#include-once #include "AutoItConstants.au3" #include "MsgBoxConstants.au3" #include "StringConstants.au3" #include ; added For __ArrayDisplay_SubItemHitTest_ClipPut #include ; added For __ArrayDisplay_SubItemHitTest_ClipPut ; #INDEX# ======================================================================================================================= ; Title .........: Internal UDF Library for AutoIt3 _ArrayDisplay() and _DebugArrayDisplay() ; AutoIt Version : ; Description ...: Internal functions for the Array.au3 and Debug.au3 ; Author(s) .....: Melba23, jpm, LarsJ, pixelsearch ; Modifier(s) ...: Tippex ; https://www.autoitscript.com/forum/topic/196962-suggested-modification-to-arraydisplayinternalsau3/ ; : argumentum ; =============================================================================================================================== #Region Global Variables and Constants ; #VARIABLES# =================================================================================================================== ; for use with the notify handler Global $_g_ArrayDisplay_hListView Global $_g_ArrayDisplay_iTranspose Global $_g_ArrayDisplay_iDisplayRow Global $_g_ArrayDisplay_aArray Global $_g_ArrayDisplay_iDims Global $_g_ArrayDisplay_nRows Global $_g_ArrayDisplay_nCols Global $_g_ArrayDisplay_iItem_Start Global $_g_ArrayDisplay_iItem_End Global $_g_ArrayDisplay_iSubItem_Start Global $_g_ArrayDisplay_iSubItem_End Global $_g_ArrayDisplay_aIndex Global $_g_ArrayDisplay_aIndexes[1] Global $_g_ArrayDisplay_iSortDir Global $_g_ArrayDisplay_asHeader Global $_g_ArrayDisplay_aNumericSort Global $ARRAYDISPLAY_ROWPREFIX = "#" Global $ARRAYDISPLAY_NUMERICSORT = "*" ; =============================================================================================================================== ; #CONSTANTS# =================================================================================================================== Global Const $ARRAYDISPLAY_COLALIGNLEFT = 0 ; (default) Column text alignment - left Global Const $ARRAYDISPLAY_TRANSPOSE = 1 ; Transposes the array (2D only) Global Const $ARRAYDISPLAY_COLALIGNRIGHT = 2 ; Column text alignment - right Global Const $ARRAYDISPLAY_COLALIGNCENTER = 4 ; Column text alignment - center Global Const $ARRAYDISPLAY_VERBOSE = 8 ; Verbose - display MsgBox on error and splash screens during processing of large arrays Global Const $ARRAYDISPLAY_ONLYCOPYBUTTONS = 16 ; Only 'Copy' buttons displayed Global Const $ARRAYDISPLAY_NOBUTTONSDISPLAY = 32 ; No buttons displayed Global Const $ARRAYDISPLAY_NOROW = 64 ; No 'Row' column displayed Global Const $ARRAYDISPLAY_NODATALABELDISPLAY = 128 ; No data label displayed Global Const $ARRAYDISPLAY_CHECKERROR = 128 ; return if @error <> 0 (avoid display after _Array*() errors). Global Const $_ARRAYCONSTANT_tagHDITEM = "uint Mask;int XY;ptr Text;handle hBMP;int TextMax;int Fmt;lparam Param;int Image;int Order;uint Type;ptr pFilter;uint State" Global Const $_ARRAYCONSTANT_tagLVITEM = "struct;uint Mask;int Item;int SubItem;uint State;uint StateMask;ptr Text;int TextMax;int Image;lparam Param;" & _ "int Indent;int GroupID;uint Columns;ptr pColumns;ptr piColFmt;int iGroup;endstruct" ; =============================================================================================================================== #EndRegion Global Variables and Constants #Region Functions list ; #CURRENT# ===================================================================================================================== ; =============================================================================================================================== ; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY# =========================================================================================================== ; __ArrayDisplay_Share ; __ArrayDisplay_SortIndexes ; ___ArrayDisplay_NotifyHandler ; __ArrayDisplay_GetSortColStruct ; __ArrayDisplay_SortArrayStruct ; __ArrayDisplay_Transpose ; __ArrayDisplay_HeaderSetItemFormat ; __ArrayDisplay_GetItemText ; __ArrayDisplay_GetItemTextStringSelected ; __ArrayDisplay_JustifyColumn ; =============================================================================================================================== #EndRegion Functions list Global $__g_ArrayDisplay_Share_iFlags = 0 Func _DebugArrayDisplay_DefaultFlags($iFlags = 0) $__g_ArrayDisplay_Share_iFlags = $iFlags EndFunc ;==>_DebugArrayDisplay_DefaultFlags Func __ArrayDisplay_SubItemHitTest_ClipPut($hWnd, $iX = -1, $iY = -1) $hWnd = GUICtrlGetHandle($hWnd) Local $_mPos = MouseGetPos(), $aTest = _GUICtrlListView_SubItemHitTest($hWnd, $iX, $iY) ReDim $aTest[12] $aTest[11] = _GUICtrlListView_GetItemText($hWnd, $aTest[0], $aTest[1]) ClipPut($aTest[11]) ToolTip($aTest[11], $_mPos[0] - 20, $_mPos[1] - 60, "ClipPut", 0, 4) AdlibRegister("__ArrayDisplay_ToolTipOff", 500) Return $aTest EndFunc ;==>__ArrayDisplay_SubItemHitTest_ClipPut Func __ArrayDisplay_ToolTipOff() AdlibUnRegister("__ArrayDisplay_ToolTipOff") ToolTip("") EndFunc ;==>__ArrayDisplay_ToolTipOff Func __ArrayDisplay_Share(Const ByRef $aArray, $sTitle = Default, $sArrayRange = Default, $iFlags = Default, $vUser_Separator = Default, $sHeader = Default, $iMax_ColWidth = Default, $hUser_Function = Default, $bDebug = True, Const $_iScriptLineNumber = @ScriptLineNumber, Const $_iCallerError = @error, Const $_iCallerExtended = @extended) Local $sMsgBoxTitle = (($bDebug) ? ("_DebugArrayDisplay") : ("_ArrayDisplay")) ; Default values If $sTitle = Default Then $sTitle = $sMsgBoxTitle If $sArrayRange = Default Then $sArrayRange = "" If $iFlags = Default Then $iFlags = 0 If $vUser_Separator = Default Then $vUser_Separator = "" If $sHeader = Default Then $sHeader = "" If $iMax_ColWidth = Default Then $iMax_ColWidth = 350 If $iMax_ColWidth > 4095 Then $iMax_ColWidth = 4095 ; needed as the structure inside the notify handler is declared as Static If $hUser_Function = Default Then $hUser_Function = 0 If $__g_ArrayDisplay_Share_iFlags And $bDebug And Not $iFlags Then $iFlags = $__g_ArrayDisplay_Share_iFlags ; Check for transpose, column align, verbosity and "Row" column visibility $_g_ArrayDisplay_iTranspose = BitAND($iFlags, $ARRAYDISPLAY_TRANSPOSE) Local $iColAlign = BitAND($iFlags, 6) ; 0 = Left (default); 2 = Right; 4 = Center Local $iVerbose = Int(BitAND($iFlags, $ARRAYDISPLAY_VERBOSE)) $_g_ArrayDisplay_iDisplayRow = Int(BitAND($iFlags, $ARRAYDISPLAY_NOROW) = 0) ; Set lower button border ;Local $iButtonBorder = (($bDebug) ? (40) : (20)) If IsDeclared("iButtonBorder") = $DECLARED_UNKNOWN Then Local $iButtonBorder $iButtonBorder = 40 If $bDebug Then Select Case Not BitAND($iFlags, $ARRAYDISPLAY_NODATALABELDISPLAY) And BitAND($iFlags, $ARRAYDISPLAY_NOBUTTONSDISPLAY) ;Allow border to show data label $iButtonBorder = 20 Case BitAND($iFlags, $ARRAYDISPLAY_NOBUTTONSDISPLAY) ;No border required for buttons or label (see above, NODATALABELDISPLAY = True) $iButtonBorder = 0 Case Not BitAND($iFlags, $ARRAYDISPLAY_ONLYCOPYBUTTONS) ;Allow border to show both copy & exit buttons (& data label if required) $iButtonBorder = 40 Case BitAND($iFlags, $ARRAYDISPLAY_ONLYCOPYBUTTONS) And Not BitAND($iFlags, $ARRAYDISPLAY_NODATALABELDISPLAY) ; Allow border to show copy buttons & data label (no exit button required) $iButtonBorder = 40 Case Not BitAND($iFlags, $ARRAYDISPLAY_NODATALABELDISPLAY) ;Allow border to show copy buttons, data label & exit button (NODATALABELDISPLAY = False) $iButtonBorder = 40 Case BitAND($iFlags, $ARRAYDISPLAY_ONLYCOPYBUTTONS) And BitAND($iFlags, $ARRAYDISPLAY_NODATALABELDISPLAY) ;Allow border to show copy buttons (no data label) $iButtonBorder = 20 Case Else $iButtonBorder = 40 EndSelect Else $iButtonBorder = 20 ;Allow border to show data label as there's no NODATALABELDISPLAY option for _ArrayDisplay() EndIf #Region Check valid array Local $sMsg = "", $iRet = 1 Local $fTimer = 0 If IsArray($aArray) Then $_g_ArrayDisplay_aArray = $aArray $_g_ArrayDisplay_iDims = UBound($_g_ArrayDisplay_aArray, $UBOUND_DIMENSIONS) If $_g_ArrayDisplay_iDims = 1 Then $_g_ArrayDisplay_iTranspose = 0 $_g_ArrayDisplay_nRows = UBound($_g_ArrayDisplay_aArray, $UBOUND_ROWS) $_g_ArrayDisplay_nCols = ($_g_ArrayDisplay_iDims = 2) ? UBound($_g_ArrayDisplay_aArray, $UBOUND_COLUMNS) : 1 ; Split custom header on separator Dim $_g_ArrayDisplay_aNumericSort[$_g_ArrayDisplay_nCols] ; Dimension checking If $_g_ArrayDisplay_iDims > 2 Then $sMsg = "Larger than 2D array passed to function" $iRet = 2 EndIf If $_iCallerError Then If $bDebug Then ; Call _DebugReport() if available If IsDeclared("__g_sReportCallBack_DebugReport_Debug") Then $sMsg = "@@ Debug( " & $_iScriptLineNumber & ") : @error = " & $_iCallerError & " in " & $sMsgBoxTitle & "( '" & $sTitle & "' )" Execute('$__g_sReportCallBack_DebugReport_Debug("' & $sMsg & '")') EndIf $iRet = 3 ElseIf BitAND($iFlags, $ARRAYDISPLAY_CHECKERROR) Then $sMsg = "@error = " & $_iCallerError & " when calling the function" If $_iScriptLineNumber > 0 Then $sMsg &= " at line " & $_iScriptLineNumber $iRet = 3 EndIf EndIf Else $sMsg = "No array variable passed to function" EndIf If $sMsg Then If $iVerbose And MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL + $MB_ICONERROR + $MB_YESNO, _ $sMsgBoxTitle & "() Error: " & $sTitle, $sMsg & @CRLF & @CRLF & "Exit the script?") = $IDYES Then Exit Else Return SetError($iRet, 0, 0) EndIf EndIf #EndRegion Check valid array #Region Check array range ; Determine copy separator Local $iCW_ColWidth = Number($vUser_Separator) ; Get current separator character Local $sCurr_Separator = Opt("GUIDataSeparatorChar") ; Set default user separator if required If $vUser_Separator = "" Then $vUser_Separator = $sCurr_Separator ; Declare variables $_g_ArrayDisplay_iItem_Start = 0 $_g_ArrayDisplay_iItem_End = $_g_ArrayDisplay_nRows - 1 $_g_ArrayDisplay_iSubItem_Start = 0 $_g_ArrayDisplay_iSubItem_End = (($_g_ArrayDisplay_iDims = 2) ? ($_g_ArrayDisplay_nCols - 1) : (0)) Local $avRangeSplit ; Check for range settings If $sArrayRange Then ; Split into separate dimension sections Local $vTmp, $aArray_Range = StringRegExp($sArrayRange & "||", "(?U)(.