#cs ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AutoIt Version: (beta) Author: myName Script Function: Template AutoIt script. #ce ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Script Start - Add your code below here #Include #include #include Global Const $CS_VREDRAW = 0x0001; Global Const $CS_HREDRAW = 0x0002; Global Const $CS_DBLCLKS = 0x0008; Global Const $CS_OWNDC = 0x0020; Global Const $CS_CLASSDC = 0x0040; Global Const $CS_PARENTDC = 0x0080; Global Const $CS_NOCLOSE = 0x0200; Global Const $CS_SAVEBITS = 0x0800; Global Const $CS_BYTEALIGNCLIENT = 0x1000; Global Const $CS_BYTEALIGNWINDOW = 0x2000; Global Const $CS_GLOBALCLASS = 0x4000; Global Const $CS_DROPSHADOW = 0x00020000; Global Const $CS_DEFAULTSTYLE = BitOR($CS_VREDRAW, $CS_HREDRAW) Global Const $CW_USEDEFAULT = 0x80000000 ;#CS Global Const $CURSOR_ARROW =32512 Global Const $CURSOR_IBEAM =32513 Global Const $CURSOR_WAIT =32514 Global Const $CURSOR_CROSS =32515 Global Const $CURSOR_UPARROW =32516 Global Const $CURSOR_SIZENWSE =32642 Global Const $CURSOR_SIZENESW =32643 Global Const $CURSOR_SIZEWE =32644 Global Const $CURSOR_SIZENS =32645 Global Const $CURSOR_SIZEALL =32646 Global Const $CURSOR_NO =32648 Global Const $CURSOR_APPSTARTING =32650 Global Const $CURSOR_HELP =32651 ;#CE #cs _WinAPI_RegisterClassEx($sClassName, $sCallbackFunction, $hIcon=0, $hCursor=0, $iBkColor=$COLOR_BTNFACE, $iStyle=$CS_DEFAULTSTYLE) $sClassName - Classname $sCallbackFunction - WindowProc callback function $hIcon - Handle to a icon which will be be used as the window icon (Default = application icon) $hCursor - Handle to cursor which will be used as the window cursor (Default = arraow cursor) Use _WinAPI_LoadCursor() [also included with this UDF] to load a system cursor: $CURSOR_ARROW $CURSOR_IBEAM $CURSOR_WAIT $CURSOR_CROSS $CURSOR_UPARROW $CURSOR_SIZENWSE $CURSOR_SIZENESW $CURSOR_SIZEWE $CURSOR_SIZENS $CURSOR_SIZEALL $CURSOR_NO $CURSOR_APPSTARTING $CURSOR_HELP Example: _WinAPI_LoadCursor(0, $CURSOR_IBEAM) Do not use the $IDC_ constants declared in Constants.au3 $iBkColor - RGB color code of window background color $iStyle - Class style. A combination of these values: (Default = $CS_DEFAULTSTYLE) $CS_VREDRAW $CS_HREDRAW $CS_DBLCLKS $CS_OWNDC $CS_CLASSDC $CS_PARENTDC $CS_NOCLOSE $CS_SAVEBITS $CS_BYTEALIGNCLIENT $CS_BYTEALIGNWINDOW $CS_GLOBALCLASS $CS_DROPSHADOW Function: Creating a class which can be used with CreateWindowEx, and others Author: Original - amel27 Working version - Kip #ce Func __WinAPI_RegisterClassEx($sClassName, $sCallbackFunction="", $hIcon=0, $hCursor=0, $iBkColor=$COLOR_BTNFACE, $iStyle=$CS_DEFAULTSTYLE) If not $hIcon Then Local $aIcon = DllCall("user32.dll", "hwnd", "LoadIcon", "hwnd", 0, "int", $IDI_APPLICATION) $hIcon = $aIcon[0] EndIf If not $hCursor Then $hCursor = _WinAPI_LoadCursor(0,$CURSOR_ARROW) EndIf local $hWndProc = DLLCallbackRegister ($sCallbackFunction, "int", "hwnd;int;wparam;lparam") Local $pCallback = DllCallbackGetPtr($hWndProc) Local $tWndClassEx = DllStructCreate("uint cbSize;uint style;ptr lpfnWndProc;int cbClsExtra;int cbWndExtra;hwnd hInstance;hwnd hIcon;hwnd hCursor;hwnd hbrBackground;ptr lpszMenuName;ptr lpszClassName;hwnd hIconSm") Local $tClassName = DllStructCreate("char["& StringLen($sClassName)+1 &"]") DllStructSetData($tClassName, 1, $sClassName) DllStructSetData($tWndClassEx, "cbSize", DllStructGetSize($tWndClassEx) ) DllStructSetData($tWndClassEx, "style", $iStyle) DllStructSetData($tWndClassEx, "lpfnWndProc", $pCallback) DllStructSetData($tWndClassEx, "hInstance", _WinAPI_GetModuleHandle("")) DllStructSetData($tWndClassEx, "hIcon", $hIcon) DllStructSetData($tWndClassEx, "hCursor", $hCursor) DllStructSetData($tWndClassEx, "hbrBackground", _WinAPI_CreateSolidBrush(RGB_to_BGR($iBkColor))) DllStructSetData($tWndClassEx, "lpszClassName", DllStructGetPtr($tClassName)) DllStructSetData($tWndClassEx, "hIconSm", $hIcon) Local $aRet = DllCall("user32.dll", "dword", "RegisterClassExA", "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($tWndClassEx) ) Return $aRet[0] EndFunc Func __WinAPI_UnregisterClass($sClassName) Local $aRet = DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "UnregisterClassA", "str", $sClassName, "hwnd", _WinAPI_GetModuleHandle("")) Return $aRet[0] EndFunc Func __WinAPI_LoadCursor($hInstance, $iCursor) $GuiCursor = DllCall("user32.dll", "hwnd", "LoadCursor", "hwnd", $hInstance, "int", $iCursor) Return $GuiCursor[0] EndFunc Func RGB_to_BGR($BRG) local $b = BitAND(BitShift($BRG, 16), 0xFF) local $g = BitAND(BitShift($BRG, 8), 0xFF) local $r = BitAND($BRG, 0xFF) Return "0x"&Hex($r,2)&Hex($g,2)&Hex($b,2) EndFunc