[Dictionary] = Corrupted=Venal, Dishonest Soothsayer=A person who professes to foretell events. Improverished=Reduced to poverty. Imperious=Urgent Haggard=In falconry, an untamed adult hawk. Insolence=Contemptuously rude or impertinent. Contemptible=Obsolete. Malevolently=Wishing evil or harm on another. Hello=A form of greeting used to meet someone. Volume=The loudness or quietness of an object. Melancholy=A gloomy state of mind, non emotional. Also a form of depression. Dictionary=A book or computer software containing one language's words with definitions attached. Thesaurus=A dictionary of synonyms and antonyms. Encyclopedia=A book or set of books containing articles on various topics. Text=A collection or group of words. Computer=A machine made to compute data in various ways. Software=The programs used to direct the operation of a computer. State=1. The condition of a person or thing. 2. A politically unified people occupying a definite territory. Speaker=1. One who speaks. 2. Loudspeaker. Soap=A substance used for washing and cleansing purposes. Test=The trial of the quality of something. Piety=Righteous by virtue of being pious. Nunnery=A community of nuns. Bubonic Plague=A common form of plague. Ravenous=Extremely hungary. Scourge=A whip used to inflict punishment. Florid=Elaberately or excessivly ornament. Obdurate=Showing unfeeling resistance to tender feelings. Ruthless=Without mercy or pitty. Somber=Grave or gloomy in character. Bleak=Offering little or no hope. Falconer=One that breads and/or trains falcons. Pompous=Marked by aggressive self esteem. Fatigue=Physical or mental tiredness. Exuberant=Full of unrestrained joy. Dispension=Something given out. Coronation=Act of crowning a king or queen. Vigorous=Strong, Active, and robust. Placid=Pleasantly peacefull. Coax=Persuade or attempt. Noble=Admirable high quality. Indifferent=Without interest of concern. Governess=A woman employed to educate. Betrothal=A mutral promise to marry. Kirtle=A women's dress or skirt. Tapestry=A heavy cloth with elaberate patterns. Litter=An enclosed or curtained couch. Inconstant=Changing or varying. Loathing=Great dislike. Inconsolable=Impossible or difficult to console. Wary=Not on guard, not alert. Yuletide=The Christmas Season. Rigorous=Characterized by or acting with rigor. Gracious=Marked by kindness and warm quarantine. Adjacent=Near, next to, adjoining. Alight=To get down from, step down from, to come down from the air, lighted up. Barren=Not productive, bare. Disrupt=To break up, disturb. Dynasty=A powerful family or group of rulers. Foretaste=An advance indication, sample, warning. Germinate=To begin to grow, come into being. Humdrum=Ordinary, dull, routine, without variation. Hurtle=To rush violently, dash headlong, to fling or hurl forcefully. Insinuate=To suggest or hint slyly, to edge into something indirectly. Intermidable=Endless, so long as to seem endless. Interrogate=To ask questions, examine. Recompense=To pay back, to give reward, a payment for loss. Renovate=To repair or restore. Resume=1. To continue from a pause. 2. A brief report summarizing past jobs. Sullen=Silent or brooding because of ill humor, anger or resentment. Trickle=To flow or fall by drops or in a small stream, irregular quantity of something. Trivial=Not important, minor, ordinary. Truce=A pause in fighting, temporary peace. Vicious=Evil, bad, spitefull. Available=Ready to use. Cater=To satisfy needs of, try to make things easy and pleasant, to supply food and service. Customary=Usual, expected, routine. Dissuade=To persuade not to do something. Entrepreneur=A person who starts up and takes the risk of a bussiness. Firebrand=A piece of burning wood, a toublemaker, an extremely energetic or emotional person. Hazard=Risk, peril, to expose in danger or harm. Homicide=The killing of one person by another. Indifference=A lack of interest or concern. Indignant=Filled with resentment or anger over something unworthy. Indispensable=Absolutely necessary. Lubricate=To apply oil or grease, to make smooth, slippery. Mutual=Shared, felt, or shown equally. Pelt=To throw a stream of things, to strike successively. Plague=An easily spread disease causing a large number of deaths. Poised=Balanced, suspended, calm or controlled. Regime=A government in power, a form of system of rule or managment. Retard=1. To make slow, delay, hold back. 2. A person regarded as idiotic. Transparent=Allowing light to pass through, easily recognized or understood. Unscathed=Wholly unharmed, not injured. Populate=To fill with/up. Media=Any form of entertainment, news. Wireless=Without cord, cordless intrument. Hard=1. The nonmaluablility of an object. 