;WinMinimizeAll() mousemovereal(0,0,3,0,1) mousemovereal(200,200,3,0,1) mouseclickreal("left",50,100,1,1,0,1) mouseclickdragreal("left",100,100,400,400,1,1,10,0) mousedownreal("left") mousemovereal(600,600,1,0,1) mouseupreal("left") ;WinMinimizeAllUndo() ; Note : 1 = x goto. ; 2 = y goto. ; 3 = Speed behide steps ; 4 = The total of steps .. For a nice example use speed 10 and steps 2 ; 5 = automatic makes a the good step number. 1 to enable , 0 to disable ;This is named "Mousemovereal", something which simulates a normally moving mouse cursor. Be honest, ;how many times do you draw a straight line from point a to point b? ; If you're lucky, that means if blizzard is running a detector you don't want to be making perfect straight lines all the time. ;This function moves your mouse to the desired position, but not in a straight line ; ;dit is mousemovereal dat betekend dat het een echte mousemove na maakt , want zeg zelf , hoe vaak ;trek je een rechte lijn van a tot b ? soms als je een keer mazzel hebt , dus als blizzard een ;detector heeft draaien moet je niet altijd een perfecte rechte lijn maken , daarom gebruik deze funcie ;deze is niet recht maar gaat wel naar gewenste posietie ; ;This is mouseclickreal , this is the same as mousemovereal but then with click funcion , parameters 1=Button 2=x 3=y 4=speed 5=nubclick 6=steps func mousemovereal($x,$y,$speed,$steps,$Auto) ; The mousemover , but he dont make a perfect line :) dim $q[2] $q[0] = $x $q[1] = $y $p = MouseGetpos() $len = Sqrt(($p[0]+$q[0])*($p[0]+$q[0]))+(($p[1]+$q[1])*($p[1]+$q[1])) if $Auto = 1 Then $steps = $len / 2000 tooltip("Auto Steps :"&$steps) endif $mousestart = MouseGetpos() for $i = 1 to $steps mousemove(($p[0]+($i*($q[0]-$p[0])/$steps))+random(random(-2,0),random(0,2)),$p[1]+($i*($q[1]-$p[1])/$steps)+random(random(-2,0),random(0,2)),$speed) $Secondmove = MouseGetPos() next mousemove($x,$y,$speed) endfunc func mouseclickreal($button ,$x,$y,$speed,$Nubofclicks,$steps,$Auto) ;A mouseclick without a perfect line mouse move :) mousemovereal($x,$y,$speed,$steps,$Auto) $pos = mousegetpos() mouseclick($button,$pos[0],$pos[1],$Nubofclicks) EndFunc func mouseclickdragreal($button,$x,$y,$x2,$y2,$speed,$Nubofclicks,$steps,$Auto) ;Drag with a real mouse move :) , How mutch time you move your mouse really in a perfect line ? , why you shall do it perfect in drag? mousemovereal($x,$y,$speed,$steps,$Auto) mousedown($button) mousemovereal($x2,$y2,$speed,$steps,$Auto) mouseup($button) endfunc func mousedownreal($button) ;Maby its sicko , but do you click your mouse without a little mouse move ? $pos = MouseGetPos() mousemove($pos[0]-random(random(-2,0),random(0,2)),$pos[1]-random(random(-2,0),random(0,2)),1) mousedown($button) EndFunc func mouseupreal($button) ;Maby its sicko , but do you click your mouse without a little mouse move ? $pos = MouseGetPos() mousemove($pos[0]-random(random(-2,0),random(0,2)),$pos[1]-random(random(-2,0),random(0,2)),1) mouseup($button) EndFunc