$CD_CHECKATTRIBS $CD_CHECKDATABINARY $CD_CHECKDATATEXT $CD_CHECKDATECREATEDIFF $CD_CHECKDATECREATENEWER $CD_CHECKDATEMODIFYDIFF $CD_CHECKDATEMODIFYNEWER $CD_CHECKSIZEBIGGER $CD_CHECKSIZEDIFF $CD_SETALLFILES $CD_SETATTRIBS $CD_SETATTRIBSALLFILES $CD_SETCREATEDATE $CD_SETDATEALLFILES $CD_SETMODIFYDATE $Hkcr $HkcrCls $Hkcu $HkcuCp $HkcuCpDesk $HkcuEnv $HkcuSw $HkcuSwGrv $HkcuSwMs $HkcuSwMsIe $HkcuSwMsWin $HkcuSwMsWinCv $HkcuSwMsWinCvExp $HkcuSwMsWinCvPol $HkcuSwMsWinCvPolExp $HkcuSwMsWinCvPolNet $HkcuSwMsWinCvPolSys $HkcuSwMsWinNt $HkcuSwMsWinNtCv $HkcuSwMsWinNtCvExp $HkcuSwMsWinNtCvNet $HkcuSwPol $HkcuSwPolMs $HkcuSwPolMsWin $HkcuSwPolMsWinSys $HkcuSwPopG $Hklm $HklmSw $HklmSwCls $HklmSwGrv $HklmSwMs $HklmSwMsIe $HklmSwMsWin $HklmSwMsWinCv $HklmSwMsWinCvExp $HklmSwMsWinNt $HklmSwMsWinNtCv $HklmSwMsWinNtCvWinl $HklmSwPopG $HklmSys $HklmSysCc $HklmSysCcsCtl $HklmSysCcsSvc $Hku $HkuDef $HkuDefCp $HkuDefCpDesk $HkuDefEnv $HkuDefSw $HkuDefSwMs $HkuDefSwMsWinNt $HkuDefSwMsWinNtCv $HkuDefSwMsWinNtCvNet $MBA_Abort $MBA_Cancel $MBA_Ignore $MBA_No $MBA_Ok $MBA_Retry $MBA_Yes $MBF_Ari $MBF_Excl $MBF_Info $MBF_Ok $MBF_OkCancel $MBF_OnTop $MBF_Quest $MBF_Rc $MBF_Stop $MBF_Yn $MBF_Ync $RegBIN $RegDBE $RegDWD $RegESZ $RegFUL $REGGR_INDATA $REGGR_INKEY $REGGR_INVALUE $RegLNK $RegMSZ $RegNON $RegREQ $RegRES $RegSZ $UD_AccountActive $UD_AccountExpires $UD_Comment $UD_CountryCode $UD_Fullname $UD_Groups $UD_HomeDir $UD_LogonScript $UD_LogonTimes $UD_MayChangePassword $UD_PasswordExpires $UD_PasswordRequired $UD_UserComment $UD_Username $UD_UserProfile $UD_WorkstationsAllowed _ArrayAdd1(ByRef $ArrA,[$ArrB,$Lower=0[,$Upper=0]]) (Requires #include ) As per _ArrayAdd, but adds an array. _ArrayAdd2(ByRef $ArrA,ByRef $ArrB[,$RowOrCol=1[,$Lower=0[,$Upper=-1]]]) (Requires #include ) As per _ArrayAdd1, but for two dimensional arrays. _ArrayDelete2(ByRef $avArray,$iElement[,$RowOrCol=0]) (Requires #include ) Deletes either a row or a column from a two dimensional array. _ArrayDisplay2(ByRef $ArrA, $sTitle[,$Timeout=0]) (Requires #include ) As per _ArrayDisplay but for 1,2 & 3 dimensional arrays. Also has a timeout option. _ArraySwap2ByIndex(ByRef $Arr,$RowOrCol,$rcA,$rcB[,$Beg=0[,$End=999[,$OkKey=False]]]) (Requires #include ) Swaps two rows or columns in a 2-d array, the hook being by position. _CmdLineParse(ByRef $CmdArgs[, $RegKey1=''[,$RegNam=''[, $RegKey2='']]]) (Requires #Include ) Parses the command line, returning results in an array. _DelimListGetIndex($List,$Item[,$Case=False[,$Dlm=GUIDataSeparatorChar]]) (Requires #Include ) Returns the index position of one string in a delimited string. _DelimListGetText($List,$Idx[,$Dlm=GUIDataSeparatorChar]) (Requires #Include ) Returns the text at an index position in a delimited string. _DelimListPadDelims($List,$Qty[,$Dlm=GUIDataSeparatorChar]) (Requires #Include ) Ensures that there are at least a certain number of delimiters in a string _DelimListReplaceItem($List,$OldItem,$NewItem[,$Case=False[,$Occur=1[,$Dlm=GUIDataSeparatorChar]]]) (Requires #Include ) Replaces a subitem in a string, such as one used in a ListView using StringReplaceby searching for the substring _DelimListSetItem($List,$NewItem,$Index[,$Dlm=GUIDataSeparatorChar]) (Requires #Include ) Replaces a subitem in a string, such as one used in a ListView by occurence of delimiters in the string. _DelimListSort($List[,$i_descending=0[,$Dlm=GUIDataSeparatorChar]]) (Requires #Include ) Returns a delimited list in sorted order. _DelimListSplit($List,ByRef $Left,ByRef $Right,[$Occur=1[,$Dlm=GUIDataSeparatorChar]]) (Requires #Include ) Splits a delimted list into left and right at the specified occurence of delimter. _DirCopy2($SrcDir,$DstDir[,$CopyIfNewer=False[,$CopyIfBigger=False[,$CopyIfDifferent=False[,$OkSetTime=False[,$CopyAlways=False[,$ConfCopy=False[,$ProgMax=-1]]]]]]) (Requires #include Like DirCopy but uses _FileCopy2 to ensure the update is as intelligent as possible. _DriveMap($Drv,$Func[$Dir='']) (Requires #include Extends DriveMap functionality to support both local and remote drive mappings. _FileCopy2($SrcFil,$DstFil[,$CopyIfNewer=False[,$CopyIfBigger=False[,$CopyIfDifferent=False[,$OkSetTime=False[,$CopyAlways=False[,$ConfCopy=False[,$ProgMax=-1]]]]]]) (Requires #include Copies one file to another folder. Does not copy if file exists. Sets target date to source. _FileWriteFromArray2($sFilePath, $a_Array[, $i_Base = 0[, $i_UBound = 0]]) (Requires #include Extends _FileWriteFromArray to support file handles. _FileWriteLog2($sLogPath, $sLogMsg) (Requires #include Enhanced _FileWriteLog to be able to re-use a file handle instead of a filename. _GUICtrlCheckBoxSet($handle, $val) (Requires #include ) Sets or clears a Checkbox. _GUICtrlComboSetItemTextFromArray($combo,ByRef $arr,$Default) (Requires #include ) Sets the items in a list view from elements in an array. _GUICtrlCreateListViewFromArray($Lv,ByRef $arr[,$Default='']) (Requires #include ) Sets the items in a list view from elements in an array. _GUICtrlCreateListViewFromArray2($Lv,ByRef $arr[,$Default=''[,$filter='']]) (Requires #include ) Sets the items in a list view from elements in a two-dimensional array. filtering on the first dimension, and populating from the second. _GUICtrlCreateMenuitemEvent($label,$menuid[,$event='']) (Requires #include ) Adds a Menu item for event driven handling. _GUICtrlCreateWithTipAndEvent($Type, $Text, $X, $Y, $W, $H, $Tip[, $Event=''[, $Style=-1]]) (Requires #include ) Creates GUICtrls, setting tips and events. _GUICtrlHasFocus($c1,$c2[,$c3...c10]) (Requires #include ) Returns the Gui Control that has focus from the list of handles. Up to 10 handles can be supplied. _GUICtrlListViewRenameItem($Lv,$LvIdx1,$LvIdx2) (Requires #include ) Renames the leftmost subitem for two rows in a listview _GUICtrlListViewSwapRow($Lv,$LvIdx1,$LvIdx2) (Requires #include ) Swaps the entire row for