#Region ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI **** #AutoIt3Wrapper_Outfile=StringSupport.exe #AutoIt3Wrapper_UseUpx=y #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Description=String functions #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Fileversion= #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_LegalCopyright=Bert Kerkhof 2019-11-27 Apache 2.0 license #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_SaveSource=n #AutoIt3Wrapper_AU3Check_Parameters=-d -w 3 -w 4 -w 5 #AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_Tidy=y #Tidy_Parameters=/reel /tc 2 #AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_Au3Stripper=y #Au3Stripper_Parameters=/pe /sf /sv /rm #EndRegion ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI **** ; The latest version of this source is always published at ; GitHub in the BertKerkhof repository "StringSupport". #include-once #include ; Delivered With AutoIT #include ; Delivered With AutoIT #include ; Delivered With AutoIT #include ; Delivered With AutoIT ; Author: Bert Kerkhof ( kerkhof.bert@gmail.com ) ; Tested with AutoIT v3.3.14.5 interpreter/compiler and win10 ; String support ==================================================== ; #FUNCTION# ; Name ..........: sRep ; Description ...: Return string with the character repeated ; Syntax ........: sRep(Const $Char[, $nTimes = 10]) ; Parameters ....: $Char ..... [const] character to display ; $nTimes ... [optional] number of times to ; repeat. Default is 10 times ; Returns .......: String ; Author ........: Bert Kerkhof Func sRep(Const $Char, Const $nTimes = 10) Local $C = $Char, $N = $nTimes, $sResult = "" While $N > 1 If BitAND($N, 1) Then $sResult &= $C $C &= $C $N = BitShift($N, 1) WEnd Return $N ? $C & $sResult : "" EndFunc ;==>sRep ; #FUNCTION# ; Name ..........: Spaces ; Description ...: Return a string of spaces ; Syntax ........: Spaces(Const $N) ; Parameters ....: $N ..... [const] number of spaces ; Returns .......: String ; Author ........: Bert Kerkhof Func Spaces(Const $N) Return sRep(' ', $N) EndFunc ;==>Spaces ; #FUNCTION# ; Name ..........: sJustR ; Description ...: Add trailing spaces up to a specified length ; Syntax ........: sJustR($sString, $Len) ; Parameters ....: $sString .... String to add spaces ; $Len ........ Length of the resulting string ; Returns .......: String to display ; Author ........: Bert Kerkhof Func sJustR($sString, $Len) Return StringRight(Spaces($Len) & $sString, $Len) EndFunc ;==>sJustR ; #FUNCTION# ; Name ..........: sJustL ; Description ...: Add leading spaces up to a specified length ; Syntax ........: sJustL($sString, $Len) ; Parameters ....: $sString ... String to add spaces to ; $Len ....... Length of the resulting string ; Returns .......: String to display ; Author ........: Bert Kerkhof Func sJustL($sString, $Len) Return StringLeft($sString & Spaces($Len), $Len) EndFunc ;==>sJustL ; #FUNCTION# ; Name ..........: nString ; Description ...: Count number of substring occurrences ; Syntax ........: nString($sString, $sSearch[, $iStart = 1]) ; Parameters ....: $sString ... String to search in ; $sSearch ... Substring to search ; $iStart .... [optional] index to sString ; where the search starts. ; Default is 1. ; Returns .......: Number of occurrences ; Author ........: Bert Kerkhof Func nString($sString, $sSearch, $iStart = 1) For $I = 1 To 2147483647 ; Max 32 bit integer (2**31 - 1) $iStart = StringInStr($sString, $sSearch, 0, 1, $iStart) + 1 If $iStart = 1 Then ExitLoop Next Return $I - 1 EndFunc ;==>nString ; #FUNCTION# ; Name ..........: sReplace ; Description ...: Alternative to StringReplace(), operates as fast ; Has an $iStart param. ; Syntax ........: sReplace($sString, $sSource, $sTarget[, $iStart = 1]) ; Parameters ....: $sString ... String to modify ; $sSource ... Substring to be replaced ; $sTarget ... Substring to replace with ; $iStart .... [optional] index to sString where the search ; starts. Default is 1. ; Returns .......: None ; Author ........: Bert Kerkhof Func sReplace($sString, $sSource, $sTarget, $iStart = 1) Local $nTimes = 0 While True Local $iFound = StringInStr($sString, $sSource, 0, 1, $iStart) If $iFound = 0 Then ExitLoop $nTimes += 1 $sString = StringLeft($sString, $iFound - 1) & $sTarget & _ StringMid($sString, $iFound + StringLen($sSource)) $iStart = $iFound + StringLen($sTarget) WEnd SetExtended($nTimes) Return $sString EndFunc ;==>sReplace ; #FUNCTION# ; Name ..........: sWordCase ; Description ...: Modifies the first character of a word to upper case ; Syntax ........: sWordCase($sWord) ; Parameters ....: $sWord .... Word to modify ; Returns .......: Modified word ; Author ........: Bert Kerkhof Func sWordCase($sWord) Return StringUpper(StringLeft($sWord, 1)) & StringMid($sWord, 2) EndFunc ;==>sWordCase ; #FUNCTION# ; Name ..........: StringTitleCase ; Description ...: Modifies the first character of the words in the string ; Syntax ........: StringTitleCase($sTitle) ; Parameters ....: $sTitle ..... String to modify ; Returns .......: Modified string ; Author ........: Bert Kerkhof Func StringTitleCase($sTitle) $sTitle = StringStripWS($sTitle, 7) ; Remove leading trailing / double spaces Local $sOut = '', $aWord = StringSplit($sTitle, ' ') For $I = 1 To $aWord[0] Local $sWord = $aWord[$I] $sOut &= sWordCase($sWord) Next Return $sOut EndFunc ;==>StringTitleCase ; #FUNCTION# ; Name ..........: cc ; Description ...: Display to the Scite console ; Syntax ........: cc(Const $sInput) ; Parameters ....: $sInput.... [const] content string to display ; Returns .......: None ; Author ........: Bert Kerkhof Func cc(Const $sInput) ConsoleWrite($sInput & @CRLF) EndFunc ;==>cc ; Number support ==================================================== ; #FUNCTION# ; Name ..........: StringFloat ; Description ...: Reformat floating number ; Syntax ........: StringFloat(Const $Number, Const $N) ; Parameters ....: $Number .. Number to reformat ; $N ....... # of digit after comma ; Returns .......: String to display ; Author ........: Bert Kerkhof Func StringFloat(Const $Number, Const $N) ; ReFormat float : # digits after comma If $N = 0 Then Return Round($Number) Local $Sign = $Number < 0, $Whole = Floor(Abs($Number)) Local $Fract = Round((Abs($Number) - $Whole) * 10 ^ $N) If $Fract = 10 ^ $N Then $Whole += 1 $Fract = StringTrimLeft($Fract, 1) EndIf If $Sign Then $Whole = -1 * $Whole Return $Whole & '.' & StringLeft($Fract & sRep('0', $N), $N) EndFunc ;==>StringFloat ; End ===============================================================