; PopG_file.au3 - Andy Swarbrick (c) 2005-6 #region Doc: #region Doc: History ; 18-Jan-05 Als Added _FileCompareBinary from autoit forums. #endregion Doc: History #region Doc: FunctionList ; _DirCopy2 Like DirCopy but uses _FileCopy2 to ensure the update is intelligent. ; _DriveMap Extends DriveMap functions ; _FileCopy2 Copies one file to another folder. Does not copy if file exists. Sets target date to source. ; _IsDir Returns True if a directory. #endregion Doc: FunctionList #endregion Doc: #region Init: #region Init: Absolute Decls Global $ProgIdx =0 Global $OldPcnt =0 Global $OldTime =0 Global Const $CD_CHECKATTRIBS =1 Global Const $CD_CHECKDATABINARY =2 Global Const $CD_CHECKDATATEXT =4 Global Const $CD_CHECKDATECREATEDIFF =8 Global Const $CD_CHECKDATECREATENEWER =16 Global Const $CD_CHECKDATEMODIFYDIFF =32 Global Const $CD_CHECKDATEMODIFYNEWER =64 Global Const $CD_CHECKSIZEBIGGER =128 Global Const $CD_CHECKSIZEDIFF =256 Global Const $CD_SETALLFILES =1 Global Const $CD_SETATTRIBS =2 Global Const $CD_SETATTRIBSALLFILES =4 Global Const $CD_SETCREATEDATE =8 Global Const $CD_SETDATEALLFILES =16 Global Const $CD_SETMODIFYDATE =32 #endregion Init: Absolute Decls #region Init: Autoit Options Opt('MustDeclareVars',True) #endregion Init: Autoit Options #region Init: Includes #include '..\PopGincl\PopG_MsgBox.au3' #include '..\PopGincl\PopG_Run.au3' #include '..\PopGincl\PopG_String.au3' #endregion Init: Includes #endregion Init: #region Run: #region Run: Test Harness ;~ #region Run: test _FileCompareBinary ;~ ; Comparing two files... ;~ Local $first = "C:\FirstFile.DAT" ;~ Local $Second = "C:\SecondFile.DAT" ;~ If Not _FileCompareBinary ($first, $Second) Then ;~ Local $ext = @extended ;~ Local $error = @error ;~ If $error = 1 Then ;~ ConsoleWrite("Wrong version of AutoIT (minimum =" & @CR) ;~ ElseIf $error = 2 Then ;~ ConsoleWrite("At least one of the two files don't exist" & @CR) ;~ ElseIf $error = 3 Then ;~ ConsoleWrite("Both files are different size" & @CR) ;~ ElseIf $error = 4 Then ;~ ConsoleWrite("Bad buffer size" & @CR) ;~ ElseIf $error = 5 Then ;~ ConsoleWrite("Cannot compare complete file (increase BufferSize)" & @CR) ;~ ElseIf $error = 6 Then ;~ ConsoleWrite("Cannot open file for read" & @CR) ;~ ElseIf $error = 7 Then ;~ ConsoleWrite("Content doesn't match (compare fail)" & @CR) ;~ ConsoleWrite("Mistmatch at byte " & $ext & @CR) ;~ Else ;~ ConsoleWrite("Internal error, contact function author" & @CR) ;~ ConsoleWrite("Error code " & $error & @TAB & "Exteded code " & $ext & @CR) ;~ EndIf ;~ Else ;~ ConsoleWrite("Congratulations, both files identical!" & @CR) ;~ EndIf ;~ Exit ;~ #endregion Run: test _FileCompareBinary #endregion Run: Test Harness #region Run: Functions ; _FileCopy2 Copies one file to another folder. Does not copy if file exists. Sets target date to source. Func _FileCopy2($SrcFil,$DstFil,$CopyIfNewer=False,$CopyIfBigger=False,$CopyIfDifferent=False,$OkSetTime=False,$CopyAlways=False,$ConfCopy=False,$ProgMax=-1) Local $result Local $OkCopy=False Local $SrcTim,$DstTim,$SrcSiz,$DstSiz,$ProgTxt,$ProgLen,$NewPcnt If $ProgMax>=0 Then $NewPcnt=Round($ProgIdx/$ProgMax*100,-1) If $NewPcnt<>$OldPcnt Then $ProgTxt=_StringInsert2($SrcFil,@LF,40) ProgressSet($NewPcnt,$ProgIdx&'/'&$ProgMax&'-'&$ProgTxt) $OldPcnt=$NewPcnt