*)\|", $STR_REGEXPARRAYGLOBALMATCH) ; Rows range If $aArray_Range[0] Then $avRangeSplit = StringSplit($aArray_Range[0], ":") If @error Then $_g_ArrayDisplay_iItem_End = Number($aArray_Range[0]) Else $_g_ArrayDisplay_iItem_Start = Number($avRangeSplit[1]) If $avRangeSplit[2] <> "" Then $_g_ArrayDisplay_iItem_End = Number($avRangeSplit[2]) EndIf EndIf EndIf ; Check row bounds If $_g_ArrayDisplay_iItem_Start < 0 Then $_g_ArrayDisplay_iItem_Start = 0 If $_g_ArrayDisplay_iItem_End >= $_g_ArrayDisplay_nRows Then $_g_ArrayDisplay_iItem_End = $_g_ArrayDisplay_nRows - 1 If ($_g_ArrayDisplay_iItem_Start > $_g_ArrayDisplay_iItem_End) And ($_g_ArrayDisplay_iItem_End > 0) Then $vTmp = $_g_ArrayDisplay_iItem_Start $_g_ArrayDisplay_iItem_Start = $_g_ArrayDisplay_iItem_End $_g_ArrayDisplay_iItem_End = $vTmp EndIf ; Columns range If $_g_ArrayDisplay_iDims = 2 And $aArray_Range[1] Then $avRangeSplit = StringSplit($aArray_Range[1], ":") If @error Then $_g_ArrayDisplay_iSubItem_End = Number($aArray_Range[1]) Else $_g_ArrayDisplay_iSubItem_Start = Number($avRangeSplit[1]) If $avRangeSplit[2] <> "" Then $_g_ArrayDisplay_iSubItem_End = Number($avRangeSplit[2]) EndIf EndIf ; Check column bounds If $_g_ArrayDisplay_iSubItem_Start > $_g_ArrayDisplay_iSubItem_End Then $vTmp = $_g_ArrayDisplay_iSubItem_Start $_g_ArrayDisplay_iSubItem_Start = $_g_ArrayDisplay_iSubItem_End $_g_ArrayDisplay_iSubItem_End = $vTmp EndIf If $_g_ArrayDisplay_iSubItem_Start < 0 Then $_g_ArrayDisplay_iSubItem_Start = 0 If $_g_ArrayDisplay_iSubItem_End >= $_g_ArrayDisplay_nCols Then $_g_ArrayDisplay_iSubItem_End = $_g_ArrayDisplay_nCols - 1 EndIf EndIf ; Create data display Local $sDisplayData = "[" & $_g_ArrayDisplay_nRows & "]" If $_g_ArrayDisplay_iDims = 2 Then $sDisplayData &= " [" & $_g_ArrayDisplay_nCols & "]" EndIf ; Create tooltip data Local $sTipData = "" If $sArrayRange Then If $sTipData Then $sTipData &= " - " $sTipData &= "Range set " & $sArrayRange EndIf If $_g_ArrayDisplay_iTranspose Then If $sTipData Then $sTipData &= " - " $sTipData &= "Transposed" EndIf If $sArrayRange Or $_g_ArrayDisplay_iTranspose Then $_g_ArrayDisplay_aArray = __ArrayDisplay_CreateSubArray() #EndRegion Check array range #Region Check custom header ; Split custom header on separator $_g_ArrayDisplay_asHeader = StringSplit($sHeader, $sCurr_Separator, $STR_NOCOUNT) ; No count element If UBound($_g_ArrayDisplay_asHeader) = 0 Then Dim $_g_ArrayDisplay_asHeader[1] = [""] $sHeader = "Row" Local $iIndex = $_g_ArrayDisplay_iSubItem_Start If $_g_ArrayDisplay_iTranspose Then ; All default headers $sHeader = "Row" For $j = 0 To $_g_ArrayDisplay_nCols - 1 $sHeader &= $sCurr_Separator & $ARRAYDISPLAY_ROWPREFIX & " " & $j + $_g_ArrayDisplay_iSubItem_Start Next Else ; Create custom header with available items If $_g_ArrayDisplay_asHeader[0] Then ; Set as many as available For $iIndex = $_g_ArrayDisplay_iSubItem_Start To $_g_ArrayDisplay_iSubItem_End ; Check custom header available If $iIndex >= UBound($_g_ArrayDisplay_asHeader) Then ExitLoop If StringRight($_g_ArrayDisplay_asHeader[$iIndex], 1) = $ARRAYDISPLAY_NUMERICSORT Then $_g_ArrayDisplay_asHeader[$iIndex] = StringTrimRight($_g_ArrayDisplay_asHeader[$iIndex], 1) ; remove "*" from right $_g_ArrayDisplay_aNumericSort[$iIndex - $_g_ArrayDisplay_iSubItem_Start] = 1 ; 1 (numeric sort) or empty (natural sort) EndIf $sHeader &= $sCurr_Separator & $_g_ArrayDisplay_asHeader[$iIndex] Next EndIf ; Add default headers to fill to end For $j = $iIndex To $_g_ArrayDisplay_iSubItem_End $sHeader &= $sCurr_Separator & "Col " & $j Next EndIf ; Remove "Row" header if not needed If Not $_g_ArrayDisplay_iDisplayRow Then $sHeader = StringTrimLeft($sHeader, 4) #EndRegion Check custom header #Region Generate Sort index for columns __ArrayDisplay_SortIndexes(0, -1) ; compute the time to generate one colum info to to the sorting Local $hTimer = TimerInit() __ArrayDisplay_SortIndexes(1, 1) $fTimer = TimerDiff($hTimer) If $fTimer * $_g_ArrayDisplay_nCols < 1000 Then ; __ArrayDisplay_SortIndexes(-1) __ArrayDisplay_SortIndexes(2, $_g_ArrayDisplay_nCols) If $bDebug Then ConsoleWrite("Sorting all indexes = " & TimerDiff($hTimer) & @CRLF & @CRLF) Else If $bDebug Then ConsoleWrite("Sorting one index = " & TimerDiff($hTimer) & @CRLF) EndIf #EndRegion Generate Sort index for columns #Region GUI and Listview generation ; Display splash dialog if required If $iVerbose And ($_g_ArrayDisplay_nRows * $_g_ArrayDisplay_nCols) > 1000 Then SplashTextOn($sMsgBoxTitle, "Preparing display" & @CRLF & @CRLF & "Please be patient", 300, 100) EndIf ; GUI Constants Local Const $_ARRAYCONSTANT_GUI_DOCKBOTTOM = 64 Local Const $_ARRAYCONSTANT_GUI_DOCKBORDERS = 102 Local Const $_ARRAYCONSTANT_GUI_DOCKHEIGHT = 512 Local Const $_ARRAYCONSTANT_GUI_DOCKLEFT = 2 Local Const $_ARRAYCONSTANT_GUI_DOCKRIGHT = 4 Local Const $_ARRAYCONSTANT_GUI_DOCKHCENTER = 8 Local Const $_ARRAYCONSTANT_GUI_EVENT_CLOSE = -3 Local Const $_ARRAYCONSTANT_GUI_EVENT_ARRAY = 1 Local Const $_ARRAYCONSTANT_GUI_FOCUS = 256 Local Const $_ARRAYCONSTANT_SS_CENTER = 0x1 Local Const $_ARRAYCONSTANT_SS_CENTERIMAGE = 0x0200 Local Const $_ARRAYCONSTANT_LVM_GETITEMRECT = (0x1000 + 14) Local Const $_ARRAYCONSTANT_LVM_GETITEMSTATE = (0x1000 + 44) Local Const $_ARRAYCONSTANT_LVM_GETSELECTEDCOUNT = (0x1000 + 50) Local Const $_ARRAYCONSTANT_LVM_SETEXTENDEDLISTVIEWSTYLE = (0x1000 + 54) Local Const $_ARRAYCONSTANT_LVS_EX_GRIDLINES = 0x1 Local Const $_ARRAYCONSTANT_LVIS_SELECTED = 0x0002 Local Const $_ARRAYCONSTANT_LVS_SHOWSELALWAYS = 0x8 Local Const $_ARRAYCONSTANT_LVS_OWNERDATA = 0x1000 Local Const $_ARRAYCONSTANT_LVS_EX_FULLROWSELECT = 0x20 Local Const $_ARRAYCONSTANT_LVS_EX_DOUBLEBUFFER = 0x00010000 ; Paints via double-buffering, which reduces flicker Local Const $_ARRAYCONSTANT_WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE = 0x0200 Local Const $_ARRAYCONSTANT_WS_MAXIMIZEBOX = 0x00010000 Local Const $_ARRAYCONSTANT_WS_MINIMIZEBOX = 0x00020000 Local Const $_ARRAYCONSTANT_WS_SIZEBOX = 0x00040000 ; Set coord mode 1 Local $iCoordMode = Opt("GUICoordMode", 1) ; Create GUI Local $iOrgWidth = 210, $iHeight = 200, $iMinSize = 250 Local $hGUI = GUICreate($sTitle, $iOrgWidth, $iHeight, Default, Default, BitOR($_ARRAYCONSTANT_WS_SIZEBOX, $_ARRAYCONSTANT_WS_MINIMIZEBOX, $_ARRAYCONSTANT_WS_MAXIMIZEBOX)) Local $aiGUISize = WinGetClientSize($hGUI) ; Create ListView Local $idListView = GUICtrlCreateListView($sHeader, 0, 0, $aiGUISize[0], $aiGUISize[1] - $iButtonBorder, BitOR($_ARRAYCONSTANT_LVS_SHOWSELALWAYS, $_ARRAYCONSTANT_LVS_OWNERDATA)) $_g_ArrayDisplay_hListView = GUICtrlGetHandle($idListView) GUICtrlSendMsg($idListView, $_ARRAYCONSTANT_LVM_SETEXTENDEDLISTVIEWSTYLE, $_ARRAYCONSTANT_LVS_EX_GRIDLINES, $_ARRAYCONSTANT_LVS_EX_GRIDLINES) GUICtrlSendMsg($idListView, $_ARRAYCONSTANT_LVM_SETEXTENDEDLISTVIEWSTYLE, $_ARRAYCONSTANT_LVS_EX_FULLROWSELECT, $_ARRAYCONSTANT_LVS_EX_FULLROWSELECT) GUICtrlSendMsg($idListView, $_ARRAYCONSTANT_LVM_SETEXTENDEDLISTVIEWSTYLE, $_ARRAYCONSTANT_LVS_EX_DOUBLEBUFFER, $_ARRAYCONSTANT_LVS_EX_DOUBLEBUFFER) GUICtrlSendMsg($idListView, $_ARRAYCONSTANT_LVM_SETEXTENDEDLISTVIEWSTYLE, $_ARRAYCONSTANT_WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE, $_ARRAYCONSTANT_WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE) Local $hHeader = HWnd(GUICtrlSendMsg($idListView, (0x1000 + 31), 0, 0)) ; $LVM_GETHEADER _GUICtrlListView_GetHeader($idListView) ; Set resizing GUICtrlSetResizing($idListView, $_ARRAYCONSTANT_GUI_DOCKBORDERS) ; Fill listview Local $iColFill = $_g_ArrayDisplay_nCols + $_g_ArrayDisplay_iDisplayRow ; Align columns if required - $iColAlign = 2 for Right and 4 for Center If $iColAlign Then ; Loop through columns For $i = 0 To $iColFill - 1 __ArrayDisplay_JustifyColumn($idListView, $i, $iColAlign / 2) Next EndIf GUICtrlSendMsg($idListView, (0x1000 + 47), $_g_ArrayDisplay_nRows, 0) ; $LVM_SETITEMCOUNT ; Get row height Local $tRECT = DllStructCreate("struct; long Left;long Top;long Right;long Bottom; endstruct") ; $tagRECT DllCall("user32.dll", "struct*", "SendMessageW", "hwnd", $_g_ArrayDisplay_hListView, "uint", $_ARRAYCONSTANT_LVM_GETITEMRECT, "wparam", 0, "struct*", $tRECT) ; Set required GUI height Local $aiWin_Pos = WinGetPos($hGUI) Local $aiLV_Pos = ControlGetPos($hGUI, "", $idListView) $iHeight = (($_g_ArrayDisplay_nRows + 3) * (DllStructGetData($tRECT, "Bottom") - DllStructGetData($tRECT, "Top"))) + $aiWin_Pos[3] - $aiLV_Pos[3] ; Check min/max height If $iHeight > @DesktopHeight - 100 Then $iHeight = @DesktopHeight - 100 ElseIf $iHeight < $iMinSize Then $iHeight = $iMinSize EndIf If $iVerbose Then SplashOff() ; Sorting information $_g_ArrayDisplay_iSortDir = 0x00000400 ; $HDF_SORTUP Local $iColumn = 0, $iColumnPrev = -1 If $_g_ArrayDisplay_iDisplayRow Then $iColumnPrev = $iColumn __ArrayDisplay_HeaderSetItemFormat($hHeader, $iColumn, 0x00004000 + $_g_ArrayDisplay_iSortDir + $iColAlign / 2) ; $HDF_STRING EndIf $_g_ArrayDisplay_aIndex = $_g_ArrayDisplay_aIndexes[0] #EndRegion GUI and Listview generation ; Register WM_NOTIFY message handler through subclassing Local $p__ArrayDisplay_NotifyHandler = DllCallbackGetPtr(DllCallbackRegister("__ArrayDisplay_NotifyHandler", "lresult", "hwnd;uint;wparam;lparam;uint_ptr;dword_ptr")) DllCall("comctl32.dll", "bool", "SetWindowSubclass", "hwnd", $hGUI, "ptr", $p__ArrayDisplay_NotifyHandler, "uint_ptr", 0, "dword_ptr", 0) ; $iSubclassId = 0, $pData = 0 #Region Adjust dialog width Local $iWidth = 40, $iColWidth = 0, $aiColWidth[$iColFill], $iMin_ColWidth = 55 ; Get required column widths to fit items Local $iColWidthHeader For $i = 0 To $iColFill - 1 GUICtrlSendMsg($idListView, (0x1000 + 30), $i, -1) ; $LVM_SETCOLUMNWIDTH $LVSCW_AUTOSIZE $iColWidth = GUICtrlSendMsg($idListView, (0x1000 + 29), $i, 0) ; $LVM_GETCOLUMNWIDTH ; Check width of header if set If $sHeader <> "" Then If $iColWidth = 0 Then ExitLoop GUICtrlSendMsg($idListView, (0x1000 + 30), $i, -2) ; $LVM_SETCOLUMNWIDTH $LVSCW_AUTOSIZE_USEHEADER $iColWidthHeader = GUICtrlSendMsg($idListView, (0x1000 + 29), $i, 0) ; $GETCOLUMNWIDTH ; Set minimum if required If $iColWidth < $iMin_ColWidth And $iColWidthHeader < $iMin_ColWidth Then GUICtrlSendMsg($idListView, (0x1000 + 30), $i, $iMin_ColWidth) ; $LVM_SETCOLUMNWIDTH $iColWidth = $iMin_ColWidth ElseIf $iColWidthHeader < $iColWidth Then GUICtrlSendMsg($idListView, (0x1000 + 30), $i, $iColWidth) ; $LVM_SETCOLUMNWIDTH Else $iColWidth = $iColWidthHeader EndIf Else ; Set minimum if required If $iColWidth < $iMin_ColWidth Then GUICtrlSendMsg($idListView, (0x1000 + 30), $i, $iMin_ColWidth) ; $LVM_SETCOLUMNWIDTH $iColWidth = $iMin_ColWidth EndIf EndIf ; Add to total width $iWidth += $iColWidth ; Store value $aiColWidth[$i] = $iColWidth Next ; Now check max size If $iWidth > @DesktopWidth - 100 Then ; Apply max col width limit to reduce width $iWidth = 40 For $i = 0 To $iColFill - 1 If $aiColWidth[$i] > $iMax_ColWidth Then ; Reset width GUICtrlSendMsg($idListView, (0x1000 + 30), $i, $iMax_ColWidth) ; $LVM_SETCOLUMNWIDTH $iWidth += $iMax_ColWidth Else ; Retain width $iWidth += $aiColWidth[$i] EndIf If $i < 20 And $bDebug Then ConsoleWrite('@@ Debug(' & @ScriptLineNumber & ') : $iWidth = ' & $iWidth & " $i = " & $i & @CRLF) ;### Debug Console Next EndIf ; Check max/min width If $iWidth > @DesktopWidth - 100 Then $iWidth = @DesktopWidth - 100 ElseIf $iWidth < $iMinSize Then $iWidth = $iMinSize EndIf #EndRegion Adjust dialog width ; Allow for borders with vertical scrollbar Local $iScrollBarSize = 0 If $iHeight = (@DesktopHeight - 100) Then $iScrollBarSize = 15 ; Resize dialog WinMove($hGUI, "", (@DesktopWidth - $iWidth + $iScrollBarSize) / 2, (@DesktopHeight - $iHeight) / 2, $iWidth + $iScrollBarSize, $iHeight) ; Resize ListView $aiGUISize = WinGetClientSize($hGUI) GUICtrlSetPos($idListView, 0, 0, $iWidth, $aiGUISize[1] - $iButtonBorder) #Region Create bottom infos Local $iButtonWidth_1 = $aiGUISize[0] / 2 Local $iButtonWidth_2 = $aiGUISize[0] / 3 Local $idCopy_ID = 9999, $idCopy_Data = 99999, $idData_Label = 99999, $idUser_Func = 99999, $idExit_Script = 99999 If $bDebug Then ; Create buttons $idCopy_ID = GUICtrlCreateButton("Copy Data && Hdr/Row", 0, $aiGUISize[1] - $iButtonBorder, $iButtonWidth_1, 20) $idCopy_Data = GUICtrlCreateButton("Copy Data Only", $iButtonWidth_1, $aiGUISize[1] - $iButtonBorder, $iButtonWidth_1, 20) ; Check if other buttons are required If Not BitAND($iFlags, $ARRAYDISPLAY_ONLYCOPYBUTTONS) And Not BitAND($iFlags, $ARRAYDISPLAY_NOBUTTONSDISPLAY) Then Local $iButtonWidth_Var = $iButtonWidth_1 Local $iOffset = $iButtonWidth_1 If IsFunc($hUser_Function) Then ; Create UserFunc button if function passed $idUser_Func = GUICtrlCreateButton("Run User Func", $iButtonWidth_2, $aiGUISize[1] - 20, $iButtonWidth_2, 20) $iButtonWidth_Var = $iButtonWidth_2 $iOffset = $iButtonWidth_2 * 2 EndIf ; Create Exit button and data label $idExit_Script = GUICtrlCreateButton("Exit", $iOffset, $aiGUISize[1] - 20, $iButtonWidth_Var, 20) ;$idData_Label = GUICtrlCreateLabel($sDisplayData, 0, $aiGUISize[1] - 20, $iButtonWidth_Var, 18, BitOR($_ARRAYCONSTANT_SS_CENTER, $_ARRAYCONSTANT_SS_CENTERIMAGE)) If Not BitAND($iFlags, $ARRAYDISPLAY_NODATALABELDISPLAY) Then $idData_Label = GUICtrlCreateLabel($sDisplayData, 0, $aiGUISize[1] - 20, $iButtonWidth_Var, 18, BitOR($_ARRAYCONSTANT_SS_CENTER, $_ARRAYCONSTANT_SS_CENTERIMAGE)) Else If Not BitAND($iFlags, $ARRAYDISPLAY_NODATALABELDISPLAY) Then $idData_Label = GUICtrlCreateLabel($sDisplayData, 0, $aiGUISize[1] - 20, $aiGUISize[0], 18, BitOR($_ARRAYCONSTANT_SS_CENTER, $_ARRAYCONSTANT_SS_CENTERIMAGE)) EndIf Else $idData_Label = GUICtrlCreateLabel($sDisplayData, 0, $aiGUISize[1] - 20, $aiGUISize[0], 18, BitOR($_ARRAYCONSTANT_SS_CENTER, $_ARRAYCONSTANT_SS_CENTERIMAGE)) EndIf ; Change label colour and create tooltip if required If $_g_ArrayDisplay_iTranspose Or $sArrayRange Then GUICtrlSetColor($idData_Label, 0xFF0000) GUICtrlSetTip($idData_Label, $sTipData) EndIf GUICtrlSetResizing($idCopy_ID, $_ARRAYCONSTANT_GUI_DOCKLEFT + $_ARRAYCONSTANT_GUI_DOCKBOTTOM + $_ARRAYCONSTANT_GUI_DOCKHEIGHT) GUICtrlSetResizing($idCopy_Data, $_ARRAYCONSTANT_GUI_DOCKRIGHT + $_ARRAYCONSTANT_GUI_DOCKBOTTOM + $_ARRAYCONSTANT_GUI_DOCKHEIGHT) GUICtrlSetResizing($idData_Label, $_ARRAYCONSTANT_GUI_DOCKLEFT + $_ARRAYCONSTANT_GUI_DOCKBOTTOM + $_ARRAYCONSTANT_GUI_DOCKHEIGHT) GUICtrlSetResizing($idUser_Func, $_ARRAYCONSTANT_GUI_DOCKHCENTER + $_ARRAYCONSTANT_GUI_DOCKBOTTOM + $_ARRAYCONSTANT_GUI_DOCKHEIGHT) GUICtrlSetResizing($idExit_Script, $_ARRAYCONSTANT_GUI_DOCKRIGHT + $_ARRAYCONSTANT_GUI_DOCKBOTTOM + $_ARRAYCONSTANT_GUI_DOCKHEIGHT) #EndRegion Create bottom infos ; Display dialog GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $hGUI) ; Check if sort clicking can take a while If $fTimer > 1000 And Not $sArrayRange Then Beep(750, 250) ToolTip("Sorting Action can take as long as " & Ceiling($fTimer / 1000) & " sec" & @CRLF & @CRLF & "Please be patient when you click to sort a column", 50, 50, $sMsgBoxTitle, $TIP_WARNINGICON, $TIP_BALLOON) Sleep(3000) ToolTip("") EndIf #Region GUI Handling events ; Switch to GetMessage mode Local $iOnEventMode = Opt("GUIOnEventMode", 0), $aMsg While 1 $aMsg = GUIGetMsg($_ARRAYCONSTANT_GUI_EVENT_ARRAY) ; Variable needed to check which "Copy" button was pressed If $aMsg[1] = $hGUI Then Switch $aMsg[0] Case $_ARRAYCONSTANT_GUI_EVENT_CLOSE ExitLoop Case $idCopy_ID, $idCopy_Data ; Count selected rows Local $iSel_Count = GUICtrlSendMsg($idListView, $_ARRAYCONSTANT_LVM_GETSELECTEDCOUNT, 0, 0) ; Display splash dialog if required If $iVerbose And (Not $iSel_Count) And ($_g_ArrayDisplay_iItem_End - $_g_ArrayDisplay_iItem_Start) * ($_g_ArrayDisplay_iSubItem_End - $_g_ArrayDisplay_iSubItem_Start) > 10000 Then SplashTextOn($sMsgBoxTitle, "Copying data" & @CRLF & @CRLF & "Please be patient", 300, 100) EndIf ; Generate clipboard text Local $sClip = "", $sItem, $aSplit, $iFirstCol = 0 