking ; Syntax.........: _7ZipSetOwnerWindowEx($hWnd, $sProcFunc) ; Parameters ....: $hWnd - Handle to parent or owner window ; $sProcFunc - The call-back function name ; Return values .: Success - Returns 1 ; Failure - Returns 0 ; Author ........: R. Gilman (rasim) ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _7ZipSetOwnerWindowEx($hWnd, $sProcFunc) If $hArchiveProc Then DllCallbackFree($hArchiveProc) $hArchiveProc = DllCallbackRegister($sProcFunc, "int", "hwnd;uint;uint;ptr") If $hArchiveProc = 0 Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) Local $aRet = DllCall($hDLL_7ZIP, "int", "SevenZipSetOwnerWindowEx", _ "hwnd", $hWnd, _ "ptr", DllCallbackGetPtr($hArchiveProc)) Return $aRet[0] EndFunc ;==>_7ZipSetOwnerWindowEx ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _7ZipKillOwnerWindowEx ; Description ...: Cancels a window owner ; Syntax.........: _7ZipKillOwnerWindowEx($hWnd) ; Parameters ....: $hWnd - Handle to parent or owner window ; Return values .: Success - Returns 1 ; Failure - Returns 0 ; Author ........: R. Gilman (rasim) ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _7ZipKillOwnerWindowEx($hWnd) Local $aRet = DllCall($hDLL_7ZIP, "int", "SevenZipKillOwnerWindowEx", _ "hwnd", $hWnd) Return $aRet[0] EndFunc ;==>_7ZipKillOwnerWindowEx ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _7ZipOpenArchive ; Description ...: Opens a arcive file ; Syntax.........: _7ZipOpenArchive($sArcName) ; Parameters ....: hWnd - Handle to parent or owner window ; $sArcName - Archive file name ; Return values .: Success - Returns a archive handle ; Failure - Returns 0 ; Author ........: R. Gilman (rasim) ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _7ZipOpenArchive($hWnd, $sArcName) Local $hArc = DllCall($hDLL_7ZIP, "hwnd", "SevenZipOpenArchive", "hwnd", $hWnd, "str", $sArcName, "int", 0) Return $hArc[0] EndFunc ;==>_7ZipOpenArchive ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _7ZipCloseArchive ; Description ...: Closes a previously opened archive handle ; Syntax.........: _7ZipCloseArchive($hArc) ; Parameters ....: $hArc - Archive handle ; Return values .: Success - Returns 0 ; Failure - Returns -1 ; Author ........: R. Gilman (rasim) ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _7ZipCloseArchive($hArc) Local $aRet = DllCall($hDLL_7ZIP, "int", "SevenZipCloseArchive", "hwnd", $hArc) Return $aRet[0] EndFunc ;==>_7ZipCloseArchive ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _7ZipFindFirst ; Description ...: Returns a $INDIVIDUALINFO structure with information of the first finded file ; Syntax.........: _7ZipFindFirst($hArc, $sSearch) ; Parameters ....: $hArc - Archive handle ; $sSearch - File search string. (wildcards are supported) ; Return values .: Success - Returns a $INDIVIDUALINFO structure ; Failure - Returns -1 ; Author ........: R. Gilman (rasim) ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _7ZipFindFirst($hArc, $sSearch) Local $INDIVIDUALINFO = DllStructCreate($tagINDIVIDUALINFO) Local $aRet = DllCall($hDLL_7ZIP, "int", "SevenZipFindFirst", _ "hwnd", $hArc, _ "str", $sSearch, _ "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($INDIVIDUALINFO)) If $aRet[0] = -1 Then Return $aRet[0] Return $INDIVIDUALINFO EndFunc ;==>_7ZipFindFirst ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _7ZipFindNext ; Description ...: Returns a $tINDIVIDUALINFO structure according to a previous call to _7ZipFindFirst ; Syntax.........: _7ZipFindNext($hArc, $tINDIVIDUALINFO) ; Parameters ....: $hArc - Archive handle ; $tINDIVIDUALINFO - The $tINDIVIDUALINFO structure ; Return values .: Success - Returns a $INDIVIDUALINFO structure ; Failure - Returns 0 ; Author ........: R. Gilman (rasim) ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _7ZipFindNext($hArc, $tINDIVIDUALINFO) Local $aRet = DllCall($hDLL_7ZIP, "int", "SevenZipFindNext", _ "hwnd", $hArc, _ "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($tINDIVIDUALINFO)) If $aRet[0] = 0 Then Return $tINDIVIDUALINFO EndFunc ;==>SevenZipFindNext ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _7ZipGetFileName ; Description ...: Returns a file name ; Syntax.........: _7ZipGetFileName($hArc) ; Parameters ....: $hArc - Archive handle ; Return values .: Success - Returns a string with a file name ; Failure - Returns 0 ; Author ........: R. Gilman (rasim) ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _7ZipGetFileName($hArc) Local $tNameBuffer = DllStructCreate("char[" & $FNAME_MAX32 + 1 & "]") Local $aRet = DllCall($hDLL_7ZIP, "int", "SevenZipGetFileName", _ "hwnd", $hArc, _ "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($tNameBuffer), _ "int", DllStructGetSize($tNameBuffer)) If $aRet[0] = 0 Then Return DllStructGetData($tNameBuffer, 1) EndFunc ;==>_7ZipGetFileName ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _7ZipGetArcOriginalSize ; Description ...: Returns a original size of files in an archive ; Syntax.........: _7ZipGetArcOriginalSize($hArc) ; Parameters ....: $hArc - Archive handle ; Return values .: Success - Returns a total size ; Failure - Returns -1 ; Author ........: R. Gilman (rasim) ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _7ZipGetArcOriginalSize($hArc) Local $aRet = DllCall($hDLL_7ZIP, "int", "SevenZipGetArcOriginalSize", _ "hwnd", $hArc) Return $aRet[0] EndFunc ;==>_7ZipGetArcOriginalSize ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _7ZipGetArcCompressedSize ; Description ...: Returns a compressed size of files in an archive ; Syntax.........: _7ZipGetArcCompressedSize($hArc) ; Parameters ....: $hArc - Archive handle ; Return values .: Success - Returns a total size ; Failure - Returns -1 ; Author ........: R. Gilman (rasim) ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _7ZipGetArcCompressedSize($hArc) Local $aRet = DllCall($hDLL_7ZIP, "int", "SevenZipGetArcCompressedSize", _ "hwnd", $hArc) Return $aRet[0] EndFunc ;==>_7ZipGetArcCompressedSize ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _7ZipGetArcRatio ; Description ...: Returns a compressing ratio ; Syntax.........: _7ZipGetArcRatio($hArc) ; Parameters ....: $hArc - Archive handle ; Return values .: Success - Returns a compressing ratio ; Failure - Returns -1 ; Author ........: R. Gilman (rasim) ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _7ZipGetArcRatio($hArc) Local $aRet = DllCall($hDLL_7ZIP, "short", "SevenZipGetArcRatio", _ "hwnd", $hArc) Return $aRet[0] EndFunc ;==>_7ZipGetArcRatio ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _7ZipGetDate ; Description ...: Returns a date of files in an archive ; Syntax.........: _7ZipGetDate($hArc) ; Parameters ....: $hArc - Archive handle ; Return values .: Success - Returns a date in an MSDOS format ; Failure - Returns -1 ; Author ........: R. Gilman (rasim) ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _7ZipGetDate($hArc) Local $aRet = DllCall($hDLL_7ZIP, "short", "SevenZipGetDate", _ "hwnd", $hArc) If $aRet[0] = -1 Then Return $aRet[0] Return "0x" & Hex($aRet[0], 4) EndFunc ;==>_7ZipGetDate ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _7ZipGetTime ; Description ...: Returns a time of files in an archive ; Syntax.........: _7ZipGetTime($hArc) ; Parameters ....: $hArc - Archive handle ; Return values .: Success - Returns a time in an MSDOS format ; Failure - Returns -1 ; Author ........: R. Gilman (rasim) ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _7ZipGetTime($hArc) Local $aRet = DllCall($hDLL_7ZIP, "short", "SevenZipGetTime", _ "hwnd", $hArc) If $aRet[0] = -1 Then Return $aRet[0] Return "0x" & Hex($aRet[0], 4) EndFunc ;==>_7ZipGetTime ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _7ZipGetCRC ; Description ...: Returns a CRC of files in an archive ; Syntax.........: _7ZipGetCRC($hArc) ; Parameters ....: $hArc - Archive handle ; Return values .: Success - Returns a CRC ; Failure - Returns -1 ; Author ........: R. Gilman (rasim) ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _7ZipGetCRC($hArc) Local $aRet = DllCall($hDLL_7ZIP, "dword", "SevenZipGetCRC", _ "hwnd", $hArc) Return $aRet[0] EndFunc ;==>_7ZipGetCRC ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _7ZipGetAttribute ; Description ...: Returns a attribute of files in an archive ; Syntax.........: _7ZipGetAttribute($hArc) ; Parameters ....: $hArc - Archive handle ; Return values .: Success - Returns attribute of the file ; Failure - Returns -1 ; Author ........: R. Gilman (rasim) ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _7ZipGetAttribute($hArc) Local $aRet = DllCall($hDLL_7ZIP, "int", "SevenZipGetAttribute", _ "hwnd", $hArc) If $aRet[0] = -1 Then Return $aRet[0] Return "0x" & Hex($aRet[0], 2) EndFunc ;==>_7ZipGetAttribute ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _7ZipGetMethod ; Description ...: Returns a string with the method of compressing ; Syntax.........: _7ZipGetMethod($hArc) ; Parameters ....: $hArc - Archive handle ; Return values .: Success - Returns the method of compressing ; Failure - Returns -1 ; Author ........: R. Gilman (rasim) ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _7ZipGetMethod($hArc) Local $sBUFFER = DllStructCreate("char[8]") Local $aRet = DllCall($hDLL_7ZIP, "int", "SevenZipGetMethod", _ "hwnd", $hArc, _ "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($sBUFFER), _ "int", DllStructGetSize($sBUFFER)) If $aRet[0] <> 0 Then Return False Return DllStructGetData($sBUFFER, 1) EndFunc ;==>_7ZipGetMethod ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _7ZIPCheckArchive ; Description ...: Checks archive files ; Syntax.........: _7ZIPCheckArchive($sArcName) ; Parameters ....: $sArcName - Archive file name ; Return values .: Success - 1 ; Failure - 0 ; Author ........: R. Gilman (rasim) ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _7ZipCheckArchive($sArcName) Local $aRet = DllCall($hDLL_7ZIP, "int", "SevenZipCheckArchive", _ "str", $sArcName, _ "int", 0) Return $aRet[0] EndFunc ;==>_7ZIPCheckArchive ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _7ZipGetArchiveType ; Description ...: Returns the archive type ; Syntax.........: _7ZipGetArchiveType($sArcName) ; Parameters ....: $sArcName - Archive file name ; Return values .: Success: 1 - ZIPtype ; 2 - 7Ztype ; 0 - Unknown type ; Failure - -1 ; Author ........: R. Gilman (rasim) ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _7ZipGetArchiveType($sArcName) Local $aRet = DllCall($hDLL_7ZIP, "int", "SevenZipGetArchiveType", _ "str", $sArcName) Return $aRet[0] EndFunc ;==>_7ZIPGetArchiveType ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _7ZipGetFileCount ; Description ...: Returns the archive files count ; Syntax.........: _7ZipGetFileCount($sArcName) ; Parameters ....: $sArcName - Archive file name ; Return values .: Success - Returns the number of files ; Failure - Returns -1 ; Author ........: R. Gilman (rasim) ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _7ZipGetFileCount($sArcName) Local $aRet = DllCall($hDLL_7ZIP, "int", "SevenZipGetFileCount", _ "str", $sArcName) Return $aRet[0] EndFunc ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _7ZipConfigDialog ; Description ...: Shows a about dialog of the 7-zip32.dll ; Syntax.........: SevenZipConfigDialog($hWnd) ; Parameters ....: $hWnd - Handle to parent or owner window ; Return values .: Success - Returns 1 ; Failure - Returns 0 ; Author ........: R. Gilman (rasim) ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _7ZipConfigDialog($hWnd) Local $aRet = DllCall($hDLL_7ZIP, "int", "SevenZipConfigDialog", _ "hwnd", $hWnd, _ "ptr", 0, _ "int", 0) Return $aRet[0] EndFunc ;==>SevenZipConfigDialog ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _7ZipQueryFunctionList ; Description ...: Checks whether or not API function which is appointed with 7-zip32.dll ; Syntax.........: _7ZipQueryFunctionList($iFunction) ; Parameters ....: $iFunction - The unique numerical value of the function ; Return values .: Success - Returns 1 ; Failure - Returns 0 ; Author ........: R. Gilman (rasim) ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _7ZipQueryFunctionList($iFunction = 0) Local $aRet = DllCall($hDLL_7ZIP, "int", "SevenZipQueryFunctionList", _ "int", $iFunction) Return $aRet[0] EndFunc ;==>_7ZipQueryFunctionList ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _7ZipGetVersion ; Description ...: Returns a version of the 7-zip32.dll ; Syntax.........: _7ZipGetVersion() ; Parameters ....: None ; Return values .: The version number ; Author ........: R. Gilman (rasim) ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _7ZipGetVersion() Local $aRet = DllCall($hDLL_7ZIP, "short", "SevenZipGetVersion") Return StringLeft($aRet[0], 1) & "." & StringTrimLeft($aRet[0], 1) EndFunc ;==>_7ZipGetVersion ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _7ZipGetSubVersion ; Description ...: Returns a sub-version of the 7-zip32.dll ; Syntax.........: _7ZipGetSubVersion() ; Parameters ....: None ; Return values .: The sub-version number ; Author ........: R. Gilman (rasim) ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _7ZipGetSubVersion() Local $aRet = DllCall($hDLL_7ZIP, "short", "SevenZipGetSubVersion") Return $aRet[0] EndFunc ;==>_7ZipGetSubVersion ; #FUNCTIONS FOR INTERNAL USE# ================================================================================================== Func _RecursionSet($sVal) Switch $sVal Case 1 Return " -r" Case 2 Return " -r0" Case Else Return " -r-" EndSwitch EndFunc ;==>_RecursionSet Func _IncludeFileSet($sVal) If StringInStr($sVal, "*") Then Return ' -i!"' & $sVal & '"' ElseIf StringLeft($sVal, 1) = "@" Then Return ' -i"' & $sVal & '"' Else Return ' -i!"' & $sVal & '"' EndIf EndFunc ;==>_IncludeFileSet Func _ExcludeFileSet($sVal) If StringInStr($sVal, "*") Then Return ' -x!"' & $sVal & '"' ElseIf StringLeft($sVal, 1) = "@" Then Return ' -x"' & $sVal & '"' Else Return ' -x!"' & $sVal & '"' EndIf EndFunc ;==>_ExcludeFileSet Func _OverwriteSet($sVal) Switch $sVal Case 0 Return " -aoa" Case 1 Return " -aos" Case 2 Return " -aou" Case 3 Return " -aot" Case Else Return " -aoa" EndSwitch EndFunc ;==>_OverwriteSet Func _IncludeArcSet($sVal) If StringInStr($sVal, "*") Then Return ' -ai!"' & $sVal & '"' ElseIf StringLeft($sVal, 1) = "@" Then Return ' -ai"' & $sVal & '"' Else Return ' -ai!"' & $sVal & '"' EndIf EndFunc ;==>_IncludeArcSet Func _ExcludeArcSet($sVal) If StringInStr($sVal, "*") Then Return ' -ax!"' & $sVal & '"' ElseIf StringLeft($sVal, 1) = "@" Then Return ' -ax"' & $sVal & '"' Else Return ' -ax!"' & $sVal & '"' EndIf EndFunc ;==>_ExcludeArcSet Func _7ZipExitFunc() If IsDeclared("hDLL_7ZIP") Then DllClose($hDLL_7ZIP) If $hArchiveProc Then DllCallbackFree($hArchiveProc) EndIf EndFunc ;==>_7ZipExitFunc ;~ OnAutoItExitRegister('_7ZipExitFunc') ; Disabled by modification