; PopG_Array.au3 - Andy Swarbrck (c) 2005-6 - Extends Array functionality, primarily in two dimensions. #Region Doc: #Region Doc: Notes ; Extends Array functionality, primarily in two dimensions. ; ; You are allowed to freely use this code without restriction. ; ; If you have questions, suggestions or wish to report a bug please do this at ; http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=21542 #EndRegion Doc: Notes #Region Doc: Function List ; _ArrayAdd1 As per _ArrayAdd, but adds an array. ; _ArrayAdd2 As per _ArrayAdd1, but for two dimensional arrays. ; _ArrayDelete2 Deletes either a row or a column from a two dimensional array. ; _ArrayDisplay2 As per _ArrayDisplay but for two dimensional arrays. ; _ArraySwap2ByKey Swaps two rows or columns in a 2-d array, the hooks being position (in development) ; _ArraySwap2ByIndex Swaps two rows or columns in a 2-d array, the hooks being position #EndRegion Doc: Function List #Region Doc: History ; 20-Feb-06 Als Updated _ArrayAdd1 Bug fixed re [0] entry set incorrectly to one more that it should be. ; 19-Feb-06 Als Updated _ArrayDisplay2 Altered to fully support 1 dimensional arrays, and thus support timeouts. ; 18-Feb-06 Als Extended _ArrayDisplay2 Copes with up to 3 dimensions ; 18-Feb-06 Als Extended _ArrayDisplay2 Support msgbox timeout. ; 05-Feb-06 Als Added _ArraySwap2ByIndex ; 05-Feb-06 Als Added _ArrayDelete2 #EndRegion Doc: History #Region Doc: Requirements ; Au3 build or better. ; Also uses Au3 include libraries GuiConstants and Array. ; Also uses PopG include library _Delim. #EndRegion Doc: Requirements #EndRegion Doc: #Region Init: #Region Init: Includes #include-once #include #include #include "..\PopGincl\PopG_Delim.au3" #EndRegion Init: Includes #Region Init: Autoit options Opt('MustDeclareVars',True) Opt('RunErrorsFatal',False) #EndRegion Init: Autoit options #EndRegion Init: #Region Run: #Region Run: Test Harness #Region Run: Test _ArraySwap2ByIndex ;~ Dim $grid[2][8]=[ [1, "AJim", "ARichard", "ALouis",1, "AJim", "ARichard", "ALouis"], _ ;~ [3, 1160.68, 1275.16, 1320.00,3, 1160.68, 1275.16, 1320.00]] ;, _ ;~ ;[0, "DJim", "dRichard", "dLouis"]] ;, [0, 4160.68, 4275.16, 4320.00]] ;~ _ArrayDisplay2($grid,'$grid') ;~ _ArraySwap2ByIndex($grid,2,5,4) ;~ If @error Then ;~ MsgBox(0,'error',@error) ;~ Else ;~ _ArrayDisplay2($grid,'$grid') ;~ EndIf ;~ Exit #EndRegion Run: Test _ArraySwap2ByIndex #Region Run: Test _ArrayDelete2 ;~ Dim $grid[4][4]=[ [3, "AJim", "ARichard", "ALouis"], [3, 1160.68, 1275.16, 1320.00], _ ;~ [0, "DJim", "dRichard", "dLouis"], [0, 4160.68, 4275.16, 4320.00]] ;~ _ArrayDisplay2($grid,'$grid') ;~ _ArrayDelete2($grid,3,1) ;~ If @error Then ;~ MsgBox(0,'error',@error) ;~ Else ;~ _ArrayDisplay2($grid,'$grid') ;~ EndIf ;~ Exit #EndRegion Run: Test _ArrayDelete2 #Region Run: Test for ArrayDisplay2 Local $msg,$Form1 Local $Test_ArrayDisplay2,$Test_ArrayAdd1,$Test_ArrayAdd2 Local $OneArr1[2],$OneArr2[3] $OneArr1[0]=1 $OneArr1[1]='alpha' $OneArr2[0]=2 $OneArr2[1]='a' $OneArr2[2]='b' ; Local $TwoArr1[2][2] $TwoArr1[0][0]=1 $TwoArr1[1][0]=1 $TwoArr1[0][1]='alpha' $TwoArr1[1][1]='beta' ; Local $TwoArr2[3][2] $TwoArr2[0][0]=2 $TwoArr2[0][1]='alpha' $TwoArr2[1][0]='beta' $TwoArr2[1][1]=1 $TwoArr2[2][0]='c' $TwoArr2[2][1]='d' $Form1 = GUICreate('array display 2 test', 250, 170, 192, 125) GUICtrlCreateLabel('Select from the functions below to initiate a test.', 10, 10, 251, 34) $Test_ArrayDisplay2 =GUICtrlCreateButton('$Test_ArrayDisplay2', 10, 40, 200, 21) GUICtrlSetTip($Test_ArrayDisplay2,'Click me to run two tests.') Local $Test_ArrayAdd1 =GUICtrlCreateButton('$Test_ArrayAdd1', 10, 70, 200, 21) GUICtrlSetTip($Test_ArrayAdd1,'Click me to add a 1dim array to another 1dim array. You will see three dialog boxes'&@LF&'1. OneArr1 before'&@LF&'2. OneArr2 before'&@LF&'3. OneArr1 after'&@LF&'remember the first value is the number of entries') Local $Test_ArrayAdd2 =GUICtrlCreateButton('$Test_ArrayAdd2', 10, 100, 200, 21) GUICtrlSetTip($Test_ArrayAdd2,'Click me to add a 2dim array to another 2dim array. You will see three dialog boxes'&@LF&'1. TwoArr1 before'&@LF&'2. TwoArr2 before'&@LF&'3. TwoArr1 after'&@LF&'remember the first value is the number of entries') Local $DoneBtn =GUICtrlCreateButton('$DoneBtn', 10, 130, 100, 21) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) While 1 $msg = GuiGetMsg() Select Case $msg = $Test_ArrayDisplay2 _ArrayDisplay2($TwoArr1,'Array List for a 2x2 array') Case $msg = $Test_ArrayAdd1 _ArrayDisplay($OneArr1,'$OneArr1 before') _ArrayDisplay($OneArr2,'$OneArr2 before') _ArrayAdd1($OneArr1,$OneArr2,1) _ArrayDisplay($OneArr1,'$OneArr1 after') Case $msg = $Test_ArrayAdd2 _ArrayDisplay2($TwoArr2,'$TwoArr2 before') _ArrayDisplay2($OneArr2,'$OneArr2 before') _ArrayAdd2($TwoArr2,$OneArr2,1,1) _ArrayDisplay2($TwoArr2,'$TwoArr2 after') Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Or $msg=$DoneBtn ExitLoop Case Else ;;;;;;; EndSelect WEnd Exit #EndRegion Run: Test for ArrayDisplay2 #EndRegion Run: TestHarness #Region Run: Functions ; _ArrayAdd1 As per _ArrayAdd, but adds an array ; ; Notes: ; I recommend you familiarise yourself with _ArrayAdd before using this function. ; ; Parameters: ; $ArrA One-dimensional array which is added to. ; $ArrB One dimensional array that is appended to $ArrA. ; $Lower Index of $ArrB from which to start adding. Typically this will be 0 or 1. Default is 0. ; $Upper Index of $ArrB at which adding ends. ; ; History: ; 20-Feb-06 Als Updated _ArrayAdd1 Bug fixed re [0] entry set incorrectly to one more that it should be. Func _ArrayAdd1(ByRef $ArrA,$ArrB,$Lower=0,$Upper=0) If Not IsArray($ArrA) Then SetError(1) Return '_ArrayAdd1'&'Not arrayA' EndIf If Not IsArray($ArrB) Then SetError(2) Return '_ArrayAdd1'&'Not arrayB' EndIf If UBound($ArrA,0)<>1 Then SetError(3) Return '_ArrayAdd1: first argument is not 1-dimensioned array' EndIf If UBound($ArrB,0)<>1 Then SetError(4) Return '_ArrayAdd1: second argument is not 1-dimensioned array' EndIf Local $ubA=UBound($ArrA) Local $ubB=UBound($ArrB) Local $ubBL=0 Local $ubBU=$ubB If $Lower>0 Then $ubBL=$Lower If $Upper>0 And $Upper<$ubB Then $ubBU=$Upper ReDim $ArrA[$ubA+$ubBU-$ubBL] Local $j=0 For $i=$ubBL to $ubBU-1 $ArrA[$j+$ubA]=$ArrB[$i] $j=$j+1 Next $ArrA[0]=UBound($ArrA+1)-1 Return EndFunc ;==>_ArrayAdd1 ; _ArrayAdd2 As per _ArrayAdd1, but for two dimensional arrays ; ; Notes: ; I recommend you familiarise yourself with _ArrayAdd first and then with _ArrayAdd1 before using this function. ; ; Parameters: ; $ArrA A two-dimensional array (eg. Dim $arr[3][5]) ; $ArrB A one dimensional array to be added to $ArrA ; $RowOrCol 1=Add a row,2=Add a column. Default is to add a row. ; $Lower Index of $ArrB from which to start adding. Typically this will be 0 or 1. Default is 0. ; $Upper Index of $ArrB at which adding ends. ; ; History: ; 20-Jan-06 Als Updated _ArrayAdd2 added default for $RowOrCol ; 20-Jan-06 Als Updated _ArrayAdd2 added $Lower and $Upper. Func _ArrayAdd2(ByRef $ArrA,ByRef $ArrB,$RowOrCol=1,$Lower=0,$Upper=-1) If Not IsArray($ArrA) Then SetError(1) Return '_ArrayAdd2'&'not arrA' EndIf If Not IsArray($ArrB) Then SetError(2) Return '_ArrayAdd2'&'not arrB' EndIf If UBound($ArrA,0)<>2 Then SetError(3) Return '_ArrayAdd2: first argument must be 2-dimensioned array' EndIf If UBound($ArrB,0)<>1 Then SetError(4) Return '_ArrayAdd2: second argument must be 1-dimensioned array' EndIf Local $ubA1 =UBound($ArrA,1) Local $ubA2 =UBound($ArrA,2) Local $ubB =UBound($ArrB) ; If $Lower<0 Then $Lower=0 ; Select Case $RowOrCol=1 If $ubA1<>$ubB Then SetError(3) Return '_ArrayAdd2 A B not same size' EndIf If $Upper<0 Or $Upper>$ubB-1 Then $Upper=$ubB-1 ReDim $ArrA[$ubA1][$ubA2+1] For $i=$Lower to $Upper $ArrA[$i][$ubA2] = $ArrB[$i] Next Case $RowOrCol=2 If $ubA2<>$ubB Then SetError(5) Return 0 EndIf If $Upper<0 Or $Upper>$ubB-1 Then $Upper=$ubB-1 ReDim $ArrA[$ubA1+1][$ubA2] For $i=$Lower to $Upper $ArrA[$ubA1][$i] = $ArrB[$i] Next Case Else SetError(6) Return '_ArrayAdd2 Rowcol wrong ='&$RowOrCol EndSelect EndFunc ;==>_ArrayAdd2 ; _ArrayDelete2 Deletes either a row or a column from a two dimensional array. ; ; Parameters: ; $avArray The array tobe modified. ; $iElement The row or column to be deleted. ; $RowOrCol Whether it is a row (0/False) or a column (1/true) to be deleted. Func _ArrayDelete2(ByRef $avArray,$iElement,$RowOrCol=0) Local $avNewArray ; temporary array Local $RowDim ; No Rows of original array Local $ColDim ; No Cols of original array Local $NewDim ; No of Rows or Cols for the changed dimension of the new array Local $RowIdx ;Counter for rows Local $ColIdx ;Counter for cols If $RowOrCol=0 Then ;Do we want to delete an entry from a single dimensional array, if so then do that and nothing more _ArrayDelete($avArray,$iElement) Return False EndIf If $RowOrCol<>1 And $RowOrCol<>2 Then ;Make sure RowCol is legal SetError(1) Return False EndIf If Not IsArray($avArray) Then ;Make sure we are dealing with an array SetError(2) Return False EndIf If UBound($avArray,0)<>2 Then ;Make sure we are dealing with a 2-dim array SetError(3) Return False EndIf If $iElement<0 Then $iElement=0 $RowDim = UBound($avArray,1) ; No Rows of original array $ColDim = UBound($avArray,2) ; No Cols of original array If $RowOrCol=1 Then If $RowDim=1 Then ; If the array is only 1 element in size then we can't delete the 1 element. SetError(4) Return False EndIf $NewDim=$RowDim-1 Dim $avNewArray[$NewDim][$ColDim] If $iElement>$NewDim Then $iElement=$NewDim For $RowIdx=0 To $NewDim-1 For $ColIdx=0 To $ColDim-1 If $RowIdx<$iElement Then $avNewArray[$RowIdx][$ColIdx]=$avArray[$RowIdx][$ColIdx] Else $avNewArray[$RowIdx][$ColIdx]=$avArray[$RowIdx+1][$ColIdx] EndIf Next Next EndIf If $RowOrCol=2 Then If $ColDim = 1 Then ; If the array is only 1 element in size then we can't delete the 1 element. SetError(4) Return False EndIf $NewDim=$ColDim-1 Dim $avNewArray[$RowDim][$NewDim] If $iElement>($NewDim) Then $iElement=$NewDim For $ColIdx=0 To $NewDim-1 For $RowIdx=0 To $RowDim-1 If $ColIdx<$iElement Then $avNewArray[$RowIdx][$ColIdx]=$avArray[$RowIdx][$ColIdx] Else $avNewArray[$RowIdx][$ColIdx]=$avArray[$RowIdx+1][$ColIdx] EndIf Next Next EndIf $avArray=$avNewArray SetError(0) Return True EndFunc ; _ArrayDelete2 ;_ArrayDisplay2 Displays elements of a one, two or three dimensional array ; ; Notes: ; Supports arrays of up the three dimensions. Familiarise yourself with _ArrayDisplay before using this function. ; ; Parameters: ; $ArrA The array to be displayed. ; $sTitle The title for the dialog box. ; $Timeout Optional number of seconds after which the dialogue box is automatically dismissed. ; ; Result: ; @error=1 $arrA is not an array ; @error=2 Number of dimensions is not supported. ; ; History: ; 05-Feb-06 Als Added _ArrayDelete2 Func _ArrayDisplay2(ByRef $ArrA, $sTitle, $Timeout=0) If (Not IsArray($ArrA)) Then SetError(1) Return @LF&'_ArrayDisplay2: not array' EndIf Local $adMsg = '' ; Local $NoDims=UBound($ArrA,0) If $NoDims>3 Then SetError(2) Return @LF&'_ArrayDisplay2: number of dimensions not supported.' EndIf ; Local $x=0 Local $ubA1=UBound($ArrA,1) If $NoDims>=2 Then Local $ubA2=UBound($ArrA,2) Local $y=0 EndIf If $NoDims>=3 Then Local $ubA3=UBound($ArrA,3) Local $z=0 EndIf For $x = 0 To $ubA1-1 If $NoDims=1 Then $adMsg = $adMsg &'['&$x&']=' &@TAB& StringStripCR($ArrA[$x]) & @CR Else For $y = 0 To $ubA2-1 If $NoDims=2 Then $adMsg = $adMsg &'['&$x&']['&$y&']=' &@TAB& StringStripCR($ArrA[$x][$y]) & @CR Else ;$NoDim=3 For $z=0 To $ubA3-1 $adMsg = $adMsg &'['&$x&']['&$y&']['&$z&']=' &@TAB& StringStripCR($ArrA[$x][$y][$z]) & @CR Next EndIf Next EndIf Next MsgBox(4096, $sTitle, $adMsg, $Timeout) EndFunc ; _ArrayDisplay2 ; _ArraySwap2ByIndex Swaps two rows or columns in a 2-d array, the hooks being position ; ; Parameters: ; $Arr Is the array to be processed ; $RowOrCol If 1 then a row is swapped, if 2 then a column is swapped ; $rcA Is the first row or column index ( ; $rcB Is the second row or column index ; $rcA is to be swapped with $rcB ; $Beg beginning of subitems from the row/col (defaults to 0) ; $End end of subitems from the row/col to be swapped (defaults to maximum) ; $OkKey indicates the leftmost field of the swap is a keyfield and should not be swapped. ; ; Results: ; @error=1 If $Arr is not an array ; @error=2 If $Arr is not a two-dimensional array ; @error=3 If $RowOrCol is not correctly specified. ; @error=4 If $rcA, $rcB, $Beg or $End are not correctly specified. ; ; History: ; 19-Feb-06 Als Updated _ArrayDisplay2 altered to fully support 1 dimensional arrays, and thus support timeouts. Func _ArraySwap2ByIndex(ByRef $Arr,$RowOrCol,$rcA,$rcB,$Beg=0,$End=999,$OkKey=False) Local $Idx Local $Jdx Local $RowDim Local $ColDim Local $ValA Local $ValB Local Const $Dlm=Opt('GUIDataSeparatorChar') Local $NewA Local $NewB Local $RestA Local $RestB If Not IsArray($Arr) Then ;Make sure we are dealing with an array! SetError(1) Return False EndIf If UBound($Arr,0)<>2 Then ;Make sure it is a two dimensional array SetError(2) Return False EndIf If $RowOrCol<>1 And $RowOrCol<>2 Then SetError(3) Return False EndIf If $rcA<0 Or $rcB<0 Or $Beg<0 Or $End<0 Or $End<$Beg Or $rcA=$rcB Then SetError(4) Return False EndIf $RowDim=UBound($Arr,1) $ColDim=UBound($Arr,2) If $RowOrCol=1 Then If ($rcA > $RowDim) Or ($rcB > $RowDim) Then SetError(5) Return False EndIf If $Beg>$ColDim Then SetError(6) Return False EndIf If $End>$ColDim-1 Then $End=$ColDim-1 For $Idx=$Beg To $End If $OkKey Then _DelimListSplit($Arr[$rcA][$Idx],$ValA,$RestA) _DelimListSplit($Arr[$rcB][$Idx],$ValB,$RestB) $Arr[$rcA][$Idx]=$ValA&$Dlm&$RestB $Arr[$rcB][$Idx]=$ValB&$Dlm&$RestA Else $ValA=$Arr[$rcA][$Idx] $ValB=$Arr[$rcB][$Idx] $Arr[$rcA][$Idx]=$ValB $Arr[$rcB][$Idx]=$ValA EndIf Next EndIf If $RowOrCol=2 Then If $rcA>$ColDim Or $rcB>$ColDim Then SetError(5) Return False EndIf If $Beg>$RowDim Then SetError(6) Return False EndIf If $End>$RowDim-1 Then $End=$RowDim-1 For $Idx=$Beg to $End If $OkKey Then _DelimListSplit($Arr[$Idx][$rcA],$ValA,$RestA) _DelimListSplit($Arr[$Idx][$rcB],$ValB,$RestB) $Arr[$Idx][$rcA]=$ValA&$Dlm&$RestB $Arr[$Idx][$rcB]=$ValB&$Dlm&$RestA Else $ValA=$Arr[$Idx][$rcA] $ValB=$Arr[$Idx][$rcB] $Arr[$Idx][$rcA]=$ValB $Arr[$Idx][$rcB]=$ValA EndIf Next EndIf Return True EndFunc ;_ArraySwap2ByIndex ; _ArraySwap2ByKey Swaps two rows or columns in a 2-d array, the hooks being position ; $Arr Is the array to be processed ; $RowOrCol If 1 then a row is swapped, if 2 then a column is swapped ; $rcA Is the first row or column index ( ; $rcB Is the second row or column index ; $rcA is to be swapped with $rcB ; $Beg beginning of subitems from the row/col (defaults to 0) ; $End end of subitems from the row/col to be swapped (defaults to maximum) ; $OkKey indicates the leftmost field of the swap is a keyfield and should not be swapped. ;~ Func _ArraySwap2ByKey(ByRef $Arr,$RowOrCol,$rcA,$rcB,$Beg=0,$End=999) ;~ Local $Idx ;~ Local $Jdx ;~ Local $JdxA ;~ Local $JdxB ;~ Local $RowDim ;~ Local $ColDim ;~ Local $ValA ;~ Local $ValB ;~ Local Const $Dlm=Opt('GUIDataSeparatorChar') ;~ Local $NewA ;~ Local $NewB ;~ Local $RestA ;~ Local $RestB ;~ If Not IsArray($Arr) Then ;Make sure we are dealing with an array! ;~ SetError(1) ;~ Return False ;~ EndIf ;~ If UBound($Arr,0)<>2 Then ;Make sure it is a two dimensional array ;~ SetError(2) ;~ Return False ;~ EndIf ;~ If $RowOrCol<>1 And $RowOrCol<>2 Then ;~ SetError(3) ;~ Return False ;~ EndIf ;~ If $rcA<0 Or $rcB<0 Or $Beg<0 Or $End<0 Or $End<$Beg Or $rcA=$rcB Then ;~ SetError(4) ;~ Return False ;~ EndIf ;~ $RowDim=UBound($Arr,1) ;~ $ColDim=UBound($Arr,2) ;~ If $RowOrCol=1 Then ;~ If $Beg>$ColDim Then ;~ SetError(6) ;~ Return False ;~ EndIf ;~ $JdxA=0 ;~ $JdxB=0 ;~ For $Jdx=1 To $Arr[$Jdx][0] ;~ If $JdxA=0 Then ;~ _DelimListSplit($Arr[$Jdx][0],$ValA,$RestA) ;~ If $ValA=$rcA Then $JdxA=$Jdx ;~ ElseIf $JdxB=0 ;~ _DelimListSplit($Arr[$Jdx][0],$ValB,$RestB) ;~ If $ValB=$rcB Then ;~ $JdxB=$Jdx ;~ ExitLoop ;~ EndIf ;~ EndIf ;~ Next ;~ If $JdxB=0 ;~ SetError(7) ;~ Return False ;~ EndIf ;~ $Arr[$JdxA][0]=$ValA&$Dlm&$RestB ;~ $Arr[$JdxB][0]=$ValB&$Dlm&$RestA ;~ ElseIf $RowOrCol=2 Then ;~ If $Beg>$RowDim Then ;~ SetError(6) ;~ Return False ;~ EndIf ;~ $JdxA=0 ;~ $JdxB=0 ;~ For $Jdx=1 To $Arr[0] ;~ If $JdxA=0 Then ;~ _DelimListSplit($Arr[0][$Jdx],$ValA,$RestA) ;~ If $ValA=$rcA Then $JdxA=$Jdx ;~ ElseIf $JdxB=0 ;~ _DelimListSplit($Arr[0][$Jdx],$ValB,$RestB) ;~ If $ValB=$rcB Then ;~ $JdxB=$Jdx ;~ ExitLoop ;~ EndIf ;~ EndIf ;~ Next ;~ If $JdxB=0 ;~ SetError(7) ;~ Return False ;~ EndIf ;~ $Arr[0][$JdxA]=$ValA&$Dlm&$RestB ;~ $Arr[0][$JdxB]=$ValB&$Dlm&$RestA ;~ EndIf ;~ Return True ;~ EndFunc ;_ArraySwap2ByKey #EndRegion Run: Functions #EndRegion Run: