; ============================================================================= ; ; Find Classes by Text ; Written by Alex Peters, 4/3/2006 ; ; Lists the ClassNameNNs of a window grouped by the displayed text. Useful for ; determining the ClassNameNN of e.g. a text control when AutoIt Window Info ; cannot help (due for instance to overlapping controls on the window). ; ; ============================================================================= #Include #Include #include Opt('GUIOnEventMode', True) Opt('MustDeclareVars', True) Opt('WinWaitDelay', 0) ; Variables to be accessed by event-handling functions. Global Enum $HAN_GUI, $HAN_TREE, $HAN_BTN, $HAN_BTN2, $HAN_COUNT Global $Handles[$HAN_COUNT] Global $CapturedTitle = '[No window has been captured]' Global $Capturing = False ; GUI positioning constants. Global Const $PADDING = 12 Global Const $BTN_HEIGHT = 40 Global Const $BTN2_HEIGHT = 30 ; ============================================================================= PrepareGUI() While True WinWaitNotActive($Handles[$HAN_GUI]) ; Another window is active. Capture it if appropriate. If $Capturing Then Beep(400, 50) ; Grab title for display on button. $CapturedTitle = WinGetTitle('') ; Get the information and build a TreeView. Local $TextClasses = WinGetClassesByText(WinGetHandle('')) BuildTree($TextClasses) ; Return to normal operation mode. ExitCaptureMode() EndIf WinWaitActive($Handles[$HAN_GUI]) WEnd ; ============================================================================= ; PrepareGUI(): ; Creates and shows the GUI and its base controls. ; ============================================================================= Func PrepareGUI() ; Create the window. $Handles[$HAN_GUI] = GUICreate('Find Classes By Text', _ @DesktopWidth / 2, @DesktopHeight / 2, Default, Default, _ BitOR($GUI_SS_DEFAULT_GUI, $WS_SIZEBOX, $WS_MAXIMIZEBOX)) GUISetOnEvent($GUI_EVENT_RESIZED, 'Event_GUIResize') GUISetOnEvent($GUI_EVENT_CLOSE, 'Event_GUIClose') ; Create the Capture button. $Handles[$HAN_BTN] = GUICtrlCreateButton($CapturedTitle, _ Default, Default, Default, Default, $BS_MULTILINE) ; Create the Copy button. $Handles[$HAN_BTN2] = GUICtrlCreateButton("Copy to clipboard", _ Default, Default, Default, Default) GUICtrlSetResizing($Handles[$HAN_BTN2], _ $GUI_DOCKLEFT + $GUI_DOCKRIGHT + $GUI_DOCKBOTTOM + $GUI_DOCKHEIGHT) GUICtrlSetResizing($Handles[$HAN_BTN], _ $GUI_DOCKLEFT + $GUI_DOCKRIGHT + $GUI_DOCKTOP + $GUI_DOCKHEIGHT) GUICtrlSetOnEvent($Handles[$HAN_BTN], 'Event_BtnCapture') GUICtrlSetOnEvent($Handles[$HAN_BTN2], 'CopyTreeViewItem') ; Arrange everything nicely. RepositionControls() ; Show the GUI. GUISetState() EndFunc ;==>PrepareGUI ; ============================================================================= ; BuildTree(): ; Creates a TreeView control containing the specified text snippets and ; associated ClassNameNNs. ; ============================================================================= Func BuildTree(Const ByRef $TextClasses) ; Delete any existing TreeView; this is the easiest way to get rid of all ; existing window data. If $Handles[$HAN_TREE] <> '' Then GUICtrlDelete($Handles[$HAN_TREE]) ; Create a new TreeView. $Handles[$HAN_TREE] = GUICtrlCreateTreeView(0, 0, 0, 0, _ $GUI_SS_DEFAULT_TREEVIEW, $WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE) GUICtrlSetResizing($Handles[$HAN_TREE], $GUI_DOCKBORDERS) ; Keep everything nicely arranged. RepositionControls() ; Populate with text snippets and associated ClassNameNNs. For $I = 1 To $TextClasses[0][0] Local $TextNode = GUICtrlCreateTreeViewItem( _ "'" & $TextClasses[$I][0] & "'", $Handles[$HAN_TREE]) Local $Classes = $TextClasses[$I][1] While StringInStr($Classes, @LF) GUICtrlCreateTreeViewItem( _ StringLeft($Classes, StringInStr($Classes, @LF) - 1), _ $TextNode) $Classes = StringTrimLeft($Classes, StringInStr($Classes, @LF)) WEnd GUICtrlCreateTreeViewItem($Classes, $TextNode) Next EndFunc ;==>BuildTree ; ============================================================================= ; RepositionControls(): ; Aligns the GUI controls nicely after a resize or after a new control is ; created. ; ============================================================================= Func RepositionControls() Local Const $Area = WinGetClientSize($Handles[$HAN_GUI]) Local Const $MaxWidth = $Area[0] - 2 * $PADDING Local Const $MaxHeight = $Area[1] - 2 * $PADDING GUICtrlSetPos($Handles[$HAN_BTN], _ $PADDING, $PADDING, _ $MaxWidth, $BTN_HEIGHT) GUICtrlSetPos($Handles[$HAN_BTN2], _ $PADDING, $MaxHeight - $PADDING, _ $MaxWidth, $BTN2_HEIGHT) If $Handles[$HAN_TREE] <> '' Then GUICtrlSetPos($Handles[$HAN_TREE], _ $PADDING, 2 * $PADDING + $BTN_HEIGHT, _ $MaxWidth, $MaxHeight - $BTN_HEIGHT - $BTN2_HEIGHT - $PADDING) EndFunc ;==>RepositionControls ; ============================================================================= ; Event_GUIClose(): ; Called when the GUI is asked to close (e.g. when the user clicks the X). ; ============================================================================= Func Event_GUIClose() Exit EndFunc ;==>Event_GUIClose ; ============================================================================= ; Event_GUIResize(): ; Called after the user has completed a resize operation on the GUI. ; ============================================================================= Func Event_GUIResize() RepositionControls() EndFunc ;==>Event_GUIResize ; ============================================================================= ; Event_BtnCapture(): ; Called when the Capture button is clicked, and enters or exits capturing ; mode as appropriate. ; ============================================================================= Func Event_BtnCapture() If $Capturing Then ExitCaptureMode() Else EnterCaptureMode() EndIf EndFunc ;==>Event_BtnCapture ; ============================================================================== ; WinGetClassesByText(): ; Returns a text/class list in the form of a two-dimensional array. Element ; [0][0] contains a count of following text/class pairs. Element [X][0] ; holds the text and element [X][1] holds an @LF-delimited list of ; ClassNameNNs sharing that text. ; ============================================================================== Func WinGetClassesByText($Title, $Text = '') Local $Classes = WinGetControlIDs($Title, $Text) Local $Texts[$Classes[0] + 1][2] $Texts[0][0] = 0 For $I = 1 To $Classes[0] AddClass($Texts, ControlGetText($Title, $Text, $Classes[$I]), $Classes[$I]) Next Return $Texts EndFunc ;==>WinGetClassesByText ; ============================================================================== ; WinGetControlIDs(): ; Returns an array of ClassNameNNs for a window where element 0 is a count. ; ============================================================================== Func WinGetControlIDs($sTitle, $sText = '') Local $avClasses[1], $iCounter, $sClasses, $sClassStub, $sClassStubList ; Request an unnumbered class list. $sClassStubList = WinGetClassList($sTitle, $sText) ; Return an empty response if no controls exist. ; Additionally set @Error if the specified window was not found. If $sClassStubList = '' Then If @error Then SetError(1) $avClasses[0] = 