two subitems in a listview, leaving the "key" subitem as is. _IsDir($FilOrDir) (Requires #include Returns True if a directory. _MsgBoxExit($mbeFlag,$mbeTtl,$mbeTxt[,$mbeExitIf=0[,$mbeTime=0]]) (Requires #include ) Does a normal message box and then exits if either no exit control is specified or if the specified button is clicked. _RegCreateKeys($base,$keys) (Requires #include Creates a range of delimited subkeys. _RegRenameVal($Key,$OldV,$NewV) (Requires #include Renames registry $nam1 to $nam2 in key $Key. _RegReRead($Key,$Val) (Requires #include If the value read from the registry is registry key\val (ie begins with 'HKEY' then it reads and returns that indirect value instead. Thus providing registry indirection. _RegSearchAndReplace($Hive,$Srch,$Repl,$Occ,$Case,$OkData,$OkValue[,$ProgCnt=0[,$ProgMax=0]]) (Requires #include Scans through the registry replacing one string for another. WARNING: USING THIS COULD DAMAGE YOUR COMPUTER. TEST THOROUGHLY ON A SCRATCH COMPUTER FIRST! I CAN ACCEPT NO LIABILITY FOR ANY DAMAGE DONE, HOWSOEVER CAUSED. _RegSetReset($Key,$Name,$Type,$SetVal,$OkReset=False,$OkSetDelete=False,$OkResetDelete=False[,$RstVal=''[,$Desc='']]) (Requires #include Updates the registry to either a set, or a reset value. _RegSplit($RegKND,ByRef $Key,ByRef $Name, ByRef $dat) (Requires #include Splits a registry key\name=val string into key, name & value. _RegSwapVal($Key,$nam1,$nam2) (Requires #include Swaps registry $nam1 to $nam2 in key $Key. _RegType($idx) (Requires #include Returns the string value of the registry type decimal constant, _RegWriteSetRst($Key,$name,$Type,$SetVal[,$OkRst=False[,$RstTyp=0[,$RstVal='_RegWriteSetRst-novalue'[,$VfySecs=0[,$VfyMsg='']]]]) (Requires #include Writes to the registry one of two values depending on $OkRst. _RunWaitOutErr($Cmd,$Dir,$Flag,ByRef $OutArr,ByRef $ErrArr) (Requires #include ) Runs a (dos) command until completion, returning output & error lines into two arrays. _RunWaitSys($Cmd[,$Dir=''[,$Flag=0]]) (Requires #include ) Calls function RunWait for a command in the system folder. _RunWaitSysOutErr($Cmd,$Dir,$Flag,ByRef $OutArr,ByRef $ErrArr) (Requires #include ) Calls function RunWaitOutErr in Windows\System32 folder. _UserGetAllGroups() (Requires #include ) Returns a list of all groups both locally and in the domain. _UserGetAllUsers([$OkDomain=False]) (Requires #include ) Returns a list of users, either local or in the domain. _UserGetDetails($Username,$Field[,$OkDomain=False]) (Requires #include ) Returns one of the User details for the current user. _UserGetUsersGroups($Username) (Requires #include ) Returns a list of all groups (both locally and in the domain) that this user belongs to. _UserIsMember($Username,$Group) (Requires #include ) Returns true if the user is a member of specified group. _UserSetDetails($Username,$Field,$Val[,$OkDomain=False]) (Requires #include ) Sets one of the User details for the current user