If $aMsg[0] = $idCopy_Data And $_g_ArrayDisplay_iDisplayRow Then $iFirstCol = 1 ; Add items For $i = 0 To GUICtrlSendMsg($idListView, 0X1004, 0, 0) - 1 ; $LVM_GETITEMCOUNT ; Skip if copying selected rows and item not selected If $iSel_Count And Not (GUICtrlSendMsg($idListView, $_ARRAYCONSTANT_LVM_GETITEMSTATE, $i, $_ARRAYCONSTANT_LVIS_SELECTED) <> 0) Then ContinueLoop EndIf $sItem = __ArrayDisplay_GetItemTextStringSelected($idListView, $i, $iFirstCol) If $aMsg[0] = $idCopy_ID And Not $_g_ArrayDisplay_iDisplayRow Then ; Add row data $sItem = $ARRAYDISPLAY_ROWPREFIX & " " & ($i + $_g_ArrayDisplay_iItem_Start) & $sCurr_Separator & $sItem EndIf If $iCW_ColWidth Then ; Expand columns $aSplit = StringSplit($sItem, $sCurr_Separator) $sItem = "" For $j = 1 To $aSplit[0] $sItem &= StringFormat("%-" & $iCW_ColWidth + 1 & "s", StringLeft($aSplit[$j], $iCW_ColWidth)) Next Else ; Use defined separator $sItem = StringReplace($sItem, $sCurr_Separator, $vUser_Separator) EndIf $sClip &= $sItem & @CRLF Next $sItem = $sHeader ; Add header line if required If $aMsg[0] = $idCopy_ID Then $sItem = $sHeader If Not $_g_ArrayDisplay_iDisplayRow Then ; Add "Row" to header $sItem = "Row" & $sCurr_Separator & $sItem EndIf If $iCW_ColWidth Then $aSplit = StringSplit($sItem, $sCurr_Separator) $sItem = "" For $j = 1 To $aSplit[0] $sItem &= StringFormat("%-" & $iCW_ColWidth + 1 & "s", StringLeft($aSplit[$j], $iCW_ColWidth)) Next Else $sItem = StringReplace($sItem, $sCurr_Separator, $vUser_Separator) EndIf $sClip = $sItem & @CRLF & $sClip EndIf ;Send to clipboard ClipPut($sClip) ; Remove splash if used SplashOff() ; Refocus ListView GUICtrlSetState($idListView, $_ARRAYCONSTANT_GUI_FOCUS) Case $idListView $iColumn = GUICtrlGetState($idListView) If Not IsArray($_g_ArrayDisplay_aIndexes[$iColumn + Not $_g_ArrayDisplay_iDisplayRow]) Then ; in case all indexes have not been set during start creation __ArrayDisplay_SortIndexes($iColumn + Not $_g_ArrayDisplay_iDisplayRow) EndIf If $iColumn <> $iColumnPrev Then __ArrayDisplay_HeaderSetItemFormat($hHeader, $iColumnPrev, 0x00004000 + $iColAlign / 2) ; $HDF_STRING If $_g_ArrayDisplay_iDisplayRow And $iColumn = 0 Then $_g_ArrayDisplay_aIndex = $_g_ArrayDisplay_aIndexes[0] Else $_g_ArrayDisplay_aIndex = $_g_ArrayDisplay_aIndexes[$iColumn + Not $_g_ArrayDisplay_iDisplayRow] EndIf EndIf ; $_g_ArrayDisplay_iSortDir = ($iColumn = $iColumnPrev) ? $_g_ArrayDisplay_iSortDir = $HDF_SORTUP ? $HDF_SORTDOWN : $HDF_SORTUP : $HDF_SORTUP $_g_ArrayDisplay_iSortDir = ($iColumn = $iColumnPrev) ? $_g_ArrayDisplay_iSortDir = 0x00000400 ? 0x00000200 : 0x00000400 : 0x00000400 ; $HDF_SORTUP __ArrayDisplay_HeaderSetItemFormat($hHeader, $iColumn, 0x00004000 + $_g_ArrayDisplay_iSortDir + $iColAlign / 2) ; $HDF_STRING GUICtrlSendMsg($idListView, (0x1000 + 140), $iColumn, 0) ; $LVM_SETSELECTEDCOLUMN GUICtrlSendMsg($idListView, (0x1000 + 47), $_g_ArrayDisplay_nRows, 0) ; $LVM_SETITEMCOUNT $iColumnPrev = $iColumn Case $idUser_Func ; Get selected indices Local $aiSelItems[1] = [0] For $i = 0 To GUICtrlSendMsg($idListView, 0x1004, 0, 0) - 1 ; $LVM_GETITEMCOUNT If (GUICtrlSendMsg($idListView, $_ARRAYCONSTANT_LVM_GETITEMSTATE, $i, $_ARRAYCONSTANT_LVIS_SELECTED) <> 0) Then $aiSelItems[0] += 1 ReDim $aiSelItems[$aiSelItems[0] + 1] $aiSelItems[$aiSelItems[0]] = $i + $_g_ArrayDisplay_iItem_Start EndIf Next ; Pass array and selection to user function $hUser_Function($_g_ArrayDisplay_aArray, $aiSelItems) GUICtrlSetState($idListView, $_ARRAYCONSTANT_GUI_FOCUS) Case $idExit_Script ; Clear up GUIDelete($hGUI) Exit EndSwitch EndIf WEnd #EndRegion GUI Handling events ; Cleanup DllCall("comctl32.dll", "bool", "RemoveWindowSubclass", "hwnd", $hGUI, "ptr", $p__ArrayDisplay_NotifyHandler, "uint_ptr", 0) ; $iSubclassId = 0 ; Release resources in case of big array used $_g_ArrayDisplay_aIndex = 0 Dim $_g_ArrayDisplay_aIndexes[1] GUIDelete($hGUI) Opt("GUICoordMode", $iCoordMode) ; Reset original Coord mode Opt("GUIOnEventMode", $iOnEventMode) ; Reset original GUI mode Return SetError($_iCallerError, $_iCallerExtended, 1) EndFunc ;==>__ArrayDisplay_Share ; #ADDITIONAL Functions to speed up _ArrayDisplay() or _DebugArrayDisplay()# ==================================================== ; Thanks Larsj Func __ArrayDisplay_NotifyHandler($hWnd, $iMsg, $wParam, $lParam, $iSubclassId, $pData) If $iMsg <> 0x004E Then Return DllCall("comctl32.dll", "lresult", "DefSubclassProc", "hwnd", $hWnd, "uint", $iMsg, "wparam", $wParam, "lparam", $lParam)[0] ; 0x004E = $WM_NOTIFY Local Static $tagNMHDR = "struct;hwnd hWndFrom;uint_ptr IDFrom;INT Code;endstruct" Local Static $tagNMLVDISPINFO = $tagNMHDR & ";" & $_ARRAYCONSTANT_tagLVITEM Local $tNMLVDISPINFO = DllStructCreate($tagNMLVDISPINFO, $lParam) Switch HWnd(DllStructGetData($tNMLVDISPINFO, "hWndFrom")) Case $_g_ArrayDisplay_hListView Switch DllStructGetData($tNMLVDISPINFO, "Code") Case -177 ; $LVN_GETDISPINFOW Local Static $tText = DllStructCreate("wchar[4096]"), $pText = DllStructGetPtr($tText) Local $iItem = DllStructGetData($tNMLVDISPINFO, "Item") Local $iRow = ($_g_ArrayDisplay_iSortDir = 0x00000400) ? $_g_ArrayDisplay_aIndex[$iItem] : $_g_ArrayDisplay_aIndex[$_g_ArrayDisplay_nRows - 1 - $iItem] Local $iCol = DllStructGetData($tNMLVDISPINFO, "SubItem") ;~ ConsoleWrite('@@ Debug(' & @ScriptLineNumber & ') : $iRow = ' & $iRow & ' $iCol= ' & $iCol & ' $iItem = ' & $iItem & @CRLF) ;### Debug Console Local $sTemp If $_g_ArrayDisplay_iDisplayRow = 0 Then If $_g_ArrayDisplay_iDims = 2 Then $sTemp = $_g_ArrayDisplay_aArray[$iRow][$iCol] Else $sTemp = $_g_ArrayDisplay_aArray[$iRow] EndIf Switch VarGetType($sTemp) Case "Array" $sTemp = "{Array}" Case "Map" $sTemp = "{Map}" EndSwitch If StringLen($sTemp) > 4095 Then $sTemp = StringLeft($sTemp, 4095) DllStructSetData($tText, 1, $sTemp) DllStructSetData($tNMLVDISPINFO, "Text", $pText) Else If $iCol = 0 Then If $_g_ArrayDisplay_iTranspose Then Local $sCaptionCplt = "" If $iRow + $_g_ArrayDisplay_iItem_Start < UBound($_g_ArrayDisplay_asHeader) _ And StringStripWS($_g_ArrayDisplay_asHeader[$iRow + $_g_ArrayDisplay_iItem_Start], 1 + 2) <> "" Then $sCaptionCplt = " (" & StringStripWS($_g_ArrayDisplay_asHeader[$iRow + $_g_ArrayDisplay_iItem_Start], 1 + 2) If StringRight($sCaptionCplt, 1) = $ARRAYDISPLAY_NUMERICSORT Then $sCaptionCplt = StringTrimRight($sCaptionCplt, 1) $sCaptionCplt &= ")" EndIf DllStructSetData($tText, 1, "Col " & ($iRow + $_g_ArrayDisplay_iItem_Start) & $sCaptionCplt) Else DllStructSetData($tText, 1, $ARRAYDISPLAY_ROWPREFIX & " " & $iRow + $_g_ArrayDisplay_iItem_Start) EndIf DllStructSetData($tNMLVDISPINFO, "Text", $pText) Else If $_g_ArrayDisplay_iDims = 2 Then $sTemp = $_g_ArrayDisplay_aArray[$iRow][$iCol - 1] Else $sTemp = $_g_ArrayDisplay_aArray[$iRow] EndIf Switch VarGetType($sTemp) Case "Array" $sTemp = "{Array}" Case "Map" $sTemp = "{Map}" EndSwitch If StringLen($sTemp) > 4095 Then $sTemp = StringLeft($sTemp, 4095) DllStructSetData($tText, 1, $sTemp) DllStructSetData($tNMLVDISPINFO, "Text", $pText) EndIf EndIf Return EndSwitch EndSwitch Return DllCall("comctl32.dll", "lresult", "DefSubclassProc", "hwnd", $hWnd, "uint", $iMsg, "wparam", $wParam, "lparam", $lParam)[0] #forceref $iSubclassId, $pData EndFunc ;==>__ArrayDisplay_NotifyHandler Func __ArrayDisplay_SortIndexes($iColStart, $iColEnd = $iColStart) Dim $_g_ArrayDisplay_aIndex[$_g_ArrayDisplay_nRows] ;~ Local $hTimer If $iColEnd = -1 Then ; column (0) already sorted Dim $_g_ArrayDisplay_aIndexes[$_g_ArrayDisplay_nCols + $_g_ArrayDisplay_iDisplayRow + 1] ;~ $hTimer = TimerInit() For $i = 0 To $_g_ArrayDisplay_nRows - 1 $_g_ArrayDisplay_aIndex[$i] = $i Next $_g_ArrayDisplay_aIndexes[0] = $_g_ArrayDisplay_aIndex ;~ ConsoleWrite("Sorting array col#0 = " & TimerDiff($hTimer) & @CRLF) EndIf If $iColStart = -1 Then ; to index all columns $iColStart = 1 $iColEnd = $_g_ArrayDisplay_nCols EndIf If $iColStart Then ; Index aArray columns Local $tIndex For $i = $iColStart To $iColEnd ;~ $hTimer = TimerInit() $tIndex = __ArrayDisplay_GetSortColStruct($_g_ArrayDisplay_aArray, $i - 1) For $j = 0 To $_g_ArrayDisplay_nRows - 1 $_g_ArrayDisplay_aIndex[$j] = DllStructGetData($tIndex, 1, $j + 1) Next $_g_ArrayDisplay_aIndexes[$i] = $_g_ArrayDisplay_aIndex ;~ If $i < 20 Then ConsoleWrite("Sorting array col#" & $i & " = " & TimerDiff($hTimer) & @CRLF) Next EndIf EndFunc ;==>__ArrayDisplay_SortIndexes ; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY# =========================================================================================================== ; Name...........: __ArrayDisplay_GetSortColStruct ; Description ...: Index based sorting of a 2D array by one or more columns ; Syntax.........: __ArrayDisplay_GetSortColStruct( $aArray, $iCol ) ; Parameters ....: $aArray The 2D array to be sorted by index ; $iCol Index column used in sorting ; Return values .: the sorting index as a DllStruct of integers ; Author ........: Larj : FAS_Sort2DArrayAu3() ; Modified.......: jpm : extension to 1D Array ; Remarks .......: ; =============================================================================================================================== Func __ArrayDisplay_GetSortColStruct(Const ByRef $aArray, $iCol) If UBound($aArray, $UBOUND_DIMENSIONS) < 1 Or UBound($aArray, $UBOUND_DIMENSIONS) > 2 Then ;~ ConsoleWrite("$aArray is not a 1D or 2D array variable" & @CRLF) Return SetError(6, 0, 0) EndIf Return __ArrayDisplay_SortArrayStruct($aArray, $iCol) EndFunc ;==>__ArrayDisplay_GetSortColStruct Func __ArrayDisplay_SortArrayStruct(Const ByRef $aArray, $iCol) Local $iDims = UBound($aArray, $UBOUND_DIMENSIONS) Local $tIndex = DllStructCreate("uint[" & $_g_ArrayDisplay_nRows & "]") Local $pIndex = DllStructGetPtr($tIndex) Static $hDll = DllOpen("kernel32.dll") Static $hDllComp = DllOpen("shlwapi.dll") Local $lo, $hi, $mi, $r, $nVal1, $nVal2 ; Sorting by one column For $i = 1 To $_g_ArrayDisplay_nRows - 1 $lo = 0 $hi = $i - 1 Do $mi = Int(($lo + $hi) / 2) If Not $_g_ArrayDisplay_iTranspose And $_g_ArrayDisplay_aNumericSort[$iCol] Then ; Numeric sort If $iDims = 1 Then $nVal1 = Number($aArray[$i]) $nVal2 = Number($aArray[DllStructGetData($tIndex, 1, $mi + 1)]) Else $nVal1 = Number($aArray[$i][$iCol]) $nVal2 = Number($aArray[DllStructGetData($tIndex, 1, $mi + 1)][$iCol]) EndIf $r = $nVal1 < $nVal2 ? -1 : $nVal1 > $nVal2 ? 