[BugFix Version] - 2 May 21 Fixed: Getting existing control positions no longer errors if a scrollbar is not activated. ___________________________________________________________________________________________ [New Version] - 18 May 18 Changed: UDF now plays nicely with other controls which use the same Windows messages. ___________________________________________________________________________________________ [New Version] - 16 Feb 17 Changed: Scrollbar size now determined dynamically rather than previous fixed value.. ___________________________________________________________________________________________ [New Version] - 22 Nov 14 Added: Ability to use scrollbars with resizeable GUIs. A new function _GUIScrollbars_Resizer will initiate the GUI for resizing - the scrollbars can be set to vanish above a certain GUI size and the GUI can be automatically created at a size such that they do not appear. The function returns an array which can be used to ensure that the GUI cannot be resized above those dimensions. ___________________________________________________________________________________________ [New Version] - 9 Aug 14 Added: Ability to use the cursor keys to scroll if required. Fixed: Links to variables in the underlying GUIScrollbars UDF. ___________________________________________________________________________________________ [New Version] - 20 Jan 12 Added functions to restore scrollbar position after a minimize/restore cycle: For GUIScrollbars_Ex there are 2 functions: _GUIScrollbars_Minimize and _GUIScrollbars_Restore - called on the relevant events occurring. This is needed because of the way the UDF deals with the scrollbars it generates. For GUIScrollbars_Size there is a single function: _GUIScrollbars_Restore. ___________________________________________________________________________________________ [New Version] - 21/01/11 Amended: _GUIScrollbars_Ex now only activates the scrollbar and mousewheel handlers if the relevant scrollbar is required by the user. This prevent inadvertant scrolling if your mouse wheel cannot decide which axis it wants to use. ___________________________________________________________________________________________ {New Version} - 10/06/10 Amended: _GUIScrollbars_Ex now includes a function to do control location calculation automatically - new example to show it working. Full details in post #30 ___________________________________________________________________________________________ [New Version] - 01/05/10 Amended: _GUIScrollbars_Ex now supports mousewheel scrolling! - Vertical scroll uses vertical mouse wheel. - Horizontal scroll uses horizontal mouse wheel or vertical mouse wheel with either Ctrl or Shft pressed. ___________________________________________________________________________________________ [New Version] - 30/04/10 Added: A simple example to show how easy the syntax is!