0 Return $avClasses EndIf ; Prepare an array to hold the numbered classes. ReDim $avClasses[StringLen($sClassStubList) - _ StringLen(StringReplace($sClassStubList, @LF, '')) + 1] ; The first element will contain a count. $avClasses[0] = 0 ; Count each unique class, enumerate them in the array and remove them from ; the string. Do $sClassStub = _ StringLeft($sClassStubList, StringInStr($sClassStubList, @LF)) $iCounter = 0 While StringInStr($sClassStubList, $sClassStub) $avClasses[0] += 1 $iCounter += 1 $avClasses[$avClasses[0]] = _ StringTrimRight($sClassStub, 1) & $iCounter $sClassStubList = _ StringReplace($sClassStubList, $sClassStub, '', 1) WEnd Until $sClassStubList = '' Return $avClasses EndFunc ;==>WinGetControlIDs ; ============================================================================== ; AddClass(): ; Adds a class to a text entry in the given text/class list. If the given ; text is not already contained then a new element is created. ; ============================================================================== Func AddClass(ByRef $Texts, $Text, $Class) For $I = 1 To $Texts[0][0] If $Text == $Texts[$I][0] Then $Texts[$I][1] &= @LF & $Class Return EndIf Next ; This point is reached if the text doesn't already exist in the list. $Texts[0][0] += 1 $Texts[$Texts[0][0]][0] = $Text $Texts[$Texts[0][0]][1] = $Class EndFunc ;==>AddClass ; ============================================================================== ; EnterCaptureMode(): ; Performs whatever is necessary when a capture is initiated. ; ============================================================================== Func EnterCaptureMode() $Capturing = True GUICtrlSetData($Handles[$HAN_BTN], _ '[Activate window to be captured or click to cancel]') EndFunc ;==>EnterCaptureMode ; ============================================================================== ; ExitCaptureMode(): ; Performs whatever is necessary when a capture is cancelled or completed. ; ============================================================================== Func ExitCaptureMode() $Capturing = False GUICtrlSetData($Handles[$HAN_BTN], $CapturedTitle) EndFunc ;==>ExitCaptureMode ; ============================================================================== ; CopyTreeViewItem(): ; Copies the selected TreeViewItem to the clipboard. ; ============================================================================== Func CopyTreeViewItem() Local $a_Item = GUICtrlRead($Handles[$HAN_TREE], 1) Local $a_NextItem Local $a_FirstChild Local $a_Child Local $a_Check Dim $avArray[1] If Not @error Then ; Check to see if it is a parent item If StringInStr($a_Item[0], "'") <> 0 Then ; Get first child of selected TreeViewItem $a_FirstChild = GUICtrlSendMsg($Handles[$HAN_TREE], $TVM_GETNEXTITEM, _ $TVGN_CHILD, GUICtrlGetHandle($a_Item[1])) ; Select the first child item GUICtrlSendMsg($Handles[$HAN_TREE], $TVM_SELECTITEM, $TVGN_CARET, _ $a_FirstChild) While 1 ; Read selected item $a_Child = GUICtrlRead($Handles[$HAN_TREE], 1) ; This is ugly, please help me revise! If $a_Check == 0 Then ExitLoop ; Insert selected child text into array $avArray[UBound($avArray) - 1] = $a_Child[0] ReDim $avArray[UBound($avArray) + 1] ; Get the control id of the next child $a_NextItem = GUICtrlSendMsg($Handles[$HAN_TREE], $TVM_GETNEXTITEM, _ $TVGN_NEXT, GUICtrlGetHandle($a_Child[1])) ; Select the next child GUICtrlSendMsg($Handles[$HAN_TREE], $TVM_SELECTITEM, $TVGN_CARET, _ $a_NextItem) ; This is also ugly! $a_Check = $a_NextItem WEnd _ArrayToClip($avArray) Else ClipPut($a_Item[0]) EndIf EndIf EndFunc ;==>CopyTreeViewItem