1 : 0 Else ; Natural sort If $iDims = 1 Then $r = DllCall($hDllComp, 'int', 'StrCmpLogicalW', 'wstr', $aArray[$i], 'wstr', $aArray[DllStructGetData($tIndex, 1, $mi + 1)])[0] Else $r = DllCall($hDllComp, 'int', 'StrCmpLogicalW', 'wstr', $aArray[$i][$iCol], 'wstr', $aArray[DllStructGetData($tIndex, 1, $mi + 1)][$iCol])[0] EndIf EndIf Switch $r Case -1 $hi = $mi - 1 Case 1 $lo = $mi + 1 Case 0 ExitLoop EndSwitch Until $lo > $hi DllCall($hDll, "none", "RtlMoveMemory", "struct*", $pIndex + ($mi + 1) * 4, "struct*", $pIndex + $mi * 4, "ulong_ptr", ($i - $mi) * 4) DllStructSetData($tIndex, 1, $i, $mi + 1 + ($lo = $mi + 1)) Next Return $tIndex EndFunc ;==>__ArrayDisplay_SortArrayStruct Func __ArrayDisplay_CreateSubArray() ; the returned subarray is transposed Local $nRows = $_g_ArrayDisplay_iItem_End - $_g_ArrayDisplay_iItem_Start + 1 Local $nCols = $_g_ArrayDisplay_iSubItem_End - $_g_ArrayDisplay_iSubItem_Start + 1 Local $iRow = -1, $iCol, $iTemp, $aTemp If $_g_ArrayDisplay_iTranspose Then Dim $aTemp[$nCols][$nRows] For $i = $_g_ArrayDisplay_iItem_Start To $_g_ArrayDisplay_iItem_End $iRow += 1 $iCol = -1 For $j = $_g_ArrayDisplay_iSubItem_Start To $_g_ArrayDisplay_iSubItem_End $iCol += 1 $aTemp[$iCol][$iRow] = $_g_ArrayDisplay_aArray[$i][$j] Next Next $iTemp = $_g_ArrayDisplay_iItem_Start $_g_ArrayDisplay_iItem_Start = $_g_ArrayDisplay_iSubItem_Start $_g_ArrayDisplay_iSubItem_Start = $iTemp $iTemp = $_g_ArrayDisplay_iItem_End $_g_ArrayDisplay_iItem_End = $_g_ArrayDisplay_iSubItem_End $_g_ArrayDisplay_iSubItem_End = $iTemp $_g_ArrayDisplay_nRows = $nCols $_g_ArrayDisplay_nCols = $nRows Else If $_g_ArrayDisplay_iDims = 1 Then Dim $aTemp[$nRows] For $i = $_g_ArrayDisplay_iItem_Start To $_g_ArrayDisplay_iItem_End $iRow += 1 $aTemp[$iRow] = $_g_ArrayDisplay_aArray[$i] Next Else Dim $aTemp[$nRows][$nCols] For $i = $_g_ArrayDisplay_iItem_Start To $_g_ArrayDisplay_iItem_End $iRow += 1 $iCol = -1 For $j = $_g_ArrayDisplay_iSubItem_Start To $_g_ArrayDisplay_iSubItem_End $iCol += 1 $aTemp[$iRow][$iCol] = $_g_ArrayDisplay_aArray[$i][$j] Next Next $_g_ArrayDisplay_nCols = $nCols EndIf $_g_ArrayDisplay_nRows = $nRows EndIf ;~ _DebugArrayDisplay($aTemp, "Subarray") Return $aTemp EndFunc ;==>__ArrayDisplay_CreateSubArray ; #DUPLICATED Functions to avoid big #include "GuiHeader.au3"# ================================================================== ; Functions have been simplified (unicode inprocess) according to __ArrayDisplay_Share() needs Func __ArrayDisplay_HeaderSetItemFormat($hWnd, $iIndex, $iFormat) Local Static $tHDItem = DllStructCreate("uint Mask;int XY;ptr Text;handle hBMP;int TextMax;int Fmt;lparam Param;int Image;int Order;uint Type;ptr pFilter;uint State") ; $tagHDITEM DllStructSetData($tHDItem, "Mask", 0x00000004) ; $HDI_FORMAT DllStructSetData($tHDItem, "Fmt", $iFormat) Local $aResult = DllCall("user32.dll", "lresult", "SendMessageW", "hwnd", $hWnd, "uint", 0x120C, "wparam", $iIndex, "struct*", $tHDItem) ; $HDM_SETITEMW Return $aResult[0] <> 0 EndFunc ;==>__ArrayDisplay_HeaderSetItemFormat ; #DUPLICATED Functions to avoid big #include "GuiListView.au3"# ================================================================ ; Functions have been simplified (unicode inprocess) according to __ArrayDisplay_Share() needs Func __ArrayDisplay_GetItemText($idListView, $iIndex, $iSubItem = 0) Local $tBuffer = DllStructCreate("wchar Text[4096]") Local $pBuffer = DllStructGetPtr($tBuffer) Local $tItem = DllStructCreate($_ARRAYCONSTANT_tagLVITEM) DllStructSetData($tItem, "SubItem", $iSubItem) DllStructSetData($tItem, "TextMax", 4096) DllStructSetData($tItem, "Text", $pBuffer) ;Global Const $LVM_GETITEMTEXTW = (0x1000 + 115) ; 0X1073 If IsHWnd($idListView) Then DllCall("user32.dll", "lresult", "SendMessageW", "hwnd", $idListView, "uint", 0x1073, "wparam", $iIndex, "struct*", $tItem) Else Local $pItem = DllStructGetPtr($tItem) GUICtrlSendMsg($idListView, 0x1073, $iIndex, $pItem) EndIf Return DllStructGetData($tBuffer, "Text") EndFunc ;==>__ArrayDisplay_GetItemText Func __ArrayDisplay_GetItemTextStringSelected($idListView, $iItem, $iFirstCol) Local $sRow = "", $sSeparatorChar = Opt('GUIDataSeparatorChar') Local $iSelected = $iItem ; get row ; GetColumnCount Local $hHeader = HWnd(GUICtrlSendMsg($idListView, 0x101F, 0, 0)) ; $LVM_GETHEADER Local $nCol = DllCall("user32.dll", "lresult", "SendMessageW", "hwnd", $hHeader, "uint", 0x1200, "wparam", 0, "lparam", 0)[0] ; $HDM_GETITEMCOUNT For $x = $iFirstCol To $nCol - 1 $sRow &= __ArrayDisplay_GetItemText($idListView, $iSelected, $x) & $sSeparatorChar Next Return StringTrimRight($sRow, 1) EndFunc ;==>__ArrayDisplay_GetItemTextStringSelected Func __ArrayDisplay_JustifyColumn($idListView, $iIndex, $iAlign = -1) ;Local $aAlign[3] = [$LVCFMT_LEFT, $LVCFMT_RIGHT, $LVCFMT_CENTER] Local $tColumn = DllStructCreate("uint Mask;int Fmt;int CX;ptr Text;int TextMax;int SubItem;int Image;int Order;int cxMin;int cxDefault;int cxIdeal") ; $tagLVCOLUMN If $iAlign < 0 Or $iAlign > 2 Then $iAlign = 0 DllStructSetData($tColumn, "Mask", 0x01) ; $LVCF_FMT DllStructSetData($tColumn, "Fmt", $iAlign) Local $pColumn = DllStructGetPtr($tColumn) Local $iRet = GUICtrlSendMsg($idListView, 0x1060, $iIndex, $pColumn) ; $_ARRAYCONSTANT_LVM_SETCOLUMNW Return $iRet <> 0 EndFunc ;==>__ArrayDisplay_JustifyColumn