EndIf $ProgIdx=$ProgIdx+1 If $ProgIdx>$ProgMax Then $ProgIdx=0 EndIf $SrcTim='' If $CopyAlways Then $OkCopy=True Else If FileExists($DstFil)Then If $CopyIfBigger Or $CopyIfDifferent Then $SrcTim=FileGetTime($SrcFil,0,1) ;use modify date $DstTim=FileGetTime($DstFil,0,1) EndIf If $CopyIfNewer Or $CopyIfDifferent Then $SrcSiz=FileGetSize($SrcFil) $DstSiz=FileGetSize($DstFil) EndIf ; If $CopyIfNewer And $SrcTim>$DstTim Then $OkCopy=True ElseIf $CopyIfBigger And $SrcSiz>$DstSiz Then $OkCopy=True ElseIf $CopyIfDifferent Then If $SrcTim<>$DstTim Or $SrcSiz<>$DstSiz Then $OkCopy=True EndIf Else $OkCopy=True EndIf EndIf ; If $OkCopy Then If $ConfCopy Then $result=MsgBox($mbfInfo+$mbfYnc+$mbfOnTop,'Confirm Copy','Source='&$SrcFil&@lf&'Target='&$DstFil) If $result=$mbaNo Then $OkCopy=False If $result=$mbaCancel Then Return True EndIf If $OkCopy Then FileCopy($SrcFil,$DstFil,1) If $OkSetTime Then ;$result=MsgBox($mbfInfo+$mbfYnc+$mbfOnTop,'Time values','Source mod='&$SrcTim&@lf&'Target mod='&$DstTim&@LF&'Source cre='&FileGetTime($SrcFil,1,1)&@lf&'Target mod='&FileGetTime($DstFil,1,1)&@LF) ;If $result=$mbaCancel Then Return True ;If $result=$mbaNo Then $OkCopy=False If $SrcTim='' Then $SrcTim=FileGetTime($SrcFil,0,1) If $DstTim='' Then $DstTim=FileGetTime($DstFil,0,1) FileSetTime($DstFil,$SrcTim,1) FileSetTime($DstFil,FileGetTime($SrcFil,1,1),1) EndIf EndIf EndIf ; Return False EndFunc ; _FileCopy2 ; _DirCopy2 Like DirCopy but uses _FileCopy2 to ensure the update is intelligent. Func _DirCopy2($SrcDir,$DstDir,$CopyIfNewer=False,$CopyIfBigger=False,$CopyIfDifferent=False,$OkSetTime=False,$CopyAlways=False,$ConfCopy=False,$ProgMax=-1) Dim $hdl,$OkCopy,$FilOrDir,$err,$abort Local $SrcFoD,$DstFoD,$Attrib ;If StringRight($SrcDir,1)='\' Then $SrcDir=StringLeft($SrcDir,StringLen($SrcDir)-1) $hdl=FileFindFirstFile($SrcDir&'\*') If $hdl=-1 Then Return $FilOrDir=FileFindNextFile($hdl) $err=@error While $err<>1 $DstFoD=$DstDir&'\'&$FilOrDir $SrcFoD=$SrcDir&'\'&$FilOrDir $Attrib=FileGetAttrib($SrcFoD) If StringInStr($Attrib,'D')>0 Then If Not FileExists($DstFoD) Then DirCreate($DstFoD) If $OkSetTime Then FileSetTime($DstFoD,FileGetTime($SrcFoD,0,1),0) FileSetTime($DstFoD,FileGetTime($SrcFoD,1,1),1) EndIf $abort=_DirCopy2($SrcFoD,$DstFoD,$CopyIfNewer,$CopyIfBigger,$CopyIfDifferent,$OkSetTime,$CopyAlways,$ConfCopy,$ProgMax) If $abort Then Return $abort Else $abort=_FileCopy2($SrcFoD,$DstFoD,$CopyIfNewer,$CopyIfBigger,$CopyIfDifferent,$OkSetTime,$CopyAlways,$ConfCopy,$ProgMax) If $abort Then Return $abort EndIf $FilOrDir=FileFindNextFile($hdl) $err=@error WEnd FileClose($hdl) EndFunc ; _IsDir Returns True if a directory. Func _IsDir($FilOrDir) If StringInStr(FileGetAttrib ($FilOrDir),'D') >0 Then Return True Return False EndFunc ;_IsDir ; _DriveMap Extends DriveMap functions Func _DriveMap($Drv,$Func,$Dir="") If $Func='autoadd' Then If StringLeft($Dir,2)='\\' Then $Func='netuseadd' Else $Func='substadd' EndIf Else $Func=StringLower($Func) EndIf ; DriveMapDel($Drv) _RunWaitSys('subst.exe /d '&$Drv) ; Select Case $Func='substadd' _RunWaitSys('subst.exe '&$Drv&' '&$Dir) Case $Func='netuseadd' DriveMapAdd($Drv,$Dir) EndSelect EndFunc ;_DriveMap #endregion Run: Functions #endregion Run: