MsgBox,4, Steel Angel Kurumi Start, Would you like to play Steel Angel Kurumi? IfMsgBox, YES, Goto, Play IfMsgBox, NO, Goto, Quit Play: ; Main Menu Start Gui, Add, Pic, x41 y502 w112 h97, C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\My Documents\My Pictures\images.jpg Gui, Add, Pic, x32396 y32370 w-32425 h-32350, A:\Kurumi-Steel Angel\Kurumi\profiles\karinka\karinka02.jpg Gui, Add, Pic, x32565 y32489 w-32244 h-31772, A:\Kurumi-Steel Angel\Kurumi\profiles\saki\saki02.jpg Gui, Add, Radio, x117 y68 w58 h25, Kurumi Gui, Add, Radio, x116 y199 w43 h27, Saki Gui, Add, Radio, x115 y331 w56 h27, Karinka Gui, Add, GroupBox, x11 y0 w171 h478, The Angels Gui, Add, DropDownList, x18 y625 w158 h21, Happy|Sad|Grumpy|Tired|Burnt out|Excited Gui, Add, Text, x53 y605 w86 h16, Nakahito's mood Gui, Add, GroupBox, x12 y484 w169 h177, Nakahito Gui, Add, Edit, x188 y485 w438 h180, command input Gui, Add, Text, x198 y15 w419 h461, output test Gui, Add, GroupBox, x190 y4 w432 h477, Angel's response Gui, Add, Button, x667 y15 w99 h31, EXIT Gui, Add, Button, x667 y55 w100 h30, About Gui, Add, Button, x668 y96 w100 h30, Save Gui, Add, Button, x668 y135 w100 h30, Load Gui, Add, Button, x668 y174 w100 h31, Commands Gui, Add, Checkbox, x699 y255 w48 h21, Mute Gui, Add, Button, x675 y625 w100 h30, ENTER Gui, Add, Text, x678 y469 w100 h23, points out Gui, Add, Text, x678 y511 w95 h18, level out Gui, Add, GroupBox, x630 y5 w172 h657, Menu Gui, Add, Button, x667 y216 w100 h30, Help Gui, Add, Pic, x19 y22 w89 h124, C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\My Documents\My Pictures\kurumi01.jpg Gui, Add, Pic, x20 y144 w88 h128, C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\My Documents\My Pictures\saki02.jpg Gui, Add, Pic, x20 y271 w88 h114, C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\My Documents\My Pictures\karinka02.jpg Gui, Add, Text, x677 y451 w101 h15, Points Gui, Add, Text, x679 y492 w95 h17, Level Gui, Add, ListBox, vAction x637 y535 w160 h87, Hug|Kiss|Cry|Smile|Giggle|Wave|Shower|Down Time|Run|Talk|Eat|Drink|Study| Gui, Show, x117 y75 h673 w881, Steel Angel Kurumi Main Menu Return ; Main Menu End ;=============================================================================================================================== ; Main Menu Buttons start ButtonHelp: { Gui, 2:Add, Text,, this text will soon be a help file explaining how to use SAK. ;place help info on this line Gui, 2:Show,,Help Menu Return } ButtonCommands: { Gui, 3:Add, Text,, this text will soon be a compiled list of the command available for use the Command Input edit text window. Gui, 3:Show,,Commands List Explaination Return } ButtonAbout: { Gui, 4:Add, Text,, Steel Angel KurumiŠ and all related names, `nstory ideas, and audio samples are copywritten by `ntheir repected owners. This game is copywrittin soley `nto Scott Huggins, all game functions and creations are `nprotected by law. Gui, 4:Show,,Services Return } ;======================================================================== BottonEnter: ButtonEXIT: GuiClose: Quit: ExitApp