2. Not easy. New=The opposite of old, present. Abet=To aid, help, or encourage. Acumen=1. Keen insight. 2. Shrewdness. Banal=1. Dull. 2. Trite. 3. Commonplace. Cajole=1. To urge. 2. To coax. 3. To persuade by flattery. Cloying=Sickeningly sweet. Conundrum=1. A puzzle or problem. 2. A riddle with an answer that involves a pun or a play on words. Curtail=1. To cut short. 2. To lesson or reduce. Dearth=1. A scarcity. 2. A lack of something. Dirge=A mournful song, especially for a funeral. Dither=1. To be indecisive. 2. A state of flustered excitement or fear. Hapless=1. Unlucky. 2. Unfortunate. Inane=1. Silly and meaningless. 2. Lacking sense. Knell=The solemn sound of a bell, often indicating death or funeral. Respite=1. A break. 2. Rest. Brusque=Abrupt, rough, blunt, or rude in manner or speech. Caricature=A picture or description in which natural characteristics are exaggerated or distorted. Encumber=To hinder or impede with obstacles. Eschew=1. To keep clear of. 2. To avoid. Flagrant=1. Shocking. 2. Openly scandalous. Glazier=A person who cuts and fits panes of glass for windows. Hirsute=1. Hairy. 2. Shaggy. Imminent=1. Likely to occur soon. 2. Close at hand. Junta=A small group in charge after the overthrow of the former government. Kimono=A loose, wide-sleeved robe, fastened at the waist with a wide sash, originally Japanese. Obsequious=1. Extreme compliance or deference to the wishes or needs of another. 2. Fawning. Laggard=One who falls behind. Parity=Equality in amount, status, or character. Commingle=1. To mix or mingle together. 2. To blend. Massive=1. Large. 2. Bulky. 3. Heavy looking. Perfunctory=1. Half-hearted. 2. Lacking interest. 3. Indifferent. Photometry=The measurement of the intensity of light. Quandary=1. Uncertainly about what to do. 2. Perplexity. Respository=A place where goods are stored. Salient=1. Important. 2. Prominent. 3. Conspicuous. Abrogate=To abolish, usually by formal or official means. Scurrilous=1. Vulgar. 2. Coarse. 3. Abusive. Succinct=1. Expressed in few words. 2. Concise. Tortuous=1. Twisting. 2. Winding. 3. Crooked. Transgress=To violate law, command, or moral code. Whimsical=1. Fanciful. 2. Unpredictable. Zenith=The highest point. Vapid=2. Lacking liveliness. 2. Dull; flat. Panacea=1. A remedy for all ills or difficulties. 2. A cure all. Paucity=1. Scarcity. 2. Small in quanity. Nadir=1. The lowest point. 2. Point of despair. Noisome=Unpleasant, disgusting, or offensive, especially the sense of smell. Limpid=1. Clear. 2. Transparent. Insipid=1. Dull; boring. 2. Without any distinctive or interesting qualities. Recapitulate=1. To sum up. 2. To repeat. Semicolin=Separates closely related sentences or list items that contain commas. Absquatulate=Flee, make off; abscond. Agelast=One who never laughs. Aglet=The plastic tip on the end of a shoelace. Agrestic=Characteristic of the country, rustic; also, unpolished or uncouth. Akimbo=Of the arms, with the hands on the hips and the elbows bent outward. Anadromous=Of fish, migrating up rivers from the sea to spawn in fresh water. Anile=Like a doddering, foolish old woman. Anserine=Goose-like; also, silly, foolish, or stupid. Anthropophagy=Cannibalism. Apolaustic=Wholy devoted to the seeking of enjoyment. Arcadian=Idyllically pastoral, simple, or untroubled. Avuncular=Of or pertaining to an uncle; also, uncle-like. Barratry=The offense of frequently stirring up lawsuits or quarrels; also, in maritime law, fruad or gross criminal negligence by a captain or crew at the expense of a ship's owner or of the owner of a ship's. Bastinado=Torture by beating on the soles of the feet. Bezonian=A scoundrel. Bibcock=A faucet that is bent downward. Bibliobibuli=Those who read too much. Biffy=A toilet or outhouse. Bodewash=Dried buffalo dung, used as fuel for fire. Boeotian=Stupid, dull, obtuse; also, such a person. Bolus=A large medicinal pill; also, a mass of chewed food. Boondoggle=An unnecessary activity or wasteful expenditure. Borborygmic=Pertaining to the rumbling of one's stomach or intestine's. Bosky=Having an abundance of trees of shrubbery. Brobdingnagian=Enormous, immense. Brummagem=Cheap and showy but inferior and worthless. Buccal=Of or pertaining to the cheek or the mouth. Bugaboo=Something that causes baseless fear or worry. Bumf=Toilet paper; also, worthless paperwork, literature, or junk mail. Caseifaction=The act of turning into cheese. Cataglottism=Kissing with the tongue. Cerumen=Earwax. Cicisbeo=A male escort or lover of a married woman. Collation=A light meal. Contumelious=Insolently abusive or humiliating. Corrigendum=A mistake to be corrected, especially an error in a printed book. Crapulous=Given to, characterized by, or suffering from gross excess in eating and drinking. Cynosure=A center of attraction or admiration. Dandle=To dance on one's knees; the action taken by a dandler. Deasil=Clockwise. Defenestrate=To throw out of a window. Dendrochronology=The study of growth rings on trees. Dipsomania=Uncontrolable craving for alcohol. Doddle=Something easy or requiring little effort. Donnybrook=A brawl of heated public dispute. Dottle=The blug of unburned tobacco left in a pipe after smoking. Draggly=Make wet and dirty by dragging on the ground. Duff=Decaying matter in a forest. Ecdysiast=Stripper. Eesome=Pleasing to the eye. Emollient=Characteristic of that which softens or soothes the skin. Enantiodromic=Characteristic of something that has become its opposite. Eructation=Belching; also, discharge from a volcano. Esprit D'Escalier=A remark that occurs to someone later, after it should have been said. Estivate=To spend the summer. Esurient=Hungry. Evancalous=Pleasant to embrace. Exsanguinate=To drain blood from. Factotum=Employee or assistant who does just about everything. Fantods=A state of nervous irritability; the fidgets. Fernticle=Freckle. Fescue=A small stick used to point out letters to a child learning to read. Flews=The pendulous corners of the upper lip of certain dogs, such as the bloodhound. Floccinaucinihilipilification=The categorizing of something as worthless. Flummery=Meaningless chatterl also, deceptive language. Footle=To talk or act foolishly; to waste time. Friable=Easily cumbled; crumbly. Frisson=An emotional thrill; a shudder of emotion. Funambulist=A tightrope walker. Geck=A dupe. Genuflect=Bend the knee and lower the body, especially in reverence. Gleek=To joke or jest. Gobbledygook=Windy gibberish or jargon. Gormless=Dull, stupid, clumsy. Gound=The gunk that collects in the corners of the eyes during sleep. Gowpen=Two hands placed together to form a bowl-shape. Graustark=An imaginary place of high romance. Hallux=Big toe. Hangdog=Shamefaced, brownbeaten, or intimidated. Hebdomedal=Weekly. Hirple=To hobble or walk lamely. Hornswoggle=Bamboozle, deceive. Hoyden=A carefree girl, a tomboy. Infucate=To apple cosmetics. Inglenook=A nook by a fireplace. Insufflate=To blow on or breathe into. Jillick=To skip a stone across water. Jocoserious=Combining serious and humorous matters. Jugulate=To slit the throat. Kalopsia=The delusion that things are more beautiful than they really are. Katzenjammer=A loud, discordant noise; also, a hangover; also, a state of depression or bewilderment. Lapidate=To stone to death. Latrinalia=Graffiti found in restrooms. Legerdemain=Slight of hand; magic tricks. Liripipe=A long scarf or cord attached to and hanging from a hood. Ludic=Characterized by playfulness. Macerate=To make or become soft by steeping in a liquid; also, to waste away by fasting. Madefy=Moisten. Maffick=To rejoice with an extravagant and boisterous public celebration. Malinger=Pretend to be ill in order to avoid work or shirk duty.