; #Region Header ; #INDEX# ======================================================================================================================= ; Title ............: SSLG ; AutoIt Version ...: ; Language .........: English ; Description ......: Functions to assist in creating and updating Scrolling Single Line Graphs ; Original Author(s): Beege ;http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=109599 ; Author(s) ........: Bilgus ; =============================================================================================================================== ; #CURRENT# ===================================================================================================================== ;_SSLG_CreateGraph ;_SSLG_AddSample ;_SSLG_UpdateGraph ;_SSLG_SetSetSampleIndicator ;_SSLG_SetGrid ;_SSLG_SetLine ;_SSLG_SetSmoothingMode ;_SSLG_ClearGraph ;_SSLG_SetYRange ;_SSLG_SetBackGroundColor ; =============================================================================================================================== #include-once #include #include _GDIPlus_Startup() OnAutoItExitRegister(__SSLG_Exit) #EndRegion Header #Region Global Variables and Constants Global Const $gSSLG_DICT = 1 Global Enum $gSSLG_idCtrl, $gSSLG_aRect, $gSSLG_hCtrl, $gSSLG_hPen, $gSSLG_hPenSamp, $gSSLG_hPenGrid, $gSSLG_hBrushLine, $gSSLG_hBrushBkgnd, _ $gSSLG_hDCBuf, $gSSLG_hHBitmapGDI_, $gSSLG_hBitmap_1, $gSSLG_hGrBuf_1, $gSSLG_hBitmap_0, $gSSLG_hGrBuf_0, $gSSLG_hPathGridH, _ $gSSLG_iY_Min, $gSSLG_iY_Max, $gSSLG_iY_Range, $gSSLG_iY_Last, $gSSLG_iX_Inc, $gSSLG_hPathLine, $gSSLG_hPathGridV, $gSSLG_hMatrixHT, _ $gSSLG_bNeedResize, $gSSLG_iIncrements, $gSSLG_iIncrementSize, $gSSLG_iBackColor, $gSSLG_iSamples, $gSSLG_iSamplesTotal, $MAX Global $g_SSLG[1][$MAX] $g_SSLG[0][0] = 0 $g_SSLG[0][$gSSLG_DICT] = ObjCreate("Scripting.Dictionary") #cs $g_SSLG[0][0] = List Count [0][1] = Dictionary object (associative array) [0][2-27] = Nothing [$i][$gSSLG_idCtrl] = ControlID [$i][$gSSLG_aRect] = Control position array [x, y, w, h] [$i][$gSSLG_hCtrl] = Control Handle [$i][$gSSLG_hPen] = Line Pen Handle [$i][$gSSLG_hPenSamp] = Sample Finished Pen Handle [$i][$gSSLG_hPenGrid] = Gridline Pen Handle [$i][$gSSLG_hBrushLine] = Brush to fill under graph line [$i][$gSSLG_hBrushBkgnd] = Brush for background ([$gSSLG_iBackColor]) [$i][$gSSLG_hDCBuf] = Device context Handle for buffer [$i][$gSSLG_hHBitmapGDI_] = Standard GDI bitmap (selected into hDCBuf) [$i][$gSSLG_hBitmap_1] = Buffer 1 Bitmap Object Handle [$i][$gSSLG_hGrBuf_1] = Buffer 1 Graphic Object Handle [$i][$gSSLG_hBitmap_0] = Buffer 0 Bitmap Object Handle [$i][$gSSLG_hGrBuf_0] = Buffer 0 Graphic Object Handle [$i][$gSSLG_iY_Min] = Y Min [$i][$gSSLG_iY_Max] = Y Max [$i][$gSSLG_iY_Range] = Y Range [$i][$gSSLG_iY_Last] = Last Y Coordinate [$i][$gSSLG_iX_Inc] = Vertical Gridline every #iX_Inc samples [$i][$gSSLG_hPathLine] = Graphics Path Object Handle [$i][$gSSLG_hPathGridV] = Graphics Path Object Handle Vertical Grid Lines [$i][$gSSLG_hPathGridH] = Graphics Path Object Handle Horizontal Grid Lines [$i][$gSSLG_hMatrixHT] = Graphics Path Horizontal Translation Matrice [$i][$gSSLG_bNeedResize] = Resize graphics objects [$i][$gSSLG_iIncrements] = Step Count [$i][$gSSLG_iIncrementSize] = Step Size [$i][$gSSLG_iBackColor] = Background Color value [$i][$gSSLG_iSamples] = Count of samples waiting to be drawn [$i][$gSSLG_iSamplesTotal] = Count of total samples since ClearGraph() #ce #EndRegion Global Variables and Constants #Region Public Functions ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _SSLG_CreateGraph ; Description ...: Creates a Scrolling Line Graph ; Syntax.........: _SSLG_CreateGraph($iLeft, $iTop, $iW, $iH, $iY_Min, $iY_Max, $iIncrements, $iBackGround = Default) ; Parameters ....: ; $iLeft - Left side of the graph ; $iTop - Top side of the graph ; $iW - Width of the graph ; $iH - Height of the graph ; $iY_Min - Minimum Y Value ; $iY_Max - Maximum Y Value ; $iIncrements - How many parts the Graph is divided up into. ; $iBackGround - BackGround Color. Alpha, Red, Green and Blue Hex