; ; JPD_Simply test and demo ; #include #include #include "..\Include\JPD_Simply.au3" ;& To exam an example or check a function remove ";" from the selected line ;& ConsoleWrite ;_CW_Eval() _CW_Fmt_Sep_NL_Eval() ;& Messagebox ;_MB_Info_Eval() ;_MB_Error_Eval() ;_MB_Warning_Eval() _MB_IsOK_Eval() Exit Func _CW_Eval() Local $sText = "The quick brown fox" _CW("----- _CW -----") _CW($sText) _CW($sText, "My Trace >", "", False) $sText = " jump over the lazy dog" _CW($sText, "", "<") _CW($sText, _NowCalcDate() & " >") _CW_Sep() EndFunc ;==>_CW_Eval Func _CW_Fmt_Sep_NL_Eval() _CW_Sep("#") _CW("-------- _CW_Fmt -----") Local $sText = "The quick brown fox" & " " & " jump over the lazy dog" _CW_Fmt($sText) _CW_NL() $sText = StringReplace($sText, " ", "") Local $iPos = StringInStr($sText, "j") _CW("Searching 'j' ... Position : " & $iPos) _CW_Fmt($sText) _CW(_StringRepeat(" ", $iPos - 1) & "^") _CW_Sep() EndFunc ;==>_CW_Fmt_Sep_NL_Eval Func _MB_Info_Eval() _MB_Info("Now were are going to take a rest ") EndFunc ;==>_MB_Info_Eval Func _MB_Error_Eval() _MB_Error("The file is in a wrong format ") EndFunc ;==>_MB_Error_Eval Func _MB_Warning_Eval() _MB_Warning("The selected file may be deleted") EndFunc ;==>_MB_Warning_Eval Func _MB_IsOK_Eval() If _MB_IsOK("Do you want to continue", $MB_YESNO) Then _MB_Info("We continue") Else _MB_Warning("We'll stop later") EndIf If _MB_IsOK("Dou you want to make a new check", $MB_RETRYCANCEL, "File missing") Then _MB_Warning("We recheck") Else _MB_Error("We'll do another task") EndIf EndFunc ;==>_MB_IsOK_Eval