#AutoIt3Wrapper_Au3Check_Parameters=-d -w 1 -w 2 -w 3 -w 4 -w 5 -w 6 ; #Tidy_Parameters=/sort_funcs /reel #include-once #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include ; Call once the script has ended to tidy up the used resources OnAutoItExitRegister(_GDIPlus_Shutdown) OnAutoItExitRegister(_Resource_DestroyAll) _GDIPlus_Startup() #Region ResourcesEx.au3 - Header ; #INDEX# ======================================================================================================================= ; Title .........: ResourcesEx ; AutoIt Version : ; Language ......: English ; Description ...: ; Author ........: Zedna (original) ; Modified ......: guinness (current). Thanks to Jos, Larry, Melba23, mLipok, ProgAndy, UEZ, ward and Yashied ; Dll ...........: ; =============================================================================================================================== #cs TODO: Bug testing by the AutoIt community: http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/topic/162499-resourcesex-udf/ http://pastebin.com/5ru8H0cN Code examples: http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/topic/74565-extracticontofile-with-simple-gui-example/page-2#entry670142 Ref by AZJIO: http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/topic/51103-resources-udf/?p=1013300 Ref by Funkey: http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/topic/140449-createresourcedll/ Ref by ward: http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/topic/156041-resource-project-third-version/ Ref by Yashied: http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/topic/51103-resources-udf/?p=1147585 Resources: Resources Ref: http://www.skynet.ie/~caolan/publink/winresdump/winresdump/doc/resfmt.txt Resources Ref: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa381043(v=vs.85).aspx Icons Ref: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-gb/library/windows/desktop/ms648050(v=vs.85).aspx#_win32_Icon_Sizes Changelog: 2015/09/26 Changed: Comments throughout the UDF, removing trailing dot Fixed: Various cosmetic changes 2015/01/12 Fixed: Example directive using double equals sign Fixed: Delete functions not being cast as a bool value. (Thanks Synix) Fixed: @error and @extended not be passed back in nested functions e.g. _Resource_GetAsRaw() 2014/07/19 Added: _Resource_SetBitmapToCtrlID() formerly known as _Resource_SetImageToCtrlID() Added: Note about using #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Icon_Add to the example. (Thanks Zedna) Added: Passing a blank string to _Resource_SetToCtrlID() through the $sResNameOrID parameter, will delete the image and previous handle Changed: _Resource_SetImageToCtrlID() now accepts a hBitmap not a HBITMAP object Fixed: _Resource_GetAsBitmap() now works the same way as _ResourceGetAsBitmap() did, by converting a jpg, png etc... to HBITMAP Fixed: Memory management of some functions 2014/07/18 Fixed: Destroying a cursor Fixed: Regression from loading the current of external module. (Thanks UEZ) 2014/07/17 Added: Additional checks to destroy cursors and icons Added: Checking if the dll or exe filepath has a valid extension Added: Example of using an icon and image on a button control Fixed: Icons and cursors (finally) being re-sized to a control Fixed: Using GUIGetStyle() on a non-AutoIt handle would cause issue with controls Fixed: Variable naming of $sDLL to $sDllOrExePath for improved clarity Removed: Workaround for setting icons to AutoIt controls 2014/07/17 Added: Commented workaround in the example for re-sizing an icon control Added: ResourcesEx_PE.au3 created by PreExpand for all you constant variable haters out there!!! Fixed: Changelog comments and source code comments Fixed: Re-sizing icons when the control was different to the icon's size. (Thanks czardas for the MSDN link and Jon.) Fixed: Re-sizing cursors and icons in general 2014/07/15 Added: Comments about using SOUND for wav files and RT_RCDATA for mp3 files. (Thanks Melba23) Added: Option to relevant functions to re-size the image based on the control's dimensions. (Requested by kinch: http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/topic/51103-resources-udf/?p=1147525) Added: Using _Resource_LoadFont() example. (Thanks UEZ) Changed: Certain example resources to now use those found in %AUTOITDIR%\Examples\Helpfile\Extras Changed: Constants and enums readability. (Thank mLipok) Changed: Internal functions for destroying resources Changed: Removed changes made from the previous version for loading resources multiple times. The design needs to be re-thought Changed: Setting styles of controls using native AutoIt functions Fixed: Destroying control resource images would fail to show if reinstated again Fixed: Documentation comments Fixed: Missing certain users who helped with creating this UDF Fixed: Outdated SciTE files 2014/07/14: Added: _Resource_GetAsCursor(), for the loading of animated cursors and standard cursors which can then be used with _WinAPI_SetCursor() Added: _Resource_GetAsIcon(), for loading icon resource types Added: _Resource_LoadFont(), which retrieves a font resource and adds to the current memory of the associated module Added: _Resource_SetCursorToCtrlID() and _Resource_SetIconToCtrlID() Added: Additional resource types to destroy on exit, including $RT_FONT, $RT_ICON and $RT_MENU Added: Playing Mp3s to _Resource_LoadSound(). (Thanks to UEZ and Melba23 with changes made by me.) Changed: _Resource_GetAsBitmap() returns a HTBITMAP handle without converting from hBitmap to HBITMAP Changed: _Resource_PlaySound() to _Resource_LoadSound() Changed: _Resource_SetBitmapToCtrlID() to _Resource_SetImageToCtrlID() Changed: _SendMessage() to GUICtrlSendMsg() Changed: Example files Changed: Setting $iError in the internal get function Changed: Signature of _Resource_Destroy() Changed: Updated example to reflect major changes to the ResourcesEx UDF Changed: Various UDF tweaks that I didn't document because I simply couldn't keep track of all the playing around I did in the last week Fixed: _Resource_GetAsImage() not returning an error when a bitmap couldn't be found in the resource table Fixed: Retrieving length of a string Fixed: Using the current module instead of zero in _Resource_LoadSound() Fixed: Various comment changes. (Thanks mLipok) Fixed: Loading resources multiple times. This is fixed thanks to using the internal storage array 2014/07/07: Added: _Resource_Destroy() and _Resource_DestroyAll() to destroy a particular resource name or all resources Added: Checking if the resource name of id value is empty Added: Descriptions, though could do with a little tweaking Changed: _Resource_Get() to _Resource_GetAsRaw() Changed: Internal workings of __Resource_Storage() Changed: Re-size the storage array when destroyed or on shutdown Fixed: _Resource_GetAsString() with default encoding of ANSI Fixed: Calltips API referencing Resources.au3 and not ResourcesEx.au3 Removed: _Resource_Shutdown() due to the addition of _Resource_Destroy() and _Resource_DestroyAll() 2014/07/06: Added: _Resource_Shutdown() to free up those resources which aren't loaded using _WinAPI_LockResource(). UnlockResource is obsolete Added: Support for using $RT_STRING Changed: _Resource_GetAsString() now works correctly for most encodings. (Thanks Jos) Changed: _Resource_GetAsString() will now load as a string if the resource type requested is $RT_STRING 2014/07/04: Added: #Regions. (Thanks mLipok) Added: #Tidy_Parameters=/sort_funcs /reel (Thanks mLipok) Added: All optional params now accept the default keyword Added: Link to this thread. (Thanks mLipok) Added: Main header. (Thanks mLipok) Changed: $f.... >> $b..... (Thanks mLipok) 2014/07/03: Initial release #ce #EndRegion ResourcesEx.au3 - Header #Region ResourcesEx.au3 - #VARIABLES# ; #VARIABLES# =================================================================================================================== ; Error enumeration flags Global Enum _ $RESOURCE_ERROR_NONE, _ $RESOURCE_ERROR_FINDRESOURCE, _ $RESOURCE_ERROR_INVALIDCONTROLID, _ $RESOURCE_ERROR_INVALIDCLASS, _ $RESOURCE_ERROR_INVALIDRESOURCENAME, _ $RESOURCE_ERROR_INVALIDRESOURCETYPE, _ $RESOURCE_ERROR_LOCKRESOURCE, _ $RESOURCE_ERROR_LOADBITMAP, _ $RESOURCE_ERROR_LOADCURSOR, _ $RESOURCE_ERROR_LOADICON, _ $RESOURCE_ERROR_LOADIMAGE, _ $RESOURCE_ERROR_LOADLIBRARY, _ $RESOURCE_ERROR_LOADSTRING, _ $RESOURCE_ERROR_SETIMAGE Global Const _ $RESOURCE_SS_ENHMETAFILE = 0xF Global Const _ $RESOURCE_SS_REALSIZECONTROL = 0x40 Global Const _ $RESOURCE_STM_SETICON = 0x0170 Global Const _ $RESOURCE_STM_GETIMAGE = 0x0173 Global Const _ $RESOURCE_STM_SETIMAGE = 0x0172 Global Const _ $RESOURCE_LANG_DEFAULT = 0 Global Enum _ $RESOURCE_RT_BITMAP = 1000, _ $RESOURCE_RT_ENHMETAFILE, _ $RESOURCE_RT_FONT Global Enum _ $RESOURCE_POS_H, _ $RESOURCE_POS_W, _ $RESOURCE_POS_MAX Global Const _ $RESOURCE_STORAGE_GUID = 'CA37F1E6-04D1-11E4-B340-4B0AE3E253B6' Global Enum _ $RESOURCE_STORAGE, _ $RESOURCE_STORAGE_FIRSTINDEX Global Enum _ $RESOURCE_STORAGE_ID, _ $RESOURCE_STORAGE_INDEX, _ $RESOURCE_STORAGE_RESETCOUNT, _ $RESOURCE_STORAGE_UBOUND Global Enum _ $RESOURCE_STORAGE_DLL, _ $RESOURCE_STORAGE_CASTRESTYPE, _ $RESOURCE_STORAGE_LENGTH, _ $RESOURCE_STORAGE_PTR, _ $RESOURCE_STORAGE_RESLANG, _ $RESOURCE_STORAGE_RESNAMEORID, _ $RESOURCE_STORAGE_RESTYPE, _ $RESOURCE_STORAGE_MAX, _ $RESOURCE_STORAGE_ADD, _ $RESOURCE_STORAGE_DESTROY, _ $RESOURCE_STORAGE_DESTROYALL, _ $RESOURCE_STORAGE_GET Global Enum _ $RESOURCE_WINGETPOS_XPOS, _ $RESOURCE_WINGETPOS_YPOS, _ $RESOURCE_WINGETPOS_WIDTH, _ $RESOURCE_WINGETPOS_HEIGHT ; =============================================================================================================================== #EndRegion ResourcesEx.au3 - #VARIABLES# #Region ResourcesEx.au3 - #FUNCTION# ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _Resource_Destroy ; Description ...: Destroy a resource name or id value ; Syntax ........: _Resource_Destroy($sResNameOrID[, $iResType = $RT_RCDATA]) ; Parameters ....: $sResNameOrID - A resource name or id value ; $iResType - [optional] Resource type. $RT_* constants located in APIResConstants.au3 Default value is $RT_RCDATA ; $iResLang - [optional] A language identifier. Default value is 0 ; $sDllOrExePath - [optional] A filepath to an external Dll or executable. Default value is the current module ; Return values .: Success - True ; Failure - False ; Author ........: guinness ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: Destroys the open $RT_BITMAP handles etc...of a resource name or id value ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _Resource_Destroy($sResNameOrID, $iResType = $RT_RCDATA, $iResLang = Default, $sDllOrExePath = Default) If $iResLang = Default Then $iResLang = $RESOURCE_LANG_DEFAULT If $iResType = Default Then $iResType = $RT_RCDATA Return __Resource_Storage($RESOURCE_STORAGE_DESTROY, $sDllOrExePath, Null, $sResNameOrID, $iResType, $iResLang, $iResType, Null) EndFunc ;==>_Resource_Destroy ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _Resource_DestroyAll ; Description ...: Destroy all resources ; Syntax ........: _Resource_DestroyAll() ; Parameters ....: None ; Return values .: Success - True ; Failure - False ; Author ........: guinness ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: Destroys all open $RT_BITMAP handles etc...of a resource name or id value ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _Resource_DestroyAll() Return __Resource_Storage($RESOURCE_STORAGE_DESTROYALL, Null, Null, Null, Null, Null, Null, Null) EndFunc ;==>_Resource_DestroyAll ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _Resource_GetAsBitmap ; Description ...: Get an image resource as a HBITMAP handle ; Syntax ........: _Resource_GetAsBitmap($sResNameOrID[, $iResType = $RT_RCDATA[, $sDllOrExePath = Default]]) ; Parameters ....: $sResNameOrID - A resource name or id value ; $iResType - [optional] Resource type. $RT_* constants located in APIResConstants.au3 Default value is $RT_RCDATA ; $sDllOrExePath - [optional] A filepath to an external Dll or executable. Default value is the current module ; Return values .: Success - HBITMAP handle ; Failure - Zero and sets @error to non-zero ; Author ........: Zedna ; Modified ......: guinness ; Remarks .......: The size of the resource is stored in @extended ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _Resource_GetAsBitmap($sResNameOrID, $iResType = $RT_RCDATA, $sDllOrExePath = Default) Local $hHBITMAP = 0, $hBitmap = _Resource_GetAsImage($sResNameOrID, $iResType, $sDllOrExePath) Local $iError = @error Local $iLength = @extended If $iError = $RESOURCE_ERROR_NONE And $iLength > 0 Then $hHBITMAP = _GDIPlus_BitmapCreateHBITMAPFromBitmap($hBitmap) ; Convert to HBITMAP If @error Then $iError = $RESOURCE_ERROR_LOADBITMAP Else _GDIPlus_BitmapDispose($hBitmap) $hBitmap = 0 EndIf EndIf If $iError <> $RESOURCE_ERROR_NONE Then $hHBITMAP = 0 Return SetError($iError, $iLength, $hHBITMAP) EndFunc ;==>_Resource_GetAsBitmap ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _Resource_GetAsCursor ; Description ...: Get a resource as a cursor handle ; Syntax ........: _Resource_GetAsCursor($sResNameOrID[, $iResType = $RT_RCDATA[, $sDllOrExePath = Default]]) ; Parameters ....: $sResNameOrID - A resource name or id value ; $iResType - [optional] Resource type. $RT_* constants located in APIResConstants.au3 Default value is $RT_RCDATA ; $sDllOrExePath - [optional] A filepath to an external Dll or executable. Default value is the current module ; Return values .: Success - Cursor handle ; Failure - Zero and sets @error to non-zero ; Author ........: guinness ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: The size of the resource is stored in @extended ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _Resource_GetAsCursor($sResNameOrID, $iResType = $RT_RCDATA, $sDllOrExePath = Default) Local $hCursor = __Resource_Get($sResNameOrID, $iResType, $RESOURCE_LANG_DEFAULT, $sDllOrExePath, $RT_CURSOR) Local $iError = @error Local $iLength = @extended If $iError <> $RESOURCE_ERROR_NONE Then $hCursor = 0 Return SetError($iError, $iLength, $hCursor) EndFunc ;==>_Resource_GetAsCursor ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _Resource_GetAsBytes ; Description ...: Get a resources as bytes ; Syntax ........: _Resource_GetAsBytes($sResNameOrID[, $iResType = $RT_RCDATA[, $iResLang = Default[, $sDllOrExePath = Default]]]) ; Parameters ....: $sResNameOrID - A resource name or id value ; $iResType - [optional] Resource type. $RT_* constants located in APIResConstants.au3 Default value is $RT_RCDATA ; $iResLang - [optional] A language identifier. Default value is 0 ; $sDllOrExePath - [optional] A filepath to an external Dll or executable. Default value is the current module ; Return values .: Success - String of bytes ; Failure - Empty byte string and sets @error to non-zero ; Author ........: Zedna ; Modified ......: guinness ; Remarks .......: The size of the resource is stored in @extended. Doesn't work for RT_BITMAP type because _Resource_GetAsRaw() returns HBITMAP instead of memory pointer ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _Resource_GetAsBytes($sResNameOrID, $iResType = $RT_RCDATA, $iResLang = Default, $sDllOrExePath = Default) Local $pResource = __Resource_Get($sResNameOrID, $iResType, $iResLang, $sDllOrExePath, $RT_RCDATA) Local $iError = @error Local $iLength = @extended Local $dBytes = Binary(Null) If $iError = $RESOURCE_ERROR_NONE And $iLength > 0 Then Local $tBuffer = DllStructCreate('byte array[' & $iLength & ']', $pResource) $dBytes = DllStructGetData($tBuffer, 'array') EndIf Return SetError($iError, $iLength, $dBytes) EndFunc ;==>_Resource_GetAsBytes ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _Resource_GetAsIcon ; Description ...: Get a resource as an icon handle ; Syntax ........: _Resource_GetAsIcon($sResNameOrID[, $iResType = $RT_RCDATA[, $sDllOrExePath = Default]]) ; Parameters ....: $sResNameOrID - A resource name or id value ; $iResType - [optional] Resource type. $RT_* constants located in APIResConstants.au3 Default value is $RT_RCDATA ; $sDllOrExePath - [optional] A filepath to an external Dll or executable. Default value is the current module ; Return values .: Success - Icon handle ; Failure - Zero and sets @error to non-zero ; Author ........: guinness ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: The size of the resource is stored in @extended ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _Resource_GetAsIcon($sResNameOrID, $iResType = $RT_RCDATA, $sDllOrExePath = Default) Local $hIcon = __Resource_Get($sResNameOrID, $iResType, $RESOURCE_LANG_DEFAULT, $sDllOrExePath, $RT_ICON) Local $iError = @error Local $iLength = @extended If $iError <> $RESOURCE_ERROR_NONE Then $hIcon = 0 Return SetError($iError, $iLength, $hIcon) EndFunc ;==>_Resource_GetAsIcon ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _Resource_GetAsImage ; Description ...: Get a resource as a hBitmap handle ; Syntax ........: _Resource_GetAsImage($sResNameOrID[, $iResType = $RT_RCDATA[, $sDllOrExePath = Default]]) ; Parameters ....: $sResNameOrID - A resource name or id value ; $iResType - [optional] Resource type. $RT_* constants located in APIResConstants.au3 Default value is $RT_RCDATA ; $sDllOrExePath - [optional] A filepath to an external Dll or executable. Default value is the current module ; Return values .: Success - hBitmap handle ; Failure - Zero and sets @error to non-zero ; Author ........: Zedna ; Modified ......: guinness. Thanks to ProgAndy and UEZ ; Remarks .......: The size of the resource is stored in @extended ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _Resource_GetAsImage($sResNameOrID, $iResType = $RT_RCDATA, $sDllOrExePath = Default) If $iResType = Default Then $iResType = $RT_RCDATA Local $iError = $RESOURCE_ERROR_LOADIMAGE, $iLength = 0, _ $hBitmap = 0 Switch $iResType Case $RT_BITMAP Local $hHBITMAP = __Resource_Get($sResNameOrID, $RT_BITMAP, 0, $sDllOrExePath, $RT_BITMAP) $iError = @error $iLength = @extended If $iError = $RESOURCE_ERROR_NONE And $iLength > 0 Then $hBitmap = _GDIPlus_BitmapCreateFromHBITMAP($hHBITMAP) If @error Then $iError = $RESOURCE_ERROR_LOADIMAGE Else ; _GDIPlus_BitmapDispose($hHBITMAP) ; Creates hard crash ; $hHBITMAP = 0 EndIf EndIf Case Else Local $pResource = __Resource_Get($sResNameOrID, $iResType, 0, $sDllOrExePath, $RT_RCDATA) $iError = @error $iLength = @extended If $iError = $RESOURCE_ERROR_NONE And $iLength > 0 Then $hBitmap = __Resource_ConvertToBitmap($pResource, $iLength) EndIf EndSwitch Return SetError($iError, $iLength, $hBitmap) EndFunc ;==>_Resource_GetAsImage ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _Resource_GetAsRaw ; Description ...: Get a resource in a raw format ; Syntax ........: _Resource_GetAsRaw($sResNameOrID[, $iResType = $RT_RCDATA[, $iResLang = Default[, $sDllOrExePath = Default]]]) ; Parameters ....: $sResNameOrID - A resource name or id value ; $iResType - [optional] Resource type. $RT_* constants located in APIResConstants.au3 Default value is $RT_RCDATA ; $iResLang - [optional] A language identifier. Default value is 0 ; $sDllOrExePath - [optional] A filepath to an external Dll or executable. Default value is the current module ; Return values .: Success - Resource pointer ; Failure - Null and sets @error to non-zero ; Author ........: Zedna ; Modified ......: guinness ; Remarks .......: The size of the resource is stored in @extended ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _Resource_GetAsRaw($sResNameOrID, $iResType = $RT_RCDATA, $iResLang = Default, $sDllOrExePath = Default) Local $hResource = __Resource_Get($sResNameOrID, $iResType, $iResLang, $sDllOrExePath, $RT_RCDATA) Return SetError(@error, @extended, $hResource) EndFunc ;==>_Resource_GetAsRaw ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _Resource_GetAsString ; Description ...: Get a resource as a string ; Syntax ........: _Resource_GetAsString($sResNameOrID[, $iResType = $RT_RCDATA[, $iResLang = Default[, $sDllOrExePath = Default]]]) ; Parameters ....: $sResNameOrID - A resource name or id value ; $iResType - [optional] Resource type. $RT_* constants located in APIResConstants.au3 Default value is $RT_RCDATA ; $iResLang - [optional] A language identifier. Default value is 0 ; $sDllOrExePath - [optional] A filepath to an external Dll or executable. Default value is the current module ; Return values .: Success - String ; Failure - Empty string and sets @error to non-zero ; Author ........: Zedna ; Modified ......: guinness. Thanks to Jos ; Remarks .......: The size of the resource is stored in @extended ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _Resource_GetAsString($sResNameOrID, $iResType = $RT_RCDATA, $iResLang = Default, $sDllOrExePath = Default) Local $iError = $RESOURCE_ERROR_LOADSTRING, _ $iLength = 0, _ $sString = '' Switch $iResType Case $RT_RCDATA Local $dBytes = _Resource_GetAsBytes($sResNameOrID, $iResType, $iResLang, $sDllOrExePath) $iError = @error $iLength = @extended If $iError = $RESOURCE_ERROR_NONE And $iLength > 0 Then ; Parse the data by retrieving the correct encoding Local Enum _ $BINARYTOSTRING_NONE, _ $BINARYTOSTRING_ANSI, _ $BINARYTOSTRING_UTF16LE, _ $BINARYTOSTRING_UTF16BE, _ $BINARYTOSTRING_UTF8 Local $iStart = $BINARYTOSTRING_NONE, $iUTFEncoding = $BINARYTOSTRING_ANSI Local Const $sUTF8 = '0xEFBBBF', _ $sUTF16BE = '0xFEFF', _ $sUTF16LE = '0xFFFE', _ $sUTF32BE = '0x0000FEFF', _ $sUTF32LE = '0xFFFE0000' Local $iUTF8 = BinaryLen($sUTF8), _ $iUTF16BE = BinaryLen($sUTF16BE), _ $iUTF16LE = BinaryLen($sUTF16LE), _ $iUTF32BE = BinaryLen($sUTF32BE), _ $iUTF32LE = BinaryLen($sUTF32LE) Select Case BinaryMid($dBytes, 1, $iUTF32BE) = $sUTF32BE $iStart = $iUTF32BE $iUTFEncoding = $BINARYTOSTRING_ANSI Case BinaryMid($dBytes, 1, $iUTF32LE) = $sUTF32LE $iStart = $iUTF32LE $iUTFEncoding = $BINARYTOSTRING_ANSI Case BinaryMid($dBytes, 1, $iUTF16BE) = $sUTF16BE $iStart = $iUTF16BE $iUTFEncoding = $BINARYTOSTRING_UTF16BE Case BinaryMid($dBytes, 1, $iUTF16LE) = $sUTF16LE $iStart = $iUTF16LE $iUTFEncoding = $BINARYTOSTRING_UTF16LE Case BinaryMid($dBytes, 1, $iUTF8) = $sUTF8 $iStart = $iUTF8 $iUTFEncoding = $BINARYTOSTRING_UTF8 EndSelect $iStart += 1 ; Increase by 1 to strip the byte order mark $iLength = $iLength + 1 - $iStart $sString = BinaryToString(BinaryMid($dBytes, $iStart), $iUTFEncoding) EndIf $dBytes = 0 Case $RT_STRING $sString = __Resource_Get($sResNameOrID, $iResType, $iResLang, $sDllOrExePath, $iResType) $iError = @error $iLength = @extended EndSwitch Return SetError($iError, $iLength, $sString) EndFunc ;==>_Resource_GetAsString ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _Resource_LoadFont ; Description ...: Load a font resource into the memory of the specified module ; Syntax ........: _Resource_LoadFont($sResNameOrID[, $iResLang = Default[, $sDllOrExePath = Default]]) ; Parameters ....: $sResNameOrID - A resource name or id value ; $iResLang - [optional] A language identifier. Default value is 0 ; $sDllOrExePath - [optional] A filepath to an external Dll or executable. Default value is the current module ; Return values .: Success - Resource pointer ; Failure - Null and sets @error to non-zero ; Author ........: guinness ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: The size of the resource is stored in @extended ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _Resource_LoadFont($sResNameOrID, $iResLang = Default, $sDllOrExePath = Default) Local $pResource = __Resource_Get($sResNameOrID, $RT_FONT, $iResLang, $sDllOrExePath, $RT_FONT) Local $iError = @error Local $iLength = @extended If $iError = $RESOURCE_ERROR_NONE Then Local $hFont = _WinAPI_AddFontMemResourceEx($pResource, $iLength) ; Load the font to memory and add to the internal storage array __Resource_Storage($RESOURCE_STORAGE_ADD, $sDllOrExePath, $hFont, $sResNameOrID, $RESOURCE_RT_FONT, $iResLang, $RESOURCE_RT_FONT, $iLength) $hFont = 0 EndIf Return SetError($iError, $iLength, $pResource) EndFunc ;==>_Resource_LoadFont ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _Resource_LoadSound ; Description ...: Load (play) a sound resource. This is limited to mp3 and wav only ; Syntax ........: _Resource_LoadSound($sResNameOrID[, $iFlags = $SND_SYNC[, $sDllOrExePath = Default]]) ; Parameters ....: $sResNameOrID - A resource name or id value ; $iFlags - [optional] See $iFlags for the $SND_* constants in _WinAPI_PlaySound(). Default value is $SND_SYNC ; $sDllOrExePath - [optional] A filepath to an external Dll or executable. Default value is the current module ; Return values .: Success - True ; Failure - False and sets @error to non-zero ; Author ........: Zedna ; Modified ......: guinness. Thanks to Larry, ProgAndy, UEZ, Melba23 ; Remarks .......: Use the resource type RT_RCDATA for mp3 files and SOUND for wav files ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms712879.aspx ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _Resource_LoadSound($sResNameOrID, $iFlags = $SND_SYNC, $sDllOrExePath = Default) ; Returns no @error, just True or False Local $bIsInternal = False, $bReturn = False Local $hInstance = __Resource_LoadModule($sDllOrExePath, $bIsInternal) If Not $hInstance Then Return SetError($RESOURCE_ERROR_LOADLIBRARY, 0, $bReturn) ; Return an error as an issue occurred and there is no point in continuing Local $dSound = _Resource_GetAsBytes($sResNameOrID) ; Assume mp3 so look in RT_RCDATA Local $iLength = @extended If Not $iLength Then ; Assume a wav file $bReturn = _WinAPI_PlaySound($sResNameOrID, BitOR($SND_RESOURCE, $iFlags), $hInstance) Else ; Convert mp3 to a hybrid wav Local $sAlign_Buffer = '00', _ $sHeader_1 = '0x52494646', _ $sHeader_2 = '57415645666D74201E0000005500020044AC0000581B0000010000000C00010002000000B600010071056661637404000000640E060064617461' Local $sMp3 = StringTrimLeft(Binary($dSound), StringLen('00')) Local Const $iByte = 8 ; Convert to required format Local $iMp3Size = StringRegExpReplace(Hex($iLength, $iByte), '(..)(..)(..)(..)', '$4$3$2$1') Local $iWavSize = StringRegExpReplace(Hex($iLength + 63, $iByte), '(..)(..)(..)(..)', '$4$3$2$1') ; Construct hybrid wav file Local $sHybridWav = $sHeader_1 & $iWavSize & $sHeader_2 & $iMp3Size & $sMp3 If Mod($iMp3Size, 2) Then $sHybridWav &= $sAlign_Buffer EndIf ; Create struct Local $tWAV = DllStructCreate('byte array[' & BinaryLen($sHybridWav) & ']') DllStructSetData($tWAV, 'array', $sHybridWav) $iFlags = BitOR($SND_MEMORY, $SND_NODEFAULT, $iFlags) ; Set the appropriate flags $bReturn = _WinAPI_PlaySound(DllStructGetPtr($tWAV), $iFlags, $hInstance) EndIf __Resource_UnloadModule($hInstance, $bIsInternal) Return $bReturn EndFunc ;==>_Resource_LoadSound ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _Resource_SaveToFile ; Description ...: Save a resource to a file ; Syntax ........: _Resource_SaveToFile($sFilePath, $sResNameOrID[, $iResType = $RT_RCDATA[, $iResLang = Default[, $bCreatePath = Default[, ; $sDllOrExePath = Default]]]]) ; Parameters ....: $sFilePath - The filepath to save the resource to ; $sResNameOrID - A resource name or id value ; $iResType - [optional] Resource type. $RT_* constants located in APIResConstants.au3 Default value is $RT_RCDATA ; $iResLang - [optional] A language identifier. Default value is 0 ; $bCreatePath - [optional] Create the path if it doesn't exist. Default value is False ; $sDllOrExePath - [optional] A filepath to an external Dll or executable. Default value is the current module ; Return values .: Success - True ; Failure - False and sets @error to non-zero ; Author ........: Zedna ; Modified ......: guinness ; Remarks .......: The size of the resource is stored in @extended ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _Resource_SaveToFile($sFilePath, $sResNameOrID, $iResType = $RT_RCDATA, $iResLang = Default, $bCreatePath = Default, $sDllOrExePath = Default) Local $bReturn = False, _ $iCreatePath = (IsBool($bCreatePath) And $bCreatePath ? $FO_CREATEPATH : 0), $iError = $RESOURCE_ERROR_NONE, $iLength = 0 If $iResType = Default Then $iResType = $RT_RCDATA If $iResType = $RT_BITMAP Then ; Workaround: for RT_BITMAP _Resource_GetAsBytes() doesn't work so use _Resource_GetAsImage() instead Local $hImage = _Resource_GetAsImage($sResNameOrID, $iResType) $iError = @error $iLength = @extended If $iError = $RESOURCE_ERROR_NONE And $iLength > 0 Then FileClose(FileOpen($sFilePath, BitOR($FO_OVERWRITE, $FO_BINARY, $iCreatePath))) ; Create the filepath $bReturn = _GDIPlus_ImageSaveToFile($hImage, $sFilePath) _GDIPlus_ImageDispose($hImage) EndIf Else Local $dBytes = _Resource_GetAsBytes($sResNameOrID, $iResType, $iResLang, $sDllOrExePath) $iError = @error $iLength = @extended If $iError = $RESOURCE_ERROR_NONE And $iLength > 0 Then Local $hFileOpen = FileOpen($sFilePath, BitOR($FO_OVERWRITE, $FO_BINARY, $iCreatePath)) If $hFileOpen > -1 Then $bReturn = True FileWrite($hFileOpen, $dBytes) FileClose($hFileOpen) EndIf EndIf EndIf Return SetError($iError, $iLength, $bReturn) EndFunc ;==>_Resource_SaveToFile ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _Resource_SetBitmapToCtrlID ; Description ...: Set a HBITMAP handle to controlid ; Syntax ........: _Resource_SetBitmapToCtrlID($iCtrlID, $hHBITMAP) ; Parameters ....: $iCtrlID - A valid controlid ; $hHBITMAP - A HBITMAP handle ; $bResize - [optional] Resize the image based on the controlid's dimensions. Default is False ; Return values .: Success - True ; Failure - False and sets @error to non-zero ; Author ........: Zedna ; Modified ......: guinness ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _Resource_SetBitmapToCtrlID($iCtrlID, $hHBITMAP, $bResize = Default) Local $bReturn = __Resource_SetToCtrlID($iCtrlID, $hHBITMAP, $RT_BITMAP, False, $bResize) Return SetError(@error, @extended, $bReturn) EndFunc ;==>_Resource_SetBitmapToCtrlID ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _Resource_SetCursorToCtrlID ; Description ...: Set a cursor handle to controlid ; Syntax ........: _Resource_SetCursorToCtrlID($iCtrlID, $hCursor) ; Parameters ....: $iCtrlID - A valid controlid ; $hCursor - A cursor handle ; $bResize - [optional] Resize the image based on the controlid's dimensions. Default is False ; Return values .: Success - True ; Failure - False and sets @error to non-zero ; Author ........: guinness ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _Resource_SetCursorToCtrlID($iCtrlID, $hCursor, $bResize = Default) Local $bReturn = __Resource_SetToCtrlID($iCtrlID, $hCursor, $RT_CURSOR, False, $bResize) Return SetError(@error, @extended, $bReturn) EndFunc ;==>_Resource_SetCursorToCtrlID ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _Resource_SetIconToCtrlID ; Description ...: Set a icon handle to controlid ; Syntax ........: _Resource_SetIconToCtrlID($iCtrlID, $hIcon) ; Parameters ....: $iCtrlID - A valid controlid ; $hIcon - An icon handle ; $bResize - [optional] Resize the image based on the controlid's dimensions. Default is False ; Return values .: Success - True ; Failure - False and sets @error to non-zero ; Author ........: guinness ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _Resource_SetIconToCtrlID($iCtrlID, $hIcon, $bResize = Default) Local $bReturn = __Resource_SetToCtrlID($iCtrlID, $hIcon, $RT_ICON, False, $bResize) Return SetError(@error, @extended, $bReturn) EndFunc ;==>_Resource_SetIconToCtrlID ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _Resource_SetImageToCtrlID ; Description ...: Set a hBitmap handle to controlid ; Syntax ........: _Resource_SetImageToCtrlID($iCtrlID, $hBitmap) ; Parameters ....: $iCtrlID - A valid controlid ; $hBitmap - A hBitmap handle ; $bResize - [optional] Resize the image based on the controlid's dimensions. Default is False ; Return values .: Success - True ; Failure - False and sets @error to non-zero ; Author ........: Zedna ; Modified ......: guinness ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _Resource_SetImageToCtrlID($iCtrlID, $hBitmap, $bResize = Default) Local $hHBITMAP = _GDIPlus_BitmapCreateHBITMAPFromBitmap($hBitmap) ; Convert to HBITMAP If @error Then $hHBITMAP = 0 Else _GDIPlus_BitmapDispose($hBitmap) EndIf $hBitmap = 0 Local $bReturn = __Resource_SetToCtrlID($iCtrlID, $hHBITMAP, $RT_BITMAP, False, $bResize) Return SetError(@error, @extended, $bReturn) EndFunc ;==>_Resource_SetImageToCtrlID ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _Resource_SetToCtrlID ; Description ...: Set am image from resources to controlid ; Syntax ........: _Resource_SetToCtrlID($iCtrlID, $sResNameOrID[, $iResType = $RT_RCDATA[, $sDllOrExePath = Default]]) ; Parameters ....: $iCtrlID - A valid controlid ; $sResNameOrID - A resource name or id value ; $iResType - [optional] Resource type. $RT_* constants located in APIResConstants.au3 Default value is $RT_RCDATA ; $sDllOrExePath - [optional] A filepath to an external Dll or executable. Default value is the current module ; $bResize - [optional] Resize the image based on the controlid's dimensions. Default is False ; Return values .: Success - True (if an image and on XP then it returns a HBITMAP handle which can then be destroyed by _WinAPI_DeleteObject() when no longer required.) ; Failure - False and sets @error to non-zero ; Author ........: Zedna ; Modified ......: guinness. Thanks to ProgAndy and UEZ ; Remarks .......: The size of the resource is stored in @extended ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _Resource_SetToCtrlID($iCtrlID, $sResNameOrID, $iResType = $RT_RCDATA, $sDllOrExePath = Default, $bResize = Default) If $iResType = Default Then $iResType = $RT_RCDATA Local $aWinGetPos = 0, _ $bDestroy = True, $bReturn = False, _ $iError = $RESOURCE_ERROR_INVALIDRESOURCETYPE, $iLength = 0, _ $vReturn = False Local $hWnd = 0 __Resource_GetCtrlId($hWnd, $iCtrlID) Switch $iResType Case $RT_BITMAP, $RT_RCDATA If StringStripWS($sResNameOrID, $STR_STRIPALL) = '' Or String($sResNameOrID) = '0' Then $bReturn = __Resource_SetToCtrlID($iCtrlID, 0, $RT_BITMAP, True, False) $iError = @error Else Local $hHBITMAP = _Resource_GetAsBitmap($sResNameOrID, $iResType, $sDllOrExePath) ; hBitmap $iError = @error $iLength = @extended If $iError = $RESOURCE_ERROR_NONE And $iLength > 0 Then ; $bDestroy = False $bReturn = __Resource_SetToCtrlID($iCtrlID, $hHBITMAP, $RT_BITMAP, $bDestroy, $bResize) $iError = @error If $bReturn Then If _WinAPI_GetVersion() >= 0x0600 Then $bReturn = _WinAPI_DeleteObject($hHBITMAP) > 0 ; Delete if Vista or above $vReturn = $bReturn Else __Resource_Storage($RESOURCE_STORAGE_ADD, $sDllOrExePath, $hHBITMAP, $sResNameOrID, $iResType, Null, $iResType, $iLength) $vReturn = $hHBITMAP EndIf EndIf EndIf EndIf Case $RT_CURSOR If StringStripWS($sResNameOrID, $STR_STRIPALL) = '' Or String($sResNameOrID) = '0' Then $bReturn = __Resource_SetToCtrlID($iCtrlID, 0, $RT_CURSOR, True, False) $iError = @error Else $bDestroy = False Local $hCursor = 0 If $bResize Then $aWinGetPos = WinGetPos($hWnd) If Not @error Then Local $aPos[$RESOURCE_POS_MAX] $aPos[$RESOURCE_POS_H] = $aWinGetPos[$RESOURCE_WINGETPOS_HEIGHT] $aPos[$RESOURCE_POS_W] = $aWinGetPos[$RESOURCE_WINGETPOS_WIDTH] If $aPos[$RESOURCE_POS_H] = 0 And $aPos[$RESOURCE_POS_W] = 0 Then GUICtrlSetImage($iCtrlID, @AutoItExe, 0) $aWinGetPos = WinGetPos($hWnd) If Not @error Then $aPos[$RESOURCE_POS_H] = $aWinGetPos[$RESOURCE_WINGETPOS_HEIGHT] $aPos[$RESOURCE_POS_W] = $aWinGetPos[$RESOURCE_WINGETPOS_WIDTH] EndIf EndIf $hCursor = __Resource_Get($sResNameOrID, $RT_CURSOR, $RESOURCE_LANG_DEFAULT, $sDllOrExePath, $RT_CURSOR, $aPos) $iError = @error $iLength = @extended EndIf Else $hCursor = _Resource_GetAsCursor($sResNameOrID, $iResType, $sDllOrExePath) $iError = @error $iLength = @extended EndIf If $iError = $RESOURCE_ERROR_NONE Then $bReturn = __Resource_SetToCtrlID($iCtrlID, $hCursor, $RT_CURSOR, $bDestroy, $bResize) EndIf $hCursor = 0 $vReturn = $bReturn EndIf Case $RT_ICON If StringStripWS($sResNameOrID, $STR_STRIPALL) = '' Or String($sResNameOrID) = '0' Then $bReturn = __Resource_SetToCtrlID($iCtrlID, 0, $RT_ICON, True, False) $iError = @error Else $bDestroy = False Local $hIcon = 0 If $bResize Then __Resource_GetCtrlId($hWnd, $iCtrlID) $aWinGetPos = WinGetPos($hWnd) If Not @error Then Local $aPos[$RESOURCE_POS_MAX] $aPos[$RESOURCE_POS_H] = $aWinGetPos[$RESOURCE_WINGETPOS_HEIGHT] $aPos[$RESOURCE_POS_W] = $aWinGetPos[$RESOURCE_WINGETPOS_WIDTH] If $aPos[$RESOURCE_POS_H] = 0 And $aPos[$RESOURCE_POS_W] = 0 Then GUICtrlSetImage($iCtrlID, @AutoItExe, 0) $aWinGetPos = WinGetPos($hWnd) If Not @error Then $aPos[$RESOURCE_POS_H] = $aWinGetPos[$RESOURCE_WINGETPOS_HEIGHT] $aPos[$RESOURCE_POS_W] = $aWinGetPos[$RESOURCE_WINGETPOS_WIDTH] EndIf EndIf $hIcon = __Resource_Get($sResNameOrID, $RT_ICON, $RESOURCE_LANG_DEFAULT, $sDllOrExePath, $RT_ICON, $aPos) $iError = @error $iLength = @extended #cs If $iError = $RESOURCE_ERROR_NONE Then Local $pData = __Resource_Get($sResNameOrID, $RT_ICON, $RESOURCE_LANG_DEFAULT, $sDllOrExePath, $RT_ICON) Local $iIconName = _WinAPI_LookupIconIdFromDirectoryEx($pData, True, $aWinGetPos[2], $aWinGetPos[3]) $pData = __Resource_Get($iIconName, $RT_ICON, $RESOURCE_LANG_DEFAULT, $sDllOrExePath, $RT_RCDATA) $iError = @error $iLength = @extended If $iError = $RESOURCE_ERROR_NONE Then $hIcon = _WinAPI_CreateIconFromResourceEx($pData, $iLength) EndIf EndIf #ce EndIf Else $hIcon = _Resource_GetAsIcon($sResNameOrID, $iResType, $sDllOrExePath) $iError = @error $iLength = @extended EndIf If $iError = $RESOURCE_ERROR_NONE Then $bReturn = __Resource_SetToCtrlID($iCtrlID, $hIcon, $RT_ICON, $bDestroy, $bResize) EndIf $hIcon = 0 $vReturn = $bReturn EndIf EndSwitch Return SetError($iError, $iLength, $vReturn) EndFunc ;==>_Resource_SetToCtrlID ; INTERNAL FUNCTIONS Func __Resource_ConvertToBitmap($pResource, $iLength) ; hBitmap ; Local $tByte = DllStructCreate('byte[' & $iLength & ']') ; _MemMoveMemory($pResource, DllStructGetPtr($tByte), $iLength) Local $hData = _MemGlobalAlloc($iLength, $GMEM_MOVEABLE) Local $pData = _MemGlobalLock($hData) _MemMoveMemory($pResource, $pData, $iLength) ; _MemMoveMemory(DllStructGetPtr($tByte), $pData, $iLength) _MemGlobalUnlock($hData) Local $pStream = _WinAPI_CreateStreamOnHGlobal($hData) Local $hBitmap = _GDIPlus_BitmapCreateFromStream($pStream) ; hBitmap ; _MemGlobalFree($hData) ; Uncomment and gifs don't work _WinAPI_ReleaseStream($pStream) Return $hBitmap ; To destroy use _GDIPlus_BitmapDispose() EndFunc ;==>__Resource_ConvertToBitmap Func __Resource_Destroy($pResource, $iResType) Local $bReturn = False Switch $iResType Case $RT_ANICURSOR, $RT_CURSOR $bReturn = _WinAPI_DeleteObject($pResource) > 0 If Not $bReturn Then $bReturn = _WinAPI_DestroyCursor($pResource) > 0 EndIf Case $RT_BITMAP $bReturn = _WinAPI_DeleteObject($pResource) > 0 Case $RT_FONT $bReturn = True ; No action required Case $RT_ICON $bReturn = _WinAPI_DeleteObject($pResource) > 0 If Not $bReturn Then $bReturn = _WinAPI_DestroyIcon($pResource) > 0 EndIf Case $RT_MENU $bReturn = _GUICtrlMenu_DestroyMenu($pResource) > 0 Case $RT_STRING $bReturn = True ; No action required Case $RESOURCE_RT_BITMAP $bReturn = _GDIPlus_BitmapDispose($pResource) > 0 Case $RESOURCE_RT_ENHMETAFILE $bReturn = _WinAPI_DeleteEnhMetaFile($pResource) > 0 Case $RESOURCE_RT_FONT $bReturn = _WinAPI_RemoveFontMemResourceEx($pResource) > 0 Case Else $bReturn = True ; No action required EndSwitch If Not IsBool($bReturn) Then $bReturn = $bReturn > 0 Return $bReturn EndFunc ;==>__Resource_Destroy Func __Resource_Get($sResNameOrID, $iResType = $RT_RCDATA, $iResLang = Default, $sDllOrExePath = Default, $iCastResType = Default, $aPos = Null) If $iResType = $RT_RCDATA And StringStripWS($sResNameOrID, $STR_STRIPALL) = '' Then Return SetError($RESOURCE_ERROR_INVALIDRESOURCENAME, 0, Null) ; If the resource name or id value is empty If $iCastResType = Default Then $iCastResType = $iResType If $iResLang = Default Then $iResLang = $RESOURCE_LANG_DEFAULT If $iResType = Default Then $iResType = $RT_RCDATA Local $iError = $RESOURCE_ERROR_NONE, $iLength = 0, _ $vResource = __Resource_Storage($RESOURCE_STORAGE_GET, $sDllOrExePath, Null, $sResNameOrID, $iResType, $iResLang, $iCastResType, Null) $iLength = @extended If $vResource Then Return SetError($iError, $iLength, $vResource) EndIf Local $bIsInternal = False Local $hInstance = __Resource_LoadModule($sDllOrExePath, $bIsInternal) If Not $hInstance Then Return SetError($RESOURCE_ERROR_LOADLIBRARY, 0, 0) ; Return an error as an issue occurred and there is no point in continuing Local $hResource = (($iResLang <> $RESOURCE_LANG_DEFAULT) ? _WinAPI_FindResourceEx($hInstance, $iResType, $sResNameOrID, $iResLang) : _WinAPI_FindResource($hInstance, $iResType, $sResNameOrID)) If @error <> $RESOURCE_ERROR_NONE Then $iError = $RESOURCE_ERROR_FINDRESOURCE If $iError = $RESOURCE_ERROR_NONE Then If $aPos = Null Then Local $aTemp[$RESOURCE_POS_MAX] = [0, 0] $aPos = $aTemp $aTemp = 0 $aPos[$RESOURCE_POS_H] = 0 $aPos[$RESOURCE_POS_W] = 0 EndIf $iLength = _WinAPI_SizeOfResource($hInstance, $hResource) Switch $iCastResType Case $RT_ANICURSOR, $RT_CURSOR $vResource = _WinAPI_LoadImage($hInstance, $sResNameOrID, $IMAGE_CURSOR, $aPos[$RESOURCE_POS_W], $aPos[$RESOURCE_POS_H], $LR_DEFAULTCOLOR) If @error <> $RESOURCE_ERROR_NONE Or Not $vResource Then $iError = $RESOURCE_ERROR_LOADCURSOR Case $RT_BITMAP $vResource = _WinAPI_LoadImage($hInstance, $sResNameOrID, $IMAGE_BITMAP, $aPos[$RESOURCE_POS_W], $aPos[$RESOURCE_POS_H], $LR_DEFAULTCOLOR) If @error <> $RESOURCE_ERROR_NONE Or Not $vResource Then $iError = $RESOURCE_ERROR_LOADBITMAP Case $RT_ICON $vResource = _WinAPI_LoadImage($hInstance, $sResNameOrID, $IMAGE_ICON, $aPos[$RESOURCE_POS_W], $aPos[$RESOURCE_POS_H], $LR_DEFAULTCOLOR) If @error <> $RESOURCE_ERROR_NONE Or Not $vResource Then $iError = $RESOURCE_ERROR_LOADICON Case $RT_STRING $vResource = _WinAPI_LoadString($hInstance, $sResNameOrID) $iLength = @extended If @error <> $RESOURCE_ERROR_NONE Then $iError = $RESOURCE_ERROR_LOADSTRING Case Else ; $RT_RCDATA Local $hData = _WinAPI_LoadResource($hInstance, $hResource) $vResource = _WinAPI_LockResource($hData) $hData = 0 If Not $vResource Then $iError = $RESOURCE_ERROR_LOCKRESOURCE EndSwitch If $iError = $RESOURCE_ERROR_NONE Then __Resource_Storage($RESOURCE_STORAGE_ADD, $sDllOrExePath, $vResource, $sResNameOrID, $iResType, $iResLang, $iCastResType, $iLength) Else $vResource = Null EndIf EndIf __Resource_UnloadModule($hInstance, $bIsInternal) Return SetError($iError, $iLength, $vResource) EndFunc ;==>__Resource_Get Func __Resource_GetCtrlId(ByRef $hWnd, ByRef $iCtrlID) If $iCtrlID = Default Or $iCtrlID <= 0 Or Not IsInt($iCtrlID) Then $iCtrlID = -1 ; Set to -1 if $iCtrlID is Default, less than zero or not an integer $hWnd = GUICtrlGetHandle($iCtrlID) ; Get the handle of the controlid If $hWnd And $iCtrlID = -1 Then ; Get the controlid if $iCtrlID is -1 $iCtrlID = _WinAPI_GetDlgCtrlID($hWnd) ; Support for $iCtrlID = Default or $iCtrlID = -1 EndIf Return True EndFunc ;==>__Resource_GetCtrlId Func __Resource_GetLastImage($iCtrlID, $hResource, $sClassName, ByRef $hPrevious, ByRef $iPreviousResType) ; Set the out variables to null/zero $hPrevious = 0 $iPreviousResType = 0 Local $aGetImage = 0, _ $bReturn = True, _ $iMsg_Get = 0 Switch $sClassName Case 'Button' ; button, checkbox, groupbox, radiobutton Local $aButton = _ [[$IMAGE_BITMAP, $RT_BITMAP], _ [$IMAGE_ICON, $RT_ICON]] $aGetImage = $aButton $aButton = 0 $iMsg_Get = $BM_GETIMAGE Case 'Static' ; icon, label, picture Local $aStatic = _ [[$IMAGE_BITMAP, $RT_BITMAP], _ [$IMAGE_CURSOR, $RT_CURSOR], _ [$IMAGE_ENHMETAFILE, $RESOURCE_RT_ENHMETAFILE], _ [$IMAGE_ICON, $RT_ICON]] $aGetImage = $aStatic $aStatic = 0 $iMsg_Get = $RESOURCE_STM_GETIMAGE Case Else $bReturn = False EndSwitch If $bReturn Then Local Enum $eWPARAM, $eRESTYPE For $i = 0 To UBound($aGetImage) - 1 $hPrevious = GUICtrlSendMsg($iCtrlID, $iMsg_Get, $aGetImage[$i][$eWPARAM], 0) If $hPrevious <> 0 And $hPrevious <> $hResource Then $iPreviousResType = $aGetImage[$i][$eRESTYPE] ExitLoop EndIf Next EndIf Return $bReturn EndFunc ;==>__Resource_GetLastImage Func __Resource_LoadModule(ByRef $sDllOrExePath, ByRef $bIsInternal) $bIsInternal = ($sDllOrExePath = Default Or $sDllOrExePath = -1) If Not $bIsInternal And Not StringRegExp($sDllOrExePath, '\.(?:cpl|dll|exe)$') Then $bIsInternal = True EndIf Return ($bIsInternal ? _WinAPI_GetModuleHandle(Null) : _WinAPI_LoadLibraryEx($sDllOrExePath, $LOAD_LIBRARY_AS_DATAFILE)) EndFunc ;==>__Resource_LoadModule Func __Resource_UnloadModule(ByRef $hInstance, ByRef $bIsInternal) Local $bReturn = True If $bIsInternal And $hInstance Then $bReturn = _WinAPI_FreeLibrary($hInstance) EndIf Return $bReturn EndFunc ;==>__Resource_UnloadModule Func __Resource_SetToCtrlID($iCtrlID, $hResource, $iResType, $bDestroy, $bResize) Local $bReturn = False, _ $iError = $RESOURCE_ERROR_SETIMAGE ; If $hResource Then Local $hWnd = 0 __Resource_GetCtrlId($hWnd, $iCtrlID) $iError = $RESOURCE_ERROR_INVALIDCONTROLID ; No controlid or handle If $hWnd And $iCtrlID > 0 Then Local $aStyles[0] $bReturn = True $iError = $RESOURCE_ERROR_NONE ; Local $iMsg_Get = 0, $iMsg_Set = 0, $iStyle = 0, $wParam = 0 Local $iMsg_Set = 0, $iStyle = 0, $wParam = 0 ; Determine the control class and adjust the values accordingly Local $sClassName = _WinAPI_GetClassName($iCtrlID) Switch $sClassName Case 'Button' ; button, checkbox, groupbox, radiobutton Local $aButtonStyles = [$BS_BITMAP, $BS_ICON] $aStyles = $aButtonStyles $aButtonStyles = 0 ; $iMsg_Get = $BM_GETIMAGE $iMsg_Set = $BM_SETIMAGE Switch $iResType Case $RT_BITMAP $iStyle = $BS_BITMAP $wParam = $IMAGE_BITMAP $bResize = False ; This can't be set Case $RT_ICON $iStyle = $BS_ICON $wParam = $IMAGE_ICON $bResize = False ; This can't be set Case Else $bReturn = False $iError = $RESOURCE_ERROR_INVALIDRESOURCETYPE EndSwitch Case 'Static' ; icon, label, picture Local $aStaticStyles = [$SS_BITMAP, $SS_ICON, $RESOURCE_SS_ENHMETAFILE] $aStyles = $aStaticStyles $aStaticStyles = 0 ; $iMsg_Get = $RESOURCE_STM_GETIMAGE $iMsg_Set = $RESOURCE_STM_SETIMAGE Switch $iResType Case $RT_BITMAP $iStyle = $SS_BITMAP $wParam = $IMAGE_BITMAP Case $RT_CURSOR $iStyle = $SS_ICON $wParam = $IMAGE_CURSOR Case $RESOURCE_RT_ENHMETAFILE $iStyle = $RESOURCE_SS_ENHMETAFILE $wParam = $IMAGE_ENHMETAFILE Case $RT_ICON $iStyle = $SS_ICON $wParam = $IMAGE_ICON Case Else $bReturn = False $iError = $RESOURCE_ERROR_INVALIDRESOURCETYPE EndSwitch Case Else $bReturn = False $iError = $RESOURCE_ERROR_INVALIDCLASS EndSwitch If $bReturn Then ; Local Enum $eSTYLE, $eEXSTYLE ; #forceref $eEXSTYLE ; Local $aCurrentStyle = GUIGetStyle($hWnd) Local $iCurrentStyle = _WinAPI_GetWindowLong($hWnd, $GWL_STYLE) If Not @error Then For $i = 0 To UBound($aStyles) - 1 If BitAND($aStyles[$i], $iCurrentStyle) Then $iCurrentStyle = BitXOR($iCurrentStyle, $aStyles[$i]) EndIf ;If BitAND($aStyles[$i], $aCurrentStyle[$eSTYLE]) Then ; $aCurrentStyle[$eSTYLE] = BitXOR($aCurrentStyle[$eSTYLE], $aStyles[$i]) ; EndIf Next ; Set appropriate style to the controlid if not already set by the user If $bResize Then ; Set the the SS_REALSIZECONTROL style _WinAPI_SetWindowLong($hWnd, $GWL_STYLE, BitOR($iCurrentStyle, $RESOURCE_SS_REALSIZECONTROL, $iStyle)) ; GUICtrlSetStyle($iCtrlID, BitOR($aCurrentStyle[$eSTYLE], $RESOURCE_SS_REALSIZECONTROL, $iStyle), -1) Else _WinAPI_SetWindowLong($hWnd, $GWL_STYLE, BitOR($iCurrentStyle, $iStyle)) ; GUICtrlSetStyle($iCtrlID, BitOR($aCurrentStyle[$eSTYLE], $iStyle), -1) EndIf EndIf Local $hPrevious = 0, _ $iPreviousResType = 0 ; Get the previous image handle type for destroying when set __Resource_GetLastImage($iCtrlID, $hResource, $sClassName, $hPrevious, $iPreviousResType) ; If $iResType = $RT_ICON Then ; GUICtrlSendMsg($iCtrlID, $RESOURCE_STM_SETICON, $hResource, 0) ; GUICtrlSendMsg($iCtrlID, 100, $RESOURCE_STM_SETIMAGE, $IMAGE_ICON) ; Else ; Set the image to the control and delete the previous image handle GUICtrlSendMsg($iCtrlID, $iMsg_Set, $wParam, $hResource) ; EndIf If $iPreviousResType Then __Resource_Destroy($hPrevious, $iPreviousResType) __Resource_Storage($RESOURCE_STORAGE_DESTROY, Null, $hPrevious, Null, Null, Null, Null, Null) If $bDestroy = Default Or $bDestroy Then __Resource_Destroy($hResource, $iResType) __Resource_Storage($RESOURCE_STORAGE_DESTROY, Null, $hResource, Null, Null, Null, Null, Null) EndIf _WinAPI_InvalidateRect($hWnd, 0, True) _WinAPI_UpdateWindow($hWnd) ; Force a WM_PAINT Else $bReturn = False $iError = $RESOURCE_ERROR_SETIMAGE EndIf EndIf EndIf ; EndIf Return SetError($iError, 0, $bReturn) EndFunc ;==>__Resource_SetToCtrlID Func __Resource_Storage($iAction, $sDllOrExePath, $pResource, $sResNameOrID, $iResType, $iResLang, $iCastResType, $iLength) Local Static $aStorage[$RESOURCE_STORAGE_FIRSTINDEX][$RESOURCE_STORAGE_MAX] ; Internal storage Local $bReturn = False Switch $iAction Case $RESOURCE_STORAGE_ADD If Not ($aStorage[$RESOURCE_STORAGE][$RESOURCE_STORAGE_ID] = $RESOURCE_STORAGE_GUID) Then $aStorage[$RESOURCE_STORAGE][$RESOURCE_STORAGE_ID] = $RESOURCE_STORAGE_GUID $aStorage[$RESOURCE_STORAGE][$RESOURCE_STORAGE_INDEX] = 0 $aStorage[$RESOURCE_STORAGE][$RESOURCE_STORAGE_RESETCOUNT] = 0 $aStorage[$RESOURCE_STORAGE][$RESOURCE_STORAGE_UBOUND] = $RESOURCE_STORAGE_FIRSTINDEX EndIf If Not ($pResource = Null) And Not __Resource_Storage($RESOURCE_STORAGE_GET, $sDllOrExePath, Null, $sResNameOrID, $iResType, $iResLang, $iCastResType, Null) Then ; If the resource pointer is not Null $bReturn = True $aStorage[$RESOURCE_STORAGE][$RESOURCE_STORAGE_INDEX] += 1 If $aStorage[$RESOURCE_STORAGE][$RESOURCE_STORAGE_INDEX] >= $aStorage[$RESOURCE_STORAGE][$RESOURCE_STORAGE_UBOUND] Then ; Re-size the internal storage if required $aStorage[$RESOURCE_STORAGE][$RESOURCE_STORAGE_UBOUND] = Ceiling($aStorage[$RESOURCE_STORAGE][$RESOURCE_STORAGE_INDEX] * 1.3) ReDim $aStorage[$aStorage[$RESOURCE_STORAGE][$RESOURCE_STORAGE_UBOUND]][$RESOURCE_STORAGE_MAX] EndIf $aStorage[$aStorage[$RESOURCE_STORAGE][$RESOURCE_STORAGE_INDEX]][$RESOURCE_STORAGE_DLL] = $sDllOrExePath $aStorage[$aStorage[$RESOURCE_STORAGE][$RESOURCE_STORAGE_INDEX]][$RESOURCE_STORAGE_PTR] = $pResource $aStorage[$aStorage[$RESOURCE_STORAGE][$RESOURCE_STORAGE_INDEX]][$RESOURCE_STORAGE_RESLANG] = $iResLang $aStorage[$aStorage[$RESOURCE_STORAGE][$RESOURCE_STORAGE_INDEX]][$RESOURCE_STORAGE_RESNAMEORID] = $sResNameOrID $aStorage[$aStorage[$RESOURCE_STORAGE][$RESOURCE_STORAGE_INDEX]][$RESOURCE_STORAGE_RESTYPE] = $iResType $aStorage[$aStorage[$RESOURCE_STORAGE][$RESOURCE_STORAGE_INDEX]][$RESOURCE_STORAGE_CASTRESTYPE] = $iCastResType $aStorage[$aStorage[$RESOURCE_STORAGE][$RESOURCE_STORAGE_INDEX]][$RESOURCE_STORAGE_LENGTH] = $iLength EndIf Case $RESOURCE_STORAGE_DESTROY ; http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms648044(v=vs.85).aspx Local $iDestoryCount = 0, $iDestoryed = 0 ; Delete a resource name or id value handle For $i = $RESOURCE_STORAGE_FIRSTINDEX To $aStorage[$RESOURCE_STORAGE][$RESOURCE_STORAGE_INDEX] If Not ($aStorage[$i][$RESOURCE_STORAGE_PTR] = Null) Then If $aStorage[$i][$RESOURCE_STORAGE_PTR] = $pResource Or ($aStorage[$i][$RESOURCE_STORAGE_DLL] = $sDllOrExePath And _ $aStorage[$i][$RESOURCE_STORAGE_RESNAMEORID] = $sResNameOrID And _ $aStorage[$i][$RESOURCE_STORAGE_RESTYPE] = $iResType And _ $aStorage[$i][$RESOURCE_STORAGE_CASTRESTYPE] = $iCastResType) Then $bReturn = __Resource_Storage_Destroy($aStorage, $i) If $bReturn Then $iDestoryed += 1 $aStorage[$RESOURCE_STORAGE][$RESOURCE_STORAGE_RESETCOUNT] += 1 ; Increase the reset count EndIf $iDestoryCount += 1 EndIf EndIf Next $bReturn = $iDestoryCount = $iDestoryed ; If the destroyed count equals the actual destroyed values ; Delete Null entries and tidy the internal storage if 20 or more items have been destroyed If $aStorage[$RESOURCE_STORAGE][$RESOURCE_STORAGE_RESETCOUNT] >= 20 Then Local $iIndex = 0 For $i = $RESOURCE_STORAGE_FIRSTINDEX To $aStorage[$RESOURCE_STORAGE][$RESOURCE_STORAGE_INDEX] If Not ($aStorage[$i][$RESOURCE_STORAGE_PTR] = Null) Then $iIndex += 1 For $j = 0 To $RESOURCE_STORAGE_MAX - 1 $aStorage[$iIndex][$j] = $aStorage[$i][$j] Next EndIf Next $aStorage[$RESOURCE_STORAGE][$RESOURCE_STORAGE_INDEX] = $iIndex ; Last index added $aStorage[$RESOURCE_STORAGE][$RESOURCE_STORAGE_RESETCOUNT] = 0 ; Reset the reset count $aStorage[$RESOURCE_STORAGE][$RESOURCE_STORAGE_UBOUND] = $iIndex + $RESOURCE_STORAGE_FIRSTINDEX ; Last index plus the first index position ReDim $aStorage[$aStorage[$RESOURCE_STORAGE][$RESOURCE_STORAGE_UBOUND]][$RESOURCE_STORAGE_MAX] EndIf Case $RESOURCE_STORAGE_DESTROYALL $bReturn = True For $i = $RESOURCE_STORAGE_FIRSTINDEX To $aStorage[$RESOURCE_STORAGE][$RESOURCE_STORAGE_INDEX] __Resource_Storage_Destroy($aStorage, $i) Next $aStorage[$RESOURCE_STORAGE][$RESOURCE_STORAGE_INDEX] = 0 ; Reset the index count $aStorage[$RESOURCE_STORAGE][$RESOURCE_STORAGE_RESETCOUNT] = 0 ; Reset the reset count $aStorage[$RESOURCE_STORAGE][$RESOURCE_STORAGE_UBOUND] = $RESOURCE_STORAGE_FIRSTINDEX ; Reset the length count ReDim $aStorage[$aStorage[$RESOURCE_STORAGE][$RESOURCE_STORAGE_UBOUND]][$RESOURCE_STORAGE_MAX] Case $RESOURCE_STORAGE_GET ; Removed for now. Needs more work Local $iExtended = 0, _ $pReturn = Null #cs For $i = $RESOURCE_STORAGE_FIRSTINDEX To $aStorage[$RESOURCE_STORAGE][$RESOURCE_STORAGE_INDEX] If $aStorage[$i][$RESOURCE_STORAGE_DLL] = $sDllOrExePath And _ $aStorage[$i][$RESOURCE_STORAGE_RESNAMEORID] = $sResNameOrID And _ $aStorage[$i][$RESOURCE_STORAGE_RESTYPE] = $iResType And _ $aStorage[$i][$RESOURCE_STORAGE_CASTRESTYPE] = $iCastResType Then $iExtended = $aStorage[$i][$RESOURCE_STORAGE_LENGTH] $pReturn = $aStorage[$i][$RESOURCE_STORAGE_PTR] ExitLoop EndIf Next #ce Return SetExtended($iExtended, $pReturn) EndSwitch Return $bReturn EndFunc ;==>__Resource_Storage Func __Resource_Storage_Destroy(ByRef $aStorage, $iIndex) Local $bReturn = False If Not ($aStorage[$iIndex][$RESOURCE_STORAGE_PTR] = Null) Then $bReturn = __Resource_Destroy($aStorage[$iIndex][$RESOURCE_STORAGE_PTR], $aStorage[$iIndex][$RESOURCE_STORAGE_RESTYPE]) If $bReturn Then ; Destroy the internal array contents $aStorage[$iIndex][$RESOURCE_STORAGE_PTR] = Null $aStorage[$iIndex][$RESOURCE_STORAGE_RESLANG] = Null $aStorage[$iIndex][$RESOURCE_STORAGE_RESNAMEORID] = Null $aStorage[$iIndex][$RESOURCE_STORAGE_RESTYPE] = Null EndIf EndIf Return $bReturn EndFunc ;==>__Resource_Storage_Destroy #EndRegion ResourcesEx.au3 - #FUNCTION# #cs Func IS_INTRESOURCE($pResource) Return ($pResource And Not BitAND($pResource, 0xFFFF0000)) EndFunc ;==>IS_INTRESOURCE Func MAKEINTRESOURCE($iInt) ; http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/topic/69968-need-also-help-with-translating-vb-code/ ; Return '#' & _WinAPI_MakeLong($iInt, 0) If Not StringIsDigit($iInt) Then Return SetError(1, 0, '') ; If $iInt has other chars than 0-9 Return '#' & Int($iInt) ; Return # and delete leading zeros from $iInt EndFunc ;==>MAKEINTRESOURCE# #ce