Value. (0xAARRGGBB). Default = Black ; Return values .: Success - ControlId ; Author ........: Beege, Bilgus ; Remarks .......: $iIncrements will be rounded if $iW is not evenly divisible ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _SSLG_CreateGraph($iLeft, $iTop, $iW, $iH, $iY_Min, $iY_Max, $iIncrements, $iBackGround = Default) If $iBackGround = Default Then $iBackGround = 0xFF000000 ReDim $g_SSLG[UBound($g_SSLG) + 1][UBound($g_SSLG, 2)] $g_SSLG[0][0] += 1 Local $oDict = $g_SSLG[0][$gSSLG_DICT] Local $iIdx = $g_SSLG[0][0] Local $aResult, $aPos Local $iCtrlID = GUICtrlCreateLabel("", $iLeft, $iTop, $iW, $iH, $WS_CLIPSIBLINGS) Local $hCtrl = GUICtrlGetHandle($iCtrlID) If $iW < 0 Or $iH < 0 Then ;Allow -W/H $aResult = DllCall("user32.dll", "hwnd", "GetParent", "hwnd", $hCtrl) If Not @error Then $aPos = WinGetClientSize($aResult[0]) If Not @error Then If $iW < 0 Then $iW = $aPos[0] + $iW If $iH < 0 Then $iH = $aPos[1] + $iH GUICtrlSetPos($iCtrlID, $iLeft, $iTop, $iW, $iH) EndIf EndIf EndIf $g_SSLG[$iIdx][$gSSLG_idCtrl] = $iCtrlID $g_SSLG[$iIdx][$gSSLG_hCtrl] = $hCtrl Local $hDC = _WinAPI_GetDC($hCtrl) $g_SSLG[$iIdx][$gSSLG_hDCBuf] = _WinAPI_CreateCompatibleDC($hDC) _WinAPI_ReleaseDC($hCtrl, $hDC) ;Store references $oDict.Add(Hex($iCtrlID), $iIdx) $oDict.Add(Hex($hCtrl), $iIdx) $g_SSLG[$iIdx][$gSSLG_iIncrements] = $iIncrements $g_SSLG[$iIdx][$gSSLG_hPathLine] = _GDIPlus_PathCreate() ;Create new path object $g_SSLG[$iIdx][$gSSLG_hPathGridV] = _GDIPlus_PathCreate() ;Create new path object $g_SSLG[$iIdx][$gSSLG_hPathGridH] = _GDIPlus_PathCreate() ;Create new path object $g_SSLG[$iIdx][$gSSLG_hMatrixHT] = _GDIPlus_MatrixCreate() ;Horizontal translation matrix ;Initially these are disabled; use _SetGrid & _SetSampleIndicator $g_SSLG[$iIdx][$gSSLG_hPenSamp] = False $g_SSLG[$iIdx][$gSSLG_hPenGrid] = False $g_SSLG[$iIdx][$gSSLG_iBackColor] = __SSLG_RGB_ARGB($iBackGround) $g_SSLG[$iIdx][$gSSLG_hBrushBkgnd] = _GDIPlus_BrushCreateSolid($g_SSLG[$iIdx][$gSSLG_iBackColor]) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, BitAND(BitNOT(0xFF000000), $iBackGround)) GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0xFFFFFF) _SSLG_SetLine($iCtrlID, 0xFF00FF00, 2) $g_SSLG[$iIdx][$gSSLG_iY_Last] = False $g_SSLG[$iIdx][$gSSLG_iX_Inc] = 0 $g_SSLG[$iIdx][$gSSLG_iSamples] = 0 $g_SSLG[$iIdx][$gSSLG_iSamplesTotal] = 0 _SSLG_SetYRange($iCtrlID, $iY_Min, $iY_Max) _SSLG_SetSmoothingMode($iCtrlID) $g_SSLG[$iIdx][$gSSLG_bNeedResize] = True _SSLG_ClearGraph($iCtrlID) Return $iCtrlID EndFunc ;==>_SSLG_CreateGraph ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _SSLG_AddSample ; Description ...: Adds a new value to Line Graph ; Syntax.........: _SSLG_AddSample($iIdx, $iValue) ; Parameters ....: $idSSLG - Control ID returned from _SSLG_CreateGraph() ; $iValue - Value to add to graph Default advances graph without a data point displayed ; Return values .: Success - 1 ; Failure - 0 and sets @ERROR: ; - 1 Invalid iIndex ; - 3 Too many samples ~truncated ; - 4 Busy in another SSLG function ; Author ........: Bilgus ; Remarks .......: Adding too many samples between calls to UpdateGraph will cause samples to be lost ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _SSLG_AddSample($idSSLG, $iValue = Default) Local $iIdx = __SSLG_LookupHandle($idSSLG, True) If $iIdx > $g_SSLG[0][0] Then Return SetError(1, @extended, 0) Local $hPath = $g_SSLG[$iIdx][$gSSLG_hPathLine] Local $hPath_Grid = $g_SSLG[$iIdx][$gSSLG_hPathGridV] Local $aRect = $g_SSLG[$iIdx][$gSSLG_aRect] Local $iH = $aRect[3] Local $iY = $g_SSLG[$iIdx][$gSSLG_iY_Last] Local $iY_Last = $g_SSLG[$iIdx][$gSSLG_iY_Last] Local $iY_Min = $g_SSLG[$iIdx][$gSSLG_iY_Min] Local $iY_Max = $g_SSLG[$iIdx][$gSSLG_iY_Max] If $g_SSLG[$iIdx][$gSSLG_iY_Last] = Default And $iValue <> Default Then Return SetError(4, @extended, 0) Else $g_SSLG[$iIdx][$gSSLG_iY_Last] = Default ;Used as Mutex EndIf If $g_SSLG[$iIdx][$gSSLG_iSamples] <= 0 Then ; First sample, reset paths _GDIPlus_PathReset($hPath) _GDIPlus_PathReset($g_SSLG[$iIdx][$gSSLG_hPathGridV]) EndIf If $iValue <> Default Then If $iY_Min < $iY_Max Then $iY = $g_SSLG[$iIdx][$gSSLG_iY_Max] - $iValue ;Need to flip direction of Y Else $iY = $iValue EndIf If Not $iY_Last Then $iY_Last = $iY _GDIPlus_PathAddLine($hPath, $g_SSLG[$iIdx][$gSSLG_iSamples] - 1, $iY_Last, $g_SSLG[$iIdx][$gSSLG_iSamples], $iY) ;ConsoleWrite(StringFormat("AddLine (%d, %d) (%d, %d) \r\n", $g_SSLG[$iIdx][$gSSLG_iSamples] - 1, $iY_Last, $g_SSLG[$iIdx][$gSSLG_iSamples], $iY )) EndIf If $g_SSLG[$iIdx][$gSSLG_hPenGrid] And Mod($g_SSLG[$iIdx][$gSSLG_iSamplesTotal], $g_SSLG[$iIdx][$gSSLG_iX_Inc]) = 0 Then ;Make a new vertical grid line _GDIPlus_PathStartFigure($hPath_Grid) _GDIPlus_PathAddLine($hPath_Grid, $g_SSLG[$iIdx][$gSSLG_iSamples], $iY_Min, $g_SSLG[$iIdx][$gSSLG_iSamples], $iY_Max) _GDIPlus_PathCloseFigure($hPath_Grid) EndIf $g_SSLG[$iIdx][$gSSLG_iSamples] += 1 $g_SSLG[$iIdx][$gSSLG_iSamplesTotal] += 1 ;Used to track gridline increment $g_SSLG[$iIdx][$gSSLG_iY_Last] = $iY ;Release Mutex If $g_SSLG[$iIdx][$gSSLG_iSamples] > $g_SSLG[$iIdx][$gSSLG_iIncrements] Then Return SetError(3, @extended, 0) Return 1 EndFunc ;==>_SSLG_AddSample ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _SSLG_UpdateGraph ; Description ...: Updates Line Graph with new values ; Syntax.........: _SSLG_UpdateGraph($iIdx, $iValue) ; Parameters ....: $idSSLG - Control ID returned from _SSLG_CreateGraph() ; $bCompress - Compress end of graph rather than discard (slower) ; $bFill - Fill under the graph line with hBrushLine ; $bForce Update even though control is disabled ; Return values .: Success - 1 ; @Extended - Number of samples displayed ; Failure - 0 and sets @ERROR: ; - 1 Invalid iIndex ; - 2 No Samples ; - 3 Samples overflow graph ; - 4 Busy in another SSLG function ; Author ........: Bilgus ; Remarks .......: Flip Y_Min and Y_Max in the call to CreateGraph to change fill area from under to above ; $bCompress = True uses more CPU and increases memory churn due to GDI+ temp objects ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _SSLG_UpdateGraph($idSSLG, $bCompress = False, $bFill = False, $bForce = False) Local $iIdx = __SSLG_LookupHandle($idSSLG, $bForce) If $iIdx > $g_SSLG[0][0] Then Return SetError(1, @extended, 0) Local $iErr = 0, $iY_Last If $g_SSLG[$iIdx][$gSSLG_bNeedResize] Then _SSLG_ClearGraph($idSSLG) Local $iSamples = $g_SSLG[$iIdx][$gSSLG_iSamples] If $iSamples < 1 Then Return SetError(2, @extended, 0) ElseIf $iSamples > $g_SSLG[$iIdx][$gSSLG_iIncrements] Then ;ConsoleWrite("!Full!" & @CRLF) $iSamples = $g_SSLG[$iIdx][$gSSLG_iIncrements] $iErr = 3 EndIf If $g_SSLG[$iIdx][$gSSLG_iY_Last] = Default Then SetError(4, @extended, 0) ; Currently in the AddSample or GraphClear Function Else $iY_Last = $g_SSLG[$iIdx][$gSSLG_iY_Last] $g_SSLG[$iIdx][$gSSLG_iY_Last] = Default ;Used as Mutex EndIf $g_SSLG[$iIdx][$gSSLG_iSamples] = 0 Local $hPath = $g_SSLG[$iIdx][$gSSLG_hPathLine] Local $hMatrixHT = $g_SSLG[$iIdx][$gSSLG_hMatrixHT] Local $aRect = $g_SSLG[$iIdx][$gSSLG_aRect] Local $iW = $aRect[2] Local $iH = $aRect[3] Local $iIncrement = $g_SSLG[$iIdx][$gSSLG_iIncrementSize] Local $iInc_Total = $iIncrement * $iSamples Local $iShiftDist = $iW - $iInc_Total ;ConsoleWrite(StringFormat("!Display (%d, %d; %d;) \r\n", $iSamples, $iInc_Total, $iShiftDist)) Local $iHistX = $iInc_Total Local $iHistW = $iShiftDist If $bCompress Then $iHistX = 0 $iHistW = $iW EndIf Local $aGraphic[2], $aBmp[2] Static Local $iLastBuf = 0 ;Swap back buffer each call Local $iBuf0 = $iLastBuf, $iBuf1 = (1 - $iLastBuf) ;Toggles 0,1 $aGraphic[$iBuf0] = $g_SSLG[$iIdx][$gSSLG_hGrBuf_0] $aGraphic[$iBuf1] = $g_SSLG[$iIdx][$gSSLG_hGrBuf_1] $aBmp[$iBuf0] = $g_SSLG[$iIdx][$gSSLG_hBitmap_0] $aBmp[$iBuf1] = $g_SSLG[$iIdx][$gSSLG_hBitmap_1] $iLastBuf = $iBuf1 ;Shift/Copy/Compress the last data to the current bitmap _GDIPlus_GraphicsDrawImageRectRect($aGraphic[0], $aBmp[1], _ $iHistX, 0, $iHistW, $iH, _ ;[Src XYWH] 0, 0, $iShiftDist, $iH) ; [Dst XYWH] ;Here we scale the path(points) to the size of the graph X increment and Y range _GDIPlus_MatrixSetElements($hMatrixHT, $iIncrement, 0, 0, (($iH - 1) / $g_SSLG[$iIdx][$gSSLG_iY_Range]), $iShiftDist, 0) If $bFill And _GDIPlus_PathGetPointCount($hPath) > 0 Then ;Create 3 lines to enclose desired fill area -- If $iY_Min was used it'd fill top of graph instead Local $iY_F = $g_SSLG[$iIdx][$gSSLG_iY_Max] Static Local $tPoints = DllStructCreate("float[" & 3 * 2 & "]") DllStructSetData($tPoints, 1, $iSamples, 1) DllStructSetData($tPoints, 1, $iY_Last, 2) DllStructSetData($tPoints, 1, $iSamples, 3) DllStructSetData($tPoints, 1, $iY_F, 4) DllStructSetData($tPoints, 1, -1, 5) DllStructSetData($tPoints, 1, $iY_F, 6) DllCall($__g_hGDIPDll, "int", "GdipAddPathLine2", "handle", $hPath, "struct*", $tPoints, "int", 3) ;_GDIPlus_PathSetFillMode ($hPath, 0) _GDIPlus_MatrixSetElements($hMatrixHT, $iIncrement, 0, 0, (($iH - 1) / $g_SSLG[$iIdx][$gSSLG_iY_Range]), $iShiftDist, 0) _GDIPlus_PathTransform($hPath, $hMatrixHT) _GDIPlus_GraphicsFillPath($aGraphic[0], $hPath, $g_SSLG[$iIdx][$gSSLG_hBrushLine]) _GDIPlus_GraphicsDrawPath($aGraphic[0], $hPath, $g_SSLG[$iIdx][$gSSLG_hPen]) Else _GDIPlus_MatrixSetElements($hMatrixHT, $iIncrement, 0, 0, (($iH - 1) / $g_SSLG[$iIdx][$gSSLG_iY_Range]), $iShiftDist, 0) _GDIPlus_PathTransform($hPath, $hMatrixHT) _GDIPlus_GraphicsDrawPath($aGraphic[0], $hPath, $g_SSLG[$iIdx][$gSSLG_hPen]) EndIf ;_GDIPlus_PathReset($hPath) (Now Handled in AddSample) If $g_SSLG[$iIdx][$gSSLG_hPenGrid] Then _GDIPlus_PathAddPath($g_SSLG[$iIdx][$gSSLG_hPathGridV], $g_SSLG[$iIdx][$gSSLG_hPathGridH], False) _GDIPlus_PathTransform($g_SSLG[$iIdx][$gSSLG_hPathGridV], $hMatrixHT) _GDIPlus_GraphicsDrawPath($aGraphic[0], $g_SSLG[$iIdx][$gSSLG_hPathGridV], $g_SSLG[$iIdx][$gSSLG_hPenGrid]) ;_GDIPlus_PathReset($g_SSLG[$iIdx][$gSSLG_hPathGridV]) (Now Handled in AddSample) EndIf If $g_SSLG[$iIdx][$gSSLG_hPenSamp] Then ;Place a line at the end of each sample period _GDIPlus_GraphicsDrawLine($aGraphic[0], $iW - 1, 0, $iW - 1, $iH, $g_SSLG[$iIdx][$gSSLG_hPenSamp]) EndIf __SSLG_GraphicsDraw($iIdx, $aBmp[0], $iW, $iH) ;Copy back to ctrl ;Clear Next Bitmap _GDIPlus_GraphicsFillRect($aGraphic[1], 0, 0, $iW, $iH, $g_SSLG[$iIdx][$gSSLG_hBrushBkgnd]) $g_SSLG[$iIdx][$gSSLG_iY_Last] = $iY_Last ;Release mutex Return SetError($iErr, $iSamples, 1) EndFunc ;==>_SSLG_UpdateGraph ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _SSLG_SetSampleIndicator ; Description ...: Sets Line Color and line size of sample update line ; Syntax.........: _SSLG_SetSetSampleIndicator($iIdx, $iARGB, $iPenSize) ; Parameters ....: $idSSLG - Control ID returned from _SSLG_CreateGraph() ; $iLineColor - Alpha, Red, Green and Blue Hex Value. (0xAARRGGBB) [Default] = False Removes Indicator ; $iPenSize - Size of pen [Default] = 2 ; $iPenStyle - GDIP_DASHSTYLE [Default] = $GDIP_DASHSTYLESOLID ; Return values .: Success - 1 ; Failure - 0 and sets @ERROR: ; - 1 Invalid iIndex ; - 2 Error setting pen color ; Author ........: Bilgus ; Remarks .......: none ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _SSLG_SetSetSampleIndicator($idSSLG, $iLineColor = False, $iPenSize = Default, $iPenStyle = Default) Local $iIdx = __SSLG_LookupHandle($idSSLG) If $iIdx > $g_SSLG[0][0] Then Return SetError(1, @extended, 0) If $iPenStyle = Default Then $iPenStyle = $GDIP_DASHSTYLESOLID If $iLineColor = False Then _GDIPlus_PenDispose($g_SSLG[$iIdx][$gSSLG_hPenSamp]) $g_SSLG[$iIdx][$gSSLG_hPenSamp] = False Return 1 EndIf If $iPenStyle = Default Then $iPenStyle = $GDIP_DASHSTYLEDOT $iLineColor = __SSLG_RGB_ARGB($iLineColor) If Not $g_SSLG[$iIdx][$gSSLG_hPenSamp] And $iPenSize = Default Then $iPenSize = 1 If $iPenSize <> Default Then _GDIPlus_PenDispose($g_SSLG[$iIdx][$gSSLG_hPenSamp]) $g_SSLG[$iIdx][$gSSLG_hPenSamp] = _GDIPlus_PenCreate($iLineColor, $iPenSize) Else _GDIPlus_PenSetColor($g_SSLG[$iIdx][$gSSLG_hPenSamp], $iLineColor) If @error Then Return SetError(2, @extended, 0) EndIf _GDIPlus_PenSetDashStyle($g_SSLG[$iIdx][$gSSLG_hPenSamp], $iPenStyle) Return 1 EndFunc ;==>_SSLG_SetSetSampleIndicator ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _SSLG_SetGrid ; Description ...: Sets Grid color x/y interval and line size of Grid ; Syntax.........: _SSLG_SetGrid($iIdx, $iX_c, $iY_c, $iARGB, $iPenSize) ; Parameters ....: $idSSLG - Control ID returned from _SSLG_CreateGraph() ; $iX_c = 0 - X axis grid lines (vertical) [Default] = 0 -- Removes Vertical ; $iY_c = 0 - Y axis grid lines (hoizontal) [Default] = 0 -- Removes Horizontal ; $iGridColor - Alpha, Red, Green and Blue Hex Value. (0xAARRGGBB) ; $iPenSize - Size of pen [Default] = 2 ; $iPenStyle - GDIP_DASHSTYLE [Default] = ; Return values .: Success - 1 ; Failure - 0 and sets @ERROR: ; - 1 Invalid iIndex ; - 2 Error setting pen color ; Author ........: Bilgus ; Remarks .......: none ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _SSLG_SetGrid($idSSLG, $iX_c, $iY_c, $iGridColor = Default, $iPenSize = Default, $iPenStyle = Default) Local $iIdx = __SSLG_LookupHandle($idSSLG) If $iIdx > $g_SSLG[0][0] Then Return SetError(1, @extended, 0) Local $aRect = $g_SSLG[$iIdx][$gSSLG_aRect] Local $iH = $aRect[3] If $iGridColor = Default Then $iGridColor = 0xFFA0A0A0 If $iPenSize = Default Then $iPenSize = 1 If $iPenStyle = Default Then $iPenStyle = $GDIP_DASHSTYLESOLID $iGridColor = __SSLG_RGB_ARGB($iGridColor) Local $hPath_Grid = $g_SSLG[$iIdx][$gSSLG_hPathGridH] _GDIPlus_PathReset($hPath_Grid) _GDIPlus_PenDispose($g_SSLG[$iIdx][$gSSLG_hPenGrid]) $g_SSLG[$iIdx][$gSSLG_hPenGrid] = False ;NOTE: notice the negative (-) sign on the Step value -- without it Step = 0 hangs For $j = $iH - 1 To 0 Step -Int($iY_c) _GDIPlus_PathStartFigure($hPath_Grid) _GDIPlus_PathAddLine($hPath_Grid, -1, $j, $g_SSLG[$iIdx][$gSSLG_iIncrements] - 1, $j) _GDIPlus_PathCloseFigure($hPath_Grid) Next $g_SSLG[$iIdx][$gSSLG_iX_Inc] = Int($iX_c) If $iX_c <> 0 Or $iY_c <> 0 Then $g_SSLG[$iIdx][$gSSLG_hPenGrid] = _GDIPlus_PenCreate($iGridColor, $iPenSize) _GDIPlus_PenSetDashStyle($g_SSLG[$iIdx][$gSSLG_hPenGrid], $iPenStyle) EndIf _SSLG_ClearGraph($idSSLG) Return 1 EndFunc ;==>_SSLG_SetGrid ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _SSLG_SetLine ; Description ...: Sets Line Color and line size of Graph ; Syntax.........: _SSLG_SetLineColor($iIdx, $iARGB) ; Parameters ....: $idSSLG - Control ID returned from _SSLG_CreateGraph() ; $iLineColor - Alpha, Red, Green and Blue Hex Value. (0xAARRGGBB) ; $iPenSize - Size of pen [Default] = 2 ; $iFillColor - Alpha, Red, Green and Blue Hex Value. (0xAARRGGBB) [Default] = $iLineColor ; $hBrush - you may also supply your own brush to fill area under plotted line (deleted on exit by SSLG) ; Return values .: Success - 1 ; Failure - 0 and sets @ERROR: ; - 1 Invalid iIndex ; - 2 Error setting pen color ; Author ........: Bilgus ; Remarks .......: none ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _SSLG_SetLine($idSSLG, $iLineColor, $iPenSize = Default, $iFillColor = Default, $hBrush = Default) Local $iIdx = __SSLG_LookupHandle($idSSLG) If $iIdx > $g_SSLG[0][0] Then Return SetError(1, @extended, 0) $iLineColor = __SSLG_RGB_ARGB($iLineColor) If $iFillColor = Default Then $iFillColor = $iLineColor $iFillColor = __SSLG_RGB_ARGB($iFillColor) _GDIPlus_BrushDispose($g_SSLG[$iIdx][$gSSLG_hBrushLine]) If $hBrush = Default Then $g_SSLG[$iIdx][$gSSLG_hBrushLine] = _GDIPlus_BrushCreateSolid($iFillColor) Else $g_SSLG[$iIdx][$gSSLG_hBrushLine] = $hBrush EndIf If Not $g_SSLG[$iIdx][$gSSLG_hPen] And $iPenSize = Default Then $iPenSize = 2 If $iPenSize <> Default Then _GDIPlus_PenDispose($g_SSLG[$iIdx][$gSSLG_hPen]) $g_SSLG[$iIdx][$gSSLG_hPen] = _GDIPlus_PenCreate($iLineColor, $iPenSize) EndIf GUICtrlSetColor($idSSLG, BitAND(BitNOT(0xFF000000), $iLineColor)) _GDIPlus_PenSetColor($g_SSLG[$iIdx][$gSSLG_hPen], $iLineColor) If @error Then Return SetError(2, @extended, 0) Return 1 EndFunc ;==>_SSLG_SetLine ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _SSLG_SetSmoothingMode ; Description ...: Sets the graph object rendering quality ; Syntax.........: _SSLG_SetSmoothingMode($iIdx, $iSmooth = 2) ; Parameters ....: $idSSLG - Control ID returned from _SSLG_CreateGraph() ; $iSmooth - Smoothing mode ; 0 - Smoothing is not applied ; 1 - Smoothing is applied using an 8 X 4 box filter ; 2 - Smoothing is applied using an 8 X 8 box filter [Default] ; Return values .: Success - 1 ; Failure - 0 and sets @ERROR: ; - 1 Invalid iIndex ; Author ........: Beege ; Remarks .......: none ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _SSLG_SetSmoothingMode($idSSLG, $iSmooth = 0) Local $iIdx = __SSLG_LookupHandle($idSSLG) If $iIdx > $g_SSLG[0][0] Then Return SetError(1, @extended, 0) _GDIPlus_GraphicsSetSmoothingMode($g_SSLG[$iIdx][$gSSLG_hGrBuf_0], $iSmooth) _GDIPlus_GraphicsSetSmoothingMode($g_SSLG[$iIdx][$gSSLG_hGrBuf_1], $iSmooth) Return 1 EndFunc ;==>_SSLG_SetSmoothingMode ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _SSLG_ClearGraph ; Description ...: Clears all data from Graph ; Syntax.........: _SSLG_ClearGraph($iIdx) ; Parameters ....: $idSSLG - Control ID returned from _SSLG_CreateGraph() ; Return values .: Success - 1 ; Failure - 0 and sets @ERROR: ; - 1 Invalid iIndex ; Author ........: Bilgus ; Remarks .......: none ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _SSLG_ClearGraph($idSSLG) Local $iIdx = __SSLG_LookupHandle($idSSLG) If $iIdx > $g_SSLG[0][0] Then Return SetError(1, @extended, 0) If $g_SSLG[$iIdx][$gSSLG_bNeedResize] Then if __SSLG_GraphicsSetup($iIdx) = 0 Then Return EndIf $g_SSLG[$iIdx][$gSSLG_iY_Last] = Default ;Used as Mutex ;Need to clear both buffers we dont keep track which is current _GDIPlus_GraphicsClear($g_SSLG[$iIdx][$gSSLG_hGrBuf_0], $g_SSLG[$iIdx][$gSSLG_iBackColor]) ; _GDIPlus_GraphicsClear($g_SSLG[$iIdx][$gSSLG_hGrBuf_1], $g_SSLG[$iIdx][$gSSLG_iBackColor]) ; _GDIPlus_PathReset($g_SSLG[$iIdx][$gSSLG_hPathGridV]) _GDIPlus_PathReset($g_SSLG[$iIdx][$gSSLG_hPathLine]) $g_SSLG[$iIdx][$gSSLG_iSamplesTotal] = 0 $g_SSLG[$iIdx][$gSSLG_iSamples] = 0 If $g_SSLG[$iIdx][$gSSLG_hPenGrid] Then ;Add blank samples to draw grid For $i = 0 To $g_SSLG[$iIdx][$gSSLG_iIncrements] - 1 _SSLG_AddSample($idSSLG, Default) Next $g_SSLG[$iIdx][$gSSLG_iY_Last] = False _SSLG_UpdateGraph($idSSLG, False, False, True) EndIf $g_SSLG[$iIdx][$gSSLG_iY_Last] = False Return 1 EndFunc ;==>_SSLG_ClearGraph ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _SSLG_SetResizeGraph ; Description ...: Resize Graph after call to GUICtrlSetPos ; Syntax.........: _SSLG_ResizeGraph($iIdx) ; Parameters ....: $idSSLG - Control ID returned from _SSLG_CreateGraph() ; Return values .: Success - 1 ; Failure - 0 and sets @ERROR: ; - 1 Invalid iIndex ; Author ........: Bilgus ; Remarks .......: Only sets flag -- resize will occur on next ClearGraph or UpdateGraph ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _SSLG_SetResizeGraph($idSSLG) Local $iIdx = __SSLG_LookupHandle($idSSLG) If $iIdx > $g_SSLG[0][0] Then Return SetError(1, @extended, 0) $g_SSLG[$iIdx][$gSSLG_bNeedResize] = True Return 1 EndFunc ;==>_SSLG_SetResizeGraph ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _SSLG_SetYRange ; Description ...: Sets the Minimum and Maximum Y Values ; Syntax.........: _SSLG_SetYRange($iIdx, $iY_Min, $iY_Max) ; Parameters ....: $idSSLG - Control ID returned from _SSLG_CreateGraph() ; $iY_Min - Minimum Y Value ; $iY_Max - Maximum Y Value ; Return values .: Success - 1 ; Failure - 0 and sets @ERROR: ; - 1 Invalid iIndex ; Author ........: Beege ; Remarks .......: User should most likly want to ClearGraph after changing Y Range ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _SSLG_SetYRange($idSSLG, $iY_Min, $iY_Max) Local $iIdx = __SSLG_LookupHandle($idSSLG) If $iIdx > $g_SSLG[0][0] Then Return SetError(1, @extended, 0) $g_SSLG[$iIdx][$gSSLG_iY_Min] = $iY_Min $g_SSLG[$iIdx][$gSSLG_iY_Max] = $iY_Max $g_SSLG[$iIdx][$gSSLG_iY_Range] = Abs($iY_Max - $iY_Min) Return 1 EndFunc ;==>_SSLG_SetYRange ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _SSLG_SetBackGroundColor ; Description ...: Sets Graph BackGround Color ; Syntax.........: _SSLG_SetBackGroundColor($iIdx, $iARGB = 0xFF000000) ; Parameters ....: $idSSLG - Control ID returned from _SSLG_CreateGraph() ; $iARGB - Alpha, Red, Green and Blue Hex Value. (0xAARRGGBB). Default = Black ; Return values .: Success - 1 ; Failure - 0 and sets @ERROR: ; - 1 Invalid iIndex ; Author ........: Beege ; Remarks .......: All previous data will be cleared ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _SSLG_SetBackGroundColor($idSSLG, $iARGB = 0xFF000000) Local $iIdx = __SSLG_LookupHandle($idSSLG) If $iIdx > $g_SSLG[0][0] Then Return SetError(1, @extended, 0) $g_SSLG[$iIdx][$gSSLG_iBackColor] = __SSLG_RGB_ARGB($iARGB) _GDIPlus_BrushDispose($g_SSLG[$iIdx][$gSSLG_hBrushBkgnd]) $g_SSLG[$iIdx][$gSSLG_hBrushBkgnd] = _GDIPlus_BrushCreateSolid($g_SSLG[$iIdx][$gSSLG_iBackColor]) _SSLG_ClearGraph($iIdx) Return 1 EndFunc ;==>_SSLG_SetBackGroundColor #EndRegion Public Functions #Region Internal Functions ; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY# =========================================================================================================== ; Name...........: __SSLG_RGB_ARGB ; Description ...: Convert RBG color to ARGB color ; Syntax.........: ; Parameters ....: ; Return values .: ; Author ........: Bilgus ; Remarks .......: ; =============================================================================================================================== Func __SSLG_RGB_ARGB($iARGB) If BitAND($iARGB, 0xFF000000) = 0 Then $iARGB = BitOR($iARGB, 0xFF000000) EndIf Return $iARGB EndFunc ;==>__SSLG_RGB_ARGB ; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: __SSLG_GraphicsSetup ; Description ...: Internal function -- (Re)Creates all the graphics objects ; Syntax.........: __SSLG_GraphicsSetup($iIdx) ; Parameters ....: $iIdx - INTERNAL Graph ID ; Return values .: N/A ; Failure - 0 and sets @ERROR: ; - 2 No change ; Author ........: Bilgus ; Remarks .......: All previous data will be cleared, Graphics objects destroyed, Re-created if $bReInit = True ; =============================================================================================================================== Func __SSLG_GraphicsSetup($iIdx) $g_SSLG[$iIdx][$gSSLG_bNeedResize] = False Local $aRectOld = $g_SSLG[$iIdx][$gSSLG_aRect] Local $aRect = WinGetPos($g_SSLG[$iIdx][$gSSLG_hCtrl]) If $g_SSLG[$iIdx][$gSSLG_hBitmap_0] And $aRect[2] = $aRectOld[2] And $aRect[3] = $aRectOld[3] Then ;ConsoleWrite("Resize not needed") Return SetError(2, @extended, 0) EndIf $g_SSLG[$iIdx][$gSSLG_aRect] = $aRect Local $iW = $aRect[2] Local $iH = $aRect[3] ;ConsoleWrite("New SZ: (" & $aRect[0] & ", " & $aRect[1] & "), (" & $iW & ", " & $iH & ")" & @CRLF) Local $hHBMP, $hGrBuf0, $hGrBuf1, $hBitmap0, $hBitmap1 If $g_SSLG[$iIdx][$gSSLG_hBitmap_0] Then $hHBMP = $g_SSLG[$iIdx][$gSSLG_hHBitmapGDI_] $hGrBuf0 = $g_SSLG[$iIdx][$gSSLG_hGrBuf_0] $hBitmap0 = $g_SSLG[$iIdx][$gSSLG_hBitmap_0] $hGrBuf1 = $g_SSLG[$iIdx][$gSSLG_hGrBuf_1] $hBitmap1 = $g_SSLG[$iIdx][$gSSLG_hBitmap_1] $g_SSLG[$iIdx][$gSSLG_iIncrementSize] = -1 EndIf Local $hGraphic = _GDIPlus_GraphicsCreateFromHWND($g_SSLG[$iIdx][$gSSLG_hCtrl]) Local $hBitmap = _GDIPlus_BitmapCreateFromGraphics($iW, $iH, $hGraphic) ;$GDIP_PXF32PARGB (Pre-multiplied) appears to be the most efficient format as far as GDI+ is concerned $g_SSLG[$iIdx][$gSSLG_hBitmap_0] = _GDIPlus_BitmapCloneArea($hBitmap, 0, 0, $iW, $iH, $GDIP_PXF32PARGB) $g_SSLG[$iIdx][$gSSLG_hGrBuf_0] = _GDIPlus_ImageGetGraphicsContext($g_SSLG[$iIdx][$gSSLG_hBitmap_0]) $g_SSLG[$iIdx][$gSSLG_hBitmap_1] = _GDIPlus_BitmapCloneArea($hBitmap, 0, 0, $iW, $iH, $GDIP_PXF32PARGB) $g_SSLG[$iIdx][$gSSLG_hGrBuf_1] = _GDIPlus_ImageGetGraphicsContext($g_SSLG[$iIdx][$gSSLG_hBitmap_1]) $g_SSLG[$iIdx][$gSSLG_hHBitmapGDI_] = _GDIPlus_BitmapCreateHBITMAPFromBitmap($hBitmap) $g_SSLG[$iIdx][$gSSLG_iIncrementSize] = Ceiling($iW / ($g_SSLG[$iIdx][$gSSLG_iIncrements] + 1)) $g_SSLG[$iIdx][$gSSLG_iIncrements] = Int($iW / $g_SSLG[$iIdx][$gSSLG_iIncrementSize]) _GDIPlus_BitmapDispose($hBitmap) _GDIPlus_GraphicsDispose($hGraphic) Local $aResult = DllCall("user32.dll", "hwnd", "GetParent", "hwnd", $g_SSLG[$iIdx][$gSSLG_hCtrl]) If Not @error Then _WinAPI_RedrawWindow($aResult[0]) _WinAPI_DeleteObject($hHBMP) _GDIPlus_GraphicsDispose($hGrBuf0) _GDIPlus_BitmapDispose($hBitmap0) _GDIPlus_GraphicsDispose($hGrBuf1) _GDIPlus_BitmapDispose($hBitmap1) Return 1 EndFunc ;==>__SSLG_GraphicsSetup ; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: __SSLG_GraphicsDraw ; Description ...: Internal function -- BitBlt back to hDC ; Syntax.........: __SSLG_GraphicsDraw($iIdx) ; Parameters ....: $iIdx - INTERNAL Graph ID ; $iW - Width ; $iH - Height ; Return values .: N/A ; Author ........: Bilgus ; Remarks .......: Copy the GDI+ bitmap to a HBITMAP blit to the screen ; =============================================================================================================================== Func __SSLG_GraphicsDraw($iIdx, $hBitmap, $iW, $iH) Local $hObjOld, $hDC_Src, $hDC_Dst, $hHBitmap, $hGraphic ;$hBitmap = GDI+ Bitmap [SRC] $hHBitmap = $g_SSLG[$iIdx][$gSSLG_hHBitmapGDI_] ;Standard GDI Bitmap [DEST] ;DC where we can select the Standard GDI Bitmap $hDC_Src = $g_SSLG[$iIdx][$gSSLG_hDCBuf] $hObjOld = _WinAPI_SelectObject($hDC_Src, $hHBitmap) $hGraphic = _GDIPlus_GraphicsCreateFromHDC($hDC_Src) _GDIPlus_GraphicsSetSmoothingMode($hGraphic, 2) _GDIPlus_GraphicsDrawImageRect($hGraphic, $hBitmap, 0, 0, $iW, $iH) _GDIPlus_GraphicsDispose($hGraphic) $hDC_Dst = _WinAPI_GetDC($g_SSLG[$iIdx][$gSSLG_hCtrl]) _WinAPI_BitBlt($hDC_Dst, 0, 0, $iW, $iH, $hDC_Src, 0, 0, $SRCCOPY) ;Copy back to ctrl _WinAPI_ReleaseDC($g_SSLG[$iIdx][$gSSLG_hCtrl], $hDC_Dst) _WinAPI_SelectObject($hDC_Src, $hObjOld) ;Put old object back EndFunc ;==>__SSLG_GraphicsDraw ; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY# =========================================================================================================== ; Name...........: __SSLG_LookupHandle ; Description ...: Converts controlID or Handles to internal graph index ; Syntax.........: ; Parameters ....: ; Return values .: ; Author ........: Bilgus ; Remarks .......: ; =============================================================================================================================== Func __SSLG_LookupHandle($idSSLG, $bForce = True) Static Local $idSSLG_Last = -1 Static Local $hSSLG_Last = 0 Local Const $GUI_DISABLE = 128 If $bForce Or Not BitAND(GUICtrlGetState($idSSLG), $GUI_DISABLE) Then If $idSSLG = $idSSLG_Last Then Return $hSSLG_Last ;Shortcut $idSSLG = Hex($idSSLG) Local $oDict = $g_SSLG[0][$gSSLG_DICT] If $oDict.Exists($idSSLG) Then $idSSLG_Last = $idSSLG $hSSLG_Last = $oDict.Item($idSSLG) Return $hSSLG_Last EndIf ConsoleWriteError("Graph ControlID: " & $idSSLG & " does not exist" & @CRLF) For $vKey In $oDict ConsoleWriteError("[" & $vKey & "] = " & $oDict.Item($vKey) & @CRLF) Next EndIf Return SetError(1, @extended, $g_SSLG[0][0] + 1) EndFunc ;==>__SSLG_LookupHandle ; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY# =========================================================================================================== ; Name...........: __SSLG_Exit() ; Description ...: Cleans up stored objects ; Syntax.........: ; Parameters ....: ; Return values .: ; Author ........: ; Remarks .......: ; =============================================================================================================================== Func __SSLG_Exit() If $g_SSLG[0][0] Then For $i = 1 To $g_SSLG[0][0] $g_SSLG[$i][$gSSLG_iY_Last] = Default ;Mutex _WinAPI_DeleteObject($g_SSLG[$i][$gSSLG_hHBitmapGDI_]) _GDIPlus_GraphicsDispose($g_SSLG[$i][$gSSLG_hGrBuf_1]) _GDIPlus_BitmapDispose($g_SSLG[$i][$gSSLG_hBitmap_1]) _GDIPlus_GraphicsDispose($g_SSLG[$i][$gSSLG_hGrBuf_0]) _GDIPlus_BitmapDispose($g_SSLG[$i][$gSSLG_hBitmap_0]) _GDIPlus_MatrixDispose($g_SSLG[$i][$gSSLG_hMatrixHT]) _GDIPlus_PathDispose($g_SSLG[$i][$gSSLG_hPathLine]) _GDIPlus_PathDispose($g_SSLG[$i][$gSSLG_hPathGridV]) _GDIPlus_PathDispose($g_SSLG[$i][$gSSLG_hPathGridH]) _GDIPlus_PenDispose($g_SSLG[$i][$gSSLG_hPenGrid]) _GDIPlus_PenDispose($g_SSLG[$i][$gSSLG_hPenSamp]) _GDIPlus_PenDispose($g_SSLG[$i][$gSSLG_hPen]) _GDIPlus_BrushDispose($g_SSLG[$i][$gSSLG_hBrushLine]) _GDIPlus_BrushDispose($g_SSLG[$i][$gSSLG_hBrushBkgnd]) _WinAPI_DeleteDC($g_SSLG[$i][$gSSLG_hDCBuf]) Next EndIf _GDIPlus_Shutdown() EndFunc ;==>__SSLG_Exit #EndRegion Internal Functions